NO. II 'i rvs. pi: T7 ISZ t 5S3 M.l (iIOL 1 PKK CtNT, AM'SolnNi- PrppansionfirAj s i mi i.n in' ttn' Rwd amf Riita liiiSJiiic'SiiHU'itlismilDowlsi Promotes Ditfcslionf hc iful noss and IfestfoniMsndle Opium-Murphine iwrMmtral. NOT ft ARC OTIC. Srrif, truutkSMwmm litm Stfi Qt.,MSmr, kWjtnunw. Ancrfec! Reiwdv foi-Conslln- lion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtioea Wonnsfnnvulsibnsjwnsi! m-ssandLossOFbUiiP. Facsimile Sintur of NEW S'ORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of W ft .n In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 6ASTQRIA Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when you have peanuts for sale. I THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS SAY? Keeping House lor One's Own Comfort. He was wise who wroie: "Half the siing of poverty or of small means is gone when one keeps house for one's own comfort, and not for the comment of one's own neighbors." Deny it as we will, few of us have the moral force to sei up a standard of our own, based upon our own incomes and our own particular house environ ments. We commit the Fully of regulating our expenses by the in come of some one else. If the Browns across the street hang yji expensive lace curtains, we are discontented until lace curtains have gone up to our windows, no matter how much smaller our in come may be than that of the browns. If the Smiths put down a velvet carpet onr neat and pretty ingrain becomes an eyesore to us. We are extremely mindful of what our neighbors will think about many things thatshould not concern them in the least. We have no standard of our own. Our dress and even our tables must be regulated by the standard, of others. We have not the courage nor the indepen dence to be different to the com ment of our neighbors. This form ot moral cowardice is causing many families to live beyond their incomes. They can face debt, and forfeit their self-respect easier than they can face the unfavorable com ment of their friends and neigh bors. The extent to which this imitation of others is carried would be ludicrous, if it did not bring so much unhappiness in its train. It is frequently the direct cause of discord and discontent and debt that have driven happiness from the family hearthstone. Let us have a standard of our own, based upon our needs, and let us bravely adhere to this standard, heedless of that dreadful bugbear: "What will the neighbors say?" SIIAKi;SHi:.l:AN l.ADII-S. OE 30 THE BANK OF VELOON wi:li)on', x. c. Organized Under the Laws ol the State ol North Carolina, Slate of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax Com ty Depository. Town ol'Weldon Depository. CafM.IlsIlDS.... $50,000. For nearly So years this institut .in lias provided bankini; facilities I'nr thin section. Its stockholders ami oilier i s are iiletililied with tin- busi ness interest of Halifax and Noitl impUm counties. A .Savings Department is maintained for tlie I'enetii ol nil who desne to deposit in a Savings bank. In t n IVp.utnieiil intercut is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed Uireiiiain three month- oi louder. p.-r cent. Six month or longer, .1 per cent. Tiv -In- month-tor lunger. I peieent. Anv information will lie fiirnnhcd on application to the l-rcM.leiiltnt'a-hiei ransiuiNT : W. K. DANIEL, VICK-HIKS1HKN I . W. K SMI III. JOHN O. lUiAKK, Teller. AS II ikk: "IKAVIS, DIRECTORS W. K. Jtinith, V. E. Daniel, It. S. Tiav is. W l. J. L. Shepherd, W. A. fierce, D II. .olheoller. .1 W Sledirc. I'ollell, ' 4U M ft" ' 'EUi ttao ft MANl'l-AHTTiKHS (IF i "John, our Shakespeare Club had a inusi eddying meeting. " "I'm glad to licit" it, my dear," responded her husband, Us he un folded the paper and prepared to read. "It was most iiiteriaining." "I'm glad to hear il. And what transpired." "Well, Mrs. Wonilui read an article on hog cholera." "Indeed?" "Yes, which was followed by a most interesting description of the Sahara Desert." "That must have been tine." "Yes, and then there was a pa per on our jail system." "('mod enough. What next?" "Next, little Genevieve Wallaby played the "I'.lack Hawk Wall" and "Monastery Dells,' Oh, I tell you, our SliakcspcJte (dub has some line meetings. "Kansas City Star. The more "good kick" sings a man knows the less he amounts to. IOWA WOMAN JJ Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADK TOOHDKU AMUiEtil I.AKsTot K M.iv . flood Materials, High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan Weldon, N. C. TinnTiinuriTrm Q. UCDTCnQn Qull WHY PflM niiin i nMiwir i nil fvi iilii 1 1 uiiu imiLiini uui nun mum . . . . KKAD DOWN KI-AD HI' haily excep SuoJays No I No :t .No..''