1 if BL Advertising Kates Made Known on Application A' NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XLVII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1912. NO. IJO mmmmmmmmmmmaasm' "g . . ! GIRLHOOD. THE MOTHER WHO WAITS. I Tho Kind You Hnve Always Bought, and which has been la use lor over i years, una borne tlie sljrnuture of auu iiu boon naulo under his por Wrfr., ODal aupervUlou since its liiiaucy. Allow nnniinliH.i i .1.1. All Counterfeit. Imitation ftutl"JiiMt-ti.jr.m.l"nro but Kxporiiuciit that trllle With rd e-udangrr tho health of Iufunts uiid Children Ex perfenoe nguinst hipcrlmeut. What is CASTORIA L'astorlu la a harmless nubitittite for Castor Oil, Pare, gorlc, Wraps and (Soothing Syrup. It 1m IMonmuir. It contains neither Opium, Morphine noi' odicr Narootla uliNtno. Its nee Is It ft'iarantce. It destroys Worms mid nlliijH FoverlHhncii. It cures Di.irrho-n ami Wind ( olio. It relieve Teething Troubles, euros Cunstlpution anil Flutiileiicy, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Moiiutch and Ilowels, Klvlnu; healthy and nuturul sleep. The Children's I'uiiueeii-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought fn Use For Over 30 Years. Spanish Peanuts. E are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. There Will Never Be Anything Better In All The World. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDON, X. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax Coumy Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. CapUal and Surplus, $50,000. For nearly i!0 yearn this institution ha provided hanking facilities fur this section. Its stockholders and ollict rs arc idcutilicd with t lie busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained fur t lie Ihmu lit of all who desire to deposit ill a Saving Hank. In this Department interest is allowed an follows: For Deposits allowed to remain tin it mouth or lont'cr, '.' per rent. Six months or longer, S per cent. Twelve months or lunger, 4 per cent. H y information will lie furnished on applieatinn to the President ot I'ashic i PBisiniNT : W. K. DANIEL, vics-I'MKshixnt: W. It. SMITH. JOHN O. I USA KK, Teller. I'ASHIKX: li. S. TKAV1S. DIRECTORS W. li. Smith, W. E. Daniel, 1. S. Travis, W M Cohen, J. L. Shepherd, W. A. 1'ieree, D. II. Zolhcolt'er, .1 . W. Sledge. To be a girl is 10 be in the hap piest state possible iohumaniiy;but girls do not know it. They are always looking forward to some thing, wanting something a dia mond or a beau, flattery or a new gown. They rather envy women a li tie ahead of them, who have more self-possession and are some limes jealous of some married wo man who flirts and makes a dash. "I'm only a young girl," we heard one say. "Only a young girl." Oh! be glad of it; delight in ii! Thank heaven every morning thai you are a young girl. We cannot stop time. The years will slip through your fingers like the beads from a broken necklace after a while; but now they linger while you are still a girl a girl in the home of parents, yet in the prime of life, with young brothers and sisters for companions. There will never be anything better than this in all ihe world. There are no skeletons in your closet, no ghosts in your reveries. Your fu ture is all full of hope, You can fill in the distance as you like. You can fancy a lover coming to you who is perfect in all things; l and every young man is interest- ing; because he may possibly be j the other half of your soul. And every new girl may be the lifelong friend and confidante all girls hope for. As for beauty, the life of a girl of seventeen thinking her self plain as some do ! In a few years she will look in the glass and see those fine horizontal on her forehead, on which scores down our troubles, and at the corner of her eyebrows three little pencil marks, and a little fall in her cheek, and a mouth that does not smile as readily as it once did; not an old face yet, but not a girl; then she will realie what it was to have a girl's face! Oh, how few the years are ! How they whirl away! Girlhood is gone so soon ! Bui while you have it, envy no woman her diamonds and laces, her car riage or her palace, her fortune or her admirers. While one is in one's teens nothing else is neces sary except to realize the fact and thank heaven for it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORI A Dame Fortune isn't very much of a flitt. She seldom smiles on a man unless he gives her a good deal of encouragement. Dan .1. Joyce, Sanville, Henry county, Virginia, says: "1 took a cold with a 1 cough which hung on for two years. Then I commenced using Foley's Honey j and Tar I oinpound and the cough tin ! ally left me and now 1 am perfectly I strong and well." is best and safest ! for children and i-untuuis no opiates. ! Adv. I Kt'LAHK lines lime m a N i' fact r ke its of i Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADE TOOliDKH AND HK'il' I.AK STiH'K slKS. flood Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. VVeldon, N. C. The woman who uses an old stocking for a rat in doing up her hair is one kind of a nature fakir. Twinges of rheumatism, backache, still' joints and shooting pains all show your kidneys are not working right. I'rinary irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak back and sore kid neys tell the need of a good reliable kid ney medicine. Foley Kidney Fills are tonic, strengthening and restorative. They build up the kidneys and regulate their action. They will give you quick relief and contains no habit forming drugs. Safe ami always sure. Try them. Adv K. CLAliK iinononi3N If unrnunimTnu 9. UCOTCnQn DQIIWQY rfltt 6 llUninnmr lUlltt HLniiunu nmtnni wui READ DOWN KF.Al) I IF Haily exccfi Siihy IN II 1 1 11 Al'HII. Ull I Juily excett Sulig No.'JNo.4,Noo A.M. I'M I'M 11 :i:' 3iSl!"5:'.Vi ItH-V lll:i; So 1 No 3 No..r A M.F.M: I' M 8 ifO 12:1.-1 :Ull! 12:45 4 lift :lil 1:1X1 4:20 Leave Ounibeiry Arnve Leave Mow Held"' A i rive Arrive Jackson Leave !. 5:2.' Mftl 5: 10 W. W. ItoHFUTSON. (ieneml Manager NOTE - Mowftald I, a Vt SiatUm ooral Manager's Ofln-e, l.timu-m . w" " OE OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER! Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Kttralist, " .SO Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly ' Kcanoke News, " I SO $3.50 value 10 the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke News, Weldon, N. C. The way to gel your expecia tions to come out right is not to have any. Only a IMre Hero but the crowd cheered, a, with burned hands, lie held up a small round box, Fellows''' lie shouted, "this Itucklen's Aruic Halve I hold, has t-Tctythmp brat for burns." light! also forboils.ulceis, sores, pimples, eeieiua, cuts, sprains, htuiscB Surest pile cure, it subdues iullammation, kills pain. Only L'.V. at all dnmgists. Adv. When a man tells a womanjhat he is not worthy of her, she can bei her last coin that he is telling her the truth. A Ureal liuilding (-'alls when its foundation is undermined, and if the foundation of health good diges- :. atta.iL'u.l .iuu.lt fiJlmie follows. I II ill ib mii "i-i i" -- On the Hist signs of indigestion, Dr. King s New l.ile fills siioiiiu ne laieu to tone the stomach and regulate liver, kidney and bowels. Fleasant, easy, sate and only ..". ai an iiniggii.-nii. Babies are smart. You seldom hear one repeating the nonsensical things women say lo litem. lOLEYSKlDIiiYCURE NakM Kiaaei aaa Right 1WL EAKHKRE IPVIj3)EK Absolutely-Pure From i series of elshurute chemical tests. Comparative digestibility of food made with different baking powders. An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of two kinds of baking powder cream of tartar and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The percentage of the food digested is shown as follows : Broad mad with Royal Cream of Tartar Powd.ri 99 Par Cont Dig.td j Bread mad with alum powder I 67 Per Cant. Die.td""j Royal Baking Powder raised food is shown to be of greatly superior digestibility and healthfulness. SYMPATHY. BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. Is the way hard and thorny, oh, my brother? Do tempests beat, and adverse wild winds blow ? And are you spent and broken at each nightfall, Yet with each morn you rise and onward eo? Brother, I know, I know ! I, too, have journeyed so. Is your heart mad with longing, oh, my sister ? Are all great passions in your breast aglow ? Does the white wonder of your soul blind you, And are you torn with rapture and with woe? Sister, I know, I know ! I, loo, have suffered so. Is the road filled with snares and quicksand, pilgrim ? Do pitfalls lie where roses seem to grow ? And have you sometimes stumbled in the darkness, And are you bruised and scarred by many a blow? Pilgrim, I know, I know ! I, too, have stumbled so. Do you send out rebellious cry and question, As mocking hours pass silently and slow, Does your insistent "wherefor" bring no answer, While stars wax pale with watching, and droop low ? I, too, have questioned so, But now I know, I know To toil, to strive, to err, to try to grow, To love through all this is the way to know. Copyright by American-Journal-Examiner. INTERM E DJ AR Y. BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. When from the prison of its body free My soul shall soar, before it goes to Thee, Thou greai Creator, give it power io know The language of all sad, dumb things below, And let me dwell a season still on earth Before I rise to some diviner birth; Invisible to men, yet seen and heard, And understood by sorrowing beast and bird Invisible to men, yea always near, To whisper counsel in the human ear; And with a spell to stay the hunter's hand And stir his heart to know and understand; To plant within the dull or thoughtless mind The great religious impulse to be kind. Before I prune my spirit wings and rise To seek my loved ones in their paradise, Yea! even before I hasten on to see That lost child's face, so like a dream to me, I would be given this intermediate role, And carry comfort to each poor, dumb soul. And bring man's gulf of cruelty and sin By understanding of his lower kin. 