f rlMf Ip Sw4 Ssb4 VtacJ Alvertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON. X. ('., TliriSSDAY, MX KM M 1!, I!Hl Perms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XhVII. NO. tl I I I BaifrtiiaiiMtiaa Tlie IClnd Yon Have Always Bought, nml lildi has been In use for over 30 yean, li:i borno the- wl-mituro of 0 lfr " ,w under bis pep. C.C7trA' ,0"a' ""PCi vlslt.u sin. o ItH liifiiuey. MTr, SU. Allow noonoto.lci , l. jou hi thin. All Counterfeit, Imitation ruid "JiiNUnN-Koml" ur ,t Kxperim.'iitM tlmt trlllo with iwl emtani r the health of Iiil'itnU anal Children Kiperfuri.io nifuinst i:pi-rliiKMit. What is CASTORIA Caxtorlu I a Imranlofw utitMUutn for Castor Oil, Pare. BOPle, Drops niiil MtMitltliiK Nyi-im. It In I'lensmit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Nnreotlo KiibHtunee. It uce la Itl ffmrunteo. it destroy Worms rid alluysf Fetenxhness. It cures Dlarrlio.-n and Wind Colic. It relieve Tcethiiur Troubles, cures Constipation mid Flntnleury. It UNHiniilntoa the FimmI, rogulute the Ktoimuh .Hid lioivels (flvlit healthy and nut oral sleep. The Children's I'luiuceu-Tiio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Tie KM You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Spanish K are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO NORFOLK, VA. THE BANK OF WEL00i WKLDON. N. r- Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Sute of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VC'clduii Depository. Capital and Surplus, For nearly 'Ji jtuih thin iimtitiitioii imnii-il luinknii.' faeilities for tliis section. ItK Ktoeklnilili rn anl "lliei i me iili ntilii'il nith llic i,ui uorr inU'reHtK of Halifax ami Northampton romittf. A Savings Department i inaintann .1 I'm t lie 1.. n, !it of nil who .Ir-nr to ilepoait ill a Sannirs Hank. In th' I eji rt ni.-nt iiitmiM w :tl l -. I follows: l-'or DeponitH allovel toreinaiii thiee inontli 01 longer. L pt-i cent. ix months or longer, H per cent Twehe montliHor lonirer. I pereenl Any information will he furnished on application to the I'rcsi.h nl 01 cm-hiei PRIH10INT : W. K. DANIEL, vieKiiiiisiiiKN r: W. U. SMITH. JOHN t. DIJAKi:, Telle IHKECTOIW W. Ii. Sinitli, V. K. J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. 1'ieice, D. It. M A M' FACT Wa aiaanaauakxli tauuxmui ii h h I II ti Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. M.UF. TOOl:hl II AND h'K.'.l'I.AII s'h k ik Good Materials, High Orattr Workmanship Our Slogan Weldon, N. C. SNORTHRMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY COTg KKADDOMl'N NolNo S No.: A M.ll'.M' if'.M. :3U!12:15 8:- 9:00 '18:45 4 n'i 8:151 l:0ll 4:'JU Leave iumlerry Leave Mmvlield" Arrive ,laekon V NOTR-Mim fWd la l Fill Slalinn t.eimrs.1 Manairt-r'i. Ortu-e, linnilfi OE Subscribe to the Roauoke News, ; only $1.60 per year. Advertising rates made known on application. Signature of Peanuts. snihn s. Tli Is Hamol. I. S. Tnxm. V t ,en Zollieuttei, .1 . W. Sle,l.-e. 'J O l' UK Its OF ki:ai i'i liaily i'Ucji SanJiy; No.'JiNo.l Noll A M. I'M I'M ll:1.- Sihi .'c.Vi AI'Kll. I, 1111 Arrive An iv e l:t.'i! 2::i: il:.Hi -,:l.'i! Leave in W. ItnHKItrsON, General Manairer ..:. M.u.-h 2lh. I'M I aoDC Is tfieiwai )antaAlau2 i (bore Santa Claus?" jfr V; J You with the truth in yout fyi- Bidding me ponder and pause, i. i Aiw inai sin mini iiom me lies j, .Clanilier'al jiiiiht on my knee " I have no cuuisi'i artist V Truly, the Saint uwd to beP VTO there I Santa Claus!" & A You ask again and nin. Of V. N . IS ....... ..,...., u...vn lr 52ji,,Vou have the trust I had (hen. Yoj;h'aye the trusting bejjrf ' J- j.Thllnr( my spirit possessed Ere there' came"Worry and grid -, Biding their while in my breast. A' 4 '( At isten! b there an arm ' V ' P Holding you close to my heart, v t fending you ever from harm iVV Holding the darkness apart! U'thereTspirit ol love ff K"vl jS JYaiting with wings ever spread.