t D KRSK1NE DEFOE. (Copyrlnhl. by American Preaa Alto- lallon.l BLITHESOME maid, dmne. ly fair, Stepped, thonghtlen, 'ncath the mijtletoe Hung high above the car pet square, While out of door fell fleecy mow. Heigliho! Heighho! Surprised beneath the mutletoe! HE did not know she wu to near The kits provoking mil tletoe. The bough upon the chan delier Wa deftly fixed, but not too low. Oh.no! Oh, no! In ambush wai the miitletoe. NCE in the mesh and fairly caught, She showed no sudden haste to go. Two victims with a single thought Are brave beneath the mistletoe. Just so! Just so! The courage-giving mistletoe! i rosy ITH cheeks suffused red That shamed the holly' livid glow She held aloft her charm ing head, The lawful kiss did not forego, And, lo! And, lo! That kiss beneath the mistletoe! OUT OF SORTS W lien you feel lazy, stretchy, half suk, "blue" and tliirnurngcd look tu the liver. It is torpid. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THB POWDER FORM) IS THE REMEDY YOU NEED It ia not only an invigorating tunic tor a torpid liver, but it extend;, its rk-.insing and restorative intluemv to the stomach and bowels. Helps digestion and food niiiiil..iiini, purities the bowels and hiws luck the habit of regular daily Imwel movements. When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bilious impurities no longer ohstru.t tunc tional processes, the result of which is renewed energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers Price. Large Package. SI MO Aik for the fMiulne lit, (If R.-.I . '. ll.r Ulsi. II Jim ciiiim (ri H ii-n.il I. u r will kii.1 II by m,.l. p,'ii.l mihiiwii, Liiei kevulxMi u ! pui -v i'i l1-!' 'i '"H Ul lhoe who ptHri II I'n.P Si il fri (Mile Luuk li Ibc .IrJ . Ill I. H. ZEtLIN & CO.. Pmprlolurt St. Loula, Musourl THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Di:c, 19. 1912. THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News of Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. Shop early every day ! Put on the Red Cross seal ! Last call for leap-year proposals. Put the noor on vour list for giving. L. T. Garner snent Tuesday in Richmond. Santa Claus is one who always remembers the poor. S. Trueblood spent several days in Richmond this week. Are you aiding in a good cause by using Red Cross seals Call W. A. & I. O. Carter for anyihing in family groceries. There is little sympathy for the mm who does not believe in Santa Claus. Mrs. W. .1. Ward and Mrs. W Cuucii spell! Monday in K mond. (iive us a trial and be convinced J. Vi'. Rriggs, of Richmond, who has been spending the past week wiih relatives here, returned home Tuesday. A. C. Zollicoft'cr, of Henderson, was here Thursday. He came to anend the funeral of ihe laie Mrs. S. A. Thomas, in Nonhatnpion county. Last call to remind you that you can find a splendid line of elegant things ai Cohen's for Christinas gifts. Also get a box of his fine Christmas candy. No IWi'i-R Ni-xi 'i:i:k - l'ol Invv ing a time honored custom in this ollice to lake a little holiday during Christmas week, this is to notify subscribers and advertisers that ihere will he no issue of ihe Roanoki; Ni-;ws Dec. 2iith, uii account of the Christmas holidays. Our next issue will be January 2, HM.v. A I:im:. Cii.nu:-Do you wish a YW.W TWll'to Washington City on the occasion of Wilson's Inau guration? If you do, write at once for particulars. Address Inaugu ration Department, News and Ob server, Raleigh, N. C. If you have a friend who would also like to take this n ip and have free ticket, send in his or her name riglu away. Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining 'uncalled for" in the W'eldon po- t- office: Gilbert Grant, Mrs. Dealia Green, . T. Johnson, C. Lewis, Lena Ruflin, IL li. Ware, 11. C. Wil liams, John Yates. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John O. Burton, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Dec. 16, 1912. Christmas Entertainment. There will be a most delightful Christmas entertainment at the school auditorium by the primary grades l-'riday, Dec. 20, at 8 o'clock p in. Admission, adults, 25c; children 1 5c. Old Santa Claus ! will be there. Let everybody at tend. A pleasant hour is prom ised. Call Today. -This is again to remind you of ihe excellent display of holiday goods at Mrs. P. A. Lewis' store. Dolls, toys, horns, drums, games, work baskets and an endless variety of useful things suitable for holiday gifts lor old and young. At Mrs. Lewis you will Hud just such things as Santa Claus has placed on exhibition for the little folks. Shop early and avoid the rush. We sell the best. W. A. & J - O. Carter. Mrs. T. C. Harrison has return-1 eJ home from a visit to Franklin county. John K. Kilpatrick, of Church Road, Va is here on a visit to his old home. Fresh meats and oysters at W. V & J. 0. Carter's. Formerly urter & Bro. w no would have believed last Christmas that another season i f ioy was so near at hand. Dr. Walker dmnhell of Old Church, Va., is the guest of Mr na Mrs. J. a. lilghman. Mrs. Maggie Barrow, of Con cord, was here this week the guesi of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Harrison. Honor Roll Fourth Month. First Grade Helen Rowell, Julia Turner, Mabel Summercll, L'tcile Allen, Annie Joyner, Doro.- thy Blalock, Virginia Owen, Valley Harvell, Sterling Black Pierce, DeLeon Medlin, Frank Kennedy, Waller Sledge, Isaac (ireen, Ar thur Hux. Second Grade-Reynolds lid wards, Grainger Pierce, Curtis Turner, John Wyche, Blanche Bryan, Caroline Daniel, Alma Man gum, Louise Pierce. Third Grade Jack Anderson, CONl-TRMATION S E R V 1 C E . Bishop Cheshire visited Grace church Thursday evening and con firmed a class of live persons, this impressive Apostolic rite being wit- j nessed by a large congregation. j The Bishop did not preach a rcgu- lar sermon, but after the confirma- j tion made an excellent address to ! the class, which was instructive I and helpful to all. j During the afternoon Thursday he confirmed an aged lady, who ' was loo feeble to attend church, at ! her home. j Ai'i'Koi'Ri .n: Christmas Pres- 1 ENTS DlSI'l WED AT COHEN'S. ; Meerschaum and Briar root pipes. Silver deposit ware in many at tractive sliapes. Oriental novelties in great variety just received from Vaniims. Egyptian pottery and India brasses Japanese fern baskets, N.itris undies in Christmas packages. The people of Rosemary and Roanoke Rapids are especially in vited to visit my store before pur chasing their Christmas presents. Preparing for Parcels Post. 1 Postmaster John O Burton, of a elJon, is nuking arrangements to begin handling packages under i the parcels post system which goes into effect January 1st. Special stamps for these packages have . been received at the ollice and Mr. , Burton warns all against using or dinary letter postage stamps, as j the law requires these special stamps to be placed on all parcels 1 mailable under the new law. When I you have a parcel to mail apply at i the stamp window for the special : stamps. Low Excursion Rates Via A i i.antk: Coast Line Christ i mas and New Year Holidays. Re I duced rate round trip tickets will ; be on sale at stations on the Atlan tic Coast Line 10 all points south of the Ohio and Potomac and easi of the Mississippi rivers, including Washington, 1). C, Cincinnati, Ohio, and