hu hi mr- Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum ; VOL. XLV1I. WELDON, X. C, TIUJliSDAY, MAY 23, 11)12. NO. 4 1 ' Tho Kind You Have Always IJou;htu. A which has been iu uno for ovnr 30 years, has borne the Kijrnutnro of ami has broil nuulc under his per ff Jl, Sonnl supervision slui ij lis liit'uney. All Counterfeit, Imitations fuil"Just.uM-frMil"nrfl but Experiment ihut tritle with n"-l endanger tho lieiillli of Infant anil Children Eiperienoo iiKtiiiit Kxncrimout. What is CASTORIA Cnstorlu Is ft harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare gorie, Drop nnd Soot hint,' Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine not other Nnrrotla ubstitno Ms njre Is its ft'iaruntce. It destroys Worms ami ullin.s JVrcrirthness. It cures) Pl.inliii'ii and Wind ; Coll. H relive Teething Troubles, cure Constipation unil Fin trli'ii. , It UNHlniilatos tho Food, regulates the Htoiuai li Mini l5nvcl, giving healthy ami iiiitiiral sleep, Tho Ctiildi-cu'M I'unuceu Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. fcjgiSieasfi Spanish Peanuts, The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with u when yon have peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. DO YOU NEED HIM? Does the Plant Need Overhauling? OE 3E 3E THE BANK OF WELDO WKLDOX, X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.' Capital ana Surplus, $50,000. For nearly "Jo vears this institution has provided haiikini; facilities for this section. Its' stockholders and ollici rs are identitied with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Saving Department maintained for the lienelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hunk In tins l uitineiil int ivt is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremain three months or lomrer. '-' per cent. Six months or longer, .H per cent. Twelve months or lomrer, 4 percent. Anv information will he furnished on application to the President niCashier phksiiiint: W. E. DANIEL, VU'KIKKSlllltST: W. U. SMITH. JOHN O. DUAKE, Teller. casiiikr: K. S. T KAVlS. D1KKCTOHN V. K. Smith, V. K. Daniel, 1!. S. Travis. V M Cohen, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. I'iercc, D. It. Zollieolt'ci. .1 . W. Slcdc. He wasan "efficiency engineer." Explaining his business, he told me he was employed by the own- j ers of large factory plants 10 study the operations of the pli'nis and to report as to ways and means by which waste might he eliminated. For instance He might find that certain ma chines were wrongly placed to se cure best results or thai the ma chine operatives were making un necessary motions and keeping down the output. Or- Thai the power was insufficient, or was not properly transmitted to the machines, or not fully utilized, or that waste could be cut out by using certain byproducts. 1 hat roll top desks be abolished and flat tops substituted in order that clerks doing merely mechani cal work might not waste time be hind the roll tops. Now It can be seen that the in telligent study of such an efficiency engineer would be of great value to his employers. And in a large way it may be said he is helping to hasten the day of larger production and of fewer hours of labor. And I thought How much we humans need the services of some such efficiency expert ! We are each operating the most valuable and most complex plant in existence the mind and body. There's the dynamo that runs it nervous energy. And the whole machinery of it is under the con trol and direction of the business olfice the brain. Do we get all the power neces sary ? Is this transmission all i any machine defective r waste nt' energy, force, m product? 'e know when we fret and wor ry there is loss of nervous energy; when there is nerve dissipation there is loss of vital power. When the machinery of body or mind is overtaxed we do not turn out our best work, and there is depreciation of the machinery. Are we manufacturing happt-' ness ? Are we turning out character ? Is the product worth while ? j If not, there is something wrong ' with the plant. It needs overhaul-1 ing. We need an efficiency engi neer. ! TOTAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made fromRoyal Crape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE THE JOY OF WORK. Uffi JamesWHitcombRiley (HEN shccomeshomcaainl mousandwaos I jashion, to myself, the tenderness Of TTIY) eflad vjcvTrnmo' i Iffil J shall tiembleves; Mj And touch her, as when first in the Eb2 1 1 i J NPMtoiM oia aays I touched her girlish hand, nor dat ed upraise .Mine eyes, such was my faint hearts .Wl Tl ;t AJil t c fczt men oiici iic. am iu uie perfume oj ner PVJ dress: tv3 The room will sway a little, and a haze iqp cyesignr-'souisi&nt,even for a space: And tears yes; and the ache here in i n mi uv utivu p tf3 Tokhowthatlsoilldeserveiheplace Her arms make tor me ; and the sobbing note 1 stay witn kisses, ere thetearrul race ight? Is Is there of the lib . i i i i n it Vlll! ill! 1 Whte , lan, hi Metal and Muck Mann or? Ain is hidden in the old embrace. CWHtK ii . TW Bmto MtrHTl Ct A The smartest styles in Spring Footwear. Pumps are the thing;. We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKET BOOK, No better values pos sible for the money Prices: $2.50, $3 and $3.50 to cut above. Take One Pain Pill It Easy To get the beat of Backache Get a Box of Dr. Miles' Antl-Pain Pills uthti.'wiitu Backache May get the beat of you NoihiiK tirh the hnman system more titan p.un whether il lc in the folia if ludaflH, backaclu-, m'Ur:ili:i, -v. k Ikh. Ik or t!u j tin-, piiMlnr t v. ninon. Dr. Mil ,n:i V.v I'ilN are a t.liid..t.i iihu-ily lir ; mi, an i hrc jiraiM'4 by a ywwX ;trmy ot r.t it an 1 m nuMi h.wc u-fd thi'hi lur .tears. "A U'ia was doii wtih i.adripnc Rllil l)MllV Cl.Lft V. .ill UM'ul tirf k.if.?. Ik'np l:rr '.R Aim Pain t I .tint if It iui';r l 'l t t Lr. i n v ),. !, t tuT t.iii ..w. I, . ;. i ,.