! ijETal ffOft fpSt ill P3 I Advertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. XLV1I. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum WELDOX, X. C, TIIlliSDAY, MAIiCII ('., X(. i CAPITAL $25,000.00. SURPLUS $6,000.00. WELDl i & TRUST COI Succeeding to the business of the First National Bank of Weldon. This Bank, in addition to doing a regular commercial banking business, will act as EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, GUARDIAN, TRUSTEE. Loans negotiated on Real Estate, PER GENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. WB SANT YOUR BUSINESS.!- 1 OFFICERS: S. F. PATTERSON, Vice-President. R. S. TRAVIS, J. T. GOOCH, Cashier. F. J. BOUNDS, Vice-President. President. J, G. ELLIS,Asst. Cashier D I R K O T O R S : S. F. Patterson, J. W. Crew, George C. Green, Of the Roanoke and Patterson Mills. Capitalist, Attorney-ai-Law. F. J. Bounds, D. R. Anderson, W. T. Parker, Of the Weldon Lumber Company. Of the Weldon Grocery Company. Merchant, W. A. Pierce, John A. Suiter, R S. Travis, President Carolina Peanut Company. Merchant. President. George E. Ransom, C. P. Bounds, J. T, Gooch, Planter, Lumberman. Cashier. If THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON. X. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?a!!!i.a!.LSBrplni. $53,000. For nearly 2il years this institution lias provided Imiikiuir facilitii'H for this section. Its stockholders ami otlict-rs arc identilied with tin- husi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the lienelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or lonircr, per cent. Six months or loufrer, 3 per cent. Twelve mouths or lomrer. I percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the rresidentoif ashici How to Fluff the Hair. Hair can lie ttntTeil and made to stand out well from the head, even without curlinir. hy brushini; It with nu outwnnl twist of the wrist that lifts the hull' up from the Benin. For this brushing, divide the hair Info stninds nnd no over the head In a circle, then la-sin further up and con tinue until nil the hair has been lifted and lightened. If this style of brushing Is kept up dally, or even several times n week, the strnlL'htest and stringiest of hair soon becomes dry and easy to puff out from the face. P8KSIDINT : W. E. DANIEL, VU K-I'IIRSIIIIINT: W. It. SMITH. L. E. Wi.U'F.li, Teller. cashiku: ,1. O. I'liAKK, DIREfTOlW W. H. Smith. W. E. Daniel, J. O. Drake. W. M. Cohen, A. C. House, J.h. Shepherd, V. A. fierce, D. II. .ollicoll'er, .1 . V. Sledge 'C 11 1 1 IP MAN l.'FACTl'KEILS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADE TO ORDF.lt AND KF.i il' l.AK STOCK SIZES. Uood Materials. High tirade Workmanship Our SioRan. Weldon, N. C. How to Us Bits of 8oap. The toilet soap ends of a household may be satisfactorily utlllied if cut Into thin Hlinvlup mid dissolved in a small aniiiiint of warm water. Add to this soupy mixture three tablespoonfuls of eau de cologne nnd one tablespoon tul of len Juice. Then pour the mix ture Into any siimll moulds, such as the tops of luikini! powiU-r tins. The liquid will harden Inlo small, Hut cakes. How to Add Flour to Cakt. When liquid, as milk. Is used ill cuke the milk nnd Hour are usually added ulterualelv simply because the Hour Is thus more easily incorporated Into the mixture If cuke Is too porous proba hly Ion much baking powder or renin ,r i.mIm' h i i-l i li i been IN THE SWEETER COUNTRY. In the sweeter country where the dreams are always bright, Singing by the rivers and "valleys of delight;" All there is of Heaven dawning in your sight In the sweeter country of the Morning ! In the sweeter country that's the place to stay; Grief is a dream there it sings itself away; There it is we realize the meaning of the May In the sweeter country of the Morning ! In the sweeter country ! There's the place to rest, Where the dreams bring roses 10 each troubled breast; The birds, blown of the storm-winds, are cuddled in the nest In the sweeter country of the Morning ! Stanton. THE LOST STARS. They Are No Longer Part of Busy Life. Our fa WflHTHAMPTDM & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, READ DOWN HLAD Ur liaily except Snniays IN jjXUllU No I .No.SiNo.5 Alpjif I'M. K:3u 12:1.