t !S& L , .. rfif" In led 5f as AJyertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. XLV1I. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. ..... WKIiDON, N. ('., TlIUltSDAY, DKCKMltKU 5, 1012. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. NO. :i2 V W a fa ' ! a Tim Hi all 1 U n J, The Kind You Have Always Bouglit, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the olgniituro of and has been nutde muier liW per. f? jtJJ-ZTfr 01"1' "U'orvlslon sime Us lulimey. JuxfY, Allow 01l0 to.lei , l. o you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitation r.nd ,.TiiKt.us.jfood"nio lint i:xieriinents that trllte with su'il Ciidimgir (lio lirntlli of Infants and Children Esperfanoe nealnsi lCxperliaeut. What Is CASTORIA Ciistoiiit Is ft Imrmiess substitute- for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nod Soothing Kyriips. It Is l'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine noi' other Nareotlo Kiibstunce. Us ace Is its R 'lanuitco. Jt destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrluen and Wind folic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros t'oustlpation and Fhitnleiu y, It asximilates the Fwitl, regulates the htoin.uh and JSoivels, giving healtliyand natural sleep. The Children's I'ttiiaeert Tho Mot tier's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of A PROGRAM FOR A JOYFUL LIFE, j The Hollowing Noble Schedule Is j By Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, D. j D., the famous Author of "In ' His Steps '' 1. I will try to do God's will every day. 2. I will try to see the good in the world and in my neighbor. 3. I will not worry over mutiers I cannot help, and over those I can help I do not need to worry. 1. I will keep my mind and heart in touch with the great things of the universe. 5. I will learn to enjoy the free gifts of God to men like nature and the fact of physical powers. (). I will learn lo prize all my human friendships. 7. I will help some one to a hap pier life every day. 8. I will magnify my place in the kingdom of God. 9. 1 will enjoy the friendship of Christ as my Redeemer and Broth er. "Hope thou in the Lord." "Re joice in the Lord always." AN ADVANTAtifi. AdflsHealful Ml r. r uiiiesiofete Prof. Prescott, of the University of Michigan, testified before the Pure Food Committee of Congress, that the acid of grapes held highest rank as an article of food and he regarded the re sults from baking with cream of tartar baking powder a.-? favorable to health. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Crap.? Cream of Tartar, I WHEN BEDTIME COMES. The Evening Prayer "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep." GROWING OLD. UNCLE BERRY'S GREETINGS. The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tut CIHUUK VOHMNf, TT MUffltA at MET, HCW VUAH OITV. Spanish Peanuts. E are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. j "Don't you find your short arms j a disadvantage in life ?" ! "Not altogether. I can reach vigorously tor a dinner check, ye' I let tlte other fellow heal me nt it ! every lime." All things worth while come to ! those who wait on themselves. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BY JOHN JOSHPH LONG. : WE FURNISH A lioval I VtiKt to I'vi'i v one who ( 1'iiv ihrir irt'otHTics at our store. ( All i tin' Kt'UMiiuibte flt'licucit'ft air ( foini'i in our store the year . muim, THE BANK OF YELDON WKIDON, N. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For nearly 91 years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section, Its'stockholdors ami ollierrs are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained tor the henelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this liepjttmcnl interest is alloweil as follows: For Deposits allowed toremaiu three months or loinicr. l' per cent, six mouths or lunger, H percent. Twelve months or lonirer. 1 pel cent. Uiv information will lie furnished on application to the 1'residentorCasliiei 1 CONFECTIONERIES I. FRUITS ( CROCKERY AND TIN ( WARE ( Wooden and Willowvvare, F.tc. ( tioods delivered promptly any ( where in town. I'olite clerks. 