F.vansville, Indiana, for all on December 1.1, I I, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2.1, 24, 25, 31 and January I limited returning to reach original starting point return ing not later than midnight of Jan uary (i, 191.1. For further particulars, sched ules, rates, reservations, etc., ap ply to Atlantic Coast Line Agents, or address, W. J. Craig, P. T. M., or T. C. White, G. P. A Wil mington, N. C. N. C. Postoi-EICES. There are 142 first, second and third class postoffices in North Carolina. The terms of sixty-six postmasters of these offices will expire on or before March 4 next. I lere are the dates of expiration for Halifax county postoffices in the presidential class: Enfield. Dec. 17, 191 1. I iitlftnn Otnher ?K 1912 Roanoke Rapids, Jan. I, 1911. Scotland Neck, Mar. 24, 1914. Weldon, April 21, 1914. As it will be seen the postoffices ai Enfield, Littleton and Roanoke Rapids are hold overs and will be open to Democrats with the inau guration of President Wilson. Postmaster Burton, at Weldon, and the postmaster at Scotland Neck have more than a year before the expiration of their terms of of fice. Call eor Mass Meeting. In order thai we may the better ascer tain the wishes of the people of Halifax county with respect to cer tain measures which will come be fore the next Legislature, and more particularly with respect to laws affecting Halifax county such as the road, game laws, creating office of county auditor, and court stenographer, placing county offi cers on salary, etc., the undersign ed, Senator and Representatives from Halifax county will meet at j Halifax, N. C, on Monday, Janu ary (ith, 191.1, at twelve o'clock, noon, to discuss such proposed measures. We urge every voter in the county to be present on this occasion. Respectfully, W. E. Daniel, Senator. W. T. Clement, W. P. White, Representatives. ZT IK Iiiiiv-Uim J EDITION OF THE !N. Y. WORLD! jS S"- 3? ST 2T- A -"2? 2 -T5 '25 -"5 I hi ,-7a.''(Mier 'j fitHu'if- fjmni "THE CHRISTMAS PRESENT w Practically a Daily at the Price of a weekly. No Other Newspaper in the world gives so much at so low a price. 3 This is a time of great events and you will want the news accu rately and promptly. The Demo crats, for the First time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The po litical news is sure to be of the most absorbing interest There is a great war in ihe Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Em pire in Europe, just as a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last loot of soil in America, al ter having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since establish ed a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-Week edition, which c o m e s every other day in the week, ex cept Sunday. It will be of partic ular value to you now. The Thriee-A-Week World also ab ntnds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets,. cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subscription price is only 1 5l per year, and this pays lor 1 fb ; papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper ami THE HOANIOKE NEWS if vl vt it 1 fi C IZ R Y box of these delightful candies is worth One "f " not so good. In buying ft from us, you eliminate j STORE. ii . . ' . l i . i ! i I I l l 1 1 I flff.i s I'll I III K ill 'L--r-- 'Jl''J unburn High Oracle Strath- more Chocolates y During Holidays ? at W !."c the Pound Box y'f It ll It it together one year for The regular subscription price of the iwo papers is $.?.5D. .1. ilnnlur a nlnfif . I. a 'f . hand it to you direet from ( the maker. ill e want yuu 'fy pound lit onte. Vf TIIK SOITIIKIIX SVNDICATi:. 