1 Wb II I ft S V I I." 1 1 IrrsiJi ilil vVj Ss AJvertising Kates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription -$1.50 Per Annum. vol,. XI.VII. WKLDON, N. , TIIUliSDAY, XOVKMUKli 14, liMU. NO. 20 pt. i'' itfmrm 'C ASTORIA tpsrai 15 A l.l'OIIOI, .1 PKH CI v 1 At'jfliil)k' F'n'paraiion TwAs similiiiiiirtilR-roddanilRi'tiula I iuij tltc S lomuttis uiai Ouwls il Prnmtili'sDi'jJi'slionfltffrful-' ncss :ir.it IVsi.Ctmlains neiiiirr Cpuimt lxriihim norMiiii'ral. POT NARCOTIC. I'uifiuf Srrd' ,Ux.Smim tnwnw -tUmicitaltStat HimSrril Cttrttrii Siipr . hvieiyrw tlenr. Annrfrri Rcnwirv fmTflrtslli)!! lion , Sour SlonvKh.ularrliiM Worms .CoiMJlsions.b'vrrisli ncssartdLossOFSLEEi1. flicSimilt Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature r ,p' In 0f Use or Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. Thc eturnim com, ncw vonn flrrv. Spanish Peanuts. J E are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON. N. (' Orfraniied Under I he Laws of llic State of Ninth Curulinn, State of North Carolina heposiiory I lahl'ax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital $50,000. for neatly -O yeais Unit in-dilutum lia iiovided liankimr I'aeililicN I'm tliw ection.' Its'stoeUiol.leis uu.l olhet is aie itli-itt ilit-.l Willi 1 1 . Iui liens interests of Halifax and Northampton counties A Havintfs Ieiartment is maintained fur I In' luu.hl l nil who dem to deposit 111 a Sanuirs I'.auk. In llm l'.'.jitiin-iil niCi.'-t e all. oved a follows: for Deposits allowed tuiviiiam three mouth- 01 lurn.i i . :: pel pi nt M llloDtllH or lotll!er, '.i pel Cent I'vtrUe llliilllllsul lull.' ,1 . I irl I'i'llt . nv iiiforniatiuii will lie I'tnni.sliedon :i lpi t':it mu to the President m ( :ilin-i rttRsiDiNr: W. K. DANIKL, VICK-l'UKMIIKSr: W. It. SMI I'll. .1(111 N (). Ill.ki:. Teller. ASIIIKK: s. IKWI.- IiIUKCTUIW V. 1!. Smith. V. K. Daniel. I!. S. Tiavis. W. M Cohen. .1. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, l. It. Zollieoller. .1 . V. Sl.'.k'i' We Very Often See "Don'ls" WrinUd in fiipers, but I Think I hut These "Uuits" .Are Far Hetter I han "Dun'ts.'' i Ouir Saying iIjmi I'.iie is ufjiiinsi yoti. l:iiiiliiiS I'uitli Willi ilit; weather. Anticipating evils in ilie future. I'rcteikliiiK iiiut he your real self, doing around with a fluomy ! face. Taking oll'enses where none is ; intended. ! Dwelling on fancied slights and wrongs. I Talking hig things and doing small ones. i Scolding and flying into a pas sion over trifles. Boasting of what you can'do in stead of doing it. Thinking that life is a grind and not worth living. j Talking continually about your self and your affairs. ; Saying unkind things about peo- j Pic j Hxaggcraiing and making nioun I tiins run of m lie hills. Depreciating-yourself and ma- king light of your abilities. Pitying yourself and bemoaning ! your lack of opportunities. ! Comparing yourself with others to your own disadvantage. I Lamenting the past holding on to disagreeable experiences. Work once in a while and lake tune to renew energies. Waiting around for a chance to turn up. Go out and turn them up. Writing letters when the blood is hot, which you will regret. Thinking that all the good chances and opportunities are gone by. Thinking of yourself to exclu sion of everything and everybody else. Carping and criticising. (See the best rather than the worst in others.) Dreaming that you would be hmirMr in arme nthr rl'ie nt nir- I 1IU J I t. I 111 OIIIVI ('lull ui cumstances. Belitting those whom you envy because you feel they are superior to yourself. Dilating on your pains, aches and misfortunes to every one who will to listen you. Speculating as to what you would do in some one else's place and do I your best in your own place. ! Gaing idly into the future and j dreaming about it, instead ol ma- ! king the most of the present. ! Longing for the good ihings that i others have instead of going to I : work and earning them for your -1 j self. i j Looking lor opportunities hun- j j dreds of miles away, instead of! I right w here you are. 1 This means success and liappi- , I ness, study ii, learn it, practice it, l and you will become so interested ! in the other fellow you will forget to be blue. A. B. Stewart, Cen treville, Ala, AbsolutefrFore The Woman Makes the flome She makes it best who, looking after the culinary department, turns her back resolute ly upon unhealthlul, or even suspicious, food accessories. She is economical; she knows that true economy docs not consist in the use of inferior meat, Hour, or baking powder. She is an earnest advocate of home made, home baked food, and has proved the truth of the statements of the experts that the best cook ing in the world today is done with Royal Baking Powder. li Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL 850,000 SURPLUS 85,000. RESOURCES 8300,000. VI. II. S. Ill Ui,HN, 1'll'Sl.ll'llt. S. I-'. I'.VITKIISUN, V ilV-l'feSI. Il'll I. ('. A, Ww iik, t'usliii'i. John I,. 