Jgeqafflil 'jJjpj 'fSj ill iijyil ig1?! rVU7f Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription--$I.5G ,,Jer Annum VOL. XLVIl. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, MAIN 'II 27, Will. NO. I ffgmimtmasm X ii J 11 1J35 Lew BSi: 5 i 1 raw sBP MS"- ALCOHOL J PKK CENT. AV'gciaWi'PrfparalionrurAs similaiingiteFtodanilRrduli lingiln'bKimiiiisaiiJBiMlsai' PromnlisniA'slioiiflifeifiil mScii'.dltesi.Coiilalnswltbr Opiuin.Murpmnf iwrftowl. No r Narcotic. he tfuJMimienm faytit AW Aiming ItifvrtotnitStia him SfJ- Anfrfecl Remcdv fuiTonsliia- i1oii,Suui'Stoinacli.i)laiTliwi Voriti.s,C'oiivulsioiis,ri'vctisli llUSSiUldLOSSOfSLEEP. facSuiA Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of i . IT t .liv ll Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, TMt 0INTAUN UMMNf, NKW VOIMI tTt. UtLMTIC D04ST LW 'ft Vi The jf Standard Railroad of the South Br ,(StI Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." ll !'F0UR FAMOUS TRAINS! Special" (.lammry to tpril) jai ' "Florida and West Indian Limited,'' "Palmetto Limited," .T. I "Coast Line Florida Mail." Iiinimr Cam a la carte service. All tt " year romiil thiouiili cai mmvici' IVoin New York til Imlli I'ort lanipa ft and Knijihts Kcv, i-onncctinit villi fteatnsliips to ami frimi Havana lt .T. For lu-autifully fllustiatcl luxiklcts anil copy of Turple h oUK-r' u.iilrfssH J (i) W.J. CRAIO, P. T. M.. T. C. WHITE, 0. P. A.f) yjj'jf WILMINHTOS N. C. Vfi 'S 55 '- I mi ZL L 3 0 THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aiflSDrplDsL $53,000. For nearly 20 yearn thin inmitutiou hax provided liankin laoililica for this section. Its stockholders and ollieers ate ideiitilied with the liusi ness Interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the lieuelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this liepartineut interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toreinain three mouths or longer. ' per cent. Six months or lonirer. 8 per cent. Twelve mouthsor loueer. percent. Any information will he furnished ou application to the I'residentorCashier PBRKI DINT : W. K. DANIEL, Vtl'K-l'RKKlPKST: V. U. SMITH. I. K. DliAl'EK, Teller. CA8H1KR: .1. (). DKAKF., DIUE(T01iS-W. I!. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. 0. Drake, W. M I 'ohen, A. C. House, J.L. Shepherd, V. A. fierce, D. I!. Zolheotl'er, .1 . W. Shde IE Dixod & Pod if? a Economy Hints A paniiy tavad ia a panny tamed. Benjamin Franklin. MAM'KACTUKERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OP.DF.K AND KFJiLAB sTtJCK MZES. Good Materials, High urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. TIIF. problem of how to lighten Hie eost of high living Is a vital one loiluy, and especially is litis question nlisorliliiK to the poor man's wife. Iter household uiotto should surely he to tunko tho hest of uvei-ylhlnx Itiisklu says, "Industry without art Is hniliillly." And that Is Juslly so of the luiiuemaker, Her duly (s to iiinke her lioiue Jiwt an uttiaetlve as possible, ihkI to do thot she must keep In mind that "a penny suved Is a euny earned" anil that every pleeo of fvod throw n out is money lliiown away Here are four tliluits that help mm h in lowerlliK the enst of hluh llvhi: They lire huy In ns large qtlautltles as powslhle, therehy getting a reduction Use things In season, when they nit cheapest. Wheu egg prices soar search your cook hook and household maga zines for "eggless recipes." Make a systematic collection of economical nu tritious dishes. Egg Substitutes. Wheu eggs are high In making dough nuts boll and mash u good sl.ed potato, heat It hi with I lie sugar and make the doughnuts ns ihiiuI without any eggs. Ju making pumpkin or squash pies lu place of eggs roll crackers One and use as much of theiu in bulk as you would of eggs. You could not tell the differ enoo If you did not know. When you want pudding for dinner and have no milk try adding another egg and a few more raisins and ihb warm water In place of milk. Waya of Using Cheaper Cuts of Meat. Beef loaf Is a line dish In which the cheaper cuts of meat are never recog nized. To make It take one and one half cupfuis of stale breadcrumbs or cracker crumbs, two pounds of ground beef, three tcnspoonfuls of salt, season