c ssah mh ffi vf-I 11 i 1 F 1 A dvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per AnnumJ VOL. xtVII. WELDON, X. (, THURSDAY, MAY Hi, 11)12. no.: i4 r nil H Of ALCOHOL 3 PKR CKN'P AM'L'eiubli'Prcnawlonlirii :.liiiil;uiiAicFootalft'tfiila lingilifSMirluurjlOuhebol' PmmolcsDi&'sHonfhrfiful n:'..s ui.tl IHJTuuiilmiifltw inotiiiarcotic. tfMBrsmnrmm JiMttSJIl timuttti I'vMumat - . IMattaakStitt ilrmM- mlnpMu timr. Auj.fect Remedy IWConsllt1 lion , Sour Stoniach.Dlarrta Worms f oi!TOls'wus.ftvf risl ni'ssaiulLoSSOFSUKI'. Facsimile Sijaoltirf of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature t IT 'gr f .ft ll Ik V Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOii Spanish Peanuts. T i . i J The present low prices have created a very : large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when you have peanuts for (ale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., HEALTH AND WALKING. NORFOLK, VA. 3 0 THE BANK OF WELDON WLLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of. North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.1 Capital aid SirplDs, $50,000. Kor nearly 2(1 years this institution lias provided banking facilities for this section. lt stoeWholders and.ollicers are identified with tlie busi ness interests of Halifa and Northampton counties. A .Savings Department ia maiiituine.l fcn the benel',1 of all who desire todeposit in i Saving Bank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: tor Deposits allowed toreiuain three months or louiter. - per cent. Six n.nmh.nr Innirer .1 ner cent Twrlte months or longer. 4 percent. Anv information ill he furnished on application to the Pronhnl ut Cashier PHBS1 OINT ' VICK-l'RRSlllKN'T: i siiikk: W E lUNIrL, W K. SMITH. li. S TUAVIS, .KlltS O. DRAKE, Teller. MRECTOitS W. li. Smith, W. K. Daniel, K. . Travis. W M I'oh.'u, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. fierce, D It. ZolhcoU'ei. .1 . W. Sledge. 3 0 III I 1J u lite, Ian, 61111 Metal ana Nubuck Pumps ....... Take a Walk Every Day If You Want to Live Lone and Be Well. There is no form of exercise more healthful than walking; none that Americans, especially Ameri can women, are more careful to avoid whenever possible. English and Herman women are fond of walking, many of them being able to walk ten miles at a time, and come in fresher than when they begun. Walking strengthens the action of the heart, nourishes all the vital organs and tissues, increases the circulation, and feeds the muscles, which are the first portions of the body to decay with approaching age. To be most beneficial, walking ought to be combined with deep breathing, for breathing exercises are in themselves splendid for quieting the nerves and refreshing the whole body. , Taken in conjunction with mus cular exercise, the blood is doubly freshened, and the various organs are completely strengthened. Take a walk every day if you want to live long and be well. Pleasantness will result as surely as the improvement in health, for walking brings not only physical blessings, but refreshment to one's soul. E. C. Cline. Ir. J. T. It. Seal, I'rop. liiversidc Drug Co., (ircenville, S. c., writes re cently, "I havehecn a practicing phy" sician and druggist for over :!' years and have sold and administered many kid ney medicines but noue to equal Foley Kidney fills. They arc superior to any 1 ever used and give the quickest per manent relief." E. CLARK SURE THINU. A scientist says that people would have more sense if they did not wear hats. Yes, and husbands would have more dollars. New York Sun. Mrs. Rose A. Kreeniau, Clifford, Va., says they have long used Foley's Rem edies and want to say a good word for them. She writes: "Foley Kidney Tills cured my husband ol'a long stand ing kidney trouble, after he had taken other medicines without relief. We would not lie without Foley & Co. s medicines iu our house lor many times their cost." K.CLAHK. What makes a man know so much is he thinks he does. "I Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side." Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry, that it is the best policy to lock the stable Jour b:jre the horse it stolen? Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy cured Mrs. C. C. Gukei , of a stub born else of heart dirtf, such as thousands are now suiLring with. Read what she says: "Before 1 began takh. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy t fad hn suffering from heart (rouble fur ovrr nve years. 1 had giown ao weak that it was impo.aible fur me to do thirty minutes work in a whole dav. 1 suffered intense pains in mr left sido and under (lie lelt sliouMer blade, 1 could uut steep on the left iide, and was so short 01 breath that 1 thought I should never be aUe to take a full breath again. The least excitement would bring on the mo4 diitteising palpitation. 1 had scarcely taken a half-bottle of the Heart Ktaestv be fore I could see a marked ciuujje in ray condition. I began to sieep well, had a good aniMe, aud im proved so rapidly that when 1 had taken six bottles i was completely cured. MRS. C. C. UOKKY, Northlicld, Vt If you have any of the symptoms Mrs. G( key mentions, it is your duty to protect yourself. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, is what you need. If the first bot tle fails to benefit; your money is returned. Ask your druggist. MILS MKDICAL CO., Klkhart, Ind. The smartest styles in Spring Footwear. Pumps 1 .' the thing. We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKET BOOK, No better values pos sible for the money Prices: $2.50,J $3 and $3.50 Similar to cut above. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER I Uncle Remus' I year $1.00, Southern Ruralist, " .50 Woman's World, " .25 People's Popular Monthly " .25 Roanoke News, ' " 1.50 $3.50 $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions co The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. McCail'g Magazine snd McCail Patterns For Women '! Hav Mora Fri. ..J. than any other maganneor i :::'. idcCall s is the reliable 1 'a-lii.-u lluide monthly in one ni!!l-:i . hundred thousand homes. i 'a showing all the latest designs of V C. 1 h,lterni,each issue is brinilV! f jurying short stories and hclpii.1 i ilon.iatiou for women. Sm Mim.y and K'.p h Styb by mrwribinf lor Mcdl a ' . l n. COM. only to ccnu . yur, i u' . ai ou of the celebrated McUllV.lt-r.ul:... McC.U P.ttw.J led !l older, ll Wyle, Hi, atmplicily. .:.'! r.r td rtumtier Mor. d..fr. rl! MC'ni Fiipme irun any other two m.k..comUtiril. None holier iriaa 15CQU. Buy iroru your dctler, or by null from f, McCALL'S MAGAZINE 238-246 W. 37th St, New York City FOIIYlSOlilNOlSii.- IOVlBJoin ins COMSTIITlH BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal C rape C ream of Ta rtar NO ALUM, NO LIME PH08PHATE "NEARER, MY GOD TO THEE." GEOGRAPHICAL LINES. ifil mm. HOME AT MGHT JAMIS WHTTCOMB RILEY HEN chirping crickets fainter cry,. In And rtale. stars mossom in mm' rthes m And tvvilighii tloom has dimmedlhe pl And Dlnrrf d th? huttf rflxj t$k . Joi" QHEN locusvblo5Soms jleck the And up the ti'cer-'lilstaJk The glowworm crawls and dincs and falls And rjlimmers down the gaidenwalls: V VyiEN buzzindthmpWth double oin$ v urenspana raspisn jiunenngj, Go wnizzind W so verynicjh One thinks q jahcjs ana s"tins: t then.withih.is stilled the din Ofcfb she rocks the babg in, nna nean ana oaie ana laiciuwapni a !. f Oi .1 ,. rf . ft I Are ujteaana ine upj oj rvate. COMPANIONSHIP. There's a time when the fires of passion Burn out in the years of strife; There are times when we like the fashion Of a wife as a friend through life. There's a time when there's something holy And sweet and noble and true In the way you are her companion. And she's a companion for you. Well, the roses of youth are splendid, And the yearning of lips for lips ; But there's dust where dreams have wended, And a teardrop sometimes slips; But there need not be sorrow or worry, Nor regret when a wile is a wife In the beautiful comrade spjrit That lasts to the end of life. The best of us tire and weary In the end of the things once sweet Vien we swung in the dances giddy With the tingle of youth in our feel; But the end is the old, old fashion Of twilight misty and gray, With a wife as aToved companion To the end of the long, long way. And, ah, what a beautiful beauty Is that confidence and trust, When two of the world together do down in the silvering dust, Friendly and happy and genile, Comrades of old, old dreams At the little window of memory Where the light of the future gleams ! If that's what the world calls marriage, Thank God for the gentle leaven Which makes on the earth such marriage As we look for alone in Heaven ! The r .arriage that outlives passion, And ardor of swift, swift youth, And stands entwined in eternal And gentle and unstained truth ! .lohn It. Staton, Joyce, Ky., had an exceptionally severe attack ol'tvhoopiug coutfh. He says: "Ifil had not been for Foley's lloncv ami Tar ('oiunoiiiul I won M have been compelled to (uit, work. Iiffend, I never missed a day. and Foley's Honey and I i Compound gaieine iuatuut relief aud is the only couali medicine we ever use " Contains no opiates. K. LAlik, The Band Played As The Ship Went Down. A Little Story By The Late Bill Nye. AN OPPORTUNITY LOST. Billy Say, what did the old jay want to know ? Reddy Wanted ter know where Wall street was? Billy Gee! Why didn't yer get him up de alley and skin him at craps? Puck. J, W. .Ionian, a well known dentiht of Hopkinsville, Ky., recently had an operation for his kidney trouble, but he says. "The tlrst relief I got was after taking Foley Kidney Tills. They eased the terrible pain in my back and accom plished more good than anything I had tried. I gladly recommend them." E. CLARK. The brave men and women who perished with the sinking Titanic went to their last resting place on the ocean's bed with "Nearer, My God, to Thee" on their lips. They were true martyrs, who gave their lives that others might be saved. What more impressive and what more pitiful spectacle can the im agination conceive, and what more heroic? "Nearer, My God, to Thee" was the funeral dirge chant ed as the giant took the linul plunge. The great ocean was Necked with foam, the drifting lifeboats were lost in the distant darkness. The lights on the Titanic burned to the last. The eyes