llwfiilwllli ' ISPb 'Mil' J. Hflt WKgffiyHBf J Advertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. XLVI. k NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, MAHCII I I, 1012. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum3 XO. 40 Tlie Kind You Have Alwnys nought, nu ivUcli 1ms been iu use for over 30 your, lum bortm t lio HK'nuturo of tf? Juw bwn mmlo mulrt his per- ufLrffittTA' 80l,n, ""Pnrvlslun sliu o iU Infamy. uW imwi no one to ilcer-i.e you In till AH Counterfeit, Imitation nntl " JiiNt-ns-i:ool" nro but ICxperlim ill tliut tiltle Midi aiMlcmlaiij-vr tlio lieultli of Iul'uiits nml ClilMrcu-Expttriiinoo nyiOust Knperiniuiit. What is CASTORIA CuKtorlu In a hurmlpsa suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare gorii', Prop nml Soothing Syrps. It Is lMeaHiinr. It contain neither Opium, Itlorphino not' oilier IViireotlo ubstiui.-e. It aire is it4 fv'iumntiv. J t destroys Worms and ullujs I-'everlsliness. It cures Dl.irrliom and Wind C'nlia. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nml rintnleii. y, H assimilates the FomI, roirulotes, tlio Ktom.u li and Howls, jrivinir healthy and natural sleep. Tbo CliiUlrcn'M I'auacea Tlio Dlother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CKNTftUft COMPANY, TT WUHMlf IfMItT, NCW OHH CIT. Spanish The present low prices has created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. They are today worth 92 cents per bushel at Suf folk and Petersburg, Virginia. Correspond with us when you have Spanish Peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. OE THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. O Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Al'tU'Sf.'iil'll. fW. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.1 C a p i tal a r d Surplus, $47,000. For more than H years this institution ha provided bankintr faoili ties for this section. It's stockholders and director 1 m v been identified with the business interests nf Halifax aii'l Nortliain t-1.n rounder for many years. Money is loaned upon approved sceunty :ii tljel. .':il rale of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are olicile.l. The surplus ami un.livi.leil pmlits Iiumiil' reache.l a sum npial to the Capital Stock, the Hank lias, eoinmcneinir .lanuaiy I . I'Ni i :.iliihe.l a Savings Department allowinir interest on tune ilepiwits as follows: For Doposilsallowcl torem.i:n three mouths or longer. per cent. .sis months or lonirer, .'1 per cent Twelve n ihsor longer, t per vnt. Forfurtheriiiformatiou applv to the I'resi.lent or cashier. rRlsiDIST: W. K. DAS I EL, Vll'BI'll nv u. OE 3E LIU A:TComplete line of new shoes from the makers. The store where Quality Counts. "5t j i l UU vsnnslrt clinae 111 f V Q XiCOU 111-1 U J 1 " D - - . ricsT I , ,1 l in I I iv 1 1 v city. Edwin uiapp onoes ior meu of good taste, $().00AN1)(0 Holeproof Hosiery. Let us show you. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, mm AND HIDES uirurCT HiDVCT DQITP PklQ FOR RAW Wnl Ctnailnles. Write tor sriof IM mntlMHi, A.... ........ . EUbll.hd 1887 JOHN WHITE & CO. lou.svillmt 4 Signature of Peanuts. KSI11KNT: smith. I ANIIIKB: li. S. TUA VIS. A i I j u .I i m: r, i n n in uuu ni . r N. C. FURS AND HIDES t INl tt. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Pluck nnd Persistence Will Pull Us Thr6ugh. Do not whine. Hold tup your chin and keep your troubles to yourself. livery one of us must carry his pack. And in the carrying of it come strength and self respect. When you were a child you weni to mother for your sympathy and help, but the time comes when you must shoulder your burden alone. It is worse than folly to complain of it to your fellows, liach of them is bending his back to his own load. Can you expect any of them to lay down his load and listen to your whining? If you go about retailing your griefs with expectation o? sympa thy you will experience only cha grin. Of course if you fall down and really hurt yourself, if you are a genuine object of piiy, the world's heart will be stirred in your behalf, and it will help you to the limit. But- So long as the world sees that you are able to bear