Igjiifljj ! igj ' Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XLVII. WELDON, X. C, TIILUSDAV, .JI NK 27, 11)12. NO. J) i X IF. THE WAY TO WIN. ALCOHOL 3 PtK CENT. AVctjciaMo Prpparalionliir.lj sirnil,nlin;i!ipR)0(l.iRc5ula liiigilicSwiifrtsai'xIBtwclsof Promolts Dipstton-Ckf tful ncss aril lesi'.CoiilJins ttcithr Opium .Miirrjlurie DorMwwa). Not Narcotic. Jby, ,MitStMUmWH jttx-uma IhmlttJ thiMufm tttmr. Anerful Rcuwdv forCortsltoa- ilon.Sour Stouiadi.Dlairtwca Worms,CoiiVulsioiis.rwi$lt nt'ssaluiLosso'Su;!;l,. facsimile Signatur of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of i ijsii m M m mm jf.r fly ft iF ,n tor If DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOURSELF. Do Not Be Afraid to Voice Your Own Value, Providing You Can "Make Good." TEanieeiTunifcr 11 t Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOBIA THC OlMTftUf MMMNr, HIW 10UH CITY. Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices have created a very 1; large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when you have peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO , ? NORIOLK, VA. 01 o THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Vt'eMon Depository. Capital aDnDrplfls, $50,000. For nearly yearn this institution has provided hankiuK facilities for this section, its' stockholders and ulliei is are idontilii-d with the Lusi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained lor the lieiielil uf nil who ilesiie to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tins lep.irtiiienl iiiteiest is all. med us follows: I'or Ileposits allowed toreinain three lu.mtlis or lomri-r. 'J per pent. Six monthsor longer, :i per cent. Twelve inonllisoi loiiifer. 1 percent. Anv information will le furnished on application to the i'rcsi.h nlorcashict prrsuunt : W. K. D.tMF.I., niRECToliS W. It. ! J. I.. Shepherd, W. A VU K l'KKslllKM : W. K. SMITH. JOHN O. I IKAKK, teller. ninth. V. K. Daniel. It. S. Trav i 1'ieree. I. H. Znlhi'oller, .1 . " . t'ASIIIHH: , s THAVIS. Sled i:e M Tohen. The world takes us at our own valuation as a rule, and unless we are deluded by an exaggerated self-esteem it will accept us on our own estimate. Do not be afraid to voice your own value, providing you can "make good" or any promises or statements you may make. The idea that a timid, re tiring manner succeeds either in social or business life is erroneous. Without boasting, give full credit to your possibilities and accom plishments, else you cannot expect others to do so. The biggest, the most irremedi able mistake made by women, or men, for the mailer of fad, is the one of assuming a false modesty regarding their work. Underesti illation of lite work of others is the natural tendency of mankind. To concur in this opinion is to put your efforts and accomplishments on the toboggan that leads to the land of oblivion. If you can bake a delicious cake, say so, and back up the declaration with the cake. If you are an ex peri typewriter, tell your prospec tive employer about it. Do not lag behind a non-committal, "1 think 1 can please you." Such colorless phrases are the language of the mediocre; but never by any chance are ihcy lound in the con versation of the aggressive, push ing, positive party traveling on the limited to whatever point he desires to reach. Send two women .out 10 sell copies of the same book. The one with the faculty of holding up the good points of the volume, telling ihe interest of the story, the excel lence of the binding, the profit to be derived horn reading it, will re turn with empty hands and full pocket book, while the "1 think" woman w ill come dragging in her self and the books; yet the intrinsic value of the books were identical. It is w hat you know and what you make oilier folks know tluit counts ; in the great game of getting on ! Selected. It we but knew how much the word we say Will cloud and darken some one's cheerful day, Perhaps we'd not be hasty and hold back The thought that leaves such burning in its track, The cruel suspicion or the