15 PBHS1DINT: W. E. DANIEL, V1CK-IHKS11IKST: W. It. .SMITH. JOHN 0. DUAKF., Teller. I'ASIIIKB: i;. S. TltAVIS. DIREOTOIM W. K. Smith, V. E. Daniel, I!. S. Travis. V. M j. I,. Shepherd, W. A. fierce, D. II. Zollicoll'ei, .1 . V. Sledire. Cohen. OE HE ( , I'hone No. SO. ( R. M. PURNELL ( 1 WKI.IluN, S. C. Qo to HARRISON'S , V V7 Ns.sfc ' - - 1 'it- . wmi ir Hits de troof, I neher know'd ymi Marse Tom, yotise dim changed so, An' den wid all dis style on, how yer 'spec fer me ter know; I don't see nothing 'bout you looks fumilyar 'cep dat smile Firings bac' ter me Ole Marster, alter I dun thought er while. Marse Tom, hits bin nigh twenty years since fus you went er way, An' still I 'members des ei well, ez if 'twas yisterday; Both me an' Dolly stood out dar w'en you driv' way an' wait An' watch de buggy 'twell hit ttt'n off from de big road gate. You ain't fergot Aunt Dolly y it, Marse Tom, l'se good ez sho, An' how hur always tuck yo' part, w'ether you right er no; De ve'y night the l.awd tuck hur waj she know'd hur time wuz nigh, "Berry," said she, "don't you fergit ter tell Marse Tom good-bye. On a Santa Fe train coming out of Kansas City one night, was a mother and her brood of five four girls and one boy. They had left Illinois the day before, and were on their way to "the new country" where the husband and father has a claim which is the new home. The oldest girl ap peared about fifteen, and from that age down to the only boy, a chub by little fellow about four. 1 Their dress and manner showed I fllilt fhpo h'ld m hiaan rA.irrt in .Mt MIVJ IIMVJ IIWK UV.VO ivuitu III the midst of luxury and opulence, but withal they were model chil dren and scrupulously clean. The mother was thin and bony, her face slick and haggard with the long trip and the care of her prec ious Hock, for there were twenty four hours yet to the journey's end. It was after bedtime when the train left Kansas City, and the younger ones were soon yawning and scarcely able to keep awake. In fact, the pet of the family had closed his eyes and was fast ap proaching "shut-eye town," while the next eldest tugged at him while she looked appealingly to her mother with an expression that was pitiful. He mustn't go to sleep yet. The others began whis pering among themselves and then to the mother, as if something exciting had happened or would happen soon, all of which attracted the attention of the other passengers, who sat in wonderment as they tried to divine the cause of so much whispering to keep the last one awake. Presently the excitement of all this was made plain it was bed time and they had not said their prayers. Quietly, modestly, with out ostentation yes, even timidly the mother and children knelt together at the long seat, the baby bowing his head and rubbing with chubby hands his eyes that would hardly stay open, while the even ing prayers were said. Just For a moment, and then they arose, the children were made as comfortable as possible for the ! night, and soon all but the mother ; were asleep, while the moistened 1 eyes and quivering lips of the other ' passengers, the travelling men : with the grips, the politician with his schemes, the business man i with his worries yes, even the ' old reprobate of the News paid a j silent but a mighty tribute to the j greatest civilizing agent of all ages, the Christian religion, j God save the mother and her brood, bring them to their last home in peace. Wellington, Kan., News. May the Clouds Around the Set ting Sun Be Golden and Such As Lead the "Weather Wise" To Prophecy a Clear Morning. Do not be fretful because you have come to spectacles. While glasses look premature on a young man's nose, they are an adornment to an octogenarian's face. Besides that, when your eyesight is poor, you miss seeing a great many things unpleasant things that the younger are obliged to look at. Do not be worried because your ear is becoming dull. In this way you can escape being bored with many of the things that are said, if the gates of sound