HI CSSl Inll lw 0S vertising Rates Made Known on Application Ad A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1. SO l;tr Annum VOL. XM'II. WELDON, X. (, TN I'llSDA V, MAHCIl U, 111:5. NO. 17 t t Economy Hints A penny saved is a penny earned. Benjamin Franklin. Tlie Kind Yoii U:ivo Always Bought, mil which hiis been In use for over 30 yertrs, lms borne tin siy;n;iiiiio of i- and has heon iiind under Iih per- j-fJt, soiml supervision since Us iiilinuy, Lfuxf7Y, -CUCAMl. Allow no one to don Ik'johIii this. All Cniinfi-rfelts. Imitations) uw " Just-us-Kooil" uro lint .Experiments thut trlllo with ii'-d endaiigvr tho health of Ititiuits anl Children Epcrifii. iigmnst Kxpe rimtmt. What is CASTORIA Custorhi U v Imnnlosa wibstituto for Cantor Oil, Pare H"ric, 1 i-...-J tuiil Soothing Sycps. It in t'V-iiwiut. It contains iioitlKi' Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its nee Is its) ft'innuitro. It destroy Worms mid alia) s ri-.i'i'isliiifsi". H t'liri'S Di.tirlniii and Wind Coll;:. H relieve TfudiiEtig Trouble, chi cs Constipation mill I'liitnlriK y. It nisliiiilatcs lilt rood, iTp,iil;itcs the Ntmii.u li and llt.ivcls, .iviiijr licult liy and liiitui'iil sleep, Tlio ( hiulre ' l'lumeow The IVWitlier's l i ii iid. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of T S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T..t CINTUH OOM'ANV, TT MUNIUV Yl.tlT, NCW VO.M CITY. 55 '- '-2 '- '- a? -' 2-' tmi Saw' fis- -"5 '35 4' 5"- 5"- 5f - ?. IwmiTIC C04ST LW it il il il b 1 il. The Standard Railroad of the South Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." to III' present high cost of living relililllls olio of tilt! llOIISUWlfo ' wlin, looking nt Niagara full.- ' fur tin- llrsl time, Haiti, "Oil, tins big splash t water reminds me Hint I I. ft tlit kitchen tup running." Like this v i.-i t. r In (lie falls many wo-iiii-ii Ui'i'ii :i weather eye out for big e'ononiles mill leave t lie tup of little j savings niiiniii. TiiUing euro of J rlntlii'N In a iiii-iiiis of much saving to j tin- unman wliii uill spend time ami thought upon Iht wnnlrolie. Kvcry wciman knows the ruinous sums It costs eio-h season to have her evening ; froi ks, liht suits ami silk liloust-8 uiul ' other illiwnslnilile lliaterhlU ch-lllieil. Where unsollne Is possible us a renovii- tor he limy siiiiielliiies try the expert- j nient of lining n little or her own clenn- I I hi;, hut it is selilom successful, ami It Ik lis hnnl to lose the otlor of gasoline ! us It Is to uctiilre the otlor of minctll.v j Also it ts iliinuerxiiH ! Thcivfou. Hi.' Know leilb't) of mime j sluiple n.nl, ol dry cleaning that can lie iloiie at Inane ami that leave no trine of the pi ess would save many n precious- dollar to the woman who U running to the limit of her allowance for dress The nialerlnls required are very simple fuller's earth, block imig- nesia, horai ic talcum powder, Hour and 1 borus or ei-n plain cornmeal. The i first three can lie bought by the ounce or pound from any druggist, and the others are always in the pantry or store chest. Tor a while silk blouse It is perfectly i afc to use either the meals or talcum ! powder A white serge suit for ex- ample can be very successfully cleaned by putting It inlo a dry, clean tub nntl covering it over with cornmeal slightly salted. The suit can be rubbed with the hands exactly as if It were In soap suds, the most energetic rubbing natur ally being given to the spots which aro most soiled After It has been thor oughly gone over the meal should bo thrown out and the gown put back Into the tub anil covered over with clenn meal. It should lie left there for two days, with a cloth over the tub to keep out the dust, ii ml then shaken out mid brushed with a perfectly clean brush. 3AKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE THE "MARSHALL SMILE." ' The Marshall Seem To He De- lighted with Washington. AMEMOHV. '('FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS: l lorlda and West Indian II 'Coast Line Florida Mail vi ar round through car W "New York and Florida f Special" (,liinuary to April) ii .imlted,'' "Palmetto Limited." .t. liming l ais a la carte mtvici- .VII l ia .' . I'ol.lcr' a.l.ln ss J M . T. C. WHITE. (1. P. A., .T, LENTEN COOKERY. For at 5" rf-K " -V Ti mm S at 7 T eil linen, sliiri-eil over the hoop. At il upper edge I Ills bag T shiiTci! hut n s nd hoop, at There's relief from ilie weary world in the siinsei's gold I gaze on it and dream again a little hand I hold; Once more I feel a head reclined against my breast When day is softly dying in the west. I know 'tis but a dream, never, never to come true When in the quiet of even' someihin' whispers of you! Yet 'lis sweet btess the niem'ry of your lips, hands an' eyes That come back at evening from oui the starry skies ! 'Tis but a dream, I know, yet 'lis all the world to me A dear form nestled close ah, so soothingly ! The curtain's drawn an' the world seems a heaven most, For you are with me in sweei memory 1 am lost ! nice Horn New Volk to noin l on tanipa nuiKicis aim i-tan in i in !"i I iin.l KiinrlitH Kev. eonnccliUL' with steamships to and I'limi llaiaini I or beautifully illustrated I .T'W.J. CRAM. P yj(y VVII.MINHTON N. f. -5 '-S '-S vS '-5 '-2 3g ' C; & & & OK THE BANK OF .YELDOft WKLDON, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital an fl So rp 1 as, $53,000. For nearly tin years this institution has provided banking facilities fur this section. Its stockholders and otlictis are identilied wilh the busi ness interests nf Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savings IVpartmcnt is maintained fur the lienctit til'all nlm done to deposit in a Savings Hank, in this liepartmenl interest is allowed us follows: Kor Deposits allowed turemain three months or loiejer, per cent. Six months or lunger, It per cent. Twelve months 01 lunger. 4 pel cent. Anv information w ill he furnished on application to the I'n-xnlcnt 01 ru-lnci CRKSiniNT: W. E. DANIEL, Vll K I KKSIIIKXT: VV. It. SMITH. K. IH.'Al'i:!!, Teller. I'ASIIIKK: . O. I'KAki:. DIKKCTOltS W. Ii. Smith, VV. K. Daniel, A. C. House, J.I.. Shepherd, VV, V. I'icree, ,1. (. Drake, U D. II, Zollicoll'ci. M Cohen. .1 , VV. Sledge How to Make Japanese Diihet Penitential Fare. Soy, the national sauco of Japan, made from the soy bean, Is used In most of the popular dishes of the mi kado's realm, the recipes for a few ot which lire (pioted. "XI saknna." which being translated means "llsh cooked In soy." is well worth trying. Krlng to boll In a saucepan one cupful of soy, one-tuar-ter cupful of water and one heaping teaspoonful of sugar. Then add one small turbot. sole or any other fish of your choice. Cook until the fish Is thoroughly done, and serve It In the liquor lu which It was cooked. This dish Is good whether hot or cold. Tlacld Hiikiinn" means broiled llsh. and the Japanese method of preparing It Is Interesting. They scorn a gas j range, and the lire of their choice ' comes from a bed of redhot charcoal, j first of all they spilt their llsh lu half i and as they broil It sprlnklo over It 1 ....,isi.mallv a Utile salt anil a few dashes of the almost omnipresent soy. Salmon I- particularly appetizing after having been subjected to this treat ; nient If yo ire to tuko the trouble I to grate half a dozen large, firm mil i Ishes and mix with them ono table , spoonful of soy you will have an ex cellent sauce for the fish. A somewhat novel way o( stewing vegetables Is to boll or steam mem. Then let llicin simmer for a quarter of an hour lu a sauce made of one cupful of boiling soy which has been diluted with a small amount (Of water. Sipnish. carrots, salsify, sweet or white potatoes are very good when treated thus I'nr vegetables other than stpuish or sweet potatoes It Is well to adil a heaping teiisnoonfiil of sugar to the sauce. ABOUT I IUAVEN. "What Care 1 For Gate of Pearl or Street of (iold, If I Can Meet There the Ones Who Have Blessed Me Here." THOMAS R. MARSHALL. The cheeriest smiler in Wash ington has noiliing on Vice-President Marshall when he is "at a