Advertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. XLV1I. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. WKLDOX, X. C., THURSDAY, .H'LY IS, lOlli. NO. 12 THERE'S ROOM AT THE BOTTOM. Thefe Are Scores of Young Men Who Are Failures In the Differ ent Professions. The Klud Yon I lava Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 year, lias borne the signaturo of aud has been mode undir IiIm xr Cz Xztit UonnX 'Porvl'doia slnvt its Infancy. fcHvy tUCA4A Allownoonetodcoolvoyoniii this. All Counterfeit, Imitations ftnd " JiiHt-nH-itood" are but F,ertiientH lliut trllle with and endung-cr tlio lit'iiltli of IulunU und ChUdreu Kiperionce uyalust Kxncrlinont. What is CASTORIA Castorlu U a Inanities! substitute) for Castor Oil, Pare Boric, l)r.i)i mid Soothing Syrups. It is I'leusunt. It contains neither' Opium, Morphine hoc oilier Naieotlo substance. Its iifje Is Its Ruaruntee. It destroys Worms und allays I'everisliness. It cures Diarrlio-n and Wind CulL'. H rrllt'vcs TtM'thlii Troubles, cures Constipation und riiitnleiu y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Htoiuurh and lioivels, giving healthy nuil natural sleep. The Children' l'auaeea The Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Spanish Peanuts. I I The present low prices have created a very I large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when you have peanuts for sale. IrHE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., .3 I NORFOLK, VA. 9E THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of WelJon Depository. ?i!!!i!iSD.. $50,000. For nearly M years tins institution has provided hanking facilities fur this section. Ita stockholders ami iillietrs are identified with tlie bui Dens interest of Halifax ami Northainptou counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the hem lit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tins lepi.rtiiiciit interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six mouths or longer, 3 percent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Any information will be furnished ou application to the I'residcntorCashiei Many and weighty are the edi torials that have been written on "There is always room at the top" Our greatest writers have pointed l young men to the top round of the ! ladder. This is well, but it is lime ! to call a halt. There are too many j at the tup und none at the bottom. J "There's room at the top has been ! preached by our preachers; j Been sung by our poets and lattghi ; by our teachers, Until by sucli teaching, growing wiser and sadder, We have almost forgotten the font I of life's ladder." i Young men have a desire lo eu j ter some profession. They inug ; ine tltat Vnly lawyers, editors, j or politicians ever reach the top of ! the ladder. Young ladies who have from youth been pointed to j the top of the ladder, slum iliedisll ; pan and broom as they would ilie cholera. The piano and music books, to speak French correctly and waltz gracefully they consider the only stepping stones leading to the top of the ladder. The lime has come when it is almost impos sible to find a young man or young woman at the foot of the ladder, willing lo labor at any calling that is honorable and earn a living by the sweat of their brow. "There's room at the bottom, 0 men of stations ! He not drawn aside by their trite iterations Prom the commonplace duties which lie at the bottom, High places are quite hard in hold when you've got 'em." Multiplied scores of young men who are complete failures in the various professions woul d have successfully followed the plow handles, or as engineers might now be "holding down" a fast mail train. But too many imagine they cannot climb the ladder if their lingers are soiled. They forget that " The road at the top leads o'er rockiest ledges, Who climbs must hold on by the raggedest edges, And many a nun who has missed his vocation Is brought to himself by a bad dislocation." SB1S1D1NT: W. K. DANIEL, vic.