.fevii- 'if..'- " . r- - 3 Advetising Rates Made Known on Application vol. xlvii. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptiunSl.SG Mer Annum WELDOX, X. , THURSDAY, APRIL 17, IDII). NO. r I REMARKABLE ANIMAL. RRaiRRRj.JjM-MMMaRRiaRVaRRR I I I I l THE BOOK OF BOOKS. i . ! A Clio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and wblclt has been In use 'or over 30 years, ling borne the aitiaturo of - ami has been nindo under hit per. y?; Sonill Mipervislon slnco its Infancy. Aaf 'Y. 4cAA Allow no one totleeel e you in this. All Coiinteri'eiH, IniHa'.loiix nnd " Just-iis-gnml" nrei hut r.periniriit llnit trlllo with ned rmliuigvr (lie lieullh of lal'unlH mill Children EMMrieii.-! aiiiu-t Kxperinieiit. What is CASTORIA Cusloriu Is it harmless mihstituto for Ca'or OH, Pare giiiie, J)i-'lJ nod KooHiing Syrups. It is I'Vusuiit. It contains nelilMi' Opium, Morphine) noi' oilier Nuroiitlo Kiihsliiiiee. lis nt i its) ft'iarautee, H destroys Wornm ami Hllii).i J i irrrshiu-sx. !t cures Di.irrluen nnd Wind ( iili;'. U relieves Teelluriff Trimbles, cures Constipation anil I'liiiolci.i . It assimilates the rood, regulates the Moinaeli iinii Hivivels, yiing healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l"nu;ieeu Tlio itlut tier's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of .zr The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC eCNT.UR eOWMNV, TT MURRAY RTRECT. HCW VORR WTV. UtLWIC CO ST utnl ill f Standard f Railroad li t The of the South W mm Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." Hi li Hi Hi Hi im FAMOUS TRAINS: Special" (.Itimiary to .April) f ' "Florida and West Indian Limited,'' "Palmetto Limited," .". (I "Coast Line Florida Mail." nininsr ( nrs a In euite service All l ' year round through car service from New' York to both Port 'I'uiiipu " ft mill Knights Key, connecting with steamship to ami from Havana. f& .T. I or beautifully illustrated booklets ami copy of Tuiple 1'olilei' address ,f W.J. CRAIQ, P. T. M., T. C. WHITE. O. P. A.Ji) il WlLMINtiTUN S.C. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDON, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ant! Surplns, $53,000 For nearly '.M years tliiH institution lias provided bankiiiK lui'ililn s for this section. Its utockholili'rs and otlicrrs are identilii-d n itli l lie I.um ih'rii intiTCHtH oT Halifax and Northampton rounties. A Savin(8 Ui-partnirnt is inamtaini'd for the benelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savinga Hank. In tliis I lepartment interest is alloned as follows: For Deposits allowed torenmin three months or longer, '2 per cent. Six moathsor longer, .1 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the I'residcntort'ashier PRKS1DBNT : V. E. DANIEL, Vl( B-I'llESIIIKNT: W. K. SMITH. I.. F. I iliAI'KH. Teller. CASHIR8: .1. O. HHAKK, 1)1 KEtTOlW V. I!. Smith. W. E. Daniel, ,1. O. Drake, V. At. Cohen, A. C. House, .1.1.. Shepherd. V. A. Pierce, D. II. Znllicotfer, .1. W. Sledge at 3E The Grass Withereth, the Flower Fadeth But the Word Of Qod Shall Stand Forever. No fragrant of a battle ever sur vived so many banles as the Bible; no citadel ever withstood so many hurricanes and was swept by so many storms. And yet it stands. Ii has seen the rise and tail of Dan iel's four empires. Assyria be queaths a few mutilated figures to the riches of our national museum. Media a, id Persia, like Babylon, which they conquered, have been weighed in the balance and long ago found wanting. Greece faint ly survives in iis historical fame, "lis living Greece no more," and iron Rome of the Caesars has long since ceased to boast. And yet the book that foretells all still sur vives. While the nations, kings, philosophers, systems, institutions, have died away. The Bible en gages men's deepest thought, is examined by the keenest intellect, stands revered before the highest tribunals, more devoutly loved and more