biting jest Thai fills a heart with sorrow in some breast. If we but knew how much of cheer 'twould be ' To say some word with touch of sympathy, Perhaps we'd be more gracious and benign, And thus give back those gifts to us divine Of wholesome sweetness meant for us to share With others burdened with o'erwhclming care. If we but knew how much our little aid Would save a life bad habit would degrade, Perhaps we'd be more active in desire To stay the utter and consuming fire From reaching greedily toward some soul Too weak itself for mastery and control. If we but knew how much neglect can do To darken lives to whieh we should be true, Perhaps we'd be more faithful in our trust To lift life up, as blooms lift from the dust, And fill wiih love the frail and fading flower Thai looks and waits and hungers for our power. ON STORMY GALILEE. Daik the gloomy night had fallen over stormy Galilee, And the straining ships wave-driven by the wild tempestuous sea, Till it seemed no power could save them from a darksome, wai'ry grave, When they see the Master coming, walking lightly on the wave. All the weary night they've labored, toiling at the bending oar; Hut the star of hope has vanished they can never reach the shore. Then they hear the voice of Jesus, "Fear ye not, I've power to save; And they see the Master coming, walking lightly on the wave. When the sun forgets his shining, when the powers of earth areshak'n, When the rolling heaven shall vanish and earth's mighty ones are tak'n; When earth's millions past and present 'round the throne of God shall crowd We shall see the Master coming, riding swiftly on the cloud. The Whole World Bows to Him Who Is Determined to Win. The way to fail in life is to never be ready when opportunity smash-; es through the front door and cries, j "Come out!" The way to succeed , is (o go out and capture opportu- j nity before it gels near the door; and shouts, "Come in." The bat-' tic may be hard. But i" ilierc were ' no difficulties there would be no ' successes, if there were nothing to struggle for there would be notli- j ing to be achieved. Those men j who have awakened some line ! morning to find themselves great, j have awakened, you must remem ber, hundreds of previous morn ings to begin a hard and wearying struggle. "I'll be what I want to be,"i said Waller Scott, and he w as, al though the instructors of his youth pronounced him the biggest dunce in school. I le achieved by strug gle. The dunce cap never held ; any one on the bottom who was i determined. Napoleon and Wei-1 lington were dull boys but a deter mination made them great. Jay Gould was laughed at when a boy, but he made his way and began by peddling rat traps. Sir Isaac Newton was at the bottom of his class when he was a boy, but be fore death came to him, he had struggled to a high point in philos--ophy. Determination; not the kind of a job, but the man behind the job, meeting adversity square. The pathway of life may Appear to turn back at intervals and grow dim, but the steady creeping Be Happy! Happy Hie girl, or woman, who has never Buffered from any of the diseases of womanhoodl Or, if she has been a sufferer, happy is she if she has learned of the wonderful benefits of Cardui, the woman's tonic! Cardul Is a gentle, tunic remedy, for women's ailments. It Is a natural medicine safe, harmless, purely vegetable. It has been in successful uss for more than 50 years. It has cured thousands. It should do the same for you. TAKE Urdu WomanSlbrtfe Mrs. Mary Necly, of Denver, Tenn., says, "I think there is no tonic on earth, as good as Cardui. I used it with the very best results. 1 had backache and nearly everything a woman could suffer with, until I look Cardui. Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall always recommend Cardui to other suffering women. I can't praise it too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui Is safe and reliable. Try It, today. Wrltt to: Udiei' Advliory Dtut., Chattanooga AMR-lai Co., CMtunoojl, Tenn. for Sftcial lnstractivM, and M-pane book, "Home Treatment (or Women," lent tree J M TIT I OK TAT. "The late John Arbuckle, "Cof fee King Arbuckle,' " said a coffee broker, "was very charitable, but he administered his charity with rare delicacy. " 'Coffee King Arbuckle' used to assert that the poor was as sen sitive as the rich, and he would il lustrate this assertion with an apt anecdote. "One of his anecdotes was about a rich woman who, while calling on a pour woman, in a slum, said: "Does your husband drink?" "No'i.i," said the slum woiwtfl, quieily; "doesyours?"--New York Tribune. And there are people who never arrive at a conclusion until the undertaker is ready to take their incisure. SWIiETCilKLORADUATfi. Observe the noble girl who has completed her college education. See her, with her dimpled chin resting in the hollow of her white palm, gazing out into ihe future with thoughtful eyes. What problems may she now be solving? What mighty movements for ihe uplifting of the race may she be planning? Back of her are the years of stu dy and application. The great minds of the centuries have given her of their best. All that science and philosophy can call from the universe of mind and matter is hers. And now she is ready for the future. There is a hopeful gleam, a confident light in her eyes. She speaks: "Some of those back numbers at home will sit up and take notice when I get off' the train in this new panther skirt suit of mine!" REVIEW OF THE YEAR. TEARS. The River Of Tears Hows Always Ml: WAS A DAISY. James A. Patten, at a dinner in Chicago, advocated temperance ardently. "Hereafter I shall help the Pro hibition movement all 1 can." said the noted financier. "Drink is an evil that takes an incredible hold on iis victims. For instance" Mr. Patien smiled. "A temperance lecturer," he said, "once displayed to his audi dienee two geraniums. The first watered in the usual way, was a beautiful and vigorous plant. But the other had been dosed with al cohol, and its foliage was shriveled and sparse, its stem twisted and its vitality decayed. " 'Now, ladies and gentlemen,' cried the lecturer, "what can you say to a demonstration such as this?' " 'It's all right, and if I were a geranium,' said a shabby man in the gallery, 'I'd stick to water ex clusively, but I am not a gera nium.' " MAM T.U 1 1 HF.IU F Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash. Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MAUKTOOKHF.H A MM.' Pit I. Alt s l' M'K " Oood Materials. Mi(h Urade Workmanliiii Our Moulin. I Weldon, N. C. HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS I The Experience of Two GirU Here Related For The Benefit of Otliers. o NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CU. 5fc HEAD UUtt N I Daily except Sunlays No liXo No.."i A.MalVM! l'.M. 8':iii2:l? '8:3.'. Leave 9:00 12:4,'! 4:ll."i Leave :15l 1:00 4:20 ' Arrive NOTE-Mollld ia Fl Sullen ten?ral Manager's OHh. l.umls' ; fir ki;ah it rt j 11.1 AI'Kli. I. IHI I laily v;cu NuiayJIj No.:1 'No ,No ii F A M. I'M I'M. liiimlieirv Anne ll:l. :!, ':''. V Mow Held Arrive ln:4-V -,::in .'i. T .hiel.soll I.I1IH' lli ail! LM.',. .'. Ill M :::: f fJ ' W W. lilll'.r.HTSON, lieneiitl MuiKil'el , P Jl WBMHBMMHH I ' V li . I I .1'., M.o.'li i'lli. I"ll OUR GREATEST CLUBBING UlFERI f Uncle Kenius' I year 'I.Ot) Southern Kuralist, Woman's W oild, People's Popular Monthly " Roanoke News, $.V50 value to the subscriber for $2 00 Send all subscriptions 'to The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. 50 1.50 U,hester, N. Y.-" I hiive ilauuh t.T 13 yeum old who linn nlwuy been Very heiilll'y until le.vntly when nh coiiipliiined of ilizi'.inens and iTwn every monlii, no Uil Unit 1 would hnve to keep In r home from wlinol mid put her to bed to K''t relief. "After pivinp her only two little of l.ydiu K. riioUiu" WkyUM! torn. Hiniid nhe i ; lio,v enjoying the best of ' li.-jllll. I l-min.il il ! ".ll l'ulliK,UliJ too luxhly I . ..lit e, ly e.ood liiollW i lo lead What ""l hi. .llelin I, no done lor ii.y -.-lulj " All . Ki. mho N. Di.MlAh. ', ail KxehaiiKe St , Ko.li.