Iff f-siMnHai idvertislng Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XL VI I. WELDON, N. CM THURSDAY, At'CH ST 8, 1012. NO. 1") LITTLE AND Bid RELIGION. TAKINQ A REST. I "HI I, MM lot, 3 Ptk (.'tu p ANi'SeluWpPiTparslionrorJli slniilaiiiigilKftiMianinrtula ling Hie MtwcHhs ai'ilOuwdiof Promotes DigcsHonflw ifij-' nvss anil RfsuConlilrdwiihr Opiuitk.Mdrphinc norMncriL 1SOT NARCOTIC. JBr JMIkSIHlimm JbcStaim AmeStid (tv.Mttmr. A perfect IW iwdy foi-Comflpi-i iion.soui atuuuui.uunw. Worms Convulsions .ftvcnslv ncssanilLOSSOrSLElP. Facsimile Sijmiurf of KEW YORK For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of iAI A J In Use For Over Thirty Years m. uu I f B; 3Sfi A STfl 111 A Exact Copy of Wrapper. Ml INTUH MMttf, HIV fN rTY. Spanish Peanuts. The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Always 0 communicate with us when you have peanuts for sale. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. 01 This story comes from Australia, where all convention turns event ually to matters educational, be cause every parent is painfully anxious that his sons shall pass the standard which will free them from certain years of millitary ser vice. A visitor was conversing with his host's small son, and opened as a matter of course, with the words : 'Do you go to school now?" "Yes." "And what do you lean? Read ing, writing, sums?" "Oh, yes, and I learn religion, too." "Religion?" "Yes. I learn the little religion, which teaches that we all come from Adam. But my elder broth er is in a higher class; he learns the big religion, and that teaches that we all come from monkeys." THE GENTLE CYNIC. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?a?!!i!!!s.D.rplDSL $50,000. For nearly 20 years tti in institution has provided hanking facilities for this section. Its stockholders and ollictrs arc identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained fur Hie hem-tit of all who desire todcpositineSaviuKS Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: Kor Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, .' per cent. Six months or longer, :t per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Auv information will he furnished on application to the President ort'ashier PBlSIDlNTt W. E. DANIEL, VICS-l'KKKlUSST; W. K. SMITH. JOHN O. DRAKE, Teller. iasiiikb: U. S. TKAVIM, DIRECTORS W. R. Smith, V. E. Daniel, It. S. Travis, V. M. Cohen, J. L. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. It. Zollicolter, J. VY. Sledge. MANL'FACTUREIW of Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels? Door and Window Screens. MADE TO ORDER AND REil;I.ARSIHK.'K SIZES, dood Materials. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. The bachelor who sympathizes with a fair widow is lost. Fools jump at conclusions, but wise run the other way. He is an ungrateful man who lives beyond his wife's means. Where there's a will there's a fighting chance for the lawyers. A good many decided blondes got the decision from a druggist. Many a man with a way of his own has a wife who outweighs him. V Even women who lack the sense of humor want to be jollied all the time. Most of the free advice is handed out by people who want to get rid of it, It sometimes happens that a pes simist is a married man who can't forget it. There is said to be happiness among some savage tribes where money is unknown. Suppose the prodigal son had come home to find that his family had turned vegetarians! There is only one thing that travels faster than bad news, and that is the reputation of being an easy mark. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, I1L, Escaped The Sur geon's Kn'fe. Peoria, III " I v.isli to l r every on know whatLydi : l.rinkham'.: Vegetable ' ornpoui ! has done for n w. Kor twoyears i rXlTt-reJ. The doc tor sui.i 1 had a tumor a'lJ tho on'y remedy I wiiiJ I lie surgeon 8 u knifV. !' ' mother ) )iui!'!.'. :.; Lydia E. .1 I,il Vial-eta. Mnh!'.)'f'.:'.'...,:)tn-l, and '''mi" ,j todtyl.riawelland U 4V VJhi'aliln-vomHn. For n on i n l suiioreu m If you grow ptanuti and do not uie a Benthtll Peanut I'icker, you actually lose money by not owning one. The Benthall makes peanut growing doubly profitable, The wages you pay tha losiet from delays in not getting your crop euly to market the losses from birds and Heal ing cost you more than a machine. ' If you own a Benthall, you and your boys can do the work of a hundred hinds, and do it better. You send your crop to mtrketearly secure highest prices, You top the theft of your crop. Growers now see that hand picking li far too costly. Th folly of aiiemping to "thresh" them hat been plainly shown. For machines that "thresh" them de. troy profits. ' They crack the nuts and cracked nuts will not keep. They grind the vines to smithereens and these vines are the equal of alfalfa for feed worth from $12 to $20 per ton. Contrast such machines with the Ben thall. Tht vines are fed to the Benthall jolt as grain