vehemently assailed, more defended and denied, more indus triously translated and freely given to the world, more honored and abused than any other book the world ever saw. It survives all changes, itself unchanged; it moves all minds, yet is moved by none; it sees all things decay yet itself is incorruptible; it sees myriads of other books engulfed in the stream of time yet it is borne along till the mystic angel plants its foot in the sea and swears by him that lime shall be no more. With Isaiah we say: "All flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the Word ot God shall stand for ever." IS CASE OF FAILURE. A commercial traveller at a rail way station in one of our Southern (owns included in his order for breakfast two boiled eggs. The old darkey who served him brought him three. "Uncle," said the traveling man' "why in the world did you bring me three boiled eggs? I on ly ordered two." "Yes, sir," said the old darkey, bowing and smiling, 1 know you did order two sir, but I brought three because 1 just naturally felt dat one of dem might fail you, sir." Topeka Capital. It's a good plan to believe only half you hear and forget two thirds of that. M A N V FACT I' R K Its OF RiiiMino- Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MA.DF. TO OliDF.lt AND ItEUl'I.AR STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials. Hljfh Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. loaoc NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO. HEAD DOWN I Djily cxcetl Sunjjys READ UP IN 1 1 ITU Al'Kll 1. 1911 lliaily txcett Snnjays No I So.3So,5 A.M.iM. jM. -ii2:lf, 8785 nW,ia:4."i 4:0.". 8:151 1;0U 4:20 Leave C.umlierry Arrive Leave M'"ti;M Arrive Arrive .):.. . i l eave So.2 No.4 ATM. I' M 11:15 "S'lKl 10:45 2:80 111:80 2:15 So 0 P.M. 5:55 5:25 5:10 u' iv itttltt'ltTHON. Cuneral Mauager NOTE- MowBeld iia t'la Slallnn k. t.en.rat Minnscr'a IIMc... llumWrv. K. C Lameness Sloan's Liniment is a quick and reliable remedy for lame ness in horses and other farm animals. ' Sloau'f Liniment Burpase any thing nu farth tor lameiion iit bor-oa ftnti other li'-mi Hiluieiim. 1 would Dot ilep without it In my sUMo." M iurt Iri.K, 433 Weal luih hu, Now Voi k City. Good far Swellinc and AImcu. Mr. II. M Ot lint, of Ijiwronco, Knn., R. V. D.,No. 3, writwt: " 1 ItuJ a initrii villi rn fi!iseiw m h?r ). k uiM one tk Imtloot Slmm'.. Loiin.eiii ftiiiit-ly i'r.ii In r. 1 k..vplt i.il tim for gjtl la ami cmnll b t-lli. p miJ fur cor tiling about tho tUK'li.'' SLOANS LINIMENT is a quick and ,safe remedy for hog cholera. Coramw of Cwili u Slota'a LUalmnl lor Hot CbsUra. I l.nr.l II... lln.nii !u lid U nilttR R finnnr nnt IIir. Im Itmi ii.'.m l.wl R hg In butiTR mil tlitt In. roinivly RlWRJ'R IU R UlU!Nllfll Ol Hltll' l.llilnifnt in R Kll...i ot pl-M, dBcriw. Inft lhedo a. Oio Rnlnial itiiprov!. l.-iRt iniiidh Got. Hmwn Rnil m.RRll erB Rl Ihe AerloiiltnrRl eollis!R liuil.llnil rii.I In llio dlwiMlonol rRIRRRt Of HiR dlRRR, 0, BmWO gar Ilia rwrwly namol rr UTifalllng. " Oubkhvkb." BiTANHia 1UII.V MiWR. At All DRRlRrR. ffe.,Mct.OO. SIork'i ?"" on Howl. rttla, Uufi anil I'uullri Kin "' Aiiran Dr. Earl 8. Biota, Bottoa. . March J'lh. IQlt IIEUDISCOVI MBfOUCHSCTbotc run WOLD5 UlTB!HBon'.t m.' AWBA11TH1KMTAWD tUHGTROUBLESj ROYAL Baking Powder is the greatest of modern time helps to perfect cake and biscuit making. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and guarantees it safe from alum and all adulterants. TWILIGHT. The shadows are falling, the end draweth near, Sweet voices are calling, long hushed to our ear; Old, homesick and weary, we sigh for the peace That comes when eanh's dreary hard toiling shall cease. The temple up yonder all glorious and brigln, We glimpse oft and wonder, since God is its light. The silvery river that flows by the tree Of life in the city, in fruitage we see. The white-robed immortals that throng the highway Seem passing our portals, and not far away; These these all remind us, we're nearing the strand, And soon far behind us will lie shadow land. The way often cheerless not much of sunshine But few leagues were tearless, down all the long line; The twilight is cheering, our old hearts grow light; It tells us we're nearing the land of no night. 