-i'SKsiintsT: W. It. SMITH. JOHN O. DRAKE, Teller. i Asuim: li. S. TRAVIS, DIRECTORS W. R: Smith, W. E. Daniel, R. S. Travis. W M I ohen, J. L. Shepherd, W. A. 1'ierce, l. U. Zollieolt'ei, .1 . Y. Sle.lKe. HE Insect Bite Costs A lloslnu man lost his lei; hum the lute til an insect two years define. To avert sucli calamities liom stint: and bites of insects use Pueklcu's Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent inllammation, swelling and pain. Heals hums, boils, ulcers, piles, ecema. cuts, bruises. Only L'.'ic. at all druggists MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sah, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. t MtDE TO OKDF.K AM RF.til I. AH STOCK MF.s. t I flood Materials. Hlkh Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. t. 1 Weldon, N. C. itonTiinniiTiHI P. UCDTCnon Dull WAV HlV S nUninnmr IU11 ttllUlMuau nm-iini uu. HEAD DOWN 1 KtjAIM!P iliily txcett sVaJays IN IIFIXT AI'KIL I. Ull I luily twl SmJjy No 1 No 3 a;m.Km '8:3Ull2:15 : liMA tUol 1:1X1 ,No.: I'M. "S:S.'i 4:20 Leave tiuniberiy Arrive Leave Mow Held Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave So'iNo 4iNi it A M.jP.M.P M. it 1 1 s isi ; v. Hl:4,"i 'J:Hu, i:J'i l(t:l ' .".: 10 W NOTK-Mowa14 ! Flf mm. IrttBHai MMIvr a unit. . - . W. ItOltllHTSON, Ueneial Manager K.C.. March I'tli.cHI 10130111 OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER 1 Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, " .M) Woman's World, " .25 People's Popular Monthly " .25 Roanoke News, " 1.50 $3.50 value to tha subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke New, Weldon, N. C. The popularity of a homely girl may depend on the sum her father can write a check for. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A thing of duty is a job forever. EVERY STREET IN WELDON Mas Its Miare of the Proof I hat Kidney Sufferer Seek. Backache? Kidneys weak? Distressed with urinary ills? Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don't have to look Use what Weldon people recommend, livery stuel in Weldon has its cases. Here's one Weldon woman's experience. j Let Mrs. li. T. Clark, of 7th street, tell it. Mrs. li. T. Clark, Seventh St., W eldon, N. C, savs: "I have the utmost confidence in Doan's Kidney Pills, lor they have been used in my faintly with the best of results. The person who took them was relieved of kidney com plaint and backache and was also benefited in other ways. I feel justified in giving Doan's Kidney Pills my endorsement." The above statement must carry conviction to the mind of every reader. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Clark had the remedy backed by home testimony. 50c. all stores. roster-Millhurn Co., Props , Buffalo, N. Y. "When your back is lame re member the name." fOlEYS UmOlAXAflVL 1 rcs.Tt.5i Ttt .i.i ratCl;I'T'9 Read About These Three Girls. How Sick They Were and How Their Health Was Restored by Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. FORCET IT. Has a friend or neighbor been strangely unkind, And you're aching to make him regret it ? Don't give him in anger a piece of your mind Just huld your tongue, and "forget it." Are your motives impugned when you stand for the right : It will anger you sore if you let it. Don't roar like a lion that's spoiling to fight Consider the source, and "forget it." Is work never ceasing ? The way bleak with toil ? Does discouragement seem to beset it ? They ne'er can o'ercome who from labor recoil Keep your eye on the goal, and "forget it." Has luck been against you in ventures you've made ? Has fortune frowned grim when you've met it ? Don't give way to senseless, unseemly tirade Keep pegging away, and "forget it." Does the honor you sought your rival adorn ? Just wind up your hope and reset it, There are honors untaken and glories unborn So turn loose your grouch, and "forget it." NOTHINC-MUTGHNESS. How we worry, fret and fuss Over what goes wrong with us! . liver'body me an' you I Thinks that what we have to do Is important, when, gee whiz ! A thing isn't, or it is. What we'd fight for yesterday Now is only in the way. When you put it in the way, Nothin' much amounts to much. At the time, though, how it seems Things o' which a feller dreams Is the only things wuth while ! How we trudge on, mile an' mile, After somethin', like as not. After while we have forgot, Things we've kept, an' things we've lost Wuz thev worth all that they cost3 When you put it to the touch Nothm' much amounts to much. Men go chasin' after fame, Think the whole world knows their name, Whoop around an' have their way Then stay back in yesterday. Ctesar worried for his crown, Nero ruled, then burnt his town. Old Napoleon, prajsed an' cussed Here's a little bit o' dust. When you put it to the touch Nothin' much amounts to much. Here you go an' here 1 go. Workin' rushin' to and fro, Thinkin' if we end our fuss That the world must end for us. But to-morrow, when we're gone, This old world will keep right on That's the rule and that's the way We'll be lost with yesterday. When you put it to the touch Nothin' much amounts to much. A PEN PICTURE OF HEAVEN. ! THE WOMAN WHO PLEASES. Atwleton. Wis." I take ulensurn In writ'inn vou an iiroimnt of my sickness. 