Advertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. xmi. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum WELDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, FKniJl AHY 27, UW.i. NO. 4-4k CAPITAL $25,000.00. SURPLUS $5,000.00. WELDfli BAflK COMMY, 1 N Succeeding to the business of the First National Bank of Weldon. This Bank, in addition to doing a regular commercial banking business, will act as EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, GUARDIAN, TRUSTEE. Loans negotiated on Real Estate. i4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. v WE W ANT YOUR BUSINESS. S. F. PATTERSON, Vice-President. F. J. BOUNDS, Vice-President. O F F I O E R S : R. S. TRAVIS, President. J. T. GOOCH, Cashier. J. G. ELLIS,Asst. Cashier S. F. Patterson, Of the Roanoke and Patterson Mills. F. J. Bounds, Of the Weldon Lumber Company. W. A. Pierce, President Carolina Peanut Company. George E. Ransom, Planter, D I R 13 C T O R S J. W. Crew, Capitalist, D. R. Anderson, OF the Weldon Grocery ('unipuny. John A. Suiter, Merchant C. P. Bounds, Lumberman. George C. Green, Attorney-at-Law. W. T. Parker, Merchant, R. S. Travis, President. J. T, Gooch, Cashier. " 11 " "'"wureiuvumb MWi Y rim THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. (J. Organized Under the Laws o! the State ol North Carolina, State oF North Carolina Depository. HaliFax County Depository. Town oF Weldon Depository, ?a?!!!lM..Sllrpl!s'... $50,000. For nearly 20 years thin institution lias provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders und ollieers are identified nith the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the benefit of all n ho desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer. ' per cent. Six months or longer, 8 percent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent.' Any information will be furnished on application to the president ori 'ashiei FBKSl DKNT : W. E. DANIEL, VU'K-rUKSIOKNT: W. K. SMITH. L. K. DliAl'Klf. Teller. ('ASHIKIl: .1. O. DKAKK. DIRKCTOKS-W. R. Smith, W. K. Daniel, li s. Travis, V. M Cohen J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. 1'ieree, D. It. Zolheotl'er, .1 . W. Hedge 01 IE I. T q fa & Pile illailiictiiringi'oiiipiiiiv, M A M' F ACT U R E MS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADE AND RECil'I. Alt STOCK SIZES. Good Materials. High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. m mm mm. (( MnoTuoiiDTnu i. uPDTcnon Don uqy rnX nun i univir lull w iiliiii uiiu nniLiini buif A Kentucky blacksmith was elected justice of the peace. The case lie tried was litigation involving the ownership of a cow. The lawyers on both sides were young, ambitious, and eloquent, says the Satur day Evening I'ost. The lawyer for the plaintiff spoke for half an hour in his best vein. When he sat down the new justice said: "I've done heard pnough plaintiff wins. The lawyer for the other side protested that h had some thing to say, too, and that it was unfair to render a judg ment until both parties to the action had been heard. "Go ahead and talk if yon wanter," said His Honor, '-but my mind's done fully made up." The younglawyer went ahead for an hour. He was a better orator even than his smiling and triumphant adversary. In his remarks on the cow he in troduced, among other topics, the American Eagle, the South ern Cross, the Bonny Blue Flag and the Old Kentucky Home. When he sat down the new jus tice said: "Well, now, don't that bent all? defense wins. So nianv hearrs that nr lr,,rinn . u- I . ",v au ninny iuvcs iu uc, wonder, sometimes, when I need you, if you would comeback tome2 vt hen I dream in the dark, and want you as the river wants the sea, I wonder a dream of days gone by don't lead your steps to me. The day dawns fray and lonely, and then, when the night comes down want you where my heart is in the gloom of Trouble Town It you could only come to me and say the old, sweet words, U inter would thrill with the music of the Springtime mockingbirds. Love wants its own forever: The world, so sweet and bright, Is lost without your red lips your eyes, that made its light; And so it is. I journey, From all the world apart, Still wondering iF you love me, Sweetheart ! Sweetheart ! Sweetheart 1 ROYAL Baking Powder is the greatest of modern time helps to perfect cake and biscuit making. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and guarantees it safe from alum and all adulterants. Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery anil give it to the little ones when ailing ami Buttering with eolds, coughs, throat or lung trou bles, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mrs. l'.ruce Crawford, Niagara, Mo., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our hoy from a pale weak sick hoy to the picture of health. " Always helps, liny it at all druggists. -Adv. SAME THINQ. Sunday School Teacher Then you believe the story about the bears eating tap the children? Little Broker Sure. Didn't they do the same thing to my old man in Vail Street last week? PURELY BY CHOICE. HANDICAPPED. Lawyer "Can't you establish an alibi?" Prisoner "Why, I can as soon as the guy that's always done that For me gets out of jail." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Don't ask a woman how to man age husbands who has only had three or four; better ask a spinster. Luy people ought to be tra .s Formed into rivers; then they could stay in their beds.- HEAD DOWN HI: AD UP Ijaily excetTSupJays IN iTl ill AI'Wll. 1. 1911 I'aily except Sunday: No lNo.3iNo.5 A.MJl'.M.IIVM. S:( 12:1.-.) 8:3i :0O;H:4.i 4:05 M:l-"i 1 :UU 4:21) Leave tiumiierry Arrive Leave MniUitild Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave No.2No.4iNo.U I'.M. AM. lf:l." 141:4;". ' S:(H) 2:30 1(1:81)1 2:15 5:55 5:25 5:10 v v. .1U 1 P MabR.,14 I ti ti . . i - . .-i wuamr h uiucb, iiumix'rrv. .j.t niarcn 'in, in ItOltKUTSON, (ieneral Manager fi V" mmm vwaar mom I fen TMMit.T)rPVt "! Cwnrans.' No Need to Stop Work When the doctor orders you to Btop work it staggers you. I can't, you say, You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Hitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Hitters will benelit you from the Hint dose. Thousands bless then) for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only u' o. at all druggists.--Adv. mm mwmmm qhb Hi, little Fellow, and the sunlight oF your eyes, Not a sweeter world than this yonder in the skies; Why it's such a sweet one I'm doubting if you know; it s only, little tellow, because you make it so ! Hi, little Fellow, with the morning Face, Where roses redden and the dimples love to race t Mornin' glories on the porch want to smile your way, cany sunneams kiss your your eyes and tell you: Time to play! Hi, little fellow! Your arms the dimples gem; The mother, bending over, Feels the rosy round oF them; Your dreams are with the angels their peace we may not know, But the world seems close to Heaven because you make it so. Constitution. Surprise Your Friends For four weeks regularly use Dr. King's New Life l'ills. They stimulate the liver, improve digestion, remove Mood impurities, pimples and eruptions dis appear from your face and body and you feel better, licgin at once. Kuy at all druggists Adv. fcvery day the devil marks out a new short cut to save ywi time in reaching his place oF business. Unlldren Cry FOR F LEI CHE ITS C ASTORIA Charity Worker (visiting jail) "And why are you here, my man?" Prisoner "Oh, I'm just trying to economize while my Family are at Palm Beach!" BEATINO THE LAW. "You are charged with going 40 miles an hour," said the rural justice, "and you are fined $40." "Judge," said the motorist, "I have only got $2." "Well, you've got a nerve going 40 miles an hour on a reserve oF $2. Hand me the money." Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery, The iiest I'uugii, ( old, Tiiiuat aud Lung medicine made. Money refunded if it falls to ruie you. Do not hesitate take it at our risk. First dose helps. .1. K. Weill, Floydoda, Texas, writes: "Dr King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds. Kuy it at all druggists. Adv. It's just like a man to be able to Feel ai home most any place but home. A man can Jove a girl and show it without knowing it, and a gin can love a man and know it with out showing -it. CASTOR I A For Intents and Children. ! Elu Kind You Have Always Bougtt liaars the Signature cf Cough,Cold SoreThroat Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief for cough, cold, hoarseness, sore throat, croup, asthma, hay fever and bronchitis. HERE'S PROOF. Mb, At.bkrt W.Paira,of FVodonla, Kan., wntei : M W' uf Blosn'i Lini ment Id th family anil And It mn i elll!t rttlief for Quids and buy fertr Itaclu. It atop ooUjfiuua aud lltiMtt Uuj nuluit iiutiUllJ." SLOAN'S LINIMENT RELIEVED SORE THROAT. MM. I.. HHKWFtt, Of M"illo, vrHtw: I bought (in b"UU of ymir lAflinMWrt an I UtllilmeftU Hit good In tii varlA. M J tlinwt m vr v lor, and Uuurad tueol iuy trouble" GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. Mr. W. H. Rtranok, 8721 Klniwond Art-iiM, i W-i-i, 111.. wrltMi ''A lit U boy next 4cr .mil croup. I gnra tti nHHW Hioan'i Liniment to try. HIM ewm tSfm tfcroo dnn on ltor lwr prnlnK bi 'l, Ami ! t" P Uiout Uui cruup la tlit uioruing. fVfoa, 23o., BOc.,$lAO Astonisliing ii& Accuracyl It is a distinct plea sure to sell a watch that will lite-ally astonish its owner by its wonderful accuracy a watch that will stay accurate year after year through all kinds of service. That's why we offer you The ami iltoit "TUItttntiTUiulmfrtlAmtrl" This watch is marvel of ac curacy, thinness and beauty. Made in all sizes, for men and women. Also Hamilton movements sold separately to fit almost any case..'" Q. C. NELSON, Sloan's Treartsa on the Horse sentfree. i r a COMMISSIONERS' SALE. By virtue of a decrie of the Superior Court eutorcd December 20th, 11ML', in a special piwcedinir therein pending en titled W. It. S. Iturpwyn, plaintiff, vs. Curtis Karnes, an infant and herein ap pearing and being defended by It A. 1. Coolcy, his duly appointed Guardian ad litem, the undersigned, the duly ap pointed Oomniisitionera, will sell at pub lic auction in the town of Weldon, Hal ifax county, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock M., on Saturday, March 15, 1013, for eanh, in front of the hanking house of the Hank of Weldon, Weldon, N. C, to the highest bidder, the following de Neritwl lot or parctil of land Ivinir mut ate and being in the town of Welduu, county of Halifax, and Statu of North Carolina, and ilencribed as tollows: Be ing that lot or parcel of land with im provements thereon beginning at the intersection of the westerly side of Washington Avenue and the noitherly side ofKourthHtreetatid running thence northerly along the wntteily side of Washington Avenue (hirty live feet; theneeweHlcrl) pamllellvi'h'aiilF ultli Mreet, om l!i:n,ii.i I i -i'i.:' -to said W'-ti-ti-pyit'. .. . i-;, . southerly parallel Willi huhi uH,,;i,p. u h Avenue thiiiy-liv'f ''nt to sat I'omtli Street; tin in-e ennlei 'y u'ctiir tln iioi li erly mile ol s'nl 1 nu'Ui r-Micct. h.n died feit to lie place of b m mini;, being same lot 'i pin- eel ol gtuitud an that which nut. convey ed by deed from G. W. biggeislatf to the said J. H. BiggerstafT dated et. 4. 1894 and recorded in deed book No. 1(W, pages 125-1 Mi in Register of Deeds office of said Halifax county, Noth Carolina This lot contains auxellinghousenow occupied by Col. W. II. 8. ISurgwyn,aud is situated on a corner about in the cen ter of the town of Weldon. This the 3rd day of February, IBIS, . W. E. DANIEL, JACOB BATTLE, Commissioneis. -A .

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