VJvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. rOL. XLVII. WELDON, X. C, TIIUKSDAY, .Jl'LY L.", 1UV2. NO. V.i i 1 ! 1 1 Hi AU'l'ilui. i FKK IKKe Ai'iji,ial)k PrfparalionCurAs siai'-laiinjilk'HiulJiiillwuli PromiilcsDfy'slioiiJCIuerto ness .ir.'.l l4;5ioiildirisnciiiB' 0uitt.Murplune nor Mineral. Nor N ah c otic. jRtv tfMDcS&mrnwx ev.tjiunv lttLaAiituk5m4 KrmM- lh.iiifii 'iufr HuAna few. Ana-fet! Remedv foiCimsflw- Hon , Sour Slomadi.Dliiriiai Worms .('otwulsioiis.rrVCTM lttsalulLossou;l;l,: FacS'imikr Sijnaluf cf NEW YORK. to Ect Copy of Wrapper. Spanish i i I The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always communicate with us when iTHE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. IE THE BANK OF WELDQIJ WKLDOX, X. r. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. r Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For nearly yearn tliis institution las provided hanking facilities for this section.' its stockholder and olliei in me iilentilieil with the Imsi nesa interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savings IVpartmeut is maintained for the hem lit of nil who deite to deposit ill a Savings Bank. In tin" IVpntiiienl mt.i.-l ii all.nw'.l us follows: For Deposits ulloned to remain three month- oi loiiecr, :' per eeiit. Six mouths or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or lomvi t p. i cent Anv information will he furnished on application to l tie n. -ident m fa-dnei paasmsNi : W. K. UNIFl., VU B-l'rlKslliKNI : W. It. SMITH. JOHN I). IMtAKK, Teller. DlRF.OTOIt.S W. It. Smith, W. K. i. h. Shepherd, V. A. 1'ieiec, I). It. i "smissisj JJmmsI ZZtmmim Q j I Dixon & I oolt 4 . .MAXlT.UTUiF.Ks OK J Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, I Blinds, Mantels, Door MAIF. TO OUIH-.K ANIi liF.OU.AIt STUCK Sl.I'X (lood Material, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. laoaoai AinnTiiniinTntl 0 MCDTCiiDn nlll U1V VlW S liuninMiriuriqnLnirunu nniL?im uu.Q READ DOWN Daily except SjiysJJN TTjTC So 1 No 8 No.o A.M. F.M" I'M :; 12:ift "S:Si Osao 12:4.'i 4:0o 9:15 1:011 4 20 Leave tiiiniheny Arrive Leave Mowtield" Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave V. HqT-Mnw.ld t.a Plai Slatlm. (enrmi Manaifcri tniite, wymwi i $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2 00 Send all subscriptions lo The Roanoke Nemcc, Weldon, N. C. For InfantB nnJ Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use for Over Thirty Years ASTORIA Peanuts. vou have peanuts for 30 I a-it IKK Ii. . tt Daniel, It. S. Tuns. Vt M. Zolheoltei. .1 . V. sled .v. and Window Screens. KliAD III' All... 1. 1911 inily W I Sunday So.i So.ttSu.H A M. l'..M.l'.M. ll:.'i :t:li(l! .":.Vi ItM.". 2::W; ':i" 111:311 2:1 'i' fl:IO w. KoHF.KTsON, lieneral Mnuager - ----- . III .ft1 In I 1 LT OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER I Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Rurahst, Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly " Rcanoke News, 50 .25 .25 1.50 S.V50 THE COUNTRY EOT. His Lot a Fortunate One That j Ought to Make Him Contented and Happy. The most fununaie boy in ihc Sune is he who lus mil caught the j lever ilial is in the air, lint is I'ol I lowing his p;iiiciil mule up and I down i he long corn rows and mil j grumbling because he c.innoi have (he fun the town hoys enjoy. All I honor lo the father who, seeing ' w hat is invisihle in ptmy headed : parents, Holds Ins hoy down to hard work and gives him Satur day afternoon for recreation. "All work and no play makes Jaek a dull boy" is a saying ihat has been considerably overdone. All play and no work makes Jack a spend thrift and a dead beat. And that is what is the mailer with the pres ent generation. The boys are sporting on what their fathers earn They wear ihe best clothes iheir fathers can buy, ride in automo biles bought on credit, and play tennis for a living. The chap who is making a crop under the blazing June sun is the One who in after years will furnish employment to the dapper fellows who are smoking cigarettes and changing their linen every day. It is impossible to make a man out of a boy who never did an honest day's work in his life. It requires hard knocks to develop the manly qualities of nature. It takes nerve to stand against the temptations that beset a boy's pathway in the: e degenerate days. He must prac tice self-denial in his youth if he would resist evil in his manhood's prime. Few sons of rich men are ever able to wear the mantle of their fathers. The reason is the rich