party." Washington got acquaint ed wiih ihe Marshall smile, when the Vice-President and Mrs. Mar shall made iheir initial official ap pearance at the lirsi at-home Mrs. Shively, wife of the junior Senator from Indiana. Regardless of po litical affiliations, the Indiana dele gation in Congress and out of it foregathered at the Shively recep tion, filled the recepiioh suite to see the Vice-President and Mrs. Marshall make their debut. In speaking of heaven, the late Senator Bob Taylor, of Tennessee, "What heaven is, 1 know not, but 1 long have dreamed ol its purple hills and fields of light blossoming with immortal beauty; of its brooks of laughter and iis rivers of song and its palace of eternal love. I long have dreamed that every bird which sings iis life out here, may' sing forever there in the tree of life, and every consecrated soul that suiters here may rest among its Mowers and live and love forever. I long h'tve dreamed of opal towers and burnished domes, but what care I for gate of pearl or street of gold, if I can meet there the ones who have blessed me here, and see the glorified faces of father and mother and the boy brother who died among the bursting buds of hope, and take in my arms again my baby who fell asleep ere her little tongue h id learned lo lisp, 'Our Father who art in Heaven.' What care I for crown of stars and harp of gold, if lean love and laugh and sing with them forever in the smile of my Saviour and my God." TRUE VALUE JIF OUR LIFE. Sometlreat Emergency Furnishes The lest Which Makes Clear The Real Valuation. HIS MOTHER. OE 3E Dison & roo m am i veil itKits t it- Sash, Doors, Building materia! for Modern Homes, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADK TO OKDKIt AND KKIil'I.AK STOCK SIZES. Uood Materials. High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. How to Freihen Hair Ribbona. W hen the Utile daughter's school rib bons become failed and discolored lu sihiIs try freshening and brightening them up Willi dye made from scraps of crepe tissue pa-r you may have usisl for house or Iree decorations some time I'se plenty of hot water, and when boiling hot drop In the paper and stir with a stick till the water Is about the shade you wish the ribbon. Have ribbons previously washed clean lu hot r.iapsiida and rinsed In clear water Dye while still wet, and be sure the dye Is boiling Drop Uiem In and with a stick keep lifting and stirring till the rl..lre,l simile Is obtained. If too light iu...vo rlblKina. mH nin paper sud i repeat process. A Beautiful Tribute to the Wo man Who Gave Him Birth. 01 ioaoai 5 S NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO. How to Mako Military Salad. Here Is a salad recipe from Ihe ow ners' mess at West I'olut that onco tried will not thereafter be neglected: To a can of soused mackerel (freed of bone and skin ami broken up) add dou ble the nuanllly of celery cut lu quar ter Inch pieces and a suspicion of onion chopped Hue. Mix thoroughly and heap an' lettuce leaves, then cover llberully with the mayonnaise which should really be a lurtare sauce, with mustard (Eugllsh), chopped pickles and caper KiADUOWN ilKyjSiinJays SoliSo.8 No.5 A M jl'.M. f'.MT K::to'ii:i:. Ys.i mi via:, 4 :(." :1."I l:0o 4:211 AMI. I. Leave tin . . Leave Mo.. odd Arrive Jackson Arrive Arrive Leave NEADIIP Daily except Sunday' No.:'No.tiNo.ll A.M.11 II l.i 1H4.I 10:301 M. P.M. :t;isi " j::to! ;:. 2:lo! :lll W. W. UOBEUThON, (leneral Manager NOTK-MowlWd It. Kl.nKl.tion ""wsrai manuirer lima, i.nmsrry. ts.u. 3E March 2'lh. IMU OEXOE3E Best (or Skin Diseases Nearly every skiu disease yields quick ly and permanently lo llucklen's Arnica Salve, and nothing is Mter for burns or bruises. Soothes ami heals. John Deyo, of (ilatlwm. Mich., says, after suffering 12 years with skin ailment and spending t'KKl in doctor's hills, Bueklen Arnica Salve cured him. It w ill help you. Onlyi'ic. Ilecommended by all druggists. There is so much for us to do, so many wrongs to be made right and so many evils to be remedied thai a consideration