your pack it expecis you to get under it. Stand up like a man. Some of us who are older can look back over the way and re member how we were to "put up a poor mouth" because of some hard jolt. Vi'e buttoned up our white lips and shut the hard luck siory back. Pluck and persistence and sweat pulled us through. Do not whine. It is useless. The whiner gets nowhere. And he becomes a nui sance. He saps his own strength by indulging his grouch, and he saps others of their strength be cause of his iierraied grievance. Hide your utle of woe. lindure in silence. Keep your i own counsel. Lean on yourself. Gird up your loins and keep up a ' stiff upper lip. There's heroism! in doing that. Oh, I know- j Sometimes life looks like an un-1 ending and intricate tangle, and sometimes the pathway is dark ! and stony and steep. And ihere ; are thorns by the way. j But, after all The world that we are living in j Is mighty hard to beat. ! With every rose you get a thorn, But ain't the roses sweet ? 1 K. I'i.A K'K j C. A. (ilosMu-r, 1M (lntaiiostieet.l.'och- j ester, Xew York, has recovered from a i I n .,' ami severe attack of kiilncr tiou-1 hie, his cure heinir ilue to Foley Kidney Pills. Alter .h'tailimr his case, he says: "I am only sorry I tiitl not It-am sooner ofl'oley ki'lney Pills. Ill a few day's time f 11 y haekaehe completely left me ami I fell irieatlv iniprined. My kid iicv Krrattie stumper. ,liy spells left ineand I was no louder annoyed at niuht. I feel loo per cent, hettcr since; uiiil' Foley kidney Pills. i:."( i. a hk OM.Y Willi PERMISSION. Pat "Hold on! I surrender." His Wife (hitting him again) "No'ye won't! Not till I say ye kin!" ' THE ONLY WAY ! Many Welilon Citizens Have Dis- i covered It. ' Just whai to do when the kid-: neys are att'ecied, is a ittestion that concerns both young and old. Weak j kidneys neglected in childhood ' lead to life long suffering. People I of advanced years, with less vital- j ity, suffer doubly. In youth or age, languor, backache, urinary : irregularity, dizziness and nervous- j ness make life a burden. j There is one remedy that acts J dirivilv nn the kidneys. Doan's ' Kidney Pills owe their world-wide lame to the fact ihat tliey have cured thousands of cases of sick kidneys and cured them perma nently. Follow the example of this Weldon citizen: Mrs. T. V. Anderson First st., Weldon, N. C, says: "I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills and have been so greatly helped that I am glad lo recommend them. My supply of this remedy was obtain ed from Cohen's Drug Store and has been very effective in relieving me of backache and other symp toms of kidney complaint. I know ihat Doan's Kidney Pills act as represented." For sale by all dealers. Price .'Si cents FllSTF.K MIMU IiV CO , New York, sole agents for the United States.' Kemember the name Doan's and take uo other. PAbsoIutely ,Purd Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife is so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphates JAMES WHTTCOMB RILEY he little red ribbon,lhe rm and the rose! The summertime comes dnd the summertime goes- And never a blossom in all of the land Aswhile as the gleam of her beckoning hand! TE long winter n sonths.and the glare 1 of the snows; The little red ribbon, the ring and the rose! And neyera glimmer of sun in the skies As bright as the light of her glorious ejes! PVREAMS only are true; but thep fade xJ and are gone, rorherjace tsnot here whnlwaken at dawn; TheLrfle red ribbon, the ring and the rose tfwonlj: Tjonjj the dream repose. I am weary of Moaitin.and wearv of tears, And mj heart wearies, loo, al! these desolate vears. Moaning over'the one pnjji son that it knoves. The little red ribbon, the ring and the rose! LET'S GET If I knew you and you knew me, 'Tis seldom we would disagree; But, never having yet clasped hands, Both often fail to understand That each intends to do what's right, And treat each other "honor bright " How little to complain there'd be If I knew you and you knew me ! Whenever we ship you by mistake. Or in your bill some error make, From irritation you'd be free, If I knew you and you knew me, Or when