1 1 -A t 1 r : it i Advertising Rates Made Known on Application H)h. XLVI. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1012 NO. 0 1 tAoltKIUIAItb s Y. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and whhli has been In use for over 30 years, lms bortio toe signature of -tf . ad been mmle umf,.r his per. CZrm&ii IT "upen' n sl,,,fl lt ''"'""t. vuw, Ajiow I10 oue ,lm., J0U ,H th( All Counterfeits, Imitation aud"JuNt.as.KMMl,,nro but Experiment thnt trille with n-l eiiiUng, r the j,,,,,!)), of Iufuut wnl Children Experienco ntrnlnst Kjpciimeiit. What is CASTORIA Castoriu Is a IiuhiiIpsh substitute for Castor Oil, Vnro. gorle. Drop hikI KiHthliif Kyrrps. It is IMcnsmit. It routalu neither Opium, Morphlno ji,c oilier A'nrootlo iiibstuiiv-r. ls lire Is It kiurmite.,i. It destroys Worms anil allnys Fci i-rtxliiifiHS. H chits Il.irrlm;u unit Wind Colic. K. relii-vti.s Teethliiir Trouble, cures Constipation and PliitnU-nt'.i-. U assimilates the Fond, regulates tho Stomach und Bowels, i;lvinjf In-all liy and nutui al sleep. The Children's Pihiim'cu-TIio Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boar, the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices lias created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. They are today worth )7 cents per bushel at Suf folk and Petersburg, Virginia Correspond with us when you have Spanish Peanuts for sale, THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO , NORFOLK, VA. 3E 30 THE BANK OF WELDO ii WELDON, N. ( ' Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of VC'eldon Depository. Capital ni Snrplus, $5Q,QQ0. For nearly a) years dim iiiHtitution lias provided hanking facilities fur this section. Ita stockholders and otliei is aic it-iit i tii-.i with tin' busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counlu . A Having Department id inaintai I lor 1 1 1.- henctit ofuil who desire to deposit in Savings Bank. In tin leprtmeiu lui-rct ih al' -wed a-, follows: For Deposits allowed tore main three month m ..ngcr. '-' pet ivnt Sn lUOIlth.nr Irinlrnr S nnr emit Twelve inolit h in lolu'cr, t -l I'cul Uny information will he furnished on application to thr I 'r.xi.li-n i ori'a-liiri prisidint: W. K. DANIEL, Vll K I'HKSIOK V I V K. SMITH JOHN O. PiaKK. IVII'T . - 1 1 1 K K S I It V l DI RECTO ltd V. It. Smith, W. K. I'am-I. It s IV.iv.-. J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. I'ieroo, l. It. dIIicoM.m. i w . 3E i M ! 1 I t I. I; i l ' 1 ' lt, In, Gin Metal ail Sake! Pomps The'smartest styles In Spring Footwear. Pumps re the thing. We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKET BOOK, No better values pos sible for the money . Prices: $2.50, $3 and $3 50 Similar to cut above. WELDON SHOE COMPAN Y, WELDON, N. C. AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE MID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wott M CammlMlon. Writ, for pric IM mMIoI ll WvHITCO.Mr. mm FOR UNDERWOOD Florida Real Estate Man Finds Sentiment For the Alabamlan. ONLY SOUTHERNER IN FIELD. to FUgardtd it M.fting of th 8suth rn 8ttltmnt and Dvlopment Ai ociation "Brod..t and Sanatt Amtrican of Thtm All" Tha Con. rvativa Hop. WiiHhliiKtnn. Spi IhI.) - "Tinier wood wi'iiicil in he (he choice for prt-aldent In till political tulk I heard durlnir my trip cast." aald .lames B. Irodw, u pmuiliiiMit real entnte dealer nf Jacksonville, Fin. "Men of all classes ore turning to Mr. I'mli'inond as the conservative hope of Hie Democratic party, and In my opinion lie will he chosen as our Btiimliird h?aier. At the Hultlmore inectlnif of the Southern Kcltlemeut and Devevlopiuent association, which I attended, there was no polillcal discus sion, Put of ionise nil tlu candidates had friends ainmiK the delegates. The one tlilim Hint Impressed me was the wiiuilci'ful uiiuiiluilty of I'nderwood ai'iitliucut. lie was regarded as the only nuiitliein inn n In the Held. And yet mole I tiiui oue person said to uie I lot t , while a southerner, he was the broadest mid sanest American of them all. "1 flint a positive yearning fur po litical iulet, stability and thought and practice In iiolltical affairs. Alwayi with such expressions comes the em phatic observation that the Alahamlan is the party's hope. Never a word was said nf his lack nf availability be cause lie Is a southerner. That huga lio we have ourselves needlessly evok ed 1 Imd much pleasure In saying that my humble Judgment was that Mr. t'liilerwnnd would have a solid delegation fiom I'lnrlda. "If our people only knew what a wonderful opportunity lay licfore them If Dscnr t'nilcrwooii were nominated for the presidency there would l no doubt at nil of the veiillcntlon of my predict Ions." Age Herald, Birming ham. Mn OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD. THa