'k- tu ami :!. s'l'ul;!. W This is one of MlfS S. C. DLNMS il Over MM STOKKS. Manager. vt It vt t Wantec 000 Babies ATTRACTIVE TOURS To the I'unumu Canal, and Cuba. Jamaica A series of the most alluring trips that have been brought to our attention are those announced in a special ad. in this paper by the Atlantic Coast Line, to Panama, Jamaica and Cuba, with one per sonally conducted tour, from Key West, on January 7, as a special attraction. Those who wish to see the beauties of those countries and make a trip through Florida, inclu ding a trip over the famous "Over- Sea Railroad, should call on or address F. M. Jolly, Traffic Agent, Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington, who will personally conduct the party on the large new steamship "Evangeline," which, it is an nounced, will accommodate 700 passengers. Fou Runt and Sale. I have for sale a desirable two-story dwelling on First street and also for rent on Second street a nice two-story house. Apply to Mhs. Eva Bishop, Weldon, N Administrator's Notice. Tlir iiiiilcisiirni 'l- liiivinir iiialili-i in tin- .-iiiiMim ( unit lit Halifax ciniiitv as A'liuini.stialui- ol' tlie ('stale lit' V. S. I'niili'ii, ilri't'asi'il, mi tlii- Itli ilav of NllM'lllln r, IHIL", lii'ii'hy lilitilii's all pi'l- siiiis havinir I'lainis auamsl his sanl in. tcslati' In pii'si'iit llii'in ilulv H'lilii'.l tu liim at S'aliuai.l. X. ('., or to Ills altur ney, W. K. lianii'l. at Wi'lilon. N. ('., vvilliin tvvi lvi1 iiioiiths IVoin tin' ilali1 of this iiutu'i' or tin' saini' will lie i U-m ! 1 in har thi'i'i'ol'. All persons itiileliteil to saiil estate are iTiiiesteil lo inake iiiuneiliate pav inenl. This the nth ilav of N'oveinher, -- a i..'('i!iicKi:if. ilnir. of estate ol'W. S. I'ru.leii, ileeM. U . H. Haniel, attornev. 1 1-1 1-lit js 'J5 Si 55- I 2?'i??ri2r''?r'iCi5iSC' 1. We want to made the photographs liabies for the holidays. Our aim is to a living, speaking likeness of your baby. includes all the up-to-date folders and mounts, "A pleased customer" our motto. L V. DAVJS, WELDON, N. C Developing and Printing a Specialty. of 1,000 give you Our line Atlantic 6 ii Lias Personally Conducted lour TO PANAMA JAMAICA-CUBA FLORIDA Is offered at a comparatively- SMALL COST. C. Would You Hi-: Happy. Do you want to get the greatest happi ness from the approaching Christ mas season. If so, forget self en tirely, think of what others think and want, strive to make them hap py, and do not worry over what people think and say. At-TUU March 1th there will he a lot of non-commissioned officers. "FAGGED-OUT" WOMEN Will Find a Helpful Suggestion In This Letter. G. C. NELSON, iu:iii:i:i( op Jewelry, Phonographs, Etc. j All work guaranteed. I (iive me u share of your business j and I guarantee all my work. (i. C. NELSON. Ill Carter & Uro.'s store. ; BULBS If You Please! i i dm -lu-n -lock of l'leueh ami llollainl Hull's ale now airivitnr aiel to plant eailv iliMiles line lltmers. i For full information, the approx I imate cost of the trip from any j point desired, and for schedules on trains and on ihe ship, address the undersigned who w ill accom pany the party. Death of Mhs. Su.mmp.hlll. i Mrs. Susie Wood Sumtnerell, wife ! of Louis O. Sumtnerell, died at j her home at the "Bass place" near ; Weldon, Sunday, after a lingering ; illness with consumption. Mrs. j Sumtnerell was a daughter of the late J. II. Wood, and was a inoM excellent woman. She had heen a sufferer for a long time and lur death had been expected at almost any time. The funeral service was held Monday afternoon, con ' ducted by Rev. William Towe, of Roanoke Rapids. The interment was at the old Summercll place in the