5S t :n n: , k Til jvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Her Annun,. VOL. XLVII. WELDON, X. (!., THURSDAY, XOVKMIiKl. 7, 11)12. NO. L8 " ""bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbobbbbbbbbbbbbbi a"K, "" """""""""mM ' LIFE. , ... LEVEL HEADED. I --ob .--bbb The Pa,h ' alory Leads But to CrW' Cx-J . A hand.ome young fellow- .buI ! I ' rE-feS"! only II J M Powder XS$k laMBrttofler Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been lu use for over 30 years, lias borne the slvrnuturo of - and lias been ntmlo undor lils per. (7LjU&rytfrt ,0I,al '"PCrvUlon slm is its Inluiiry. afY. '&A4i Allow no one to drei-lreyoii In this. All Counterfeit, Imitations nnd"Just-ns-i;ood"iiro but Kiperliueiits that trllle with n'd Miduurr tho health of lufauts uiul t'hlldrcu Kxperlcnoe it;ntiist Hxperimuut. What is CASTORIA I'astttrm Is it harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. Hirle, Dr.ips and Kiothlii(f Syrups. It Is IMeasnut. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nurootio Kiihstunce. Its ace Is Its g-iarantee. It ilestrojs Worms mill alhijs Keeri.shness. It cures Dl.irrlun and Wind folk-. H relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulent .. It assimilittes the Food, regulates the Stomach and Hoivels, (flviisjf healthy and natural sleep. The Chihlreu's i'uuiiceii The IHot lu r's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Path of dlory Leads But to Olory. The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1HV CKN1.UM COM 'AN?. f MWRfl.f TNCCT, NCW VOftft ClfV. Spanish Peanuts. E are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For nearly 'Jo years this m.-titution lias provided hanktiiir facilities for tins section. Its' stockholders and olhct is ate l.lfti 1 1 lit-. I with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained lor the luiielit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremain three months or lontrer. 'J per cent. Six months or lonirer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or lontrer. t percent. Any information will be furnished oa application to the I'rcsideutorCashiei raasiuiNT : W. K. DAXIF.L, VU'KI'BKBlDICNr: W. It SMITH. JOHN O. HUAKK, Teller. C AS H IK B: It. S. TKAVlS. MRFTOHS W. It Smith, W. E. Daniel, K. S. Travis. W M. Cohen, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. B. Zolhcotl'ei, .1 . W. Sledire. 3E M A N 1' FACT 1' H K US OP Building Material for Modern Monies, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADK TODIiDKK AMI liF.tiH.AK STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. rw ...... . . u i jtiK. wuiomi apcni a ycui acai til ing for, and Ruing together the quotations which form this remark able whole.) Why all this toil for triump of an hour? Young. , Life's a short summer man is but a flower. Dr. Johnson. By turns we caich the fatal breath and die. Pope. The cradle and the tomb, alas, how nigh! Prior. To be is better far than not to be. Sewell. Then all man's life may seem a tragedy. Spencer. Put light cares speak, when mighty griefs are dumb. Daniel. The bottom is but shallow, whence they come. Walter Raleigh. Thy fate is the common fate of all. Longfellow. - Unmingled joys here no man be fall. Southwell. Nature to each allots his proper share. Congreve. Folly makes fortune her peculiar care. Churchill. Custom does not reason over ruleRochester. And throw a cruel sunshine on a fool. Armstrong. Live well, how long or short permit to heaven. Milton. They who forgive most shall be most forgiven. Bailey. Sin may be clasped so close we cannot see its face. I-Yench. Vile intercourse where virtue has no place. Somerville. Then keep each passion down, however dear. Thompson. Thou pendulum betwixt a smile and tear. Byron. Her sensual smiles let faithless pleasure lay. Smollet. With craft and skill to ruin ard betray. - Crabbe. Soar not loo high to fall, but stoop to rise. Massinger. We masters grow of all that we despise. Crowley. O! then renounce that impious self-esteem. Beattie. Riches have wings and grandeur is a dream. Cowper. Think not ambition wise because 'tis brave. Davenant. The path of glory leads but to the grave. Gray. What is ambition? 'Tis a glori ous cheat. Willis. Only destructive to the brave I and great. Addison. j What's all the gaudy glitter of a i crown? Dryden. ! The way to bliss lies not on beds 1 of down. Quarks. How long we live, not years but ' actions tell. Waikms. j The man lives twice who lives , the first life well. Herrick. S Mark then, while you may.your ; God, your friend. Mason. ! Whom Christians worship, yet ' not comprehend. Hill. The trust that's given, guard, and to yourself be just. Dana. l:or live how we may, yet die we must. Shakespeare. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MuterPare No Alum Ho Ume Phosphate A handsome young fellow, but given to drink, thought himself in love with a beautiful girl. She came into a friend's room one night and said: "John proposed tonight. He went down on his knees and said I was the only power on earth that could save him, and that if I did not. consent to marry him he should fill a drunkard's grave." "What did you say?" asked her friend. "Well," she replied, "I told him that I was not running a Keeley Cure, but if he really wanted to be saved I could give him the address of several which I had heard high ly recontnended." That girl was level headed. Northwest White Ribboner. WHY HE DECLINED IT. THE HEART'S DEAREST DREAM. MARGARET B. MARTIN. Sweetheart of Mine, from the Land of Some Day livening Shadows fall, Dim grows the world of work and of play, Dreams seem the truest of all; Prince of my dreams, come and whisper to me, Of truth and faiih front above, Whisper of beauty and whisper of hope And whisper to me of love. Home of Our Own, from the Land of Some Day, Lift in the shadows your walls, Let me creep in at your wide-open way Into the warmth of your halls. Lights in Our Home let me kindle for him, Of truth and faith from above, Lights of beauty and lights of hope And lights of eternal love. Child of My Dream, from the Land of Some Day Nestle so close on my breast; Safe in Our Home, in my arms softly lay, Love's song lulling to rest, Out of the years as they come, as they go, Child of our heart's purest ray, God and the Mother will send you, 1 know, Into Our Home of Some Day. LIFE'S AIM. W. T. McLLROY. The sweetest songs come not from the throats Of those who are known to fame, For over and over the wild bird's notes Will put them all to shame. The tenderest heart is not the heart That makes the greatest show, But the one that comes in the hour of grief And helps to bear the blow. The greatest life is never the one That of wondrous acts can boast But the life that sweetens some other life And supplies its needs the most. And the life most needed is not the one That ciimbs ro the mightier deed But the one that helps pnoiher on And gives it the love it needs And so our prayer is not for a share Of the things the world calls great, But the power to help some brother on To a happier and higher state. A South Side young man who has a reputation for wearing the sportiest clothes to be obtained re cently decided to give one of his very light suits to the colored houseman. The young man took the suit from his room and went down into the yard, where the servant, who is especially black, was working. "Look here," he said, "I've got a fine suit here which I would like to see you wear." The colored fellow took one look at the suit and exclaimed. "Lawsee, boss, I couldn't wear that suit. 1 would look like a fly in a bottle of milk, and you knows that's a terrible disgusting sight!" Kansas City Star. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. "I'm disgusted with the whole political situation. There are no statesmen in this country any more. Where will you find a McKinley, or a Blaine, or a Cleveland, or a Thurnian today?" "But I think 1 have heard you make disparaging remarks about e.ich of the great men you have jti it named." "Perhaps you have hut not sii ce they've been dead." Chica go Record. ''"here are a lot of familv trees that need spraying. You'll never get to the front by foil jwing the crowd. WOMAN SICK TWELVE TEARS W ints Other Women to Know How She Wat Finally Restored to Health. Bit CROP YARNS ARE RIPE 30E30E -.innTuniinTfui p. ucDTCrlDn DOIIUflV PflW RKAD DOWN ki:ad ui Daily except SunJays IN Hill I Al'KIl U')ll luily cwpi SunJays Leave (iuinlicriy Ame Leave Mowlield Aine Arrive Jackson Leave No.'.' No. 4 No li A M. I'M C M. I I : j S IHI ,".:.Vi III IV 2:l! IH.mi! 1.MM .1:10 W W. liol'.l.l! TSON, Ceneral Manatee NOTE-Mnwfldil In Kla Station uvn-nti .vanaf rr . unu'r, ii umiM-t 1 1 . . .. ........ . 3E30E30E3E No I No X No.." A.M.-l'.M I' M. 'K-Juu'-jli:, s s.-, tl:UUl!i:4.i 4'i l:Utl 4:20 WHAT SHE SAID. OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER I Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, " .M) Woman's World, " .25 People's Popular Monthly " -5 Ri.iiiiiike News. " 1-50 $3.50 $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke Ntws, Weldon, N. C. NOTICE. Mute of North I arolina. Halifax County, In the Supciiot I 'outt, Detoher Mh. IHI'.'