7h i Mfc k itj. i--j tm w - AJvertising Rates Made Know! on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$I.50 Per Annum VOL. XLV1. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, Al'HIL 25, H)12. NO. r2 41 urJ .11 r TK V The Kind Yon Uava Always Bought, ami waicto has been la use xot over 30 years, bus borne the sipnature of ana una becnnindo under hW per ffrfa, Bonal iporvl8lon sliicj It iiil'iinoy. All Couiitort'eltH, Imitation nti(l"Jiist-iis-oHl,'iiro but Experiment Hint trttle with R'mI eiidiiiier.r the beultli of Infinite and Childicu Enpiricnco Uruiul Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatoriu 1k a liunnlons substitute for Cnxtor Oil, Pare gorlc, Dropc and Hoothlntf Sypp.i. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Oiiluiu, Morphine not' oilier Nurcotlo "iibstunee. lis ago Is Its g-mriiiitcfi. It destroys Worms uud allay lYirrtsliiiess. It ouroH Dlarrliimi and Wind Colic It ri li.ws Teelkiiip; Troiihlcn, wired Constipation and Fuitnlciii y. It anslmiUteK tlio Fol, regulates the Stomach und Bowels, giving lioaitliy anil natural Hleep, The Children' I'nuuvea The iUotlmr'rt Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S7 The KM You HaY8 Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices has created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. They are today worth 97 cents per bushel at Suf folk and Petersburg, Virginia Correspond with us when you have Spanish Peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAiSf PEANUT CO , NORFOLK, VA. GIVE THE NORTH A CHANCE. Oscar W. Underwood Successful Demo cratic Lfader. The war lietween the states remov ed the causes of Irritation between the north unil smith and laid the founda tion for h perfect peace. Kor a time memories of the snuggle and of con ditions resulting from It kept passion and prejudice nlive. hut these gradual ly disappeared. In lHliX, 187(1 aud iswi abuse of the south played a prominent part In presidential cam-palgns-the 'tepubllcnns using It to win vote-rihd then II censed. Political Ittu... Politicians ilo not ahandon Issues he cause they iiiv not right. They nbnn don Ihein because they are nnprofila hie. II was the puhllc sentiment of the north that decreed the burial n( the bloody Nhlrt. The Republican hoped for nothing from the south. Ho far as the south nas concerned they might as well have continued their appeals to sectional animosity. They dropied sectionalism because they found It was costing them votes In the north hecawu In the north a wide spread sentiment had developed against abuse of the south. South In the Union. The statue of Lee stands In the capl tol at Washington. What was called the "war of the rebellion" Is now of ficially termed "the civil war." The nation Is now careful not to wound the feelings of the south. There are near ly M senators and representatives at Washington, and Heyburu stands alone among them looked on as a freak because he Iihs not divested him self of war time prejudices. Groundless For. The south humus Lincoln, admires Grant, cherishes no enmity against the men who wore the blue when southern men wore the gray, but does not give the north credit for an equal breadth of Americanism. It still clings to the Idea, false for a quarter of a century, that northern voters would be preju diced against- a southern presidential candidate. This suspicion is unjust to the north, and we believe If It were of fered the people of the north would gladly embrace ' the opportunity of proving that they are as broadly Amer ican as the people of the south. Give the North a Chance. We waul to give them that oppor tunity, and there will probably never be as favorable a time as now. A southern Democrat Is the leader In the victorious tights In the house. He Is the leader in shaping the Issues that will divide the two parties In the cam paign this year. T'nderwood Is the logical candidate of the Democratic party, and we believe his nomination would create at the north a wider en thusiasm than the Humiliation of any other candidate would call forth. Tlniest'lilon. Jacksonville. Fla. UNDERWOOD IN MARYLAND. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under" the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.1 Capital $50,000. For nearly Sit years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders and olliei is are idcntilie.l with the husi uess iuterests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintuined for the hcnelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings llunk. in this Department interest Is allowed us follows: ,. ' For Deposits allowed toremuiu three months or longer, per cent. M .t I o . T..I.A ii,.,nlw,,r l,tii,..,r 4 iu.r,.Mit monins or longer, o per vuiii. - - r- Any information will be furnished on application to the President oi Cashier prisidint: W. E. DANIEL, Vll'R-l'HKSinKST: W. K. SMITH. JOHN O. DHAKK, Teller. I'ASIIIKR: I!. S. TRAVIS. DIRECTOIW W. It. Smith, W. E. Daniel, li. S. Travis. W M J. L. Shepherd, W. A. I'ierce, D H. Zolhcollci, .1 W. Sb-d rc rohen, II I If 111 'III White, lan, to Metal and Nubuck rumps . . . i Strong In That Stata, Thinks Hon. Rob.rt W. Walls Why Ha Ad vocataa Undarwood. It ibert W. Wells of Prince (leorges county, well known us a successful lawyer at the national capital aud In the courts of this stale and a former niembi r of I In- Maryland legislature. Hnt yesterday at the Iteuneit. "As a Heiuocrat." said Mr. Wells, "I am profoundly Interested In the na tional campaign which Is now gettluu under way. 1 have nothing to say against Harmon, Clark or Wilson and will gladly support cither of them lu case of iioiuliiullon. At the same time It strikes me that the people of Mary land should not omit the great oppor tunity to promote the candidacy of the most available and strongest of all the aspirants uu the Democratic side the Uou. Oscar t'ndi rivood. Never before has such a glorious chance been pre sented mid pel Imps not In generations to come will Maryland be given the op portunity to inlluence In t u b a large degree the nomination and election of a president of the United States. "f'uderwooil stands for the south, the regenerated, reconstructed, progres sive south. To iiomiiiiilo aud elect him will lead to tin' cvpeniliture of untold millions of capital lu thai vast and pro ductive region of which Unltiinore Is the gateway and natural trade center. Here is a .inung man with no trace of sectionalism In his makeup, lty reason of his sane i nurse for eighteen yearn ill congress, his devotion to tariff reform, his advocacy of the Income lax and his high personal diameter he has won golden opinions from men of thought ful aud imtrlotlc bent. He Is not an agitator, and yet he Is progressive. He Is not l-c.icllonary, and yet he Is con serviitlve. In short, he is a well roundisl. spleu iltdly equipped man, ami. p usesslng the lohinlcme of the loiinlri as h does. I sic ii" ri ason lij his uoii lna (Ion shi uld mil Idac blln lu the WhU. lion..'." ItalMinore American Absolutely Pure Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife is so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Ph&sphafes . The smartest styles in Spring Footwear. Pumps are the thing. We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKET BOOK, No better values pos sible for the money Prices: $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Similar to cut above. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER I ' Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, " .50 Woman's World, ' .25 People's Popular Monthly ' .25 Rr.nnnke News. " 1.50 O (It $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 OSend aU subscriptions 10 The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. TKUTHPUI.NrSS - SINCI WI TY. A mail's (list dui i'i himself is to be sincere "to menu what he says, tosjy whui he means." In sincerity undermines every oiher virtue, lis inward action is alto gether evil. Truthfulness is sim plicity in character and sincerity in motive. Rev. Dr. Thomas Van Ness. It Looks Like a Crime to separate a boy from a box of Huek len's Arnica Salve. His pimples, IkmIb, .crutches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick relief for burns scalds or cuts is ins rigiu. iecp u niumy for luivs, also ifirls. Heals everything healalile and does it quick. I'nequaled for piles. Onlv 2. at all druggists. Monev sometimes talks when you want to keep it quiet. Puts End