r -"-"f.BSsetlfc,. IB sr4 iSrl JtJ. WW A 1 ,-Ttisinjl !ates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. lerms of Subscription?,! .50 Per Annum VOL. XI VII. ' Wi:iJ)()X. N. ('., TIll'liSDAY, -JANTAKY IC, Will. NO. iis IN 1990. "Murium, ou llnve Wade Me the Happiest Woman in the World. THE OLD HALL CLOCK, THE HUMAN HANDICAP. treat Kate l or All Ages, Adam as the Starter. With J fir fesfi N Hi it MB W 11 c- sJj J fM Tjl! n llli .M.ii'llnl, 3 pen fl; v-i ANH'oi.iliL'PrrpwionrarAs! ::iin:,iiii!:;Mii'it;i(.inic(iia Pmi-.ni. flirt.. ... ri...J.. i :ui.ti,ir.- i 'r. :euil.l.limiW i iv:;s ai'.il !Vs!.Cuniair,s ncita i pn i ui .; lorphitir iwrMuitTaH NOT N AKCOT..P. j,wiv fruuBrSwamam Pw4iit Smi' ix.Seatm JtMfjtlt- 1 AiisrSttd . 'itrMui' - luh.riLiuikL.1iit Him SrrJ- I C'ai(nl Supr . I i iutwfiai Harer. 1 Apsrfect Remedy foi-Ctnislipa-lion Sour Slomarh.niarrlKifj Worms .Coimilsioiisi'wrisli mssniaLossoFSuu;p. facSimili Signaiiirf of KEVV YOUK. Guaranlc cTl unfrriTic Foodnj Exact Copy of Wrapper, Spanish i ft m I: are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORIOI.k, VA. 3 THE BAM t)F WELDOrll WKLDON, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of WeMon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For nearly 'Jo yearn thin institution has provided Imukinir facilities for this section. Its" stockholder and oHicus aiv identified ith tin' busi urss interests of Halifax an-1 Northampton counties A Savings liepartmeut is maintained for the benefit of all who desire lo deposit in a Savings ank. In tin- I epartninil nili-nt is ;ttlii.i-l a i'ollows: For Deposits allowed toreinain tin ft inoutlis or lonnvr, L' per cent. Six inontlisor lomfer, H per cent. Twelve nmntlisoi lonirer. percent. iiy information will ho furnished mi application to the President 01 raliiei I'RHSIDKNT : W. 10. DAN I K I., VICK-I'KKSIOKN'T: W. K. S.MW'II. JOHN (). UliAKK, 'IVIIi-r. ttlKECTOIW W. I!. Smith. W. K. 1 J. L. Shi'plicnl, V. A. I'leiw, II. I'.. OE Dixon & Poo MAM' FACT 1' It K US Ol- Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MAHIC TO Oinir.K AND liKlil l.AK STOCK Sl.IH Oood Materials, High (Irade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, jranononiaiN if MnDTUfUlDTnU 0. UPOTPflDfl Dflll WAY M q nuninnnir iuh mniLiiii wim ihhuiim q HEAD DOWN I Daily except Sundays No liNo.;No.ii ..M.;I'.M.UM K::i ,12:l.-i !HN)!f:V !U.- 1:11.1 4: l.tuu' (iiinilii'iry Arrive Leave M lielil Arrive Arrive .luckson Leave W NO'l'K - Mnwfli'M ia Klsir Sl.ltlml .ifii t.ii mnnatrt'v s vniu't1. itiinini'i i . 0EZI0XZ3 Subscribe to the Roanoke News, only $1.50 per year. Advertising rates made known on application. For Infanta arid Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ears the Signature; In Use or Over Thirty Years TMC CINTAUH COMPANY, NCW TOUR OlTV. Peanuts. 3E 0 II i; s Tit wis. . it-l. K. S. Tmvw. W. M. fulim. Zullioollfi, .1 . W. SIimU'i-. N. C. I K'-ftu Ul AI'KII. I. IHI I Haily eul Suniay.: No.JlNn.4 No.tl A.M. I'M. I'M. H:.-i: a:(KI .Vn'm HM.'iI J::-ij -:'-': l(l:Hll! '.M,')! 6:111 W. lioltL'KTNON. Ceneml Manager i-.. .. ni.n . " 01 W if m "I-I-l-l have come, my dear madam, I-l-l-I have c-c-c-oome to to ak for your c-e-c-consent. I would like to marry your beautiful son, lidwin." "Young woman, do you think you can support my son in the manner to which he has become accustomed ? Or do you want my son, just because I am a rich wo-' man?" "I think I can s-s-s-support j him." "Remember, he is somewhat j frail, and can do no heavy house work, and the pin money I allow I him now amounts to $25 a week, j It would be a hardship for him to j be deprived of any of the luxuries j he now enjoys at home.'1 I "1 have considered all of that." j "He has an automobile and 5 driver for his own use when he i goes out to make his afternoon calls on his young gentlemen ; friends. He is temperamental and takes no interest in the run ning of a house. He cannot cook : and spends a great deal of time dawddling over fancy work and china painting. " "I know of all that, but 1 still love him, and 1 will cherish him and protect him " "I lis clothing is a great item of expense. His hats alone cost me a small fortune. " "I know." "You know men are Mighty and often surler from nerves. They are rightly called the weaker sex, and are becoming more and more a problem." "I realize that, but 1 have al ready bought the ring for lidwin. All we need is your consent." "W hat are your prospects ?" "I am in the hide and tallow business with my mother, and we have prospered. Father and the boys spend a great deal of time in l-'urope and all of their summers at the seashore. Mother expects to be able to spend more time with them in the future, as she will re tire Irnni business and leave me in