of those who had been saved were directed to the trembling and shattered mass of steel. Their hearts were with those who in a few moments meet certain death. Then from the decks of the great ship came the song, like a sob "Nearer, My God, to Thee." It floated with impressive echoes over the restless water. There was a hush. The boats floated on silently. The sound of the song grew fainter. There was a sudden noise. The once powerful vessel rose in the air, then plunged into the ocean. It was a fitting requiem, it was a noble anthem, it was a beautiful death song. Nowhere in the world's history can be found detailed a tragedy of such pathos, nor can the mind of man imagine a scene more exquis ite in its impressive agony. Here were 1,595 human souls facing certain death, knowing that their lives were about to end, and their souls were preparing for that eternal flight, turning their eyes toward the dark heaven above and letting their hearts make a final ap peal for peace in a hymn so beau tiful, so sublime. It is finished. The story of the disaster has been told. Men and women in this great world are easy to forget. Soon the great tragedy of the Atlantic will become but a memory, but the song will live forever. What an opportunity there is for a master mind to paint this tragic picture, what a chance for the poet to pour out his soul in descriptive eloquence, but none are so reat that they can portray the pitiful pathos of the midnight scene, nor can any one, unless he stood on the decks of the sinking ship, real ize the infinite power there is in this wonderful hymn. It brought peace to those who felt the cold clutch of death. It les sened the pangs of parting. It paved the way for the final dissolu tion. "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and in a few brief seconds 1,595 agonized souls were gathered to the arms of their Maker. Mem phis Commercial Appeal. THE ULNTLK CYNIC. lirst hue inlo v. as ABOl'T TIME TO MOVK. The small town boy had been sent to a farmer uncle's to remain for two or three months, but at the end of the second week he showed up at home, much to the disap proval of his father. "Why, Willie, what have you come back here for?" the parent inquired in no pleasant tone. "I sent you to your uncle's for a long stay." "I know you did," Willie re plied; "but you see, it was this way: The first week they killed a sheep and we et that; the next week we killed a hog, and we et that; and yesterday the hired man died, and 1 thought it was about time to come home." Chicago Post. Always do your best, but never your best friend. The one particular brand of love that isn't blind is self-love. The penally of a stolen kiss is frequently a life sentence at hard labor. All locksmiths ajt" not bachelors in spite of the fact that love laughs at them. V Ever notice that the wolf gener ally comes to the door disguised as a bill collector? Some men work hard trying accomplish useless things. The world owes every man privilege of earning his living. to the A man seldom knows who his friends are, but his friends are more considerate. The story is told of Bill Nye that when he went sightseeing up Lookout mountain the boy who was acting as guide told him thai from the summit where they w ere standing they could see four states. "Let's see 'em," said Bill. "Where are they ?" "Thai," said the buy, "is Ten nessee, thai yonder is GoniT.ii, that is Alabama, and thai is Not ih Carolina. " "No, yon don't," repliul Bill, shaking Ins Imi'.i i at ilit: yoinli. "You may slull' snnie folks with Dial, Nil mil fin I siiidiul yx ograpliy in school Tennessee is yellow, Alabama is green, dcorgia is blue and onli Carolina is red. I'm sure Nonh Carolina is red," he added, "for 1 helped paint it red myself last week Me and Bill Viseher." I remember very well the lime 1 crossed tin- bounJaiy of my native state of Illinois Indiana, and how surprised I to find no "line" at all; not even a fence; nothing but a muddy stream; to discover also that the ground was the same color. Since then I have learned that more things than geographical boundaries are purely imaginary. Brought up a Protestant, I was amazed to find, when still quite a lad, that Roman Catholics are just as human and kind a Methodists. Another shock came when it was revealed to me that one of the gen tlest, wisest .teachers I ever had was a Democrat: I had thought all Democrats chewed tobacco and carried guns. One by one I have seen the par titions of humanity's house fall. I have found that the people in ev ery class room are "just folks." I have lived in a family of Italian wage workers in Tivoli, I have sal at the mahogany table of an Italian prince, I have mingled with Ger man farmers at the Passing Fair, 1 have dined with English nobility and passed the night at the house of an English shopkeeper, 1 have; visited with the president of the United States, senators, mayors, and governors and have also sop ped my bread in the bacon gravy i at the woodchopper's family board '. in Sangamon county, and as far as I can see there is no difference; that is, none to speak of. A bright boy could adjust himself to any of these situations in a week or so. Social