ispi wLln IIf Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A JJEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, AIM'ST 15, 1912, Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. NO. 10 VOL. XLVII. I I I .4 i b w u m t i jnm o sw - wtm u m m r The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been la use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of All Counterfoils, Iniltatious and " Just-us-uood" are but experiments thut trill with and endaiigi-r tho health of Infants and CliUdrcu Experience against, Experiment. What is CASTORIA t'astoriu Is a hurmlcsa substitute for Custor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrup. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Narcotic KiiuHtuuce. Its ape Is Its fcuarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays IVverlsliness. It cures Dl.uilici'a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fhitulcucy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the KtoiiiiU'lf and Bowel, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Tie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNI 6 INT UN OSMPlNt, TT MUMH THIKT, NtW VORR MTV. Spanish The present low prices have created a very large demand for Spanish Peanuts. Alw.iys communicate with us when t jsale. jTHE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO , NOKlOLK, VA. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Deposiiory. m ?a?M.MSn. $50,000. For nearly 3 years thin institution lias provided hanking facilities fur this section. Its stockholders and ollietrs are ideutitied with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the henelit of all ttho desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this liepaitineul interest is allow-d (1s follows: For Deposits allowed ton-main three months or louger. 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 3 percent. Twelve nionthsor louirer. 4 (icrcent. Anv information will be furnished on application to the Preside ntort'ashier rBlSIDINT: W. E. DANIEL, vicki-kksiiient: W. It. SMITH. JOHN O. 1'HAKK, Teller. DIRECTORS V. It. Smith, W. E. J, U Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. H. MAMFACTl 3 ! I Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. ? MADE TUOHDIIK AM l(Kil I.AHsliK K MZK-v Good Materials'. High tirade Weldon, 1 S NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, READ DOWN NoJlNoJiNo AM.P.M.PJI. ; 830 12:15 "8:85 jj Leave tiumlierry Arrive 9:00 lii:4!i 4:0"i 1 Leave Mowfielil Arrive 9:15 1:00 AM Arrive Jackson l eave W. NOTE Muwfipld I. a Flu Slali-n (ea?ral Manatfir' ubha i.umnrrrv. 301 OUR Uncle $3.50 $3.50 value to ihe subscriber for $2 00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke New6, Weldon, N. C. ,r and has been nittdo under his per 'ffltrfc, toaal upervisloa Since Its Infancy. Signature of Peanuts. you have peanuts for i'asiiikr: I!. S. TKAVIrt, Daniel, It. S. Travis. W. Cohen, Zollicott'ei. .1 . W. Slede. 0 KKKS OK Workmanship Our Slogan. N. C. r KF.AD UP No.2 ASi ii.Ki No.4..So.S H:00 2::l .:.-) ,1:21 .1:10 1(1:4.1 lll:ll 2:1.11 7P W. HOHKltTSON. tieneral Manage , is. - , March 2'th. I'll OG3C GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER 1 Remus I year $1.00 .50 .25 oraoBc "iK Southern Ruralist. Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly " Roanoke News, .25 1.50 HOW GIRLS MAY SUCCEED. Do What Your Hands Find To Do With a (Had Heart. Some of you are out In the world earning your ow living; you have bail to do it to help some one at homo as well as to take care of yourself. You are up on a high stool looking at tiresome figures in black und white; you are ringing out the changes of a letter or a law deed on a typewriter; you are standing behind a counter ca tering to the whims and wants of thousands ofieople; you are working away reading proof, and wonder why people don't write plainly. Hut no matter what you are doing, you will never succeed in this world and you will be of no worth to ihe people who employ you unless you do Ihe best you can. o it for your own sake. Don't slight any work, no matter how poor it may seem to you the work becomes great and noble the very second you put a great and noble determination into it. ( )f course you get tired, but every time you feel that tired feeling coming over you, stop for a minute, und give your eyes or hands a rest and re member that the work done in tho right spirit is the only work tit to offer (lod himself, and that is the way und spirit in which you ought to work. By doing the best you can ,by being just as patient as you, your work is sure to receive recognition and that may mean more money and less work to you, because after a while the toil that seems so hard at first is going from mere force of habit to become easier, and you yourself, by doing good work arealwayssmoothing out the pathway of the future. Make Ihe drudgery divine und don't call it drudgery. Do what your liHiids find to do with a kind heart and don't think that you are the only one the world that has to work to earn her daily bread, but be thankful that (iod lias given you ability with which to do it. The girl who expects love to come after marriage is apt to bump up against a real disappointment. RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. Templeton Regained Health through Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. Hooper, Nebraska.