Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XLVII. W10LDON, X. ('., TIIUHSDAY, MAY !, 1!H2. NO. I 5 t r . v The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which bus beca In use for over 30 yearn, bus borne tlte signature of i - and ha been nmdo under bN per jU&ff-j1- , Bonal supervision since Its Infancy, arvr, 'CUCSM Allow no one to deceive you In thin. All Counterfeit, Imitations nud "Just-iM-irooil " uro but Eipciimeiits tliut trllle with ai-d eudiiiigor tho health of Infant and Children Experience uguinsl Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoi-lu. 1 a bunnless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare gorie, J)riH and Soothing It is Pleasant. It contain iicfthcr Opium, Morphine nor oilier Nareotlo "iibhtunce. Us nie is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allay-i 1 .'terisluiess. It cures Dlarrhn:a and Wind (ioli. It r.'l i'Mi Teetliliif Troubles, cure Constipation nud Flatulency. It aNimilates the Food, regulates the Ktoiii.t h and H.mels, riving healthy and natural sleep, Tho t'liikii-cii's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GNU..I CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The KM You Have Always Bougbt . In Use For Over 30 Years. Spanish The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when you have peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of Nonh Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, ' For nearly 20 yearn this institution 1ms provided hanking facilities for this section. ltH stockholder and ollietis aie identified with the htisi nees iuterests of Halifax and Northampton counties. : A Ravings Department is maintained lor the benefit of all who desire to deposit ill a Savings Hank. In this Itepaitnient interest is allowed as follows: i'or Deposits allowed toreinain three months or longer, .' percent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Anv information will lie furnished ou application to the I'residenlotl'ushiet -1 bsidint: V. E. DANIEL, VlCK-l'KKHIDKNT: W. It. SMITH. JOHN O. DHAKE, Teller. P DlKEt-TOlW W. H. Smith, V. K. I. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, 1). 11. oc TIT TV A Wits, lan, Bun 1 i Metal and Nubuck L 1 The smartest styles in Spring Footwear, I'umps are the thing. We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKET BOOK, No better values pos sible for the money Prices: $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Similar to cut above. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. $3.50 $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. Signature of Peanuts. I ASH 1KB: li. S. TKAVlS Daniel, 11. S. Travis. W. M. foheu, Zollicolt'er, J . W. Sledge. A UU1 1 OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OfrER! Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, " .50 Woman's World, " .25 People's Popular Monthly " .25 Roanoke News, " 1.50 BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL. Mir.ifol Judge, 'llarJ Hearted Woman i Jii'lyH Poit-rtirM. id' Kitti-uc 1 - ! ( 'tty , pri'Milin 1:1 tin- hiKiniiM Hyile tiuifder triol. list 1 tins ueNtion: "Has uny nutit on this jury ever hcen mii vicii-d of IVInii , ?" Theiv whs no itnswrr. Afterward, however, mm of the. jury men nought the jude ill clnimlu'iH and aniil: ''I tun an ex-eonvict, I'onvict ed twenty years nti. Since then 1 have been li-aditi"; a Bqtiuro honest life. I couldn't stand up in the court room and confess; I couldn't for my fam ily's sake." The juryman explained he had been iveii two years in prison Cor a shooting scrape. Said the judge: "I know you Voil are a good citizen. You shall not have to tell your Hloiy to any man, ami it shall not pasK this door. And that is how this Jean Valjean found a judge with bowels of mercy. 