Advertising Rates Made Known on Application VOL. XLVII. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, . ( ., TIll'liSDAY, AIMill. 2i, Terms of Subscriptioiv-Sl.SC .'-er Aniiuii.1, NO. :,2 1 Ifll .U.COIIOI. 3 PKK ft Nl A c-tjc iulif Pri'paration Tor-ls si mi M 1 ilia iik- F'MNf ami Rruta liniJilieiMtMKHsw'Mwclsot Pmmdi-sDii-sl'onfliffifiil- mvisaralltesiXoiilalnsnciitief I'j.'iiiiw.Mnrphmc nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Iimm Sad- ) I AiiifSifd IWmmt- , J'ltillhiM'l it,! . Jfc.W I'Tntkit Suyjr . AnnCcc! Remedy foiConsliaa- lion.Suui-Sloiiwdi.DiairlKH'j Worms ,fonvulsious.Frvcrih liesxaiulLosSOrSLrt.'. KacSinulf Signature of NEW YORK. uaraniecd under the taa Exact Cupy of Wrapper. 1 i j -,(Ka.-niwmW3; !i5 r$ ."w .""5 '" a-' && w Utlmtic cost lw'$, The Standard V Railroad j of the Vjif South vl HP, lllUl Rorida and West Indian Limited.' "Palmetto Limited," ."" I 'Coast Line Florida Mail." niiiing t'ant a la eurte wrviw All ft ': .v''ar rounil tliroiiKli ear wrviiv I'nmi Nr York tn liotli I'nrt 'I'umpa fl aiul Knights Kt'V, mum eUug illi Ktcamsliips to anl frum lhiv;m:i. ft .1. I'or hcautifiilly itliiNt :t liookli'ts ami pupvof 'l'lirplc l ol.lfr' u..lit (IW.J. CRAIG, P. T. M., T. C. WHITI-. 0. I. A.f iSly WlLMINiilUN N.C. OE 3E 3E THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State oi North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Surplus, $53,000. tor nearly i yeare tln inslitutioii has providnl Imtikintr laoilitii's for thisaeetion. Il stoekliolili rs an.l ollictis arc iilrntitird with tin- husi neK interests of Halifax ami Nortliampton eoiinlies. A Savings Kepartment is maintained for the litnilit of all nho desire to deposit in Savings I'.ank. In tins lepartmeiit interest is alloned as follows: For Deposits allowed tore main three months or longer, 1! per cent. Six months or longer, 'A per cent Twelve inontlisor loniter. t percent, tny information mil he furnished on application to the I'residentorCahiei rSKsioiNT : W. E. DANIEL, Vll 'M-l'HKslDKNr: W. li. SMITH. L. E. Dli A PKK. Teller. DIKKCTOliS W. It. Smith, W. A. C. House, ,1.1.. Shephenl, W, V. A. MAM l UTl liEltS (II Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDl'lt AND KGlil'LAK STiK'K SIZES, (lood Materisls, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. 30EZIOE NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, . KHM) DOWN 'L except Sundays S l No :t No.ft a m. p.m: P.m. l -' .l.-. ;"., 'Mill .,, "l.ii l;(Kl 4:20 I in 1 1 nu Leave (iuiiil-rry Arrive Leave X ""'I' Amre Arrive .la'Ui-uii Leave W. NOTK -Muwdpld ia Flu Station For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use or Over Thirty Years ASTORIA TMt CIMTAUR (OMMNTi MIW YORK CITY. Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." il to iJ "New York and Florida (fl Special" (January to April) I'ASIMKK: .1. . I'ltAKE. Daniel, .1. (). Drake. W. Pierce, D. It. Zolheoller, M. (ohe .1 W. Sir, REAP HP. I a i I ye c e p t Sun J a ys No.2N'o.4!No.ti A M.'P.M.jP.M. Ai'Kii yii 11 IV S:IKI Hl:4.)l 2 :l! lll;S(li 2:irl 5:2 5:10 W. KollEKTSON, (ieneral Manager M -f 111 HFLUCTANT F:VII)I:NCK. Dr. Osier tells the folliiwinfr to illustrato the ulastieity of the Kiiiclish hinnaKe, as used liy the Soutlii'i ii negro, 'lie day there caine to the clinic a negress with a hroken jaw. This examine; uliysician, intent mi (lisciivering the exact nature ami extent of the injury asked nuinerous ipiest ions. To all of them the negress return ed evasive answers. Finally she admitted t hat she was "hit hy ail (diject." "Was it a large (diject or or a small ohject ';" asked the idiysician. '"I'olle-liy large. " "Was it a hard ohject or a a soft ohject?,' "Tollo-by hard." "'Was it coming rapidly or slowly ';" "Tollo-by fast." Then, her patience exhaust ed, the negress turned to the physician. "To tell the truth, doctor, I was jest simply kick' in the taee by a gen'le-man friend." - Everybody's Maga zine. TRANSFERRED. He told the shy maid of bis love, The color left her