ifiH if Jiff iuF5 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. XLV1. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VKIJ)ON X. (., THURSDAY, MAIM II lis, 1!)12. NO. 48 The Kind You IIuv Always Bought, mil wnieli lms been In use "or over SO years, Iius borne the M-iwluro of - Iuis been inil! under Ins per. (S jCj4fftfTA 80mil H,,lcr Isi.in sin.o its infamy. MuVV Ki. Allow Iio one to ilcci ic,,j(,ii In this. All Counterfeits, Imitation, and Just-itK.IMMii ,. Mlt IMx-riiiU'iit tlmf. tritle with wmI oimIuiiki r Uio health of IufuiiU mill Children Kiperieneo iio,aiiist Kvpeilnient. What Is CASTORIA Custoriu U A hurmlosH mihstitnto for Castor Oil, Pare. (,'cirif, Prop mid Soothing Kyiips. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Itlnrphino hoc oIImt Narcotic Hibstnnoe. Its nxe is) its fc-mranteo. It destroys Worms anil allays 1-Yiertsliiics.s. It onres Pl.irrhu'ii and Wind ('nlie. Il relieves 'lYctliiiitf Troubles, cures Constipation and Fliituleuey. H assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach ami UinveN, giving heaUliyaml natural sleep. The Cliildren's Punuceu The Mot tier's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J a big a bin You The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tHt VINT'un DOMPlNf, TT HUM N V ITHttT, NIW VOHN CITY. CHOOSE THE HARD JOB. Responsibility Makes Men irow. Ginn-c to d.i the hard tilings. II yiui want a practical monopoly in your line choose to do the diffi cult tilings. Mom persons look for the easy tilings. That reduces the number of your competitors. (Irapple the diflieult tusk. Because you cannot win victory without putting up tight. ( iold is hard to gel must dig for it. l)o not skip the hard ob Because by doing the hard job you equip yourself for the doing of I it, you develop capacity for it. ! And when by persistent effort and ! a brave struggle you have made; good you have not only acconi-, plished the big work; but, what is I more important - You have made yourself. i You have changed yourself from j what may have been a small man ! into a big man. Do you not see ? The work calls out the capaci ties you did not know you had and develops new faculties. Big tasks not only take big men, but make big men. Responsibility makes men grow. No one knows what he can do until he tries. If you formed the Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices has created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. They are today worth y.J cents per bushel at Suf folk and Petersburg. Virginia Correspond with us when you hae Spanish Peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO , NORFOLK, VA. 3E a o THE BANK OF VELDOfJ WK I.DON. N. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al U'sT.'nl'll. Is'-'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus. $47,000. For more than I" veai tins institution l.a- piov-.b-.l I at.kim: iwili lien for tins section. It's stockhold. is :tnl .l-iert..i I. .or It, ii ..I. Mim-d with the business interest of ilalilus .on I Vuiliaiiipton fount . - ho inanv years. Money is loa I up"" appiovd ei t at t!.. I.yuI iat. ot interest hii per centum, ceoiint ol all :m- -. I ! 1 1 -- t The surplus and undivided pioiits hav on: lea.'hcd a mn .u:ii to the Capital Stock, the Bank ha-, cm ncm: .lamniiy . ' ,y .iMi-hed a Savinifs llcpartmenl allow inn interest on tune deposiis s lollop lor Kepomts allowed torcmai n three month 01 lone'er. . per cent .-ix months or lonifcr.,1 percent twelve months 01 I,, nee,. I pe nl Forfurthcroifi.rmal applv l" f"'-'-l""' "' ' I'RISIDINT : W. K. DANIK.l., VI, I. I l;l:-lll:xl IV li MI I'll . asiiikk: i;. I I! IS. shirking the duties that are oner ous reform yourself. Choose a man's job and ! Master it. There's half a world full of pco-1 pie who dream of prosperity, but ; wIid seldom or never dream of' moiling and toiling and saving -the only honest way to get ahead. They dream of some kind friend 1 who w ill die and endow them. And j Many there are who see the vis- j ion of noble living who lack the j sustaining power and the stringent j selfdetii.il necessary to live that; Itlc. : bss.iy the hard task, because, as Whither puts it - Better to stem with heart and hand I he roaring tide of life than lie t'nniindlul, on us Mowing strand, ( It ( lod's occasions drifting by. Better with naked nerve to bear j The needles ol this goading air j Thau in the lap of sensuous ease j forego : The godlike power to do, the god- j hke aim to know. j IN (i(M)l) STANDING. i "W hat refer- Business Man ences can you give, young man?" Tall Chap "Here's a letter from a tailor asking me to come and look at his spring suitings." S ) 'Mi A complete line of new shoes from the makers. The store where Quality Counts. Best line ol high grade shoes in the city. Edwin Clapp Shoes for men of good taste, $15.00 AND (5.r0 Holeproof Hosiery. Let us show you. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. MS AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET JOHN WHITE & CO, iouisvil. F0H RAW FUNS nu Vkf1! WmI lilt m,ntlolJ thu KatabUth! 1887 MOTHER OF LARGE FAMILY Tells How She keeps Her Health Happiness For Those Who Take Her Advice. Pcnttville. Mich. " I want to tell you how much pxxl l.ydin K. I'inkham's ' eiaoiei ihiihiuM' niu Saniitive Wash Iihvo f JkVyn . 1 'lone inf. I live on vj JtannMiiclli'ivcworktil very h 11 id. I am III: ; Ill- J-:.-- , ami inn the mother of thirteen children. Many cople think it slruiiK'e tliat 1 am i,t broken down with huril work and Oi., care of mv fam ily, but I tell them of my jioud friend, I.y'dia K. I'inkhum'a Vettetahle t'om pound. and that there will he no back ache and hearing down pains for them if they will take it as 1 have. I am scarcely ever without it in the house. "I w ill say also that I think there is no better medicine to he found for youn girls. My eldest daughter has taken Lydiu E. Pinkham'a Venetahle Com pound for painful periods and irregular ity, and it has helped her. " I am always ready and willing to peak a Rood word for I.ydia E. I'ink ham's Vegetable t'oniound. I tell every one I meet that I owe my health and happiness to your wonderful medicine." Mrs. J. G. Johnson, Scottville, Mich., R.F.I) 3. I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drills, and today holds the record of h. ine '! o most successful remedy fr woti.an s ills kuov,-n. ' - - PUT YOUR IDEALS TO WORK. j Ideals Are Living Issues, Mere Longings. Not king Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes delicious home baked foods oi maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking a pleasure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lima Phosphates LET US FORGET JAMES VHITCOMB RILEY Tusfor&et.'What matters it that we Once reigned o'er happy realms oflon&ago And talked of love, and let our voices low, And ruled or some brief sessions rovally ? What if we sung, or laughed, or wept maxbe? It has availed not aiiv thing, and so Letit bv that we mav better know How poor a fru'ngis lost toyou and me. Butvesterday I kissed your lips, and yet Did thrill you not enough to shake the dew From your drenched lids- and missed,with no regret "Your lass shot back, with sharp breaths jailing you: And so, todav, while our worn eyes are wet vith all this waste of tears, let us jbrget! j MEMORY. Time soothes the wound that works our keenest pain, But does not heal; When memory brings our suhVriug back again We still can feel. We live our lives, we struggle, and forget The bitter past, Our memory seems to slumber now, but yet It wakes at last. A chance word, idly spoken, strikes the car, We feel a thrill, And to our eyes, unbidden, comes a tear, W'.. cotter slill t W OOIIV -I:. Chaimn. A LAST FAREWELL. Queen of my life, a long farewell lixistence to tnc is but sorrow; You can look on to the rose-tinted spring And the joys to come on the morrow; But no spark ol" hope's in :hc future fr me; All the pleasures of life I resign; But, remember, I beg, should you ever think ol me, That mv heart will ever be thine The fortunes of life h.ivc cist us apart. We meet no more forever ! And though I shall try from the depth of my heart The bond of alleciion lo sever. Whether I dwell on the peak's icy cap, Or the beach, where the sea sands shine, My soul will e'er cleave 10 the love that I leave, And mv heart will ever be thine. How i:i.i. Colston Phatht.rstoni:. To Mothers and Others ,,u can use I'.ucklrn's in ca ale to cure children ofciv.eina. ial's. ti t lei. chaliinrs. scabnir and rnMed hu iiioi". as I' as Iheii accidental niu ne- cut-, burns, house-, etc .with per- tletV Toilllllur else iirlll- so j It is good to have an ideal. j But Ideals are nothing if they j j do not lead up to the real. To be : worth while they must lead you 1 somewhere and land you some-1 where. j This is the test. Try your ideal S on. If it it is good the ;rcsulis w ill j be good. You can test the tree of idealism by its fruits. j An ideal is a picture in your i mind of what is supremely to he desired. It is a vision of what 1 ought to be. And it is an impulse , to better things. An ideal is more than a dream. If you only dream you are not a good idealist. If you dream long and hesitate you are not an idealist at all; you are merely a Micawber waiting for something to turn up. If you are a true idealist you will go out and turn something up. A true ideal is a big idea that has worked its way down trom your head into your heart. It beckons and leads you to an objective. A