man learned to say "no" in his desires in his youth, and his boy failed to learn that vital lesson. The farmer's boy has the best chance in the world to build the ladder by which ne must rise. He cannot see the point now, but he will s'ee it by and by. Our captains of industry come from the country if they come at all. A dude never yet developed into a man. The shy and awkward country boy who is belter acquainted with a grub bing hoe than he is with a baseball bat is the fellow who in future years will direct front his desk in his office the polished young gents who now laugh at his awkward manners. HUSUANI) M-l-OliD IT "Madam, this story will Jairjy take your breath away." "I don't need it, but you'd better call on my husband and show it to him." "Vmi iliink he will purchase? A dollar down and" j "I am quite suit In' will look I upon 11 a . a Ioiik fell am I le 1 has died cloves and cotlee and j orange peel and he has yet 10 find ; something thai will lake his breath : so far aw ay that lie can luul me :lkil lie Cullies ill al'l.r having had 10 work laie at the otlice. (Illusion 1m. SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY t m How Mrs. Betliune was Re stored to Healtli by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Sikeston, Mo. "For seven yeart I nuH'cred everytltinu. 1 a in bed for fuur,, tivedaya at tint j every montii, und . i wi nit I could hariliy walk. 1 had crai p'., hnekltche and Ik'ud.'iclie, and v.us to nervous and ueak liil 1 dreaded to Me anyone or luv.- roiyoiu' iiio'e in the room. '1 he doe'- tors ruve in inedi- J eine lo ease toe at those times, und tuid that 1 ouj ht to have an operation. 1 would Hoi listen to that, and when a friend of my husband's told him about l.y.lia E. l'itikhaiu's Veg etable Compound ami what it had done for his wife, 1 was willing to tako it Now 1 look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do all my own house work, work in the garden and entertain company and enjoy thetn, and can walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in Uie week. I wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl, and tell them what Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound has done for me." Mrs. Dema Bethiine, Sikeston, Mo. Remember, the remedy which did this was Lydii E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, Irreg ularities, periodic psins, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means have failed- Why don't you try It T Si If you grow peanuts and do not me a Bentliall Peanut Ticker, yuu actually lose money by not owm n,; one. The Bentliall Quite! peanut f,roninL' doubly piohubl. The wages you pay the lossei hoci delays in not telling j jur crop early to market the losses burn birds and steal ing eoit you moie tlian a machine. If you own a Bentliall, you and your boys can do the woik of a hundred hands, and do it better. You send yourcioplo market early secure highest piices. Vou nop the theft ot your crop. Growers now see thai hand picking ii far too cosily. The folly of atteniping to "thresh" them has been plainly shown, For machines that "thresh" thent des troy profits. They crack the nuts- and cracked nuts will not keep. They firind the vines to 6mitlieteeus and these vines are the e-ipral of aifaltafor feed worth horn $12 to $!!0 per ton. Contrast such machines with the ben tliall. The vines are fed to the Reutliall just as grain to the ti(-.'ii"t nia'-hine The jieanuts am pulled oil ; ti.) vi without injury to the shell. The ihjci.ii. Benthall t!lach?-:' Company, Bos ratW3B)iCIC "I SHALL BE The following beautiful poem is almost like a voice from ihe other world. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Scotland Neck, wrote this and handed it to a member of Grace church here, just a few days before he was called away from earth. Not here ! not here ! not where the sparkling waters Fade into deserts as we draw near, Where in the wilderness each footstep falters, I shall be satisfied .but oh ! not here ! Not here, where every dream of bliss deceives us, Where the worn spirit never gains its goal, Where, haunted ever by the thought that grieves us, Across us floods of bitter memory roll. There is a land where every pulse is thrilling With rapiure earth's sojourners may not know Where Heaven's repose the weary heart is stilling, And peacefully life's limc-iossed currents flow. Far out of sight, while yet the Mesh enfolds us, Lies the fair country where our hearts abide, And of its bliss is nought more wondrous told us Than these few words, "I shall be satisfied." Satisfied? Satisfied? the spirit's yearning For sweet companionship with kindred minds? The silent love which here meets no returniiij; ? The inspiration which no language finds? Shall they be satisfied ? The soul's vague longing ? The aching void which nothing earthly till1.'