cheeks. Hilton the shoulder of his coat It showed for several weeks. Cornell Widow. START NOW Susieplibility to colds, sore throats, limsilitis and such, indi cate impoverished vitality laik of reserve strength to weather thanking se.isons. A spoonful el SCO TVS EMUL SION afur each meal starts healthy body action like a small match kindles a great lire and more: it mahel rich, htallhy, active blood fortifitt rA fffiuet and ttimulate the appetite- it mahet lound body-$trength. SCOTTS EMULSION is the pure st cod liver oil, made cream like and palatable without alco hol or drug the (jiiintesseiice of purity. Reject imitations they are im pottore for profit. Soirr Si ll .ivu . Mli.mttld. N. J. U-"s WATER WORKS And Sewerage Bonds for The Town of Weldon, N. C, Issued as Provided By Law for Sale to the Amount of $40,000.00. SEALED hids will he received hy the undersigned at Weldon, N.C, until Mavimh, l Jo'elock M . for Hie purchase of EOKTV Tllol' SAND Did. LA US (f'lo.lKMUNI) Waler Works llonds to lie issued in accordance with the laws of the stale of Noilh Car olina, l'tilihc and Private Laws. Estra Session, Pi's, aineiidiinr Chapter Private l aws of ls''l. the same Im iiiit the chatter of the town of Weldon. N. C. and also in accordance with An Act passed at the session of the General As semlilv of 1IIKI, leu'alizimraiid validatim; the said issue of llonds, and rcnderinir the same not open to attack in the hand fpuichusci'K for value, the elec tion under said la havinu' heeu held on the Pith day of Scpteuihei. I!MI, and liaunt! heeii deelareil in favor of Waler inks and Sewerane !y a vote of I VI to 10. said hoiids lo he dated .lauuaiy I, l',ii:i, and to hear interest at the tale of six itii per cetituiu pet annum pttyahle annually, or ocini annually, uud said honds are payahle in twi nfy eiiial in slalments, llie liisl insialineiil of pun cinal to he due and to nutuic ul the expiialioii of ten yeais liom the dal isxie and one ilislallin lit lor each i ' ill Mil'- i',,.!:nH' yi ar lor ntiii-.t-n :" ji'i al veais, to he issued at such time and place as may ! di siirnuted hy the pur chaser upon acceptance of hid. Cerlilied check of ptoposer oil some hank to the niidcisnrncd in the sum of I IV E II I MHir.ll tr mi DUl.l.Alls re inured lo aecoinpany hids for the whole of such issue, or pioporliouate putt less than for whole Puis are to lie muilc comiiiiomii upon examinalioii as lo Imahty or without condition, upon Iniiiishiut; hoinlsoi not furnishiiiKl'Oiids. T he riuht to reject any ami all hids is resei(sl. the ru-hl to accept any hid Sllluilltted IS also leserved. whether the same In- the hurhest hid or not lliddcrs. if they so desire, may suh mit form of bonds with hids, or the same may he issued in form rciuested hv successful hidder at the time of ac- ccptance of hitl. A it v f li titer inforuialion mav he had by application lothe undetsiiriicd or to W. E. Daniel, attorney for the Hoard of Commissioners, Weldon, N. I'. ill lids must he suhmitted to the un- . ..Himiw B II s on ce ui eioou ... . ' . . , i, -I 1.... V ( ' This the 7th day of Apol, i'.IPt. W. W. WiaOINS. Mayor of town of Weldon. N. iH t,ifs fir -cz'k e The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious bome-baked foods oi maximum qus&ly at minimum cost IVJakes Iseiue feaking pleasant and prcSifa'ole This litile poem brings to mind a one who never came back, Fourteen years ago there was visiting me a precious rand-child about 6 years old, the only girl in ihe family and, of course, idolized, bright and beautiful. The lime came for her in return home and on the morning of the day she was to leave she came into my room, hug ging up in her arms three little wax dolls. She brought them to me and said: "Sweetie, put these away and keep them till 1 come back." She wailed until she saw me put them in my bureau drawer and cover them up; then she left me. She never came back. She went in heaven one day, and our beans were sad, indeed. Those doll babies are just where she put them. Not for