Bssrwaali wjh Till r"5 i ill MI,Sah Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 I'er Annum j VOL. XLVII. WKLDOX, X. ('., Till KSDAV, ,11'XK Hi, 1 1 1. NO. -.4 Hi LrclloL 3 Ffclt L'KN P AW ji'lnUi' Pi epanlinn &rAs simifat tnS ihcFmxf antrRrqut? lin Hit' S:iM!i:iiti3 Dovcls of rroiMli-sDislionflwifi nrss and ResiXoiitairis ncitlw I ) pi (.fin .( lurptae nor Mineral. No r Narcotic. Xmp tttMBrSSVBimxX JlKSrmm 1 MMIrUts- I hiinritiiiutrSfJa Cur Atl Stqtr Apsrferi Remedy fm Cons(li' lion , Sour Slmiuch.Ularrtoo Wnrms,('oiivalsions.fpTrisli ness tuuiLossOFSu; u facsimile Sinamrr of NEW YORK. W2 Et Copy of Wrapper. Spanish Peanuts. . '; The present low prices have created a very 5 large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when you have peanuts for sale. ' :THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. OE THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ant Surplus, For nearly '."ii years this institution lias provided bankim; t'ut-ilit !.- fur this section.' Its' stockholders ami ollict is arc i. it-n t i ti I itli the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton countira. A Savinen Department is maintained lor the beiiclil ol all lio dosuo to .lopoHit in asasmirs Hank. In this Ik-part nu-iil i nt.-t.--t is- all.iued as follows: , For Deposits allowed toreniain three months or lomri-r. -J per cent. Mx months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve munlhsor longer. I per rent. Any information will lie furnished on application to the Presnli tit orrashici eaaslltlNT : '. K. DANltlL, VICK-I'RKSIIIKST: V. K. SMITH. IIIIIN t). IMiAKK, Teller lllKF.CTOKS V. It. Smith. V. K. .1. I,. Shepherd, W. A. fierce, l. II. III S IHIl lan, to' Meta ani Mbuc Puffins 1 The smartest styles in Spring Footwear. Pumps "are the thing We can suit your taste and more easily your POCKHT BOOK, No better values pos 1 sible for the money v I Prices: $2.50, $3 and $3.50 j Similar to cut above. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, I WELDON, N. C. $.1.50 $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to TE Roanoke Nes, Weldon, N. C. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years TMt eiNTAun cohmnv, himt vona oitv. 13 E Ml lAsiiiKn: . S. TUAVlS Haniel. It. S. Travis. W. ZollieoUci, .) . . Slcdy; I ohell. i AW 1 OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER I Uncle Remus' I year $l.()l Southern Ritralisi, " .50 Woman's World, " .25 People's Popular Monthly " .25 Roanoke News, " L50 DEATH. There Is Something Blinding in the Death. Fascinating, Thought ot We call the monks of old morbid who were obsessed by it, wrote "Remember Death !" upon their, cell walls, and had skulls among their daily furniture; and, perhaps, they were morbid, and, perhaps, the idea of death is loo strong a liquor for use in the moi ning; but, for all that, there is something in death that makes men great, un seals the wells of poeiry,and smells of eternal youth. How was it that Wagner could find no fit climax for the 1 mighty loves of Tristian and Isolde 1 except in death? Why do the murders of Socrates, Joan of Arc j and Lincoln place these personal-1 ities among the constellations of j our esteem ? Why is there noth-1 ing so apotheosizing a man can do ; as to die? And why does the j death of Jesus lift His life and teachings into such thunderous power and authority? livery least act of living we per-1 form gets its pathos and beauty of death that flows around it. The kiss is the sweetest that may be the last. The parting is made lender by the ever-lurking possibility that it may be forever ! "Unsuspected," writes Alexan der Smith, "this i.lci' of death lurks in ihe swetteM music; it has some thing to do w ith the pleasures with which we behold the vapors of I morning; it comes between the passionate lips ol lovers; it lives in ihe thrill of kisses." A ray of death makes the most commonplace thing shine. A pho tograph of the living is nothing, but of the dead how strangely