It. ' -Jl Pnil A in v15 it 111 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application vol. xm. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$l.50 Kr am m WE L DON, N. (!., THURSDAY, AIMtlL 18, 1912. NO. ." I 1 u Hilaa J 1 SKI I ? " fl ' "nisHuiiw Ml ihf I Ail Hate - I O SSgLJ AU'UilUL 1 PKM rcvn" AVcSelablcftifMmlnn&rii SlrallalliKjihEFoodanHj. Hn tlif Siwnaclo arjlOowW PhmiBti'sDijMlionflttifa-' ncss and RestXonlolnsnetttcr Upium .Morphine norhSnenl. m NOT ft ARC OTIC. p. til AotnfcJMr- Mt Aperfect Remedy foiCfflislifi- lion , aour stomKii.uiarnun Worms jCoRvulsMmsJl wrist II nessandLussorSuEK Facsimile Sifnaiure of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. 3 a i i in 1 1 mm i Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices has created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. They are today worth 97 cents per bushel at Suf folk and Petersburg, Virginia. Correspond with us when you have Spanish Peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. THE BANK OF WELDOfii WELDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.1 Capital arad Sqte $50,000. For nearly 20 years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders and ollicfrs are identified with the busi ness.interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained fur the hem-tit of all who desire to deposit in a Havings Bunk. In this Department interest u allowed an follows: For Deposits allowed toremaln three months or longer. 1 per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per ceut. Twelve mnntliHor lunger. I percent. 4nv information will be furnished on application to the President "rCnsliirr . raasiDiMT: W. K. DANIEL, V vici-i-hksidknt: W. K. SMITH. JOHN O. OKA KK, Teller. ' DIRECTOUS W. Ii. Smith, W. K. Daniel, R. S. Travis, W. M. Cohen, V J. L. Shepherd, W. A. Tierce, D. U. Zolhcotter, .1 . W. Sledge. In ik oifl f kite, Tan, fa Metal ail Nubuck Ptaps ...... . The smartest styles in Spring Footwear. Pumps are the thing. We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKET BOOK, No better values pos sible for the money Prices: $2.60, $3 and $3.50 Similar to cut above. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions io The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. CASTQRIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thirty Years CASHIER: K. S. TH.VVK N. C. A& V WW va For Over TMI CNTWII MiHNT, NfW TOMB MTV. k7 OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER! Uncle Remus' 1 year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, " 50 Woman's World, " .25 People's Popular Monthly " .25 Roanoke News, " 1-50 $3.50 NEW YORK SOLID FOR UNDERWOOD Varner Says Northern Democrats Want Him For President. BEST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE. No Pr.judic, In th North Against ths Nomination of a touthornor, as Shown by Justice White's Elevation to tho Supromo Court of the United it.t... "New York ie practically solid for nepresentntlve Underwood for the Democratic nomination for the presi dency, nud If the south will show the north that a southern niaa should be nominated there is little doubt to my mind that the Empire Stats will send an Underwood delegation to Balti more," sold II. B. Varner of Isling ton, N. C, at the Itulelgb yesterday. Mr. Varner hag jnst returned from a business trip to New Yorfc. where he talked with a number of prominent people wbo are hi a position to know the sentluieot In that section of the country. "While la the north I talked with men from New York, Maisachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire," sold Mr. Varner. "Underwood (j) conceded by all to be the best qualbVd man of any of the candidates so far mentioned. Northern uiea do not raise th question that a southern inau cannot be nom inated and elected to the presidency. Chief Justice White of the United States supreme court Is not only a southern uinii. but served as a Confed erate soldier. TIiIh to my uilnd is con clusive evidence that no one questions the ability and fitness of the southern man for tne hlgU office of president of the United States." Mr. Varner Is very much pleased with the situation In North Carolina. He states that he Is In receipt of hundreds of letters daily from men pledging their support to Mr. Underwood. He says that nil the other candidates hare friends In the state, but the large ma jority of them believe Mr. Underwood is the better man and would have a lietter chance of election than nny oth er candidate now In the field. -Washington Post. UNDERWOOD BRIEFS. Mr. Underwood may not get the Democratic nomination for president, but there Is no denying the fact that he la making easy sailing for the man who does, nis leadership during the present session of congress has demon strated his HOicks to hold any office within the gift of the people. Laurel Argus. If the thinking men of this country, the middle class, who make up the great majority, will stop to think they will come to the conclusion that Oscar Underwood more nearly represents their beliefs than nny man who Is be fore the ieople nt this time ns a presl dentlal candidate.