ihe cheeks don't come on time, And customers send us "nary" a hue, We'd wait without anxiety If I knew you and you knew me. Or when some goods you "lire back," Or make a "kick" on this or that. We'd take it in good pan, you see, If 1 knew you and you knew me. Willi customers ten timujiiJ strong. Occasionally things go wrong Sometimes our fault, sometimes theirs forbearance would decrease all carev Kind friend, how pleasant tilings would be, If I knew you and you knew me. Then let no doubling thoughts abide, Of firm good faith on either side Confidence 10 each other give, Living ourselves, let others live; But any time you can come this way, That you will call, we hope and pray: Then face to face we each shall see, And I'll know you and you'll know me. Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar. shock or disturbance, is the awful speed of our eaitli throimh space. We wonder at such ease of na ture's movement, and so do those who take l)i. KiuKs New Life Tills. Xo BTipiii(r, no distress, just thorough work that brinus (rood health and line feelings 2'iC. at all druggists. 1 1 1 I rMJ mm sr ii i ACQUAINTED. To Mothers and Others. uu can use llnckleii's Arnica Salve to cure cliildten of eczema, rashes, let tcr. dialings, sealiiiir and enisled hu mois. as well as their accidental inju ries outs, bums, bruises, etc. . w ith per fect safely. Nothing else heals so quickly. For boils, ulcers, old running iu fever sores or piles it has no piual. :. a,t all driiL'gists. LAUGH EARLY AND OFTEN. Mirfh Is Qod's Medicine Eyery body Ought to Bnthe In It. Mirth a medicine? Certainly, and a good one bet ter than the most of the prescrip tions of materia medica. It is one of nature's real tonics, a balm for life's trials, a salve for sorrows.lin iment for grouches, a panacea for worry. Dr. Sanderson says: "Mirth, cheerfulness, is a better stimulant for the tissues of the body than drugs, which react. Laughter is an actual life giving in fluence." Another physician says, "Fun is a food and as necessary to wholcsomeness as bread." Therefore laugh. We take life too seriously. We do not laugh enough. Or we in dulge in a stingy sort of mirth. Some of us laugh so seldom we lose the habit of it. . A laugh is a massage. Figures of speech aside, a good laugh is a real massage treatment. When you laugh heartily your dia phragm gets busy. In moving rap idly up and down it massages the liver, stirring that organ up to its duty. It affects other organs also, "Laugh and grow fat" is the shrewd observation of many gen erations. The old kings were wise. They hired jesters to make them laugh. And Lycurgus, able lawmaker, set up the god of laughter in the pub lic dining rooms of Sparta. Laughter is a good buffer. It is like the shock absorbers put in the springs of their automo biles. It helps to carry one easily over the knobs and "thank-you-tna'ams" of life's rugged road. And it reduces friction every- where. Laughter is normal. , Good health and physical and mental harmony require that the funmaking propensities should be released. Laughter does that. If these natural propensities are kept back one has an attack of "the i blues;" if totally repressed insan ity. Laugh and succeed. If you bottle up your visible spirits you paralyze your per sonality. A cheerful spirit and a hearty laugh smooth out many wrinkles of business. Men and women go every year to premature graves because ihey have forgotten how to laugh, i Laugh and stay above ground. Ikickache Almost Unbearable N an alnuiM ceituin result of kiilney tnuiMc. I. TiKimey. sn:K. ('live street I'.ldiinuiiL'tnu. III. says: "1 sullereil : with hackachc and pains in my kidneys i whicli were almost unhcaiaMe. 1 irave I'oley Khlney 1'ills a jrond trial, and they thine wun.leis for me. To,lay I fan I do a hard dav'sandnot fei ! t.ieetlects.'' I ' E. CLARK. And a weak head is easily in fluenced by a full stomach. It. !. Collins, Postmaster, Haruetrat. New Jersey, was troubled with a scere hiirnppe couirh. He says: ! would lie completely exhausted after each tit of violent couu'hin. I bought a bot tle of Foley 's Honey and Tat Compound and before I had taken it all the couirh iuu spells had entirely erased It can't be beat. " i;. CLAHK. It's almost as easy to grow old as it is to grow fat. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I It' a man has brains he is seldom called upon to submit the prooL I I Le "t hilrl Wt'lfutr" mnwrnt'iil li:H i flmllt nut''! tlif atti-iitiuii of 'hoiifcrliU'iil j iieopli'rvt'rywhtMv, .Mnilu'iaiv imtur.tl 1 MiHrlci. uii'l wilt HimI iu IVIrv' Hun I t'V aiiJ Tut ( oiiijMinii.i a nio-l uliuiMc ! . ui.l ( uiiu'Iis u't folU tlmt uut'hivU .1 i It'uT tiM'itnip, 1iHiiicliili,mi(i jMit'iiiiiiiii.u ! Vlfl I UK-lvly to till' lir i liliL' ftlhl M". Hi- I in qualities of Tolrv" lloiJl'V UMtt I u t I ( HllNMIlhl. liven the wisest of us get fooled occasionally. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A VERY MONOTONOUS. Lxciied Lngineer- "What did you stop this train lor ?" l-'lag Station Agent "Is today Tuesday of this week or last week?" Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA B 1 - . Knowledge often causes a lot of .f worrv. 0N1W0RRYING. Physical Exercise is of Invaluable Assistance in this Respect. Worry is disease. In fact it is oft-times associated with a physical disorder of some kind. The in clination to worry over trifles is universal. Some people have ac quired the worry habit. It sticks to them like an adhesive plaster. Their first mental efforts on rising each day is to seek out some un pleasant subject to worry about. One can readily imagine the dis appointment that would ensue should a person of this character find nothing to worry about. But this would be an unusual sensa tion, for one can always find some thing to worry about. If not a misfortune yesterday, then one of the day before if not of this year, then of last year. If you are a victim of the worry habit, you are uselessly wasting valuable ener gies. Rest assured that life will be of little value to you or anyone else. Physical exercise is of invalua ble assistance in this respect. When you find, for instance, that you can not possibly avoid worrying, then immediaiely find some means of actively using the" muscles of your body. Take a long walk or play some game in the open air that will keep you continuously and pleasantly occupied. If this is dificult or impossible, take some exercise in your room. Work persistently and vigorously until the blood is bounding through your arteries, until you feel the pulsation of new life stirring your entire physical organism. Realize the tremendous possibilities in life and stop wasting your time with trifling grievances, you must re member that worries are never im portant, notwithsianding the value they may seem to assume in our life. Their only importance is the power they have for harm, and if their power is evil, then by all means they should be made to stamp them out of your life, you can rest assured the exercises tak- ; en as a worry cure will accomplish the desired purpose if they are given your entire attention, ana use all the muscles of your body and vigorously arouse the activity of your lungs and heart. A man with a high aim in life seldom carries a gun. Glorious News j comes from Dr. .1. T. Curtis. Invifrht, j Kan. He writes: "I not only havecured I bad cases of eczema iu my patientsw lib ! ldeclrie I'.itteis, but alsn cured myself : by them of the same disease. , I feel I sure they will benelit any case of ecze ma. I Ins slums wliat tlmusanus nave proved, that IJectiic I'.itteis is a most ellective bh'od pui ilier. Its an excel- , lent remedy lor eczema, tetter, salt I rheum, ulcers, boils and ruuninir sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bewets. expels poisons, helps digestion, builds : up the streiiL'th. . Price .'ale. atisfac- tieu iruaianteed bv all di nudists. mi Jf XT 1 . .. a Headache Muthiiuj U Uelte, thn Dr. MiltV Anti-Pain Pills Thty Cive Rt-ht-f without Bad Attrr-l.HncU. 