fe? 1 ynh liil Yriswi ft VBHBgm4 Jf gMs4 &4 1 jjjjj Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 ,' er Annum',, VOL. XLVIII. WELDON, X. (!., TIIUKSDAY, MAY 1, 101 : J. NO. I I, H .uvi r ni dx lai S I ., J A . W I I I I I B 4ft 13 B 1 The Kind You Huvo Always nought, and which lias bcea lu use for over 30 joars, lms borne the signature of ami ha been made under his icr &Lx-fffif?s ,0,m! P""vlsloa siiu o Its liifuuey. uar7. '44. Alio w no one to deed vo you lit this. All Counterfeits, Iniltatlous ninl "Jimt-UH-Kood" nre but Experiment tlmt trllte with ar:J fuduiiger the health of IafUnU and Clilldreu Extierleii.o ugulust KxperLmciit. What is CASTORIA Castoriu Is. u hurmlesH mibstitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlo, Drop mid Koothlug Syrups. It Is l'ieasunt. It contains iieitlu r Opium, Morphine nor oilier Nareotlo Kiibstauee. Its live is Its uuarautee. It destroys Worms aud alluys Keverlshnesy. It cures Dl.irrhojn- and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aud I'latiilfin y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Howls, giving heultliy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauaceu The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. fpf? -5 '35 -25 -5 5? a mt m mi m 1 1 The Standard Railroad of the South it FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS: Ml- Florida and West Indian Limited,1' "Palmetto Limited.".. fl 'Coast Line Florida Mail." Dining Cars a la carte service .". vear round thruuL'h car service from New York to both l'ort T II and Knights Key, councetinir with 1 For beautifully illustrated booklets IP W.J. CRAIO, P. T. M.. ii'i WILMINGTON --sue CClilv. '00---t0- ''...W THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. C. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. CapiM $53,000. For nearly 20 years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section, Its stockholders and ollicers are identified with the busi neaa interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department ia maintained for the benelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremaiu three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 3 percent Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on pbksimnt: W. . IU.S1EL, vies I'KKSibasT: W. K. SMITH. K. DH.U'EU, Teller. DIRECTORS W. It. Smith. W. E. A. C. House, J.L. Shepherd. W. A. kmh i1 Minima . MAN 1' K A CT U R E Its OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER. AND REGULAR STOCK SIZES. Good Materials, Hiffh tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. Northampton & Hertford RAiyM READ DOWN SoJ. : I m. No.8tNo.5 i'.M. l'.M" W:1S "3:85 12:45 4:05 1:00 4:20 8::u 9:00 Leave (lumbcrrv Arrive Leave M ii ' Arrive Arrive .HcLsuii Leave W. NOTK-MowlWa ! Flu Station Ue.l MAiianer'A Oflk-e, tiumberrv. Signature of It 5 Sf Sf - . t mw iiir''' Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." it yjf ft "New York and Florida Special (January to April) All HI l'ort Tampa .1. KteuniHhipH to ami from Havana. It and copy of 'Purple Folder' address T. C. WHITE, N. C. Q. P. A. application to the President orC'ashier I'ASIIIBB: .1. O. DRAKE, Daniel, J. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, I'ieree, 1). it. Zolhculfer, J . W. Sledge READ UH No No.4.No. AM lVM. KM. 3:(K 5:55 a:i 5:'25 2:15 5:10 lld.M 1(1:1' 111:301 W. UOHKUTSON, tiencral Manager , N.C., Marca ' ill) SPRING THROUGH THE COUNTRY Spring road through the country, and Where the blossoms are a-twinkle, the green leaves rimmed with rain; Mockingbirds a-thrilling with song the fruitful lands, And Love there, with his sweetheart, holding happy hands ! (Sing, birds, in blossoms, Sweet as sweet can be, And tell me all the sweet thoughts My sweetheart thinks of me !) Spring road through the country the drowsy drone of bees, And winds that play like violins through tresses of the trees; All the Spring's wild beauty in your sight unfurled A spring road to lead you across the glad, green world ! (Sing, birds, in blossoms, To every flower and tree, And tell me all the sweet dreams My sweetheart dreams of me !) Stanton in Constitution. EMPTY And Forthwith They Began to Make Excuses, and The Imps