true ideal has terminal facilities. Yo want to do or be. Well The ideal takes hold of you where you are and as you are and puts you in motion and in the right direction. It leads you to a goal. Lincoln had a true ideal. It was given him by his wilder ness mother, who, when dying, called the nine-year-old boy to her bedside and said : "I am going away, my boy, but I want you to remember that your mother wants you to be a good and a useful man. " That ideal goodness and useful nessled Lincoln up to the heights. Jefferson had an ideal to weave the web of democracy into the warp of organic law. It look him also to the high ground of great ness. Ideals are living issues, not mere longings. And your ideal is it good ? Then harness it to your life forces in such a way that it will lead you j to noble accomplishment. Hold fast to it. Dream the i dream, but make the dream come ; true. Dream ? Yes, but do! Link your ideal to your will power. Then something must : move, because you have linked God's power with yours. ! WAITINO l-OIM Mi: litid. G- in iUn Clmirli comes from fiaid which has fermented. US 1H me JIOIUUIU ilH ri(1 ot til3 bacny Rested matter as quickly as possible if you would avoid a bilious attack. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE FGWUhK FOKMl h a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It in a liver tonic first of all and the liver is always effected w in n the stomach goes wrong. It puts lite in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of sallowness, relaxes the bowels and puts the body in line vigorous condition. SulJ In IKukn. 'rie. t.urxv Putkiw. tl.OO. A'k for Ihc KHwine Willi (lie Rr.l 7. uii llic l;il-l. II yn rniui-, it 1 n,j:l K;-t,ai.l. Suiiliiuii l.lvri KrtuUi'H '-,i up al.o in it. FfKC tl.uu pel IjItlf UmA lot ILc kr.l . UtI. 1. II. 7.t.im & CO.. Frupfli lorv, SI. l outs. Mlouurl i ll. loiiii l "s. "ill nil 1.1 f..nu .,f tli.'jr win, ncli:i MOTHERS. Souks mid Statutes Away Hut Human liternal Will I'.iss Souls Are Mrs. Johnson, the w ifc of the new minister hi a New Lngland town, asked a neighboring farm er's boy to bring her a doen eggs and a roasting chicken next day when he brought the vegetables. The boy appeared promptly but m his basket were only eleven eggs. "Ma says she will send over the other egg after awhile," he explained.- "But w hat about the chicken," Mrs. Johnson asked, "That does not seem to be here either." "She will send that, too," was the answer. "But," complained Mrs. John son. "I want to cook the chicken for dinner. Why didn't you bring it over this time-" "Because," replied the boy, "the hen aim killed yet. You see, ma's waitin' till she lays the other egg." Lippincott's. When asked what was the great est need of Trance, Napoleon an swered: "Mothers'" Mothers are the greatest need not only of France, but of the world. It is certainly true that those nations only are great whose mothers are great. Note the Jewish race. Where will you find greater sanctity of home life, purer d mes lic love, than in the home of the Jew? It has been so since the call of Abraham. Chastity and devo tion have ever adorneu i tie jewtsn mother. And that is why the race has produced more great men in proportion to its numbers than any other. And the Germans. When Tacitus wrote about them twenty centuries ago the Teuton who lived in his native forests was the husband of one wife, and that wife then, as today, was industrious, domestic, virtu ous. In consequence no other people have achieved greatness in so many ways as the sturdy Germans. : And Lngland. ' Statesmen may stand up in par ' liament to champion a budget that will build more ships to guard her shores and save her possessions, but the real bulwark of the empire j is the bulwark of I'.nglish homes and mothers. I! the Anglo-Saxon dominates the world it is because ol the puri ty of Anglo-Saxon mothers. And America? The sons ol the republic match in the forefront of the world's progress as arbiters of righteous ness and the piuJuimers of peace because of the mothers behind them. 1 ou, mothers-- Yours is a powi r greater dun lh.it ot queens on a tin otic 1 our great province, hke tii.it ol ( uui. 's the mothering of souk You. al most alone, are able to put into plastic souls the div ine yeast of earth's future goodness and great ness. Do not resign your scepter of motherhood to any mere hireling of the day. Let those who w ill sing the songs and write the statutes of the nation Their privilege is but common place beside your sovereignty. Songs and statutes will pass away; human souls are eternal. Let us say it reverently: We know not how it is in other worlds, but in this one God himself could not get along without mothers Wood's Seeds For 1012. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, -which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it. T.W. WOOD ) SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vtv. The Tlirice-A-Weel Edition OF THE Jew fork World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price T1 Hi; great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and a in body can alford its Thrice-A-Wiek edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sundav. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A- Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, evei -. ih '" to be found in first-class daily The Thnce-A- Week World's regular subscipnon price is only SI per year, and this pays for 166 p.ipus. We otter this unequalled news;,per ami trie ku.-vaum: NL:W together for one year for The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. $1.70 Special Sale ! THE LIMIT. Lldcr-head Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA "Well, I see that jackas berry has gone and put hi m the noose again," said kins. "Worse than that," said Bania. "He's got it in the noose papers " j Harper's Weekly. ! Nineteen Miles a Second I without a jar, shock oi ,'o.-lio'..oo , , ;. I the tun fid speed of our eartli Uuoiu;h space. W e noudei al sueti ease ol na I tine's movement, and so ,lo those vlio ' take In. Knur's Nc Lite IMIs No i toipinir. no distress, ju-t iIioioul'Ii noik ! that lunik's irooil health and line leehiiL's I 'J.'ic. at all tlrunirists. No man is an optician just be- I . i . .1 - v i. ... H-iw- i cause lie inaKes a spectacle ot uun ! self (ilorious News iioin In He rtlites com Kan 1,11,1 ea-es ol'ec I- Ireliie t'.llti I hy llieiil of flu suii- tlu-v "ill 1 A count may be no acsouut, but ! if a girl has more dollars than sense w ell, it's none of our business. .i, l funis. tMcbt. "I not oiilv bai -cured ma in m v patients vv ilh but al-o ciiie.l myself same iliseasc 1 let i nelit any case of ece- ma " Tins slums what tlioii-un.ls have pnoed, thai I leeliie I'.dlei- i- a most ellective blood piinth r. It- an excel, lent lellledy 1,-1 eccllia. letter. salt I lieuni. ulcers, boils and iiniuiuir sores. It stimulates bvei. kidneys and bowels. helps diL'i-stloll. build Kor boils, ulecis. old milium: feci uiiieklv Ol fevel roles or pilesit has uo equal ;.'ic. al all diutrii-ls Ituckathe Almost Unbearable Is an almost ceitain result of kidney trouble. I. Tooiney. sn:tK. I 'live street r.loomnn.'loii. Ill . says "I sull'crcd with backache and pains m my kidneys Inch vo le abno-t uiibeaiable. I irave 1 oley Kidney I'dls a uood trial, and tlu-v done nondeis I'm me. Today I can do a haul day's and uot feel the effects." ' i: .t'LAKK expels poisons, helps iiil'i-sooii. on up the stienclh. I'oce me. Salislac t iniaiantccd by all dmmosts In Berlin piano playing is pro-1 hibited after a certain hour. In j this country some people's piano j playing should be prohibited at all hours. I It's all right to break your word by using a hyphen. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA KGTTI1K FITTED. Wtdl, who got the nomina tion the chap who looked like Banii'l WVbster ?" "No. The feller that look ed like ready money. "Cliieago Ledger. We lave on band several consign! nients of the latest in wool. Wash and I'onecss ladies uits. Kallicr than re liirn tin -e suit- our headquarters deci ded lo put them on sale at ball' price l,n e.i-!. only '"i Suits t7.M. Prin ce, w I, He and all other colors K to i-7, now hi t" s:i. Wash Coat Suits f t to K now jl.fis to !:. J4 to j.1 Net Vvaist leduccd tl.; i to -.'..id black and col ored -ilk l'i incoats jl to 5-ii now j-J.ss to Voile skirts jti to fwnon fcVitl to M. in. U, tluo yanls lace and embroid eries to close nut at half price. 7,'ic to id Messaline silks, all colors, now ."si to 7 ic. ," and lie calicoes ,') to 4c. in and I J'c e'uiL'hains 7 lo tie. About ; ihn i yards dress noods to close out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Huns. dniL'L'ets. caipelinc and uiatliiins at and below Cost. SPIERS BROS. Vv 'KM ON, N. t McCali's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Have More Frimd than any other magazine or patterns. McCali's is the icl.-ible l a In n liuide monthly in hundred thousand Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A ll. Sava N.r tv I..r M.V . , IT'lT .1 i MtCa.! ly MtCVil Pui Bl!-! : '!", ' d. . ei r ' !i shuwnitf till the liitt" t .i.l i'ltlu rns, tiuli i- ' t ...t!. !.::; short St ; i i ; ii Mali.-u for won.i-M. 1 Keep In StyU hv nh'f ' ..; , .. t'.-sti u:i the Cdel. ' 1 t '.rr - a'l (-tlifr In !. I i imtntf told, ' i, t thn anv otlm Voi-- Ym -t than iscei ti tt ill) yutit tn.i-. !,ir 'iy imii .rum McCALL'S MAGAZ: 23 J." 3 V. 37th St,NwYor!t FOLEYKIDNEYFIUS