f AJvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLVII. WELDOX, X. (, THURSDAY, MAY :50, 1012. NO. 5 I CASTORII Mb ?J3 i l? . m is sS ;30 I.COIIOL 1 PKK LIST. At (jeUtf Prrpaj-alionrgrAs Sllll;l.1!i!lQl!'rO(Jllanil!ViWj liiiiilii Vomuriis arilUowcbi GASToma Promotes Difif stiouCkftful ness and RntXoniolns atoe Upium.M'jfptune narrfaraL NOT W ARC OTIC. jtKiruuiksmirnmt Jtx.Sua UrmStnl- OentSuaar Anjrfeci Reiwdv foi-Consltoi- t Ion, Sour StontK-h.Dlarrtoea Worms .Convulsionslpvtrisn lU-ssaiulLOSSOFSLEKI'. Facsimile Signature of NEWYOHK. . For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of OK ft .Xv In y NEVER ENTIRELY WIPED OUT. The Bachelor Survive In Great Numbers, Despite Attacks ot Most Skillful Foes. Pick The Winner. Use for Over Thirty Years uarairteed under Exact Copy of Wrapper, TMt TAUH M.HH. NCW VM .ITT. Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when you have peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., ' NORFOLK, VA. " ,n THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. V- Organized Under the Laws ol the State o( North Carolina, State of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository.1 Capital ui Sirplu, $50,000. Kor nearly -M yearn this institution lias provided banking facilities fur this section. Its stockholders ami oltictrs we i.lenlitieil Willi the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton comities. A Savings Department is inaintaiiieil lor the lienelil of all tui ,1cmic to deposit iu a Sauuns Hank. In this Hepartnieni iiiler.-M is allowed as follows: . , j- ' for Deposits allowed toreinain three months or hmgt-r. . per Cent. M months or longer, S per ceut. Twelve nioiithsoi louifei . 4 peieeut. Anv information will lie fuini.-hrd on application to th. I n ad, iitoit'asliiei raisniBNT: V. K. DANIEL, VICB-l'KKHIDKVl : W. It. SMITH. .1011 N I). IMiAKK. Teller. I tHUKH: li. M. TKAVIS, DIREOTOIM-W. It. Smith, W. E. Daniel, It. S. Trans, W. J. I,. Shepherd, V. A. fierce, D. It. Zolhcullei, .1 . W . sledge .M I'ohen, Bachelors, like the poor, ' we have always wiih us. Thay never become extinct. The rising army each year is attacked by an oppos ing army of females, and each in dividual is, of course, defeated and led away to the slaughter, yet, in spite of this fact, the bachelor still persists. Many things conspire to keep him going; for one, there are the cities. Bachelors who live in cities learn to be very comfortable. They can arrange their home decora tions to suit themselves, and can at any lime bring home a friend to dinner without any criticism from the management. Bachelors who live in cities can also eat and drink what they please without interference, and so far as all the material comforts are con cerned, they can regulate their lives to suit themselves. On the other hand, ilie thing that depletes the ranks of the bach elors more than anything else is lonesomeness. Many bachelors are willing to put up with almost any kind of a hard life so long as they can get some one to share it with. Ease and luxury are, after all, among the minor concerns; after a bachelor has experienced them for a sufficient length of time he is willing to get married, if only to have some one to quarrel with. Man is always looking for, trouble. Dr. J. T. li. Seal, l'rop. Itiverside Drug Co., (ireeuville, S. C, writes re. cently, "I have been a practicinir phy sieian and druggist for over 3j years and have sold and administered many kid ney medicines but uone to equal Foley Kidney I'ills. They are superior to any I ever used and give the quickest per manent relief." K. CLAliK ''If the coal man wroie his bills for cigars he wouldn't be so un popular. Mrs. Hose A. Freeman, Clifford, Va. says they have long used Foley's Kem edies and want to say a good word for them. She writes: "Foley Kidney Tills cured my husband ofa long stand ing kiduev trouble, alter he had taken other medicines without relief. We would not lie without Foley iv. Co. 