11 m "9 WM I ts'i I Ut wnnaaraeii.ra.iaaaaa aaV, HI hi faSssafi lw4 Wei HtSSj Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. ('., TIMIKSDAV, ! KMlUAll V 20, ..)1.5. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLVII. xo. -j a Tlie Kind You I hire Always Bimglit, rtii.l which lias bern in use tor over Utl yearn, liu borne the Klirimluro of ana has Hcon in.'ulo uurtor Ms per &ffrA, 0,m! ""PcrvlHlon sliito Its liiluiiey. ooiOax. Allow no ono to lrci liiiymilii this. All Counterfeits, Imitations mid ".Tust-n.e;ioil"ni hut i:prrininils tluit trlllo with wil rndutigir the) health of Infants and Children Kinericnoe) ngiilnst Kxpi'ilmiMit. What is CASTORIA Castorlu I a hunnloNS mihstituto fop Castor Oil, Parn rorio, Drops ami Kimlliliiff Syrijps. It In l'ieiixant. It contains iielllit r Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic iibHtuncr. Its nee Is it s'larantc. It destroys Worms mid allays J'VvorisliiK-s-'. It cures Dlarrlm-n ami Wind folic. H relievos Teidbl'itr Trouhles, cures Const Ipation und riiitolency. It Assimilate the Food, regulates tho Ktom.H'h mid JStuvils, giving healthy nnd natural sleep, Tho Children's; iaime:a Tho lother's lrieiul. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of HOW TO COMPEL LOVE FROM THE MERE MAN. Clin ii woman make ii iiiiui lovo her? Yes, often she ciin if kIio lays herself out In do It. Tho must Important lnt In Unit liu must u,,t ,iiuv it. Tho woilil's lilslmv gives us ninny Instances uf the hue compelling power of even unattractive women. To compel Into n woman must kviii palhtze w HIi ii man. Sli must not often contradict Win. Shi- must Halter him, nnil h't him thinli Unit his opinion is the only one Unit tuiitlcrs. Slit' must put lilm Into good conceit Willi himself. Shu must exert powers of charm nnil never bore him. Sim must lie bright nnil amusing In Ills presence. She must hit ii good itiil of him, for absence gonei'tilly makes tho heart grow fonder if some ono else: HOT BISCUIT 9 het cakes, made with ROYAL Baking Powder arc delicious, health ful and easily made. THE OLD FIELD ROAD. HEALTH RULES. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. m FROST XL w FROM WiK OUUllW). I aBBAGE I'LANT (.BOWERS I t'lii'iani'i'mii, Riiiiic. ti .n.i : " I u J..V.A turn.- '-T 'N LK(JLtfi- f Xrw- r titu, i . i Established 1668. Paidln Capital Stock $30,000.00 'i-iTw " U - -r moT PMOOr Plm In l t N-.w tmi.r v f ;,.iinit wtl-tlM rii-tomcr. Ii n . 11 'ij old t. - ; l.'.gr )i ti.tn Dim nil rnhn pt t..in In ihr Southern aMitfeiMtf. W HYf HMiir fiiir.,pr- m I a or nil vmirn.om t hiu'lt, Ordtr now: it if tiniB t tbvm iant in yuur -i"t t t i im chiIv o bl-itpf, and they an Ut ohm (nut HI fiirt hi ttitl nifiiii'f. I In i of I'lHTita, wu ii ir i ni ninM timiny. Wt tow threa tons of Cabbage Seed p?r season V,r.lK:5"ei trnlt IT ani nfTianiMntnt. Write f-r tt ' t-n n'' in nmn- vtilii'Si I 'f.mmtinn nUmt fr-i and TirUliliirriwiiiir. i.n rnMi.-itf pi- t l v n.'-H r-tm:f I'm-i (icvntK it ii pi-m "f mitw, liiivrr imvitie rii-ri'iicliHrr. win, ti Wm, C. Geraty Co., Hux g CI ! I nl rnt - )! t-r luw: nW l.ir t! ). l,ikj I : 1" 'itifl n nvr-r ?i.ni )-r thimhund, V' Island, S. C. i How to Keep Well a. the Japanese Do ; In Their Country, The follow lni; rules for the K ml i guidance of the people In health unit tern Inive lieen printed mid widely ills trlhilled by the .liipuuese Koveriimeut: First. - Spend ns much time out of doors us possible. Ilasli much In the mm nnd tiike plenty of exercise. Tnkfl rnre Unit your respiration Is always deep and rcKUlar. Second. As regards meals eat meal only once n day, and let the diet lie eKijs, cereals and vegetables, fruits mid flesh cow's milk. Take the Inst named an much ns possible. Miisiicute your food ciuol'iilly. Third. -Take u hot ha III every da) and ti Hteani bath once or twice n week If the heart Is stroiiK enouKh to bear II. rourlli.-Knrly to bed and enrly ti rise. Fifth. Sleep In u very dark and very quiet room, wilt) windows open. Let the minimum of sleeping hours lie sli or six und one half hours. In ciise of woman eight und one Imlf hours Is ad vlsnble. Sixth.