Rejoiced. "Are you going to church this morning, Susie?" asked Dr.Clark, lying back in his easy chair, with his morning paper. "A doctor who is out day and night can't be expected." "No, I made jelly yesterday.and I'm tired. I'm faithful enough to stay at home this cloudy morn ing," and :Mrs. Clark curled up on the couch with the Bible she had not opened for a week, but it soon dropped from her hand. She wasarousetiDy u miuukc vmtc saying: "Now, my good imps, what have you done today to weaken the kingdom of God?" The voice came from a suspic ious looking personage seated on a throne of human skulls. Around him was gathered a crowd of terri ble beings, each with a crown of fire, in which gleamed some name, such as malice, envy, pride, hatred, and kindred passions. "We have been busy today, mak ing empty seats in churches," be gan one. "Nothing could please me bet ter," answered their king. "1 persuaded one man that he had a headache, and kept him from a sermon that might have changed his whole life," said one. "1 induced one good man to slip to his store and fix up his books," said another, with a horrid grin. "Good!" said the king. "He'll soon give up the Sabbath altogeth er." "I was able to get one devoted young man to visit some 'old friends," said one imp. Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains Hiss C. Mauonft. ft "8 K. St., J(. WiulHlit ' : . '" : " 1 ' f.rwi HitLiUfiimali.-m lr Iito ii'i I j.it Ju.i g.il li.'ldi'l yur I.111I- nuiit, nJ II Iim h iwoUtutf lldi tjuuu." Quiets the Nerves Mm. A.Wi miiian, of rj Th.imi"n lit., M..r)m., M.i.,'. rilx!-"'ll iitrve in n-y v. u :.''. n your, iiko ai.U Kn uM J",k,,'ll at lilul.l o that I i.U I" '- 'I'-'T- Irlau.l lulil limtouy ynv l.iniiniut nil iw t O'uM in ili illnul It. I tluil alter it. uo 1 cm aloc." SLOANS ILINIMENT "Uagood Mnlment. Ikeepiton hand all the time. My daughter sprained her wrist and used ymir Liniment, and it haj not hurt her si nee. 7 Jo.sF.ru fTT 1 o si-hna, n. c. sOrAyjiy It.K.l)., N... 4. iNSgJ) At All Ilealcrl f& jSl sc, soc., $1.00 yfjzY Rlonn'i Nwk on ffm I vVf nnd ponltrT iut f -ilrT ft EarlS. fjj Jj Sloan, frfifaJi B,,on' )xr TJ many a "Lover's Lane, SEATS. "I worried a good sister about her old bonnet until she decided to stay at home until she got a new one," spoke up the imp labeled "Pride." "And 1 made several poor wo men who were hungry tor God's word stay home to repine over their trials. I just said to them, "Oh, these rich people don't care for you; you can't wear fine clothes so I wouldn't go where I was look ed down upon." That way I kept many poor people home whom the rich would have been very glad to see. "That is one of the best ways to cheat poor people out of heaven that I know of," answered the king with approval. ''I induced a good many men and women to think that they were not strong enough to go out, " said one called 'Indifference.' Of course all these men will be at their busi ness tomorrow, even if they feel worse. But they could not go to church, where they would have no special mental or physical strain. And the ladies would have been able to clean house or go call-; ing; but I made them think they couldn't walk to church unless they were perfectly well." "Very good," said the king, with a sulphurous grin. "Sunday head aches might often be cured by get ting out in the air, and backaches forgotten by thoughts of higher things. But you lying imps must use every weakness of the flesh to help make empty seats." They all smiled, for in their kingdom "lying" was a great com pliment. "To make ladies think that their servants need no Sunday privi leges is good," suggested one. "Very true," said his superior. "As long as we can get Christian people to cause or allow men and women to worK during work Hours, e can keep many empty seats in churches, and men and women away from God." "I'm the weather imp," said one gloomy fellow. "I go around per suading people it is going to rain, or it is too cold, too damp or too hot to venture out to church. It enough to make even your gloomy majesty laugh to see these same people start out the next day : "Shut's the mailer, dear?" ask in wind and weather. One would e.i ,i.e docior. "Have you been