-' O what desires upon my soul are thronging As I look upward to the heavenly hills ! Thither my weak and weary leei are lending Saviour and Lord, with thy frail child abide ! Guide me toward home, where all my wanderings ending I then shall see T hee, and be satisfied ! TABLE SET They are left alone in the dear old home, After so many years, When the house was full of frolic and fun, Of childish laughterand tears. 1 hey are left alone, they two once more Beginning life over again, Just as they did in the days of yore, Before they were nine or ten. And the table is set for two these days; And the children went one by one Away from home on their separate ways. When the childhood days were done. How healthily hungry they used to be! What romping they used to do! And mother for weeping can. hardly see 1 0 f ?t ill1 t tblf tor two! Ah, well - ah, well, 'tis ihe way of the world, Children stay but a little while And then to oilier scenes are whirled, Where other homes beguile. But it matters not how far they roam, Two beans are fond and true, For there's never a home like ihe dear old home Where the table is set lor two. Jl'ST TRY IT. Set about doing. good lo some body, put on your hat, and go visit the sick and the poor; inquire into their wants and minister to thent. Seek out the desolate and oppress ed. I have often tried this medi cine, and always find it the best antidote for a heavy heart. John Howard. Some married nten act as frisky as a young widow. picka as delicately ai human fiiigeii hundreds of times more rapidly. Many buyers give preference to Ben tliall icked nuts. The vines are saved in perfect condlliou for hay. t The recleauini; ami bailing attachment make3 it unnecessary to ten the peanuti over for seed the secund time. 9 This is the ticker of proved north proved out in the peanut tieldsot Virginia Isith.er Spanish or Virginia varieties are picked equally us well. It is mounted ready to hilch as you would a faint waituii. Yuu can easily move it from place to place. 9 Tl :re are models suited (or horse or engine power machines that are made inteichanjeable. F.very year sees more farmers using the lleiithail. It lus supplanted all other methods in i.rany sectiou1:. And the de mand this y:ar promises to be greater than we can uipply. THE KAUHIKE THAT HAYS FOR ITSELF. If you don't want to let profits slip thru your tinkers if you want to make money i ir p.anuts, nte ns fur our folder 'Tlo ,-ilie lieuihallfas For Itself." Sent I re ;;p'.'ll iecjUC8t. SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA. SATISFIED." FOR TWO. CASTOR I A For In tan's und Children. k Kiiid You i':f .9 Always Bought J9 Boars the .-rff' Kin nature of C.f. Talk isn't always cheap; it often costs a man a black eye. A bigamist is a man more w ives than brains. who has ANGELS MINISTERING TO US. Look and Rejoice Though Clouds and Darkness Seem to Lnvelop ' You. Mr. Builer, the great Bible com-1 mciitaior, says: "There are many reasons to conclude that the angels j who never sinned are constantly . employed. The very name angel signifies a me-ssenger, one appoint ment lo do ihe commandments of God. An angel appeared lo Zach arias and to Mary. Angels an nounced the birth of the Saviour, and they attended him in his temp tation and in I lis final agony. They conducted the apostles out of pris on. An angel told Cornelius to send for Peter. An angel informed Paul that he and his companions should not perish on iheir voyage to Koine. And the separation of the righteous front the wicked at the day of judgment is ascribed to angels. In short, they are de scribed as ministering spirits sent I'onli to minister to thent who shall be heirs of salvation. All these passages and others not mentioned go to prove that their great work is not silent adoration, abstract con templation, but activity, boundless activity." Then is it not pleasant and in spiring to remember that amid the stress and turmoil of this mortal life, when we feel that everything is against us, and the mistakes and sins of our past lives come up be fore us and demand restitution ; when the heart grows faint and we are almost ready to yield up our allegiance to the King eternal, there comes into our