-"! am very glad to tell how Lydia E. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Compound has helped me. rorhveyears I suffered from female troubles so I was scarcely able to do my work. 1 took doc. tors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helpeJ. I had such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak 1 could hardly wulk and could not ride. 1 often had to si t up nights to sleep and my friends thought 1 could not live long. At my request my husband got me a bottle of I.ydia E. rin'uiam s Veg etable Compound and I commenced to take it By the time 1 hud taken the seventh bottle my health had returned and 1 began doing my wadiing and was a well woman. Atone time lor Uiree weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did for me. I would not take $1000 and be where 1 was. You have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone. -Mrs. SUSIE I EM PLETON, Hooper, Nebraska. Thel'inkhum record is a proud and peer less one. It is a record of constant vic tory over the obstinate ills of woman ills that deal out despair. It is an established fact that I.ydia E. rtnkhsm'9 V-geta-ble Compound has re stored heal til to thou sands of such suffer ing women. Why don't you try it if you btcdsuch. a oiwlicuie? WLL DON LUNCH ROOM Hirst-Class Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen QUICK LUNCHES SEHVBD DAY OK NIGHT. Anything you nay want to order in season I- runs, lee Lreanl. R. L. CRAWLEY, Manager, Weldon, N. C Mm i I a 1 Don't " I had been troubled, a little, for newly 7 yean," wrltte Mrs. L Finchor, In a letter from Peavy, Ala., "but I was not taken down, until March, when I went to bed and had to havo a doctor. He did all he could for me, but I got no better. I hurt all over, and I could not rest At last, I tried Cardul, and soon I began to improve. Now I am In rery good health, and abla to do all my housework." Cardui You may wonder why Cardui is so successful, after other remedies have failed. The answer Is that Cardui Is successful, because it is composed of scientific Ingredients, that act curatively on the womanly system. It is a medicine for women, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, and restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness. If vou suffer like Mrs. will surely do for you, what It did for her. At all druggists. Wrttt k Udltt Advisory Dipl. Outtuoosa Mtdiclat Co, Chtttaaoosi, Taaa,. tor Svtttal tat tracilwu. and M-pag book, "Homo Trttnout tor Woaua," Stat tra. J AFTER We take our share of freuing, Of grieving and forgetting; The paths are often rough and steep, and heedless feel may fall. But yet the days are cheery, And night brings rest when weary, And somehow this old planet is a good world alter all. Sharp may be our trouble, The joys are more than double. The brave outrank the cowards, and the leal are like a wall To guard their dearest ever, To fail the feeblest never; And somehow this old earth remains a bright world, after all. There's always love that's caring, And shielding and forbearing, Dear woman's love to hold us close and keep our hearts in thrall; There's home to share together In calm or stormy weather, And while the heari-llame burns it is a good world, after all. The lisp of children's voices, The chances of happy choices, The bugle sounds of hope and fuiih through fogs and mists thai call; The heaven that stretches o'er us, The better days before us, They all unite to make this earih a good world, after all. Margaret li. Sangsier. THE C088IP. A rose in my garden, the sweetest and fairest, Was hanging her head through ihe long golden hours; And early one morning I saw her tears falling, And heard a low, gossiping talk in the bowers. The yellow Nasturtium, a spinster all faded, Was telling a Lily what ailed the poor Rose; "That wild roving Bee, who was hanging about her Has jilted her squarely, as everyone knows. I knew when he came, with his sighing and singing, His airs and his speeches, so fine and so sweet, Just how it would end; but none would believe me, For all were quite ready to fall at his feet." "Indeed you are wrong," said the Lilybelle, proudly, "I cared nothing for him. He called on me once, And would have come often, no doubt, if I'd asked him, But, though he was handsome, I thought him a dunce." "Now, now, that's not true," cried the tall Oleander, "He has travelled and seen every flower that grows; And one who has supped in the garden of princes, We all might have known, would wed with the Rose." "But wasn't she proud when he showed her attention? And she let him caress her," said