- it , ii.e i i lu-vci IrC talllh'Ut them ;, " MHV li. it. U, Au LullUfj:, IK At H druyyitU dottn 25 car.ts. MILES M&UICAU CO., rikhAM, InJ. THE BELOVED Dtnij. Watchman! oh, watchman! on the bleak hills of Time, Give us tidings of those in the bright spirit land Cans't thou not hear a call from that golden clime ? Dost thou see not one face of the shadowy hand? l:orever have vanished the radiant smiles Of the lips we kissed fondly before they were chilled, And bitter remembrance with anguish reviles Our dreaming about them since in death they were stilled. Watchman ! oh, watchman ! shall there be many years With their sighing and weeping and sorrow and grief, lire sight conies again to eyes blinded with tears And our innite longings are lost in relief? Turn, turn once again. Heaven's zephyrs must bring The tones of those voices we once loved and adored Watchman ! oh, watchman; dost thou not hear them sing The glad songs of the blest in the courts of the Lord ? Traveler ! Traveler ! sometimes to my ear Come strains and soft echoes from that dim, distant shore When the evening star rises I then seem to hear The dear, ringing voices that on earth speak no more. And, at times, when the gates and portals swing wide To welcome some spirit just translated from earth, A vision of glory surges through as the tide Shows the depth of the waters that gave it its birih. Soon the hand of Jehovah will draw back the veil And disperse the dark mists that seem now to control, With voices triumphant will the glorified hail Our vision eternal in the home of the soul. Then, traveler ! traveler! hush thy weeping and sighing; Lean yet on the Father; still trust in thy God ! I le answers your questions, divinely replying, "My grace is sufficient pass under ihe rod." Similar, WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER ! Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Rut alisi, " ,50 Woman's World, " .25 People's Popular Monthly " .25 Roanoke News, " 1.50 $3.50 $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke News, W'tldon, N. C. McC; and bkC:. Have Mora IV maiau.: . ; . v refill' i ' . OIK' liill: . n tlOMi. ; i ... ; lk-r.'. . -t v.t is I I . . I i i" ' ! ami l.ti, .'. . S Lli.! K tut Mvi... . . : . ccnu ;t :u i. . j McOU K.i.. i . .. . It McCaU ttmi.i., it- i. . . deficit I. 'I ' i' d,lkfN I ,t;.i 1 ,i.n tiuti. )mk x' I.;, Lj : Lint :A Pi.tterns 'omen .1. i!u u uny other .,. itn full's is the i. i,.tr ii.ui.tlih' m liai.inJ Uujusand i.iv.n.H nil tlie latest ' '. turns, l-ulIi issue i klu.jf slioit 8tiries miiuii tor women. P i.iilrl. hv kiibii.(i ,1 all oilier la style, tit, I i.ui.'iwr Kid. iiri , llian ativ other 10 McCALIAS MAGAZINE 236-24U W. 3Vh St., Ntw Yt-rlt Ctty ftm-MttplilV'jJ, t i-.- Mil reUWB itUrvM tVn, fOUYSUiiiNOlAXATiVr fe.TW1.TS'Jt " tSM.VteAT.CJI ALONG THE WAY. I met a man the other day As I went down along the way. I said good morning, so did he, And then we passed along beside t-iach other friendly like and free As are all creatures in the tide 01 human erlort, toil and su ite, Comparing notes on daily life. l ie told me this and he told me that Of care and loss, of pains fall'n Hat, Of dreams that perished in a day, Of hopes that ever passed away In mists of sot row and of grief, Of sickness, suffering, up and down Of luck, like other men in town. Along the way each hour we meet In lane or alley, court or street Our man counterparts for thine, O stranger, are such cares as mine, Such griefs, such setbacks, losses, gains, Such pleasures, pastimes, habits, pains And up and down the teeming pike The lives of all are much alike. Along the w ay ah, let me be A friend to every man I see Who smiles responsive to my smile, Who walks beside me mile by mile In sympathy remote or dim Or close as mine is unto him That thus we may make light of care By helping each his load to bear. A TAINTED DOLLAR. To Him Tlvit Overcometh Will I flive the Morning Stars. If you examine carefully all the supposed joys of life you will find that the most enduring, satisfactory and real joy is work. But, to be joyful, work must be the kind you like. And work, to be liked, must have two elements. First, it must call into play one's j and wrinkled full, normal activities. And second, it must be the crea ting of something. The truest happiness is found in the most complete exercise of our powers. Children are happy because they are doing with all their might "I Have Mingled With Publicans and Sinners I Have Walked in the Dirt