to the treshing machine The peanuts are pulled off the vine without injury to the shell. The machine picks at delicately as human fingers hundreds of times more rapidly. Many buyers give preference to Beo thill picked nuts. The vines are saved in perfect conditlou for hay. , The recleaning and bagging attachment makes it unnecessary to i un the peanuts over for seed the second time. This is the picker of proved worth proved out in the peanut fields of Virginia. Either Spanish or Virginia varieties are picked equally as well. It is mounted reidy to hitch as you would a farm wagon. You can easily move it from place to place. a) Tine are models suited for horse or engine power machines that are made interchangeable. Every year sees more farmers using the Benthall. It has supplanted all other methods in many sections. And the de mand this year promises to be greater than we can supply. THE MACHINE THAT PAYS FOR ITSELF. If you don't want to let profits slip thru your fingers if you want to make money growing peanuts, write us for our folder "How the Hesthall I'ayi For Itself." Sent Free upon request. Benthall Machine Company, Boa a SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA. III THEIR ONE BIG DESIRE. What makes the world so odd is that men differ in desires. One has the hope to rush around some lime on rubber tires ; One wants to dabble all his days in contents of old jugs; One skips across the landscape with a net, pursuing bugs; One wants to be looked upon as the biggest noise in whist; Another wants to don the mitts and be a pugilist; Another daubs up canvas, painting scenes of joy or gloom; Another has an eager wish to make the desert bloom. A man nr tun nnw this i true ninft to he nresidenl- One would teach youth to say "have gone" instead of just "have we I he height ol one s ambition is to leau tne village Dana; Another would be glad if lie could own a peanut stand; Another wants to go across the ocean wide on wings; Another wants the world to sit spellbound the while he sings; Some water stock and stock the waters with rare fish- So nearly every one you meet has got a different wish, All of us pine for something, but it sets our brains a-whirl, No matter what we pine for, when we turn and see a girl With rounded cheeks and laughing eyes beneath a saucy hat Then we drop what we'd wanted to go chasing after that ! And that's what makes the world so good; tor, be he prince or churl, Each one is glad to sacrifice all else for just a girl. The love that makes us turn aside from all the things we've prized Is the one thing that Keeps us anu tne Dig worm civilized. 3EI0 torn itx sZuAfiTiiniinTrtii o utnTCnnn nnilUflV PtiVk S riUHinHiVlrluriotnLniruru nnimni uu.Q READ DOWN KKAD llf hiiiyMrilaym 1 1 PUT AI'KII. I. Wl I I'aily tm Saciay No llNo.8 A.M. KM. Sa)!t2:l.V :0O li!:4,ri 9:101 1:011 No.r. I'M. S:3.- 4-tl-i 4 :M Leave (iumherry Arrive Leave .Mowtteld Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave No.i!No.4,No. .VM. l'.M. KM. fl:io 3:ou!'S:.V. lll:4.V 2: '.:'.'. UI:M 2: 1. ".I r:l(l W. V. KOREKTSO.N.Ueneral Munagi NOT-MofllJIsKlaSltion . Genual Mulin i i.urawrrr. - 301 rO from inflammation, t:-.l v. u'- Sanative Wash reliev-d me. I ii:-i alA to toll anyone what y-cjv medicine have done for me. You can two t. sjjinnnial in any way j m wish, ur I I vi I he glad to answer letu-r.t." - Mi.i. Chkistina HEED, 105 Mound St., I'.Hirin. lit. Jim. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. Joasup, Pa. "After tho Lirth of my fourth child, 1 had severe oriuut: inflam mation. I would have such terrible pains that it did not seem as though I could stand it Thi kept up for three long months, until two doctors decided that an oiwmtion was needed. Then one of my irtends recommenuea f.vdia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Com pound and after taking it for two months I was a well woman, -mrs. josti-H a, Lynch. Jessup, Pa. Women who sutler from remain Ilia should try Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegeta ble Compound, one of the most success. ful remedies the world has ever Known, before submitting to a surgical orwia. tion. OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER I Uncle Remus' 1 year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly Roanoke News, 50 .25 .25 1.50 $3.50 : $3,50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke New6, weiaon, n. t-. mtt& I t.IUMU iu.l.Uiall.U.... - ...NWIa.fc. I TBADI-MftllKt. t UVfrtUH1i.lt ounsiMiK ljia. I int'r.