Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XLV1I. WKLDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, .Jl'LY 4, l.)lL NO. 10 mil iTIV III' s; The Kind You nave Always Bought, and which has been lu use for over 30 years, hn borne the slffniUuro of i 0 aud has been made under his per- LzLjCJfrfrAji S0Dal "'PCl'on since its Infancy. I yArvr. 'CAM, Allownoonetodecclvoyoiiliithlg. I All Counterfeit, Imitations) and"Juxt-a-good"nro but I ExperlincntH that trllle With and cnilnngrr tho health of Infuuts ami C'hlldrcu Experience against Experiment. j What is CASTORIA f Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare J forie, Dr.ijn and Soothing Syrups. It Is l'lensaut. It con tans neither Opium, Morphine not" other Narcotie ulstance. Us ago is its g'larantco. It destroys Worms uiid allays I'cvcnshncss. It cures Dlarrluun and Wind I Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Oiiistipatlon l and I'Tiitiilciio... It assimilates the Food, regulates the I ' Htoimuh and liom-ls, giving healthy and natural sleep, j The Children's l'auacea Tho Mother's Friend. J GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS "I Bears the Signature of i The Kind You Me Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CCNTsMJH COMPANY, Tf MUHMV TftCCT. DCW VOHR OITV. Spanish !The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always ommunicate with us when you have peanuts lor ale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT 00 NORFOLK, VA. as THE BANK OF WELDON WKI.DON, N. (' Organized Under the Laws ol Slate of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, For nearly 20 years this institution ha provided hanking facilities lor this section, its stockholders and ollii'i is ate identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained I'nr the beuetil ul' all who desire to deposit in a Saving's I'.unk. In this iop.iilni.'Ut ml. re-I is all. mi. I us follows: For Deposits allowed tort-main three months or longer. L' per t'eiit. Si months or longer. per rent. Twelve iiioiiiIikoi Imc'er. 4. p-.-i cent. Any information will lie furnished on pbksidbnt: W. E. DANIEL, vii'K-i'tiKsiiiKvr: W. It. SMITH J.OIIX O. 1 MAKE, Teller DIRECTORS W. It. Smith, W. E. 1. 1.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. It. Dixon&Poolo Manuiactunntr Ctniipany, MANl KAfl'l UEIls or building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, blinds, I Mantels, Door MADE TO (JHDElt AND liKlil'I.AH STOCK SI.KS. Good Materials. High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. OEZ20E kinDTuniiDTnui q. utDTcnon oan ua v rnu iiuninniTiriuiianLniiuuu umiuni uui KKAU DOWN Daily nay Suniays IN 1 1 lit I No 1 No 8 No i A.M. tM. F.M. 8:3U 12:10 :S." 9:00 145 4:00 i 9:15 1:00 4:20 Leave Ouiiiheny Leave Mow lid. I Arrive Jackson NOTI- Mom fi.ld it a rial Htallnu ueasral Manairer s Office, uumtM-n v. 30EI0E Peanuts. the Stale ol application to lice President 01 Cashiei Daniel. K. S. Traus. W Zjlheoll'ei. .1 V. si, ,1 and Window Screens. O AI'KU 1, 1 1 1 luily t'U'tl Sunday; No.2uNo.4, A M.ilVM.-lJL il:l.-j 8:1 Ul! :Ti.". Ill:4."i 2.110 .'i:2."i IO:Stl 2:l"i odd Arrive A i rive Leave S V. liiilU.lilslJN, Ceneral ManuRei J IU. ISU 13 aC North Carolina, U I T?J-Z '-''.if J X P cash i km; r x& .v.-mafv.. i:.s Tiavis. II' ysv jm'. .- - f Cii;cuRo .1111...1H . ( u votes " " " iA W 1 0l i .ul, ., - UiU:,,- tl..-ie was . I li.'--. H K,..v1t OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER ! . Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Ruralisi, " .50 Woman's World, " .25 f'eople's Popular Monihly " .25 KcanokeNews, " 1.50 $350 $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 W00DR0W WILSON NQMIIUTED FOR mm i NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR IS UNANIMOUSLY CHOSEN FOR PRESIDENCY BY THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION IN BALTIMORE. LONG DEADLOCK ENDS AFTER RECORD-BREAKING FIGHT 8enator Bankhead of Alabama Withdrew Underwood's Name and Wilson Wat Nominated by Acclamation on the Forty-Sixth Ballot. Exciting Scenes in the Convention Hall. Conventlou Hall, Ilulllmure, Mel 3overnor Woodrow Wilson or New lersey was nominated for the prcsi lency here on the forty-sixth ballot, l'he forlylirih ballot showed that hi needed only D;, ballots lo nominate llm. Underwood's name was withdrawn. Hid Alabama east her vote for Wil son. The name of Fobs was with irawn and .Massachusetts swung into lne for Wilson. Clark's name wa . llso withdrawn and New York mov d that the nomination be made unan nious. Chairman James directed the call rig of the roll for the forty third lime. In Arizona on the forty-third vote. Clark lost one vole to Bryan. Connecticut showed a Rain of two for Wilson. They left the Clark eol ;imn. In Idaho Wilson Knitted 1 1-2. The hull was quiet as Illinois wa" reached. When Hotter C. Sullivan of j Uallot. Chaii ii. in with his v.. i. nd.