country. The remains were : followed to their last resting place i by a long procession. Mrs. Sum ! merell leaves a husband and several j children who have much sympathy in their bereavement. Overworked, run-down, "fanned out" women who feel as thoiwli tliey could hardly drac aliout, should profit T,y Miss Itichler's cxperlenet1. She lava: "La.it winter 1 was eninpletely run down mid felt facwd out all the time, was nervous and had iudiues Uuii. "Ono of my friends advised mo to take Vlnol, and It has done me great rood. The tired, worn-out feelini! Is alt Rone, and 1 am strum;, vigorous mid well. The stoinaili Iriinhli1 somi ilis.iimeared and now 1 cat heartily mid have perteet dmestion. I wish every tired, weak, nervous woman could have Vinol, fur I never spent any money In my llfo that did me so much good as that 1 spent for Vlnol." Marie Hichtcr, Detroit, Mli-h. Thousands of women nnn men who were formerly weak and siel.ly owe their present rawed te-aitn to i tu, the wonderful strensth-ereatini; effeels 1 ,,u 1,'KMI'M I'.KK weeaii make the lines ueihlim; liuiiiet ale! Mural ileMuns. Mail, trlemaph ol telephone older promptly eeeutetl hy The cruise will he on the new steam ship KVAS'iKI.IXK of the I'. & (I. s. s. Co., iLenntli :ilil I'i i t, with '-'-' state rooms ) Sailiiur fioni Key West, .lanii arv 7, l'Ha. Other sailinu's. .lanuaiv Jl, I'elnuary I and 1", March 1 and H A m il I ami I 'i. Traffic Agent, Atlantic Coast Line, WILMINGTON, N. C. i lluvana Mticc; Jan. 1 7 to M m Isit in hut 1'imlo 'H. J li will only cost a Posuil Card worth One Cenr to Get the Particulars. Why Spend All You Earn? You might get sick or hurt--be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-.an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE Bank of Halifax, I.. St ed mil 11 . President- HAL FAX, 1ST. H. L. Travis, Viei'-Prewdent. H. Gregory Cashier. J. L. 0'Ot'INN 8 I'LtililfTS, R Al.CI'ill. North Carolina. rhoiie 1 pi Ask lor ptii'e list CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. I'i, All to ho Ml I hi se I'li si llts Mav OE 30 IMy I'lfsh : of Vinol. We guarantee inm to 'inl you up and make you atronK If It doc not, we givo tack your wouey. ( unit' i .1 i-t't Mi j : ht u ;i-. Il Uu-ais to my sulisl'm- tiuii. iv ilulv aul In nt n'alfil iccoiil ul a1! tin- M.M'kiioU. i. .lrnisir.l in my : uilu-i-. Ihut lln' I'aiunTa ri lie's Auto inoliilf uii'l l-.lti'Im I iaiit'ct i uiiipaii v. a I'ol I'tH n lln- ""tali', whfr JHlli- t'tpaf (iiticc !- itualt'I in ihe tnwu ul' ii vnt.ly nt llahlas .lah- nt I ( ai' lma. I iVuv, ln-ine: I F. i'.iSrrAIi.BACK'!S 8 rM)i:in'AKi:n, v North Carolina. Weldon, vv. M. COHEN. Weldon, N.C. 1 the ilrlll then-Ill ' tlieltol. ilpi'll win. in ! sel t-'l. l,:ls eiiiiii.lii-.l tlll'llls n! I luiptiT L I . enlllli.l I ..ll...l;i!;.il I'liillk'e iniiv hi- Larry Bailey. Casper (Iregory, j Allen Pierce, Warren laylor.Juck Turner, Mabel HoKlford, Thelma Pilley, Henrietta Speiglit, Virginia Stainb.ick, Mary White, htliel Stanly. Sixth tirade- Kainne vl ikriii-s Pauline Moreliead, Myrile Smith Seventh (Irade-Louis Daniel, Koy Owen, 1'sther.Mlsbrook, Julia MotmtcaMle, Marion Daniel, Vir ginia Inge. H,oh School II lear: dracc Jones, Willie MusKrove, Lilliellay Shaw, Nannie Harvell. Ill Year. William Ward, Chas. Pillpu IV Year. Mildred Spiers, Ruth Clark. t, , Honor Work-Mary New, Allan Andleton. Joseph Blalock, Minnie Lucas. Change In FiumNami:.