4 M ill If It e ill .UtiTill , da'h AJvertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. XLVU. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. WELDON, X. ('., TIUJKSDAY, I)K KMlilvK 12, xo.:wi! IMMODESTY IN DRESS. JiwiiSf " --. Ipli ALCOHOL 3 PrJK UKN'l" AVcgelable Prrparatlon Ms similaiiirtilrFooiInnillWiiia w1 ncss and lks!onlalr.J wilier OpiumJlurphine iwrMutxal. ftOTrARCOTIC. Jix-Smm I Ami' 1 IttmSnJ- mmfmitlmr. I w1? Anerferl Remr dv forCmtsllpa .. r I. tn L Itl I.... IIO , 30UT ailllliaui, mat I lee J Wormi Convulsions .Fmrisb nesslLoss or Sleep. hcSiniilf Sigiururr of NEW YORK. a" Exact Copy of Wrapper. Spanish T I: are in the market V V as soon as they are ready for sale, write us ami we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO.,! NORFOLK, VA. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $50,000. for nearly l I yearn tin institution has provuliil I tuikiinr facilitim fur tlin cction. tin dtockliuhli'iH aii'l ollii'HK art' i.li nlilit'.l mill t lie Ihiki iiimh iutereHts of Halifax ainl Nnrlliaiiiittui pouutii's A Savinga Dt'partiiient in inaiiitaiiii 'l for Hit' Ki iu lit of all liu ilrinv to ilcpoait ill a SavniKH I'auk. In lln l'c'rlini'iit iiitt rcst is :illii.l as followa: For Deposit!" allowed toremain llnee mouths or loiiifer, '.' per ct-ut Six niontlioor dinner, H prr eeut. Tflve nioiilliNt.r lomrci. I pel tvnl. Auy information will lie furnisliciloii appdeation to the ITenud'nUu I'asliiei FRIXIDINT : W. K. DANIEL, VltKI'HKSIllSST: W. K. SMITH. JOHN O. DliAKK, Telle DI RECTORS V. R. Smith, V. E. J. 1.. Shepherd, V. A. I'ierce, 1). II. MAM'KACTrHEKs OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADK TO OltliRK AND KEtil'I.AU STtK'K I.i:. Good Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD BAILWAY CO, luily ccn Sinldys IN Xo lXo.8,No..' A M I' M h : tn 12.15 I'M. 3, r. 4 o. i 4. 'Ji Leave tiumlt'iiy Leave Monlielil Arrive .(aeksou .UI;1':4." W NOTE-Mowllfl.l In t'llf Station t.eBrat Mtitarvr'ti Oflie. liunilM-rrv. 30E $.1.50 value to the subscriber tor M uu Send all subscriptions to The Roanoke NES, Weldon, N. C. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Peanuts. for new peanuts, and CASIIIKK: l(. S TKAVIS Daniel, It. S. Trans. V. M. i heii, ZolheoU'ei, J . W. vUi: AI'KIl I. I'll Haily ewpl Su n Jays No.2No 4 No II A.M.l'.M I'M'. 11 I V 8ml 'i .V. Arrne Arrive Leave ni l", -j:! ll:Hll: '.':l"i i :.:ui m at? W IMI'.r.ltTSON. tieneral Mn)fi V t M.ir.-h J?lh. I"lt ioac d J?' J" V For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA OUR GREATEST CLUBBING OFFER! Uncle Remus' I year $1.00 Southern Ruralist, Woman's World, People's Popular Monthly " Roanoke News, " I 50 25 25 50 $3.50 Cardinal Farley Denounces Low j Necked (J owns and Fancy i Dances. i Cardinal l'arley, archbishop of i New York, in a strong denuncia ; lion of low necked gowns and cer tain dances of the day, which he described as indecent, said: "1 have more respect for the Indian squaw with her blanket tucked around her neck and her ! bare feet, if she has no shoes, than i the dewllete woman of the ball j room. It is a horrible sight to see j so-called Christian women in half nude anire clinging to men in the mad swirl of those, indescribable dances which inllame the passions and are conductive to horrible laxiry between the sexes, for men are but men and women but wo men. "And what," said his eminence, "what will be the morals of the IHUUIGU ui tnc IIC.M ,lllbl UUUII II the mothers do not by example teach them modesty in dress and purity of thought? Instead, today the very children are being con taminated. They are sent to dance schools at 10 cents a lesson to the expensive society dance schools. They are taught absolute indecency in these fancy dances. Theiryoung imaginations are tired with an un- i wholesome idea to appear on the j stage and their mothers, instead of trying to guard their innocence, expose them to temptation by ca i tenng to this morbid appetite for ! display. They are miniature ac tors and actresses instead ot chil dren." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA c ( ( WE FURNISH A Uoyal Feast to every one wliol V huv their giiieei'ics iu our stiire. ( All tlii- seasonable delicacies art1 futiud in round. our store llii- year ) !) CONFECTIONERIES FRUITH CROCKERY AND TIN WARE ) Wooileii ami Willow ware, Hlc. I (iooils .It'll von'tl promptly any ( where in town. I'olite clerks. ( I'lione No. Mil. I 11. M. PDRNELL ( kl.lioN, N. r. II- Go to HARRISON'S I'm Automobile llepairs ami Supplies. Allkiiklsof Maelune work tloiie sta tionaiy , tlastiline, Marine ami Steam LiiKiiies. tluiis an.l I'istols. Satisl'aetio.i KUaiallteetl ! GoOCtYEAR ! 1 iresand Supplies on hand for sale Shop east end ol Second Mreet. II. W. IIAIiKlSON. Weldon, S. I'. THE GOLDEN AGE AT HAND. Soriptural Evidtncti That Art Aiton Uhing No Ont Can Afford to Bt Without th Knowledflo. We do our friends n viilimlile service when we cull their attention tn the Taluahle book eulitled. "TUB TIME IS AT HAND." In whieh are given many Scriptural evitleinea to prove where we are on the stream of time. "Men's hearts' are falling them for fear" and uiiiii.v of the lendlns think ers are proposim; remedies to hetter poudltlons. The Scriptures assure us fhat niiiu's extremity will he God'a opportunity, and this hook holds out an anchor to those who fear the wave of unrest now Hpreudinv over the world. The honest heart confesses that It Is at a loes for uu explanation of trim- jnlrlni pfp.tt.1 VVhM v refer to till j as the BHA1N AUK and the Ae of EN LI OUT I" N M K X T. nevertheless ' iiintiy reallif that we are fast hb i proiidiintc a crisis which Is wrapped lu ! duikues uwTuk I" the present world i wide siniHl, religious uud polliK-al un I ret I As ihouitb hy lustiuct the wholt 1 creation, while It groans and travails lu pn lu I. ".'' her. wu'H f' r, toui-'s for and hopes r..i i!:, DA. calliiiS It th "tHHJ'KN A M;"; jel men gropl hllmlly heciinse net Hwure 'if the greiil Jehoh'a gi.o i"us purposes And tti his woutlerlui; t reatures, looking at tlx length and lueiidili. the height and depth of the low- of ti.nl. surpasslnj all eui,- tailou. lie eipl.tlin: "My thuiichts are not jour uiouguis nelthei ...e .,... way m, i. the Lotd; foi a the he.iveus ale blgli er thau the cai iu o are my waja higher than your wa.vs. and IUJ thoughts than )"ur ihoiighta." ! ...I -Vmi r,5 e.'iits tit oiiv iir the book. ..... . u,,iatu IT Fli.'Li , Brooklyn, n. x. i hi i t mm ntu i w Tf 11,111 11 '"w iAKINGPOWDER AbsolutelyPure Cooking under modem methods and con veniences is made so attractive the whole family is becoming interested. " These biscuits are delicious ; this cake is excellent," says the father. " I made them," says the daughter, and both father and daughter beam with pleasure. Royal Baking Powder has made home baking a success, a pleasure and a profit, and the best cooking today the world over is done with its aid, Al I"C"1 rn II A t t i .l.V-'v'-. . r if Wife of Vice-President-elect Thomas R, Marshall, of Indiana, WHY PRET ? Are the trains tun slow fur you? l';t's;ir, withall hiseniiit, never exeoeiletl the speed limit. Are your wages too siiiall? In Europe people are content with making a living. Arc the lights too dim? David wrote his l'salms by the light ttf a smoky torch. Are you ugly ? Cleopatra, though homely, bewitched two Emperors. Are you cold? The soldiers of Valley Forge walked hare foot on the ice and snow, Are you hungry ? The chil dren of India are starving tor want of a crust of bread. Are you tired? Why fret about it? Jacob was tired when he dreamed of the angels of heaven. Are yo sick? Suppose you had lived two thousand years ago, when sickness was fatal? Are you poor ? The Saviour of men was not wealthy. Why fret ? WHERE SOAP WAS NEEDED. While the agent was selling farm machinery at the house, the friend at the house held his horse, and a Conversation took place with the small boy of the family. With grave incredulity he was saying: "Are you sure you are only nine years old ? I think there must be some mistake." The hoy was positive, hut to make sure. Ma' he called, am t I just nine yesrs old?" "Yes, son." After a time he ventured: "Say, mister, what made you think I was more than nine years old? W hy," said the stranger, "I y,,-, underMaitd hOW you Could , ... .. pt,.;,. gel sodiriy in nine years, -i-hns , ,(., Herald. nl.llliQn rivtr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A A f"")ClT"T A I T i i ' . v.'