-.t. HfMi.t Miftt'li, MilH i't ';!:t,,n' ' I . HPORT Oil I;u-mun,i.' t '"I""' ' hfiid 4 ini In hu,: tlor ourlwuinvtMiiiiWi' ttn.ihs on HOW TO OBTAIM Kit PT; 11T, Vnilftlt 1VT Ait'l Li tiff VilWt' ttlltrt 'WO. D, SVirT & GO. I 303 Heveiith St., wnlniia BEAUTIFUL DECLINE. Ollie James, Congressman and Senator-elect from Kentucky, was in conversation the other day in Washington, when the latter made certain inquiries with reference to a mutual friend whom he had not seen for a number of years. "And how does Colonel Pres- cott spend his declining years?" he asked. "Beautifully, sir, beautifully!" answered James. "Me has a fine farm, sir. And a siring of trotters, sir. And a barrel of whiskey 16 years old and a wife of the same age, sir l THE TALLY. It isn't the job we intend to do, Or the labor we've just begun. That puts us right on the ledger sheet; It's the work we have really done. Our credit is built upon things we ao, Our debt upon things we shirk; The man who tals the biggest plus Is the man who completes his work. Good intentions do not pay bills; It's easy enough to plan; To wish is the play of an office boy To do is the job of a man. Richard Lord. EXCEPTIONS TO ALL RULES. When Doris climbed on her father's knee it was plain that a deep problem was troubling her. "Papa, was it a wise person who said, 'The good die young?' " "Yes," he replied. "I suppose he must have been very wise." "Well," the child replied, after thinking it over for a time, "I'm not so much surprised about you, but I don't see how mamma man aged to get growed up." TAKING CHANCES. Charlie I would like to intro duce to you a friend of mine a charming fellow. His Fiancee Very well, but you do it at your own risk. Hay fever and asthma make August a month of intense sum-ring to many people Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound gives prompt ease and relief, and is soothing and healing to the inflamed membranes. Win. M. Merethcw, S. Seasport, Me., Bays: "A few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound re lieved me of a severe attack of asthma and less than a bottle causeducomplete cure." liefuse substitutes. E. ( LA UK. The wind was blowing a bit more than a gale recently when a benevolent old chap stopped to put a dime in the hat of a shiver ing blind man on the public square. The donor nearly dropped the coin, but the tnendicrant shoved his hat underneath it and skillfully rescued it. "Why, you're not blind!" cried the giver scornfully. "No, sir," confessed the beg gar. "I'm just takin a pal's place while he has a bit o' rest, l ie's blind, sir been blind from his birth." "Where is he taking his rest?" demanded the stranger, still unconvinced. "Why, er er, why he's gone to a moving picture show." Cleve land Star. IT'S WORTH IT. It costs a lot to live these days More than it did in yore; But when you stop to think of it, It's worth a whole lot more. Judge. He finds no weal who flees all woe. WELDON LUNCH ROOM First-Class Restaurant for Ladies One seldom hears a married man boast that he never made a mistake in his life. AN OVERWORKED ELOCUTIONIST. i Once there was a little boy, whose name was Robert Reese; I And every Friday afternoon he had to speak a piece. So many poems thus he learned that soon he had a store Ot recitations in his head, and still kept learning more. And now this is what happened : 1 le was called upon one week, And totally forgot the piece he was about to speak! His brain he cuddled. Not a word remembered within his head ! And so he spoke at random, and this is what he said: "My Beauti-ul, my Beautiful, who standest proudly by, It was the schooner Hesperus the breaking waves dashed high ! Why is the Forum crowded ? What means this stir in Rome ? Under a spreading chestnut tree, there is no place like home, When Freedom from her mountain height cried, Twinkle, little star, Shoot if you must this old gray head, King Henry of Navarre ! Roll on thou dark and deep blue castled crag of Drachenfels, My name is Norval, on the Grampian Hills, ring out, wild bells ! If you're waking, call me enrly, to be or not to be, The curfew must not ring to-night ! Oh, woodman, spare that tree ! Charge, Chester, charge! On, Stanley, on ! And let who will be clever! The boy stood on the burning deck, but I go on forever !" His elocution was superb, his voice and gestures fine; His schoolmates all applauded as he finished the last line. "I see it doesn't matter," Robert thought, "what words I say, So long as I declaim with oratorical display I" PASS IT ON Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on. 'Twas not given for you alone Pass it on. Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another's tears, Till in heaven the deed appears. Pass it on. A MAN'S OBSERVATION. The girl who is very carefui about her hatpin and the pins at her belt probably has a beau. Ir. C. U. Ellsworth, lentist, 111 Hald win St., lioehester, N. Y., says Foley Kidney Pills gave him immediate relief and strengthened him wonderfully. "I have been bothered with weak kidneys and bladder trouble and auric red much pain. Foley Kidney l'ills gave me im mediate relief and strengthened me wonderfully, I am pleased to recom mend their use " E. CLARKJ CASTOR I A lor Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o Righteousness is never better for taking a rest. Hubert V. Hertcr, Lawrenceville, Mo., who had been bothered with