ing to taste. Mis with water or water and milk, using as much us you can, and have the meat hold together. Bake about one hour In u bread tin. Thicken tho liquid left lu the pun for gravy. I'ork In bntter is another good way to employ the cheap meat. Make a bat ter of one egg beaten with one third cupful of milk and euougb flour to make the consistency of pancake bat ter. Fry some slices of salt pork until they look clear and are beginning to j crisp, then dip In the batter until well covered, ltetuiu to hot fat until well done. Serve will! linked potatoes. Lamb a la Creole. This Is an at tractive way to serve up cold lamb and . Is tnsly and economical. Mince a j green pepper after the seeds are re- ; moved and half a small onion and cook them together hi two luhlespoonfuls of butter for live minutes. Stir in four Jablespoonfuls of flour. When It Is well blended ndd n cupful of stowed and strained tomatoes and a cupful of the liquor In which I he lamb was cooked, or, If It happens to he cold roast lamb, use water or g.Ksl gravy thinned a lit lie. Cook till the mixture Is smooth and thick, season lo taste with suit and pepper and (urn lu two cupfuis of cold lamb cut into small pieces. Stir and cook for sis minutes Make a hollow lu a mound of hot boiled rice and turn the ragout into mid over It. Beef Liver Lyoniinlse. - Procure about a iHiiind mill n half of beof liver, slice It I bin and hi v it in n wide frying pail, sprinkle n ilh unit mid pepper nmi two tablesi nluls of olive oil When ready to cook, put the pun on a hrisl. lire and brown the liver nicely on boll sides. Take the liver out and put on dish to keep hot Add lo pan two onions cci inio thin shreds Toss them over Hie lire III! lendei then add i table-i fill of Hour iiud a tal,i spoonful ,,l chopped parsley. Sllr mm nils well mid mid a cupful of hoi watei When these are smooth ami boiling return the liver to the frylns pan and iniike It very hot Arrange It on n hot platter and pour the sauce over It and send to the tuble with a dish of baked potatoes. -nattmmmssa MM, BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar GEE, AIN'T ITCREAT TO LEARN. When a fellow thinks he knows it all, his trouble just begins; You slip and get an awful fall, why you're knocked clean off your pins; You couldn't stand life's simple ways, but now for them you yearn; How little you knew in bygone days Gee, ain't it great to live and learn ! Before you were twenty-one and the old folks would advise, Away from them you quickly ran, their advice you would despise; To you they weren't up to date, but now for them you yearn; You see your mistake, but it's too late; Gee, ain't it great to live and learn! The best little girl you ever knew, you turned her down, and why? She wasn't sporty enough for you, too backward, bashful and shy; You wanted one from the Great White Way, well, you got her and the light don't burn; You're taking your medicine game but, say, ain't it great to live and learn? You know there's nothing to a flashy gent, with that flattering line of talk; His spiel as a rule is not well meant, test him and you'll find he'll balk; And remember a knock is always a boost, and the knocker he forgets That chickens come home to roost, and ofttimes one regrets. The nasty thing he has said about a friend as well as a foe; Remember you're a long time dead, so be straight before you go, And when you're old enough to marry, look before you leap; It's better by far to tarry than make mistakes and weep. And when you pick your girl be sure y ju know that she loves you and you alone; Pick out one that can cook and sew and one that loves a home; Don't get stuck on a pretty face or a figure that looks great; Remember you're not buying lace, yot 're looking for a niaie.i Never be too old to take advice, and don't think you're the whole reul thing, Because it's just twice as nice to be modest and to cling To those good, old-fashioned ways, and if you do you'll never turn, And some day you'll look back and say "Gee, ain't it great to live and learn !" THE VOICE OF NATURE. The Wind Brought Him Tidings Ol Other Words. nanononiN U unDTunuDTnu p. ucDTMDn d ail WAY rnv o iiuninnwir luiiainuiiiunu iinniifii m Stiff Joints Sprains.Bruises ore relieved at once by an applica tion of Sloan's Unimeut. Don't rub, just lay on lightly. "Sloan'i Uuiinfliit has dono more food tlinn iiy tiling I La vi' fvur trlod or Klitf Jul) it a. 1 got id) lit ii J hai t so badlj that 1 hrvl to Mm), vuik riM m tilt liutil Uiutj tif l lie ) eai'. 