-J Besiiilrjou, about you, abovei? And'vVarding wherever you're led? ,4- CM I you Believe mere ii s Aye, and you ki is- W-- V I I !. I. . t '!,Throbbing with kindness to you Truly, thaynfluence deepipfi,, !i .Echoes1fiefcvv2rniih''6( your smile,'1 Blesses your dreams When you sleep.fil Slays with you all ol the while. I there a Santa Claus!" f i i 1 YpI I irtto nnp ailh vntir v Diouing me ponoer ano pause i"s cjjjj Kre 1 tell you that are wise. (Shatter the laiih that you hold? MCive you a pang of distress! Oj'4 Yes, jor the young and the old Lf .jmeie uaaaina iviaus jes: OLD MAN GIODLES OBSERVES The polite lie In often solidified Into a ChrlBtinua gift. Henry Taruuck saya that ns Boon as people begin giving hi in nocks und bandkerchlefa exclusively for Christ mas be Ib going to apply for a berth III the old folks' home . Kll Tlinmons suys he doesn't bee the Beiise uf tying up a !!5-eent present In IS cents' worth of ribbon and ti.wie, paper and paying 60 cents to Bend It to some one. While you are sorry for the tired salesman, like as not the salesman Is thinking sympathetic thoughts of you. I. Kth) Joseph Olllett has been pulled throuRh the Fourth of July, the niumpa, a birthday party, thn chicken pox and the measles so fur this year, and his parents hope lie Is rugged enough to survive Christmas. When a man volnteers to play Santa Cluus at a Sunday school Christ mas tree set It down that In his heart he considers himself comedian. a natural horn WIN an A DAILY CONVERSATION. "Papa?" "Well?" "Saj, papa, la Santa i reckon so. bother me. i IL f'ilf' l , n. is ip I'm reading." P aiW L' w'iin,. w m 1 1 h i he said, thern ain't any.' j "Is that the kind of grammar you i learn at school?" "Hut how does S.mta Claus get In?" "He coiucb down the chimney," "We ain't got no chimney," "Ain't got! Where do you learn such Inlk?" "Willie Jones, he say - Suy papa, la there really a Santa Claus?" "There used to be one." "Has he quit .'" "I gucsa not. If you're a good boy." "Am I a good boy?" "Not always." "H"r line. Snn'n t'lnti g"t In?" "Oh, he knows how." "11 can't squeeze In the steam pipes, can he?" "Ma) lid " "It would wet bis whiskers, Wouldn't It?" "Maybe." "Say, papa?" Th?" "Is there a" "Now you go to bed and dont ask unother question!" NOT ACCOKMNU TO kUI.I:. "Her emoiioiis arc tincraiunui ical." "W'hai do mi mean iy iliai5" "All her mooils are tense. " Children Cry FOR F L CI CHER S CASTORIA Advice is not so nobody follows ii 4 wrMr ! Ho Mum WMj Ho Umo Phosphates jj Cll? 'Mifciii1 ' 'Tls the night before Christmas" I whisper the rhyme And wander in fancy To "once on a time." I see the big fireplace. The girls and the boys, The long, heaped-up stochings, The drums and the toys. " "Tis the night before Chrtstmas" So Oid, and so new! With all of its dreaminga So good and so true. I see all the laces Forgotten so long, And out of the twilight There murmurs a song. ' 'Tis the night before Christmas" And here, by my grate, The past rises, glowing The years lose their weight( The boy-days come trooping At memory's call, And gleam in the embers That flicher and fall. " Tis the night before Christmas" Ah, could I but clutch The gold of my fancies ! 'T would go at my touch ! The shouts and the laughter Now sweet to my ear Would shrinlv to a silence Too deep and too drear. " 'Tis the night before Christmas"- Remembrances stir As sweet as the cherished Franhincense and myrrh. And, harKI As the visions Grow dim to the sight. There comesi "Merry Christmasl And, boy-days, good night!" lOprritftit, l"ll. by W. C Cb.pm.n) STRATEGY. r .Viir Mr. oftcigll StfH HolnelelKll beeuis to have that corner all to her self. Miss Uabby Yes, the mistletoe hangs there, and she has spent the evening In that spot. Preparing for Christmas. Deacon Goodly -What are you build ing that addition to your house for, I'araon Saintly? fwm i y " " Parson 8 Got to have a place to harmful when , store the carpet allppera and book I maxka Would Fill the Dill. Mr. liiKht'iul WiKtiliiM, old boy. vw'vtt rn fst'il ."ti to jtnt tlit bos h ('In ,r( luta tni-Miiii, diiti vt' WdiiL boait?