.M. I'M':K 3' 9:UOil-i:4o 4Hi :l;il l:UO 4: Leave tomd-eny Anne Leave Movtli.l-I' irive Arrive .laclson Lean No.2lSo.4,No.U A M I'. M I' M. II I.'.' w: '"" III t'.; '.'Mil! .i '..'' lll.lW. .,:L'.; ":ln W V. Uul'.LK fStlN. Ueneial ManilKci NOTE-Mowllfltl l Kla Suii.-i i;en?ral Manairer -jnit-n, ,,mh,, . N.t'., M n.-ll !'il. I"H XOE-30XHIE OUR GREATEST CLUBBING DEFER t Uncle Kenius' I year $1 tit) iiiiiliprii Kuralisl. " .M) Woman's World, " .25 tennlf's PoDulaf Moilllllv " .25 Kopnoke News, " 1.50 S.V50 $3.50 value 10 the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. Freed From Shooting Pains, Spinal Weakness, Dizziness, by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ottumwa, Iowa. "For year; I wa almost a constant from female trouhlo in all its drentlftil forms; sliootinr; i -: . i 1 1 -t all over toy lly. sick heiulitclie, i-pinal wt-iiKn- r:i, 'I'v. in. -as, depressit-n, untl cvarj-thin-j tlmt wus horrid. 1 trieil niuiiy doctors in ililf rent parts of the United Slates, hut l.ydiu E. 1-iMl.hMm'rt V'l'ir.'tl- ble Compound has done more for nu thun all the doctors. 1 leei u my uuiy 10 un you theso fucts. My heart is full of j gratitude to Lydia K. rinUuun'a Vi'H-'- ' table ConiK)und lor my Health, -an, IIakhif.t E. Wami'i.ku, 6.'4 S. Itansoin j Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. j Consider vl Till Advice, j No woman suffering from any form j of female trouble should lose hoW un til she 1ms given I.ydia K. 1'iiikhaiii'a Vegetable Compound a fair tual. . This famous remedy, the medicinal in- j gredients of which are derived from i native routs and herbs, has for nearly j forty years proved to be a most valua- j ble Ionic and Invicojator of the fe male orKitnism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia K. l'inkliam'a Vegeta ble ComH)unJ. If von want special ailvlef wrlle to . i, I lf..,ltnlA fl-tOlfl. deutlal) l,)nn,Mass. Your Idler will be upeuetl, ifad aud ansnereil J irttiuiB aui liata lu strUt caullti'J,' GUILTY OR NOT CUILTY? She stood at the bar of justice, A creature wan and wild, In form too small for a woman, In feature too old for a child. For a look so worn and pathetic Was stamped on that fair young face, It seemed, long years of suffering Musi have left their silent trace. "Your name?" said the judge, as he eyed her With kindly look, yet keen. "Is Mary Maguire, if you please, sir," "And your age?" "I have turned sixteen." "Well, Mary," and then from a paper He slowly and gravely read. "You are charged here, I am sorry to say ii, With stealing three loaves of bread. You look not like an offender And 1 trust that you can show The charge to be false; now tell me, Are you guilty of this, or no?" .A passionate burst of weeping Was at first her sole reply, But she dried her tears in a moment And looked in the judge's eye. "1 will tell you just how it was, sir, My father and mother are dead, And my linle brother and sisters Were hungry, and asked me for bread. At first I earned it for them By working hard all day, But somehow times were hard, sir, And the work all fell away. "I could get no more employment, The weather was bitter cold. The young ones cried and shivered, Little Johnnie's but three years old, So what was I to do, sir? I am guilty, but do not condemn: I took, oh, was it stealing? The bread to give to them." F.very man in the courtroom, Graybeard and thoughtless youth, Knew, as they looked upon her, That the prisoner spoke the truth, Out from their pockets came kerchiefs, And out from their eyes came tears, And out from old faded wallets Treasure's hoarded for years. The judge's face was a study. The strangest you ever saw, And he cleared his ilu o.ii and murmured Something about the law. Tor one so learned in such mailers, So wise in dealing wuh men, I le seemed