in teresting. An old shoe, a glove, a hat, if it belong to one of the si lent forever, takes on new signifi cance. An (irdiii-iry merry-making may he vulgar, even offensive, hut be- j comes at once tragic and sublime I when ! As if beckoned by an unseen hand j The man whose laugh i- hauls in i his cups 1 Kises with a wild tncc, and goes away I ruin iiiirih into a shruiid, iilnuil a wot d. All about hie play be mis o" death. All actual is the halo ol the i u vti ic around the the infinite mystery. It is folly to laugh at death or de fy it. It is cowardly to evade it. It is sickly and mistaken to be depressed by it. But to be ever subtly conscious of it, and to draw front that consciousness a feeling of awe, of dignity, and of infinite beauty, that is wisdom. NOT I. A truly eloquent parson had been preaching tor an hour or so on the immortality ot ilie soul ' Looking at the m.itt; t.un--, declaimed, "and :ou..t n ( thinking: "He.mii'u! as y-.n you will be destroyed, soul will not." I gazi d upon occa.i and cried: "Mighty ;.s an., Viiii will cuiuu.iiU dry but not 1'" Children Cry I0R FLETCHER'S CASTORIA "I was Crh could hard!. akd v.oA Ij ( d ..HI i ! tine '. i ' .u- I I III i .. .My d i .1 .10 .U Oil' U'A.i L ui 1 1, iillial Mill. 1 H .Is i,. . ; .i utf ! hot as , . . . walk when 1 li lt it. I .. Dr. M ien' lunii'lit a hntili- .a Ntv!iij .! ! r.... t I lit, ...I. I 1 . lain- I, .it t1 -,X 111., nil.: pant tiod I li.n e luJ i nil to i. j H Sim,, Rll, If AW .11 . any n ell as tin." P. O. box s l Few medii incs aie u any I-. ,;wit lor ihi umatisin, lint Mr. S i ' -rs tells plainly what Dr. MikV !!e ttorative Ncume did (or ii. tine ounce uf salicylate ul Mid., add J to one buttle of Nervine in. ki s ::.i i i tellcnt reiiit-ily for riicito t i:n, which is now known to l-e a tf-iv out disease and theictoie Mii-i-.. t to the iiiHuenee ot a int-dii iiu- (hat aits thruugh the nerves, as d.K . Dr. MiitV Nt-ivine Sufferers from rlii-uiii.i!i ,ni si l.l.en fall tu find o li. I in the uv nt Ur. MiltV Nuvuie, with vdnylaic uf luda. Sold under a gu.irntc thattsiurei th return of the price uf the lir&t If It tails to tn.lit. At ell Urugg j i. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind i . , :.a . ' .- t J .. i . .11. t Pick The 7 t IK 1 A: Ohio IJeinocrals w:ir hy (iovvriior tlnr.iion, uud tils i.uiimeia are by no meun limited to that etate. Ila Is more conservative th:-.n many menibcrs of his party could wish, howtver. ami lliia Is csp.-clally true in t lie esleru states He ban deehneil lilmsi-K as n i-oseil to I lie iu 1 1 U and refeiemliiin. wtili U doclrlne Ki-enis to lime a l.irv- ol'i win:;, but iu w-. of Hit eastern (tut. a bu U rtuuriicd witli es.i-elal 9 nwwnn JT ! Af ' SEIZED THE OPPORTUNITY. i ,e, ' rH: V. rr; h ilZL i n. KiS e' ' tNss.e y 4v pled, '''IV.'lLP ii .lllue ii.iii.-r ol iliu Democ ratic ni.ijonty ami ii.ulriniin of tha WT suit means committee, Mr. Vnilerwoo,! has directed llm tnillT poller of his party, not ahiais to tha enllro tatlsfactlon of tomo of .Us other leaders, but In a way tlmt lias nulned tiltn the entliusiiiHtle support ot a couniiierabie auui l.i r in lil i iimlitl h v t.u the preshli nihil noinlnallon lln Is a littlo slow la fi, , I,,. ,,,,,...,, i,i ilel.i ii.n I ul has lieen uiaklug up for lost thus tlUie llilU'iU I HIK. .(.in 11.(1 It I l. .1: II Man Couirhi aiul Uieal -. ftli; 1 Mtei a It 1 1 - III l ii I coiii'liui - -i. ll a mail 1 in Necliall. W in . felt I, -Mil.!.- p on- in 1 Ins i,le and Ins doeloi roiiiil ol- had lieen liiokeii. Whit aitmiv l'i I Runt's New liiseow-iv wiiul.l liave mi, id j him. few tea.,i,insl'ul end a late j COUL'll. Willie pelistelll IIM' unit-, .di stillate CMInttr', eH I-. stuliliulll Ci-l.l--Ol Ill-Ills M-.ll.. M'li' lilll1' .. "I lee! Mile lis aliod-selld to lllllll:illtly. Mllll'S Mis. I'ltie Minion. I oliiiiilnu. Mn . "I m 1 I ii-tit .' I Mould li:le e..llsiuiii,ii to tluV if I had Hot Ued tins i-1 , :lt l.