illlE wnfc m mi irm isar HI itsass: i all Ml jsft ft mm tar A Jvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Siibscriptioii--$l.50 Per Annum. k)h. XLVI1. WELDON. X. C, THURSDAY, AHil'ST 1, IJ)12. NO. 14 4 3 " Tlio Kind You I lav Always Bought, and which Las been I In use for over 30 years, lias borne tlio signature of I i - au d Las been made under liltt per- I (S jCJ&?aji snuul "POrv,!ilott since ltn liimuoy. I tVA ' Allow no one todecelvo you In till. I All Counterfeits, Imitations Rnd" Juxt-ns-irood " nro but i:pi-rliiieiil thut trltlo with ar.d ciuliingor tlio lieiillh of Infants ami C liUdi-eu Exerieiioo against lCxpciliiieiit. What is CASTOR I A Castorlu Is A harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlo, DrojH and Soothing Syrups. It is rieasiint. It contuiiis itoithcf Opium, Itlorphiuo not' oilier Narcotic siibstnii.e. II ag Is Its ft'iuruntoe. It destroys Worms and allays IVvrrtsIiness. It cures Dlarrliivn and Wind Culi.'. ft rpliv Teetliiuff Troubles, cures Constipation and ITntuli-iiej, It assimilates tlio Food, regulate the Momacli :md Jewels, (riving lienlthy and natural sleep. The t'Uildi'Cii's t'ttuaccu Tlio dlotlier's Trieud. WOMANHOOD ON THE DECLINE. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc c rriTjii com, vr murmt rurr, new vonh crrr. Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always ummunicate with us when you have peanuts for ale. XHE COL UM AN PKANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. oc ac 30 THE BANK OF WELDOX WKLDOX. X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale oF North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town oF Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $50,000. For nearly 'Jo year this institution Iiuk provided k inr facilities for tlii section. Its' stock holders and ollictis am idcntilied Willi the busi ness interests of Halifax and Noi 1 1 lam j.tiiii counties. A Saving llepartini'iit is inaiiitaineil fur the bcnclit of all who desire to deposit in a Saving Hank. In IIiih Hepaiti it interest is allowed as follow: For Deposit allowed to remain three months or louver. - per cent. Six montlisor longer, a per cent, iweive muimnui immn. i-nvini. Any information will Ik" furnished on application to the President orl'ashiei PR8S1DINT W. K. DANIEL, VltK-l'KKSlllKNT: W. It. SMITH. JOHN O. UHAKK, Teller. eASHiKS: K. S TKAV1S. DIKECTOItS V. It. Smith, V. E. haiiiel, It. S. Travis. W. M Cohen. J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. fierce, I), li. Zollicolter, .1 . W. sledge. OE as Dr. Schlapp Hlames Kestless En- 1 erjfy for Alarming Decrease in j Birth Rate. ! The liutTiun family is breaking; itself down. We are developing a wnmahood thai is becoming free of the instinctive desire for moth- hood and frequently without the capacity for it. The racial strength of reproduction is declining. In an article entitled, ' 'T he l-n-emy at the Clare," Max (i. Schlapp head of the department of neuro pathology in the Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, sounds a warning to the women who are being inlluenced by the high tension under which society now exists and adds: "Never the world done its work under such high tension as today." "The mistress of his home has as many engagements as the mas ter," says Dr. ScFilapp. "The woman who belongs to clubs and societies, serves on committees, attends meetings and negotiates business deals until she trembles from excitement, of it all is spurred on by a restless energy that is due to disregard of mental and physical hygiene. "The birthrate drops, and of the children born the portion of those infirm increases, so at last we are confronted with the proof that the high speed effort of our daily lives has brought suffering not only up on ourselves, but upon our chil dren. "Free women as one might term women of well-to-do families are impelled by unremitting ex ample and perpetual commotion of activity. VC'e have here the first explanation of the abnormally ac tive woman. Gentle women, nat urally retiring and unassertive, be come suffragists and suffragettes, and ' land boldly on a soap box in a public j.qiure before a motley throng, to proclaim their demands,. "1 he tame women, dtivcii by the exigencies of the hour, approve such uniduct oil the part of their sisters us that of breaking up meeting-, storming and instilling public ! men in the Miens, throwing stones land smashing windows These conditions are only an evidence of a nervous distress that has become universal. " s Bad Spells "I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness," writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C "At last, I was almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We had three doctors. All the time, 1 was getting worse. I had bad spells, that lasted from 7 to 28 days. In one week, after I gave Cardul a trial, I could eat, sleep, and Joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks, I was well. I had been an invalid for 5 weary years I Cardul relieved me, when everything else failed." CARDuI Woman?Tonic If you are weak and ailing, think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more than 60 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women, has been used by thousands of weak and ailing sufferers. They found it of teal value in relieving their aches and pains. Why suffer longer? A remedy that has relieved and helped so many, Is ready, at the nearest drug store, for use, at once, by you. Try it, today. Wrffr to: tdi' Advl.orr Dopt.. CtiMtanoon Medicine Co.. Chtrtuioom, Ten., lor Setcl'l Itutmemht. uA M-pwc book. " Home I rtitmcnt lor womtn." km Irtt. J 97 Al.St) SYSTEMATIC. The young nun breezed into the old man's library. "I met your daughter yester day," lie announced, "and I want to marry her next Friday after noon at 3:30. She's willing." The old man turned to his card index. "Which daughter?" he inquired. The young man consulted his note book. "It's Miss Fthel. " "All right," said the old man. "Make it 4:30 and I'll attend the wedding. I h ive an engagement at the hour." It was so ordered. This a snap py age. Washington Herald m a n i! fact i' h e lis oi. building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, f Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MAHE TOOIIDKK ASH KEtil'I.AK STUCK MZK. tiood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slonan. Weldon, N. C. TESTIMONY o 3E30E30E NORTHAMPTON & HEHTFDHD RAILWAY CO, HI-AD DOWN READ UP n'jily evert Scniavs I IN I I IH.I APRIL 1. 1011 Hail;- txH SunJays Xo 1 XoS NoJ A.M. 1' k P.M. '8:30 12:15 8:85 9:0(1 W:4.i 4:(l" 9:15 1:011 4:20 Leave (iuinheiiv Arrive Leave Mow Held" Arrive Arrive .laekson Leave Nu.2No.4.No.ti A.M. l'.M.P.M. llfl.'i 8:litli ;"i:""i."i lll:4.t 2:i o :-' I(I:SI1 .M'iI .VIO W. W. ltOliKKTSOS. lieneial Manacer 'NOTE Mow ilrlJ i a Klai Station . uen-ral M.inairer i.nife. i.Miiiut-.i t, - OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER! Uncle Remus' 1 year Southern Ruralist, Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly Roanoke News, $1.00 .50 .25 .25 1.50 1 Ml $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to THE Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. Mrttbrt Pourt fl II Proves That Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com- pound Is Reliable. Re?lvillp, Ore. "1 can truly recom mend I.ydia E. 1'inkham'a Vegetable Compound to all women who ure passing thronph thfl Change of Life, us it made me a well woman alter suffering thre yrara. " Mrs. AlAllY ItllUART, iveedville, Oregon. New Orleans, La. "When passing throUKh the Change of Life I waa Inml'l.-d with I l tlushen. 7r4) weak anil dizzy spells and AVV M backache, lwit; not tit for anvuiini; unui 1 Iouk i.v- dia E. rinkham's Veen- ; .; -tL: 1 tuble t'ompjui'.d which !!?vi.l nrovrl' worth iu weight i'Kis?! in gold tome." as- ton til.ONDKAU, llll fo lymnia St., New Orleans. Mishawaka.Ind.-" Wo men passing through the Change of Life can taka nothing better than I.ydia E. I'inkhani's Vegetable Compound. I am recom mendingit toall my friends because of what it has done forme. "-Mrs.CllAS. Bauer, 523 E. Marion St. , Mishawako, Ind. Alton Station, Ky.-"For mnntha I mltrepetl from fSSjfcfe-fl troubles in consequence of my me and thought l could not live. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound made me well and I want other suffering women to know about it. Mrs. Emm a Bailey, Alton Station, Ky. Delsem, No. Dak. " 1 was passing through Change of Life and felt very bad. 1 could not sleep and was very nervous. I.ydia K. Pinkham ' Vegetal. Ij Compound restored me to perfect h.