1'aiti.imis, Vice I'li'siili-nl K. II. Kh'ks, Asst. ( 'ashii'i-. s, I- Patterson, . ('. A. W'velie, .1. K. Wi'cker, W. A. fierce, DIRECTORS: V. S. Parker, 1-'. .1. Houiiils, .1. M. .laeksun. W. II. S. llurtfwvn. -lolin !.. faltei'sun, ('. f. llDuiuls, ,1, T. (ioocli. Succeeding the First National of Weldon and the Bank of Roanoke Rapids, N. C. All liankinir. Collection ami Cimimeicial Hus'iiies Invited. C. S. IH')iositary for ioveinruent funds, For Kstates in Hank initi'y, and I'ostal Savines I'eposits. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts INSURANCE DEPARTMENT- for the convenience of the mMieml iulilie. ho Inive iimuu'iirateil llns depai t nient. All forms or insurance written promptly and at lowest rates. LOVE'S YOUNG DHEAIVl BY THOMAS MOOK1-:. O' "i iczaca o Dixon&Poolc Manuraeturinu (oninany, IDI-NTIFVINtl HIMSF.I.F. MAM I'ACTl liflis Ol Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MAItK TOOIIlifl! AM" lif.t.f I. Al! STOCK sl.IX Uood MaterUls. High Orade Workmanship Our Slonan. Weldon, N. C. United States Judge Emory Specr, of the Southern district of Georgia, recently had before his court a typical Georgia mountain eer on a charge of illicit distilling. "What's your name?" demand ed the judge. "Joshua, jedge," drawled the prisoner. "Joshua, who made the sun stand still?" smiled the judge, in amusement at his laconic answer. "No. sir. Joshua who made the moon shine," answered the j quick-witted mountaineer. And it is needless to say that Judge Speer made the sentence as light as he possibly could. Atlanta Journal. Oh, the days are gone when Beauty bright My heart's chain wove; When my dream of life from morn till night Was love, still love. New hope may bloom, And days may come Of milder, calmer beam, But there's nothing half so sweet in life As love's young dream, No, there's nothing half so sweet in life As love's young dream. Though the hard 10 purer lame may soar, When wild youth's pa-.l; Though he win the wise, whofioun'd befon To smile al last; I le'll never meei, A joy so sweet, In all his noon of fame, As when first he sung to woman's ear His soul-felt flame. And, at every close, she blushed to hear The one loved name. No, that hallowed form is ne'er forgot , Which first love traced; Still it lingering haunts the greenest spot On memory's waste. 'Twas the odor lied As soon as shed; 'Tvas morning's winged breath, 'Twas a light that ne'er can shine again On life's dull stream. Oh, 'twas light that ne'er can shine again On life's dull stream. now coui.i) vou.mahi-l? i i Mabel was visiting her aunt down ! in the country. One evening she j came in the house rather hue. 1 "Where in the world have you I been all afternoon?" asked her ; aunt. "in the hammock with my be- loved Longfellow." The aunt eyed her sternly. Then : she said ; ; "If I hearof any more such scan- dalous proceedings, I shall certain ly write to your mother." OFFICIi lil.TIMAiUM, A Loiirih avenue business man called his son into the inner sanctum, lixed him with a steady j eye, and delivered a few well chosen remarks. "Son, we have a new typewriter as you may have noticed, " j "Yes, dad. A blonde." ! "JllSt SO." ! "And.she's a perfect peach." ; "I know she is. Now listen ! carefully." i "All right, dad." j "I have no objection to your - falling in love with her, but j that back correspondence must be brought down lo date first. "Pitts-; burg I'ost. ' STRANOFR THAN FICTION. When the doctor says: "You need no medicine." When your wife refuses a new gown, When a magazine accepts your poem. When a summer girl declines to flirt. j When you have money after -a j honeymoon. ! j When a dentist can't find a cav- j When your gold mining stock 1 ; pays a dividend. ! When