fniSiSv r rV fill nfc 1 1 ..MnmmwfaJ 39 AJvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XLVM. WKLDOX, X. V., THURSDAY, NOVKMliKli 2S, li)H NO. HI ssj!y' ! si &-'irvi ujiaii iuar 1111 iiitm i Hi 1LI OIHM, 3 PKK t'KN'p. ANogelaUcftrpamiflnliirAj sirailaiiiiSilrFuudantllli'tfiila lingilirSitmuttaardMsif PrnmoksDiicslionflfifiiI noss ar.il IvVstXontauiSitciiiw Opium. Morphine norMiiii'ral. No r Narcotic. av rfuukmurmm yiJir A nprlVt RpiiwHv fnifrmsllm lion, Sour Sloiuach.DlarrtiM WoniLs.Cmn'ulsioiis.fTO'rish Hts-taiulLOSSOFSUiP. fie Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, Spanish E are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. THE BANK OF WELDON ti WKLDON. X. C. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Caioluu Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldoti Depository. Capital and Surplus. $50,000. For nearly 'Jo years tins institution has provided banking facilities for tint section.' Its' stockholders and iltir-rx air i.hiililic.l with the I nisi -ni-HS interests of Halifax an, I Northampton counties A Savimrs Department is maintained I'm the hemM of all who de-ne to deposit in a Savuik's llauk . In tln Department interest i allotted as follows: Kor Deposits allowed toremain three months 01 limner. - per cent, Si monthsor lonKer, H per cent Twelve mouths or Inmrer. t percent. ny information w ill he furnished on application to the I'icsidcnt 01 tahiei CKKHIIIIN I W. K. DAN I F.L, VII K-l'RKslliKM W. . SMITH. JOHN ). I'h'AkK. Teller. Dl M Kt Tolls W. H Smith, V. K. .1. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, 1). II. IE MANl'l AClT UKItS UF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADK TOUIiDr.K AND Ul'.t it I.Alt STi K K l.l. Oood Materials. Ilih tirade Workmanship Our Sluan. Weldon. N. C. 2DOC30v k NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO. KKAl) DOMv N I lUily except SnnJays No 1 No .1 No A.M. I' M. T'.M. s :tii I2:t:.i . !):UlT'J:t"i 1'0.- U:15i Leave liumheriy Arrive Leave Mow field- Arrive Arrive Jackson leave W 'NOTa-MuwaeUt l.a Klau Si:li.-n ueairal miruit'i uim ..smnerrv. $.V50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscriptions io The Koanoke E'S. Weldon. N. C. mu For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Ose For Over Thirty Years Peanuts. I tsllIKH W S I If WIS Daniel, It. S Travis W. M IVheu, Zolhcolter. .1 . V. sledee KLAl) IT' luily cxa'tt Siinjjy No No I Not! V M I'M I' M till lint' "' V, to t i ;.:to "i 'J'i 0:l :':l'i ." I" Al'KH I. !')!! W Itiil'dTvl'SliN, (.eneial Manat'er later J , ,, . .. . . -, MP IF TMI CIMTAUM COMHNt IW VOMB ITT. i OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER! Uncle Remus' t year $1.00 Souihern Ruralisi, " Woman s X orld, --3 I'eople's Popular Monthly " 25 Kounoke News, " 1.50 FOR OLD MAMMY. v . v. N(1T SO RAI) The Old Itluik Mammy Will Never lie Forgotten Hy the Children She Tenderly Cared in the Days dune By. I tie chord of att'echon between i I tie black mummy and her white : folks has often heen well nigh as strong us the feeling between ! motlier and child. Some time ago i old Aunt Amanda, a negro mummy, : lay dying in u New Orleans hospi ; tal. In the old days she was a : slave in one of the sugar parishes ! of Louisiana. When her beloved i mistress died, she cared as tenderly i for the children of the dead wo i man as she could. The family scaitered, the two daughters mak- ing their homes in Louisiana, and ; the son going to Chicago. The news of the mortal illness of the "Old Mammy" brought to her bedside one of her old mistress's ; daughters who was weighted down with the responsibilities of her own i large family. The other daughter, : unable to leave, sent her friend, a i Christian minister, to offer prayer ; for and to administer the sacra ; njent to the dying woman. The ; son, who lives in Chicago, received i news in Pittsburg of her impend- ing end, while on a business trip, and at once journeyed to New Or- leans to see his old mammy before 1 she died. This same son, some ' years before, relinquished his share in his father's estate, so that his old mammy might be cared for in her declining days. Old mammy went peacefully to sleep, happy in the love of Ole Miss's chillun. Hers was the simple faith and hers the kind heart that memory holds in honor forever. SHE'S YOURS. "So you want to marry my only daughter?" "Yes, sir." "Got any money saved up?" "Yes, sir." "Could you let me have $5,000 on my unsecured note?" "I could, but I wouldn't." "I guess you can lake