- Take one day of absolute resl each week In which you must refriih from even reading or wrlliug. Seventh. Try to avoid miy oiiUiiiinIs of passion ami strong mental slliuula lions. Ho not tax your brain lit the occurrence of inevitable Incidents or ol coining events. Do not say unpleasant things nor listen, if possible to nvold il. to disagreeable things. Kighth. lie married! Widows nnd widowers should be mnrrled with the least isslblo delay. .Ninth.- He moderate In the oonsiimp tion of even tea nnd coffee, not to sn tobacco tint! alcoholic beverages. Tenth. Avoid places that are too warm, especially steniu uenled und badly ventllnteil rooms. THE BANK OF WELDON Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weklon Deposiiory. Capital aDfl Surplus, For nearly L'n years this institution has proviilcil bunking facilities for this section. Its stockholders anil ollici is mc identilied ivitli the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Noitliampton counties. A Savings llepaitinelit is maintained fur the benefit of ail who desire to deposit in a Savings liauk. In tins I leparluieut interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toreniain three months or longer. 1' pel cent. Six months or longer, X percent. Twelve months or longer. I per cent. Any information will lie furnished on application to the 1'iesitlentoit'usliiei IP AT FIRST YOU DON'T. Little Florence had been naughty, and when she was about 10 retire her mother said : "Now, Flor ence, you must kneel down and ask the Lord 10 fogive you for be ing naughty." "Please," began Florence, "for give me for being a naughty girl, and if at first you don'i succeed, try, try again." rBltSIOKNT: V. K. DANIEL, Vlt K-I'HKSIIHIM: W. It. SMITH. E. DH.U'F.K, Teller. I ASIIIKH: l. I'KMs DIRE(rOUS VI. K. Smith, W. E. Daniel, It S. Travis. W. M J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. It. tfolheoller, .1 . W. Sledge. olien, HOW MRS. BROWN SOFFERED During Change of Life How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Made Her a Well Woman. Don't you remember its winding over the stubble and turf, Its edges bordered with brambles and the scum of the windblown scurf! Don't you remember its jolting in die frost of an autumn morn When the harvesters gathered the fodder and you drove to ihe barn with the corn! The old field road round the pastures, The short-cut back from the wood, And the musk of the blooms of the summer, How spicy their balsam, and good! Don't you recall all its beauty of briar and trailing vine, In summer the wild roses and the smell of the muscadine; The hoofs of the horses thudding on its surface so soft and deep, And the dreams way off in the pastures as you followed the trail of the sheep! The old field road was so happy, So different from made roads, you see, And it brought you with cuts across corners By ihe walnut and sycamore tree! The butterflies loved it as you did, and followed the horses along, The mocking birds seemed to be happy at hailing the morn with their song In the cedars and lindens close by it, and ihe robins and wrens, how they'd pipe When the applebloom snowstorm was over and the oxheart cherries were ripe! The old field road was so pleasant, To horses, to man and to beast, And it measured so much in its beauty To the height and breadth of a feast! Don't you remember in April how early amid all the gloom The old honeysuckle beside it smiled suddenly forth in full bloom. And the wild wistaria followed, and the buttercups cluttered the way They came with their little bowls laden so full of the beauty of May! The old field road, you remember, What a path in the fall to the snares Where you knew you would find the fat rabbits, And you always forgot half your cares ! m a n i' fact r he its of Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADE TO OlilHlll ANH liKUl'I.AU STOCK SI.Ks. Good Materials. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. WW y3l iYiinnTiiniinTnM P. ucDTtnDn DDI! WAY Pi O IIUninnlTir lUHObilLnuunu iinimni u. iq RUAD DOWN I Daily except Sundays IN 1 1 I B, I AI'HII. 1. 