. V. II. S lluitinyn, I'laintili, Vs. t'uitis I, ,u in, un t it tun t uii.lil the Hire of J I vcais. without Kellt'litl ol tcstimell t it r v tiiiaidiuu. helcinhtnt I lie deicnduut. I'm tin lluuies ahove uaineii. will take nulii'c that a special pioot'ediuu entitle. I us uhote lias been coiuiiii'iieed in Hie superior Couil of Halifax county to sv.ll lor partition it certain lot or puicv I ol laud Iviinc situate and hemic in the town of Weldon. Stale of North t'aroluia. heini.' hounded hy ashii.uton atenue. Fourth Street, the hvn.ls of F. t lark and Mrs K. f. Mus- iriovc. the interest of the plaintiff heinif an one half inleicst in fee simple ami a life estate in the other half ntteiest, the remainder in said other half interest .lie intt owned hy the said Curtis Humes: tl, ut vivid action relates to said ahove described leal estate, und that the said I'viriia Haines is a ninncr part v thereto, an.t the said plaiutilt is seekuiK in saivi proceedinie a sale of said lot for a divis ion ol the proceeds; ami the said defen dant. Curtis Haines, will take notice that he is reiiiiicl to appear lie fore the undcisit!iicd, S. M t.uiy. t'lerk of the -upi-iio! I 'unit of Halifax county at the Coutt House in ilahlax town, in said cnuiitv. Male of North I 'arolina, on the llth day of November. I'1!'.', ami answer or ilemin to the complaint in said pio cccdinitx or the plaiutitl will apply to the court for the lehef demanded in said complaint. t his the Mh vlav ol'tlctober, I'll'J, ' S. M.tlAltY, t lerk Superior Court. W. E. Uauiel, attorney for t laintitl. Secretary Wilson of the depart ment of agriculture was talking about the record crops of 1912. "These wonderful crops," he said, "are almost enough to make you believe the cross-cut saw story. "A farmer, you know, sent his hired man to a neighbor's with a note saying: "Friend Smith: Will yn plmse lend me your cross-cut saw, as I wish to cut a watermelon up so as to get it into my dray?" The neighbor wrote back ; "Friend Jones: I would be glad to lend you my saw, but same has just got stuck in a canteloupe." Porto Rico's New Wonder. Front far away I'orto Hicn conic re polls of a woiideiful new discovery that is believed will vastly bciiclit the peo ole. h'aiiion T. Maichun, of Itarcefone- ta. writes: "Dr. Kime's New Discovery is doinie splendid woik here. It cured me about lite tunes of terrible cuuiihs ! and colds, al'ti my brother of a seven I ctild in his chest und more than M oth eis, who used it on my advice. We hope i thistrnut medicine will yet be sold- ill ' eveiv ilrutr stoic in I'oito Ihco." I ol throat ami limit tumbles it has no equal A trial will convince you of its merits, fslc. audtl. Tnalbottle free lluaiuu teed by all dutggists Adv. "How well you look !" "Do you think so?" j "Yes, indeed 1 do. I never saw j you looking better in my life." i "I am so elad to hear you say j so. I hope you mean it." j "I really do. Only the other night I was saying to my husband that there are a lot of women 1 ; know who aren't half so old us you that don't look nearly so young. "Detroit Free Pre"? ; AS ONE SEES IT. ! Lmisiana, Mo.: -"I think a woman nat irally dislikes to make her troubles known to the public, but complete restor ation tohealth means so much to me that 1 cannot keep from telling mine for the sake of other suffer ing women. "1 had been eick about twelve years, and had eleven doc tors. I had drag ging down pains, paini at fiwnthly periods, bilious spells, and was getting worse s'l the time. I would hardly get over one spelt when I would be sick again. No tongue can tell what 1 suffered from cramps, and at times I could hardly walk. The doctor! said I might die at one of those times, but 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Conqiound and got better right away. Your valuable medicine is worth mora than mountains of gold to suffering wo men." Mrs. Kkrtha Muff, 003 N. 4th Street, Louisiana, Mo. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, containa no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of being the most succoHBfu! remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on tile ill the Pinkham lalsirntory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. If ) oo waut special advice write to I tlln E, I'lntbaru Jinliclur t'o. ti-outl-tltnltal) l.juii, Mass. lour letter mil be vpeued, read and answered hy a ffuiuau aud helii lu strict coutldeuco. A An I H C Manure Spreader Is an Investment Not an Expense MACHINE that makes two dollars where one was made before is not an expense- it is a good investment. Careful tests made at the Ohio Experiment Station showed an average increased crop j teld of $15 an acre when eight loads of manure were properly spread. Spreading with a fork, it would take at least sixteen loads to an acre to produce the same result. By fertilizing twice as much ground with the same quantity of manure and doing the work better, an I H C manure spreader soon pays for itself. Add to this saving an increase of $15 an acre in the value of your crops, and you at once see why we urge the purchase of an 1 H C Manure Spreader Kemp 20th Century, Corn King, or Cloverleaf Ask the I H C local dealer to show you the self-aligning, removable boxes on the main axle; notice that the axles are roller bearing to reduce the draft; study the apron construction, and note the large rollers on which it runs. I H C spreaders can be used in any corner of the barn yard. There is no reach to interfere. The seat folds out of the way when filling the spreader. If you appreciate machines of extra merit; machines that spread manure in ample range of quantities; machines which can be equipped with drilling attachments for use in market gardens, and ahove all, machines which are made in sizes convenient for every farm, in vestigate I II C spreaders. Go to the local I H C dealer and look carefully over the ma chines he shows you. Get catalogues and full information from him, or, write International Harvester Company of America 'Incorporated! Richmond V. 1 H C 3rrk Buraitu The purpose of tlil Bureau U to furnish, free of charge to all. the hrsi inloi nuiioii ohnutuble on betUT f ui mini. If yju have miy worthy ques- ' linns concTiniu mmIs. crop, lain! ill iiliiric irri (ati ton, t-rulurrs, etc , make your liujniru-shpfciric ul sfiid (hem tit I II C Set vice Bvur-u, tUrvrler buiMiii. CliWMtu, USA MILLINf. RY. FANCY l.UHliSand NU ELTIKS. ISutlerick'f Pat terns! R & G. Corsets, Misses at T'iC. Ladies 7'ic. to (1. (avl'nces will be made to suit the times. Hats and lionnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MA1LOKHKKS PKOMPTLY Fll.I.KH. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C, Tke Tta-A-Weel Edition UETME "Jones grumbles that his wife can't take a joke." "That's funny, seems to me." "How so?" "She took Jones." Judge. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A ENDURINQ. "I suppose you and your wife can remember your first quarrel," said the meddlesome person. "Remember it?" returned Mr. Growcher: "1 should say so. It isn't over yet. "Washington Star. OhUdron Cry FOR FLETCHERS a . r r- a I f z i w r i McCali's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Ht Mora Friends than any other magazine or iia'.lerns. McCall's is the reliable Faslu. n tluitle monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes Hi . showing all the latest designs ot M.Cid Patterns, each issue is brum ui 1,1 i pat kling short stories and help! ul i itoiiiiaiiou for women. St. Mo.ir (.nd K.ep ta St,M by fvitMrtiblnR lur MiCU', Su .. .t oik.. Coit. only go rent, , v.ii, i,.vliuiii .t.y un. ut the cclbnl.d Mcuu r.iw,. McC.U r..l . .i L...I .11 i.ilim la uylc. lit, .iioplitil,, tv ; .. I mniilwr told. Murt dr.l.r. ,t-ll Mct'.ll Wiirni, ttun tn, other two makfi toiti'iiiii .1 Ni.ti. liiplin ilian ijccnu. Huy tioiu your ur.ivi, oi ly ui.nl Irom McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 V. ...'. . . N'-w York Cltr Pit -Iwv. . '..-. lw- C ' x i 4'n,.a nuiafu bm, y 0 .3, New York World Practically a Daily at the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gires so much at so low a price THE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. Ii will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pay s for 156 papers. We oH'er this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKR NliWS together for one Cj 7fj year for - - - OlifU The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Mid-Summer Reduction Sale. POLEYSKlDNEYCUFi Naksa Kldnaya and BladtUr Right Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1.50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. Just Rceeivci liigalow Bagdad, Kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. VeLdojH WELDON, North Carolina iitffiififif

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