'Tor foui vers 1 w.is subject 1o .iimo--t con: 1. oil he.i.l.iehe. At tones so seven I wits iniiilted l,,r work. ThrouKh tlie ;i.tee of a fiieiid I v?s persuaded lo try l)r Miles' Ami- l'.iiii Pills and ihe result has been that I have entirely eradicated my system . thoc conliuuoiis headaches thai i. Unwed a hard and continuous u eiital sliaiu " I Ku---ell, Agt C. is N. W. Ky, Karlf, la. For Sale by All Druggists. Z'i Dobcs, 25 Cents. MILFS MEDICAL CO., Eikhrt, Ind. Wm. L, KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WKI.lHfN. N.C. lUisinpfs promptly ami fui tli fully at. tl'!Hll to. Affociated with H. K. Mitiyctte and ('. I'whlep.of the Nortliamptou bar in Httlifa uporioi Court practice. 2 1 L 0.,a S PinPill, the I , - To Head-Off SAVED FROM AH OPERATION How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, 111., Escaped The Sur geon's Knife. Peoria, III "I wish to let every one knowwhatLydiaE.Pinkham'sVegetBbla Compound has dona for mo. Fortwoyears I suffered. The doc tor said I huu'i tumor :md tho only remedy vfi J tlio iirr; 'on rt knife. Vy 'i, other In-Ufh t !u I.idiu ii. I'i lkh; f!., Vo.;et!i. C,.-i,owcl, nd Unlay I wr, u wi-il ifi'l li.ni ll Ut nmmiin Vtw T ...c.,j .w. ...... - . 1 ni (, n th :i I nnh'ered from InflummaUon, c.id your Sanative Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell anyone whut jour rredidr."3 have done for me. You can use my testimonial in any way you wish, rind I will be glad to answer letters." Mrs. ClllilSTINA Reed, 105 Mound St., Peoria, 111. Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. Jessup, Pa. "After the birth of my fourth child, I had severe organic inflam mation. I would have such terrible pains that it did not geem us though I could stand it This kept up for three long months, until two doctors decided that an operation was needed. " Then one of my friends recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and after taking it for two months I was a wtll woman."-Mrs. Joseph A, Lynch, Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female ilia should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, one of the most success, ful remedies the world has ever known, before submitting to a surgical opera tion. The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE A Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price The great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-W'eek edition, which conies ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only S 1 per year, and this pays for 1 56 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NF.WS together for one year tor - - - Ulii The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. We have on hand several consign ments oi the latest iu wool. Wash ami I'linees ladies Suits. Kulhcr than re . turn lie e suits our headquarters deei , ded to pal them on sale at half price - ful cash only. Jl'i Suits J7.50. Prin cess. bile and all other colors to $7, now j-j. i to jtf. Wash I Vat Suits $1 to i'i, now sl.iis in i to $." Net Wa:t reduce,! H.7i to ji.JH ISIack and col ored silk Petticoats .! to i now If-.'.SH to rilo 'i. Voile Skirl $0 to $K now i-i.titl , to l. .o. in. ooo yards lace andembroid , cries to close out at halt 'pi :Ce. 7"iC to 1 Messalme silks, all colots, now ml to ,"ic o and i:c. calicoes St to 4c. lo and 1'!C uiuuhams 7 to Ik!. About M.ooo yards dress goods to close out less than cost. Ladies bats at half price, lines, druugcls.carpctiugs and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WKLDON.N.C. McCiv.-i..- hicire and McCil Patient for Women Hav More Friud than any tl r mfta7.nie.r ; ..!'t.-ns. MeCall's is i! reliable has! n (iuhU nionthlv nnc nnii"! honi -:. K designs -i : is lnii',; : and hcli-':it Save Mo t ior MvLo'i't r Cfnti ft Vf .1 . MeCall i'jit.r , McCill Ptl fie 1 imlied t!nmsai 'ii'.-imr ull the U. I'.itk'rns, eatl. i : ! :.: s!ic;t t : tv.i,A for wu-'a . p in StvU by t.ib- ii' : t.l (-lilf. t uS . n.g iny uttc ul lite ttitli..- net. ill oilieri In ll). ; iuiilu itv, co- ...nrv ni l mindwr Kid, fti. depicts k I Mtl ..ii I'.ut.riis tlwn inv i.llitr !-maescom'iinr-d. Nmtc liiv'tr thu i5CttU. ii ; inm yuui dealer, or by oail liuia McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th St, New York City Nuv Dep.. cum mi tuutn OMMr. frrt. romsKmKEYKixs Fe Bchi (iwinMituwa Sew York Ior Special Sale !

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