on a simple ttiesiion Sorely puz.led just then. But no one blamed him or wondered, When al length these words were heard : "The sentence of ihis young prisoner Is for the present deferred." And no one blamed him or wondered When he went to her and smiled, And tenderly led from the courtroom, Himself the guiliy child. OUT OF IT ALL. Something will come to us out of it all, Something will come, though the shadows fall, To cheer and comlort and bring us hope; Something will come though we seem to grope Aimlessly round in the whirl of things -To lift us out of (he doubt on wings Of hope and courage and strength and might Something will lead us along to light! Something will come to us in good lime, Something of music and mirth and chime To pay for this pitiful, day by day Plodding and suffering sort of a way; Blinded travelers somewhere cast Between two peaks of To Come and Past; Something will come to us after awhile To heal with its everlasting smile ! Something will come to us out of this dream Of bolt and mallet and roar and steam; Hurly-burly, and up and down Myriad millions, threading the town As bees the pastures, to" starve or fly, To mount to the summits, or fall and die; Something will come in ihe end, no doubt, To prove that He knows what it's all about ! Something will come to us whither we crawl, Baffled and beaten and blind and dumb -Something more sweet than the dark will come, Something so beautiful tine and true, We don't know wh it in the world to do Willi ihe rolling Hood id its joy and sweet And its bloom and us beauiv around our feel ! THE INEVITABLES. "Why So Hot My Little Man?'' sis One of the sayings that keeps re curring to me is Emerson's "Why so hoi, little man ?" Why, indeed! Why sweat and stew, risk your heart, while all around you stand the Inevitables, biding their lime ! The Inevitables surround my life as the mountains are around about the valley. Over every man is some sword of Damocles. Death is the king of the Inevitables. Somewhere he stands waning; "I wonder the day of the year; "I wonder the hour of the day." ; Nature is inevitable. She is in j no hurry. She may let me run i around 20, 40, 80 years; but some : day she is going to have back that i shovelful of dust she lent God for ! my soul to mask in, and she will 1 put away and smooth it down in ; her earth-heaps. I myself am inevitable. My life ' seems trivial. But it also was j written, even as the life of the prophet. j 1 am as necessary in the book ! keeping of the universe of the king, i That old doctrine of predestina tion has wonderful fascination. I don't say I believe it. I certainly am not foolish enough to discuss it, after whole Saharas of books have been written upon it by my betters. Rut there arc moods when I feel it. All 1 I robs you of energy, strength and ambition. To rid uau Liver yourself of the burden, take SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It is a fine strengthening medicine for a torpid liver. The weakened organ responds promptly to its powerful reviving influence. It corrects the stomach and digestion. Purifies and regulates the bowels. Drives out that languid halt-sick feeling, makes you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. Try it. Sold by Dealers. Price, Large Package, SI. OO, A'k lul llif Krnulne will, lite KrJ '. on ilic Ll-I. If y.iu cuiiul ,n It. remit to , we will wud 11 b) mail !H,ipj.ll. bimuioua I i,ri Krvul.lur i put ugi .law m I..JU1U twiiil Iff UjuK ttuo pick. It. I'rwe il uu yet Wile. lot ilw K.-J . Ubel. J. H. ZKILIN CO., Proprietors, St. Louts. Missouri SAYS THr! OWL. No iiijii becomes a jailbird for a ; lark. i The door of adversity is never j locked. ' 1 It is the doing, not the saying, that makes the hero. , The proof of the bluffer is in his failure to make good. It is not necesarily true that the worst is yet to come. : The man who pleases only him self has to supply the applause. V The man who lives twice as fast as he should is apt to see double. The more style some people put on the more collectors they put off. Tk Tfcrice-A-f celt Edition OV 1 111 New York World Practically a Doily at the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so ' ; low a price I Sidetrack fair weather friends by itnuinn imnf mAnotl Pnt a raiMU fiilV There are some doctrines you " "" " ' " can smell that you can't see. There; . , . .