it does not rain on your I vacation. When the girl you really love 1 loves you. Judge. Children Cry i FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ; A judge lays down the law when j he quiis the bench Porto Rico's New Wonder. I loin far away I'otto Uico come re ! poits of a wuiideilii! new discovery lliat j is lu'lirved will vusllv lienelit tilt' peo ple, Kainon T Matelian. of Harcefone la. writes: '-fi. Isinc's New Discovery is dolllir splendid wot k lll'le. It cured me aluiul live times of ternhle eouillis and colds, ul'.o my luotliei of a severe cold in liis chest :uid moie than -II oth - eis, w lio used it mi my adv ice. W e hope this meat medicine w dl Vet he sold III i eveiy dine stole 111 I'ollo l.'ieo." l or ; lliioal and limit tiouMcs it h:e- uo equal A ti ud iv ill couv nice you ol it-- iuent, i mic and 5 1, l i ml hotile I iumaii- ; teed hy all dllicmsls Adv. To a man marriages seem far : more important before than afier. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S CASTOR I A WE FURNISH !) ) ! ) I .1 100C30E i -'cv fAinnTiiniinTiui 0 UCDTCnon DDII WQV PlIvV n Kf.AU DOWN lUily except Sutijjys Sol;No:iSo.."i A.Nf.:f.M.r.M. S:;tll CM.".! S.Ii'i :00: l-2:4,"ij 4:llj :!'! 1:0(1 4:'-t ki:ad it M'i'll 1. 1'MI i luily Suni.iy No.'J Nu -I No (i Leave (.iiuiheriy Aruve Leave Mowlield Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave A.M. f.M.il' M it. iv a.iKi' ;..v. 1H : ..' ."(-..'.'i lOiStli i:l.".l .:!' W. ItoUi;!! I'soN. t.eneral Manager NOTE-M.ifl.'ld ll Flan Siall.m , . mil t.en?rl Manatfer'!. (Wu', l.tinin-rrv. .s. v .. - 10E r J Imiii I .luvi-e .mivole Hi III V count V . i lit. mm savs I a c.ild ilh a ; c. nidi which 1 1 ii 1 1 1' on ho two veal" 'I hell I Ciimllli'Ui'eil ll-itu.' I nle 's Honey and I ai Compound and the coiiuli lin allv lell me ami nml 1 am peifectlv stionc and wi ll " I- hi st and -aft-M l,u eloldii n and contains no oputcs. Adv ft T.AIiK. It takes a man to manufacture j lies ouT of whole cloth. A woman uses remnants. i OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER ! .Uncle Remus' . 1 year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, " Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly ( .5 Roanoke News, " 1 50 IV 50 $.V50 value to the subscriber for $2,00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The common people include all i the men who do not shave every j day. Foieys Okino Laxative -o stBe.Toi.i na.C.sT;pT:ojf THE WIDE, SWEET ROAD, Take the wide, sweet road to the daily toil, And the road of the sweet dream home, Where the storm's at rest and the waves asleep And the soft winds kiss the foam. 1 ake the wide sweet road to the roaring man. And the '.wen road home io the loving he.u i t )h, a house is a house and a home is a place Where living has made life sweet, And loving has made il a golden goal And the dream of a glad retreat I ake the wide sweet road to the iml and viucsi And the sweet road home lo a loving breast. You may furnish the house with the best effect And adorn with the daintiest taste, But without love there it is dark and drear As night on a desert waste, Take the wide sweet road to the duty down. And the sweet road home to her heart from town. Take the wide sweet road through the golden years, And make it a way so bright That the thought and the dream of its pleasant bourne X'i1l lead to its joy at night. Take the wide sweet load 'neath the bright blue sky With a dream of the lips that you kissed good-by, And home to her heart in the twilight place Where the home and the heart are a common grace. ) i A liuyiii l east lut'sriy out' w liui ) ( buy llu-it irnti'fiit's ut otic store! ) ( All the Hfusomihli' lii ln'iu-icrs utv ) ( found in mil hW'U' llif viii ) ! lOtllhl. J ) CONFFCTIONFRIKS FRUI1S CNOCKfrWY AND TIN ) WARE ) V ..... 1 . .. .,,,,1 U illouuilie I'll' ) tioods delivered piomptly any ) ( where in town, fohtecleiks ( flume- No. su. ) I M. PURNELL. w hi s. r. (io to HARRISON'S - - J. MAt IE W for Autotnolvile Hepairs ami Supplies. All kinds of Machine wotk done sta tionary , t.asohne. Marine and Steam fnirmi's, tluns and Pistols. Satisfaction guaranteed, GoodTear Tires and Supplies on hand for sale shop east end of Second Street. II. W. HARKISON, Weldon, N. C. rtikn ;dnr)f mi4 BltiJder Right If you grow (-taunts aiul do not use a Bent ha I IVanut 1'nlci, yutiactnull) lue money by not cmuiii;', one. '1 lie llt'iitlall .'