and Tried to Keep Clean Do You Want Me ?" What is tainted money, anyhow? Here is a dollar bill that has found its way to church this morning, and presents itself at the altar of worship with the offering. Look at it ! Diny, grimy, smelly, old and many stains. Where have you been all last week, old dollar bill? "Well, I've been going about doing good, for the most part. I've bought food for the hungry and helped pny rent for the poor. I came to town Monday with a poultry rancher and got smell of live poultry on all they can do. Arms, legs, lungs i me. He bought some commercial are busy every waking moment. fertilizer with me, and I took on a Laziness, drunkenness, sensu- J new taint of phosphates and ucids. ality are diseases that come on The man paid his butcher with me later in life. Those who indulge and I got a suggestion of hum rind in them are happy only by fevered added to me. spells. Between these they are consumed with restlessness, doubt, ennui and despair. The great mass of men are hap py most of the time because they have their necessary work. And where a man finds his right work it is the same to him that play is to a child. Look at this busy humanity.doc tors and lawyers, farmers, mer chants, clerks, letter carriers, en gineers, masons.carpenters, writers and house mothers ! Out of them, as a mighty chorus, arises the hymn of "The joy ofliving." Life is pleasant because it is functioning normally. Life is a burden only when it ceases to function. Every faculty cries for some thing to do. The brain must think, plan, organize, project, imagine, reason, compare, decide. When it has no real business upon which to use these motions, we load it with artificial concerns, such as novels, plays and travel sights, to still its clamor and crav ing. But the people who are amusing their brains are not so happy as those who are using their brains. It is belter to play at work than to work at play. The muscles demand something to do. When we refuse them, they breed poison in us. They curse us with gout and rheumatism and biliousness. The stomach, liver, intestines, heart and lungs all demand steady employment. Give us work, they shout, or we will go on a strike. They are more cantankerous than a labor union, when they are re fused employment. The eye wants work, and the ear and every gland, pore, nerve ; and tendron of our frame. And the soul wants work. We ! must have some one to love, some ! one to revere, something to suffer j and to overcome. I Tannhauser grew weary in the I lap of Venus; he longed for human strife and sorrow. I And a perfect hell would be a 1 place where every sense is lulled, i every appetite gorged, where there j is eternal rest and nothing iforever ! and ever to do. i Joy is a function of activity, j Soul and body pray fondangers, crises, tasks. ! Perfect joy encircles as a halo ! the brow of the worker and the i fighter. j "To him that overcometh will I j give the morning star." Frank ; Crane in Atlanta Journal. j John H Stunm, .lovec. Ky , hit. I an exceptionally Nfvert attack of nliooiinir coiitrli. lli-HavH "If it hat) not been for I oIcv k Honey ami Tar ( oinpuiinil I 1 wonl.l have Immmi rnntfielleHl to tiiiit vi nt k . Iimtiail. I never niiKiteil a lav, anil l otey's Honey ami Tar imHuml trae me instant relief ami is the only cniu(li meilicine weeer use." t ontains no opiatftt K. CLARK. "The butcher bought kerosene with nie and I enriched my breath with a new complication. The oil man bought some tobacco with me. The tobacconist paid his taxes with me, and 1 got paid out to a street sweeper. He got a drink with me, and that night while you people were at prayer meeting I sat at a poker game, changed hands a dozen times, and the bar tender got me in the morning. He paid his fare with me. The con ductor turned me in to the compa ny and I was paid out to a machin ist, who was a good Catholic, and bought fish" with me on Friday. The fish man paid me to a cobbler for mending his sea-boots, and the cobbler paid me to a plummer, who repaired a sewer connection for him. The plumber bought a beautiful linle book with me for a birthday present for his little daughierand the bookseller brought me here. "Am I welcome?" "Well, old dollar bill, part of your record is rather shady, isn't it?" "Well, yes, I have mingled with publicans and sinners. I walked in the dirt and tried to keep clean. Do you want me?" "Poor old dollar bill. I've seen i men just like you. Men who ; stained their names and shamed I their lives, and smeared their char- j acters with the dirt of evil ways ! men a hundred times dirtier than ! yourself. And I've known them to find their way to the church just BACKACHE NOT A DISEASE But a Symptom, a Danger Sig nal Which Every Woman Should Heed. Backache is a symptom of organic weakness or derangement. If you have backache don't neglect it. To get per manent relief you must reach the root of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood all's experience. , Morton's Gap, Kentucky. "I suffered two years with female rlinoroVin, my health was very bad and I had a continual backache which was simply awful. I could not stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal's victuals without my back nearly killing me, and I would have such dragging sensa tions I could hardly bear it I had sore ness in each side, could not stand tight clothing, and was irregular. I was com pletely run down. On advice I took Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and am enjoying good health, It is now more than two years and I have not had an ache or pain since. I do all my own work, washing and everything, and never have backache any more. I think your medicine is grand and I praise it to all my neighbors. If you think my testimony will help others you may pub lish it "-Mrs. Ollie Woodall, Mor ton's Gap, Kentucky. If you have flip slightest doubt tliat Lyilin 10. Pinklinm'8 Vegeta ble Compound will help you, w rite to Lydia lC.I'iiiklmni Medicine Co. (exmfideutiul) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held In strict confidence. The Tlirice-A-Weet Edition OP THE Hsw York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price A CORRECTION. ''We are drifting toward a pa ternal form of government," said the economist. "Pardon me if I correct you," responded the suffragette, gently; "to be accurate, you should say a maternal form of government." Washington Star. as you have done brought here by some one else. I've seen them down at the altar of grace and mercy on their knees; their w ide eyes blinded with tears, their hearts broken with penitence. And we received them gladly. Only the angels in heaven, holy and sin less, were gladder than I only Christ, the Saviour, and the loving Father were gladder than the angels It is the mission of the church, not to turn away the defiled, but to gird herself, kneel down, and wash the travel-worn and dust-stained feet of the wayfarrer. Poor old dollar bill! You have been in the devil's service once or twice or thrice last week. But it is Sab bath morning. You have found your way to the church; you have made your way to the altar -you offer yourself to ihe service of righteousness, standing right be tween the offering of one of the best and most honest deacons on earth, and that of a pure, sweet mother in Israel, who is a living saint. What will be your pleas ure, brethren? Is this grimy, old dollar bill, with all its dirt and smells, 'tainted money?' Or is it good as the gold of Hanilah? Shall one of the ushers bring a pair of tongs and drop it out of the win dow, or shall we receive it into the offering in "good fellowship and full fellowship?" Bob Bur-dette. THE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you ! wain the news accurately and ! promptly. The World long since j established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Ihrtce-A-W eek edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We oiler this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one year for The regula- subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD. Truit.d, Rjhablt and Sagaoious Lsadar to Whom th Nation Turns. Tosoulliei n men there arc encourage ment and inspiration iu tho turning of the north unit tlio west to tho south for unidiince niid leadership In these troublous tlineji. If we stop to consid er n moment we realise that once the polities! outcasts of tho nation we are uow not only tu our father's house, but we sit ut the bend of the table lu the councils of the famil.v. The i ontklenro la the soundness and efficiency of southern leadership Is not embraced only In the favor with which the eniidldacy of Oscar Underwood has been revived In the north, but In re peated maiiitestatlon of the confidence felt Iu the north and west that In the south the country would find untleflled the purest principles of a republican I form of Kiiveniment, kept bright by constant c;no imd practice. Montgom ery i V.i i A !. i-nlser. Mrs. Hose A. Freeman, t'lillbrd, a , says they have lonR used Foley's Rem edies and want to say a good won! for them. She writes. "Foley Kidney Pills cured my husband ofa long stand ing kidney trouble, after he had taken other medicines without relief. We would not be without Foley & I'o.'s medicines in our house lor many times their cost." K. CLARK. Hr. J. T. R. Neal, Prop. Riverside Drug Co., (ireeoville, S. V., writes re cently, "I have been a practicing phy sician and druggist for over 3d years and have sold and administered many kid ney medicines but none to equal Foley Kidney Fills. They are superior to any I ever used and give the quickest per manent relief." E. CLARK Eastman's Kodaks ! We carry full line of East man Kodaks and Supplies and can furnish anything in Eastman's goods on short notice. ROANOKE PHARMACY CO Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 4 18 lm Don't wait for the junk man to start a cleanup campaign. J. V. Jordan, a well known dentist of Hopkinsville, Ky., recently had an operation for his kidney trouble, but he says. "The first relief I got was alter taking Foley Kidney Fills. They eased the terrible pain in my bark and accom plished more good than anything I had tried. I gladly recommend them." K. CLARK. W. J. WARD DENTIST, OFFICE IN PAN ILL BU1LJHNU WKLDON. N.C, sep!2If Nakts Klsatys as ItatMsr Rlgkt

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