-.l ilie table i.d i . 1 1 i . li.ii. id the under Hie unit rule, lor Wilson." he un t it. i' c heer greeted ;"ave Wilson a clear ill Illinois. The New el uproar. ' lll.iu.. easts j.S ulcs liuiiiu .1 and :ci the shilt. This gain of fit voi.'.-i Jersey governor cuiil tiiiecl to gain. In Iowa he added 1 1 2 lo his total vote. When Kentucky was tailed and the vo'c was announced 2il fi r Clink, one of the deb, -ales detnend .1 "I waul to snow it l..i.i:ii'.y can vote for Wll'-on if a niaji.iity of the deb ga'.-s desire to do mi? ' (lovemor .Vrt'rcury. i reian of the dileKatlon, I'll. ued thai the In. -mictions of Hie K ii - :: ii . not allow a In. 'alt 'I tie Wll:i ii men did not press the point, nlihmiuh etithnt ly confldetit of a vote lu Hp' ieeua lion. Tllf .V.'Vt Vulk lleleitiitin Iiii.) ijerld- vd In caucus to continue to cast Its in votes for (Talk. I he vole in the caucus showed for CUik, 7i, for Wil ton, 10, apd for I'lljel nooj, 2. Wilson Cains. When Virginia was reached. Set.a tor Swanson arose to explain the state's vote. He asserted that nt a caucus the delegation had deeded to enforce the unit rule for the Hi st time Wilson had secured a majority of the delegation and the slate's 24 voles were, cast for him. Summei colds aie liatd to get nd of and frequently lead to asthma, bron chitis, and hay finer. Do not lot your cold gel a hold on you, but use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for quick relief. V. II. Allen, ( lu-iaca. Wis .says: We prefer Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound to other 'cougti medicines because it quickly cures coughs and eolds. It will ward oil' a cold if t'lken iq time." Contains no opiates. E. CLARK. b - ' - sv- jr Mm '' if . j ' - .- . '"ttf.i 'feJff I ' His plea for a progressiva can,,: 9 Vvf3C I date wai heeded by the Democrat.. : fX&J?i wW I! convention. I .' .- JttKfIIX. U K;tr . ?1 :4k sl OU FORTY-SIXTH BALLOT THE I This gave Wilson a Rain of 1 ns and Clark a loss of KM. Underwood lost I five unci u half. The announcement I of this vole sturted a Wilson demon ! stration. ! "Come on you Wilson!" shouted the ! Jersey delegation, ami they leaped to their chairs. The ballot left Wilson 124 voles ! short of the necessary two 1 1 1 1 ul a lo ! nominate. I Forty Fourth Vote, Once more the c:ill of the roll he tan. It was the forty-fourth ballot :ind Wilson in the beginning gained 1 In Arizona; Colorado climbed aboard "the land wagon," giving Wilson a Rain of 9. This made the vote in to 2 for Wilson. One of I he two was Mrs. Anna It. I'itzer, sister-in-law of Speaker Clark. In Idaho on Ibis bullot Wilson lost Half n vole, but he Rained 2 as In liana's vote was cast solidly for him. It was rumored on the convention ilcor 1 1 1 a t (invernor Marshall of Indl ta WOODSON dna would bo a cunilklaie lor vice president If Wilson were nominated. Wilson gained i 12 lu Iowa, aud IOiilsiana gave him 1 more. The Mississippi delegation was In cauciiB when called on the forty fourth ballot and was passed. Maryland ruvo Wilson a gain of 1 1 2 and Ohio gave him a gain of 1 more. The forty fourth ballot put W ilson '.hi 1-2 votes away from a nominal. His vote was i'i2ll. a gain of 27 as compared with tho forty-third ballot. Clark dropped from 32!) to .1m'.. The situation led lo the belief that Wih.ou would be nomluaied on tho ! forty ntth ballot. j An effoil was made at the end of I the forty-fourth roll call by the Wash I Igloo delegation to vote proxies on I a pull of that ib legation. Chairman ! James insisted upon maintaining his i I position, foiiuerly taken, thai no , proxies should be toted In the con ' vetitlon. Row in Washington. Vti ,f t.iken from v i'ii t. .