111 I ri;ad up Daily cxu'fl SunJay NoJjNo.8 No.5 a.nkIi'.m: pTm. "8:iw 12:15 8:85 !:0ll 12:45 4:05 9:15 1:00 4:20 Leave tiumbeny Arrive Leave Mnwliel.l"' Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave No.:' No 4 No ll' A.M". P.M. ; P.M. 11:15 S:lllli 5:55 10:15 !!:8tl 5:25 10:80 2:151 5:10 I lola, Kansas.-" During the Chance of Life I was sick for two years. Be fore I took your med icine 1 couitl not bear the weight of my clothes and waa bloated very badly. I doctored with three doctors but they did me no good. They isuitl nature must have its way. My sister advised me to take Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and I purchased a bottle. Before it was gone the bloating left me and I was not so sore. I continued tak ing it until 1 had taken twelve bottles. Kow I am stronger than I have been for years und can do all my work, even tho washing. Your medicine is worth its weight In gold. 1 cannot praise it enough. If more women would take your medicine there would be more healthy women. Ycu may use this let ter for the giswl of others." Mrs. D. II. HiiiiwN, NUI N. Walnut St, lola.Kan. Change of Life is one of the most criticul periods of a woman's existence. Women every where sh.uld remember Unit there is no other remedy known to so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia I'.. Pi.ikham'a Vegetable Compound. If yon want special advice write to I V. Vlnkham Medicine I o. (coufl- neiitial) Lynn, Mass. Your letter Fill he opened, read and answered by a nouiau and held In strict confidence. V. W. Itolll'.KTsON. (teneral Manager NOTE-Mnwncld Ina Fln Stalion liensral Manatrer's (lilies, liitmherrv. a mo) N.t'.. March 2'tli. I'HI Subscribe to the Roanoke New. only $1.60 per year. Advertisii. rates made known on application. trt HO y It AOS-MAR KS, l 'n itHH I '.'A j irIroTimUrliViiliilitv. hilf nl lrrt- ho,.ka on MOW TO ornimm ai Hit. inch on.m nMMUetit law GETHSEMANE. In golden youth, when seems the earth A summer land for singing mirth, When souls are glad and hearts are light And not a shadow lurks insight, We do not know it, but there lies Somewhere, veiled under evening skies, A garden each must sometime see Geihsemane, Geihsemane Somewhere his own Geihsemane. With joyous steps we go our ways, Love lends a halo to ihe days, Light sorrows sail like clouds, afar, We laugh and say how strong we are, We hurry on, and, hurrying, go Close to the border land of woe That waits for you and waits for tne, Geihsemane, Geihsemane Forever waits Geihsemane. Down shadowy lanes, across strange streams, Bridged over by our broken dreams Behind the misty cape ol years, Close to ihe great sail font of tears The garden lies; strive as you may You cannot miss it in your way. All paths that have been or shall be Pass somewhere through Geihsemane. All those who journey, soon or late Must pass within the garden's gate; Musi kneel alone in darkness there And battle with some fierce despair. God pity those who say "Not mine, but Thine;" who only pray "l et this cup pass," and cannot see The purpose in Geihsemane. Geihsemane, Geihsemane God help us ihrough Geihsemane! CARE OF REAL LACE. How to Clean These Rare Poaseieiom Without Injury. There lire many women who possess among their treasures pieces of reitl luco which have Iwcomo so soiled that they do not know what to do with them, (if course, a gcsxl many women like tho brow n color of old lace, think lug that It slimvs that It Is real. Our great grandmothers, who scorned the idea of wearing imitations of any sort, would have boon pretty astonished lit hearing that real lace would not wash. 11 was washed In their day Just as we would wash our InillaUous, but ns they always took Inliulle pnins with their It'll r starching and blenching, no doubt the lace came In for some of this care Some old hu e is In such a frail coudl (Ion that it would be unwise to ntti'inpl to clean It at home, and It should be sent to a good lin e cleaner who would lindersland how to do It. Kt III. Ihere Is much of this that will