spirits a sweet and gentle influence assuring us that God has not forsaken us, that Jesus is still at the right hand of the Father pleading for us. What is this Wit the soft whisper of some angel of mercy who has been sent to minister to us. 0 child of God and heir of eternal joy and peace and rest, look up and rejoice though clouds and darkness seem to envelope you. Your Father knows your grief and has innumer able resources for the succor and deliverance of every one of his trusting children. TRRASl'HK TROVI-. A young man recently got mar ried and took a collage, determined to grow enough vegetables to keep ; the household going. He started to dig up the garden, and after half an hour's hard work was as tonished to find a sovereign at his feel. Then he dug with renewed vigor and ardor. Several pennies, a six-pence and a half crow n rewarded his efforts. "Blow me! If this ain't a booni- . in' gold mine," he said, digging away for all he was worth. "I w onder hat I'll find nexi'" I lis anus ached, little beads of perspiration trickled down his face : and his neck fell as though it w as hi caking. 1 le could slick to ! it no longer I le straightened Ins luck ai last with a groan ot pain ; fAi-tv'r .'"loSntAl k -and al the same instant felt some-1 fOlt I vJ UJl!wlA. ii Vi ilitnp cokl sliding down lus leg. in , a moment he had grasped the iriiih. There was a hole in his trousers pocket! London Specta-1 lor. tieoive 1. I'.nrlite, Matitou, Mich., used j Foley Kidney 1'illi s lot kidney and blad der tumble. He says: I (in.l for my case no other medicine equals Foley Kidney Fills lor bein licial ellect." They . ate a sale aim leiiaiue uieiiieiue 101 kki . in-y tumble an 1 rbeuiiialis'ii. t initaiii ' no h'.ii mini di ims. i I. t'LAItlx. j Fxperienee is a greai teacher, j but graduates are handed iheir di ; plomas by the undertaker. j Insect Hite Costs Leg i I'.ostiui man loil Ins lei' limn the ' lute oi an mcel Inn v. ars bel'oie. I'o I a.eil such calamities bom nlines and I I. iti s ol ni-ei'ts u-e Unci. leu s Annea I tle pioinplly to Kill tiie poison and prevent inttauiinntion, swelling and ! pain. Heals buini , boils, ulcers, piles, , Only 2 ic at all e-cienia, cutf-, bun drinryiits. Our idea of an optimist is a man who saves a liule sunshine for a rainy day, A. M Nasou, Illinium near 1 anatui, Me , was badly crippled with a sciatic rheumatism due he says to uric acid iu his blood. "Foley Kidney Fills entirely cured me and also removed numerous black specks that were continually be fore my eyes. Foley Kidney Fills are a uric acid solvent and are effective for the various forms of rheumatism. K. CLARK A bent pin on a chair makes an excellent starting point. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A FOR HEARTBURN SIMMONS KED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It sweetens the stomach and purifies the bowels. It is a line tonic for a torpid liver. Helps digestion, makes you teel bright, vigorous and cheerful. SolJ by Dealers. PrUe. Large Package, $1.00. Ak lul llir gi-nmiir Willi llir krj . uli Ihr 1,111. If yuu clnm frt It. rraiir lo u. we will tcui 11 lr mail pi.itiiaia. siiitui"H. I.H.r Krtft.Lt.jr ii rial Uf iilu m liuia form tul tluw ftuu plcler II Pi kc ll.UU (in Uiiilr. I.i.ul. lul ibr K-. . 1.11, J. II. THIN 4 CO., fiunrliiiurs. Si. Louts, Mlcuil Via' FIGURE SEVEN IS MYSTICAL. Day on Which Our Creator fin ished His Work and Rested -Muny Other Interesting Facts. On the seventh day Ciod ended 1 lis work. On the seventh day Noah's atk touched the ground. In seven days a dove was sent. Abraham pleaded seven limes for Sodom. Jacob mourned r.even days for Joseph. Jacob pursued a seven days' journey by Laban. A plenty of seven years and a famine of seven years were fore told in Pharaoh's dream by seven fat and seven lean beasts, and sev en earsof full and seven ears of blasted corn. On the seventh day of the sev enth month the children of Israel fasted seven days, and remained seven days in iheir tents. livery seventh day the law was read to the people. Solomon was seven years build ing the temple. In the tabernacle there were seven lamps. Naaman washed seven times in ihe River Jordan. Our Saviour spoke seven times from the cross, on which He hung seven hours, and after His resur rection He appeared seven times. In the Apocalypse we read of seven (churches, seven candle sticks, seven stars, sevenitrumpets, seven plagues, seven thunders, seven virgins, seven angels and a seven-headed monster. The Choice of a Husband is too impoitant a matter for a wo man to he handicapped by weakness, had blood or foul breadth. Avoid these i kill-hopes by tiiklmr I'r. Kinc's Life I'llk New strenu'lh. line complexion, ! pure breath, cheerful spirits thimrs ; that win men-follow their use. Kiiy, I safe, sure. 