Most Contpicuoua Damocrat of tho Day. Tiiere are a number of able Demo enit" In our hesitating country nil of whom huve dune sound. Intelligent work for their parly uud their coun try. Vet we are Inclined to the view that the one most deserving of the af fection of his fellow citizens, with or without respect to party, l the gentle man from Uiibiiinii, today the most conspicuous figure In congress and the country. The task which Mr. t'uderwond faced when he entered upon his duties as majority leader In the Incise seemed well nliih hopeless To persuade or der mid ills -iplitie and reason into a herd of wild i. es of the desert seemed a simple mailer compared to Ilie I re 14 1 ton of n sohml Democratic orgiinlr,a tluii out of the chaotic elements III Mr. I'nderwuod's hands. Yet by patience cm! i Icar licudcdnes! lie has accom plished the Impossible nml achieved a consistent, reasonable plan. Mr I'ndcnvooil has won his spurs fairly on I lie tiring line, and It Is no mere chn'icc will, h tlnds him the most eons; iciions Democrat of the hoiir Wnsiiln. ion Star. DANGER PERIOD OF WO Mfl US 'LIFE FROM 45 to 50 Interesting Experience of Two Women Their Statements Worth Reading. Asheville, N.C--" I suffered for years with female trouble while going through the Change of Life. I tried a local phy sician for a couple of years without any substantial benefit Finally after re pealed suggestions to try I.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, 1 quit my physician and commenced using it with the happiest results. I nm today prac ii. ..I,v a w. II woman i.;'.'! u.ixious to con tni ute my mile towards inducing others to irv your great medicine, as J am fully p. rsuaded that it will cure the ailments from which I suffered if given a fair Cli.illiv. "It you think this letter will contrib ute any tiling towar'1 further intriMlucing your medicines to alllicted women who are passing through this trying period, it is with great pleasure I consent to its publication." Mrs. JtiLlA A. MoortB, 17 East St., Asheville, N. C. The Case of Mrs. Kirlin. Circleville, Ohio. "I ran truthfully say that I never had anything do me so much good during Change of Life as I.y dia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound. "Before I had tnken one half a bottle of it 1 began to feel better, and I have continued taking it. My health is better than it has been for several years. If all women would take it they would es cape untoltl pain and misery at this time of life."-Mrs. Alice Kirmn, 358 W. Mill St., Circleville, Ohio. The Change of Life Is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. At such times women may rely upon Lyilia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. TRICK OP THR DEVIL. The devil is putting che butter on the right side of his bread when he gets a big sinner to count the hypocrites in the church. Balcintf Powder Absolutely Jrure Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphates ff I 1-7,4 i PAY YOUR MORTGAGES. By and By It Will Be Impossible For You to Pay the Accumulation. ii i am skMMB-. put ii n jtawv i ixt i b m lerffice and rou) sWfiitcom6Rtej help me! but her jace ana Draw Are lovelier than lilies are Beneath the light ofmoonandstar That smile as they are smiling now White lilies in a pallid swoon Of sweetest white beneath trie moon'' White lili'esjn a Hood of bright mre lucianess oj uquia nont Cascading down some plenilune, Whfm all me azure overhead Blooms like a dazzling dais Dea.- So luminous her face and brow. The luster of their glory, shed m memory, even, , Diinas n now; SESV teb winds me rx, wecm lWll'l"'"'''",' A recent writer speaks of ''mortgages on character." Which is a fine figure. You may have a mortgage say, on your home or your household goods. These "plas ters" are common. They rep resent needed loans and if well advised are helps to ownership. You bend your energies to ward payment of principal and interest. But The mortgage that most dis tresses mortals is the mortgage voluntarily assumed and with out sufficient consideration of bad habits, the mortgage on character. That mortgage is A lien on body and soul! You may or may not be able to pay the mortgage on your properly before you die. Nev ertheless you would have been successful if you havo kept yourself free from the lien on yourself. The mortgage on self, togeth er with the morgage on your property, makes a double mort gagedouble debt and double interest. There's the tobacco mort gage. The habit of chewing or smo king indulged In to excess and almost any use in excess is, as every well informed person knows, a draft on vitality, a shatterer of nerves, a depleter of vital forces. And the liquor mortgage. The drinking habit is u mort gage that demands tremendous interest