-sltli and 1 ould not be without it. "-Ans F. 11. Thorn, Deisem. o. DJt. i-Y-Mja-3 HI E WHAT WOULD YOU TAKE? What would you take for that soft little head Pressed close to your face at time for bed; For that white, dimpled hand in your own held tight, And the dear little eyelid kissed down for the night? What would you take? What would you take for that smile in the morn, Those bright, dancing eyes and the face they adorn; For the sweet little voice that you hear all day Laughing and cooing yet nothing to say? What would you take? What would you take for those pink little feet, Those chubby round cheeks, and that mouth so sweet For the wee liny fingers and little soft toes, The wrinkly little neck and that funny little nose? Now, what would you take? "IN THE SWEAT OF THY BROW." I kuskin's Idea of a Satisfactory Life. It may be proved, with much certainty, thai God intends no man to live in the world without work ing; but it seems to me not less ev ident that he intends everylman to be happy in his work. It is writ ten, "In the sweat of thy brow," but it was never written "in the breaking of thine heart" "thou shall eat bread." And 1 find that as, on the one hand, infinite mis-; ery is caused by idle people who both fail in doing what was appoint-1 ed for them to do and set in mo tion various springs of mischief in matters in wnicn tney nave no concern, so, on the other hand, no small misery is caused by over-; worked and unhappy people, in the dark views which they neces sarily take upon themselves and force upon others, of work itself. Were it not so, I believe the fact of their being unhappy is in itself a violation of the divine law and a sign of some kind of folly or sin in their way of life. Now, in order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are need ed: They must be fit for it; they must not do loo much of it; and they must have a sense of success in it not a doubtful sense, as needs some testimony of other people for its confirmation, but sure sense, or rather, knowledge, that so much work has been done well, and faithfully done, whatever the world may say or think about it. John Ruskin. Q'"allk Pn,mr.1nvtti comes from bilious impurities in the blood, tJUilOW VuOmpleXlOn and the uult lies with the hver. Itisturpid, SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE PCVDER FORM) Is the greatest of all liver medicines. Its powerful purifying and strengthen ing inllucncc is at onco appnrent in an improved appetite, good digestion and a feeling of strength and energy in the body. When the system has been pot in order the yellow cast in the skin gradually disappears and the complexion becomes clear and healthy. Sold by Dealers. Prke, Lurge Ptltkuge, SI.OO. Aik lur iW ffmillif Willi thr Rr.l 7. ua tlif hl,rl. II you nnliut let !(. remit to u, me will tend il liy inuil ptt.i,l iiii!!iin l.ivrr Ki-vulaior 1, put uu ,lu In luiuiil lurui for luue wuu prcter It. I'fur I.WJ pet bullle, li.r tl.e Red , l.orl, J. H. 7rJl IN Ik CO.. rruurlrlum. Si. l uul.. Hl.suurl TIP YOUR HAT. The Most beautiful Flowers Are l'ound Hidden in Some Shady Nook. The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THR TOO MUCH TO ASK. WATER, foreign with a aviation of hy- Oh, better than all the wine is this .vater from my old well; Crystal and cool as dawn and filled with the magic spell Of dreamy and lovely places, and charged with bubbling light Spun by the sun forever in the old well's loom of night, It will not fill me with anger, and it uill not make me wild To curse and starve a woman or abu-.e a little child. Oh, belter than all the passion and the inward burning, men, Is the medicine of beauty the lips can taste again in a cup of this clear water, that neither bites nor kills, But cleans the dust from the spirit, and helps you dream of rills In the pleasant wayside places uf ripening grain and fruit, Where man is less a moloch and a little less the brute. Yea, have it, and peace be with you, as it is to every soul That knows the worth of the water whose crystal currents roll In a stream from a noble mountain, and over meadow and plain, Till it sinks in the ground to bubble in my old well again ! It will not sling you and stifle and make you into a beast, But drink, and you'll think you've tasted the dew of a holy feast! Apropos of the latest limousine the limousine roof that slides back for meetings Frank Coffyn, ! droplane fame, said the other day, I in New York: i "This conversation reminds me of a conversation I overheard be tween iao girls. " 'It was an awfully smart crow d j at the Hying,' said the first girl. , '1 baw some awful nice frocks.' " 'And who Hew?" the second iiuniii ed. " 'Don't ask nie!' said the first giil 'Do ytiu think 1 was going to luke off my new Faster hat just to see a lot of aeroplanes?'" Chicago News. Let us learn to lip our hats as politely to the young lady who sews for a living or earns it by an honest toil as to the one who teach es French or chews gum