.L , NATl'RH'S SUiNSOF RAIN. Many happenings iu nature ' are indicative of wet weather, I P lilt tnnv lot v ii.t'toil l-liat1 any of the following things lake place: When the perfume of flowers is unusually noticeable. because damp weather conveys the odor of (lowers more effectively. When swallows tly low, be cause the swallows live on in sects that tly low when the up per strata) of air are moist. When ducks and geese dash water on their backs, because by wetting their outer coats of feathers before a rain they pre vent the drops from penetra ting through the open feathers to their bodies. When horses and cattlestretch out their necks and sniff the air. They smell the increasing fragrancs preceding a rain storm. When spiders hide, because they know wet weather will lrive Hies away and their webs will not snare any food. When wild flowers ami many plants close, because they are very sensive and fold their pet- als to protect the stamen from the raindrops. PUNCTUATION. Returning from school a little girl proudly informed her moth er that she hail learned how to "punctuate." "Well, dear," replied moth er, ''and how is it done?" " hy, when you write'llark'.' you put a hatpin after it; and w hen I ask a question you use a buttonhook instead." A SURH WAY. " They say that he is very cau- tious." "Cautious? He won't order half a canteloupe in a restaurant until somebody orders the other half and sees it's all right. ' 'Wash ington Herald. FORGIVE SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN. Matthew xviii, 15-35 Deo. 15. "ite ye kind on to another, tendtr-heartiS, fortiiliiy mci olAtr, teen o God, Jvr 0 leiirii today's lesson well menus a Messing for life to er ery true Christian. The lesson relates to the consecrated, the meinhors of the Hotly of Christ, the Church, of which He Is the Head. The Muster s rule for His followers Is, If a brother Injure you, go to bltu jl'jiic, striving to reach an understand ing. The prolmlilllty Is that mlmntkr lUtmllitQ Is all that there Is of It. Hut If this does not milttce and you con sider the mutter serious, ask two oth ers to accompany you to the offender. without explaining the mission leave their minds free to bear the ease. The agreement of these brethren und their advice should be followed by both. If they dis agree with you, you should acknowl edge that you have erred. If they agree with you, and your opponent refuses to heed their counsel "T Uatter Ttat compasiton on Mm." nnd persists lu doing you injury, and you Btlll think It of sufficient impor tance to trouble tho Church with the mutter, you are then nt liberty so to do. Tho Church's decision Is to be final, binding upon both. The one re fusing to hear the Church Is to be treated as au outsider, not in the sense of doing him Injury, but abstaining from nppolntlng him to any position, or honor lu the Church, until his course shall ho changed. How Blmplo the Di vine direction; what a blessing would como from following It! Forgive "Seventy Times Seven." St. i'eter put n hypothetical ques tion, of how many times a brother might trespass iiml usk forgiveness and yet be forgiven would seven times be the limit? The Master pracUcally de clared that there could be no limit, that any brother confessing his fault mid asking forgiveness must be forgiv en, If It should recur 4'.K) times. F' glveiiess is obligatory when asked f t. I We must not be afraid or following ! the Muster's direction. I 'Then our Uird gave a parable, to 11 i lustrate this uiatter. A certain king ' hud a reckoning with his servants. ; One owed him ten thousand talents. ! Ills master coiiiin.iiHled him to be Bold, und all that lie had until 1 lie puymeut