-Her, N.V. , SUiuLiville, Ohio. "1 eulfered from j lieaduche.-i, b:iek:irhe and was very irretf- ulur. A friend ad vised me to tuke I.ydia E. I'iii'.ihaiu'i I Vegetable Coin iwund, und before 1 had taken the whole I of two bottlea I found relief. 1 am only sixteen yearn jsl old, but 1 have bet ter health than for two or three years. I cannot express my I thank for what I.ydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound had done for me. I had taken other medicines but did not ! find relief. "-Miss Cora B. Kosnauch, j Stoutoville, Ohio, R.F.D., No. 1. ; Hundreds of such letters from moth- j ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has accomplished for tlieirdaugh- j ten have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkhun MeihciaeCon-.i)riy, l.ytui. Man. I A North Carolina editor who wins has summed up his business for 1911 the prize for the review of the year. It follows: Been broke 361 times. Had money 4 times. Praised the public nine times. Told lies 1,728 limes. Told the truth one time. Missed.prayer fifty-two times. Been roasted -151 times. Washed the office towel three times. Missed meal, 0. Mistaken for preacher, eleven limes. Mistaken for capitalist, 0. Found money, 0. Took bath, six times. Delinquents who paid, twenty eight. Those who did not pay, M. Paid in conscience, 0. Got whipped, 0. Whipped others, twenty-three limes. Cah on baud at beginning, 1. 17. Cash on hand at ending, fifteen lent, The Uplib. M All A IN 1 1 THH WRATHHR. A Richmond woman has in her employ a colored cook who has managed to break neatly every variety of article that the house hold contains. The mistress's pa tience reached its limit recently when she discovered that the dus ky semiiii' had broken the tber- nioiiu iLi' that hung on the house porch. "Well, well," sighed the lady of the house in a most resigned .. i . . , i. way: you ve uianagiu io near, even the thei nionieter, haven't you?" The maid replied in a lone equal ly resigned. "Yessum; and now we'll have io lake the weather jist 9i ii comes, won't we?" WANTED A BOY. j A jolly boy. j A boy full of vim. ; A boy who scorns a lie. A boy who will never smoke. A boy with some "stick to it." A boy who takes to the bath-tub. A boy who is proud of his big sis ter. A boy who thinks hard work is no disgrace. A boy who does chores without grumbling. A boy who ihinks that an edu cation is worm wiiite. boy that plays with all his might during play hours. A boy thai listens not to unclean stories from any one. A boy who thinks his mother above all mothers is the model. A boy who does not know mote than all the rest of the house. A boy who does not think it in consistent to mix praying and play ing. ; A hoy dues not need to be called a second time in the morning IN CROWDED NEW YORK Apropos the Hal hie in Nn, i Senator Smith said the other day in Grand Rapids : ; "I have a friend from the roomy West who moved to the nietropo fis recently. Meeting him in Broadway I inquired : " 'Well, have you furnished your new Hat yet ?' " 'No,' he answered; 'no,, not quite. By the way, Senator, can you tell me w here I could buy a folding toothbrush.' " and on soon brings the toiler to ; another turn, and again the path j widens into a great highway and I once more the sunshine of hope ' brightens his vision. Progress may be slow. Be not discouraged. Oliver Goldsmith spoke of himself as a plate that flowered late. AIM- I eri, an eminent Italian dramatist, left college no wiser than lie enter ed, and did not begin lo develop until he had traveled half over Kurope. James Wan was forty years of age before he began the j study of French and German. Franklin was fifiy before be enter- i ed upon the study of natural phi-, losophy. Handel was forty-eight before he produced any of his great works. Believe it; life is a beautiful thing when you strike out, dig hard, and work long. For the whole world bows to him who is determined to win. Carlyle Holtomb. A Card This is to certify that I'oley's Money und Tur