rates. It ruins the itomach linings, benumbs the brain cells, hardens the nerve fibers, paralyzes tho power of mind and body. Other mortgages ? Plenty of them. The mort gage of excess in eating, of deep loss, of excesses, of lust, of dishonesty, of all unright eousness. Pay them off ! Rise, principal and interest, they will absorb you, soul and body. The sooner you pay the bet ter, because the interest uu these mortgages is not merely compounded, as in a real estate loan, semi-annually. It is compounded daily. By and by it will be impossi ble for you to pay tho accumu lations. Pay the mortgages now. Stop the interest. HAVE A PURPOSE. mm, i I isaiaaiiiai Chni.iw L MMMIm' ll tWll. ROBERT TASTELESS CHILL TONIC ipij Guaranteed to cure villus, juaunppe ana Fevers, or your money cheerfully refunded. We know what it has done in thousands of case9 and do not hesitate to make this sweeping guarantee. Prove our statements for yourself. Get a bottle today. Give it an honest trial. You will bo benefited beyond measure. Your blood will become pure, free from malarial infection. You'll feel like a new being, full of life, ambi tion and strength. Get it at your druggiat' today, 25c. and 50c Suffolk Drug Corporation, Suffolk, Virginia ANSWERED PRAYER. 1 HE DEVIL'S DANCING LESSON. BY FRANK L STANTON. Br'er Jinkins say dai dancin' gwine land us in de place Whar dey aint no ice in summer, en dey's wood en coal ter wns'e! Kn he helt ter dat opinion 'uvel lie met up wid de hanis, En de devil tell him "Howdy," en if. devil make him dance ! l.ef Fool, Br'er Jinkins-- l.ef Foot en right, Dancin' wid de devil On a Sunday-meetin' nighi ! De devil make a music what was louder dan a ban's, F.n keep Br'er Jinkins gwine tor de clappin' er his han's; Br'er Jinkins say he tired, but de devil say, "Keep on ! I never see such dancin' sence de day 1 was bo'n!" Lef foot, Br'er Jinkins l.ef foot en right, Dancin wid de devil On a Sunday-mtetin' night ! He say de bell a-ringin', en hits lime ferhim ter go Dey'l! tn'n me out er meeiin' ef 1 double-shuffle so! But de devil make him answer he mus' go it anyhoA "You got to dance hereafter, so you betier I'arn it now !" Let' Foot, Br'er Jinkins - Lef' foot en right, Dancin' wid de devil On a Sunday-meetin' night ! lin fum den ontel de present-on de big road en de street, Br'er Jinkins keep a-gwine wid a shuffle in his feeil tit he don't want any fiddle, or dc music er de ban's, Ferdey se? he hear de devil des a clappin' er his han's ! l.ef' foot, Br'er Jenkins Lef' Foot on right, Dancin' wid de devil On a Sunday-meetin' night ! Puts End to Bad Hahlt. '1'hings never look bright tonne with "the blues." Ten to one tho trouble is a sluggish livr, tilling the system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of belter feelings end "the blues.'' Best for atomacU, liver aad kidnev.25c It Looks Like a Crime to depurate a boy from a box of lluok len's Arnica Salre. His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demaud it. and its quick relief for burns senilis or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it quick. VJnequaled for piles. Only 25c. at all druggists. Live for something. Do good and leave behind you a monu ment of virtue that the storm of time can never destroy. Write your name in kindness, love and mercy on the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year; you will never be forgotten. A woman is supposed to be more graceful than a man, but the way she alights from a trolley car isn't calculated to prove it. He Thought II Clod Provided for the Birds lie Could Easily Feed Him. An evangelist tells that when he was a boy he often read the Bible to his aged great-grandmothr. She was a godly woman and i!U';h. him to love and trust the Lord. His parents were very poor, and one morning there was n thing fur brcakfa:;. His n.-Vr with a sad heart dressed tV dren and sent them uo'vn t 1 by the seashore till h.'!;i :i i watched-the seabi-ds as tV:y wheel ed av'iund him, and be reinem'-'T ed Christ's words, "Your ' biven ly feedetii then. Are ye not ii.jch better tliun iliey ?" He thotn-bi if God provided for the birds He j could easily Feed him He knelt and prayed that the Lord would send food. After wandering along the shore he began to build sand houses with the other children. On lifting a handful of sand he saw something bright and saw it was u half-crown. With great delight lit hastened home with it to his moth er, and soon they had a good breakfast. This answer to prayer in boyhood has had its effect on him throughout a long and active life. He has been engaged in evangelistic work for many years, and has been used in bringing numbers to Christ and in establish ing believers in their faith. From Our Faithful Ood. Almost a Miracle. One of the must starling changes ever seen in any man, aecurding to W. 1. Ilolselaw, Clarcntoii, Texas, was cll'ect ed years ago in his brother. "i!e had such a dreadful euugh." he writes, "that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was com pletely curd hy ten bottles. Vow he is sound and well und weighs 21S pounds. Kor many yeais our family has used this wonderful remedy for roughs and ( olds with excellent results." It's quick safe, reliable and guaranteed, l'rice ,'iOc. aud $1. Trial bottle free at all druggists Wood's Seeds For 1912. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tella all about tho best Garden and Tarm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. We. are headquarters for G bvA Clover SaoSs, Seed Petit rr Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Scja Scans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's rcriptive Catalog mailed free cn request. Write for it T. W. WOOD d SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&. By This Sign you know that you are getting the one prepa ration that has stood the test for over thirty five years and still re mains the Standard tonic-food -medicine, used and recommended by the medical profes sion the world over. Scott's Emulsion is the embodiment of elements that make for good health and strength. AU, DRDGCISTS 11-J) PLAIN WORDS ON BIG QUES TIONS. )'trnrls fruin Interview of Os cur W. I'mlerw uud. reported in stuff cn iiwpunilenee of the New Yurk World, editorial see 11. .H. Dee. a, I'.UI.I "There has been no attempt on the part of the manufacturers to mlve In bur Its share of t lie bene fits derived Hum the Inrttf. They lue kept nil the profits ." "To pint,', t pioiitu Is to protect ilu-ltl -li-iicy uud In strangulate nil her than to deielup lu.lustr)." at M. "I prefer lo lower the tariff wall by Inking Ini. ks ofT the tup nf the wull rather thau by il.cna lulling the structure at the hot torn." t "The eople have lost faith In the Uepulilli'im party because It has not kept faith with them." M "If It (the Sherman net) Is en forced ns a criminal statute It Is an emVlent Ini'triiinent for pre venting ami punishing monopoly and restraint of trade." "Dr. Miles9 Nervine Raised Me From the Grave"M"- This is a strong statement to make, but it is exactly what Mrs. Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, said in expressing iter opinion of this remedy. "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine raised me from the grave and Ihave much confidence in it. I can never lay enough for your grand medicines. If anyone had offered me $100.00 for the Ktond bottle of Nervine that I used I would have ssid 'no indeed.'" MUS. THOMAS TAYLOR, Blum, Tex. Nervous exhaustion is a com mon occurence of modern life. The wear and tc:ir on the nervous system is greater now than at any time since the world began. For sleeplessness, poor appetite and that "run down" feeling, nothing is so good as Dr. Miles' Nervine Your nerves are your life and lack of vital energy makes existence a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will tone up your nervous system. Ask any druggist. If the first bottlafails t benefit, your mon.yls returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. kcial Sale ! THE TRUE CHURCH. The church that loves God with all its heart and mind and strength and does most good to the poor and neglected is the true church. Rev. Dr. Eakin. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A THE WAY. The Poliieman That banana skin don't look much like a wrest ler, does it ? The Bystander No. The Policeman And yet, in the last half hour it's thrown three men. We have on hand several consign ments of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Iiathcr than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put tlieni on sale at hall' price for cash only. $li Suits 7.M). Prin cess, white and all other colors to 7, now f.'.'si to $3. Wash l out Suits 4 to til, now l.!is to $X HtoiCiNet Waist reduced td ,7."i to '-' all I'.iuck and col ored silk l'etticoals M to () now l.'.Sn to t:t.7.i. Voile Skills tyl to $n now J-j. 'O to fi .'. 1II.IKHJ yards lace and emiuoid eries to close out ut hall price. Toe lo H Mcssaline silks, ull colois, uow oti to 1m. 5 and tic. calicoes SJ to Ic. 10 and I'.'lc ginghums 7 lo He. About H.OOO yards diess goods to clwse.out less than cost. Lathes huts M half price, Hugs, druggets, carpctings and mailings at and below cost. Wm. L KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law YVKI.IKIN, N. U llusiness promptly and faithfully at teuded to. Associated with Peebles & Harris aud Gay & Midyetto in Halifax Superior Court practice. 2-2!l-tf FOIEYSOiaNOlAXAkiv, foe St.hucm Tkousia en Owottmtioi.

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