charge ol it. 1 will give hint a line town house and a summer chateur, a valet and an electric limousine." "lam not pariieul u'ly anxious to see tn y son marry into the hide and tallow business, but if he loves you, I suppose any objection on my part will be useless. Young men often get foolish notions in this regard nowadays. They are so romantic and unbusiness-like. Are you the rattle brained young woman who has been playing a mandolin under his window every night and sending him violets every morning?" "1 must confess that I am." "Well, 1 suppose I might as well consider your proposal. Hut don't elope with him. If you do he will never get one cent ol my money." "I promise. " "Well, bring around your bank books and I will look them over. Cood day, I am very busy." "Madame, you have made me the happiest woman in the Wot Id. Good morning." KTA IT III' l ill HI ,i':do, U UN 1 Y ) ( IIY ul itil.l 1.1 t'A Ct)l flunk .1. ( lii'iiey makes oath that lie is seiiiur partner of tlie tirui ol' 1'. .1. Cheney A Co.. iloiiig liusiness in tlie eily ol'Toleilo, County ami State iifuresaicl. ami that saM linn I'av the sum of nNi: lit NIHii:i liOLI.MtS for eaeh ami every ease of ( atari h that cannot he cured hv tlx- use of Hall's Catarrh ( me " ITiANK .1. ('HUSKY. Sworn to hefore me and suhseiihed in my presence, this lith day of Decemher, A. I'. ISHI. (Sinned) A. W. tiLK ASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catuirh Cure istaken internally and ets directly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system. r. ,i. chunky co., Toledo, Ohio. IVstiinonials sent free. Price 7f cents per bottle. Sold by all druists. I'ako lWI'n Kainily Pill's for Conslipa oa. Adv. What a store of information You must have in stock. Not a word of revelation In your staid "tick-lock." You have watched the decades passing as the ships upon the sea, Stores of knowledge e'er amassing as the generations flee. Can't you tell some of your secrets 10 a little boy like me ? But the old hall clock Answered just: "Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock." Never changing the expression Of your placid face. Never making a confession Any time or place. Can't you tell me of the courting you have seen upon the stairs? Of the stately wedding marches, of the ministers and prayers? Of the good old squires and damsels who have come and gone in pairs? But the old clock Answered just : "Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock." It's for history I'm seeking And you've got to tell. It's of father I am speaking, And you might as well. When a youngster, was he always doing just exactly right? Did he have to have a licking almost every single night ? Now, you needn't fear to trust me, for I'll keep it secret, quite. But the old hall clock Answered just : "Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock." Bland recorder of the ages, If you'll be so kind, Turn ahead among Life's pages, Tell us what you find. When you look into the future, tell me hat ii is you see. Whit, in just another decade, is this old world going to be? Tell me, what is going to come of iust a little boy like me But the old hall clock Answered just : "Tick-tock, Tick lock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock." MEMORIES. The rose within the room makes sweet the air With perfume wrought by misiic alchemy Of sun and dew, and every heart may share The wildwood beauty God ordained free. And, though one bear it fading from the room, Still in the morning air it's breathing sweet Brings dreams of garden aisles and vanished bloom, And charms that made the summer's joy complete. So when from out our narrow round of days A loved one's soul ere all its beamy dies Is borne afar down still and soundless ways, About us still a healing comfort lies. Hach common thing love touched is sanctified. And soothes the quick because of one asleep; By memories our thoughts are glorified; Our hearts remembering remembrance keep. The perl time lingers when the rose is dead, And lures the heart to dream with its sweet breath; The love of love is ours when life has fled, And links our souls across the deeps of death. Occasionally a candidate fails to discover which side of the fence he is on until he falls off. As you travel in the smoking car of life you will notice a lot of men who merely chew stubs. Most of us get what we deserve, but fail to recognize it. , Perhaps platonic love by any i other name would give rise to just as much gossip. A breach of promise suit is bad, but the same girl as a wife might have been worse. Love's young dream is all right in its way but it's only a dream. Mward Clark, a vaudeville co Indian of unique ideas and a sirange determination to satisfy himself whether or not