-C E. f'-iri. r h.ivmn iii!il nil lli1! illlerL'St A HAPI'Y and L'nod wtll in the tirucery busi ness heretofore conducted by Car- i ter & Bro. to J. O. Carter, the new firm will continue business at the old stand under the firm name i of V' A I (). Carter, and not i onlv ask lor a continuance of the ! reusable whiskey funnel iii'eiai p.iiion.itc extended to the old firm, but these young I men, who are wide-awake ami en I tiTprisitii ask for an increased Chmtmas to All ! Fkom the W. C. T. Ll.-We wish I it were in our power to give to , Weldon just such Christmas joy as ihe angels sang 1912 years ago. j "On earth peace, good will toward ; men. Alas: mere is ine imns- ihe wine, the i gil iiiiill uil li) Ine iirn.eiid.iiii.) , in this enlightened, advanced age, to mar the sacred thought, the moral uplift, that the wonderful birth and gifi of Jesus to a world so amazingly loved by its Creator. We would not have one drop of Dk l'.l'Ml'AS' l.i:CTlTr..-l1ev. wine, whiskey, card party nor one ; W. I'. Bunipas, presiding cider ol questionable social in U eldon. lint the Warrenion disinct, OTIC-K. Ninth laiiilina. Ilulil'iix l iiiinly. iinie i:. I'.viins ami t'. 1111 s. I mtiH Hai nes herein appeal mil ly Llliutt It. laili. In tinanlian a.l litem. ami lime Willi Ihe ii'iiie llmsal ul I'li'i. pi.-liiiunaiv t.i l ull Line ol CASkLTS. COITTNS and ROMCS. Day, Mk'iI "" Out-of-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, patronage, promising quick deliv cry and good goods. i I n. lei ami by virtue nf the .oei i vested 111 the ii'mleisnrni-.l eiiiniinsMiinei i 1,.. .. ol.ler of the Mi pel nil i e.'iuit of Halifax e.miily, N I'., in the 1 aliow entill'-.l eane the nn.leisitne.l . ei.ininissliilH'l ll ill mi the 17th Day ol January. IOU, i K,. I.. I eash, t.i the l.mli. sl I. l.l. lei Htl-'1 ' oYU-k V.. :i! t!:c I""' !'"? :n ', ! town of Wel.h.ll. V 1' . Ihe tnllow llll! ! ! ,l.eiilu ! lot nf lan.l situate in Ihe l"n . ; iifWillnii. N r.. toit ' ' li., nihil' I Ii II I V leit ..11 the i-asl mle : , nf Wasliinntoii Avenue ami exteii.lini! i liaek ill paiellel hue one liiin.lieil ami j fiiriy-mirlit feet, a.ljoiiiiiii! the laii.lK ot I estate ol .1. T. liians, ain l.iheito uml 1 ntlieis ami kllnu a the Unfu'elstiill 1 iiml.eltv. I Lis ll.e I 'III ilav nf lleeellll.i l . 1 1.1 uiii.l-: v i.hi.i.s. Ciilllllllssiiiliel the issiiiiilv of llns 1 . itiliealeiil lnss.l tion: . Nuw. Tlieiel'nii'. I. .1. I'.iyan liiini. s. I Sei'letaiv 11! -tale ill the Mate nt Ninth i Canihiia. ilo In iel. ee. lily that the -anl j em pmai inn .li.!. mi the :ist .lav ul' ue- , lol.er. tiip.', lile 111 my nlhee a 'inly i-x- i eenteil ami atteste.l eiinsent 111 wntniir ; to the-ilissiilulii.il 1. f sanl eiiipi.iatii.il, eM'llte.l l.y all Ihe -t.ielvh.ililels theleuf. wliiell sui.l e.ilisi-nl ami the tei'iir.l ul the plin'ee.hlii.'s alulesal.l ale llnw nil lile in my sai-l ..ilii-.- as pm nleil l.y law . Ill I'esliuii.liy W helei.l. 1 hae llelelo j s.-l my hail. I aiel aihxe.l my ollieial seal -at Itaii iuh, tins .list In v ut 'i iel. 1I..1. A i l I'lpj i .1 I'.I.V N I.IIIUI.-. ; ll-l I- It M-en taiy n f -tale I M Seventeen years, OI I I'M KAI. PIKLCTOH AMI I MHALMHR. lixperiente Hearse Service Anywhere, 30E3EZXC1 Jl METAL SHINGLES NO I K I !. 'iij delivered a leciure in the Sunda school room of the M. I' church lasi Friday night, on Ciinsianiiiioplc and ihi Balkan war. He g.ie his hearers u most interesting description of . Constantinople, saying il is one of; the most niagniticani cities in the world Owing to ihe very cold weather for this season ol the year the audicr.ee was not as large as il otherwise w ould have been. Those present Kit amply repaid for their attendance, and those who were ubi.ein misseJ a ereatdeal. Administrator's Notice. il . .1.