1 though t Brit I hat 1 would huvo to li.ive n.y : b.tud t.'tktu. otf, but 1 g"i a Uaileuf tiloan'i Uuimt nt mid cure! idj hanJ.' WiLIOX VUlLr.LLU, MolUH, Alu. Good for Broken Sinew O. O. Ion km, Riihlniu, 1.. 1 , writes : '1 uied Sluuu'f l.iuiiuunl lw bioktm Inewi above ihu kuoo oui ciui..d by ft full and toniygrtjat tiuimctin w.m itblft to rum me writ hi leu tluui Uirtsa vnIu aiwr lb accident." TTOIMFNT aWtltU'MA Fine for Sprain Mi. Hbnrt A. VOEiii., 84 Somereet 8l Plainlleld, N. write, l - " A friend apialiusl Ui aul'i '"'"" lht II wont bluek. Ho liiugliM wou 1 told him lliel I wnulil lio, M"i uj in a week. 1 ainillotl Nloau'e l.liilmaiit nd In fiur ilve ha wa worVlnl and aid Slonu'a was rlUt guod Uul-meuk." HEAL) DOWN PjiiycKttt SnniayV IN llllll AI'HH 1. 1011 Not iXo.8 No.fi A-MJP.M. i'.K HatliU!:!:, '8:85 !:" 12:4.1 4:0,r :lol 1:41 4:-.1l KEAD UP Daily execyt Stinjay? Leave (lunilierry Arrive Leave Mov. H ' l'! -Vrrive Arrive Jc ,., Leave So.2 No. 4 A.M. I' M. j lLlo 3:IHI I lll:4," 2:8(1 , 1(1:30 2:1S So.6 Fal 5 :fi5 r:2,r) A: 1(1 MOTW ... '-f?ralMaoairfr'aUlfl, o, (lamberrv, N.C., March i'lli, I'll W. W. KuUKUTSON, (ieneral Manager . Ma 0 Pric. Ik., BOcaaJ 11.00 aioan'a Bnok on hortaa, eattlo, thap and poultryaeottroa. Addrau Dr. tart S. Sloan "Why did our Lord go "every night into the mountain? And why was it His custom to walk so frequently into the garden? It was because he felt the boon compan ionship of Nature, the friendly helpfulness of the vast and the beautiful. Mountain and garden were allies of the spirit, silent great hearts, who ministered to him in the pilgrim way. He sought the mountain when he was pondering over great decisions; he was found in a garden "in the night in which He was betrayed." He heard wondrous messages in her voice; in her silences, too, he .listened to mysterious speech. He read the evangel of the lilies. He under stood the language of the birds. He read the face of the sky. He shared the secrets of the soil and the seed. He walked through the corn fields on the Sabbath day.and the ears of corn ministered lo a richer Sabbatic peace. He stood to hold intercourse with the grass of the field. The winds brought him tidings of the other worlds. The vineyards gave him more than grapes and wine; they refreshed and strengthened his soul. Every where and always our Saviour was in communion with his willing and immediate friends in the natural world. Nature was to Jesus a blessed colleague in the soul's commerce and fellow with the Highest.-Dr. J. H. Jowett. Best for Skin Diseases Xe- rly every skin disease yields quick ly a d permanently to Bueklen's Arnica .Sal j, and notliinir in better for burns or rruises,. Soothes and heals. John Dej ), of Gladwin, Mich., says, after Bullf-ring 1L1 years with skin ailment and speeding $.V)0 in doctor's bills, ISucklen Arnica Salve cured liim. It will help you. Only -Joe. Recommended hy all druggists. A SYMPTOM. he is Crawford Do you think henpecked. Crabshaw He never mentioned it, but I've noticed that the por trails over his mantelpiece are those of his wife's folks Judge. Keep the heart a' singing, In this world of trouble; It will decrease your worries, And make your joys double. 3on't be too economical. Many a man has tried to kill two birds with one stone, and both birds got away. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of HOW LUCILE HELPED, "Dear Teacher I Love You Very Much." The school room was very ' noisy. Tho children were mov ing their feet, turning the leaves noisily in their books, ! and some were whispering. , Poor little teacher was so tired, j sue was almost ready to give up in despair! It seemed that none of the children loved her today, for, if they did, surely they would ohey, "O, if :t o'clock would only come!" she sighed to herself, "so that I might let them all go to their homes and I might have a rest !" She started down the aisles between the rows of seats to try once more to get the chil dren quiet. Her heart was very heavy and tears were near to her eyes. As she passed by one seat occupied by two little girls a little hand thrust itself out into the aisle and crowded a piece of crumpled paper into the teacher's hand. The teach er went hack to her desk, un folded the pieceof paper and read : "Dear Teacher -1 love you very much. - Lucile." When the teacher looked up there were two bright tears in her eyes, but they were glad tears. When she spoke there was a new ring in nor voice. "Children," she said, and her voice was soft and low, put away your hooks and let's sing a merry song. And as the children sang, all of the trouble seemed to leave the room. Soon they went hack to work, and all was sweet peace and quiet. And as the children were leaving the school that day, I lie teacher look into a pair oi' blue eyes and smiled. "1 love you very much, Lucile," she said. Child's (iem. Are You Constipated ? If so, get a box of lr. Kiug's New Life i'ills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear, '1 hoy will stimulate the li.er, improve your digestion and get rid of all the poisons in your system. 'I'h, iv will surely art von well amiin. -'c. at all diuutosl.. If you would gel up in the world climb. Why does not a successful busi ness man always give the same brand of advice that he uses in his own business? Best Known Cough Remedy For forty-three years lb', Kiug's New Discovery has been known throughout world as the most reliable cough reme dy. Over three million bottles were used last year. Isn't this proof? it will get rid of your rough, or we will re fund your money. . I. . I. Owens, of Al lendale. S. C, writes the way hundieds ofolilclU ini,e duoe. ''Altci treaty years, I iind that Dr. King's New Dis covery is the best remedy for coughs and colds that I have ever used. " Tor coughs or eolda and all throat and lung troubles, it has no equal, "ale. and tl at all druggists. Adv. Only a Few A comparatively small number of Hamilton Watches are made every year. Their extreme ac curacy and fine adjust ment forbids making them in large quantities. The It Ihe 4 . lUatc M Tk$ Ratlnai TimikitHr af America Not only lhc man or woman who wants a very accurate watch buys the Hamilton but the individual who knows aliu! wjtches usually dtmanJs the luiuilton. We sell Hamilton wart dfs complft?, or Supply a H'.iuiltuii movement for your ires?it w;it tt cae. All sizes lor men arc! women. O. C. NELSON. What rmi huy SHINGUS you winl tho wktch 4 t" rM OTtre i the koweal cot pr 4a CtMSf) lltifM Will KM nvMt Ihtt iquwiMt TRANSFER BRAND Rd C4m SHINGLES tf tlto ktgtMM rd ttunla f K-tunil at Lbal O on. r hunth dixon a room mi -v. ro., Weldon, N. C. Though married to a cooking school graduate, many a man would rather fight than eai. STINOY. She He's very close. He Yes; he reminds me of an expensive umbrella. She How so? He He's a tight role. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A gn la m m m m m King of External Is Security for your loved ones. Kiliicul physicians say Gow ans is the Hest. It positively Cures all ills arising from In flainmalioii or Con gestion such as Pneu monia, Croup, Colds. Have given Cowan PnfiHvation a thorough (est. ( is li HEST preparation on the market for the relief of I ..DlimoDia. Croni, 1'oMn, Coughs JAS. P. SMITH, M. D August, Georgia, BUY TO-DAY! NAVE IT IN THE HOME AIIDralilata !. SOa. 2Sa. COWaM MEDICAL CO.. 1 laafaaUii'. laf mmi ntaaaad kr rw Iranltt Have Been Restored to Health By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. There is no doubt about ibis fact. Why i during the last 30 years wo have published in the newspapers of this country volumes of letters from women who have been re lieved of all their suffering hy the timely aid of this grand old medicine. Letters like the following, true, genuine and honest expressions of gratitude corning Irom grateful hearts. Surely you can believe these women. Mrs. L. S. niCKXNElt, Hudson, Mich., snys:- " Sometime ago I was taken with a terrible pain in ln.v right side, such sharp pains ju,t like a knife sticking me. 1 tried hot applications hut that did no good. I went to our family doctor (v- -,v. re living in Fayette, Ohio, at that