-Kariulugtnn Valley (Conn.) Ileruld. Oscar Underwood, who Is being very prominently mentioned for the Democratic nomination for the presi dency, declares, "If I could aid In writing on the statute books laws that would equalize the. burden of taxation, make the wealth of this country carry Its fair share of the taxes to support our government and lift from the backs of the masses of the people the Inequitable load of taxes they are com pelled to carry, due to the fact that our taxes are levied on consumption and WH on wealth, I should accom plish a vast deal of good for the American I pie." That's a noble sentiment, to le sure, mid one thut does credit to Mr. Underwood's heart snd h 1 :;'"T. Johnson City. Tenn. NERVOUS DESPONDENT - WOMEN Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Their Own Statements So Testify. Platea, Pa. -"When I wrote to you first I was troubled with female weak ness and backache, and was so nervous that 1 would cry at the least noise, it would startle me so. I began to take Ly dia K. Pinkham's remedies, and I don't have any more cry ing spells. I sleep sound and my ner vousness is better. I will recommend your medicines to all suffering women." -Mrs. Mary Halstead, Platea, Pa., Box 98. Here is the report of another genuine case, which still further shows that Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound may be relied upon. Walcott, N. Dakota. -"I had inflam mation which caused pain in my side, and my back ached all the time. I was so blue that I felt like crying if anyone even spoke to me. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I began to gain right away. I continued its use and now I am a well woman. -Mrs. Amelia Dahl, Walcott, N. Dakota. If yon want special adrice write to Lvdla E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (con. dentlal) Lyon, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woaua ad fceld la strict oafldeaw U Absolutely Pur To have pure and wholesome food, be sure that your baking powder is made from cream of tartar and not from alum. The Label will guide you Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum Ho Lime Phosphate jAMesWwrcoMBRiLey Tn en?ie sMenc IcoiddforetorrjourclearsaKe 1 ' ic utter empnness ana date U'everjnoss i ever inevr alatcouldlnotorgetjorjjpu r could Joret the just deserts Of miW mn rins and so erase. Trie tear that bums, the smile that hurt, And all that mars and masks nmjace. Fervour fair sake 1 could fqrdet NorcareifaeatliweKjakeor trucW wnatcouiamoTToroei jot vow NOW I LAV Mt vufl TO SLEEP. BY KATHAR1NK The day was done, and 1 was sitting Dreaming in the fading light When I heard a small voice tell me : 'Mamma, me is lired to-night; Me is lired of all day playin Put my soldiers all away; Tell ihe pussy 'at me's sleepy But to-morrow me will play." On my lap he climbed andnesiled, Laid head upon my breast, Said he loved his small gray pussy But he loved his mamma best; Then 1 sang a bylo-baby, Gave him to the Angels' keep And he went to dreamland saying, "Now I lay me down to sleep." "Now I lay me down 10 sleep," Said ihc bah' on my knee; "Pray the Lord my soul to keep," He repeated after me; "Should 1 die before I wake," Liule eyes were closing fast; "Pray the Lord my soul io take," Said the liule boy at last. Jusi a week and I was kneeling, Siricken, in the fading light W hen I heard a faint voice whisper: Mamma, me is tired to-nighi ; Me is tired of all day sleepin' An' me wants a liule play; Bring my soldiers an' the pussy Don't you let her run away." LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. The call from the great teacher to love even enemies is really a call to gel acquainted with folks as they really are.-Rev. A. G. Sing sen. In a barrel of whiskey there is a multitude of headaches D UKtf OK3oiU could fcrgei me gap Delinummemment, And let laughter i ' 3ie aroat) . e of confenf. 1)ANGI-R1:1ELI). On the bed I lined the soldiers, Pussy marching at their head, "Tate 'em down until to-morrow, Me's too tired tonight," he said. Then I clasped my one loved darling Vi'aiched ihe shadows slowly deep, And 1 felt the hot tears blind me As 1 laid him down to sleep. "Now I lay me down to sleep," Said ihe baby on my breast; "Pray the Lord my soul to keep," As he slowly sank to rest; "Should 1 die before I wake," Liule eyes were closing fast, "Pray the Lord my soul to take," Faltered little lips at last. On the hearth through many years, Staunch and steadfast for my sake Soldiers siill await the morning When their captain shall awake. Pussy, old and blind and lame, Sits beside me while I weep For the little boy who said : "Now 1 lay me down to sleep." Puts End to Bad Habit. Tilings never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, tilling the system with bilious poison, that Hi. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feelings end "the blues," Best lor Btomucli, liver and Some men like to talk because it requires no previous thought. m TRAVELING MEN FOR UNDERWOOD Casta Changes From Wilson to the House Leader. THE LOGICAL CANDIDATE Well Known Atlanta Member of T. P. A. Tolls of Remarkable Amount of Underwood Enthusiasm He Moots on His Trips Through tho State Pre dicts Underwood Swsop In Qeorgia. Perhaps no member of the T. I'. A. In Georgia Is wore generally known than P. C. Cnslimnn nf Atlanta. For many years Mr. Cushmnn has been one of the lending spirits of the T. I', A. organization in this stale, having been prominently connected with local and state organizations. He was also editor and publisher of the Southern T. P. A. Journal. Mr. C'sshrnuu Is a traveler wbo trav els and who observes things as he goes, and he has an Interesting way of telling It. He Is manager of the traveling salesmen's department of the Southern Haw works of Atlanta. Loaves Wilson For Underwood. To a Constitution man be was tell ing of the result of his observations on the presidential sjtuutlou with ref erence to the Democratic nomination, and be said: "I started out in this campaign think ing I was for Woodrow Wilson for president, but now that Oscar Under wood, the son of our sister state, has got Into the race I have changed my mind, and I nm going to support him with all my heart and soul. Underwood Strong In Georgia. "More than that," continued Mr. Cushmsti, "this sentiment seems to prevail everywhere I have beeu during the past few weeks. 1 have never seen anything like It, and if Underwood does not sweep (ieorgln, Just as he has already swept Alabama, I will be very much surprised. "The truth Is," continued Mr. Cusu muu, "now that Mr. Underwood has been forced Into the contest by the very logic of the sltuutlon, there Is nhsnlutelv nothing for tho south to do but to stand by him, for if he Is not nominated It can be for no other possible reason limn that he Is a south em man. Thus If he Is penalized It will be the whole south that Is punish ed, and It Is not like the south to Join In the slapping of lis own face. Tho Logical Loader. "As the leader of the Democratic house nud us the author of the Under wood tariff hills, whli h everybody con cedes will be the main Issue this year, he is naturally the mini to lead the party In the uutloiuil c-n mpn lii. Just ns be whs the in.-in to lead the major Ity In getting Hihic bills through the house. "In what sort of a position would the south put Itself If, after those bills are passed and the Hepubllcans begin to attack them, we should say that we cannot put the father of the bills to the front as their cliniiiploii ltl'.CAUKE UK IS A SOITIIKItN MAX? It would be a humiliating confession, and I for one do not believe the people of Gcorgln are willing to make It. "If the Underwood bills are right. then Underwood was right In putting them through the house, and If he was right when lending the fight for them on the floor of the house he Is tho right man to meet the attack against them In the forum of the nation. Prinoiplo Nominated MoKinley- "It Is Unit very thing that gave Wil liam McKlnley the Republican nomina tion for president. lie was the author of the McKlnley bill, and he was the man wbo had to defend that bill before the people 111 the national campalgu that full. The Hepubllcans put him In the position where he could lead the tight before the nation. Just as be had done iu the house. Now the same thing Is exactly true of Oscar Under wood, and If, as the Constitution has so often snld. Underwood came from any state north of the Ohio river there would not today be a stuglo name men tioned against him for the Democratic nomination. I am tired of such humiliating sec tional abasement, and the strangest part of the whole thing Is that you never hear this kind of an argument in the north. Yon have to come south to get it. "While the T. 1. A. Is not In politics, and while I am not, of course, author teed to speak for anybody but myself, I can say that I have met any num ber of my brothers on the road who take exactly the same position. It cer tainly looks to tne as If there was ail Underwood lire all through Cleorgla. and that It Is sweeping everything lie fore It." The Constitution. Atlsntn, Cls KERNELS. When a rogue kisses you, count your teeth. The longest stayer doesn't al ways win the girl. The man who despises little things, seldom gets rich. Envy is merely awkward hom age paid to merit by inferiority. When summer passes, the cold kicker comes. He is the heatkicker made over. The man who is looking for trouble seldom has to go away from home. Every man on earth considers a promise sacred if made to him by another Marriage