care of her, all right. She's yours, my boy, and here's a five-cent cigar." Louisville Courier-Journal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A WE FURNISH v A Itoyal Keast to every one w ho ( Imy their irroeeries at our store. ( All the seasoliahle delicacies are found in our store the vear round. ONFfeOTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wooden ami Willowware, Kte. ' (liMids delivered promptly any ( vv here in town. I'ohte clerks. ( I'hone No. Ml. i R. M. PDRNELL, ( WKI.IloN, N. I '. (io to HARRISON'S For Automohile Kepaus and Supplies. All kinds lit' Mael vvoil. don, sta- titiuaiy, (,aoliue. Mamie and Steam Lnirines, nous and Pistols Satisfaction truaruut I GoodTear Tires and Supplies on hand for sale shop la-t i ii 1 of Second .-tieet II w it Ahht.-uN. Weldon, N I' McCains Marline and McCall Patterns For Women Hm Mor Friend, than any other mnxannenr pitterns. Mi (.'all's is the relialile l-'asln m (iuiile monthly in one million one luimlreil thousaml homes. Hi sides shovvinv; all the latest designs of Mi Cud l'.itterus.eat h lsla' is hnniful nt sparkling snou smnes and helpful informution for women. , Mia., nd Krep tal StrU Iw i"l-"i II i, mcuii vi- "" t . Cfnll Vfil. iiic--.,liiiK i')' u I" McCall hue, McCtB P.M. Ua U '' I" til; fi'. inuimm, lUi'KI I,iinel mid Mi'" 4r. .r. K 1 Mr! li IVnwiM ll'' nukficomhln.d N,.m hiilifi tluQ iJMiiU. Hi')' Irum your dealer, er by lii.il lium McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th St., New York City ,hsb u, rn,w m Baiting : jAvji AbsolutelPure Mz The only Baking Powdermade kfU i hgC fromRoyalQrapeCrFamoJTartar ! ksnf nealllful vJ ! wj Qualities W ! ANOTHER FEUM While walking through a crowded downtown sireet the other day, I heard a linle urchin to his comrade turn and say : "Say, Jimmy, let me tell youse, I'd be happy as a clam If I only w as de feller dat me ntudder links I am "Gee, Jim, she links dat I'm a wonder, and she knows her linle lad Could never mix wid noihiif dai was ugly, mean or bad. Lots er times I sits and links how nice 'twould be, gee whi, If a feller only was de fellerd.n his mudder links he is!" My friends,' be yours a life of toil or undiluted joy, You still can learn a lesson from this small unlettered boy. Don't aim to be an earthly saint with your eyes fixed on a star; Just try to be the feller that your mother thinks you are. WHAT MIGHT BE DONE, What might be done if men were w ise What glorious deeds, my suffering brother, Would they In love and right. And cease their scorn of one another. Oppression's heart might be imbued Willi kindling drops of loving kindness; And knowledge pour l'rom shore to shore Light on the eyes of mental blindness. All slavery, warfare, lies, and wrongs, All vice and crime might die together; All wine and corn To each man born, He free as warmth in summer weather The meanest wretch thai ever trod, The deepest sunk in guilt and sorrow , Might stand erect In self-respect And share the teeming world to-morrow What might be done? This might be don, And more than this, my suffering brother More than the tongue H'er said or sung, If men were w ise and loved each other. Porto Hico's New Wonder. From far away I'orto Itico conn' ie poits of a wondeiful new discovery that is believed will vastly hciiclit the pen-' pie. lianion T Marehan, of Paieelone- , ta. vvntes: "Dr. Kiiil's New Discovery' is dou splendid vv oik here. It cuied 1 mc about live times of tenihle couuhs and colds, also my brother of a severe I cold in his chest and more than '.11 oth ers, who used it on my advice We hope this irieal medieiue will yet be sold ml eveiv druif store in I'oito ICieo " For j throat and Inmr troubles it has nociial j j A trial will Convince you of its merits. ! "sic. and H. Trial bottle flee, tluaran- teed bv all diuifitisls Adv. If a girl's arms have pretty dim ples in them she'll get them sunburned. I'lViiu'ei of i heuniatism, backache, still' joints and shooting pains all show your kidneys are not woikiui: nvtlil. I ruiaiy iirciroiantics, loss of sleep, nervousness, fceak back aud sore kid neys tell the need of aijood reliable kid ney medicine. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, streuLTtheiiiiivr and restorative. They build up the kidneys and rt'Kulatc their action. They w ill give you quick relief and contains no habit forming dings, safe and always sure. Try them. Adv K. CLAliK Marriage may either form one's character or reform it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A At The Shop of the Hunchback ' by Dr. Frank Crane. . Why, said my fnend, the hunch- j back, should I complain because my back is not so straight as yours? : It simply means tliat in one respect ; I am inferior to you. Rut then in : ottier respects you are possibly in-! ferior io me. ! The most widespread trail of men is inferiority. Lverybody is ; inferior ai some point in his per- i sonaliiy io everybody else he meets. Why should I care if mine is in my physical shape'-' The judge on thd bench may be inferior in lovable human qualities io the prisoner he condemns. The preacher in the pulpit may I be inferior in intellectual honesty ! and genuine moral courage lo the j sinner in the pew. The plain girl may have vastly j more womanliness and richness of soul than the pretty girl. ! Tom, at school, is humiliated be- j cause he cannot jump so far, run ! so fast, nor play baseball so well as I Dick; but Dick cannot devour j arithmetic like Tom. ! Why should any one whine be- j cause of what he is not, when there j is enough that he is; or why should ; he bemoan what he cannot do, in-1 stead of being delighted over what he can do ? Life may be contemplated from the valley of one's defects or from the peak of one's excellencies. Old wold casie and rank should ! teach something to us free children of democracy. Their system of grading was false, but it repre sented an eternal truth; that while there are those above us there are those below us. The Lnglish but ler in a lord's house would be mis erable if there were in his world only those lo whom he must bow ' low and speak softly, but his spirit ; is refreshed by the underlings be neath him whom he can browbeat to his heart's content. I have no great moneys like the rich man in the big house yonder, but then I have a linle sister w ho loves me for no reason or gain at all, who lives for me and would die for me. If the rich man knew about her he would envy me. Though my back is crooked I have many marvelous and extra ordinary gifts, l-'or instance, I am contented. I know dozens of peo ple who are spending money by the shovelfuls to attain content ment, and I have it for no price at all. I am free, that is, I owe no man anything, I am not bound io please people I do not care for, and no one tells what I must do. I keep my shop here, just Jenny and I, and we make a living. Think of the myriads of human souls held in leash by other souls one way or j another! Then 1 have a collection, not of china, nor oil paintings, nor jew els, j but of most comfortable tastes. I I like to read, and books are cheap j and libraries free. I like music and have the price of tickets to the j concerts. 1 like sunshine, and ! there is the liberal sun pouring in at my window. 1 like my dog and he worships me. I like a glass and i a pipe in the evening and a genial crack ai arguments with my friends, j A man that has accumulated, tamed and trained tastes enough to keep him interested in living and happy in his days and nights is the I real millionaire j It's not so bad io be a hunch 1 back. ! I might have been a fool lluiitsville. Ala W t '. I'oHaid, a well known citi.eii. savs "I have used I oley'n Honey and Tai Compound and i found it a mot excellent pieparatiun In fact, it sine suit my ca-e better than : any couh syiup I have i-cr used and ' I have npl a vood mativ lot I am now I over seventy yeaisold " Adv ' F. CLAItK. SURI: OK HIMSl:LF. "Aren't you afraid you may be come a slave to the smoking hab it?" "No, I can quit whenever I w ant to." "How do you know that? Have you ever tried it." "No; but I've cured myself of the habit of voting for every candi date who is nominated by the po litical party to which I belong, and a man must have a strong will to do ihaL" ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A WOMAN'S NEW SHOES. 'Mercy, Mow Loose They Arc.'' When a woman has a new pair of shoes sent home she performs altogether different from a man. She never shoves her toes into them and bawls uniil she is red in the face and all out of breath and go stamping and kicking around, but pulls them on half way carefully, twitches them off again to take a last look and see if she has got the right one, pulls them on again, looks at them dreamily, says they are just right then lakes another look, stops suddenly lo smooth out a wrinkle, twists around and surveys t hem sideways, exclaims; "Mercy! how loose they are," looks ai them again square in front works her foot around so they won't hurt her quite so much, takes them off looks