- I........1..I we wouw give me )ouuu I'luuiuiii socials every evening and suppers without intoxicants, for we know that alcohol in ihe cut glass wine cup or costly beer stem is itst as dangerous, poisonous una mk as , '...,,, h ,i. ,n annee.l of ihil f.illinl in tie rustV Whiskey i i;,.l ilecease.l. hereliv not Hit mug We would remember to give to those inure unfortunate than ourselves AV. C. T. V. of Weldon. Mipel Fok Hl'NV Conveniently ar ranged two-story dwelling in splan did neighborhood, on Llm street, occupied now by Captain Bryan ! and family Apply at ihis office. I he iiinleisiL'iie.l ha mi! iiiahlieil on the .'1st .lay ol iieloliei-, KM'! ill Ihe mi eouil "t llahtav e.uiniy an so- 1', all , , i... . .i . i... -..,.1 .risuns iiiii.iiuk ei.uins .iii.i.us, n. n testalol to pli'sellt tlielll. lull velltleil tu him wilhiii 12 month from the date ol tins not ioi- at Ins ollice in Wei. Inn. N. I'., in the same will he ph-a.le 1 in harlheie- of. All person inilel.t.-.l to s.,.., estate are ' reiuele.l to make limn hate. Tin the "III .lav ol'Novelnhei. I'lpj W E.DASIKI., ' Viluii. Willi the will anuexeil of h I'. Iteiil, ileeease.1 I 11 I t HI Sale ol a Valuable Two-Story House and Lot in the 1 o n of Weldon, North Carolina. i in .-aliiolav. Iieeeiul'-T -1st. PIJ, at inn eliick p in . at V . I I ni. N. t , 1 mil ii llei I.. i sale at pul.he auetioli to the lntln si l.iil.lei tin cash, my house ami lot in the town of Wei. Ion. N. t ., In. it' nil the west si.le of l e.lal street, ti.uitiiiL' lillv two i'.-.'i feel on sauK'e.lai stieet. an. I minimi: haek same v.i.lth (hie Ihiu.lie.l ami l orty two (111 feet. I the sin. I lot I. ell. i; that lilelltioal hit emi eveil l.y one Mullen Id W. h. 1'aniel au l kuoiMi as lot nuiuliei thirty iinie I. III! mi pint leeul. leil with .leeil flulll -aul Mullen In liiiniel Mliieh aptieui ul leeiu.l in Hook of liee.ls No. t IL' at pane j No. .iVi in the uttiee uf the Iteijistel nt lieeilrt I'm Halifax county. N. !' . which ' sai.l ileeil ami plot i herehy referreil to fur ilescnptioii ami iilenlilieatiiiti ol the taiil lot. I he house entilainii live nice miiiiis ('onil watei, healthy anil ile- iral.le location. Insuranfe of ftUnU on the house paul up until -eptemlici 1st, IOI 1, policy of which will lie duly liaiiN t.'iie.l to ptneliaser. tune of "sale Sitiirilay, Hecemliei ;ll. PH.', at - to o'clock p. m. Ter am uf sale t 'ash. Mil.-. C 1'. hMAI,I.WtH)l. l'.v W in. I. Kuitfhl. Atloiney. n '."mi TI HOW TO KNOW TKE GENUINE, V LOOK FOU THE STAMP "CORTRIGHT" Reg. U. S. Pt. Off. and f i -r; t l i iiiluhlutr, if you want roof that ill l.i.l . : !.-nn .is t'. c building, mil never nrrd repairs rev. r ne,d ..llrntion ol ny kind, exrejit mi mciMonal roat nt unit. 3. Fix-pionf - .N'.imi-proi - .ii'idi.ni.- piuo Kill SALE BY J. S. Tl.'KNF.K. TLnt)N, N. C. FIRST MTIDM BANK OF MMl EAPIBS. Roanoke Rapids, N, C. CAPITAL 850,000 SURPLUS 55,000. S III Ki:V S I'll'Mlll'llt. in., l ashier. S 1'. I'atlerson, C. A Wvche, .1. V.. Wicker, W. A. l'lcree, K. II. I!i OIRECTORS: W. . Parker, l-'.J. Iloun.ls, ,1. M. .laekiiuii, W. II. t. IliiiKWVn S. I' , 1'Arn.iisiiN, iee l'reHideiit. .Ions I. l'rn:i!so, Viee I'reaiileut Asst. Cashier. .1 ihil I.. Patterson, ('. I'. Bonn. Is, J.T. Uoo h. Succeedintt the First Notional of Weldon nnd the Bank ol Roanoke Rapids. N C. All r.-uikintf ( olhetion anil Commercial Hiuinewt Invited. I . S. Iii ponitnry for C.veriimeiitl'uuitH. I'or Kataten in llankriiptcy, anil I'ottal Samn lii'iontn. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts INSURANCE DEPARTMENT l-or the convenience or the general puhlic, w e hav e iuauirurated Uii irh ment. All forma or insurance written promptly and at l"wt rate. iitw Urn 4

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