of ihe petty bickerings of life is far beneath our notice. So long as life runs smooth ly in its nsual channel we are in clined to attach great importance to the minor details of existence and in time lyield largely to their existence. The terrible test of some great emergency, however, makes clear life's true values. The greatest success that can be attained, the largest fortunes that can be attain ed, the highest station that can be achieved are as nothing in the clos ing hours of a man's life. Then it is thai he scruimies ins pan tor the least vestige of personal good which he has wrought, and it is that memory alone which is worth j anything ai all in lmn- ' ! vmnot derive much comtori nom mc wealth he has accuniulmed, or the social distinction he has attained, but he can and does rely for his Aiernul reward unoti the unselfish and simnle service he has rendered for the welfare of others. The life upon which we place sc. high a value must end some tune, sooner perhaps than we imngine. We nnisi build for the future, indeed, m,o idindlv. not selfishly, no! bru tally, but in thai spirit of brave fel lowship which measures up lo every emergency. Are Vou Constiputed? If so, get a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear. They will stimulate the lixcr, improve your digestion and get rid of all the poisons in your system. Th.iy will surely Ret you well atraiu. 2"c at all druggists. Many a man has grown eloquent in thought and word as he recalled his mother. The word means something different to every man, but it means much to all men. A man who always speaks well of his mother is generally a man who can be trusted. We note the fact that one of the late candidates for vice-president, in making a speech a few years ago, paid a beautiful tribute to his mother. The campaign committee are now us ing that pan of his speech with the assertion that a man who remem bered his mother like that ought to be a man who could be trusted in the public service and this is what he said : "I think back through the years, lean and fat, good and bad, to my earliest recollection. I saw 11 wo man with an eye that Hashes swift as an archangel's wing and a motiilt th:ii hrenks with laughter . and harden at sight of wrong, sing 1 ing lullabies; a woman who, with hand gCasping the unseen hand, walks the briar-bordered paths of life unashamed, unafraid, unharm ed. She is clad in garments of beamy to me, and age does not soil them, nor years make them cheap and tawdry. Her tongue is without guile, having never been the messenger of a lie. It is sev enteen vears since her soul went home to God, and her fingers be came to me the fingers of un an gel; but 1 have not forgotten all she said. She told me there was Santa Claus, and I believed her. But he brings me no longer drums and fifes. But he still brings to me the vision of my mother and ihf music of that aneelic chorus I which sang at creation's dawn and MRS. MARSHALL. Mrs. Marshall is tall and slender. She has a fine complexion and her soft brown hair sweeps becoming ly back from an unrutlled brow, consequently her gown of soft ruse satin draped in black chiffon and gold lace was thoroughly becom ing. Both Mrs. Marshall and the Vice President were the centre of gayly chatting circles of friends, old and new. The Marshalls seemed to be delighted with Washington and Washington reciprocates. New York World. Best Known Cough Remedy j for forty-three years Dr. King's New Discovery lias been known throughout world as the most reliable cough reme dy. Over three million bottles were u'seil last year. Isn't this proof.' It will get rid of your cough, or we will re fund your money. J. . I. Owens, of VI leudaie. S. I'., writes the way hundreds ol'otheis have done: "After twenty yeais, I lind that Dr. King's New Dis covery is the best remedy for coughs and colds that I have ever used." for coughs or colds and all throat and lung troubles, it has no equal. "i0c. ami SI at all druggists. Atlv. HOW TO MAKE LATEST I WASTE PAPER BASKET. T Very gorgeous llnleul is the newspaper hag whi. li is inking the plnee of the waste paper basket for the living room, The bag. w hli'h is siipt-iiilfil from a substantial iionk sirewt-il Into a ei'llii'e, is it-ally a shapely nf fair, ami ernwilim; papers Into il dues nut destroy its symmetry. 