1 told a friend of mine how I felt and sho wiiil I hud fcnialo trouble and advised too to uso Lydia E. IMnkhain'g Vegetable l i)iiiimi(l, m niw had taken it herself for the sumo trouble with wonderful results. I had been Hirkly for two years and overworked myself and had tmeh bad feelings every month that I could hardly walk for pain. I was very nervous and easily tired out and could not sleep nitfhtH. I had dizzy spells, and ' lf pimples canm on my fare. But I have taken your JLJ Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it has restored my health. 1 think it is the best medicine in existence." Miss Cecilia M. Bauer, 1101 Lawrence St., Appleton, Wis. A SCHOOL TEACHER'S GRATITUDE: Geneva, Iowa. "I have Iwen teaching school for some years and I have neglected my health leeause I was too busy with my work to attend to myself jiroiieily. I suffered greatly every mouth and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "I wrote to you about my condition and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comixmnd and the Wood Purifier as you recommended. These remedies have done wonders for me and I can highly and widely recommend them to every suffering woman." Jliss iliNNiit Shavek, H. F. U. Xo. 1, Geneva, Iowa, co Hixrn Eriekson, A COLORADO GIRL'S CASE: Montrose, Col. " I was troubled very much with irregular periods. Sometimes two months would elapse. I suffered severe headache, was weak and nervous, could eat scarcely anything. "I took both Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood fritter and the result was wonderful. I feel like another person. "I think your remedies are tho best on earth and cannot express my thankfulness to you for what they have done to nie. I help my neighlwrs when they are sick, and I Khali always recommend your medicines." Miss Ella McCandi.ess, Montrose, CoL Is it not reasonable to suppose that a medicine that did so much for these girls will benefit any other girl who is suffering with the same troubles? Does it not seem the only sensible thing to give such a medicine at least a trial ? You may be sure that it can do you no harm, and there are lots of proof that it will do you much good. For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lias been the standard remedy tor fe male ills. No one Kick with woman's ailments does justice to herself who will not try this fa mous medicine, made from roots and herbs, It has restored so many suffering women to health. jteWrltetol.VIIIA K.l'INkllAM M.FIKTK( O. far iCOM IDKMIALi LY.W, MASS., for advice. Your letter will lie opened, read and answered hy a woman und held in strict confidence. In that Happy Land the Neighbor is No Stranger, and the King is the Personal Friend of All. Heaven ! What a name ! It is a land without a storm, a country without a tempest, where there are I no wars or fights or quarrels; no ! sick beds there, no aching heads or hearts, no bills to be paid or rents to become due; a people ' without poverty; a city without a cemetery; a domain without a ; darkness; a sea of delight with never a billow or shipwreck; a garden without a weed; a place where no hospitals or asylums are I ever built; no beggars there; no crying children; no breadless I mouths no shoeless feet; no police- men or sheriffs or constables; no saloons or brothels; no muddy . minds or twitching nerves; no ach- ing teeth, no ferverish blood; no j undertakers nor physicians: no surgeon s knife or dentist's for ceps; no drug stores; no crutches, or eye glasses, or ear trumpets; no smoking lamps or burnt-out wicks; no brooms or dust. For trials we get triumphs, pain gives away to praise; heartbeats give away to heartstrings; sighs away to songs. Instead of the plow and the furrow, it is the sickle and the sheaf. The sower's sack is replaced by the barn of fullness. The pruning knife is not to be found, neither the harrow nor the hoe, In thai nappy land the neighbor is no stranger, and the king is the per sonal friend ot all. There it is not work to live, but live to work. There is no toil in the heavenly service, nor fainting ander heavy strains. There are no loads to carry. It is a land where every one helps himself to what he wants, and giving does not impoverish the giver. I here they never so licit funds for church erection, nor take up collections to meet defi ciencies. It is a land of resi. The traveller has reached his terminus, the hunter