at them, looks at tne neel, tne bottom anu the in side, puis them on again, walks up and down the room once or twice, remarks to her better half thai she won't have them at any price, lilts down the mirror so she can see how they look from that way, backs off, steps up again, takes thirty or forty farewell looks, says they make her feet awful big and never will do in the world, puts them on and off three or four times more, asks her husband what he thinks about it, and then pays no atten tion to what he says, goes through it all again, and finally says she will take them. Dan .1. .loyce, Sanville, Henry county, Virginia, says: "I took a cold with a coutfli which hutiK on for two years. Then I commenced usim: Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and the coul'Ii lin ally left me and now 1 am perfectly slroiu: anil well.'' Is hest and safest for childien and contains no opiates. Adv. K.CLAIiK. Save your money and the chances are you will never regret it. A. Mitchell, a ifcnetal merchant near l'.ai;dad, Ky., writes us: "I think Foley Kidney Fills one of the ifieatesl kidney medicines there is. My daughter was in ternhle shape with kidney trouble and I irot her to lakeil. she is complete ly cured now. I think it one ot the KMi'iiteM medicines made. " Adv CI.AKK. It seems perfectly natural for some women to be artificial. Nakoi Kidneys and BI'ddor RlQlit -or I W I A WIS I Kit MILLINERY. FANCY (.OODSaud NOVELTIES. Hutterick's Patterns R & Q. Corsets, Misses at 7 e. Ladies 7 "e . to H (ULl'nees will he made to suit the times. Hats and Punnets made and trimmed to order. U.l. M A 1 1. dltl'FKS PIMMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS. Weldon, N. C. Tie Tlrice-A-WEfa Edition OPTMIi Hew York World! Pritknll a Dnily at the Price til i a Weekly. No other New spaper in world gives so much at so low a price ! THE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the ncs accurately and promptly. The U'orld long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can altord us I hrice- j A-X'eek edition, which comes ev-1 cry other day in the week, except ', Sunday. It will be of particular ! value to you now. The Thricc-A-1 Week World also abounds in other I sirong features, serial stones, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class daily. The Thrice-A- Week World's regular subsciption price is only $ I per year, and this pays for 1 56 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKLi NEWS together for one vear for W The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2. 50. WIFE'S HEALTH RESTORED Husband Declared Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Would Re store Her Health, And It Did. Ashland, Ky. --"Four years ago I seemed to have everything the matter with me. 1 had fa. male and kidney trou- t,lu nnd uj.d Vic) AfT j "3 1 1 could hardly reit uii) ui infill. I uw:- tored with all the hest doctors in town and took many kinds of medicine but noth ing (lid any good un til 1 tried your won derful remedy.Lydia 1 E. l'inkham's Vege table Com.ioLn l. My husband said it would restore lny health and it has." .Mrs. May W'yatt, Ashland, Ky. There are probably hundreds of thou sands of women in the United States who have been benefitted by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. IteutHYIiut Another Woman says: Camden, N. J. "I had female trou ble and a serious displacement and was tired and discouraged and unable todo my work. My doctors told me I never could be cured without an operation, but thanks to Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am cured of that affliction and have recommended it to more than one of my friends with the best results. " Mrs. Ella Johnston, 324 Vine St. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. I'lnkbam Medicine Co. (conll dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read aud answered by a woman aud held In strict confidence. if Hi ill iliti.i iiiii.iU'i Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1.50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. Bigalow Bagdad, kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds ! of Rugs to make the home beautiful. WULDON, North Carolina f (f f tf f f ff D. Ii. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Woanuke News Ollice -:- VV el Jon N I W. J. Vv AKD, IHJ.NTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL I'.LILIH.N'U W ELI ION. N.t epl2 ly rOLEYSOO rJrrift( tjVW WS,. ' Reduction Sale.

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