the world would I have moved them. There they sleep, and like the "little tin soldiers" they wonder and wait for iheir little mother. God help the mothers who wait for those linle ones who have promised to "come back afterwhile." "I'll come back afterwhile," he said As he tucked his head in his cap of gray, And muffling his throat with a scarf of red He lovingly called to his mother tosay, "I'll come back afterwhile." "I'll come back afterwhile," he said To his father who sharpened his skaics that day, On the old grindstone. Then onward he sped, Shotuing, "Thanks, I'll give kisses for pay, I'll come back afterwhile." "I'll come back afterwhile," he said To his dog that sounded a lonesome bay, "Your foot is so sore; you must keep your bed. If you're good, you may go some other day. "I'll be back afterwhile." "I'll come back afterwhile," he said; But O ! 'tis so long he has been away, Yet oft-times when skies are with stars o'erspread, Out of the silence they'll hear him say: "I'll come back afterwhile." Briiish Weekly. Coughs and Consumption CoiiKhsand colds, when ncirlccted; always lead to serious trouhle of the lunirs. The wisest tliinir to do w hen you have a cold that Irouhles you is to net a lioltliof Dr. KiiiL' sNew Discovery. You will itet relief from the lirsl dose, and finally the cousrh will disappear. II. II. lirown, of Muscadine. Ala . writes: "My wife was down in bed with an obstinate counh, and I honestly believe had it not heeu lor Dr. Kinirs'n New Discovery, she would uot be liviutf today." Known for forly-three years as the best remedy for coughs and colds. Price "iUc. and $1. liecoinineinleil bv all druirtrists. Adv. MI ST SEND WIFE TO SCHOOL. John Palasis, of Philadelphia, whose wife is thirteen years old must send her to school or he will be sent to jau For burns, Bruises and Sores lhe tiickcst and surest cine lot burns, bruises, boils, sores. inlluuiiiia: lion and all skin diseases is llin kli n's Aiuica Salve. In four days it cured Lll. Ilalliu, ol Iredell, of a sore on his ankle which pamed him so he could hanily walk. Should be in every house only 2"ic. Itecoiniueiided by all iltuiiirists. -Ad THE HONEST MAN "Are you looking lor work?" "No. sir: I'm looking for money, but I'm willing to work because that's the only way 1 get it." For in! '-m' a aati Children. Ihe Rind You Have Always Bought Bears tho (J-M-f-.r V. Signature of UX'" A . -. H t&waev I kLii Iml : ineideni in my own life, of AT THE DOG FIQHT. If it occurs in your block, com teously give way to stran gers desiring a view, particu larly ladies. Avoid showing partiality to ward one dog. However, let your secret sym pathies and your compassion be always with the under dog in the light -this is magnanim ity; but bet on the other one Ibis is business. Mark Twain. SI RE (1UESS. "Are those women surtrageues?" "Yes." "Wlui do you suppose they're alking ilboiii so earnestly?" "It's one of luii things milli nery or politics." MEAN Dick-When Harry eloped with May Scads he rubbed it into her father. Tom- How? Dick He telegraphed her oil man that they had been married and sent the message collect. Drive Sick Headaches Away Sick headache, murcassy stomach, indiu'estion, biliousness, disappear iiuiekly after you take Dr. Kunr's New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and icor in the system. Tty them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box liuaiaiiteed. Price 2 if Keeommeiidi d by all druir irists. Adv. Many a meek and lowly man has ruled the roost as a baby IT ALL DEPENDED. Pa i kooney, having been to the fair, was driving home when a great drowsiness overcame him and he lay down in the cart and went to sleep. The horse, finding himself free to do as he warned, promptly kick ed through the traces and ran away. When Pat awoke he found no horse. While he was wondering over the situation a stranger came up. "Am I Pat Pooney, or am I not?" asked Pat. "Oim shure 1 dtiuno, "answered the stranger. "Well," said Pal, "ifOi'm Pal Rooncy Oi've lost a