- ilittiK wiH make a pmtt Hliftw for i bo iiioiu'V MomothliiK Hint will look lit yOU kliUW '.lit t ) Oil MUKrtt niilliftbihK ' it,Klha Sum lu) kuJ vsuilll ul t th'ti U tul lllfll bull It Saves Her Feeling. Mikh Aklt Ooi'H oiir buHbuTHl hinokt tboso t'iJtiM ou Kitvi- liiui (In iHlmilH Mrs. Nuweil Hu ttiuokt'tl one and paid be would kct'ii ibu rut to remind liim of my kindness. Now 8he't Convinced. Asklt Where Is that Miss Oldglrl, who was expressing herself so strong ly against foolish Christmas rustoma (ho other day? Tellit She's bid up ith a bad Cold - caught It while she uas out gather I'lK mistletoe Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A U WD.N&sbib IDE PLAIN Is hi Sas katchewan. It was so named because It Is so. It Is wide. Tha town does not cover the entire plain. Far be It from me to con voy such nn Impres sion, Inasmuch as the plain extends east, west, north and south ostensibly as far as there Is anything. No doubt somewhere In the dlBtance there aro trees, and hills, or Rotnethlnir to ston the 32&V plul11 fro'" "Pr''1"""! i UvSanV B"y furl llP'' 80,119 uay ii is tne intention of the Greater Wide Plain association to have real trecB growing In their thriving little city. Hut Just at present they aro bo busy getting the town established that the trees must wait. (leorge Freeman wtis one of the most energetic young men in Wide Plain, llo was one of the pioneers. He was almost the Oldest Inhabitant, although he was hut twenty-live years of age. You Bee, George located lu Wide Plain when it was practically nothing but width and plain. He fore saw a future for the town, and be came Its leading dealer In agricultural Implements and groceries and hard ware and bo on. He became the lead ing dealer, because he was the only one. In a few months Wide Plain had a population of 2,500. And so social life became a feature of existence there. Social life requires two faetois. One ot them lu women The other Is men You may have thought that one tea ture would be sociability und the other would be life, but that would be druw lug It a bit tine. I.ncy Cleveland was the belly of Wide Plain. She was not tlio belle be. cause she was the only young wouiuu there, for thcru were others. Others young and beautiful, but while some of the others were as young none of them were as beautllul as I.ncy. Consequently I.ncy had suitors a plenty. In fact, she had eiiiht suitors, that being the available unman'i.J portion of the population Unit she would consider. And the managed to give the eight the impression that she was not considering them very much. George Freeman endeavored to In duce her to consider him. George's policy In life was to get what he wanted by one of two methods. One was to go where It was and take pos session, the other was to ask for It. Inasmuch as I.ncy was not a building site nor a quarter section, he could not claim her by right of discovery. So he had asked her And she had ns surcd him that while she esteemed hini highly she did not see her way tc he his. George had not asked her II ihero was some one elso to whom she h: d pledged her affection or plighted her troth. He did not cure. Ho went on selling agricultural implements and striped overalls nnd brooms and nails and putty and canned goods and other groceries, whistling little melo dies to himself nnd wondering how l.uey would want their house painted when