his happy hunting ground, the weary head has found its pillow, the pursued of Saian has found a refuge, the friendless have found a thousand friends, the homeless live in mansions, and a beggar could make a man rich with his over supply. The Choice of a Husband ih too important a niulter fur a wo inun to lie liundieuptit'd by weakness, hud hlood ur Tout hreudtli. Avoid these kill-hope liy taking r. Kin't) Life fills New Mivnu'lli, line complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits things that win men-follow their use. Lay, sale. sure. J."ic. at all druirtrists. Everybody Ooes from Her Pres ence Feeling Comfortable in Spirit. "She knows just how to talk to all kinds and conditions of men," was the recommendation given for a bright woman who makes her living as much by her ability to please as by actual labors. Seeing that woman afterwards and ob serving her closely, one could not but be impressed with the truth of what had been said. She was gay with the gay, silent when any one else wanted to talk, talkative wiih the shy, always good-tempered, never too animated, and never, never visibly in pain nor in tears. She was always charming, bright, sympathetic, and sweet. She was witty, too, but not terribly so. She kept her wit to illumine conversa tion and to lighten dull spirits, not to burn hearts nor scorch sensitive feelings. Everybody went from her presence feeling comfortable in spirit and with reasonably satis fied hearts. She was a peace-maker and a courage-strengthener. There are two or three dozen such women in the world; and when you find one, she will tell you that it is almost impossible for her to get an evening to herself, because so many dear, kind friends are apt to drop in of an evening. And she will add: "I am glad it is so, for 1 should not be able to get through the day without the pros pect of these pleasant things. 1 wish the day would be all all evening with a time table that never crept beyond the limits of eight to elev en." Ram's Horn. (leorite I.. Biliie, Munlon, Mich,, used Koley Kidney I'illes for kidney and blad der trouble. Unsays: "1 lind for my case no other medicine equals Foley Kidney Pills for benetieial euect." They are a safe aud reliable medicine for kid. ney trouble and rheumatism. Contain no harmful drug's. K. CLARK. BAD BREATH Is caused by Indigestion, and that disorder brings on headaches, sallowness, languor, dizziness and a general discouraged feeling. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THB POWDER FORM) Cnrrrctt All Disorders lo th Stomach and Bowala Its powerful, reviving and regulating influence n the liver and digestive organ brings an immediate im- Crovement. Vou feel better. The owela move freely 80 that the impurities that have clogged up the digestive tract find an outlet. When the system has been thus purilied the bilious half-sick feeling disap pears ; the complexion improves, the breath becomes sweet, the mindj throws off gloomy forebodings, and there is a fine feeling of energy and exhilaration all through the body. Sold by Dealers Price. Lam Packuge, SI. 00 fok lut (It. itrnuiitc wttb Ibc Rn) 7. un tiie UbeL II ,uu ck(ini4 rt It, triuil lu u. we will wml II by imil, potipaid. bimuuu. liver Retulitoi li put up .!, in liquid (grot for tbuK wuo prtlei It. Fnce, $1 OU btf bottle. Look lot Ibc Hcti 7. label. J. u .HUN CO.. Proprietor. .St. Lout, A.!a.uurl Tie Tlirice-A-Weelt Edition OF THB Dew York World Practically a Dally at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price V BKTTEK DONE IN PRIVATE. A well known doc'or, we read, advises people to roll the eyes in order to strengthen the eye-mus cles. A little risky, perhaps; for if this exercise were carelessly practiced in crowded restaurants and other public places, the eye would stand a good chance of be ing suddenly blackened. In tliHse days of Inch cost of living a inetlit'ine that get a man up out of bed and able to work in a lew days is a valuable and welcome remedy. John Heath, .Michigan bar. Cat., had' kidney and bladder trouble, wasoonlined to Ins bed, unable to turn without help. "I commenced using 1'oley Kidney 1'ills and can truly say I was relieved at once" His example is worth following. K. CLARK It's awfully hard to quarrel with people who won't pay any atten tion to you. CASTORIA i'ut Iut'auU aud Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought m of (Sffi&J&K Boars Signatu A kiss without a blush to go with it tastes awful flat. i i WELDON LUNCH ROOM he great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It