's medicines iu our house lor many times their cost." F.. IT. A UK. A White, Ian, Gun Metal and Mm rumps i 7 The smartest styles in Spring Footwear. Pumps are the thing. We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKET BOOK, No better values pos sible for the money Prices: $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Similar to cut above. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER I Uncle Remus' I vear $1.00 Southern Ruralist, " .50 Woman's World, " .25 Peonle's Popular Monthly " .25 Roanoke News, " 1.50 $3.50 $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. WILBVJK D.NESDIT 3sanx a far w(o i 'JSCS It's the way of a girl to fall in love with a man first and then de- i cide on his attractions. "I am all right now, thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy." The smile relief is reaJy fur you. Ate yju sine you do not need n.' It Dr. M.lo' Hcurt RcuicJy lidpi J Cluilcs Holmes, why won't it help youf Ml wastroubled with heit disease, and alter reading about tr. Mtlci Heart Kemeily, 1 t;ut a Untie, lie tore I got tlie Heart KcnieJy 1 havt to sit up uiu.'t ot the nilit, and Iclt very bud ut my ftoniai h. Wtutevcr 1 Mould eat made lue teel woisc, 4tid Uiy heart Leal veiy tat.t. but thauka to Dr. Miles' Dealt Remedy, i aat all light now. 1 cat good, sleep good, and feel like a new nun, at. though I am almost 63 yeais old. i have been a soldier in the late war of the retiellion, aud was badly wounded." ITIAKl.F.S IHH.MF.S, Private Co. It. 541b N. V. Infantry Volunteers Waltou, Delaware Co, N.V. Dr. Mile' Heart Remedy it kept in thousands of homes as a friend always to be relied upon in time of need. Sold by all Oruggltta If th. tint bottlo fails to bonotlt, your money la returned. Ask any Druggist. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. and MixaH Palienu Hair More t'r' magaaiui .-. i-a. reliable 1 . one mil: : horn. -. . des,;i ia Inn.:. and he!; . . . 1 . : Sav. Moie. , i lor McC .'. . cenll a Vt.ii. i .. x . MCUU fal..T .... Mrf.n P.l, : l..J 'l wliert i siyle. !, atmiiiuity, -- n and 1 ninli. r Mid. Wort dealer u'l l'"n lnT "r ,w0 maSticoi.1'! u t e -h-r Uun isctnta. Buy Iromyour d -!.r. 01 1 irj : from McC ALL'S MAGAZINE J38-246 W. 37tl. Et, N.w York City I..H. OH. rriMM r n. mi rmm cmv omen 1 I'.ina any other Mu'all'siathe ! Kioiitbly in .. ...id I Iu. u sand . ..Utile latest . t t lis, enoh issue :. ; 'holt stones ..id.i for women. !r. lyl. tir iiitMeribltig . 1 . ..r. I'uttl only o 1. .sot lb. celebrated TAT? President Taft, Daslug bis claims for a renamlDiitlon on the lecord of bis administration, has the support of the parly organization in ni.iny states, and of thoBe Republleans who ure oiposed to what they ronehlcr Iho too radical Ideas of Colonel Uoosevclt. Senator Cummins and Senator Kolletle ( wm 1 a f JVi s ... y fi if . v V "i"t ,r.- ' rj i) lit-itr 't-iii laiiKliln all tlin tivt-u an KiurtS an' tilings The u-hlHpfi-ftl Hurt ' iuugfhlti' Hint's hu tiiflluwlikt It Blngi! Ydii shih.t tin' Imik an' lil. ii, an thj wlitJf rmiiul world skeins xlill An' tii.h it Mhu.lt Mf(l rliut-kle curtu-!! Qlltiiilin' iNmji the hill An' lirii'tn it. msn the iTifuiJuw, h' gtn a f;itiin' mft an' low; An the tn-.u avC Ktuss la laughln' mi' I wumlff what tlu-y know! It's nt'tin'tlilii' mlKhty pleusunt ai wlili-r hy tht! rlclt Was tin- lirft ti net tin nic-aaagp, ut tl'.o wllhr hfura thltiKfl quirk. It puMMi'tl the word anion; 'em, an' tlu-y Ht'nt It lnr an" thrre Till it waH tolil In whhpw-s that eat h lit tle hnx-Zf .rouhl liear. I The llhif hu.lH h huiKhin" an th IwIks I'fiul to and fro. The fVrim has R.it tho mcr.