'Hut," you say, ' would any one hinder tho reform of such a man or hurt his prospects, u man who has suffered bis pun ishment and is now living an upright life?" Listen to this tale. I person ally know it is true: An ex-convict of exemplary record was paroled by the State board of pardons and went to an Iowa town where lie had lived in all good conduct and joined u church, lie was asked to take pa t in the program of a church entertainment. Now, there a certain woman. This woman learned by some means that the man had served time in prison, whereupon she withdrew from the entertain ment committee Well. Learning the woman's action the poor man said he would step aside. It was in vain the best people urged him to stay, averring they preferred to let the woman go out of thechurch rather than lose him. He was firm. What else could he do ? He wrote to the parole board told tho story and asked to be permitted to move to another town in the State, which was granted. Somebody ought to thunder in that woman's ear, "if ye forgive not men their tres passes," how will (iod forgive you? Merciful Judge I'orterlield! Hard hearted woman! Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The longest way round is the sweetest way home for a pair of lovers. "I Suffered Years With My Back." Backache resulting from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the suHercr uliftt for work and often results in per manent disability. "I suffered for ycais with my back, or kidney trouble, anJ have tried a number of rei.icdies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our local diuiists induced me to try Dr. Miles' Anti-fain Pills and alter using them tome three months 1 found a decided improve ment in mykidneyt, and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P, At-L.N, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is preent in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened Is exposed to uny form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As a remedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are unsur passed. old by all tVuggliu undtr a guar antM assuring tit return of tho prtco of tho first box If no bon.nt r.iulu. MILES MEDICAL CO., Clkhirt, Ind. W. J. WARD, in; NT 1ST, OKFK'K IN HAN1KI. lit H.IUXt. WELDON, N.Cj opl2 ly liking Absolutely purb Makes delicious home baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking a - pleasure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Mo Alum No imr$U7hitcotnbUiifP Andajaceasfairas the summer dawn? 2ou answer back.but hcander ortf Forou sajlOhjyojbut his ejges ocfe 0i'cT, And hi'sfaceas dim as a ranr da$ But stout of heart will I onward fare. Knowing wplpve 1 ne Love l seek, of And the bn'cht, Andon from the hour his rraif is fouj y 1 1 shall sing sonnets the whole oil'iH, if. Ik (Mtaaltriili I aaoitf POOR OLD BOY, 1 visited today the old home place, Where 1 whittled and fished from with dad. 1 heard again the mocking birds sing, as once they sang with )oy, But it seemed the song they sang today was "Poor old boy." Through rooms that held memories of the past 1 wandered all alone, In the dark 1 found a trundle bed that once had been my own, In fancy I heard my mother's voice, again we knelt to pray, But instead of "Lay me down to sleep," "Poor old boy" she seemed to say. Down past the yard o'er grown with I wandered to where, with sweat on and me. The old plow leaned against (he tence; as I raise J it Irom us ecu. All covered with rust, it mournfully it said. I laid it back in the same old place When it seems 1 heard as in days Come, wash for dinner, boy," said As I bathed my face in the nectar there. I woke and fuund was a dream. I awoke. 1 he sunlight streaming Of buildings tall, and I could hear The whirl of cars tl.: igh the crowded sireeis, the ceaseless, unending tread Of the crowds below seemed to chant and o'er they said. 0 dear old homestead of the past ! My heart goes out in the silent night O 1 know if tonight you could make come true, I know you would wish for the "poor old boy" and the old folks back with you. Helps Judge In Had Fix. .lust ice Ell Choi IV, of ( iilhs Mills, l eiin., as plainly vumicil. A bad sine tiu his loir hail battled soeial doetois ami long resisted all leliiedies. "I lliollk'bl it das a cancel,'' lie tote " l last 1 used Ituckleii's Aiuica Sabe, uiiil was coin pletely cuied." Cures bin ns, boils, til eers, cuts, bruises aud piles. !Tc. at all druggists. Powder! Lima Phosphates 1 amlootangJorLove. Has he passed this the skiesafMav. is bcyond-smevoherc with the et blue. sweet smile cur luuuu. . . the place where I lived when a lad; morn till night, or worked the plow weeds, down past the old oak tree, our brows, we plowed, my dad creaked, "Poor whne we left it ye ns ago, j ol old the dinner horn loudly blow, j dad, and we started to the stream down cast a sitauow uy my sue i the din and noise outside I a strain. 