w ill be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everyihirg to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A- Week World's regular subsciption price is only $ 1 per year, and this pays for 1 56 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NLiWS together for one year lor - - - ipm The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. WE FURNISH First-Class Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen I ( 1 ( QUICK LUNCHES SERVED DAY OR NIQHT. Anything you nay want to order in seasou. Kruits, Ice Cream, R. L. CRAWLEY, Manager, Weldon. S. C. Goto HARRISON'S ( ( v A lioval Feast to everv one who ( huv their groceries at our store ( All the seasonable delicacies are ( found in our store the year rouiiM . CONFECTIONERIES V FRUITS ( CROCKERY ANDTIN ( WARE ) Wooden anil Willowware, Etc. I ' tiooils delivered promptly any ( w here in town. Polite clerks. ( Phone No. SO. I R. M. PURNELL, ( WB1.1K1N, S. C. I RELICS OF THE MIDDLE AUKS. Do some w omen actually iron in these modern times? 1 can re member when as a boy I sat and watched the ironing There were no such irons then. The colored mammy would limp around with the old-fashioned sad iron. How she used to iron and sing! The song and the memory still linger, b t old mammy has gone to her reward. hxchange. ILlllllKli Mill' A. M Nason. lainnug uear Canaan' .Me , was badiy cuppied with a sciatic iieuinatisiti diie lie says to unc acid in his blood. "Foley kidney Pills entirely cured tue aud also removed numerous black peeks that were continually be fine my eves. Foley kidney Pills ate the various fouus of iheuinatism. p.. CLARK. For Automobile Repairs aud Supplies. All kinds of Machine work done Sta tionary , (iasoline. Murine ami steam Kngiues, duns ami Pi-dols. Satisfaction guaranteed G00DjYEAR Tires and Supplies on hand for sale Miop east end 01 second street. II HARIMSON, eldon, N C. SCIENTIFIC FARMING. As an example ol scientific farm ing, a farmer out in Colorado har vested 200 bushels of grasshop pers in the summer, dried ihem and kept a big lot of chickens on them through the winter. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A McCaii's Magazine and McCail Patterns jf Women Haw. Mora l. iuJ; than auy other magazine oi i .- . Mi Call's is th reliable F.e' uu i.uulc monthly ia one million cue hiinured thousand homes. Bi si.!. : showing all the latest designs ul Al.L.. 1 1 'attorns, each issue ia br i id 1 u I i.i i.akhug short stones and helpful i .1 n r.ialiou fur womeu. Saw Mour fcti-l il9 ia Stria by tiitMrribini lo. Midi. A..rt'iii at win. torutHtiyjo ceul, a ,ut t.,v i jsitnj any m U Out ultlMaUd McCallKiuroilreu. MeC.I P.tli.l Laid alt ottiera la ityle, ft, aimiiliilty, n .,!,, ud minlr aold. Mora deilm tell MiCll Paitertia than any othat two malt.. combined. Nxna hiaher than ifcatiU. buy troBB your dealer, ar by mail Iron, McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37tfc St, New York Cltj n aw.l, ln, PHaia wfM k, Nam Omom aw, MNVMN NOTICE. I M1K1 STATKS OF AMF.Iill'A EASTKItN lilSTRIL'TOF NORTH CAROLINA. IN THE 1'lsTRlCT COI RT AT RALKHill. IN EQUITY. .IAMF.S IHINALU CAMl RuN, a citizen of Marietta. Lancaster county, state of Peunsvaina. Complainant. VS. Roanoke Navigaliou and Water Power Company, a cut porat ion of North Car olina, liffendaiit. This is to notify all creditors, claim ants. HtockholdtTHaud others mteiested in the a'll'i t the iletendatil that the undersigned was on the 'i'.'ud day of June I'U'.'. appointed Receiver of the defendant Company, in the above en titled cause and court and that onsamo day he duly qualified as such Receiver. All creditois, claimants, stockhold ers and others interested iu the allium or property of the defendant are hereby notified to appear before the under signed Receiver at Ins ortice in t lie town of Weldon, N. C, at 12 o'clock M.. on the l ull day of July, 1H12, and make proof of their claims against said de fendant, and all creditors, claimants, stockholders and other persons inter ested in the allairs or property of the defendant are further notified that on the .Mh dav of August, 191' I ! o'clock M., the said creditor., claimants, stock holders and others interested in the af fairs or property of the defendant, or anv ftiiein, may tile exceptions iu writings to the allowance of any claim filed hy any other creditor, claimant or person interested with said Receiver. This the liiith day of June, 1912. OEORQE C. OREEN, Receiver R. N. 4 W. P. Co. je27 6t rOLKJSOMOLrailV; ndiCcnsTiATi.,