should be made Hut the servant fell dowu at his muster's feel and besought hliu to have compassion en htm and he would pay the debt And the lutis ter had ctiinpus.slou on him and dis continued iniy 1'iiillier proseculioti. The servant llien went out and found a fellow servant who owed Aim ail hundred pence He took his fellow servant by the throat, suylug. "fay me the hundred ponce thou owest." Ills fellow-servant besought for mercy, saying, "Have patience with uie, and 1 will pay thee all " Hut he would not, and cast liiiu Into prison till the debt should bo paid. The mutter reached the ears of the muster, who culled hlui and said, '"Thou wicked servant! 1 released thee from the penalty of thy debt; thou shouldst also have had uiercy upon thy fellow-servant, even as I had pity upon thee.' And he de livered 111 i ti to punishment till he should pay ull that whs due." An Important Leieon Here. What Is the lesson? The lesson is well expressed In our text. We should lie kind to one an- ?;.- other, teuder-heart- , 7" C id. as God lu Chibt ''fvr forgave us and continues to forglvs us day by day. The Xl uespuysei ol utuets against us are trl iliio. ln.l.iu.1 tn pnm. "-K"vV I'arlson to our obll- "?sKrs?VN gallons to tlie Lord. v EiJ We should there Pui, me int Hun fore be very willing dml pence thuu to forgive all who " ask us-'untll sev enty times seveu." lu thus exercising mercy we will tie copying the Divine character. As we remember our own weak nesses and blemishes, it will make us sympathetic with the brethren and with all mankind, and we will there by lie titled and prepared to have a Share with Jesus iu His Throne of glo- I ry, for that great Messianic Klugdom ' will be established for the very pur pose of showing mercy unto all man kind who will return to Divine fnvor and blessing under clearer knowledge nnd with the assistance then afforded. We lire not to understand this puni j bie to refer to Divine forglveuess of rlginal Sin The Shi of Adam Is not , ecu. cuitiuii, which cumcs tv- forgiveu ncept in the Divine way- j ery other day in the week, except through Jesus-through faith lu nis ; Sunday. Ii will be of particular blood. The purabie refers to suuse- value to you now. The Thriee-A-quent siua-sina referred to in our j YX'eek World also abounds in other Lord's prayer, "forgive us our tres- J Mrong features, serial Stories, hu- passes, as we forgive tiicm mat tres- as we forgive them that tres- r hTTh -be ZZ Z these as servants, whereas the world. as sinners, are uot God's servants, hut "aliens, strangers, foreigners." The only ones whom God recognizes as servants are such as have come Into relationship with Him through Jesus through faith Htitl consecration. These are servants of Ood and are to have mercy upou their fellow-servants. Foils a Foul Plot. When a shameful plot exists between liver and bowels to cause distress by re fusing to act, take Dr. King's New Life fills, and end such abuse of your sys tem. They gently compel tight action of stomach, liver nd bowels, anil restore your health and all good feelings. 2."c. at all druggists. Ady Predatory wealth has a sorrow ful sound to the other fellows. IT IS UP TO YOU! Th freeborn citizen geti up when dew II on the gran An3 ws hlmeelt reflettcd In a trust made looking ttlx. A truit controti the soap he flndi t length upon the Btantl, And through the favor of mma trust ht takei hit comb in hand. Hie ehoea. eujpndre, enlrt and eocks, the buttons on Ml coat, Hie handkerchief, his necktie and the col lar round hte throat AJ1 came from factorlee that trusts per mit to operate A truit allowe him to have coal to pile upon the urate By yielding tu tho iuur truit he makes hte coffee eweet; By bowlt-a to the beef trust he may have a eteuk to eat, The crH.