barriers are also imaginary geographical lines. We are learning, too, that all sciences shade into each other. Pasteur was a chemist and slid over accidentally into biology. Me'chnikoft' was a zoologist and became the discoverer of immunity front disease. Nobody knows where the vege table kingdom leaves off and ihc animal kingdom begins. Who can put his ringer on the line that runs between socialism and democracy ? What is the difference between the Democratic and the Republican party? A prize will be Riven lor any answer at all The fact is classifications of all kinds are merely menial "labor saving machinery." They are useful for purposes of discussion, just as Kentucky's difference from Tennessee is useful tor purposes of taxation. But we're all folks. We all love and hate, laugh and cry, eat and sleep. Girls and boys love about the same way in Teheran and Texas, at European courts and Iowa crossroads. Every mother loves to look at her baby, and every baby smiles back at its mother, and the good God is over us all. FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands Have Been Helped By Common Sense Suggestions. Women suffering from any form of fe male ills uru invited to communicate prompt ly wi th the woman's private corre sponiienee department of the Lydia E. l'inkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict , confidence. A woman can freely talk of In r private lllm ss to a woman; thus has been eslablishrd a confidential corre I spoinlcnco which h as extended over eiiiny 'ura and which him never been I broken. Never havo they published a : testimonial or us. ti u letter without the and I know that 'riu: ''";1"llt "f,V"! w.rn';r' nnd"e,vi-'r ' rillH mi: v.olMi;uy miuweu uiu:e cuiuiucn- li:i! I 'iters to p;et out of their possession, I i. . .h hundreds of thousands' of them in i t'.. 'f lilv will atleat. Out of lie:! vast volume of experience vhich they have to draw from, it is mora than possible that they pois;s the very k no iv ledge needed in your case. Noth ing i asked in i. iurn except your good will, and their udvicu has helped thou sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to , take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Ad dress Lydia E. l'ink- I ham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, (QK Mass. Kvory woman ouclit to have Lydlii V.. Plukuam'H 80-paffO Text Itook. It is not a book for general distribution, as it It) too expensive. It in free and only obtainable by uiull. Write for It today. OH THE Hew York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper 4Ln world r,ives so much at so low a price r. HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class dailv. The Thriee-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one year tor The regular subscription price ol the two papers is $2.50. "MOST AVAILABLE MAN." It requires almost as much force of character to be a book agent as to turn one down. Many a girl would promise to marry a man if she thought he wouldn't be so silly as to expect her to live up to her promise. No woman is competent to ad vise a young girl in her love affairs unless the aforesaid woman has been married at least four times. Welcome, like everything else, will wear out sooner or later. Are you the kind of man you think your neighbor ought to be. Underwood and the Democratic Ytlr. Strong In New York. "Long before I snw any mention of Osenv I'liileiw uod s mime, as a possible candidate f"i' the liemoeratle presiden tial noiuiiniti"ii 1 had selected liitu as the nnwt .'onilaKe man to lead the IieniiH-raey. ' "riles Albert B. Kerr, sou of the late James B. Kerr, M. C. , ' I am a leiii'iat, and I believe this to be a Democratic year," lie further adds. "There is no muu iu my judg ment v im would prove so strong a i nmlldiiie as Mr. Underwood. It Is re fiesbin.: to Democratic pnrtlsans on the side lines to have a leader of the demonstrated capacity of Mr. L'nder wnod. The Democrats of New York expect In win. nun incidentally we shall lake much pleasure in victory If It be over Colonel Itoosevelt. I do not belong to the 'Interests' nor to 'big business,' so ihal my opposition to Mr. lioi. evall may be iie.'i'iinted for In sow Iel' 'ay " -Washington I'ost. Eastman's Kodaks Helps a Judge In Bad l"ix. Justice FJi Cherry, of tlillis Mills, Tenn., wns plainly wonied. A bad sore on bis leg had ballled several doctots and long resisted all remedies, "1 thought it was a cancer," he wrote. "At last I used lUicklcn's Arnica Salve, and was com pletely cured." Cures burns, boils, ul cers, cuts, bruises and piles. 2oc. at all druggists. The man who is really his own worst enemy always attempts to shift the blame. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A No man is an optician just be cause he makes a spectacle of himself. We carry full line of East man Kodaks and Supplies and can furnish anything in Eastman's goods on short notice. A ROANOKE PHARMACY CO Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 4 18 1m W. J. vV AKD, DENTIST, OH ICE IN iUMKC liULlUMif WELDON. N.tJJ sep!2 ly tTOIIYSKlBMYCilKi Hakes Kidneys and Bladder Riant i i I

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