'Tis balm for our sorrow, for heartache relief; Assures us to-morrow we'll be beyond grief. The place without sadness, and never a sigh, Where life is all gladness, and none ever die. "THERE IS NO DEATH" Do we grieve when the morning breaketh ? Are we sad when the worm finds wing ? Do we mourn o'er the bulb ttiat lies buried Awaiting the coming of Spring? With dirge shall the children long exiled Return to the land of their birth Shall the King's son, his country long serving, Be crowned without glaunessVn'd mirth ? O Brothers, when day for meldawneth; When, ceasing to plod, I miy soar; When the root by the Gardener transplanted, Has blossomed as never before. When the feet long weary with wandering Have entered the beautiful gate; And the child, through mercy forgiven, Inherits the Father's estate; When the eyes so fond of earth's bounty New sight have, as well as new scenes; And the ears, there retuned by God's angels, Know what perfect harmony means; When the soul so often defeated Has conquered the last of its foes, And the heart singing long in the darkness Heaven's glory forevermore knows. Come not with your low-muftled drum beats, 0 ring not one funeral bell; March as soldiers returning from battle, Whose songs of great victory tell ! Rejoice as when evil lies vanquished, Rejoice that peace comes after pain! When your hearts are by loneliness saddened, Rejoice in mine infinite gain ! Think not that I have gone from your presence; Our spirits yet nearer shall be; When I know as I'm known by the Master, 1 can pray far better for thee. He is calling me now for some service: Your mansions perhaps I'll prepare. 'Tis not far to the Beautiful Country, And I shall be waiting you there. Anna P. Beyer. Coughs and Consumption Conglm and colds, when nei;lccled, alwav lead to nerimm trouble of the lung.. TS.. niwst thins to do when yi have a cold that trouble" you m lo et a bottle of Dr. Kinir'nNea Discovery. You will net relief from the Hist dose, and finally the couifh will disappear. O. II. Hron. of MuKeadine. Ala., writes: "My wile was diimi in bed with an obstinate coutch. and 1 honestly believe had it not been lor Dr. Kings's New Discovery. he would not be living today." Known r,,r rm-iv.lhrec veins as the best remedy fur couKlm and' colds Price 50c. and tjil. Ueeominendcd by all ilrunirists . Adv. An old lady was K'nK over the zoo and after some time she went up to a keeper and tapped him on the shoulder with her umbrella. "Well, mum," said the keep er. "I want to ask yon," explain ed the old lady, "which of the animals in the zoo you consid er the most remarkable?" The keeper scratched his head for awhile. "Then "Well, mum," he replied, "arter careful consideration, as you might say, I've come to the conclusion as tho biscuit goes to the laughing hyena." "Indeed!" said tho old lady in surprise; "and why do you consider the laughing hyena so remarkable?" "Well, mum," answered the zoological expert, ''ho only has a sleep once a week, lie only has a meal once a month. He only has a drink once a year. So what he's got to laugh about is a bloomin' mystery to me!" George Rosey's Jokes, Jibes and Jingles. SAD MAN'S RED CAN. A sad looking man entered the shanty where the workmen were eating their lunches. Ii was holding a red can. "Hey, fellers," hesaluted them, "look at this can o' powder I pick ed up outside. I've a mind to blow meself up." "Aw, cut that stuff and beat it out of here," ordered the foreman. The man walked around, then walked deliberately over to the stove, opened the door and thrust the can inside. There