horse, an' if Oi'm not Ot've found a cart." Washington Times. LOST HIS OBJECTIVE. "Object" drawing has brought a new anxiety to the schools. In cer tain districts youngters may be seen moving schoolward with hatchets, knives, hammers, chisels and similar things as materials for their drawing lessons. The other day just as one of these lessons was about to begin, a small boy was found standing tearfully at the teacher's desk. "I've swallowed my ohject," he explained w ith an alarming gulp, "What was ii?" asked the teach er anxiously. "A banana," replied the would be artist with a final gulp. Pitts burg Chronicle. WHY NOT? "Madam, you wear too much false hair. It injures the nerve centers and fatigues the blood cells of the brain." "Young woman, what do you mean by such inpertinence ?" "Hoity, toity, now. I'm the welfare inspector lor the idle rich." Judge. When ihe Dowels Are Uncomfortable and you miss tint! feeling of exhilaration w Inch follows a copious nioiiiinir. opera tion, you should put a r-mall quantity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action in the system is puri fying and strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and gives tone to tho muscular structure of the bowels. It over comes the tendency to chronic con stipation, relieves a bloated feeling in the abdomen, sweetens the breath and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Snld by Dealers Price. Large Packaac S1.00 A.k fur Die trnuine ill, (lie Kc-t 7 on (lie 1.11. II yon cam, .I trt il. flint t' u. ' sill wnl II l ul. ,H.i,t.i.l. Simmon. Ijipf ii ,.l put up in II im.l lunii l,.( Iliy li.i 1'n-i.i 11 I'n.r P'l bottlt. U..k l.n IV r.f.l '. IiItI. I. H. 7KIII1 A CO., Proprietors St. Loul. Missouri rjAHnAirTIMIKKKP OF AMtRtCA. i.,vr3-M. ri I ant sole agent lor the I lamilton watch in this vicinity. 1 repair Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Sewing Machines, Phono graphs, Cash Registers, lite. All work guaranteed. U. C. NKLSON, WELDON, N. I . 9 erf a H V" ' " nof CUCHS fla 50aii.oo Jl VOLDS ir.TWiM.wnti fat?... HD All THROAT AND IUNC TROUBLES GUAItANTED SAT5FACTOfr '- ! .. (ifpjpv , Vi? rT Til rTTAV From 40 to 50 Woman's Critical Period. Surl, wannnjr symptoms l snllocation, hot Hashes, severe headaches, .nelant l,li,, ,!a,ul (,f impendinrr evil, palpitation of the Itearl, i. n -ul.u ity, constipation and dizziness are promptly treated ,v i,,t, lli.-eiit women who are ai)rracliinjf the period of life. This is the most critical period of woman's life and she who nog eels the care of Iter health at this time invites in curable disease and' pain. Wliv not be Ktiided by the ex perience of others and take Lydia K. Pin!,ham's Vegetable Compound? It is an indisputable fact that this grand old remedy has helped thousands of women to pass throutrh this trying period with comfort and snfetv. Thousands of genuine and honest testimonials support this fact. From Mrs. HEX KY HKAVILIX, dulii,, Ohio! I'ort Uorth, Tevas.-"I have taken Lydia l'itikham's Vegeta bit; ( o m.tid and derived great ben.. lit IV,,,,, ils ,lse. It ta.i I it a mo HaU-l.v lin.tiBh the Change of Life wl,,,, I in bad health. I had that all g'one teelmg tuostof tho time, run h,,;; he constantlv I was very nervous and tno hot flashes we. v.-ry bad. 1 had tried other remedies and doctors, hut did not impe.vr umil 1 k'san takinit I vdia K mk nuns Vegetable Compound I, has ,,,.w been sotnetimesin e 1 took tlietoiiipoundandlhave bad no lvuim of mv old complaints t always praise your remedies to weak women.'" Mrs IIenk? IIuaviuv, li. F. 1). No. o, Cadiz, Ohio. From Mrs. EDWARD H. HI1,KI Fleelwoo.l, Pa. I' leetwood, Pa.-" During tho ChanrX' of Life I was hardly able to be around ut all. I always ha.l a headache and I Mas so In and nervous that. I had no rest at niirlif. The flashes of beat were so bad .sometimes that 1 did mil know v.-X to do. 