-loe ily." Tim Kuaiaiili-ed to sali-iv. and v.u can i;et a free loal liollle in aie m " I size at all i lletri-l-:. I very time a minister announces that the Lord called him to a new Held some huiiisiii e person is I sure to ask how much the : al.u y ' .ncrease is. i Winner. i I mii fh h . A immwm MOMENT ViL i '7UDSOlf J6maf Move (In Nowl s:lv a piiliceinan to a stteet eiow.l. ami tthael.s heads if it dmi'l. 'Mine on linn. " s:iyi Ihe Imr. hai-li lllllielal pills to limt, I eoie-'i-ii'in and sn ll-i in ,- l'nl- Imis. I'l K - Sen I. lie I'llls .hiu't the liotit-ls. I hey neutly pel--.iia-le ih, -in lo i ii-1 it action, ami health follows. :' at all ,li ncio-ds: I .'veil the optimist takes a day on w lit ti tin- rent collector calls. A woman is willing to let a man have the last wind if it comes in ihe form of an apology. Just as sure as a girl inherits a little money she grows mighty Pien- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A i " IT y Nr 'N :riTT Tlu-re 1h one innu-nl In the gprluir Mure wiindcrful than anything, Mori- iiuirv.-lous tliun uny druni Wlif-n-ln h ttiniHinl rarv OiIiiks gleam It Is tl... tiu.:ii"iit ultr-n i bii.ith Hluivs l.:n k Id.- sl.r..u,l uf wintry death , And ll... lilt!.- haws unfulJ In Ixuuly ever new and old. I ! N'u oiImt iiiiimi-iit In the yuar I.lvf-H Willi ii loveliness- fo Blieer, J No cither liHinuiit aeon that thrill I Bw.,-i tait iu-i'nsH the tVld and hill I And thrt'iik'h the wouda and on, afar, I Wlifre wlltieied vtiit-s and brtuielK-u art No uth.-r iiiiinn-nt, slmrt ur IntiKj. ; Bees tie- t-arlh intlrliitir Into sung. K biilitle Inslflnt huhls the spell I It Is as thoiiKh snme eleur-toned bell I Helids fniih a low. Insistent sound I Wherein nil melody la found. And buds an- opt-ned with a w, trd Wild mioile that may not lie f'-nred; It Is as tliotiiih a wand Is swayed AhoV'- Hit; diinclliir sun find shad.'. Tlu-u yoriih-r, yonder' See the i,'ivsn Swallies all the trees In Jewel sheen. And see Hie laiiKhina little leaves lirape all tie- w I with wonder-weaves. Anil see the lu dKe. nil wlblel palled. Mal.e us with emerald enwallid -And Ihe whtp- l' swlfll- pans Aloni4 ilie Kii'ilnd, and wake Ihe grass. Just that one moment In tlie la fairer than all sonw we si It holds ivllhln lis inysile call The sudden Khi'l'i s of ll And If We see It, It we l-'iow, If we lii. iv sense that Inanel-Klo l.ei.-witii the wol I.I Is newly diei Then we with all thli.KS have b, A Sui prise "Hut why," we Child. "11111 why di Ule, twlnkl. , little in Boston asked tin i nit write Boston 'Twin- star it aliotild Hclntllhite, be, Instead of 'Scintillate. spheiiod iiilliiiteslinal,' etc.?" "l'ardon me, sir," responded the Hosinn Child, nervously polishing her eyeglasses, "1 ani not the lay fiRtire for the ai itii aplilsts who are envious of tlie obvious culture and refinement of our population." herou! i n she made out a request slip for Mother Goose's Melodies and started to Ihe library. As kit I woiul.T u il'e ileHerietl liint elllt -Sl.t- I. .ul a new Kouiivanay gown, and wcnteil an excu to winr It Fine Distinction, "111 ot.e Ki-titt-iu-e." commented tho Savime t'lllie, "you say, 'the liulletii were tlriven Into the faces of tho ate-uered tho AsplrltiK An il. I ttioiiKhl eieiyliotly know ullelr u,n, Uud.' on. , .illna Ills anaiilsli liehliul a eilnlli',l) ipplei Inlllii burnt of ImikIi tel', the -illll,e, Aittllur Has .iblo to lisvv tils lUiiliiim I'll't Iti eepteil Would Be Full. "Ilti.ther lull l.-l.-ni nplm i Ills lull tlll-SS .lilt." Silltl III 1)- III. lie, Ohio l'tfl son "Hi lo si-nd Obi iuu. rmiM Lo poln tn Kct.tiu kv " And liio Ko i ml l.iUgh rose and fell for ftoiiia uiiiiiited. Time ot Faatlng. Miss Hem is.