- e , , 1 It is a good policy to look ahead are some you can feel, vaguely. : . . wrnno .. feels a presence in the uu ! rection. as one dark. This sense of inevitableness 1 find lurking in the deeps of all great men, epochial men. Ma homet had it, the very name of his religion, Islam, means it. Caesar had it, and Napoleon, Cromwell and Lincoln felt the same glooming sense of destiny. 1 1 was marked" ir. Jesus. He talked of his "hour" "Mine hour k not yet come" -a-; (hough he moved by ihe clock. And is not whatever is inevita He'-' You and I meet today in ihe city sircei. You come from Oiion and I from a star in Ursa Minor to meet here, though but 10 brush by. If a man does well in a small I town he soon gets the idea that he j could do belter in a city. ; ... M. Nason, farniinir near Canaan' .Me., was badly crippled with a sciatic ! rheumatism due he says to uric acitl in j his blood. 'Tulcy Kidney fills entirely cured ine ami also removed numerous black specks that were continually be foie my ejes. tulcy kidney Till- a.e a line acid solvent and an- eilectite loi the mums tot ins of ilieuiuatiiui I .. t I. Mil-. HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be lound in hrst-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one veartor - - win The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. A small fortune is better than ; large experience in the culhnai y department if a girl has niairiinu ! nial aspirations. : Thai contact, too, was dow n oil the books. The past is inevitable. It stands I like a mountain of polished steel. Tears cannot corrode in laughter. Laughter but re echoes from it. The regretful will cannot grave it. The future moves toward us, in evitable, as the slow river toward j the sea. Human nature is inevitable. ' Men and maids will go on a-cotirt-nig, children will be born and won der at their toes, youth will be im patieui with age, and old men will -.hake their heads at young men, : all the world will scramble for food , and drink and precedence, ihe wise j will ponder to the end of time over ' what it all means, and the eternal j ' fool will cut his caper and not care. : What, then ! Are you a Cal- j vinisi, a determimst, a fatalist? Do J you preach the deadening gospel 1 i of 'What's the I Iser' Should we ! not rather be up and doing? Should not" j Spare me! This is Friday, l-'ri-! days I am a latalist. The doctor has just given me an excellent bot- tie of liver medicine. I will be all right tomorrow. Come around tomorrow evening and we shall share a dish of opiim ' ism piping hot. ! "But, come brother, let us re - form ihe world. Time presses." Not today. Why so hot, little ; man? Today my soul is sliding ' wiih the glaciers and moving w ith the precision of the equinoxes Ur Frank Crane in Atlanta Jour ' nal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Stealing a kiss may be either petty or grand larceny it depend upon the girl. Insect Uite Costs l.e. A I'.ostou man lost his let? I'toin U bite of an insect two yeais lu-foie. To avert such calamities Irom stiiurs ami bites of insects use Iturkleu's Arnica Salve promptly In kill the poison and 1 , itilljitomatioll. sni'llinc un.l i pain. Heals bums, boils, ulfeis. pil 1 i-cema. cuts, bruises, t tidy "J'iC al all i diutrtrists. ! Return love with interest then watch the other party lose interest Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A VE FURNISH A lioyal l-'t-a-t to every one who I. ny their ifiocetics at our store. All the seasonable delicacies are found in our store the year lound. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wooden anil Willow ware, Etc (mods delivered promptly auy! wliciein totwi. Polite clerks, Hume No. SO. I M. PURUILL, hi HON, N. C. ) ) -) Go to HARRISON'S ii! "v WtL DON LUNCH ROOM hirst-Class Restaurant for Ladies and J (lentlemen ULICK I.LNCMLS SLKMM) DAY OK NKitlT. Am Ihiim vou nav want to order in season t-ruils, Ice i reaui. K I.. CHAWI.I-Y. Manager, Weldoll. N I'. I S!-V-J."