'Poor old boy" o'er O dreams that ne'er come true ! through long years back to you; a wish, a wish ou knew would What Texans Admire is hi aity, vigorous life, according to II ugh Tallniau, (if San Antonio. ''We Hnd," he writes, "that 111. King's New Life Pills surely pitl lien iile and energy into a pcison. Wife and 1 beliee they aie the best nni.le " Excellent for stoiiLieh, hiei 01 kidney troubles. '2'ic. at all iliuggists. Mariv a eirl who does fancv work 1 doesn't fancy any other kind. THE FEVERISH HANDS. This Is No Pancy Sketch, Dear i Reader. Let Us do to Him, That He May Touch our Hands. ! li was a Monday uiurning, and a r.iiny one at that, "Mother" was busy from the moment she sprang out of bed at tlu lii si sound of the rising-hell. Others besides chil dren get out of bed "on the wrong side," us this muihcr can testify. She began by think ing over all that lay before her. It made her "feel like Hying!" Brid get would be cross; as it was rainy there would be a chance of com pany for lunch, so the parlor must be tidied, as well as dining room swept, dishes washed, lamps trim med, beds made, and children started for school. Her hands grew hot as she buttered bread for luncheon, wailed on those who had to start early, and tried to pac ify the little ones and Bridget. "My dear, you're feverish," said her husband, as he held her busy hands a moment. "Let your i work go and rest yourself you'll i find it pays." Just like a man !" thought the mother. "Why, I haven't time even for my prayers!" But the little woman had resolved that she would read a few verses in her Bible before 10 o'clock each day; 1 so, standing by the bureau, she opened to the 8th chapter of Mat thew, and read these words, "And he touched her hands, and the fe ver left her; and she arose and ministered unto them." It seemed to that busy wife as if Jesus Himself stood ready to heal her to take the fever out of her hands, that she might minister wisely to her dear ones. The beds could wait till later in the day the parlor might be a little disor dered -she must feel his touch! She knelt and he whispered: "My strength, not yours, child, is suffi cient." "As thy day, so shall thy strength he." ' My yoke is easy. This yoke you have been galled by is the world's yoke, the yoke of public opinion or house-wifely ambition; "take my yoke upon you, and learu of me, .... ye shall Hnd rest." The day was no brighter, the work had to be done, but the lever had left her, and all day she sang: "This Clod is our (iod, my Lord and my God." It is true that, when the friends came to lunch, no fancy dishes had been prepared for the table, but the hostess heart was tilled with love for them, as members, with her, of Christ and they went away hungering for such a realization of Him as they saw she had. "Ah," said her husband, when he held her hands once more, "I see you took my advice; dear; the fever is quite gone." The wife hesitated could she tell her secret? Was it not almost too sacred? Yet, it was the secret of the Lord," not hers, and would glorify Him. Later on, when the J two sat together, she told him who i ! had cured herfever.and said quiet- j : ly: "1 see that there is a more im-1 i portant ministry than the house j keeping, though I don't mean to j neglect that. j "Let us ask the Lord to keep I hold of our hands," said her hus band. Aline grow teverisli in eager money making, as yours in eager housekeeping." This is no fancy sketch. Hear mothers, busy, anxious housekeep ers, let us go again and again to Him that I lr m4i' tniteh nnr Id boy" was what j han jS) csl lhcy he 1.,- anu I so we cannot minister, in the lugli i est sense, io those