-lle till, I think Lent Is Jtisl lovely Miss Wlllldt-I - Ye. do? "Indeed 1 do Juat think ,nc can bo religtouH and at Hie saitie lime reducu Hesh " I j -Ij ,t t-e &-.. Makes the Nation tlasp. The littlul list of in.jiiiie.s on a till o .Inly si iirL'ers Immunity. Set oiet acainst it, iiottevei, is the ttonderfol healinir.liy llneklcnV Arnica Sulie, uf thousands, who hiill'ered from hums, cuts bruises, liullet wounds or explosions, 1 1 the iiiick healer uf lioils, ulcent, eezeina, sore hps or piles. !. at nil ilrujrgists. Right headed men are always good-hearted. HEN HAS MONK'S FACE. Her Mother Was Scared by An Organ Grinder's Pet. Moritz Adler has a country home ! and farm near Deal, N. J. He al- j so has a Plymouth Rock chicken. ; He gave her a place in the back j yard of the home, with a dry goods ; box for a coop. Though perfectly normal in ev ery other way, Hose-that's hir name -has the shrewd face of a monkty. She drinks soup from a spoon held in the hand of iter nurse, Having no beak, she does not peck at meat scraps, after the manner of fowl, but picks them up daintily with her strawberry luted lips. The facial expression of Rose Is quant. She has a rather set ex pression at the corners of her mouth, indicating firmness of char acter. Her nose is well defined. Rising from her raiher broad fore head is a pompadour of feathers in the style that young girls affected with their hair a year ago, when Rose was a smooth, white egg in stead of a remarkable chicken, j The general contour of her face j is somewhat like that of Susie, i the funny little orang-outang from Borneo who delights children at the Bronx Zoo. Her happy black eyes light up wonderfully when she sees cracked corn or oatmeal nuisli. "She was born a year ago," said Adler. I knew her mother well. She was a fine old fussy Plymouth Rock hen, who stuck steadily m the business of scratch ing gravel and producing eggs. She wasn't quite as progressive as some of the more flashy brown leghorn and Indian game young ladies of the barnyard. She did not take kindly to new fangled ideas like woman's rights. Noth ing made her so mad as to see some other hen strtiiiing around and clucking about warning a vote. "An Ilaliait onun Pt-inili-r nassi-.l : the farm one day with a funny lit- j world gives SO much at SO ; tie South American monkey. Ilejlow a price 1 gave old Airs, riymoiuli K'ock quite a fright. The old lady appeared and three weeks a icr- ward I found her neM under the haymow. Twelve little yellow cliieks had ju:.l halt lied mil. The remaining egg was cracked, and something inside was peeping sad- . ly. All the oilier chicks h.ul peek- , ed their way out with their bills, ! but this one w as trying to get out and couldn't. " T broke the shell, and then I saw why it didn't have any beak. ; And that's the way Rose came into the world. Because she was a freak the head farmer's wife look 1 an interest in her, and educated her, till now she is a lady, all through. She talks all the time ' her mouth is never still and that's what makes me think she stands prenaturally by the suffragettes of the barnyard. But there's no way to tell." New York World. takls Tin; cam:. Senator Simmons was i.ilkiug about a boom. "1 congratulated him on his boom," said the Senator, laughing, "and he appeared astonished that 1 knew anyihiiig ol n 1 ;m I iold him I had a keen nose for booms, even for little, 1 explained that I w as like the Newbern ur chin. "A Newbern urchin used to call on a certain old lady every Satur day allcinoon, and siu: would g'.ve him a piece ol coeoaiuii l.ivercake. J Bui one S.uiiidav, as she expected company lor lea, she ikiided not lo cut the cake, and iheieloi'e none was ollerul to the urchin. "lb- n-tid pl-itiiiivrlv, ;is iln tune came lor him 10 go: " T believe I ..mell cocoanut lay er ckc." I "The old lady laughed, w cut to ' ihe cupboard and cut him a cry i liny piece. When she gave it to ' him he thanked her and said: ; " 'But it seems sir.mge that I could smell such a liny piece, does n't it ?' "--Washington Star. WORTH OF AN IDI-A, I i ( iod lili-ss tho man wil Ii mi iilt-ii. It limy lf vinionnry, luit I it starts soiiii-tliiiig. That's its i nlot ilit'iition. I Pnthusiasm doesn't amount to much unless there is plenty of hustle back of it. for ehitdrrM tat; WOMEN SHOULD BE PROTECTED Against So Many Surgical Op erations. HowMrs.Bethune and Mrs. Moore Escaped. Eikeston, Mo. "For seven years I suf fered evervthinp. 