-t -an' 1 wtnt-dt-r what thuy know. Tiie trt-t out In the oivhard, where they've dtond as traunt an' (trim As If a lot o TTinurnln' had btim fatt-nt'd to e.ii'h Ifinh, Woke up tin- other mnrnliV an' they tinir- nmri'tl n-m-t liini? rooJ An' tohi it to eat h other till tmi li oth.-r u Uflrtrft not! ; They prinhrd up 1 i K a hiNble that's awnliln' fur lu'r hrau And niidilt'd inijclity K'l.vlynii' I WutithT wluit Ih'-y know. The luirnlii' hush Hint mother has a!un: Hih K't id i-n walk Is rciMir ttmn u ruhy all alniK t-ath stt'inh r stalk; The msrs still aif Khiotiiy. with u frown mi evwy thtrn, )Uit I i an lit ttr tin in latjiitiln', Just as Mire as 1 tun horn, Th-y'v" itnt a wmd u Hladhfss, luit tii-y t.ilk in wliispt'i.-'. tliuuuh, An lui-.li uln n I will list. ii an" 1 w.ni- dv what thoy know. Please Read These Two Letters. The fiillowiiiff luttur from Mis. Oi villo Ituck will prove hnwnnwisa it is tiir women to submit to the dangers ofa siugifitl ofieratiiin when it limy 1 u voided hy taking J.ydia E. l'iiikbain's N'fgetitlile ('imipuiiiid. Hie uus four uecks in tlift liosjiital and rami) lioiuo gtit'fertnu; worse tliiin licforc. Then ufter all that HUtl.u ijig J,ydia K. ttuk Laui's Vi getuble Coiuiiound restoit-d her health. HKUK IS 1IHK OWN STATEMENT. I aw 1'uw, Mich. " IVo years ago I BUffored. Vfiy miveiuly with a displacpnient I could not he tm my teet lor a lung time. My physician I rvj 'ed iuo for several liionlhs without much re. iict, und nt lust sent me to Ann Arbor for an op. (ration. I was there four weeks and came home Hijfl't'i'ing worse than before. My mother advised mo to try Lydin li. llnkkain's Vegetable Couu pounil, nnd I did. To-duy I am well and strong and do all my own housework. I owe my health to l.ydia, K. i'uikhaiu'.s Vegetable Compound and advise every woman who is afflicted with any female complaint to try it." Mrs. Ouvilus Hook. It. Jv. Ao. 5, raw 1'aw, Mien. "THERE NEVER WAS A WORSP. CASE." Rockport, Ind." There never was a wnrso ease of women's ilia than mine, and I cannot begin to toll you what I mitfered. For over two years 1 was not able to do anything. I was in lied for a month and the doctor said nothing but an ojieration would euro me. My father suggested Lydia E. Hnkliam's Vegetable Compound ; so to please him I took it, and I improved wonderfully, so I am able to travel, ride horseback, take long rides and never i'eel any ill effects from it. I can only ask other suffering -women to give Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial before submitting to an operation.' Mrs. Mauoauet Meredith, li. V. D. Ko. 3, Uockport, Ind. We will pay a handsome reward to any person v ho will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful -or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the orig inal letter from each did not come to us i-mirely unsolicited. Fop no years I.ydla E. Plnklinm's Vegetable Compound has been Oie standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick wiih woman's ailments does justice to herself w ho will not try this fa mous medicine, nttide from roots and herbs, it lms restored so many suffering women to heal t li. pfrg Write to I. V lI A E.riNKHAM MKDK'IXKCO. 1SF (t'.niK.'HAI,l I.VXX, MASS., for advice. Your letter will lie opened, read ami iiiisuc-vi! by u woman and liebl iu strict, coiiiiU.'inv. HIS SERMON IN A NUTSHELL. Comprehensive and Succinct port of What Was Said in Funeral Oration. Re-the i stand .ret like to hi ar Yin laiiRhln'-Just an' limit ti round An' t lis- '.in t tlltin' softly of the set they have found. An' s 'liit thii u 'way inside ni-- says the sky Is KU'Wln htue An' that I'm ttnatiiin sniuthliiK I'Vi f"r- K'lttn th.it I knew; For all the uorM is lauK'tti' wit It laitiihlfi p--U an' hw An 1 Jnlri In th.