to Bad Habit. Tilings never look bright loonc ith "the blues." Teu to one the trouble is a Rhitnrisii liver. Illlinif the system with bilious poison, that lr. King's New Life t'illa would ex Del. irviueui. i.rv u,e iov of better feelings eud "the blues." Heat fur Moniacti, liver and kidaeyi-i j :flamrtWhitcombtt.lr9 fa$i night -?how &rp thf aarimess was: . BhdwcllpCKntwtts nVntta.bf'taiise' LtwaM it from shore io snore, hmkmftto reach the liftht no more, eie'wuHnot eVeri touch tire harioV fchf'wncb rost'anathftiws anne'd Yl r moonouunathtattlefiback heaven and hidVana all wasblacfc Butah'-'Co-'niaKta summons fame, Hifine a with a tcarflrop fora name' jr as jl wonamrta Rissra u, w, line' brteath it told me so. t... f i , mmmm lws Fhwtu cupyilght by Harrii & Ewlng. T ' I m ADlAtl TTT TT VHTT) TTTHnT. Ti1?TWAfT A fV'B TirBT AQOVT w . a sahk -u i aim.nn. w . iniiirininiiiiii. mj r. in imunu m. a iiuui " - - : in so mm m X A Tlnfl now thf moon hanas m r me' aaw'n3 Brilliancy, startip stab3 mmfit tnmH. IV Coma RELiCiU, There's more religion in some men's hearts Than the world is ready to think In the toil-grimed fellows who drive the carts, In the clerks at their pen and ink; In the diggers of trenches and hewers ol wood. The builders of tower and steeple. Under the husks of the world there is good Let us trust in the hearts of the people ! There is more religion in some men's souls Than the world ore knows is there The charwoman scrubbing her way through lite, The king with his world of tare; In the weavers at spindles that click and sing, In the men where ihe dynamos pun, Deep down in their natures, like birdol a ung The primitive instincts stir ! There is mure religion in daily lite Than we give men credit for In hcans that arc hardened with i umv su ite, In souls that are red with war; In homes and hovels, where men are The pity und stress aud sirain. There is something benniih the skin nut's in iunc To another song than of gain There is more leligiuo in all this Wntl Of noisy and cunsunt steam Than men get credit for more of God Than mosi of us ever dream, There is more of the simple old faith andirust In (he harsh soul, dark with care, Than we think when we hear them amid the dust Lift curses instead of prayer. There is more religion in some men's brans Than the world has any idea of The dirt-smeared toiler who drives ihe carts May not be an angel of love, But he feels deep under his smut and grime, And he speaks of it under his breath, The spirit of God in a godless lime, Eternal as love and death ! It can't be measured and can't be told, This worship and faith so sweet, But it's there in the country's green and gold, And it's there in the city street, And we need not fear for the old world s end, For the cause is small, if any; And God is a good and a constant friend To ihe hearts of the human many I THE UNDERWOOD WAY. Too Busy to Blow; Too Earnest to Parade; Too Modest to Brag. The average reader of political news nnd the great mass of luttlllgent American voters hod hardly heard of Oscar t'uderwood of Alabama till two yeiirs niro. They then bexon to ask, "Where has this man been all these days'" Underwood a Worker. The solution Is simple, logli'iil nod of genuine credit to the subject of the discussion, lie luid simply been at work. The Underwood way la not the binned mid blazoned wn.v Ills progress has been steady, but there have been no loud announcements of the stages reached ou the journey upward. There luis been no meteor business III his. It baa been a steady, fllckerless licht, Kmwini; more and n.ore steadily brilliant aa tt grew normally to needs mid conditions and possibilities. The T'ndernood way Is exemplified In the significant record of bla biography In the Congiessliuml Iiei ord. Where there were from twenty to forty lilies telling the life story of the other senators and representatives there are Just live terse, well pin ked, fact full. Hues about Underwood. The congressmen furnish the uniterlal for the "copy" In this biographic sketch '-usually their early life struggles, their triumph over difficulties, modestly veiled naratives of their winnings by figured majorities over opponent'i, w hom they miiiTled aud who married them and a good deal more. Own Statement of Record. Underwood didn't even furnish his middle name to the publisher. Here's his legend: "Alabumn. -Ninth dlstrlct.