time) and he said it was organic iuthuiunui ion. 1 doctored with him a while hut kept getting worse. The pain v.':,: so U-rrilde 1 could hardly stand on my feet. 1 would have that sharp pain in my right side, and a dull heavy pain the whole length of my lin.c, 1 realized that something had to be done quickly, so I looked up all o! y ,. advertisements I could iiud, and saw several that described my ease 1 ! i :. buttle of Lydia . rinlthnm's Vegetable Compound and it heloc.t me 1: i;in the tirst dose, and when 1 hail taken two bottles my trouble v gone. Vuur medicine has done so much for me that 1 am willing you should p 11 1 dish this letter for the sake of other sun'ering women." Mrs. L. S. l!n!...i:u, Hudson, Michigan. Mrs. L. K. BOWERS, Girard, Pa., says: "I take pleasure in informing you of what Lydia E. I'iukliam8 Vegetable Compound has done for me. 1 had a sick spell last February, and for some months after that I was not regular au.t had many bad feelings. I was tired all the time, had dull headaches, nut much appetite, and also what the doctor called organic inllainmation. Your Vegetable Compound has entirely cured me and I feel that too much cannot be said in its praise as I am now able to do my own work. Von are perfectly welcome to use my testimonial for the benefit of others." Mrs. L. E. lioWEBS, K.F.D. No. 1, Girard, l'a. Mrs. ELIZABETH GENTILCOHE, Buffalo, .Y.,snys: " I feel that I must write to you ahout your wonderful remedies. About ten years ago I was troubled with female weakness and was all run down. I was tired all the time and could hardly walk without fteling dizzy. 1 heard about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, took it, and also used the Sanative Wash. I got stronger, and have not had those dizzy spells since. I feel that I owe my health to you, and hope your remedies will help others as they have me. ' I tried most everything I heard of, and yours are the best medicines for women's ailments." Mrs. Elizabeth Gsn tiiaxjhk, 28 Olor Street, Buffalo, New York. For SO years Lydia E. Plnkliiiin's Vecctublo Compound lias been the standard reined foi-lc-male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, It has restored so many suffering women to health. pwaawrite " LVKIA E.VIXKII AM MEDICINE CO. SW (( ONFIllK.VnAL) LYNX, MASS., for advice. Your letter will Ix opened, read and answered hy a woman and held in strict c,on!i(l"tnle. -1. i;. y f '''' n 'f I H C Quality Shows in Service ; E could sell wagons for less money. Dut we don t care to seil that kind of wagon. We wa; t your second order, and your third, and every order you give for a wagon. Wo can't be sure of getting those orders unless the first wagon you buy from the 1HC local dealet proves so satisfactory that you would not think of going anywhere else for the second. We have to tell you how good our wagons are to get your first order. After that, we expect the wagon itself to do the selling. I H C wagons Weber New Bettendorf Columbus Steel King are made of selected, liigh-h'rade material throughout. The lumber is air-dried in huge sheds for three years or more before it is used. Air-drying takes years of time, and leaves the fibres of the wood filled with and cemented together by the natural resinous residue of the sap. kiln-drying requires only a few days' time and leaves the wood brittle and weak. Air-drying produces elastic lumber, wagon parts that bend and give under loads and strains but that spring back when the strain is removed. Weber and Columbus wagons have wood pears; New Bettendorf and Steel king have steel gears. The 1 1 1 C local dealer will give you literature and full information about thewagOBS he sells. See him, or, if you prefer, write International Harvester Company of americi un.?crpcratcdl P.ichmaiJ V, Instead of Wood Shingles crSIsie VriTllll-l H i ILL L - A. x-jr-rr -r? -7 r C0RTMGHT Metal Shingles X The roofing that last as long a the building and never needi repairs. Thev won't bum. crack, curl or rot 7 7 like wood ihinglea, nor have they the j s great weight or britdeaen of Hone ilate i I besides they are inexpensive and look better than either. For Sale by J. S. TURNER, WELDON, N. C.

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