'Twixt weary driver and the straining steed On wings of mercy would my spirit speed. And each should know, before his journey's end, That in the other dwell a loving friend. prom ton nnd jungle, and from case and stall, I would translate each in articulate call, Each pleading look, each frenzied act and cry, And tell the story to each passerby; And of a spirit's privilege possessed, Pursue indifference to its couch of rest, And whisper in its ear until in awe It woke and knew God's all embracing law Of Universal Life the One in All. I ord, let this mission to my lot befall. While the deciding game of the world's series was going on, away across the continent from Fenway Park a crowd sat in a theatre in Los Angeles, Cal., watching the plays flashed out on an electric score board. When the Giants had victory almost in their grasp and the easy fly ball was falling, suddenly there was a flash. Snod grass had muffed the ball and lost the championship for the New Yorks. A woman in the audience fainted. It was "Ered" Snod grass' mother. Oh, these mothers who wait and watch, no matter where their chil dren may be ! When their sons make a bad play, take a false step, it is the mothers who suffer. If sons and daughters could only realize how they are bound up in the very lives of fathers and moth ers, they would play a better game. TEACHINO THE YOUNG IDEA. A keen-eyed but obviously scan tily educated mountaineer led his gawky, overgrown son into a country schoolhouse. "This here boy's arter learnin', " he announced. "What's yer bill o' fare?" "Ou-curriculum, sir," correct ed the schoolmaster, "embraces geography, physiology, arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry" "That'll do," interrupted the father. "That'll do. Load him up heavy with triggernometry. He's the only poor shot in the family." Youth's Companion. OBEYED ORDERS.' "I told the chef to prepare the fowl so that it would tickle the pal ate." "And he did it?" "Yes; he left the feathers on." Porto Rico's New Wonder. From far away i'orto Rico come ic portR of a woudei ful new discovery that is iielievcil will vastly bcuelil the peo ple. Ramon T Maiehan, of llarcefoiie ta, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is doing splendid work here. It cured me about live times of terrible coughs and colds, also my brother of a severe culd in his chest and more than '-'0 oth ers, who used it on my advice. We hope this great medicine will yet be sold in every drug store in I'orto liieo." Koi throat and lung troubles it has uoeiual A trial will convince you of its merits, ."sic. and it. Trial bottle free. Guaran teed by all druggists Adv. A. Mitchell, a general merchant near llagdad, Ky., writes us: "I think Foley Kidney Tills one of the greatest kidney medioines there is. My daughter was in terrible shape with kidney trouble and I got her to take it. She is complete ly cured now. i think it one of the greatest medicines made. K. IT. AUK. -Adv Easiest habits to the goood ones. overcome are Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA liuutsville. Ala W. ('. I'ollard. a well know u citiseu, says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and found it a most eicelient preparation. In fact, it sure suits my case better than any cough syrup I have ever used and I liac used a good many, for 1 am now oer seventy years old." Adv E CLARK. WE FURNISH A ftnviil IVust in evcrv fine who buy their groceries at our store. I All the seasonable delicacies are found in our store the year round. ! CONFECTIONERIES I FRUITS j CROCKERY AND TIN : WARE Wooden and Willowware, Etc.' Hoods delivered promptly any where in town. I'ohte clerks. Phone No. HO. : R. M. PURNELL, I WKLDON, S. C. Go to HARRISON'S MACHINE SHOP When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured many cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are five letters from southern women which prove the efficiency of Lydia li. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound. LETTKK FllOM VIRGINIA. EUiston, Va. " I feel it lnv duty to express my thanks to on nnd your frreat medicine. 