-ii. but Ilie cliali Has i,iitia.:icj by . i I. ...till.. t..le. wliii Ii se. ;it u alllli-st : i.I.i.UiumiiI. ' 'the polling of Ilie W.u-hin.nton del ! eciti s showed lhat of lite 2S dele ats. With lutil' a vote each, absent, lulling Washington's vote in the eon j t-ulion to 11 1 2 iiu the poll, citjht of these were cast tor Clark and 3 1-2 to" Wilson, but W.ishinston being un til r ilie unit rule, loiiitien voles were r.-. fi.l- Chilli. In III. se days i.l Int'li co.-t of hum? a medicine gels a man up out of bt-d and to wink in a few days is a valuable and welcnine John Heath. Micliiuau I'.ai.Cul., had kidnev I and bladder lioulile, itu.scontiue.l to Ins bed, unable to turn without help '1 commenced using" roa-y Miluey I ills ami can truly say 1 was relieved at once" His evitniple is woitli billowing. K. CLARK Truth is indeed mighty if it pre vails in a horse trade. " ' I LX i IE LIGHTS OF tome Interesting Details of the Balti more Gathering. During an outburst talk at the convention hall, Representative lieu ry Clayton of Alabama, one of the speakeis who got all "bet up" over things In general, made the fatal nils take of slartlug three, sentences In succession with the words "1 know." By the time he got to his fourth burn- j Ing thought 12,ouO persons started j with him. It didn't bother him, and he kept right on "I knowing." "1 know," roared the Alabama man. "Do you know that you've been talking fifteen minutes?" asked a man In the gallery. "If you will be patient, there are only half a dozen more speeches," pleaded Judge Parker at the morning session, when the crowd was break Ing the antl-nolse ordinance, "Let them all talk together, and then we can go home," was a bit of advice from the floor which taised a laugh. Mrs. Taft Attends Session. The convention was watched by the "first lady of the lady." Mrs. Taft, WM. J. BRYAN wit',, of the president, caine over froiu Washington, and was an early arrival in the gallery near the speaker s plat ful 111. She saw an animated scene-, l spun t-il liy the puuuise of liv.- ttuii, the eaiiy cioivd look a giui.: stall, wiih Hie re.siill that a lively, iu terestlns: throng was on hand an In. in nor than Hedne.sdav. I'm ihein the lirst center of attr.M lion was Mrs. Tall. She aimed w,,;. Mrs. K. Mack three quartet uf mi liour l.t-ior,' the conveullon mo, ; There vvaii in. I a ripple of applause i mi Ibe pint ut tin- incoming itioiisau.; - I as Mrs. Tall walked up the i j was ushered to a seat oil the plat foi in. As the party went up the middle aisle lo the stage Col. John I. Mar tin. sergeant a' urins. hurriedly cross td ibe platform. II,. was late, bit made uti for his tauliiiess by the e. dkiliiy of bis welcome Colonel M ;r tin pel sunnily led the w ay to the I'u . i row of seals reserved for the Tail party. Her seat was in the front row of the guests' gallery to the left of !! chairman's stand and iuimediaiely oW'iluokiug lb,, west section of Ihe press gallery. She had read eve y detail of the story of the Chicago cm volition, where her husband was re nominated, and she was deeply inter ested in the work of the opposing con vetitlon. It was the first time In the history of tin country, so far as the oldest i convention fans could recall, lhat tin' j wife of a president had attended a convention which was to nominate the man who would oppose her bus band for re election. Unable to Handle Crowd. When Baltimore puts up live or six more hotels and can muster mine than one ticket taker for eacl door way of lis armory. It properly may aspire to the honor of having another national convention within the city wa'ls but not before. It Is barely .possible lhat Ihe city could take care of the crowds if It. knew how. hut It Is a long call from th last big na tional gathering to the present one, and, while Ihe last one was not any thing like as big as this one, BalH more sconiii lo have? foi'boti.n Ilie. sons which other cities have learned. Marooned on Upper Floors. 