in seven different languages. Let us give as warm a clasp of the hand to the honest tiller of the soil, the fire man or brakeman as we do to ihe lawyer or the doctor. Let us rec ognize honesty and industry wher ever found, and the lime will soon come when there will be an army of bright, intelligent, honest young men and women at the bottom of the ladder, ready to labor at any honorable calling a ber that the most beautiful lives have blossomed in the darkest places, as pure, white lillies full of fragrance in the slimy, stagnant waters. Wealth, birth and official station may and do secure to their possessors an extreme superficial courtesy; but they never did nor never can command the reverence of the heart. The most beautiful flowers are found hidden in some shady nook; so the most beautiful lives are often found hidden in an humble home at ihe foot of the ladder. it W ' m Van BJ von Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Wcek edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular Let us remem- i VHlue 10 vou ll0W- Tne Thrice-A- week world aisoabjunasm otner mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class djThe Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 155 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one year tor . - - mm The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. UAKDI.Y Till: SUNDAY SCHOOL likAND. THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR YOU- The wold is waiting for you, young man, If your purpose is strong and true; If out of your treasures of mind and heart, You can bring things old and new, If you know the truth that makes men free And with skill can bring it to view, The world is waiting for you, young man, The wotiJ is waiting for you. There are treasures of mountain and treasures of sea, And harvest of valley and plain, That Industry, Knowledge and Skill can secure, While ignorance wishes in vain. To scatter the lightning and harness the storm, Is a power that is wielded by few; If you have the nerve and the skill, young man, The world is waiting lor you. Of the idle and brainless the world has enough Who eat what they never have earned; Who hate the pure stream from the fountain of truth, And wisdom and knowledge have spurned, Bui patience and purpose which know no defeat, And genius like gems bright and true, Will bless all mankind with their love, life and light, The world is waiting for you. The young hopeful had secreted some bright buttons in his pocket, which came from the motor car ! show. When Sunday school was well under w ay, he took one out and pinned it on his coat, feeling it an ornament. Unfortunately, ; when the minuier came round to j speak to the dear children, his near i sighted eyes were caught by the color. "Well, Richard, I see you are wearing some mono, my lad. ' What docs it say ?" "You read it, sir," replied Rich ai d, hanging his head, i "But 1 cannot see. I have my j glasses, son. Read it so we can al i hear you." j Richard blushed. "It says, sir, Ain't it ;o be poor?" Metro- politan Magazine. THE COOL STRANG t;R. Business was brLk in the village store when ihe stranger entered. "Any of you drive up in a irap'r" he asked ca!;tially. "Yes, I did," replied Fanner Turnius, disinterestedly. Win?" "Gray horse and an old lady inside ?" "Yes, that's right! But" ''Can she manage him all right-'" said the stranger. "1 should think so," replied Turmus. Why, my wife's druv that horse ever since lie was a 3-year-old!" "Tint's ill right, then," said the stranger, "I merely asked be cause the gray has just gone down the street like a mad bull, and ihe old lady's hanging on to the hack of the trap screaming 'Murder! Still, if she can manage him, there's nothing to get excited about How's the price of 'raters down your way ?" New York Com- j mercial. ! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S C ASTO R I A HRI-PFI) A LITTLR. At Dinard one summer there was a beautiful young countess, ihe wife of a millionaire, whose bathing dress was well A couple of men about town were talking in shocked tones about the countess' bathing dress on the casino terrace. "It's shocking; it's most improp er," said Ihe first. "But," said the second, "I can't believe its any worse than the din ner dress she wore at Mi s. Hughes I Lillet's ball last night. "Oh, well," said the other, "she had her diamonds on then." Rochester Times. It's so easy for a woman to con vince herself how young she is. it's mighty strange she can't con vince any other woman. OAVT: HERSELF AWAY. The