Compound does not contain uny opiates, any halil foiininu drills oi any inirii-dieiits that could possibly harm its users. I Hi the contrary, its ureal lii-alun: and sontliniL' iiialilie make it a real remedy for couirhs, colds, and initalioiis of the throat, chest and Iuiil's. The genuine is in a yellow pack. : aire. Ask foi l oley's Hom y and I'm Compound and accept no ul st it ute I'.. CLAltk. The destructive eruption of Mi. Pelee, the San Francisco earth quake, ihe sinking of the Titanic, the burning of the Iroquois theater at Chicago, the famines in India, the clyclones in the western Uni ted States, the burial of Pompeii, the awful losses ir, the world's battles, and all disasters where many human lives were extin- on guished at once are looked upon Tk Tlnce-A-Weel Eflilioi OF THE as happenings of extraordinary horror. Undoubtedly they a pall the im agination. To attempt to belittle in anywise the woe caused by these events would seem an impudence approaching blasphemy. And yet so long as men sutler "the slings and arrows of an out rageous fortune," so long will far seeing and byst. Hiding view ol life, seek to mitigate despair. In lull sympathy w ith the panic tt-i ror of such catastrophes, it must be admitted thai death in a crowd is no worse than death alone. Griefs are no bitterer than grid. You cannot add and multiply sot rows. All the woe in the world is only so much as one human heart can hold. In terms of human misery it is worse for one member of the fam ily lo be saved, in such a Hood as Galveston's, than for the whole family to be swept away. For the entire city of New York suddenly to be swallowed up by a monster tidal wave would not be lo you any more poignant grief, if one of your loved were among ihe lost, than to witness the individual death of that beloved one. This added terror is dramatic It iew York World Practically a Duily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper In world gives so much at so low a price T1 iif. great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and nrnmnilv Thi' World lonf since ! established a record of impartiality, S and anybody can afford its Thrice- A-W eek edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value lo you now. The Thrice-A-Week W orld also abounds in other strong leatuies, serial stories, hu mor, market'., cartoons; in fact, rveryiliing to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A- Week World's regular subscipiion price 'is only $i per year, and this pays for 150 papers. We oiler this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKF. NFWS together for one vear for - The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. PRACTICAL. He 11 1 should kiss you, 1 sup pose you'd go and tell your moth er. She-No, my lawyer. Boston Transcript. I hey I'ut An End lo It Chillies fable. .dM'ook St., lon'liiMiT, N. V.. says he recommends loley lull uey I'llls at eei y opportunity Iteeau-e lliev irave him prompt relief fioui a 1-ad ease ol kidney tumble lhal had loin; lioltu ii'd linn. Mich a recommenda tion. COIIIIIIC tlolll Mi sable, is and com iin'iini e idenee ol the cuintiii' iiuibtn s of I oh y Kidiu i l: ci.Alik do, HIE AMATOR Little drops in water 1 idle drops on land - Make the aviator Join the heavenly band Satire PROFITABLE DAILY TITHING. "Daily Heavsnly Manni." This Utile tsiok Is havlni; the largest circulation of nuy of Its kind and Is conceded by Cbilstiiuia everywhere to be the innst helpful. If Christians allow the rush and crush of seliHh nmlutlon to deprive them of their daily purl ion of heaven ly food, ihey must not be surprised if they crow 'spiritually leaner day by liny, and If the peace of God gives place In ttu-ir hearts- to the discontent v.hi'h Is urouliiK In the world, not- MtiKtamiiii!? tlie mull lulicatlon of our hocks the imagination, but dues i r011,f,.,s iUt p,-iute?e. !uihi Ih'trriiii Mminit contains a col lection of Scripture texts with appro prliiie ipioiniioiis for every day In Ihe year. Surely fie little tithe of time tin II v upent iii