-ker truet. the flour trual, the coffee truit. Ilkewlee, Take tribute from the man who dwelli where frvedoni'i banner Men. He rile! from the latilo which a trust leavea In flip care And on the trust made halt tree fln.li a truit made hat to wear Now aee the freeborn citizen upon the trust owned car; By paying tribute he may ride to where till dutlea are. He Itle before a trust made denk a truet has laid he may-- And, belnit free and equal, he tolls for the trust all day; At night a trust providee his light, and when hti prayers are said The uncrowned king devoutly kneela bo lide a trust made bed. Thui all hia truit'a bound up In truita that treat him as they please. He Uvea through favor of the truiti; to them he bendi bli knees. Ah, let ui trust that when ha dies and leavee thtl world of care Some truit will waft him to the aalea and give him glory there. GET A TRANSFER. If you are on the Gloomy Line, Out a transfer. If you're inclined to fret and pine. ( Jet a transfer. Oet off the track of Doubt and Gloom, Get on tho Sunshine Train there's room Get a transfer. If you are on the Worry Train, Get a transfer. You must not stay there and complain, Get a transfer. The Cheerful Cars are passing through,' And there is lots of room for you, Get a transfer. If you are on theGrouchy Track Get a transfer. Just lake a happy Special back Get a transfer. Jump on the train and pull the rope That lands you at the station Hope; Get a transfer. - Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch. HER DESIRE. Grandma's face is wrinkled anil little Louise never ceases to wonder what grandma look ed like before this happened. One day, holding the beloved countenauce between her own soft, dimpled hands, Louise pondered. "Oh, grandma, I do wish 1 could have seen your face while it was green." The Tlirice-A-Weel Edition or THE Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price T HE great political campaigns are now at Hand, ana you want the news accurately and promptly. The Vi'orld long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice- m.irkeis. cartoons: ill fact. everything to be found in first-class ; daily The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 15b papers. We ofVer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKK NEWS together for one year for The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. W. J. WARD, 1)KN I IST, OFFICE IS DANIEL Bl'ILMNU WELDON, N.C. sep!2 ly forasOMOLrani ro tronacH.Taovaia neliCeaTjtTio"i New YorkWorld Many growing girls in school or business are frail delicate anemic lack energy and am biiion and have thin blood. It is all unnatural and unless checked leads to serious and chronic Ills. Nuuiislimcnt.not drugs, is the law of i t-a sun to build strength hut when appetite is poor and digestion weak, ordinary foods do not nouiish Uicn SCOTT'S EMULSION is necessary. SCOTT'S EMULSION over comes just such conditions; its tissue material enters the blood without di gestive effort and makes it rich. It tones the whole system and starts the healthy action of cells throughout the body. Imitation art often offertd, but to get rtivltt yoa mult get SCOTT'S, Sfott A Bavne. Blaamflald. Trsde-Muk it it vvivivivii t 1 1 lrrssmrrsm Great Sale. Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1.50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. Bigalow Bagdad, kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. WeLdojI FurtfiiTUHE Comply, WELDON, North Carolina O. I:. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Hire Insurance. i'uanukc News ufiiit -:- Wnijui N.l. J McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns For Women Have Mora Friende than any other magazine or patterns. McCall a is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs; of McCall Patterns, each issue is briniliil of sparkling short stories and helpful information for women. Sne Mone ind Keep in Style br lubecriMni tor McClll's Migannl II tmce. Lottl only 50 cent, 1 ycir, including any one of the celitaittd McCall Wttcrni free. McCall Patterns Leed ill other! le etjle. tt. .m.iiint.. oni.mw .lid number solo. More dtalrn sell McCall Pattern, thao eny other two niaketrorDl'ln.d. Nine hialier than iscnts. Buy ttom your dealer, or by mail from . McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th St, Ndw York Chy Reduction Jest Receive!