-i 3:STi Mn'l'.M.'i 4:tl.' 9:151 1:011 4:'.M Leave tlumberry Arrive Leave Mowlield Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave No.2No.4No.tl A.M.!l'.M".jl'.M ll:i.". :iHt lll:l.'l 2:3n' IlliSOi 2:l." r:.i. ,ri:IO W W HttllKUnsOS, (ieneral Manager N'OTE-Mowfli-I,! I a Flag Station . . .rn-rai ftlanairi-r. nine, oumis'rr, . ....... - iOimiCltTlCTCURB! FnTFYS OfilNOlAXATl HIS OWN WORDS. "Is Kigby a man of culture?" "Oh, yes indeed. You just ought to hear him say, "I'm strong for music and the drammer.' " You may be Eood, yet that's no sign that you are happy fGOWANS King of Externals! Stands supremo under I every test. Feel se-1 cure, keep (iowaiis in I .liolionie. Goyvsiiis al 1 n ways conquers vmuii a - .1 and l'neumonia anu your doctor assents. tiowant 'reparation tww on mv chthl when u w iiesTmry .i; ....,). f'naiinwiiii.-i. Iiiiiiwliiitnr III ,i it Her tie seroml i;iicilii m.r iihisin.m cHf "" mining mi emit n i;ii;i-on--iif onlrinl its continuance. 7Vierni. reioieiW rapii - tl.J-HM ' "" "i'-l East SI. Alli'Klieny. '. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All DraMlstt l. 50c. 5e. SOWiN MEOiCsl CO.. luinlMf ft an lnii l imi li.llUt Pr&fol Balance Absolutely Purb The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods o! maximum quality at minimum cost Makes home baking pleasant and profitable NfiW EVIDENCE. "Why do you want a new trial?" "On the grounds of newly dis covered evidence, your honor," what s the nature ol it "My client dug up $400 that 1 didn't know he had." Washing ton Herald. EXTREMES. "Why is Alexander so cut up ?" "BeeatttiO hit) salary has just heen cut down." Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. Kinir's New Discovery ami irive it to the little ones when ailiue ami suirerinir with col.ls. coiikIik. throat i r lunsr trou bles, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always useil. Mrs. lliuee Crawforil, Niagara, Mo., writes: 'Dr. King's New Discovery clianired our boy from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of health." Always helps. Iluy it at all ilruitirists. -Ad'v. The one wav a man can make his money last is to make it first. Are You a Cold Sufferer? fake Dr. King's New Discovery, The ItestCouich, ColJ, Throat and I.unir medicine made. Money refuuded if it falls to cine von Do not hesitate take it at our risk. First dose helps. .1. It. Wells, I'loydada, Texas, writes Dr kind's New Discovery cured my terrible eouirli and cold. I rained 1 pounds, l'.uy it at all drmrnisls. -Adv It takes a smart man to land on his feet when he falls in a hole. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A We liavo lost the stars. The December heavens glitter with frosty splendors still, but who looks up to behold their beauty or draw peace from the con templation of their mysteries? Stars are no longer part of our busy life, so they are no longer part of our spirit. The mari ner no longer has to seek guid ance from the pole star. The lost shepherd has a compass that has made him forget his lore of heavenly guide-posts. In cities the tinsel radiance of the lights dims the lamps of night bung high in space by angels. Little children have wandered so far from simple things that they no longer make puns on the Milky Way or laugh with sweet unreason at the Big Hipper. Once every convent girl knew where burn ed Orion's belt, where Taurus flamed red in the Scorpion's heart and how to trace the un stablu and ill-fitting lines of Cassiopeia's Chair. Nowadays I the stars are secret lore, us if spread lightly idly for drapery, to the small romance of life. They are just scenery. Only in the country most re mote from urban blandishment and taints do the stars beam as old and steadfast friends. Here wo may yet meet with a sage for whom their twinkling has deep meaning. He lives close enough to nature to love her jewels. He believes in the stars nnd christens an almanac. The moou for him is not an adjunct of popular rag-time ditties, but a mysterious force swaying the affairs of men. He knows a wet moon from a dry moon and under what sign it is best to plant potatoes or kill hogs. He has wisdom and peace that the electric lights can never en. kindle. Richmond Tinies-Dis-patch. A THEOLOGICAL POI NT. A revival was being held at a small colored Baptist church in