sly Mignonette. And I used to see it and blush for her folly, The silly thing thinks he will come to her yet." "I thought he was splendid," said pretty, pen Larkspur, "So dark and so grand, with that gay cloak of gold; But he tried, once, 10 kiss me, the impudent fellow, And I got ott'ended; 1 thought him too bold." "Oh, fie !" laughed the Almond. "Thai does for a story Though I hang down my head, 1 sec all that goes; And I saw you reach out, trying hard io detain him. But he just tapped your cheek and Hew by to the Rose "He cared nothing for her, he only was Mining To while away time, as every one knew; So I turned cold shoulder to all his advances, Because I was certain his heart was untrue." "The Rose it served right for her folly in trusting An oily-tongued stranger," quoth proud Columbine. "I kr.ew what he was, and thought once 1 would warn her, Bui, of course, the affair was no business of mine." "Oh, well," cried the Peony, shrugging her shoulders, "I saw all along that the Bee was a flirt; Bui the Rose has been always so praised and so petted I thought a good lesson would do her no hurt." Just then came a sound of a love-song sung sweetly; I saw my proud Rose lilting up her bowed head, And the talk of the gossips was hushed in a moment, And the flowers all listened to hear what was said. And the dark, handsome Bee, with his cloak o'er his shoulder, Came swift through the sunlight and kissed the Rose, And whispered: "My darling, ve roved the world over, And you are the loveliest blossom that grows." -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Suffer! Fincher did, takt Cardui. It ALL. Men often think they love the sinner because ihey are too lazy to I prosecute him. HOW TO LOOSEN A SCREW. A rusted screw may be readily loosened if heat is applied to the head of the screw. A small bar or rod of iron, flat at the end, if reddened in the fire and applied two or three minutes to the screw, will render its withdrawal as easy as if the screw had only just been inserted. He who lays out each day with prayer leaves it with praise. The man who always has the sins of others before him puts his own in his pocket. Hay fever and asthma make AuiihI a month of intense siiH'erini; Io many people. Foley's Honey ami Tar Com pound gives prompt eaue and relief, and is soothing and healing to the iiillamed membranes. Win. M. Merethew, N. Seasport, Me., says: "A few doses of Foley's Honey ami Tar Compound re lieved me of a severe attack of asthma and less than a bottle caused a complete cure." Itffuse substitutes. E. CLARK. What has become of the old-fashioned young lady who wore large ear-bobs ? The "Progressive" Party is the individual, man or woman, nlio uses Foley Kidney Pills for backache, rheumatism, weak hack, and other kid ney and bladder irregularities. Foley Kidney Tills are healing, strengthening tonic, and , quick to produce benclicial results. Contaiu no harmful drugs. Never sold in bulk. Hut up ill two sizes in seal bottles. The genuine in a yel low package, K. CLARK. A guess is equal to good judg ment if you happen to guess right. Are Ever at War. There are two things everlastingly at war, joy and piles. Hut Huckleu's Arnica .Salve will banish piles in any form. It soon subdues the itching, irritation, in Humiliation or swelling. It gives com fort, invites joy. Createst healer of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, ecze ma, scalds, pimples, skin eruptions. Only Tic. at all druggists. It is a devoid congregation that does not vote unanimously to give the minister a vacation in the sum mer. The Trials ol a Traveler. "1 uiu utiau'liiitf sult-Miiau," write K. K Young, K. IVikshire, Yt., "and 1 was often trouMt'il with constipation, i ami inilit'Htion till I Iu'ltuh to use Or. Kuik'h New Life Pills, which I have I found an excellent remedy." For all i Ktomaeh, liver or kiilney troul.len they are uneiiualed. Mil v at all drutf- 1 gists. ; The houiV dawgs can come back when the rabbit season opens. lr. C. II. KIlHworth, Oentint, 10 Bald i win St., lioehenter, N. Y., says Foley i Kidney Tills gave him immediate relief und strengthened him wonderfully. "I have been bothered with weak kidneys I anil bhiilder trouble and su tiered much j pain. Foley Kidney I'ills pave me im ! mediate relief ami strenirthencd me ; wonderfully, I am please! to recom mend their use. " E. CXAUK! Good many people are resting up after their vacations. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The people who are sleeping "under blankets" must have them stored in the aitic. A DANGEROUS MISTAKE Weldon Mothers Should Nut Neg ' lect Weakness in Children. Many children have weak kid neys. An early warning is bed weuing. Often followed by backache, headache, languor. 