advertising pays, has recently copyrighted and is , sued a poem entitled "The Human Handicap. It shows that the winner was handicapped by the start, but came slow and sure Woman, Wine and Song, a hard combination lo beat. Youth's too siroug headed and father cmild do nothing with him. Ambition and Man were going well, but were interfered with by Dissipation. Poor Health came through on the rail, when Man swerved from the pace. Infant gave way in the early running. Accompanying the poem is a racing form in which the entries and jockies are given, as follows: "The Human Handicap" A race for all ages. Distance, for ever and aye. Stan, fair for all. ; Starter in the race, Adam. Assis tant starter, l:.ve. STARTERS. Death Poor Health, . Dissipation jockils. Colli n Brokendown ; Jolly Woman, Vanity Wine .Good fellow Song Singer Ambition Hope Man, Pair Sex Youth, Father Infant Mother : Of betting, there is none.the au- i thor states, owing to the race be ing too uncertain. In the descrip tive poem, however, the winner is handily selected as follows: THE START. "They're off. " The starter has dropped his flag. There they go! Ah! what a sight; Infant is leading, got the rail, And Mother is hugging tight. It looks like Infant is losing ground Hello! He bolts, too late, I le's dropped back in the ruck, and : Mother cannot keep him straight ! AT THE Ql'AkTLR. : Youth is full of running, And jumps into the lead, l ather is urging good advice, But Youth, he will nut heed I le's t nulling wild. I lello ! I le's siepped into a hole. Looks as though Youih is done I for ; j Yes, Lather lias lost control. AT THE HALE. Man now forges to the from, ; Ambition is burning up the track ; : Man is anxious, wants logo, but j Fairsex holds him back. Wine and Song now come along ' and Man falls in between. ; Try as he may to shake them off', j I le can't; that's plainly seen. ! AT THE THREE-QUARTERS. Ambition is gone. Man clings onto Wine, Woman and Song; ! It's a question now if Man can last with Dissipation running strong. : Man is going a terrific clip, with Dissipation at his side, Man is game, won't give up, Although he's beai, he still has pride. INTO THE STRETCH AND I'INISH. Man has still a little left, I It's plain though he can't last; i Poor Health is at his heels, and Death is coming fast. The pace that kills has settled Man. He falters, out of breath, And with a chostly burst of speed Comes in the winner Death. Hscoped After fifteen Years W.P. Urnyles made a successful escape i utter lifleeu vears of sulle riior fioni kid ney and bladder troubles. I'oley Kid ney Pills released him and nill do just the same for others, lie says: "They cured a most severe backache w ith pain ful bladder irregularities, and they do all you claim for them.'' Refuse sub stitutes Adv. ECLAHK, It might be well for some wives to remember that nagging don't make the nag go. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the T Signature of L6etS7lff4cUM Occasionally a couple marries in haste and Ipye ever after they se cure a divorce. When a v.'iini.m Mil'IViin fnnn sonic form of fcinini'ne disorder is told that an operation is necessary, it of course; frightens her. TTie very thought of the hospital operating table and the surgeon's knife strikes terror to her heart, and no wonder. It is iiiite true that some of these troubles may reach a stage Vvheie an operation is tlie: only resource, but thousands of women have ,ioided the necessity of an operation by taking Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. T his fact is attested by the grateful letters they write to us after their health has been restored. These Two Women Prove Our Claim. Cary, Maine. " I IV, '1 it a duly 1 owe to all suHVrin:.r woin.'n to tell what Lvilia K. Pinkham's WtretiiMe I'mnpoiind did fur me. one year ao 1 found myself a terrible snlferer. 1 had pains in butli Miles and such a soreness 1 could seareeiy staiirliten up at times. My baek ached, I had no appetite and was so nei'vmis t could uot sleep, then I would he so tired mornings that I could scarcely jret around. It seemed almost im possible to move oi- do a bit of work and t thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an e.pei a tion. 1 commenced taking Lvdia K. Piuliham's Vegetable Cumsund and soon felt like a new woman. 