keep out much of the discord. If the hair is getting thin, it takes less time to comb it, and then it is not all the time fall ing down over your eyes; or if it be getting white, we think that col or is as respectable as any other that is the color of the snow and the blossoms and the clouds and all angelic habiliments. Do not worry because the time comes on when you must go into the next world. It is only a better room with brighter pictures, finer society and sweeter music. Robert Mac- Cheyne and John Knox and Har riet Newell, Mrs. Hemans, John Milton and Martin Luther will be good enough company for the most of us. The corn stalk standing in the field today, will not sigh dis mally when the huskers leap over the fence, and throwing their arms around the stack, swing it to the ground; it is only to take the gold en ear from the husk. Death for the aged Christian is only kusking time, and then the load goes in from the frosts into the garner. Our congratulations to those who are nearly done with the nuisances of this world. Give your staff to your little grandson to ride horse on. You are going to be young again and you will have no need for crutches. May the clouds around the setting sun be golden and such as lead the "weather wise' ' to prophecy a clear morning. HOW GIRLS MAY AVOID PERIODIC PAINS The Experience of Two Girls Here Related For The Benefit of Others. Rochester, N. Y. "I have a daugh ter 13 years old who has always been very healthy until recently when she complained of dizziness and cramps every month, so bad that I would have to keep her home from school and put her to bed to (ret relief. "After piviriR her only two bottles of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com pound she is now enjoying the best of health. I cannot praise your Compound too hifrhly. I want every good mother to read what your medicine has done for my child. "-Mrs. Richard N. Dunham, 311 Exchange St., Rochester, N.Y. Stoutsville, Ohio. "I suffered from headaches, backache and was very irreg ular. A friend ad- iff rj W - $ , Vv I ONR OP TMK FACULTY. MANFF.UTTUF.liS OK Building. Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADK TOOIiDF.lt AMUil'.Ul I.Uisl'oi K Ml. flood Materials. High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. iYiirirminiiriTfHi p. UCQTCHOn DOII AQY THm S WUninHfflMUIlMninHunu nmuini uuiq HKAU DOW N I haily except Suniays AI'HII. I. NoljNoHiNo.o A.M. I'.M. I'.M. '" Mat'iiTis S:i l-,'vl' 'HiriOwny Arrive :Unjl'J:4.' t:0.'i Leave Mow Held Arrive 8:1511:00 i;'M , i Arrive Jackson Leave ItKAL) I'l' haily cxceti Sunday- No.'.' jNo.t No.tl A M I'M. I'M ll:i:.j S:(H) !i:-V. 1ii:4"! 2:Si .':-.' l(l:;Wi 2:l."il 5:10 W W. HOlil'.KTSON, (ieneral Manager 'NOTE-MnwDeld Isa Fl Stmlon Un:rU Miiuofi OlDer, liumtvrrv, .v , Man-H I'Oi. I'OI OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER ! Uncle Remus' 1 year $100 Southern Huralist, ( Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly Roanoke News, .50 .25 .25 1.50 H Ml $3.50 value to the subscriber for $2.00 Send all subscripiions io The Roanoke Nfws, Weldon, N. C For Automobile Id -pairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine work doni Sta tionary, iiiisoline. .Muune and Steam KiiL'ini's. linns and IVtols Satisfaction LMiaianteetl GoodjSyear Tires and Supplies on hand for sale shop east end of Second Street. II. W. IIAIiUISOX. Wei. Ion, N. I'. THE GOLDEN AGE AT HAND. 8criptural Evidnces That Are Aston ishino No One Can Afford to Be Without the Knowledue. We do our friends u valuable service when we call Ihrir audition to the viilunhle liooU entitled, "TUB TIMK IS AT HANI ," In which are Biven ninny Scriptural evidence:! to prove where we are on the si ream of time. "Men's lieai l'4 arc failiiu; I hem for fear" and many of the Icadluu' think or lire propositi'-' remedies t,i bettor condition The S. rlpiures assure us that mail's c . I I'i'tiii ly wilt he (lod's opportunity, ai d I his bonk holds out nil undid' I.' llio.e h.i fear the wnve of uure-i now Kpreiidiiot 'ver the world. The honest h I confesses Hint It I' .. . .... u . :.!.,;... ti... i of tr.ia anlrhi!? events Whit.' we refer to (Ids ss the Hi; A t N' AiiC and the Ace of KN I.IOIITC s M K.N T. ncwrl lirless iiiiiny realize mat we are I'M up (iroai him: a . ri-ls whi. li is wrapped lp 4rl:iie owing lo Hie present world ntile smlal, rc'.lKious mid political nn I'cst. As ih.