kidney trouble ill two years, says: "I tried three different kinds of kidney pills but with no relief. My neighbor told me to use Foley Kidney Pills, I took three bot tles of them, an t got a permanent cure I recommend them to everybody." E.CLARK. The "Progressive" Party is the individual, man or woman, who uses Foley Kidney Fills for backache, rheumatism, weak hack, and other kid ney ami bladder irregularities. Foley Kidney Fills are healing, strengthening tonic, and quick to produce beuelicial results. Contain no harmful drugs. Never sold in bulk Put up in two sues in seal bottles. The genuine iu a yel low package, E. CI.AKK. QUICK LUNCHES SERVED DAY OR NIQHT. Anything you way want to order iu season Fruits, Ice Cream. R. L. CRAWLEY.Manager, Weldon, N. C. iivliiiivinialnl VltltltlAlVjVlVl Mii-kmer Reduction Sale. Nearly every day we read of some poor man who unexpectedly inherited a large fortune, but we never meet any of them. A DANGEROUS MISTAKE Weldon Mothers Should Not Neg lect Weakness In Children. Nottingham aud Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1.50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. Its mighty easy to mistake ven om for virtue. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Many children have weak kid neys. An early warning is bed wetting. Often followed by backache, headache, languor. 'Tis a mistake to neglect these troubles. To blame the child for its own distress. Seek to check the cause. Save the child from dangerous kidney ills. Doan's Kidney Pills are espec ially for weak kidneys. Thousands of parents know their worth. Read this testimony. Mrs. W. S. Bradley, Roanoke street, Scotland Neck, N. C, says: "I have been convinced that Doan's Kidney Pills are a good kidney medicine for they have been used in my family with splendid results. One of my children had kidney weakness and I gave the child Doan's Kidney Pills. The results were very satisfactory." For sale by all dealers. Price fa) cents. FOSTEK-MII.BURN CO., New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take so other. Just When the Bowels Are Uncomfortable and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning opera tion, you should put a small quantity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action In the system is puri fying and strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and gives tone to the muscular structure of the bowels. It over comes the tendency to chronic con stipation, relieves a bloated feeling in the abdomen, sweetens the breath and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package, SI. 00 Aik for the fenulne wilb tbc aed Z ra the label. If you cannot set it, rrmltto ut. we will tend It by mail, poatpaid. Simmona Lirer Regulator ll alio put up in liquid form tor tboae wlio prefer It. Price S1.00 per bottle. Look for tbe Red Z labei J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. rraprlstora Si. Louis, Missouri Tie Thrice-A-Weet Edition OF THE New York Wo ill Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price THE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A- Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one PI 70 year for ... $liU The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. ('! I) (I WE FURNISH A Royal Feast to every one who buy their groceries at our Btore. All the seasonable delicacies are found in our store the year rounu. ! CONFECTIONERIES ; FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wooden aud Willonsrare, Eta. itioods delivered promptly any1 where in town, route clerks. 1'hone No. 80. 1 R. M. PURNELL, 1 WKI.OON, N, C. Bigalow Bagdad, kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. YkLoofi Go to HARRISON'S MACHINE Sit For Automobile Rt-pairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine work done Sta tionary, (iasoline, Marine anil Steam Kngines, (luns and Pistols. Satisfaction guaranteed. G00Dj?EAR Tires and Supplies on hand lor sale Shop east end of Second Street. II. W. HARRISON, Weldon, N. C. WELDON, North Carolina rf rf rf rfrf ff rf f rOIEYSOMOlAUm, roa ,isnc.Touat.a an..ciisTirTto McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Have Mora Friends than any other magazi no ur i ml ;.tr:is. McCall's is the reliable Foshi.-a Guide monthly in one ruilUi.i one hundred thousand homes. Bi sid ? -, showing all the latest iWio-nanf M i I P&tterna. eaoh issue is brimful of sparkling short stories and helpful iuformation for women. Sin Moaer ol Km l Style tw wbseHNim for McCall'a Mapiine ll owe. Coete only so cents I yelr, iti.l'idinf srty oos OS IM oaMlmttd McCall Wtternilr.e. McCe" Pelteras Le4 sit mtvtrs IS I Strle, r. eimpluity, n,,.ii.,.r.y and somber ewM. Safe daalera stll M.-UII Paiterna than any woW two maVeitoniUm J, None hiaritr Ihsa llCMte. Bos iron your dealtr, cSy Mail trooi McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. S7tk St. Nr Tor CVty our,

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