1 was a sufferer from female troubles and had been con Bned in bed over one third of my time for ten mouths. I could not do my housework and had fainting spells bo that my husbund could not leave mo alone for five minutes at a time. ' Now 1 owe my health to Lydia E, Vlnkhain's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier. Whenever I see a suffering woman 1 want to tell her what these medicines have done for me nnd I will always speak n good word tor them." Mrs. Robkkt UlaNkknsuii-, Ellistun, Montgomery Co., Va. LETTER FROM LOUISIANA. New Orleans, La. "I was passing through theChnngeof Life nnd be fore I took Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound I was troubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy feelings, backache and irregularities. I would get up in the morning feeling tired out and not lit to do anything. " Since I have been taking your Compound and ltlood Purifier I feel all right. Your medicines are w orth their weight in gold." Mrs. GASTON Blondeau, 1M1 Polymnia 8t., New Orleans, La. LETTF.R FROM FLORIDA. Wauchula, Fla. " .Some time ago I wrote to you giving you my aymp. toms. headache, backache, bearing-down, and discomfort in walking, caused by female troubles. "I got two bottles of Lydia E rinkliam's Vegetable Compound and a package of Sanative Wash and that was all 1 used to make me a well woman. "I am satisfied that if 1 had done like a good many women, and had not taken vour remedies, I would have been a great sufferer. Hut I started in time with the right medicine and got well. It did not cost very much either. I feel that von are a friend to all women and I would rather use your remedies than have a doctor." Mrs. Mattik Uoonot, Box 400, Wau chula, Florida. LETTER FROM WEST VIRGINIA. Martinsburff, W. Va. " I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound has done wonders for my mother, daughter and myself. " I have told dozens of people about it and my daughter aays that when he hears a girl complaiuing with cramps, she tells her to take your Com pound." Mrs. Mary A. Hockk.viikkiiv, 712 N. 3rd St., Martinsburg, W. Va. ANOTHER LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Newport News. Va. "About five years ago I was troubled with such pains and bloating every month ti-at I would have to go to bed. "A friend told me to take Lydia K. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound and I soon found relief. The medicine strengthened me in every way and my doctor approved of my taking it. I will be glad if my testimony will help some one who is Buffering from female weakness." Mrs. W. J. Hlavton, lO'.'a tlnuipton Ave., Newport News, Va. Why don't you try this reliable remedy? km i , l il l 4 l l 4 l ol- FAIL A 1 N'TKK MILLINERY. FANCY (iOODSand NOVELTIES. Uuttenck's Patterns R & G. Corsets, Misses at T.'iC. Ladies 7."iC. to tl MSLPrirrs "ill i"' made to suit the times. Hats and Itouuels made aud trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OKDEKS l'KOMl'TLY FILLED. MRS. ".A. LEWIS Weldon. N. V. The TIrict-A-f tit Eiilim li-kir Reduction Sale. OFTHI3 m Tik Writ Practically a Dally at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price i For Automobile Repairs and Supplies, i All kinds of Machine work done sta i tionary, Oasohne, .Marine and Steam ' Engines, (iuns and Pistols. Satisfaction I guaranteed. I GoodJear I i Tires and Suppllet on hand for sale 1 shop east end ot second Mreet. i II. W. IIAUUISON. ! Weldon, N. t . Singing songs of praise often scares the wolf from the door. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA McCall's Magazine I and McCall Pr.Uerns For Women Hav Mar Primdt than any other magazine or patterns. McCall s is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs of MeCall Patterns, each issue is brimful of sparkling short itories and helpful information for women. )m Mar tm4 Kna la StrU by .utenibin tut McC.ll. M.ri.iii. al onrr. Coat, only go cent, t ynr, Including say on. ui U ctl.bnt.d McUII Puurn. Irae. McCsl httarai Ud ill oihrn la arfl., 6t, Implicit, tennumy ttd numb., sold. Mort de.!m tfll McCII Pau.m. thin ny othr twn oi.k.s comhin.d. Non. hisli.r ih.a if cents. Buy tfuni your d..l.r, ot by nub trom McCALL'S MAGAZ1NZ 138-24 W. 37th St, New York Citv awl- llM.il Co.. fMhM hUSH mi N.1 CiMr IS. THE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-VC'eek edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Vt'eek X'orld also abounds in oilier strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thriee-A-Vi'eek World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for I !tt papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the KOANOKl NLWS together for one ffl 711 year for - - - QMU The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. T w. j. wardT n UN TINT, OFFICE IN DANIEL lH'ILDlMt WELDON, N.C aeplZ l'y Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1 50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. Just Received Bigalow Bagdad, Kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. iOLEYS OWNOlAXATlt . ton tics Toun and CeairifATieri VlELDOfl FuilllJU!E Comply, WELDON, North Carolina D. E. STAINBACK NOTARY P And Fire Insurr Roanoke News Office IACK, I UBL1C I rr nee. I Weltoi N C

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