-uuh by lii-Mii.t lh Whoh crcallcti, w (..! Il siicau. .lad travails In pain l.. c:'ei'. .:ill- for. tones for ,in,l hone . i. ' t':e ! v V . rail i,:! it the "liul.l'llN A', blindly bee.in-e JelioMihs J.I.: t l.w U'i .in lei' 1 1 r.' r Icueil I I.iooU'.i. (he height ami depih of ih l oc of i. hi. suipassin all riiect;!.ci. He explains: ".My lhoiic,ls not jvr.r I bought! neither are .-. nr ways uiy ways, snith the Lord; for i'"' heivcns are high er (ban the ' '.Hi' :m' '' w,1'" higher thai, yiir !.. thoughts than )""i' thoughts." f,.-,:S, U. ScniHiri cents at once for the book, lilhle and Tract Society, 17 Hicks treet, Brooklyn, N V. "Honey," de ole grave-yard's mos' gone, de flowers 'bout took charge, In all yo' life you neber seed de Jass'mine grow so large; An' e. fer dese yer daises, an' de yeller but'ercup, Deys growed so thick, deys kivered mos' Miss Sue an' Marster up. Me an' you, datsall Marse Tom, we're de onliest ones is lcf. An' 'fo' dis time annuddcr year, you mought be by yerse'f; But Marse Tom, fer ter tell de troof, since times is dun changed so, l'se tol' de Lawd, 'cept leaving you, I bleeves 1 des liv go. Stop, Marse Tom! kin yer hear detn bells you recollecks what tis, Or is you bin way so long you fergot what a cow bell is? l'se bleeged ter larT, kase I des thought 'bout how you useteract Whene'er we'd start ter de meader, an' Miss Sue'd call you bac' Marse Tom, de news is dun got 'round, fo'ks bounter talk, dat's true, Ka.e dey so skeered somebody else will tell hit 'fo dey do; Now look here, Marse Tom, don't git shame, fer da! dey say is proof, If yer Hxin' fer ter marry, des 'fess up wid de troof. Well, Marse Tom, hits gittin' late, an' I s'pose yotise tired, too, So I'll go up an' fix yo' bed, des like I useter do; An' 'bout sun up ter inorror mornin' I'll come up an' blac' yo' shoes, So you kin git up den or wait, w'ichever way you choose. MEDDLESOME PEOPLE. Meddlesome persons who are j continually prying into other peo-! pie's affairs and carrying tales be- J tween friends and acquaintances : create a deal of mischief and are ! ; best contented when they Spread I ' scandal. It seems more natural ! for them to speak ill of a person than to utter words of praise, and in their gossiping becomes so fixed that they can talk scandals almost unconsciously. It is just as easy "Oh, you naughty child, to throw stones at the little girl !" "It's all right, miss, she's only my sister!" Sydney Bulletin. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A3TO R I A Tie Tuiice4-Weet Edition OF THE Sew York fork vised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and before I had taken the whole of two bottles I found relief. I am only sixteen years N old, but I have bet ter health than for two or three years. I cannot express my thanks for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I had taken other medicines but did not find relief."-Miss Cora B. Fosnauch, Stoutsville, Ohio, R.F.D., No. 1. Hundreds of such letters from moth el's expressing tiir gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com nound has accomDlished for their daueh- ters have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn,Mass. l,Vvll.A,llVlYi Great 41 n i i eaucuon Sals. Practically a Daily at the Price oi a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1.50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. !kt Received T' lib: great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, to say a good word for friends and , aj,j anyb0fjy can afford its Thrice acquaintances, even it not wholly reserved, as it is to speak ill of them, and the effect of the commu nity is freely always beneficial in a general way. Scandal gathers as it travels by word or mouth