-'.r -.v-rV T'" "t-" ft Ll - for Automobile Repairs and Supplies. All kin-Is ol' Machine work done Sta tiouaiv, liasoline. Marine ami Steam fnuiiiis. duns and I'istols. Satisfaction iriKtiaiileetl G00DYEAR Tires and Supplies on hand lor sale Simp cast end of Second Street. II. W. HAIililSON, Weldon, N. C mseovLKHi) "Why do you think Mjrile it in love?" asked the girl's father. "1 noticed this morning when 1 was in the library that a book of poems by Owen Meredith had been tampeied with." Till: USUAL. City F.ditor Anything new about that accused deaf mine ? Reporter-1 le got his hearing today. City F.diioi What happened? Reporter He'd nothing to say. -Puck. lieonre 1.. I'litthie, Manton, Mich. .used l oley Kidney I'illes for kidney and glad der trouble, lie says: "1 Mini for un ease no other medicine equals I'oley kidney 1'ills lot benelicial eltect." They are a safe un.l reliable medicine for kid. iit-y tumble and rheuuialisiii. t'otitain no Iihi infill tlruirs. V.. (T.AUk. Probably a rose by any other name would have just as many slugs. In these days ot hUli cost of hum: a medicine that trcts a man up out of bed and able to work in a few days is a valuable ami welcome remedy, .lolin licath, Michigan I'.ni. i al., had' kidney and bladder trouble, wasconllned to bis bed, unable to turn without help. "I commenced usiiik l-'oley kidney l'ills ami can truly say I w as relieved at once" Hid example is worth following K. CLAKK' I he Choice of a Husband 1 is too important a matter for a wo- , man to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood 01 foul bieadlh. Avoid these kilbhopes by takhnr In kmc s t.ife 1 l'ills New streni'tli. tine complexion, pine breath, cheerful spints--thinirs that win lueii-lollow llit-n use. fas)', , sale. sure. v!,"e. at all ilruairmts. a McC&ii'? !vi.v.:!2ine and MxCdl Patterns The young man who tells a girl during leap year that he could lis ten to her voice all the rest of his days takes desperate chances. CASTOR i A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bents the Jftfrj Bignatme of r or Hart Morn iiihv;.u :tR' . rehuMo i IlllO llllUU'll t..., Iitiun'rt i- - dv ..lift - is l i unci Ik . i i , SVt M, !.r . "in. S lor ii M . icii'.. v - i.1 MtC-til t'-uei..-. . McCtll P.ti. - u i urn il k uv, i ir : . duifri aW-il M-tV! I" makes ruin' i.. a. No trum y-'ar att. i, ot L any other i. . . ."a is tne t i v n-"U-ily in huiiM.tu ih-i'.raiitl 'owing all ihv latest t I'.tttonis, culIi i-.;',ue ill-.!;: slioit :i. i.tiiou tor ttunu j. i io SiyU hv nibuniii.. n r.ifis t i ..j aoy uin ol the vcicLtJird .J all other in ttyk, ft' , .ul MitnUr told. More .t'erm than iny oiher i-o I blit-r than tSCtnts. U-iy u Iron McCALL'3 MAGAZINE 236-24S W. S7.H St, Nw York City Hurt aul tttrf , 1'M.du .'n-p aM fauarm fuUfM m, N otioe. IMTKli STATIC OF AM FHIC'A i:sn.ns nisTiticroi- nukth fAUtU.lSA, IN THE IHSTUIIT ( ill HT AT ItAl-KKill. IN I-UL ITY. .1 AMI S li:ltti. a citizen ol Maiiclla. I ancaster county, Mate of 'etnisvMinia, ( omplainant, 'S. Iloanoke Saviiralion ami Water Power .. .t Vnrfk I'.. t UllltUlliy , tOt .WU..J O. ..U1..1 A. ulina, Itefcndant. This is to notify all credittns. claim ants, stockholders and others interested in tin- ail'aiis of the defendant that the uudt'isiuned w as on the -JL'nil day of June, 1!M'.', appointed lteceiver of the defendant tomiiatiy, iu the above en titled cause anil court aud that on same dav be duly iualifted as such Kceeiver. All creditors, claimants, stockhold ers and others interested iu the atlaim or property of the defendant are hereby nntilicd to appear before the under signed lieceiver at Ins ollice in the town of Weldon, N.t'., at 1-' o'clock M.. ou the loth tlay of duly, 1!U-.', and make proof of their claims aifaiusl said de I'endanl, and all creditors, claimants, utru-klinidpra and other persons inter ested in the ad'airs or property of the defendant are further notitied that on the Mb dav of August, 191 2,atl o'clock M., the said creditors, claimant, stock holders and others interested in the af fairs or property of the defendant, or anyoftbem. may tile exceptions in writinKH to the allowance of any claim Hied by any other creditor, claimant or person interested with said Receiver. This the -2(lth day of June, QEORQE C. GREEN, Kecciver R. N. & W. P. Co. je 21 Gt