-Countles: Itlbb. Itlount, Jefferson and I'erry Nuiutles; populatlou (llHih, aoi.tl-to. Oscar W. Underwood, Demo crat, of Hlruiiiighnni, was tsiru lu Louisville, Jefferson county, Ky., May fl, 18(12; was educated at Itugby school, Louisville, Ky., and University of Virginia; was elected to the Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth, Fifty-alitu, Fifty-seventh, Fifty-eighth. Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth and Slxty-flrat con gresses mid re-elected to the Sixty second congress." Record of Achievement. That's all. That's enough. It's a record of juat plain, bard progres sive, Increasingly effective nnd eminent public service. That's the way he has been advancing. That's the reason you never beard of hli rise years ago his progress like a meteor and most likely his disappearance Into space and darkness, lie's been too busy to blow, too earnest to parade, too modest to brag, 't he opportunity came for leadership; then the years of quiet study, of steady practice, of practical experience be gan to tell. The stored Information, the accumulated wisdom, the great reserve force, dangerous to his enemies and a supply of strength for tbe lvino.'VMtlc ranks, became known. It m:i. i he 1 iiili'i w .xl Kuy. -Athens (Ua.) Banner. When the Bowels Are Uncomfortable and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning opera tion, you should put a small quantity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action in the system is puri fying and strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and gives tone to the muscular structure of the bowels. It over comes the tendency to chronic con stipation, relieves a bloated feeling In the abdomen, sweetens the breath and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package, S1.00 A.k for the cenuliH- with ihe Rrd Z w the laM. 11 yuu caiiiiol gel It. remit to in, we will Ktvl It by mall, postpaid. Simmon! lJtvel Ketulutur li alwi put up in liquid funs lor tboae who prefer It. I'tlce fl.00 per botue. Look lo the Red Z label. J. H. ZE1LIN & CO., Proprietors St. Louis, Mleeourl a;J IvkCft!! Patterns For Women Have More Friecds than any other magazine or paiiurns. McCali's is the reliable Fashk ,u Guide monthly in one million or.e hundred thousand homes. B. ; '':?', showing all the latest desijsu ilcCa 1 Patterns, each iwno is brimful of sparkling short stories and helpful information for women. Sovo Mot.c? n:3 Koep in SfrU by mbK-ribinj; 1 lor Mcc'ah'. M.cir.ne at once. Cost! on!). I cent, a vr:r, ttu . id'.r-g any ona ol tna ceieDratnJ McCill Kmem.-, f.-;c. McC.lt Poltarii: Ud all otberi In i style, fit, aimplu-itv, cuii.umv and number sold. Mcit dealera tell McCa'.l Patterns llian any other t. o mahescoml-.ined. None higher than isccnts. bjy Irulii you! de..lci, or Liy mall Irora McCALL'5 MAGAZINE 236-24S VV. 37th St, New York City TAFT, ROOSEVELT, UNDERWOOD. Tariff the Deciding Issue of the Presidential Campaign. "The attacks on Mr. Taft's tariff record by the Hoosevelt brigadiers," says the Springfield (Mass.) Republican, lndeiieudeut, "would be more effective If Mr. Roosevelt had any tariff record at all except oue of abso lute negation." That oue sentence exposes the absolute weakness of the Republican party and the absolute strength of the Heinocratle party pro vided the latter organization develops the homely gumption to realize its Impregnable vantage ground. The tariff will be the dividing Issue of the approaching campaign. Attempts to sidetrack It will ls as futile a would be efforts to Invert the tides Tafl'a tariff record Is shot ridden. Conceding even the far flung contingency that he may approve bills passed at the current session, Iieuioeraey will get the credit for theni. Roosevelt has uo tariff record at all save of "alwiolule negation." Through seven aud a half years of opp irtunlty he could wner "see" tbe tariff save lis a possible trap to treat gingerly. Who stands out of the leuiocrtle hosts as lri-e.n-oi. eiulmdjlu the party's interpretation of the turttr? 