they got married. Kvery now nnd then he would pro pose again to Lucy, lly every now and then 1 mean that he would pro pose. say. once a week. Some weeks he proposed twice He saw that It pleased I.ncy to he promised to and George was a gentleman who believed In making himself agreeable to a yo'.i'ig lady when he was fond of her. So !' cnt'ie along toward Christmas. "We must have a Christmas tree for Cie children," Lucy said l.nev was teacher In the Wido Plain Sundny School Her pupils ideli. ed her George and the other n n suitors had tried to join her class, but she hnd insisted that they inns! attend the Itlhle class for older students, which was presided over by Mrs. Henry Gillup, a most capable married lady, who had brought one husband and sit children to help up build Wide Plain. The fact that Lucy had demanded a Christmas tree occasioned many smiles, especially from George's rivals ' Christmas tree!" laughed Will- '.un Skldmore. "There lsu't a Iree for .i hundred miles In any direction." "Let's get one shipped In by freight, (I en," suggested Luke Morton N'o Hmo uo." Wesley Peikl.is pointed out "It's only two days to Chriatmus." The seven rival! were not so pur ticioar about the tree Each of them knew that Lucy would be disappointed a bit, but each ot them felt that the nifl he had selected for her would help to overcome her disappointment in any event, there was to be a Christ u, is Rve party at the church On the evening of December lo oige called on Lucy. She Was bit. I THLIK CLASS. "How would you describe these letters of a chiropodist ?" "I'd class them as foot notes." All young widows are not merry but some of them will be if the men say "yes" before leap year ends. unhappy bi-causo the could tint have y. tree. ".Now, Lucy," he said, "I've arranged It all for you. There'll be u Christ mas tree." "Oh, have you got It? Where Is it? I didn't know you could get one." "It Isn't hero yet, but there'll be one Christmas eve. Now, don't usk ques tions. Mrs. Gillup and I will tlx It up all right." "Hat I must trim It up " "No. Mrs, Gillup und I liavo ar ranged fur It all. You are hot to worry yourself about unthing. Just you gather your class together und be at the church at S o'clock that evening, and the tree will bu there." So Lucy, scenting mystery, and loo diplomatic to ask anything more, was compelled to content herself w ith that much Information. Towards dusk of Iho day before Christinas George was seen currying several bulky bundles Into the church, Mrs. Gillup had spent some time In conference with him that day. The seven rivals hud attempted to quiz her, but she would not gtallfy their curiosity further than to say that there would be a tree. They bad asked her separately If Bhe would hang their presents for Lucy on Iho tree, and she had agreed to do so. She and George, behind the drawn curtains of the church, labored long with curtain poles and string and a profusion of green paper, to say noth ing of several bundles of artificial palms and the like, which George bad unearthed among his stock. When the audience was assembled for the Christmas eve exercises Mrs. Gillup slowly drew back a curtain which concealed one corner of the room, and there, with candles glowing and green paper and green palra branches rustling, stood a Christmas tree. It was not un evergreen tree. "We Must Have It was not a genuine tlr or cedar, but It looked like a tree. And the candles and the strings ut popcorn und glitter. I ing ornaments hid many of its faults. To tin surprise of Lucy, George was I not In sicltt. She looked all about for 1 htm, In her uVight, wishing to thank him for his ingenious way of provid ing this make-believe tree for the lit tle ones. Mrs. Gillup went blithely on, taking presents from the tree and distribut ing them. After