and A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in taci, can never he recalled when once ; everything to be found m hrst-class in circulation, Try speaking well ; daily men grop of (lie great :cs. And to mors, locking at the Drives Off a Terror. The chief executioner of death in the winter and spring months is pneumonia Its advance agents aie colds and grip, hi any attack by one of thw mnlsdii uo tune should be lost in takingthebest medicine obtainable to ,lne it oil. t'ountless thousands have found this to be In. King's New IhscoU'iy "My hus band believes it has kept linn from hav ing pneumonia three or four tunes," writes Mrs. I ieorge W. I'lucc, Uavvson- ville, Vt , "and for coughs, colds and croup e have never found its ciuul." laiarautced for all bronchial all'ections Price ."idc. and Jl. Trial buttle free at all druggists, Adv CASTORIA loi InlanU ami Children. TU VA Vnti Uttin Altimu 0ttwk llilj KiiiU iuu liuiu nmu yww.u It's better to have run and lost than never to have made a start, et invar is purp, If you would be popular you must be willing to be bored occas ionally. Foils a Foul Plot. When a shameful I'lot exists between liver and bowels to cause distress by re fusing to act. take Dr. King's New Life Tills, and end such ahuse of your sys tem. They gently compel right action of stomach, liver and bowels, and restore your health ami all good feelings. 2,",c, at all druggists. Adv Could Shout lor Joy. "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart," wrote (', H. liader, of Levvisburg, V. Va., "for the wonderful double benefit 1 got from Klcctrie Hit ters, in curing me of both a severe case ol stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which 1 had been an almost help less sullerer for ten years. It suited my case as though made, just for rue," loi dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, and to rid tin1 system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, l-'.leric Hitters have nociiial. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only Me. at all druggists. Adv Some people in this wide world live on a very narrow margin. of everyone and see what a change ; it will make in your own happiness j as well as in the happiness of oth- ers, ' ASTOMSHFD i An exchange tolls of an old gen- j tleman who w as trying to cross the street and stopped short to al low a big touring car to pass. Just before it reached him a motor cycle dashed around the corner, and, striking the old gentleman, knocked him over. As he rose and brushed off' the dust he was heard to remark, "Now, wo'd a-ihought that derned thing had a cot?" CONTRARY CAUSES. "Why did Jinks break up house keeping?" "Because his wife broke down." Puck. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The Thrice-A- Week orld s regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the KOANOKl: NLWS together for one ytnr t"r ... uiii The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Bigalow Bagdad, Kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. VELDOfi FuntliTUiE WELDON, North Carolina McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Ht Mora Friends than any other magazine or patterns. McCall's is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, each issue is brimful of sparkling short stories and helpful information for women. Sa Monar and Keep (a Style Ky tnharrihln cent. y.r, including any on oi the ctlchmtett McCall Patterns free. McCall Pallcnu Lead all othari la ily. fii. .implicit,, economy and number aold. M... dealer, eel! Mrt'all Patterns than any other tv nukes combined. None liielmr than t$CCQt. tie ironi your dealer, or by niau from McCALL'S MAGAZIKt: 236-248 W. 37th St, New York City Km .BifU Copr, rnalsa ftMltw 4 PWtim CM' -r ' rf rf rf rfrf rf rf ff D. E. STAINBACK, I mt a in; mi n i i " . W I r r 1 rtuuuiv And Fire Insurance. 1'oininlvc News unite -:- WfUtm N tmmmmmmmmmiMnsimmm W. 1 V . J . Vv AltD, Uth, VP Vt , OFFICE IN DAK ILL liLU.UlNU WELDON. N.J nenl2 lv 1 fo TMeH Revert find rvnirw:

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