'Ibe Illinois delegation a big haimer ihtown out from olio of the holeis aliuo'llli ing lhat i.a hoadqllttr ters ve,e ,m the tiflecnth .lour of one of the leading hotels. If the man v. ho wanted lo see linger Sullivan, or It might have been Mayor llarrl foil, If valiantly lie had gone lo the room of the piaiiie delegation, he either hud lo walk up fourteen flights of stairs on fret already lircd with tramping and t.iundini:. o: else ho had lo wait for Ibe hourly chance lo board an eletatoi wh.'i carried Its heavy burden i mi. .on. .' .I p. rsi'iiing alofl. The I'luiUe of a Husband is too iuiioil:tnt a matter lot a wo man lo be by weakness, l.a.l l.too.i nt foul Ineadth Avoid these kill hopes by taking In. King's Life Pills. New sliengtli. li ic complexion, pure breath, che iiid spirits th ings that win nieii-lollow their use. 1'asy, sale, sine. -! .c. at all druggists. One way to break a friendship 1 is to go broke yourself. i 1 1 Two of Hit, Southern negro dele gates who recently played a starring engagement lu Chicago had evidently got tbu convention spirit running so madly In their blood that at their own expense they decided to go to Balti more to see with their own eyes what the Democrats were going to do to one another They strolled into tile bar at Nix on's about nine o'clock, when the res taurant was practically deserted. They called for drinks and Ihe bar keeper served them. Then one of them, emboldened by the first dis play of courtesy, which they had x peileticed In llnltlinoru, exclaimed to Ida running mule: "Supposing wo dine heuh, Charles? What do you say? It's too far to go all de wuy back lo de llelvidete. and anyhow, after dose splendid meals we had In tho I'onipeiau room at tho Congress In Chicago, the llelvideie don't somehow seem lo lit my fancy. Did you notice that coffee thay had amazement. Hut casually, quite by Why, It was muddy, yes It was; posi tively muddy." liy this time the bartender's mouth was hanging vvido and loose from amazement. Hut casually, quite by accident as it were, one of his eyes rolled In the direction of the negro head waiter of the dining room, who was standing near by. "liufiiii," said the bartender, "come hither. I would speak with thee." Head Waiter Hands Out Kibosh. Then in a lower tone he continued: "Don't miss this, Kuftis. These two colored gentlemen have just arrived from Chicago. They're talking a lot of rum stuff about the last days of 1'ompell and I think I say, 1 think, Uiifus, they are contemplating: dining here to see If our chef has got any thing on Chicago." Hy this time the two negro dele gates had sauntered into the almost empty dining-room. But In a moment Unfits was upon them. "Hog pardon, sirs," he said, "was either of you gentlemen inquiring for me'.'" "We've just dropped iu for dinner. That's, of course, if you have no objections." "Objections! My, no sab, we don't have no objections, only I regret to say we have not got any empty tubles." "What!" cried the other delegate, ' furiously. "What's Ihe matter with j this one My, there ain't scarcely a living soul In Ihe room." "Hut dey Is all engaged, sab; every one of 'em. The particular table you was going to sit at Is reserved for Mr. lliyau -William Jennings Hryan. sah. Though 1 take It you Is Kepub I licaiis, you may of heard of him. We're expecting him and his friend. Mr I'arl-.ei'. iu rim iu at any moment. So vo.l fee, genlielll. II, hoi ilupiit'. slide it Is." And uilhoiil more wolds Unfits bowed the tuo delegates out of the door. Brisbane "Boasts" Cheer Leader. I 'uriug a Wooiliow Wilson demon u iu the convention ball during John W. Westcott of New Jersey Who Nominated Woodrow Wilson for the Presidency at the Baltimore Con vention. the Tuesday niglil session the wild applause was suddenly doubled. A "whoop ' arose that put to shame all the previous cheering. The eiithtt-l astic cheer loader was more Htirptis ed than any one else in the building. As he excitedly stepped from one writing bench lo another lu the press stand his progress was checked. The Wilson lithograph he had been waving was dropped lor a moment and then the cho.r leader was caiapulletl through Hie air into ihe crowd be'ow. Winn the police bail taken the mai ler in hand, II was round that the t, o olid aettii iu Ibis successful effort ef arousing the .mwd watt Arthur I;,-s bane, chief t,iinrial writer for Wil liam Kitli'l He. list He ohiri seriously lo luiv ne his "copy" walle d on and aded pioiniiliy. Later he t.aid h" merely "boosted" the offender out ef Hit way Nubnily knew why the time at which the domoustiuiiun was select td h the Wilseii forces ar. the "iy chologioal moment." hut the evi dences all pointed to a well laid out pian to storm ihe convenlion. It hi gaii when a New .lersey dele gate dim: e. in I o Ihe press stand sur- mi. I !!: the puilfonn. He was chid w!