Summer Boy If 1 should try to kiss you, do you think your dog would try to bite me? The Summer Girl (absently) He's never bitten any of my other friends. CASTORIA i'or Iul'auts and Children. ihi) Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the HOPE ETERNAL. Every new day and night of joy or sorrow is a new ground, a new consecration, for the love that is nourished by memories as well as hopes. George Elliot. WHY 1$ WELDON FIRM? Because Us Citizens Have Learned The Truth. After reading this generous and encouraging report from Mr. Tye those who have the misfortune to suffer, as he did, will naturally long to get similar relief. But to get Hie same good as Mr. Tye had. you should get the same remedy. There are, of course, other kidney pills but there are no other kidney pills the same as Doan's. That is why Weldon people demand the genuine. G.-W. Tye, Cedar St., Weldon, N. C, says: "I am glad to say that I have been benefited by tloan's Kidney Pills, procured at Cohen's Drug Store. My kidneys gave me a great deal of trouble and I had pains through my loins. Af ter raking Doan's Kidney Pills all these aches and pains' disappeared and the trouble with my kidneys became a thing of the past." For sale byalldeale-s. Price rm cents. FOSTEK-M ILBl'HN CO., New York, sole agents for the l ulled States. Remember the name Doan's and take do other. ii'. WE FURNISH A li.ival Feast to every one who buv then gtocenes at our btore. All the Nea-.. imble delicacies are fouu.l in our -itor? the year luuml. ' i 'ONfFCTIONERIES ( FRUITS ( CHOCK ERY AND TIN ( WARE Wooden and Willowwaie, Etc t i.oods delivered promptly any ( nheie m town. I'ohte clerks. ( I'hone .So. SO. 11. M. PURNELL, HI. HON, N. o. NOTICE. WELDON LUNCH ROOM First-Class Restaurant for Ladies and (ientlemen QUICK WINCHES SERVED DAY OK NltillT. nvthing vim wny want to order in fceuioii Funis, lee Cream. R. I.. CRAWLEY. Manager, Weldon, X C Go to HARRISON'S .Wit i I lUHII SHIP For Automobile Repairs ami Supplies. All kinds of Machine work doue sta tionary, liasoliue, Marine and Steam F.ngiues. Huns ami Pistols Satisfaction guaranteed Tires and Supplies on hand for sale Shop east end of Second Stieet. II. W. HARRISON, Weldon, N. C. kOIEYSOMOlAXATlVL foa fTOic('i'o.'iijj, I'MI' SI'VIKS UF AMF.IilCA FASTI'liX MSTItlCTOF NORTH CAI;nU.Y. IN THE DISTRICT cut i:t at ralkihii. IN EQUITY. .l AMI.S I HiN CAMF.KOX, a citizen of Marietta. Lancaster county, State of Pennsylvania, Complainant, VS. Wiiaiiul.e .Nu illation and Water Power t 'oinpanv. a torporation of North Car olina, I it-lent I trot. This is to notify all cieditois, claim ants, stockholders and others interested in the ail'aii'M of the defendant that the undeisicned was on tlie yjinl day of .lurii', I'll'-', appointed Receiver of the defendant Company, in the above en titled cause and court and that oil same dav he duly tiiahlied as such Receiver. All creditors, claimants, stockhol 1 ers and others interested in the atfairs or propi rty of the defendant are hereby notilied to appear before the under signed Receiver at his ollice in the tow n of Weldon, N. C , lit Pi o'clock M., on tlie l ilh day of July, HIP-', and make proof of their claims against said de fendant, and all creditors, claimants, stockholders ami other persons inter ested in the nllairs or property of the. leleinlaiit are lurtlier notilieti that on the ilh dav of August. PML'.at 1; o'clock M., the said creditors, claimants, stock lioldeis and others interested in the af fairs or properly of the defendant, or any of them, may tile exceptions in writings to the allowance of any claim lihd by any olhei creditor, claimant or perstiii' interested with said Rcccucr. This the '.'idli day of .1 line, PM J, UEOROE C. (1REEN, Receiver It. N. ft W. P. Co. je '.'7 lit and McCall Patterns For Women Ha More Friends than any other maganni ;: ..Uen.s. McCall sis the reliable . . -a Cunle monthly in one null, i me hundred thousand homes, li ,!Jes ; !i" inj; ail the latest desii -.of Mc. 1 Patterns, cnih issuo is 1 1 .. : il of sparkling shoit st-ries and helpful information for women. Snt Moar sr.i Kh, h Stria by ttibMrtWnf lor MiCti'i ! oct. to.u oiny J Mnti i y.-.r. it: . ' V r.-z any on, oi the ccltbnud McCtll hum.. I-.:. ur. II p.,,.-. i M,1 .11 olhan ta fit, imp lictty, rc.-njny md numbtf sold. Uon de.'m nil MckJ...I Pjtlfrr, th.B tny olhtr two nukf i comMi;,-,!. Nont higher thao isctati. buy trum your, ur by mta (ton a McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-248 W. J7lli St, New York City