'I'n iiuiLe tin- m ist popular lie of the iiewspn per bag get three u.ioiii-n lumps twi'lve inches lu dialneli-l , ami la L! in: ono of th'-tll for Hie lias.- ol Hie rcieplnilo floor It wiih hea i larilboanl, iioeiitl Willi lintlei'ial like I he liau itnpei. w hu h Is a half yard utile anil :l villi loliu strip tif hi ailed sill, or satin or of prim d linen, shirred over the hoop. Is loop, ami from tin i-M'inls upward n lii-o til li.-iml of I'lnhniiili-red plain satin, rendered additionally sub stantial by a lining of buckram ainl a facing ol plain silk. This liaml is lnlil in place by the third I p. to w hich Is attached the iiroail i-ibhoiis by which the receptacle is suspended from the toriii. t- All the scams anil the loiiiinus of tin- various parts inu-t be neatly covered, and for Ibis pmpos,- Mat. narrow gimp in tinsel or silk may be used, or one may box plait narrow rib bon into a tiny frilling and catch It on with Invisible stitches. MILLINERY ADVICE. How to Select Plumes For Your Best Spring Hat. The quill should he one continuous piece, smooth, glossy and pliable. The Hues must be wide, pliable and without defective marks visible to the eye. When buying a black ostrich plume always be careful to select the one with the linest gloss. Dull blacks and brown blacks Indi cute a poor quality of plume or poor dyeing. If It Is the latter the plume may be redlpped. but If Hie former It Is no good except for lining and poor lining lit thai A g I plume properly worn should Inst live years at least. This allows for one curling a year and one. possibly two. retUppiugs if the plume wus originally a light color A good black plume that has been properly recurled will be pretty old and have seen a lot of wear before tt will need to lie redlpped one reasini why many good black utilities lose their color ami gioss Is thai they are scorched when being re curled. The mil) remedy for tills Is a bath lu the dye pot. and oftener than not the result Is only a rusty black. If a person hasn't the time or pa Hence lo curl tier own plumes she should be particular to get 11 skillful repairer. The most popular and useful ostrich feather Is the eighteen Inch plume in black Oct Ihe best grade, recurl It careful ly yourself or have It done by a skill ful repairer, and you will have your money's worth of wear from IL Rheumatism a .. .a i 1 rf 'CM K. St., . ril. - : I eul i I. ir It .-in i ..I )-..ur 1., Ii. f) I in ii a p,m uii.2 tl.u C uai tin- Nerves . ::iji N, f.l' 4n:l 'I'll. inil'wn .-t . .-, v.-rili : il .i I ....'. , . ! I v i !.' ;. . ;..! .'! -.ii:, ;. il.i.Y ii, . . . I , .. : i. - m-, !. A I. , . i , . ,, 1 1 V V' ..- I. ..i. i l.t , -, j. : i. f,i , MU...U'. I I...J. l.-ri:,- I . .-I-1' I'-" LIIIMEHT ir.imciit. I keep it on :':nv My daughter r v.r! -t mid used ycur i, ! i: has nu hurt her -9 ftj i.. . : i:ii, ... i .. ....I ...tuny H..UC fiXvY'-f H n. Audita, c'' j '3 INSURANCE thai protects your life not in come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneu monia, colds, croup, soreness in lungs and throat by destroying inflammation and congestion. External and penetrating. All Drognis's. $1.00, 50c., 25c. In sure today. "EXCLAMATORY"' WAS RIGHT. Mrs. Mason's colored washer woman, Manila, was complaining of her husband's health. "Why.is he sick, Martha?" ask ed Mrs. Mason. "He's ve'y po'ly ma'am, ve'y po'ly," answered the woman. He's got the exclamatory rheumatism." "You mean inflammatory, Mar tha," said ihe paron. "lixclanta tory means to cry out." "Yes, ma'am," replied Martha, with conviction; "dat's what it is. He hollers all the time." Judge. NOT TRIIP. TO LI IK. The son of a man who had been SHRINKING FABRICS. How to Successfully Accomplish This Disagreeable Task. To save a great deal