-t. t';; Is. and with anus i .: I., it. i lullest extent he 1 :' liilioKiaph. This lit) ul.' of Ihe houstt Insect Bite Costs I eg A I'.ostou man lost Ins leg Horn the' bite of an insect two years before To aveil such calamities horn stiugs ami bites of insects use Buck leu's Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison ami prevent inflammation, swelling aud pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, bruises, duly 2fc. at all druggists. It's easy to believe as you hope. HE NOMINATED WILSON j f . HARD ON THE OTHRR ONE. One hot summer day a Kentucky beau stopped at a llorist's to order a box of flowers sent lo his lady love. Ai the same lime he also purchased a design for the funeral of a friend. On ilie card for the box he wroie : "I loping ihese may help you to bear the heal." The oilier card bore ihe one word "Synipaihy." Very soon the Kill telephoned: "Thank you so much for ihe Mow ers, Inn why did you wriie 'Syni paihy' on ihe curd'-'" Louisville l'osi. The love of money is said to be j the root of all evil and ihe major-' iiy of us are tireless rooiers. ! 1-very mother's son of us would j be rich if our foresight was one-1 half as good as our hindsight. Children Cry i FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A livery rose has iis ilmrn and j ihe ihorn is still on the job after the rose has withered. j RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mr$. Templeton Regained Health through Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. Hooper, Nebraska.-"I am very glad to tell how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComKurid lias helped me. For five years 1 .sulfeitd from female troubles so 1 was Scarcely t.ble to tlo my work. 1 took doc tors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helped. 1 lied such awful lu arit.i; down pains and t.,y back was so Weak 1 could hardly wall; and could not ritle. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and toy frit-mis thought I could not live long. Ai. my request my husband pot n.e a bottle of Lydia K. l'inUiam's Veg. t-t ii 1 1 m I i ill 1 1 ii ill nil (in,) I ( tn t-tuble (.oinpounu mid 1 commenced to U;e it. liy tins time 1 hud taken tho seventh bottle my health hail returned and 1 began doing; my washing and was a well woman. A tone time for three weeks 1 did all the work for eighteen hoarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine ufter seeing what it did for mo. 1 would not take $10UU and be where I was. You have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone." Mrs. Husit; FLETON, Hooper, Nebraska. Thel'iiikham record is a proud and peer less one. It is a record of constant vie tory over the obstinate illsof woman ilk limi UHHloui despair. It is an establishe, tjirSfc'.jlii tact that Lydia 1.. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Cumpomid has re stored health to thou sands of such suffer ing women. W hy don't you try it if you Qcedsuch a medicine? H'tLDON LUNCH ROOM l irst -Class Restaurant for Indies and (icnllciiHii OL ICK LI NCHES SI;RM:I) DAY OR NIOHT. Anything you way want to older in season l-niits. lee Cream. R. I.. CRAWI.EY, Manager, Weldon. X. t I NHTMi MAILS ul AMLh'ICA i:asit:i;n i i run r m- nouth CAI.ul.lNA. IN Till: I'lsTUKT CHI 111' AT liW.LI'.ll. IN EQUITY. .I.WIIS lniN CAMLKhN, acilizcn of Maitettu. I. ancaslei county, state of I'musy-vaina. i oinplaiuaut, Vs i-uanokc Nav igation and w aier Power v win ('till i , u tin niiniiini vp i .mini ill' i 'hint. I lefeinhlllt. I bis is to notify all cietlitois. claim ants, stockholders and others interested .a tin- ailaiis of the defendant the undersigned was on the '.'"ml day of .1 tine, I'll-, appointed Ueceivcr of the defendant Company, in the above en titled cause and court aud that ousanie day lie duly .pialdied as such Keeeiver. j All cretlilois, claimants, stockhold ers and othcis interested in the allairs or property of the defendant are hereby notiliod to appear before the under signed L'eceivei at Ins ollice in the town of W el. Ion, N. ('., at