was a yell of dismay and in a moment the shanty was emp ty. Ten minutes later the runaways returned. The can was lying harmlessly on the fire and the sad looking man was gone. So were their lunch pails. WOMAN'S ILLS DISAPPEARED Like Magic after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. North Bangor, N. Y. " As I have used Lydia fc. nnk hnm's Vegetable Compound with great benefit I feel it my duty to write and tell yon Bbout, it, Iwhs iiilinir from fe male weakness and hail heiultu'ho and backache nearly all .!,. liii... I urna latoP every month than I should have been id so sick that I had to ro to bed. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com jiound has made me well and these trou bles have disappeared like magic. I have recommended the Compound to many women who have used it success fully. "Mrs. Jamks J. Stacy, R.F.D. No. 3, North Bangor, N. Y. Another Made Well. Ann Arbor, Mich. "Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done wonders for me. For years I suffered terribly with hemorrhages and had pains so intense that sometimes I would faint away. I had female weakness so bad that I had to doctor all the time and never found relief until I took your remedies to please my husband. 1 recommend your wonderful medicine to all sufferers as I think it is a blessing for all women." Mrs. L. E. Wyckoff, 112 S. Ashley St, Ann Arbor, Mich. There need be no doubt about the ability of this grand old remedy, made from the roots and herbs of our fields, to remedy woman's diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact, enough to convince the most skeptical. Why don't you try it? ! 1 44. 0 Drive Sick Headaches Away Sick headaches, iioiir gassy stomach, indigestion, biliousness, disappear 'iiiMynftr yni Hkr I'r. hmj' New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Kvery pill helps; every liox guaranteed. Price '.'.c Kccommcndcd by all drug gists. Adv. The rolling stone gathers moss neither does it have make an uphill. GUABANTECD SATISFACTORY CASTORIA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of Fortunately a man seldom mar ries the woman he fell in love will, at first sight. For Burns, Bruises and Sores The quickest and surest cute foi burns, biuises, boils, sores, intlamma tion and ail skin diseases is llucklcn's Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L1I. Ilalliu, of Iredell, of a sore on his ankle which paiued him so he could hunlly walk. Should be in every house. Only &"c. Recommended by all druggists. Adv. s-t i ttUHfc To Get Corn 1 iSt Prepare tho ground thorough!, :.it-l iw md of host variety carefully selected. It is uiisoluloly necessary to keep the crop well nourished when tho demand is heaviest when tho ear is maturing. IJcfuic planting and during growth apply Virginia-Carolina Jligh-Gnulo Fertilizers With proper cultivation you will greatly increase the yield and work wonders in producing largo, full cars with plump, sound grains of corn-that hring good prices anil big profits. Our FAU.MKHS' YEAR BOOK or almanac for 1913 tells how to make the most profit out of corn-growing. Ono will ho mailed you free on request. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Box 1117 VIRGINIA virginia-LaroiinaJ : RICHMOMJ 2 VietorijShingla Im i.rul Jliin-j Ot ifjntat ShinU Ii The four designs of Cortright Metal Shingles as shown above are made in any ol the following ways : 1 . Stamped horn Tin-plate and painted Red. 2. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Green. 3. Stamped from Tin-plate and Galvanized by a hand-dipping process. 4. Stamped from special tight-coaled Galvanized Sheets. Each and every genuine Cortright Metal Shingle is embossed with this Trade-mark, " Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." 6 For Sale by J. S. TURN lift, Wi-xnoN, N. C. If GUAKA.NY..L .' .7 FROM T.'"; vSVolF.l J. A lil.FVfi 'N I rt(IKTVPE. 