'Tis a mistake id neglect iliese troubles. Tn blame ihe itiild ful i i i uwll distress. Seek to check the cause. Save the child from dangerous kidney ills. Doan's Kidney Pills are espec ially for weak kidneys. Thousands of parents know their worth. Head this testimony. Mrs. W. S. Bradley, Roanoke street, Scotland Neck, N. C, says: "I have been convinced thai DoanV Kidney Pills are a good kidney medicine for they have been used in my family with splendid results. One of my children had kidney weakness and I gave the child Doan's Kidney Pills. The results were very satisfactory." For sale byall dealers. Price 50eents. FOSTEK-M1I.BUKN CO., New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the oame loao's and take no other.- If Ynii Snmpiliind that d""1?"" with you, don't II SOU Cdl JOmeming let it work its own way through; it's a slow process and makes you feel bad. Get rid of it quickly by taking a pinch or two of SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It drives out impurities and badly digested food in the stomach and bowels; stimulates the torpid liver and restores regular bowel movements. It is a fine tonic and system puritier that puts the vital organs in sound, healthy condiUon. Snltt iy Dealers. Price, Large Package. $1-00. Aik lot tbr f rnulnr Willi tbr Rrtl 7. on thr lall. II you ronnot in It. rrtnlt to III, re will wnd It br Mill pixluiul. Siiiiokjiii l.ivrr niil.iir I, pul up ilwi ku liquid Iota lor IbuK wbo pielef it. I'nct II.IHI prr lnilit. Louk lor die Krd V. UI-cL J. H. Kil l" & CO., Proprietor, St. Loula, Mlasourl TO GET THE BEST LIGHT. When using oil lamps the house wife is always very careful that every part of the lamp is scrupu lously clean and the burner is boil ed to remove any accumulation of dirt. Often there is quite a little collection of dust and if ibis is cleared away ihe improvement in the light is noticeable. Indian Killed On the Track. Near lioelielle, 111., an Indian went to sleep on a railroad track ami was killed by the fast express. He paid for his caieicssiiess with his life. Often its that way when people neglect coutrlis and colds. Don't risk your life when ptoinpt use of I r. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble. "It completely cured me, in a short time, of a teriible cough that followed a severe attack of tinp," writes J. 1!, W atts, Floyilaila. Texas, "and I gained 1.1 pounds in weight that 1 Jiad lost. " Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. .10. and $1, Trial buttle free at all druggists. It is strange but true that a hot towel on a hot day will make a cool face. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 85 -5 V,V.lvMAll,,J Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1.50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. f Uiy;alow IJatftlad, Kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. We Loop FuitfliTUHE WELDON, North Carolina Foley's OMOiMivz I urn Women Tuonan anil CoiSTifTion Mid-Summsr i Reduction Sale. ft The Tlrice-A-Weet Edition OP THE fa York World Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper In world gives so much at so low a price V HF. great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and prompily. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together for one $1,70 year for i ne regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. ( (! (I WE FURNISH A Ituyal Feast to every one who ( buy then groceries at our store. ( All the seasonable delicacies are ( found io our store the year ( round. ( CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE ( ( c Wooden and Willowware, Etc. v Hoods delivered promptly any ( where in town. Polite clerkB, ( 1'hone No. HO. , R. M. PURNELL, ( j WELDON, N. C. Go to HARRISON'S For Autniiiiiliile Repairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine work done Sta tionary, t.asohne. Marine and Steam Fni(iiies. Huns and Pistols. Satisfaction guaranteed. GoODiYEAR Tires and Supplies on hand (or sale shop east end of Second Street. II. W. HARRISON, Weldon, N. C. Flit I MfOBTu shuiI I'l-iiii in m, !iui" tii mil I hivuUijiWp I Nmki oil HOW TO OBTAIN Itti.l 1ELL fT- IT hli I. Mi.-ji Ml l -y, 11" I'-' HflKI't- n. r.itkU-nl Inw al "1'i vMltttti.i' uilnithHlltilL I D. SWIFT & CO. PATINT LWVS 303 Seventh St., WaBhinr. n.C, McCah's M . v.he I and McCall aaUcrn$ For Women Hv More Friend tb;n any other magazine or patterns. Mi-Call's in the reliable Fasniou tin tile monthly iu one million one hunched thousand home. II' vidvs showing nil the latest de.sij;ii:- rt" MfCu'.l Patterns, en !i issue is hnn.M.l .f Mmrklin shot t ;it nc and helpful ufurmatiou for women. Sm Mooy atid Keep Lt Styla ':' lor McCall' i ...o a! '. ti-tli cents i year, i-;. . r.jf ai:y one oi Uw ciIiluic McCall Fatten) trtc. McCD P.Hemi Uad '! mlsm ta 3iTJ.:. uniplicity, economy and namhef tola- P1 -dealers tell McCall Patterni th.m tny other lv i makeiromtiined, None hichcr tliau 13 cent: Hi' trow your dealer, or by nutu from McC ALL'S MAGAZilZ 236-M3 V.'. C7.h C-iI'swYnTkCitT , ri.r-i..i CI.I-M him Ctuij: FOUYSOElNOlAmi , roa .Harwell JsovM nsUCwiMrAm t MACHINE SHOP : t mmm I , mi " simfli I. i il Urn m nmm J I TRAOi-MANKft, r:liutiid l vl,ljll't,l, 'yr P ib.:ity I' .ful iftt- H