- laiiKliln' - an I W'undff what I kiiuw. CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE. As soou us toloiiul Knosvvflt had dcrbm-d ibul l.t umii.l ui'i vpt Ilia nom ination It It were oftVred hliu, his ailudrirs In all pai ls of (be country start ed an actlvo campaign " fecure dclenatea In the convention Tho HooseTelt luovenient Is auH'u by u uuuibtT ot Kepubiiruu tl'seruuis aud by uiauy per sons ho formerly nere advocates of the nomination of a Follotte. The rolonel s slogau la that the suvenin.ei.t must be put skiiIii Iu the bands of Ibe peni le, and In line uttb this Is his advocacy of a form ut recall applied to Judlrlnl tlerl! IIS lb:it htl.-rt ll e '.Ciil ltf ns a whole " t r I I "Judgti." said the buly uln, was ac cused uf biilliii li.s' her husband, "It Is true that I stiiuk lilm, but the wenpun I used prn es thai 1 did so inure In sorrow than In Hiiner." "What did you hit him with?" "A sadiron, your honor," Day of Excitement. Mrs. Meililerariis -What was all that crowd iloln' uV u ai Ibn H,st omre tnilav ? Mr Meddergrass Why , they col one o' these here new revoliln' Hlorifi doors In the posloltlce, an' id' Mis' Freely K"t to k!u' 'round In II. an' i tboy linil to Kit a repeue parly, so s I the rest u' the lnwii i mild Kit their I mall. A popular Irishman, beloved for many a mile around his home town died suddenly. He belonged to several organizations, and the A. O. 11. of Bloomville decided to send a representative to his fun eral. The church was packed and the clergyman most sympathetic. "We will say," he observed in illustration, "that here is a beauti ful watch. The case is tod and studded wn!i diamonds, ll looks like the valuable pari of ihe watch, but you can remove ihe works and they will keep on licking." The delegate returned to his home town and wa sounded on the topic ot the funeral sermon. "W ell." he reported, "the t.nh- er said that Pal was no W.uer bury." IIA INti I UN. The brilliant wit of the bar look ed at the moon-laced farm laborer and winked at his friends and whispered, "Now we'll have some fun." "I lave you ever been married?" he began. "Ye-e-es" siamered the laborer, "once-" "Whom did you mai n7 " "A w v-w iiiii.i it, mi "('oine, my ".mid in. in, olc.'iiisv it was a woman. Did ynu ever hear of anv one man ving a man" "Ye e es, sir; my sister did." Tie Tlirice-A-Week Edition Ol- I MR W 101 W M v Practically a Duily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price nr. great political campaigns ire now ui hand, and you want the news accurately and prompily. The World long since esuiMished a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-W'eek edition, which comes ev ery oilier Jay ip the week, except Sunday, li will be of particular value in ,oti now. The Thrice-A-Week V. odd also abounds in other sirung l..nures, serial stories, hu mor, in.,, keis, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class dailv. The Tin ice-A-Week World's regular subscipiion price is only fl per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We oiler this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one year for - The tegular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. The Demons ol the Swamps arc iiiosiuilucs. As they slinn tlu-y put deadly nialaiia ircims in Hie blood. Then follow the icy chills and the liies of fe ver. The appetite lliesainl tbestn nuth fails; also nialaiia pairs the way I'm deadly typhoid. Hut l-lcotne t'.ittfiB kill ami cant out tin- nialaiia iter ne- from the blood: iroe you a line appetite and renew vour slreiiulh. "Alter lone' "uf fcrinir,1' mole iu. Kietwcil, of l.uca ma. X.t'., "three buttles drove all the malaria from niv system, and I've had I good health ever since. " Itest for the j stomach, liver and kidney ills. "ilk", at I all druittfists. FOIIY'SOMOLttrfllVE rea Sienacn .Tea and.CeitiTtraTien The worse a man can express his nonsense ir a love letter to a girl the more ideal it can seem to her. Children Cry 1 FOR FLETCHER'S I CASTORIA Helps n Judge In llnd l ix. Justice Ui I'hcny.ol'iiillis Mills, I'enn., nil plainly wutiii'd, bad sure on his leu had ballled seventl doctors and IlillE resisted all ivnieihei, "I thought it rta-'. a cancel, h.