sometimes forms a man's character and sometimes re forms it. else. all malarial conditions completely out of the system; succeeds where other reme dies fail. It is truly a marvelous remedy; quickly restores old time health and strength. It is the greatest blood remedy ever compounded. Get it today, and be made happy and well as thousands of other have been Two sizes, 25c and 50c P3f JxiLaruirjT CWIU-Pevw sjawwiastujsarw L 'bvluhW Suffolk Drug HAD MADE LP MIS MIND. 1 A Cleveland lawyer tells how, during a trial, one of the jurors suddenly rose from his seat and fled from the court-room. He was, however, arrested in his flight be fore he had leFt the building, an:1 brought back. "I should like to know what you mean by such an action as this," demanded the judge, in a lenient tone, however, as he knew the man, an elderly German, to be a simple, straight-forv 3rd person. "Veil, your hoiior, 1 will ex plain," said the juror. "Ven Mr. Jones finished mit his lalkiiu my mind vas clear all through, b f. ven Mr. Smith begins his talking 1 becomes all confused again already, and 1 says to minself, 'I betur leave at vonce, and siayavay uiiiil he is done,' because, your honor, to tell the truth, I didn't like der vay dera't.jment was going." Almost a Miracle. (,'ae of the most starling changes ever seen in any man, according to W. Ii. Holsclow, clareuton, Texas, was effect ed years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough.'' he write8,"tuat all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he begaD to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was com pletely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 21ri pounds. For many years our family has used this wonderful remedy for Coughs ami Colds with excellent results." It's quick safe, reliable and guaranteed. Trice 5Uc. and Jt. Trial bottle free at alldrugq sN A girl's idea of an eligible man is one who wants to marry her. It Looks Like a Crime to separate a boy from a box of Duck len's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains ami bnrws demand it, ami its quick relief for burns scalds or cuts is his right. Keep it hamly for boys, also girls. Heals everything healalile and docs it quick. I'nequaled for piles. (July 2&c. at all druggists. A man's idea of a clever woman is one who will listen to the silly things he says about himself. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A TEMPTATION. If you cannot remove temptation from the boys, then reverse the order and take the boy away from temptation. Rev. Roby Day. Like begets like; when fishing for compliments bait your hook wiih one. dcott s Emulsion keep children healthful and happy. Give them a few drops of this strengthening food medicine every day and watch them grow. IT PREVENTS Croup Whooping - Cough Bronchitis Loss of Flesh and macy other troubles .Akyour DruggisiFor TASTELESS Don't be satisfied with anything Nothing ever made will accomplish such results. It drives Corporation, ItA. Wood's Seeds For 1912. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request Write for it T.W.WOOD t SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Tafce What Pill? Why, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rheu matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Period ical Tains of women, and for pain in any part of the body. "I hve used Dt. Wilci1 medicines (or over 1 2 years nndfindthem excellent. I keep Dr. Miles' Antl-I'ain Fills in the house all the time snd would not think of t.-.king a journey without them, no matt'-r h"v short a distance I am going. I cannot piaisc thrm enough." Miss Lou M. Clll'RCHII.L. 63 High St, Tcnacook, N. II. At all drugglits. 29 dotes 25c. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. We have on hand several consign nients of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits. lUthcr than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price for cash only. $lo Suits r..M. Prin cess, white and all other colors t' to now K'.oU to W. Wash Coat Suits II to fit, now fl.'M to $M. 14 tof Net W aist reduced JI.76 to $'-'.f0 black and col ored mlk I'etticoats $1 to $U now 2H to 1.7 j. Voile Skirts to K now .".. "rtl to Ill.UiK) yards lace and embroid eries to close out ut half price. 75c to H Messaline silks, all colors, now 60 to 7ic. 5 and (ic. calicoes 'M to 4c. 10 and l-i' ginghams 7 to !c. About S.IKW yards dress goods to dune out less than cost Ladies hats at ball' price, lings, druggets, carpeting and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BRO WKl.DON N C. Wm. L. KNKiHT, Attorney and Counsellor at-Law WLi.liON, N. C. Business promptly and faithfully at tended to. Associated with reohles,V Harris snd (lay & Midyette in Halifax Superior Court practice. 2-2-tf Ton Stomach Tuewsis snd Cwstimticn lllljll ? Tah0 P'"kJ One Spscia Sals ii ! 3 .1 ,4

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