passing out the gifts ; for the children Bhe picked off pack ages and bundles for the older fidk It mi noted that the tree sort ol shook every time Fhe took off one ot the gifts which had been provided by the seven rivals for Lucy. Put at last the dual package had been disposed of. Mrs. Gillup drew the curtain In trout of the tree again and the audi ence filed out, laughing and chatting over the success of the entertainment Lucy did not Lurry away with the rest. She Btepped back of the curtain with Mrs. Gillup. "It was Just lovely, Mrs. Gillup!" she exclaimed 'Put why wasn't Mr Freeman here? After his hard work and cleverness In helping ou, i should have thought he would have v anted to see how the tree looked " "I expect he was pretty busy." "And of course, I haven't any right to expect such a thing but he was such a good friend of mine, Mrs. Gil lup 1 really thought It a little odd that ha didn't make me some kind ot a present tust a remembrance, or " "I didn't forget you, Lucy." said the tree. "You enn have me" And Mrs. Gillup says that Lucy knew all about It all the time, because sh hsd sharp eyes, and no tree, that wore shoes could fool her A Costly Gift. "Those lilllyuuuatrea have been aw tul proud since Chiistmas," said the Bnvious Neighbor. "What makes them so?" inquired the Curious Friend. "Ob, their parents filled their stock 1 nt;B with eggs." A Hanging Matter. Polk Hang up your stocking this t hrlBtmas? Hoik Nope hung up overcoat. Toils a Foul Plot. W hen a shameful plot exists between liver and bowels to cause distress 1y re fusing to act. take lr. King's New Life Pills, and end such abuse of your sys tem. They gently compel right action of stomach, liver ami bowels, ami restore your health and all good feelings. 2."ic. at all druggists. Adv A merry Christmas to you. L P " - a Christmas Tree." ! I s dear children F" " "Vi nT 7?? BuimiffMiiiniiirt VIM ulal every day. examinations often sliuw that tuberculosis had brer arrested by strengtheninf the lung's before the gem gained rnnstery. You ran strengthen youi resistance - power by takinp Scott't Emultion. It con tains available energy in cor. centinled form, which quickly nourishea all the or gans of the body. repairs waste nwttcf rich, active blood and supplies energy to the starving cells. It 's timely use enables the body to resist tuberculosis. For stubborn colds and bronchitis nothing compares with Scott's Emulsion. Refuse substitutes inaiaf on SCOTT'S. (kott i rim-i-e, ntamfield, N. J. 12-67 i p Hi X ih't '.SAW Nottingham ...... Net Curtail. s 75c value 60c. $1 value, 80c. $1 50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thouounds of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. Bigalow Bagdad, Kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. j I WKLDON, j North Carolina I r(trvrViUvr,f(WH ,U,Vf,WfOW,tfWV 1). I-. STAIN HACK. NOTARY PliHI.ie And l ire Insurance. v .r.'U i'.' - " s McCall's Ka. ? and McCall Pal. For Women Have Mor Friendt than any oth1' magazine or patterns, MeCall's t"1 reliable Fashion Guide month! i ' one million one hundred tho;. honv s. Brsides showing all the h.u. .. designs of MCall Patterns, each iw is brimful of sparkling short airotr, and helpful information for women. Swe Montr Kp In StyU by ntb-crbi, lor McCaU'i Martin mt It once, lotti oo!s ? ctnti i veir, including any out of the celebrated McCall Patterns fre. McCt.II PftttcffM ImA ill oihm Ii yte, f stmpltLtty, economy and number told. dealen tell McCall Pattemt than any other (t -makes romhlnrd. None his lift than IJ Ctnti. T ; tfoni yuui dealer, or by mail trom McCALL'S MAGAZil 236 248 W. 37th SuNew Yor1 Mm-llMsit Oof, PnbIhi OittHfM mi Mkm CHttw am f MIMt Post-mortem Great iiw Sale. i ' 4 1 'y1.

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