- mole. "At last I used r.ui'l.b h'fi Aiuica : ube, and was com pletely ci. led " I in. s biiin-i, boils, ul cei.i, cuts, luiiiscs und piles. 'J.",c. at all diut'irists. When a girl meets a bachelor three limes in one day on the street he may think it accidental but it isn't. pi Easy Sacrifice. Mr. HiiilKilt 1 Rave up mince diuliiK tieiit Mr tluodleiKu Ah! That was very commendable. And why did you give up the pie? Mr. DodKltt Well, to be honest with you, I don't like mince pie. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R 1 A Sympathy too- easily aroused blows away like froih. "What Dreams May Corns." Bobbs Old Tltewadd Is about dead front Insomnia. Says he Is afraid to go to sleep Dobbs Uoea he fear biirghus? "No; hut the last time he slept be dreamed of glylng away mouey." Juhn H. Staton, Joyce, Ky., had an exceptionally severe attack of whooping cough, lie says: "If it had not been for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound 1 would have been compelled to quit work. Instead, 1 never missed a day. and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gave me instant relief and is the only coti((h medicine we ever use." Contains no opiates. E.CLARK. A JOKi: 111 l" I All 1:1) ,- lai mei Oi o e aiong ine mi eel of C onw ay Springs. 1 le had a lop ! on his wagon and over the edge could be seen the heads of several sheep and young stock. As he drove on his way he was accosted by a dude, who, on seeing the "haying", sang out: Say, Noah, your ark seems pretty well crowd ed to day." The farmer looked around, aud, unconcerned-like, replied: "Don't worry ; 1 have a place for a jackass, and you can gel right it;". The city upstart looked sheepish and the farmer drove on. Kan sas City Times. Difficult Scriptures en Hell. A little Hook senilis nt ouly ten cents, postpaid. Is having a Tery wide circulation rumiiui: up Into the mil lions. It contulns some very startling Information respeetlng the meaning of the word Hell. Ii claims to demon strate, both from the Hebrew and the Greek of our Hible, that Hell la NOTj a pin. e of clernnl torment, but merely; another name for the TOM II, the1 iirtAVi.. tiii: state ok ii:atii. it, affect 1o sbow Unit man wns not re-: d.-einoil froin a fsir-i.fr pltfe of eternal torture, bill iloles the fcorlpture. prov-l Ins Hint he was Itl lUdCMKl) from ths' OUAVi: at the cost of his Itedeernor'a I.IKE nnd th.it the S.-rlplurnl Hnpe.J both for Ihe t huriii end the VNorlil.l Is n resurrivtlon hope based upon the! dentil und resurrection of Jesua. The book Is certainly worth Ihe rendlng.i The InforuiMii'ii It furnishes li cer tainly vnlinil le, fur beyond Us trilling cost. Order It ut onre from the Bible and Trnct Koctely. 17 Illcks street, Itroi klyu, N. Y. ,1. W. Joidan, a well known dentist of HopkiuHville, Ky., recently had operation for his kidney trouble, but he savs. "The lirst relief I got was after taking Foley Kidney fills. They eased the terrible pain in my hack and accom plisbcd more good than anything I had tried. I gladly recommend them." E. CLARK. Eastman's Kodaks We carry full line of East man Kodaks and Supplies and can furnish anything In Eastman's goods on short notice. ROANOKE PHARMACY CO Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 18 1m

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