como through the onleal iuitu sul'ely. Tho best piun, If the lace Is not t"o soiled, Is to dry clean It. Do not use naphtha or any spirit, for though Mils Is very good, It has a tendon'1.!' to weaken the already frail threads Instead, pris-ure three ounces of powdered magnesia Place In a warm oven until very dry. il.eave the oven d""r .ipeu.i Lay a clean w hite loth on a table or Hat surface, and sprc.'idlm: Ihe lace tin I ly ou this, sprln kle thickly with the dry powder. I'olii the lace, taking care Unit the inagne sin has reached every part. Lay n sheet of while paper over and then fold the cloth up over all. Place tin der il weight or between two mat tresses and leave for five days. Then unfold und shake out the powder. The dirt will come nwuy with It. How to Clean Statuary. To cleau statuary or ornaments ol white Parian marble put a small table spoonful of washing soda Into a pub half full of tepid water. Soap yellows marble and should not be used. Scrub gently with a mill brush, after which rluse twice. Wipe dry with a clean towel. He sure the oranments are per fectly dry before they are put back In their places, for If not a moist ring at Ihe base of each may Injure the table or mantel on w hich they stand. How to Warm Over Biscuits. ' To warm over biscuits and have them as fresh ns when first baked put them without wetting Into the Inner kettle of a double boiler. Have plenty of wa ter In the outer boiler and let It boll for ten or fifteen minutes. How to Clean Painted Walls. Borax and boiling hot water applied with a stiff brush having a Inliulle to Booty painted walls will make them like new. Haw to Wash Door Panel. Very frequently lace door panels shrink after washing them, tanking It Impossible to use them again. To pre vent this follow these Instructions: After removing the panel from the door thoroughly clean Ihe glass. Wash mid starch the lin e, slip I'l Ihe rods Im mediately and replace Ihe flauel ou Uu door. Care should lie observed to pull the line straight, tacking down the sides if necessary, to ittrelch the panel Allow It to dry upon the door. This gives far better results than to laundei the panel In the usual manner. RelievesNeuralgia Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief fmin neuralgia or sciatica. It goes straight to the painful pa it soothes the nerves and stops the pain. Don't rub it penetrates. PROOF Mrs. Rudolph Nisckk, Oconto, Wis., writes:" I have used Sloan's Liniment for toothache and neuralgia intheheud w here nothing else would help me and I would nut be without Ihe Liniment in the houi-t." SIMM'S writes : Is also good for rheumatism, soro throat, chest pains and sprains, Pains AU Cone Mrs. C. M. Dkwki.r, of JnlKiunHjurG. Mich., " I wish to say your Liniment is the bast medi hie in the wnrhl. It lia amd me of neuralgia; those pains have all gone ami I ran truly s;iy ymir Liniment did cure nw;.' Pain AU Cone Mr. J. K. Swing:. k. of 5 ;7 Sn. inth Ft., Louisville, Ky,, wiitcs: " I pufi '! wi:'i fjuitc a severe nuralc h"ut!ai !.u f r few rvnit' i without any 1 -Hi f. 1 t? -.l v i.r Linin-.' nt f'ir two or tlin-e ni"!us m. .; 1 haven't suit:rtd with my .id siine. I I- . j found m.tny quick reliefs from p:dn by t' 3 list; of Sloan's Liniment and belkve it to 1 j the best Liniment on the market to-rlay. I can ret ommend it for what it did for niL." Price 25c, 50c, and 1.00 at All Dealers, fiuiitl for Sloan'B Free Book on Jloraon. Add reus DR. EAKL S. SLOAN, Boston, Mass. 3 Letting a woman have her way saves lime, and the result is the same anyhow. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature How to Bake Gsmt on Stove Top. If the oven Is r it hot and one wishes to bake gems, tt may be convenient to know Unit tin y . an be baked on top ol the stove In ar Iron geui pan. When the pun becomes hot grease It well and pour In the geius. When they have puffed up slip a knife around the edge u ml lift lightly to sec whether the gems are brow ning. If they are brown turn t lit? ui and lei tliem brown on the othet side. Itl-.iiit. can be made In a slnil Inr fashion in the frying pan. How to Mak. Vinegar. When you have tea left after mtal put It Into a .iar and sweeten about tin same as If you were going to drink It Keep adding to it from time to time as you have the tea left, and when yu pare a few apples for sauce or pie pul the parings Into the tea. If you have a little vinegar plant put same In, but II will get good without. Let stni'd til aour and you will have a much nlcei viiiegr than that you buy In the "lores how to Revive Umbrellaa For 4 shabby umbrella take half a eupfiU Of strong ten and two teasxinn fills of sugar Open the umbrella nnd sponge well with Ihe mixture. Tee revives the color, and sugar stiffens. Genius seems to be able to do most anything but support itself. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take I'r. King's New Discovery, The llest Cough, Cold, Throat and l ung medicine made. Money refunded if it falls to cuie you. Do not hesitate take it at our risk. First dose helps. J. K. Wells, I'loydada, Texas, writes: '"Dr. King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough aud cold. 1 gained 1.1 pounds. Huy it at all druggists Adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A No Need to Stop Work When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say, You know you are weak, run down and failing in health dav by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is l.lectiic Hitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break dow n anil build vou up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Kluctrie Hitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Kvery bottle guaranteed to satisfy. lnly ."iOe. at all druggists.- -Adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R 1 A The batter in some buckwheat cakes never scores a hit. Surprise Your Friends I'm four weeks regularly use Dr. King's New Life Tills. They stimulate the liver, improve digestion, remove blood impurities, pimples and eruptions dis appear front your face and body and vou feel better. Ilegin at once. Vat at all druggists. Adv. Wood's Seeds For The Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns nnd all other farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it. T. W. WOOD tr SONS, SELDSMEN, RICHMOND, VA. NOTICE. Having qualified as Kxecutrix of the estate of the late Win 11. S. Kurgwyn, deceased, late of Halifax county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Kaleigh, N. C, on or before the 12th .lay of January, lillt, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the '-"Jiidilav of .lan. 1913. M. C. D. Ill KIIWVX, Kxecutrix of Wm. U.S. Burgwyn, dec. W. U.S. Ilurgwvn, Jr., attorney. i as tit. ftln.Mf I ell ear- in'i . Irt- I I oOLrTBliulili'iiilumiHlioa, I D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT fcw. tlrt Seventh St.. Wishing' in D. C , What makes a love letter the best of all 10 a girl is for ii to be the insanest of all. Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's Sew Discovery and give it to the little tines when ailing and suffering Willi culls, coughs, thio-it or lung trou bles, tasto nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mis. Ilruee Crawford, Niagara, Mo., writes: Dr. King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak sick boy to the pietureof health " Always helps Huy it at all druggists. - Adv ALCOHOL. Some one asked the temper ance leciurer, John B. Gough, wheiher alcohol were a food or a medicine. His reply was, "It's very much like silting down on a hornet's nest, stimu lating but not nourishing." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SALLOWNESS This disorder is due to a torpid liver involving the stomach and bowels. To correct the trouble take SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THB PfWPfH FOBMI When the complexion is sallow and you have spells of vertigo (blind staggers) on stooping or rising sud denly and your bowels are irregular, with much flatulence (wind in the bowels) you are badly in need of Simmons Liver Regulator. The liver is the cause of all the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more effective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy conditions in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetei.s the breath, helps digestion and brings back the ruddy hue of hcal'h to the complexion. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package, $1.00 Alk tor tb? rnulne with Ibr Rftl t on thr UbrL II you cannot tot il. mnit to it., we will nrnd It br Dt.il. portpaid. Simmon. Um Refubttor ! l put an In ll'iuul litnn lot tboM woo ptrlrr II. Mco tl.UO pel boett. Look lot tlx Rod Z UbcL I. H, IEIUN A CO.. Proprietor. St. l.me. HlaaoBri Choice Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations and Violets a spec ialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outlits are equal to the best. Nothing liner in Moral oll'eringsthan our styles. I'dooming pot plants, palms and ferns in great variety, liose bushes, shrubberies, evergreens, hedge plants and shade trees. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QUIN'N & COMPANY FLORISTS, RALEIOH, North Carolina. rhones 1 1!' Ask for price list Fom'SOMNOlAXATIYE res . tTsn.cn .TM JtnaCaUltIii COMMISSIONERS' SALE. Hv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court entered December '.tuh, 1!U J, in a special proceeding therein pending en titled W. II. S. liurgwyn, plainlilf, vs. Curtis Itarnes, an infant and herein ap pearing anil being defended by K. A. I1. Cooley, his duly appointed Cuardian ad litem, the undersigned, the duly ap- f minted Commissioners, will sell at pub ic auction in the town of Weldon, Hal ifax county, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock M ., on Saturday, March 15, I9IJ, for cash, in front of the banking house of the Hank of Weldon, Wcldou, N. C, to the highest bidder, the following de scribed lot or parcel of land lying situ ate and betnir in Ihe town of Weldon. eoititlv of Halifax, aud Slate of North Carolina, and described as tollows: He ing that lot or parcel of land with nn prnvemcnts thereon beginning at the intersection of the westerly Ride ol Washington Avenue and the northerly side of fourth Street and running thence northerly along the westetly side of Washington Avenue thirty five feet; thence westerly paiallell Willi said F uitb Mrcet, one hundred feet at light angles to said Washington Avenue; Hit in i southerly parallel with said il ashiuulou Avenue thirty-live feet to said Fourth street; thence easterly along the nonh eily side of said Fourth Street, one liu" divd feet to the place oi beginning being the same lot to . i eel of ground as that which was c.icv, el hv deed from (i. . Ip.jge'siuil i the said J. II ltiirgerstttll tinted s.'pt 1. l.v.ll and recorded m deed b.'oi; No i" ' pa?es 1-o-l-ii in Register d In els oil of said Halifax counC, No lb farm .. Thi- lot contains ad -elling house uoi occupied by Col. W. H. S. Hurgwyn.aiH. is situated on a corner alwut in the een ter of the town of Weldon. This the :)rd dav of February, 1913. Vt. K. DAN it L, JACOB BATTLE, Commissioners. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and il the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collect iona and prompt returns D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. ' Knannk News Office -:- W e) Jon N ( M fi. III. mctaa i at and McCall Patterns For Women Ham Mora Frienda than any other magazine or patterns. McCall s is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly i" one million one hundred thousn homes. Hcsides showing all the l-i . designs of McCa.l Patterns, each is brimful of sparkling sliott r and helpful information for won .. Save Mower and Keep In StyU by Rutisi for McCII'i MjAimx at once, (.oris i' ronta a year, Inolniting any one tat tha eau. McCall Vatterna li ee. McCaD Patterns Lead fl sihate in tt;' aimplkity, eo mimy a- d number aoid. 1 dealera aelt McCall Paitema lhan anv rtr mike. combined. None littler UtaD ti ct2l. arum yotn dealer, or P ouu aroaa McCALL'S MAGA: - 236-246 W. 37U. St,Nw Yor Lr Vm-ane Ota, fiflna OMrtnut o hew. ow. - - o... roiIYSOMOlAXAiVl; ra Jt.nh Teowi el .Cfv iwTHai h