08CAK l'MKR WOUH, chalruiuu of the ways and means cwiuuilttea, tbe majority's house general. ICvery sibedule that Is to pass cougress or tie vetoed by Tafl will bear the Indelible Imprimatur TMiEKWOOIV The logic of tbe situation Is Irresistibly Inevitable Atlanta (Ua.) Constitution. Executor's Notice. The undersigned lmviuK qualified as F.xecutor under the will of the late T. .1. K liockadav.in the Superior court of Halifax county. State of North Caro lina, on the liith' day of March, till-, hereby notiliesall pel sons holding claims against said estate to present them to him ilulv vciilic.l, at Weldon, N. G, within twelve months from the date of this notice . Thisyist March A. 1 1912. KUWAKD T. CT.AitK. CtRTintATE OF DISSOLUTION. " Stale of North Carolina, JiL-parlment of State. To All to Whom These Presents May C'oint liieeling : Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, bv dulv authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof bv the unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in mv ollice, that the Transylvania Com .,.,..' a i,..i-,im!Ytinii of t his State, whose principal ollice is in the town of Kose niu.i v, county of Halifax. State of North Carolina (l..'S. Canuon being the agent therein and iu charge thereof, upon whom process may be served,) has com plied with the requirements of Chapter 21, llevisal of Wi, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing ot this Certilicale of i resolution: Now, Therefore, 1, .1. Hryan Grimes, Secretary of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corpora tion diil. on the l:ilh day of December, llllii, lile in mv ollice a duly executed ami attested consent in writing to tho dissolution ol said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on tile in my said ollice as provided by law. i.. -c..u,i.....,,,. wbnrpof. I have hereto set mv hand aiid alii ml my ollicial sale at Kiilcigh. tins IStli day of December, A. n. I'.lin.l J. LUiYAN UK1MES, Secretary of State. Special Sale ! We have ou bund several consign incuts ol the latest in wool, Wash nnd I'rinc's. -ladies Suns. Rather than re turn these suns out headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price foi c:isli only. li suits 7.fai. 1'rin cos. Hlutc aid ul! ullicr colors J5 to If', now -'.' to !:). W a-h oat Suits H to ajti, now .p.n to t. $4 toti Net W aist red tic .-d l .To to ?:'.;o L.ack unil rii orcd mIL I'cttnouls l to ii now :'.ni to s.l.T i. oilc r-kn l ii to fs UOw .',.n to M..i. M.ih) yaids luce ami einhroiii encs to close out al hall puce. Toe to If I Mcssiihne silks, all enluts, now oil to TT..1., I "-.ncoHi. .i lo 4c. HI and I'.'jc g.tulisins T to He. Alicut 3.iKi yards dies- imh. Is to close out h n than cost, l.adio hats at half pi ice. Hugs, druggets, eaipi'luigs aud mattings al ami belun cost. Almost a Miracle. One of the most stalling changes ever seen in auy man. according to W. R. Holsclaw, Clarenton, Texas, was eject ed years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he ritcs,"that all our family thought he was going iuto consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's Now Discovery, aud was com pletely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 21S pounds. For many years our family has used this wonderful remedy for Coughs and Colds with excellent results." It's quick safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price .0c. and $1. Trial bottle free at all druggists. The more birthdays a woman has the less she has to say about them HFR DIFFICULTY. Little Mary was telling what she thought was an exciting story about a dream. She stuttered in her ef fort, gasped and paused hopelessly without completing the sentence. "X'hy, child, what is the mat ter?" her mother asked. The little girl smiled ruefully, and replied, "I swallowed a word. Indianapolis News. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SPIERS BROS. WEI.DON, N. c. Wm.r. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor at L.-w WEl-DON, .N. C. business promptly and faithfully at tended to. Associated w ith Peebles & Harris and Cay & Mitlyette in Halifax Superior (!ourt practice. 2-L'H-tf FOR SALE. Three hundred barrels of Mush Island corn for sale. Apply to L.T. UAUNITIt, Weldon, IS. C.