8( SHOUT -iTkMMKU ' PLATl'UTt'H Lirfr.l ind Li Wit CabLVft. j HOST PHOOF PLANTS o Iai4. .i.i ! -. ll i ' ; . jy, tl ;i;iJ tokl miifl- i'l.liti.urt' ,i til nt i canibiiiuri. VkHW 1:, f.muc our -l.i )ts njii'-t pli-ii ii.it i i ,.-f tin pla-iiK in your n , limi t" i-'. t xtm i i. v (iiousai.tt BHtN(lil on.in-i In lar Southartl r n v huelt. OrdarDow; .i'ij they ait) tbo unvt VSa mn' iurr.e, i,im a! 0iI;U4va QnA A ! o trow full lint of jw svn iijjvi tuita vi vnuunro jocm tici .o. ..v,: sn.iwicrry t'UtitB, 1 rii-t ti tfi in . tininni. uinU. Write f-r f r. t- i-atj.!.. i. Ml vt'ftiiM-'t'rt. !-. i'fif... .,,1 rat.lvit,- vi hl'cilim, li"tv V V-:vilif i ..ri-e,i i.n Wni.'ll I., tr-i.f &1. .'MK Ii!. !-:.' I; .-0 I'll- HiJtl n ' 1' irnmtliitl nbnut fruit . i.n-. nt p. r l"ti )l'ns. l..wlt'irjl im; l.UW 1 ".!' llimin.iitl, r", S. C. EDITION OF THE WORLD! Practically a Daily at the Price of a weekly. No Other Newspaper in the world gives so much at so low a price. tj This is a time of great events and you will want the news accu rately and promptly. The Demo crats, for the first lime in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Conpress. The po litical news is sure to be of the most absorbing interest There is a great war in the Old Vi'orld, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish F.m pire in liurope, just as a lew years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since establish ed a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A-W'cek edition, which comes i every other day in the week, cx : cept Sunday. It will be of partic- ular value to you now. TheThrice-A-Vi'eek World also abounds in i other strong features, serial stories, : humor, markets, cartoons; in fact, 1 even thins that is to be found in a ! first da: s daily. j The Thrice-A-Week World's j regular subscription price is only $1 pi r year, and this pays for 156 papers, w e otter this unequalled newspaper and THK OAMOKE MtWS together one year for $175. The regular subscription price the two papers is $2.50. of Special Sale A lot of men strive for fame be cause of the money that goes with it Or AJRS"ICA. RRMCRtrfff. M 1 am sole agent for the Hamilton watch in this vicinity. I repaii ''itches, Clocks, Jew elry, Sewing Machines, Phono graphs, Ca:.h Registers, Ftc. All work guaranteed. Q. C. NELSON, WFI.DON, K. C. We have on hand several consign ments of the latest in wool, Wash and I'riucess ladies Suits. Mather than re turn these suits our hradnuartcra deci ded to put them on sale at half price for casli only, hhmiiir fi.mi. I rm ccss, white and all other colors fc"i to T. nnw $2.."HI to $3. Wash ( 'oat Suits I to 0, now $L9H to !. M to $3 Net aist reduced $1 ."& to 2..rU Mack and col ored silk Petticoats 4 to Hi now i.K8 to :l.7i'. Voile skirl to $ now j.i .Mi to JH.isi. 10,000 yards lace and embroid eries to close out at hall price. 75c to $1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 50 to T.uv r and (ic. calicoes 81 to 4c. 10 and l'.'lc ginghams 7 to !c. About 3,000 yards dress goods to chw out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Ruga, druggets, carpetings and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N O, jSJOTTCTC 01 Qualification ol Administratrix The undfiKiirnrd having qualified as administratrix ol the estate of I.. II. llule, deceased, in the Superior Court of Halifax county, on the :ird day of Vmeh I'.Ha, llelebv utilities all nersoiis hel line claims against her said inle-lii e 'i, pre sent to herduly veritieiiat 1 1 n - - ; vN.I'.. on or before twelve mm. Ills imm ide dale "f this P"tiee, oi tin s v, ' :.e pleaded in bur tlierenl. All persons indi -blei' I" lie. , ,; ' testuti' a e ln'ii 111111(11"' I mediate ;, . mil I Ii of .March. HUH. .MU. .IKN A 'minisiiKi v f" I ' .'. I-. o TRANSFER BRAND "rS.S SHINGLES RESIST THE CLEMENTS LONGEST. DIXON & P00LK M'F'fi CO., Weldot, N". V. 30Q0OC

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