1 was in bed for four or flvo days at a time every month, and so weak I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backache and headache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have any one, nioveintheroom. The doctors gave ma medicine to ease me fit those tiiin s, and said that I ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told h.m tibuut I.ydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it Now I look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do my own housework, hoe my garden, r.nd milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I cun visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day In the month. 1 wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl." Mrs. DEMA Bethcne, Sikeston, Mo. Murrayville, 111. "I have taken Ly dia E. Fiukham's Vegetable Compound for a very bad case of female trouble and it made me a well woman. My health was all broken down, the doctors said I must have an operation, and I was ready to go to the hospital, but dreaded it bo that I began taking your Compound. I pot along so well that 1 gave up tha doctors and was saved from the operr. tion." Mrs. Charles Moore, R. It. No. 3, Murrayville, 11L ; Tic Thrice-A-Weet Edition OI-" THE Practically a Daily at the Price ot a Weekly. No other Newspaper in I'm; great political campaigns I arc now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since e: lablislied a record of impartiality, I and anybody can afford its Thriee A Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A- Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciptioti price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 I papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the KUANUKb NLWS together for one year tor ... yiii The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. ADMIRES PASTOR BOOK. RUSSELL'S "Ths Divine Plan of the Agss." Every One Should Read It. Atlanta I'lmstltutiou says "This wonderful hook makes no assertions that are not well sustained by tho ScrlptuT's. It Is built up stono by stone, anil upon every stono Is the text, ami it becomes a pyramid ofi lout's, and mercy, and wisdom. There Is nothinK iu tho Bible that the, Autlfr ileuies or doubts, but there nro' nuinv l. st.s that lie throws a flood of lida in .m that seems to uncover thelii meniiln.-'." It Comforts the Bereaved. "ltill Am" savs--"lt Is Impossible to ree'tlils book without loving the writer uud poiitlerlns Ids wonderful' siilulliui of Hie Kt'eat mysteries that haie troubled us till our lives. There Is hardly a family to lie found that has liol lost smue l.iveil tine Mint itletl out fide the . Inn. It oiil-i.le the I'lau of s.ili eilon. in:.' ll t'aliiiil uii I"' true, ol,l-,lle of 111! Ie e :Ulll llisllle of PUT- ii. il I. i mi nl uud tli'spnlr." .,o- e!i. Ill Imlllltl, 33 cent, l,,,..i..i,i ! : 1 1 . : t uud 'I rit'-t Soi let)', 17 , or ...l o-.. v, y Mct'ati'fi Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Ht More Friende than any other magazine or jiatterns. McCall's is the reliaMe l'n .hion (iuide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homer,. I'.i -ides showing all the latest designs ol Mi Call Patterns, each issue is brimful of sparkling short stories . and helpful information fur women. Sm Mon.r .ml K..p ia Strle lw nb-riWr, liif MtLtii'a muatim ll tIK. 1 Cofti nly o , fftiti i yfir, intludini inr iwa MiCail Wiifrtii Iim. McC.M Pattern U.d H othm ! ityl, i, inifilmty, eriniom? ind mimhw tola. More W'ri McCll Piiitii than toy other two makeifomhinfd. Nont hih thjiB iJWDU. buy (torn your dealer, or by Buil Iroa McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th St, New York City m-wa UvW, Pi ,! e.Uf mt i . S "." rOLEYlSOKINOlAXA'm : fos tomch Tttousn enrt Ctisti9H r W0m w York World - 1

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