1 had no pains, slept well, bad good appe tite and was fat and could do almost Now answer this question if you can. Why should a wo man submit to a surgical operation without first giving Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others why should it fail in your case? For 30 year f.vdiu I'.. I'inkham's V"s;'tsiblo t on; pound lias been the standard remedy for fo male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it lias restored so many Hufferinir women to health. ffyg-Write to LVDIA K.PINKIIAM MEWCINECO. jfMl? , COAT! IlKNTI t L) LYNX. MASS.. for advice. Your letter !; be opened, read by a tvi Id in strict Hints for Housekeepers Keep Eoley's I I.iitcy and Tar l oin pound uluays on hand, and vou can iinckly head oil' a cold l,v its prompt use 1 1 eoiilams no opiate, hcul and suoilie. the inlluiiicl air p.isvaues. slops Ih'1 t'MiiL:ii. and niav -,a c :i luu doctor's bill. Ill the yellon package - dv L. ci.vi.'K III R I'Ol ICY I le - Pardon me, Inn I'm not Sir John, only just plain Mr. She Oh, well, you know, in lliese days, when there are so many new titles, I always give people the benefit of the doubt. London Opinion. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S CASTORIA hat a lovely old world ilus is for a girl the first time she falls in love and what a sadness it is when she falls out again. The self made man is unable to see where he could have made any improvement on his work. Cough, Cold SoreThroat Sloan's Linimout triws (t.iirk ivlief lor cough, cold, luiiLrseucs sore Luroat croup, aatfmia, hay i'ever unci bronchitis. HERE'S PROOF. Mi:. Ai.nritT V.rnirK.of VVodontu, Kim., wiiti'Mi "We tint Muiii'K Luii- iiicnt iu tlx- f.nuilv uii'l tl mi tt mi vi ct'Ufiit. relitt i.iri'ItitU ami luy It-vwr ttlickfl. llKtni'A foil 'llll'g Ulill BHOO- iug (i(tuot iiifiULUily. SLOANS LINIMENT KUJhVhi) SukE THkOAT. Mrnt. 1,. Hin-wKu.of M.olollrt.rift., writ'": " 1 liMii-hl i.ne b..u v uf y.ur l.inniH-tit hii 1 nihil mo All tlie rchhI In thH world, My lliritut n verv icre, uid il cui od me of my trouble.' ' GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. Mr. W. II. straw, S7J1 Klmw.M Avpmio, Chicago, I'l., wnt'f; "A lit tle bnv llOJtt il"'T hint croup. I guve the mother Slmm's l.inltm'nt tn try. Nlie gtive lilm llirt'o (Imp on antfar 1fnr poliiR to !-'l, uiul io K"t up without tlto croup iu Uio morning," Prloo9 25c, 50o,9 $1.00 &inPr sentfreo. a!l my own work for a family of lour. I shall always feel that I owe ley rood health to your medicine.'' Mrs. llAVWAUI) Sowehs. Cary. Me. Charlotte, N. C " I was in bad health for two years, with pains in holh sides and was very nervous. If 1 even lilted a chair it would cause a hemorrhutrc. 1 had a grow th hieh the doctor said was a tumor and 1 never would pet well unless 1 had an operation. A friend advised me lo take Lydia E. Pin-kliam's Vegeta ble Compound, and 1 triad ly say that 1 am row cnjoy'iner fou: health and ain tin' mother of a nh e baby pirl. You can use this letter to help other sufferiuir women." Mrs. ItosA Sims, 1H W'youa !-t., Charlotte, N. C. jjsmJk and answered rJ.y confidence. Wood's Seeds lor The Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up to date, sivmR descrip tions and lull i id ormution about j the In st iio.l iniet profitable I seeifi to i.uAV. it ti IU .ill about Glasses and Clovers, Seed I'otatocs, Seed Oats, i Covv Peas, Soja Beans, 1 lie llest Sctil Corns unit oil other j la 1 111 and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has j loin been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it. T. W. WOOD J SONS, M LDSMr.N, RICHMOND, VA. Choice Cut Flowers I.'om n. Ciitmiliuhs anil Violets a spec ialty, fur artistic artaniroments in uftMiti ouitils ate rijual to the best. Nittlim thu'i in Mural oil'-'iinirsthan our styles, r.louniim.'" pot plants, palms an. I ti-ii iu uirat variety. Unse hushes, stiMiMier es evnyn ens, hctle plants ami Miale lives. Mail, telegraph or telephone orilei'K promptly executed by J. L. O'QUINN 8 COMPANY ruiuisTs, RALEIGH, North Carolina. l'hotiew 110 Auk for price lint J T. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON.S.C. Practices in the court of Halifax and ailjoinini; countieH and ii. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and puimpt return flail's Magazke aad McCall Patterns For Women Have More Friend than anv other magazine or patterns. McCalfs is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand bullies. Ht sides showing all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, eaeh isue is brimful of sparkling short st- riis and helpful information for women. Sar Monty ami Keep la Styk br itiforHH ie tr McCjII' Marine at once. Com oniv y emu a Year, including any oni of the celebru-d McCatt hmerni free. McCall Patterns Lad all other in style, ft, siniiiluity, economy and nnmlwr told. Mere dealers it'll McC.lf Patterns than any other e makes combined. None higher than 15 cents. L-.iy from your dealer, or by mat! trora McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 V. 37U St, New York Gty tltr-mfi C'fj, PtmIvm Ottihfii u4 ft ire Cw.lBjt fa:, Hakes Kidney a and B?rt

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