'J.'ic. at all .li uiririst?.. You can sow a crop of lies with out the slightest fear of losing any. lu these days of Inch cost of livinir a medicine that trets a man up out of bed and able to work in a lew davs is a valuable and welcome remedy. John Heath, Michigan liar, ( al., bad kuluer arid bladder trouble, wasconlincd to his bed, unable to turn w ithout help, commenced usimr Foley Kidney I'lll an. I can truly say I was relieved al once' His example is woitb IoIIoimui1 F.. CLAliK Brotherly love never produces 1 ihe proof. WELDON ROOM First -Class Restaurant for Ladies and (ientleiiicii QUICK I.UNCIIF.S SLRVF.D DAY OR NIOIIT. Viielliiiie you way wanl to mdei in -i-smhi Fituts, lee t'leam. R. I.. CRAWLLV, Manager, Weldon. N. C. Uo to HARRISON'S j ! UP i For . Automobile Repairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine work dom sta tionary . llasolme, Marine and steam F.iiL'incs. 11 tins and Pistols, Satisfaction guaranteed. GOQDiYEAR Tiresand Supplies on hand for sale Shop east end of Second Street. II. W. UARKISON, Weldon, N. C. FOLEY'S OSINOlAXATIVI fun 1MCH IHDURtr ilUi'nuwauF'. Hi Sour Belching, Poor Appetite and Constipation, you need The Thrice-A-Week Edition OFTIIR Sew Tort World Practically a Daily ut the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price THE great are now political campaigns at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $ 1 per year, and this pays for 1 56 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one year tor ... uni The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. WE FURNISH A Hoyal Feast to every one whoi huv their sroceries at our store.' A II the seasonable delicacies are found in our store the round. year ) CONFECTIONERIES ( FRUITS ( CROCKERY AND TIN ( WARE y Wooden and Willowware, Etc. (.flood delivered promptly any ( where in town, route clerks, ( I'bone No. SO. I s 11. i PURNELL, ( 1 W K1.I10N, N. C. ( notice: I'NITF.Il ST ATI-S OF AMF.IiICA i:asti:i:n iistkhtof north I Al.ol.l.NA, IN TIIE DISTRICT cot l!T AT RAl.Kltill. in nyuiTY. JAXIFjs IhiN ALII CAM F.RON, a citueu of Marietta. Lancaster county. State of l'eniiM'pania. Complainant, S. hieanoke Naviealioii and Water I'ower Company, a corporation of North Car olina, I leleiidant. This is to notify all creditors, claim ants. Ktoekholdeisand others interested in the allaus of the defendant that the undeii-iiiiied was on the y.'ud day of .tune, I'T-', appointed Receiver of the . Ii t.-n. I on t iiimpauy. in the above en tilled cause ami court and that ousame day be duly n,ualiiicd as such Receiver. All creditors, claimants, stockhold ers and others interested in the allaus in propei I v of the defendant are hereby uotilied hi appear before the under signed beceivei at his ollice in the town i.l Weld N. C . at 1'.' o'clock M., on the I ith day of duly, till'.', and make proof of their claims arrainst said de fendant, ami all creditors, claimants, stockholders and other persous inter ested in the a Hair or property of the hTendaiit are further notilied that on the .Mil dav of Amrust. lill'J.at i o'clock M , the said creditors, claimants, stock holders and others interested in the af fairs or propi rly of the defendunt, or any ol lliein. may hie exceptions in w limits to the allowance of anv claim tiled by any other creditor, claimant or person interested with said Iteceivei. I Inn llit- Jiltli day ol June, lilt'.1. OFOROCC. ORCF.N, Receiver It. N. & W. P. Co. jc -'7 in McO mil a magazine i w and McCall Patterns For Women H. Mors Friend's than any other magazine -r rtis. McCall s is the reliable I v. :. :i I'mido monthly in one milbi i c :o hundred thousand hotivs Besides showing nil the latest design .f MeCa ! Patterns, each issue is brin. f, 1 of spurkling short stories andheljiful information for women. Sswt Mon.x ! Km Ii Strk tT wbiilari tor McCail'3 M..i.i.iij si one. Com onlr f cm. y.ir, i,n .i.i. :-t nr nUbnus McCall Wlimit Ir-.-s. McCall MtM.i Losd ll "ikm trl. Simplkilv. economy and nuffltttr solo. Mora dealers aril McCj 1 ?aitrrna than any other two maaaaromHiiH-J. Nmie higher thaa isctBta. Buy troaa your dealer, or by eaau trora McCALL'S MAGAZINE 238-246 W. 37th St, 1W York Cltr IP r wr.f-

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