i ; o'clock M. on the l'.lh day of duly, l-'l'.!, and make proof of then claims against said tie fondant, and all creditors, claimants, stock holdeis aud oilier persons inter esled in the ailaiis or pioperty ol the defendant are fin tlier notified that on the ith day of August, lidL'.al I-.1 o'clock M ., the said creditors, claimants, stock holders and others interested in the af fairs or propeilv of the defendant, or anv of tlieni, may Hie exceptions in writings to the alhiwani' ol any claim tiled by any oilier creditor, claimant or person interested with said Keeeiver. Tins the vMItu day of dune, WW. q no Ran c. qrern. Receiver R. N. 4 W. P. Co. je 27 6t I (7 r wv3 UllA .""f.liMIA: t " I r '.eO,-i: -,- I -I SALLOWNESS This disorder is due to a torpid liver involving the stomach and bowels. To correct the trouble take SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDbR FORM) When the complexion is sallow and you have spells of vertigo (blind sluggers) on stooping or rising sud denly and your bowels are Irregular, with much flatulence (wind in the bowel!.) you are badly in need ol Simmons Liver Regulator. The liver is the cause of all the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more effective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy conditions 'in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetens the breath, helps digestion and brings back the ruddy hue of health to the complexion. Sold by Dealers Price, Large I'ackaae. $1.00 Aik tor Ilie K-nufnc witl. (lie Red Z on the -label. II yell cminut get II. remit to ul, we will tend it liy null, IKifttpatil. Simmon. Ui-er Krfiilatur ! alio put up in liquid form fi.r llmie wlii prefer it. I'rice il.Ot) per bottle. Look for tlie Red Z UbeL J. H. ZhTLIN & CO., Proprietor St. Louis, Mlatsourl The Thrice-A-Weei Edition OF THE lew York World Practically n Daily at the Price ol n Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price Tin: great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want ihe news accuraiely and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Vi'eek edition, which comes ev- , L.,.y m1(,r Jay j,, ,he week exce , . . .r Sunday, li will be of particular value in you now. The Thrice-A-W ct k World also abounds in other i strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, , everything lo be found in first-class : d.ulv. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular sulscipiion price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We olfer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE M'.WS together tor one year for The regular subscription price ol ihe iwo papers is $2.50. WE FURNISH A Loyal I'east to every one who ( luiv tlicir groceries at our store. ( ( All tin found seasonable delicacies are iu our More- the year round. CONFECT IONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wooden and Wilh.vvware, Ktc.: l. otitis delivered promptly any tv Iteie iii tow ii. I'oble clerks. Phone .No. Ml. i II. il FDRNELL, W Kl 1MN, N, T. (io to HARRISON'S l'or Automobile liepairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine woik done sta tionary, (iiiHoline, Mamie ami Steam Lngincs, Cutis and Pistols, Satisfaction giiai anteed G00DjWR j Tiresand Supplies on hand for sale up east end of Second street. II. W. HAKKISOX, Weldon, X C. McCaii's Masf.2ine and McCall Patterns ' For Women HaT More Friends than any other maga7.ineor patterns. McCaii's is the reliable Fashion liuide monthly in one nullum one hundred thousand homes. Hei.itles showing all the late l designs of McCall Patterns, each i' is briiiilul ut sparkling snon :unii and helpful information for women. S. Mont t.nil Korp la Srrle by lutucribini, lur Mcl.ll'l M.tgint it once. lint, only Jo cenli a year, including iny oni of th. celebrated McCtll Pattern. Irct. McCnll P.Hmt. U.d ill oihtn ta ityle, fn, limiilittty, eci.nomv and number fold. Store dealer, tell McCall Pattern, than in. other two make. combined. Ntint hieber thin ,Matl. buy trom yout dealer, or by oaa troa 1 McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-240 W. 37th St, New York Clly in i.ii Cow, rMm oattw -a rr. ac im. ) WME Sit i Send all subscriptions lo The Roanoke Ne, Weldon, N. C. j I

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