of time and worry shrink all materials before mak ing them up Then there will be no hems to let down, sleeves to lengthen, bells to widen, due to the shrinking of the material alter Ihe garment Is made. When shrinking muslins aud ging hams, place them In a pau and cover with clear warm water to which has been added a little salt. The salt pre vents the colors from running. Allow the material to stand for half an hour; then wring It as dry as possible and hang on the Hue When half dry press will) a hot iron If you desire to shrink woolen fab rics wet a sheet and spread It over n table. Place one thickness of the goods lengthwise of the sheet and, beginning t one end, roll sheet and muterlal to eel her. Ijiv aside the roll until morn ing. Then unioll the goods and press with a hot Iron If It is difficult to deter mine Ihe right side of the material mark It with a thread at one corner before shrinking. Shrinking never in lures the material, and It will always appear fresh and bright after pressing. How to Use Gaa Lamp. When using gas lamp of heater con iiected vvllli the tubing always turn the gas off at I lit brocket rather than close to the lamp or healer. The gas people explain Hint this prevents the tubing from becoming Impregnated w ith the odor of gas. Also, til case the tubing should liecoine loosened from the lamp or healer, there can be uo chance for trouble If the tP turned i,ff at t tie bracket Only a Few A comparatively small number of Hamilton Watches are made every year. Their extreme ac curacy and fine adjust ment forbids making them in large quantities. The ItMmlfott la Tkt (ifhW TintkmHt a4aMfiM Not only the man or woman who wants a very accurate watch buys the Hamilton but the individual who knows about watches usually demandt the Hamilton. We tell Hamilton watches complete, or supply a Hamilton movement for your present watch case. All sizes tor men and women. , O. C. NliLSON. RAISE INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS. How to Mend Coal Range. When the root of ttie oven In a coal range becomes cracked a sheet of heavy nnbestos stireiid over It until such time 3 great philanthropist welCOmea a I the oven can he mended will prevent at the hour of man's redemption. visitor to his office. The talk turn ed on the career of the father of the young man. "It was a great blow to every bodymy father's death," lament ed the youth. "By the way, here's the last portrait painted of him." He led the visitor to where hung on the wall a large portrait of the dead nhilanthrooist, depicting him as standing erect with his right hand in his pocket. "A fine piece of work," said the visitor grimly, "but it's not true to life. Nobody ever saw your father with his hands in his own pocket." Popular Magazine. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA ashes from falling into the oven and will make the oven bake more quickly How to Keep Feet Warm In Bad. ini mi nntlmr flannel slip over on a small down pillow and place It lu the bed between the sheets, then push the feet Into the pillow. The warmth will last until morning. I'nexecllcd as f.gg Producers and for the table. Different from other ducks Try them and be convinced. EOOS for Hatching: jl.Ml persetting l.". Young ducks furnished. Oct your order in early. H. R. MARSHALL. Halifax, S. C. I :m 2in WANTED ASK TIMBER. Standing, cut in logs, billets, or lumber. See us before selling as vvc pay ca'ih price, BALDWIN TOOL WORKS, South Richmond, Va. 213 n t CASTORIA For Infants and Children. rho Kind You Haw Always Bought Boars the Signature of Of course, a girl doesn't want to . 1 ...III TUn.'o he k ssefl aeainst ner win. i am a what her lips are for. The following cut U a Faciimila of th l!l " evry bunch I TRANS. FFR BRAND R.d Cedar SHINGLES which, ahhouili tliy hava brn ufacluret! for only about six nonlkt. are no- uied in Ihe Unilod Statai nore lhn any olhr ahinfla. la ool worth your lime to invattigato. li ' PIXON i. POOLE M'F'O CO., Weldon, N, C.

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