Georgia. At one of the meetings the evangelist, after an earnest but Fruitless exhortation, requested all of the congregation who wanted their souls washed white as snow to stand up. One darkey remained sitting. "Doin' yo' want yo' soul washed w'ite as snow, Brudder Jones?" "Ma soul done been washed w'ite as snow, pahson." "Whah was yo' soul washed w'ite as snow, Brudder Jones?" "Over yander to de Methonis chu'eh acrost dc raihoad." "Brudder Jones, yo'soul wa'n'l washed hit were dry-cleaned." -Life. GjmaBaauum -warn rctit aataaa jj vS& Astonishing ; Accuracy! It is a distinct plea r iirc to sell o watch that will literally astonish its owr.cr by its wonderful accuracy a watch that will stay accurate year after year through all kinds of service. That's why we offer you flwmltott This watch is a marvel of ac curacy, thinness and beauty, Marie in all sizes, for men and women. Also Hamilton movements sold separately to fit almost any case,. ' Q. C. NELSON Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA Lameness Sloan's Liniment is a quick and reliable remnly for bnn; noss in horses and other faun animals, " Hloftu'f I.lnlnitiit uriiaMct (yiy ttilntt on earth tor litmtuu iti b'tf-e ft i iii other linntt mimxiiti, I wutihi uot ilui'p Without U Mi my lubUi." Mahi IN l' I K, Wl Wul IUlU Sl,( Nutt Vuik i:it. Good lor SwaUina -iul Aktcats, Mr. H. M limit, of I.:im ronoo, Knn., It. I'. I)., No. a.wriloa; " 1 li.ul ft m( villi ni alvi'M i lur 600. boltleul Moan'it l.iniii. out entirely cmwl Ii.t. I nil tun for uM itmlnri'tllbtUi -lb ftiUlut uterj tUiug ftixjul ilia nock. SLOANS LINIMENT is a quick and safe remedy for hog cholera. Governor of Georrift uea Sktan'l liniment for Ho ChoWfft. " I linurd flor. nrnwn f who U ontte ft farmer) trtT that ho liml uptw lost n hog from ehnlcra nml that hi remo.lv ahvavB was a tHliVotiifiil of Sloan' Liniiiient in a gallon plona.dporenti tug tliudttxe aatlio nnimul liniirovcil. l.iwt month Jot. Hrown and mwlf were at the Anrieultural College hul Ming and In the tliciiMion of Iho rarat;a o( the dfeae, 1ot. Bmwu gave the remedy naniM aa unfailing." "OliaKRVKR." 8 takxas Uailv Mcwt. At All Dealer. Wo.,oOc A l.OO. Bloan'i Hook fn !tcirwe, Otitle, Uogt and Poultry Mitt me. AdAreu Dr. Ztrl 8. Biota, Boston. COMMISSIONERS' SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court catered lieeeniher 20th, HHli, in a special proceeding therein pending en titled V. 't. S. Ilurirwyn, plaiutitl', vs. Curtis liarnes. an infant and herein ap pearing and heint? tlet'eniled by It. A. 1. (Doley, Ins duly appointed (Uianhan ad litem, the uudeiHiKned, the duly ap pointed CoimniHtiioncrH, mil sell at pub lic auction in the tnwn of Weldun, Hal ifax county, Ninth Carolina, at twelve o'clock M., on Saturday, March 15, lIJ, fur cash, in front of the hanking luiuae of the Hank of Weldon, Weldon, N. ('., to the highest ladder, Ihe followins; de acrihud lot or pajcel of laud lyiiiK aitu ale and heinir m the limn ot Ytcldon, coMnty of Halifax, and State of North Cartkhua, and debcrihed as lollows: lle ing that lot or parcel of land with im provements thereon heuuinini; at the iiitemeetmn of the westerly hi-Ic of VVaHluiiL'tou Av -line and the noiiherly aide of KourlhSliet't and running thein'e northerly alonir the ncateilv aide of Washinirton Avenue thirty live feet; thence wester I v parulle1! w itli rniii' F in 'h 1 1 i . pin' I iiiiMH i . t ut i it- In : i j 1. s tn mih! W'illi'nul.iii rnue; theiur sim'.iiei !v )Kir.ill- l Willi s.-u ! W ashinulon Avenue tliiity-live leel to said fourth btreet: thence easterly aloj the north erly side of (.aid Fourth Street, one hun died feet to the place of beiriniiinit, hemfr the same lox or par cel of trroiind as that which w as convey ed by deed from ti. W. IhiCKeiatair to the said , I. II. Uiirperstati' dated ept. 4. IS!M and recorded in deed book No. Ill", panes IL'.l-l't) in ltejrintei of lleedii othce oI'mihI Halifax county. North Carolina Thi lot contains auelliii(rhousenow occupied by Col. V. II. S. Hui)fwvii,and is situated on a corner atxiut in the cen ter of the tow n of Weldon This the :trd dav of February, till!!. V. E. PAM&L, JACOB BATlXl-., rnmmisdi.iiierit M-' - I TSOMSIS, -CeHlTIMTIQ

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