pai-lnl.lnc of its morsels of heavenly counsel cannot full to profit alt who partake. It Is published lo do Rood not for profit. Your Friends' Birth Dt. An autoni-apli mill birthday r.voril f, .ilui'c In tlii-i book Is a great conveni ence opposite ouch day of the year Hie bb'ik lines upon chili you can se, ure :ln- ; o-.o::i-,iplis of your friends lin.l lie rem.iid.il of 'heir birthdays as they oi. nr. This makes the book more vaiii:ili'e y. ilv In ten years you would not n il ii for ten dollars. liesides II lois a place for Hirtli Rec ords. Merrill,. e U.rords und Death Rec ords l,o it tins a table showing tha day of the week of liny date for one hundred und fifty je.irs. l'linled on bond writing paper, blue cloth, handsome. Price, Xi cenH post- i.l; luiiliiti.n nlllgalor skin, gold ., $I.imi postpaid. Order now. Ill .ndTru, 1 Society, IT llleks Ktreot, i i oklyu. N. V. helped to keep Down l:penses Mi .1 I!. Ileiiiy. Akron. Mich., tells hou she did so "I was bothered with my kidneys and had logo nearly double. I tried a sample of l oley kidney I'llls and they did me so much koiuI that 1 boiiuM a bottle, and feel that they saved me a big doctor's bill." E. CLAKK When a man is in love with a widow it's a sign she knew it long before he made the discovery,. not add to the bitterness oi the ' heart. Heath is one, whether ii comes to companies or single beings. livery day hearts are breaking, hopes are extinguished, deaths arrive. Some 50,000 souls every hour embark upon that died journey nun ihe uiiknow n. Scattered here and there among the surviving millions we note them w ith only passing interest, unless they touch too closely. Sheaved into one ter rible fascicle they astound and : prostrate the mind ol the w orld. I'm the vast cataract ol sot row pouts on like Niagara every day, every bout, and these freshet Hoods do but trout tune io time sw ell tin' ciinnniioiis How, for "Surely nothing dies but some tliino I IK it it ns Man Cuuglis and Orcuks IMis Mi.i i li-.thlliil Continue, spell a man oi ,, i nab V f - . kit terrible pams in lo- ide an 1 los docloi lound two libs ' had been brokiu. What atony Mr. knit's New Discoveiy would have saved loin. A few teaspoonsl'iil ends a late conch, while peisistenl use routs oli stinale couubs. expels stubborn colds oi heals weak, sore hums. ' 1 feel sure its a Cod-send to humanity." writes Mrs. rilie .Minion, Columbia, Mn.,"l'oi 1 believe I would have consumption to dav if 1 had not used tins great reme dy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you can tct a flee trial bottle or oOc or SI. size at all druggists. A man can lakes a clever them. darn socks, woman lo but ii mend A w oman cares not if her clothes are unbecoming, provided they are stylish. Makes the Nation tiasp. The awful list i. f injuries on a 4tb ot July sCigpers humanity. Set overagains it, how ever, is the wondeiful healing. by Hucklcr.'s Arnica Salve, of thousands, w ho suffered from burns, Cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. Its the quick healer of bolls, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or pile? i'io. at all druggists. Mri';:Ll'G and McCaii Patterns For Women Have More Friendi than any other mio'.-iznu-or pa'.terns. McCall'sisthe reliable 1 a-dnoii liuido monthly in ono "ii one hundred thnusnr 1 hone : I' los showing all the late t de 'en.;- '. Call Patterns, each i -mi is bin .: I i ;.irkling shoit st"m and help; . u uiormatiou for women. Sivo Mnnir anil K,;p In Sljl. by luli-rtnr.,l One per cent of men are some what popular, but the whole 100 per cent think they are strongly so. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA emu .1 j .-nr, Inc. ,111114 any on 01 u '."".. ' McCall V.iu.rnilrw. McCtll r.mrm Ld Ml '"V"' iimidioly, ro'inmy ! KM". " A-alm a. 11 M,-l'.,ll TalKnn llian any othti In InakMti.lnl.iiii-U. Ui,MlillitllluanLU. Hi'. Iruni yt.ua Krai r, or by null Oom 4 McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-248 W. 37U SL,Nw York City Foley's 0M0lAXATi:r To Tn4C Toui. and.ConsTiMTiu t