about us. KLHLl.l.lON One rflvllious omni in the hu man body leaves the body diseased and subject to death. So one un lovely or vicious or rebellious member of the church, which is the body of Christ leaves the body weak and lacking in the power of execution. Rev. M. B. Harlan. The Demons of the Swamps aie iuosiuitoes. As theystiug they put deadly malaria germs in the blood Then follow the icy chills ami the lit is of fe ver. The appetite flies ami the strength fails; also malaria paves the nay for deadly typhoid. Hut Electric Hitters kill ami east out the malaria germs from the blood; give you a lino appetite and renew vour strength. "After long suf fering," wrote Wm. Eretwell, of l.nca nia. S. ('., "three Iwttles drove all the malaria from my system, and I've bad good health ever since. " Itest for the. stomach, liver and kidney ills. fiOc. at all druggists. FOLEYSIIONEYEM? for 9hUdnmf Mfo Urn eptf CHOOSE YE. This Bihli! or a rive Pound Note. ' A wealthy old gentleman, residing in London, on one of his birth-1 days invited his servants into the house to receive presents. "Vi'hat will you have?" said he address ing the I'.nmm, "ihis Bible or a five pound note?" "1 would take the BiHc, sir, but I c.innot; so I ill i n k the money will do mc more good, " replied the Imsih-r. "And you?'' he asked the gtrden er. "My p.wr wife is s ill that I sadly need the m mey," responded the gardener, with a bow. "Mary, you can read," s.iid the old man, turning to the cook, "will you have this Bible?" "1 can read, sir, but 1 never get time to look into a book; and the money will buy me a fine dress. " Next was the chambermaid; but she had one Bible and did not want another. , Last cjnie the errand buy. "My ; lad," said his kind lunefaetor, ; "will y.iu lake these live pounds and replace your slnbliy suit?" ! "Thank you, sir, but my dear I mother used to read to me that the ' law of the Lord was belter than : thousands of gold and silver. I will have the good Book, if you ! please." "God bless you, my boy ! And may your wise choice prove riches and honor and long life unto you!" As the lad re ceived the Bible, and unclasped its covers, a bright gold piece rolled to the floor. Quickly turning its pages, he found them thickly in terleaved with bank notes; while the four servants, discovering the mistake of their worldly covetous ness, hastily departed in chagrin. WHAT A WOMAN KNOWS. A Cleveland school teacher once asked her class what was the dif ference between the expressions "a while" and ''a time." Nobody seemed to have any ideas on the subfect. Finally the light of intel ligence was seen to shine in the eyes of one little boy, and the teacher called upon him to save the iuelleciual honor of he class, "I know, teacher," he cried, eagerly. "When papa says he's going out for a while, mamma says she knows he's going out for a time." That's one way of looking at it. Cleveland Star. SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Fourteen Years. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. EI(rin, Ill.-"AfU'r fourteen years of suffering everything from female com plaints, 1 am nt lnt ! restored to health, j " I employed thv ! best doctors anil . even went to the I hospital for trout- 1 meiit and was to!il there was no help for me. Hut while la';- ! inp I.ytlia E. I'ink- ham's V epe t a li 1 . i Compound 1 InNiti to improve and I I continued its use until I was nipilewell." i -Mrs. Henry LKtsKHKKi;,7-i:t Adams St. Kearneysville, W. Va. -"I feel it my duty to write antl say what Lydia E. , I'inkham's Vegetable Cum pound has done for me. 1 suffered from female j weakness and at times felt so miserable : I could hardly endure lieinp on my feet. "After taking Lydia E. I'inkham's; Vegetable Compound and following your special directions, my trouble is tfono. Words fail to express my thankfulness. I recommend your medicine to all my frunds." Mrs. (1. U. Whittinijton. The aUive are only two of Uie thou sand of irrateful letters which are con stantly lieintf received by the i'uikham Medicine Company of Lynn. Mass. .which show clearly what great thing Lydia E. I'inkham'a Vegetable ComMuiid d"ca tur those who suffer from woman's ilk:. II )ou nani special oil vice iirilc to l ydia K. I'ilikham Medicine Co. tciiiill th lit lull l.juii, Mas, lour lit I . r nHl lie tiurufili read a ut ansneivil Im a nuuiuu and held lu strict ctiuiidmc. a ! MeCail Patterns in" Veme:l lie. Morn l.'i Oi oi any -'hr l...