.''.dcg peanut ptow'ui doubly piutituliU-. The wat(es yon vy -the looses fiotn delays in not '.iti y ttj r nop cuily to inatLct the lo. ei Jitmi biid-jand iitial-ing--cost you uioie tli:m a nut hinu, If you own a lii'iitlusll, yon and your boy a can do diu null; ot a bundle J lianda, and Jo it butur. Von Eend your ciO to market early securw; liipJit'Bt pi it es. Vou top the theft of your crop. Growers now see that hand picking is far too costly. Th folly of attempintr to "thresh" them has been plainly shown. For machines that "dirt'di" them derj tioy prohts. They crack the nuts- and cracked nuta will nut keep They (jiiud thc iiiw to ninitlieu'em ami these vines ate ihw ciiiil of altaltafor teed woith fror.i $12 to $2t) pel tun, Com last inh mathmes with the Jeu thall The vineB aie fctl lo the lii'iuhall uat a; ).',iain tu the 1 m: .1 1 i n ma lime 'the peanuts aie pulled orl the ine without injuiy to ihe uhell. '1 hu uuciioie pirkj 03 delicately as human fiogert- huticiitrla ot tiiiu mure rapidly, Mjnybuscu (;ive piefeiencs to Ben th.ill picked nuts. The villi a are saved in perfect condkiou fur hay . The recU-.iniii.; and bain attachment iiuU-i it itttui-cesai y to inn the peanut! tiVer tor tie"d tin ;,ut und tiint;. 'J'hig Is the pit ker of proved worth pioved out in the peam.t tteldaof Virginia. Kither Spaniiih or Virginia varieties ari picked ctjuaily an well, Jt Is mounted ready to hitch as you would a fiim wajjon, Vou can easily move it from place to place. Tl ;rc are models BuiteJ for horse or engine power machines that are made interchangeable. Kvery year sees more farmers using the l'.L'inliitil, It h.is Guppianted all other ini-tliods in many 'ypctiong. And the de manding year inuuiiaea to be greater than sve can supply. THE MACHINE THAT PAYS FOR ITSELF. if you don'i ivanl to let profits uliplliru yum liiij'.cia il you waul to make money pnmins; fiinui :, write 1:3 f:r our folder "lluw the Itenihul! fays Kor Itself." Sent l'rtiii uiion reucBt. Benthall Machine Company, Bos ll SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA. ..'"""VWB I -01'- - V I I A VV 1M I.I ilLLIiiERY. FANCY liOllU.-and NOV KI.TIKS. I'.iittenck's falterus, R lS: (i. Corsets, Misses at 7oc. Ladies T'ic. to il Huf rices will he made to suit the tunes. Hats and Itonnets uiade and ti mimed to order. M.I. IAII.(ill'i:i! 1'KOMI'TI.Y I-1 1.1. Id I. MPS. Is A. LEWIS, Weldon, V C. 4 4 l vd vl ii l l WmAmliiiiimnm niirJ m Hid- Summer il ' 1 iMPO-A.WPPk i tn ti ii tu i m: II 2W York World Reduction Sale. I'ructiviilly u Duily ut the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price Till", great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record ol'iinpaniahiy, and anybody can all'ui'd iis '1 hrice-A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will he ol particular value to you now. The Tluice-A-W'eek World also abounds in oilier strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in tact, everything to be found in lirst class daily. T he Thrice-A- Week World's regular subscipuon price is only $1 per year, and ilns pays tor 150 papers. We oiler this unequalled newspaper and the KOANOkh M S together for one vcir lor Vii I he regular .nhsei ipuon pnee ol 1 1 it- two papeis is u. Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1.50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $1 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. ill l)-AllTrtfl mill id 'I IN Bigalow llagdad, KallistoH, Arlington, ,y Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. WeLdojJ and -I'.ne Hive M. - rnaaiin reliable I-.. one tin' hum' s deS!L;:rW'' is In ml ' and In : S Mr Iiit Ma j , Cfnts a -McCall I'll. Me-C.ll V,: simp'ndtv, ' dralfr, nuli.Kt'iiiii'': , (rum y-niii - Mcc; 236-240 W. ?. ih any other .It ;;il'sistbe i. ninthly in .iil thousand .-; ;i i the latest uf , t-avh issue o-t Ft-Ties .1 ftir wotv.en, . , , n .'ts only 50 . ot ti.e Lclebrated '. 'Iipn in ntylf, fit, iiu.jc.ci sold. M ire '.n mtv ftlicr two it.iu ijctnti. Uuy .CAZINE , Yo.k City t Md IV!'". CIUIW l WliLDON, North Carolina f rf rfrf rf rf f I). E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And l ire Insurance. Koanokc News Office -:- U clJon N (. W.J. WARD, DENTIST, OIT1CE IN DANIEL H 1'ILDINti WELDON. N.O sepl2 1y