'One day a friend advised toe to lake Lvdiu K. Pinkham's Vege table ('onipouiid and it made me asiiong, well woman. I am very lliankltil that 1 followed my friend's advieo.antl I shall reeoimnend it :is long as I live. Before- 1 took the C'omixntnd 1 was always sickly and now I have not bad medicine from a doctor for years. You mav publish my letter." .Mrs. Edwakd 15. IIimikrt, Fleetwood, Pa. From Mrs. F. I. Ml LLEXDOUE, Mnnford, Ala. iMimford, Ala." I was so weak and nervous while passing through the Change of Life that I could hardly live. My husband had to nail rubber on all the gates for I could mil. stand to have a gate slam. "I also had backache and a fullness in my stomach. I noticed 'that ... , nm .,,1,1111,- . ,MllMllll ,i.-,aii- vertised for such eases a'ul I sent and got a bottle.. It did me so iniii li good that I kept on taking il and found it to lie all yon ilaim. 1 recommend it to all women atllictod as I was." Mrs. F. P. Mullen doiik, .Mnnford, Ala. RMSgMVrilo tn I. VIM A V.. PINK II I MEMUXE 0. Wi (COM IDEM I II.) MASS.., Voi:r letler will be opened, reutl and uuswered by u woman anil held in strict confidence. x. y s-. -a 1 1 is not only lightnin r- i I . r I -W iiyui uui itic-piuiJI tlllu storm-Droof. too. CORTRICHT METAL SKINPI v last as lone as lhe limliiinu and ik vpi- lust the ihino for tnwn nr rnnnlrv , " , - ineci cveiy conamon 01 coimorr, For J. S. TURNER, :: I s Practically a Daily at the Price of a weekly. No Other Newspaper in the world gives so much . at so low a price. This is a time of great events and you will want the news accu rately and promptly. The Demo crats, for the first tune in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The po litical news is sure to be of the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the pviinciion of die vast Turkish Em pire in Europe, just as a lew years ago you read how pain lost ner last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire ol hall the New World. The World long since establish ed a record for impartiality, and anybody can altord its llirice-A-Wcik edition, which c o fii c s Wc have on hand several consign ments of the latest in wool. Wash and Princess ladies Suits, liathcr than re turn these suits out hcaihuuilers deci ded to put them on sale at half price for cash only. l' suits K ."ill. Prin cess, while am! all other colors to f7, now -. si to j:i. ash t 'oat Suits (4 to t now tl.OS to W. 4 to K Net list reduced 1 .7."i to H M Pluck nm! col ored silk Petticoats ft to i- nov- K'V to :t.V.'i. Voile Skirts (t to J- now . i..'U to H..'iti. Ill, IIU yards hict and enibuud cries to close out at httl I pi ice. 7oc to Jd Messiihue silks, all colors, now ntl to J.iC. ii ami tic. cancocs .v. in te. ID and l'-"c itinttliams 7 to !k About 8 IKXI yards dress (roods lo ch se out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Hints, druL'Kuls.eaipctiii:sandniattiugt aland Mow cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N O. kcial Sale ! i s ii, i! .-i .. I Vv STt i , .- . .- . - j ITS 'k'' p H J". '& "S. 'v(-. i.-;svi I) a I nevA rf.,..,;, Kn!l - ln.T.. I.,.- .t - ""ft Ltv-nuic iney beauty and lecurily. Sale by WELDON, N. C mm EDITION OF THE . woian: every other day in the -cept Sunday. It wi'1 ular value 10 you f" ?" . I A-Weck World , vVVV unici mi ung icav . P sV humor, marker .-c",,8 0 everything thatf v5 s'1 first class daily,8- f ju The WVcV-''i regular subsJ ',';'' $1 per yca-so papers. Wiye ha i 20 newspaper and the roam Kt u uar- together one year for $17 5. The regular subscription price of the t'A o papers is $2.50. N OTICE Ol Quantitation of Administratrix 'l lie undersimieii .u nv (i ii.. adininistiutnx of the i sluu ul . ,, Dale, deceased, in the Sitpetiot ftuni of llahlax county, on the :inl ih i 0n I l!U:l, hereby liotltleH all pels i l . ml clainmacainst her said intestate to pie sentloherduly vct.fli I Mali to N.( ., Oil or liefiin tiielv e t i date "f Ihe cot . pleaOi i I ' Ail pi is. i s i., , , j- , testate n e I i ' - mpdi.' i. of Match. In!!!. A ministr i I r I W. E. I) tWlftfll TRANSFER lll,iLLr BRAND SHINGLES RESIST THC CLSMUeY M LONGEST. 4 17 4t