-.: ,.lUu.: kCuII i IS I I.e. vc' I',,'" 'i tiiitoe moiiiriv lulled tliul: uig ..II tbr late- r.ittonis union for w P in StWhv9". ' ' . at HT( V...U. .. ; ;ii:y one ol the tf ; i .vt.- Kent! s!l other! tn tle. . . e, , i, i i-,v ami tiu m lur iold. ri, di.tlcn n ' ,'.!. raturtu llian luy ulhcr ' niktiti't .' im .I. N"t-( h hrr llMB iSCtHU. 1 r, f. i4n youi dealir, or tiy nuii ttom McCALL'S MAGAZINE 23l'-"r. ',V. S7:h St., New Yor'c City n ratal- eae Pallwa CeUMfii fM, " r t ir - 1 Bad Taste in the Mouih Dizziness, and a general "no account" feeling is a sure sign cf a torpid liver. The remedy is Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form). it exercises its greatest restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indi gestion, constipation and their attendant evils disap pear before its powerful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome nurifying proper ties. It will giv-e you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you fed well. Sold by Dfi'lers Price, Large Package, $1.00 Alb lur llir grru'.ne with toe Red Z (Hi the bil. II .m cau'il irt t. rcmiltoits we :U I n I it Ly Lull, povpaij Mmuwn, l.uet K-EuU:ut i Aw put up in Ikiui.I lutm lur lliu.c P'H-'l II. Price SI.UU pel . buttle. Luuk lur tLe Red 2 label. J. H 'till N it CO.. Provelelor SI. Louis, Missouri Wm. I.. KNIGHT, Attunicy and Counsellor at Law I.I.imv N. ( '. LttiMiit-is iinmiptly ami faithfully at'.l la. Astifiatfil wild IVfhlfs & Harris and (lav ,v Mi.lvflli- in Halifax Superior 'uii it Miu'tic'. -'Ltl-tf . Tlie' Thrm-A-WeEl Edition OF THE Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper In world gives so much at so low a nrice r IK great political campaigns ire now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since esiahiislieil a i cord of impartiality, and anvbody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The i hrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strnn;: leatures, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thriee-A- Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. W e offer this unequalled newj-paper and the ROANOKE NLVS together for one year tor - - - UIH The t egular .subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. On Your Vacation Tatf this handy pen with you. You can carry it flat in your lower vest or coat pocket. A lady can carry it in her purse or hand bag, it will not teak even if carried upside dov,n I guarantee this. GEO. 1 PARKER PARKER JACK KNIFE SAFETY FOUNTAIN PEN Vo will Had It iavt.utbls on your - ; cureloM to mountains, country hum. or the ansorn, aahnrn you will havt j , fmquaai need for pan. and whirr aantlnf factlliloa mar no, bo at hand, i And ,hk) ta aafetir pan that will Ian n lifetime, baeauan It haa no valve. ptatone or dleeppoaring merhanlem tt gel ou, of ordaf . AutnUta, eeno,iit, e,hteiuea. vaeaSontata and tiavals'i ol ever kind will find tbl. Utile n a I feel help and i-in enlenee. H iH, alia. Ilka llltieirellon. wllti No lien I i M with lair aire luld pan. It St 1 nna a. ereoroing ii aire. Aa,i-ath.i dealer will aell you lite Ja.k an,'. balat, or an, other Parker fen on I, I da, a tree trial II you ,-ennui Hnd a I dealer, order dtratl. II tn I day u I return Hie uen e. un.ailefa.loi ,, ,01.1 I Mine 1 will u leiundetl. All Parhee Pen hae I in ky Curv, Ink feed urevenHiie eir eaueiutie A reerr.utr ky werutih ol eh bode Irem I lu. in, lew. imu.ap. I. It) a PARI!., free. Parker Pen Company 173 Mill St.. Juncsvillc, Win. Ml Ml MH l)K AIM k CO , I nc or pom I cd The Satisfaction Store, W'elilon, N C. E Kodaks ! fjn e- New Ysrk World US?; lks astmasi We carry ftStitne ofBt man KodakSTWd-JSuppIlt? and can furnitntBythtg in Eastman's goods on. short notice. ROANOKE PHARMACY CO , Roanoke Rapids, N, C. 4 18 Im i i