think it was n sin to carry umbrel- las and wear gum coats to church." Confidentially," answered the king, when I find a Christian who has no more concern about weath er Sunday than Monday deter mined to make as much effort for spiritual gain as he would for worldly profit I lust give him up. It's no use to try to drag back the man or woman who goes to God's house in all kinds of weather." I'm able to do a good deal with the ladies of the congregation, j poke up the imp labeled Fashion j of this World." I can make some people stay at home because the new hat did not come, or because their doilies are out of style, or they have not gotten a new cloak." "I have a belter scheme than ihat," said another. "These peo- 11 Absolutely Pure i no only bsknty ,sowdor made from Pcyal Grape Cream of 'mrfnr pie you keep away are indifferent -generally good-for-nothing folks who are hardly worth getting into the kingdom of his Satanic majes ty, but I have a plan that empties seats of workers in the church." "That is just what we want," said the king. "I make these people overwork on Saturdays. For instance, I make some good man the preacher depends upon.orsome devout Sun day school man, to make Saturday the busiest day of the week. I just keep him rushed with neglected things till late at night, and then he oversleeps or is sick the next day, and can't get out." "Splendid plan!" cried Satan. "Yes, it works well with delicate women. If they clean house, or have Saturday company, they can be kept at home without knowing they have broken the Sabbath the day before. A church party late Saturday night helps with empty seats." "You are doing finely myimps," his majesty said warmly for his breath was a flame (rfire.""Pre;ich ers may work and pray over their sermons all week, but there will be no results preaching to empty seats. One of the most important things we have to consider is how to keep people away from churches on Sunday; Your plans are ex cellent, but I might suggest another good point. All preachers have human imperfections some fault of manner or speech. Get Chris tians to criticise their pastor, es pecially before their children. If you can stir up a spirit of fault finding against the preacher, or among the members, it will help empty seats. People who get mad at eacn olher do no1 care 10 E ,0 cnurcn togetner. it tne seats are empty, the minister may be a saint, and preach like an angel to no pur pose. See the result of your labor on High-street church today. Not only did the 200 people who stay ed at home lose a blessing, but each empty seat did its work against the Lord's kingdom. The preach er made unusual preparation, and went with his heart on fire, but the j empty seats chilled him, and he 1 did poorly. There was a special collection, but the best givers were i away, so it was a failure, it isn t a smart preacher, nor a rich con , gi egation, nor a good location, nor a paid choir, that makes a success ful church. It is the church mem ; bers always being there that draws i in the unconverted, and makes an ! eloquent preacher. As soon as a ' Christian begins to stay at home, ' from one excuse oranother.I know 1 have a mortgage on his soul, if he does shake off, I will foreclose on the judgment day." "You have none on mine!" cried Mrs. Clark, who had been 1 listening with bated breath; III j go to church, if only to defeat you." dreaming ?" "Perhaps so; but I'm going to church if I get to my seat just in time for the benediction. I'll cheat Satan from this day out of one empty seat." She has kept her word, and influenced many others to let nothing trilling keep them from God's house; and one "down town" church has begun to grow, and will soon be a great power for I God, because of no "empty-seats. ' ! G. CAST OKI A For Infants ana Caildxeu. Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought ; j ; Bears the Signature of j bciib a home. i Vour Home Is not Where You Lay ! Off Your Clothes, But Where You Lay Off Your Cares. The walls of a house are not built of wood, brick or stone, but of truth and loyalty. Unpleasant sounds, the fric tion of living, the crash of per sonalties, are not deadened by Persian rugs or polished floors, but by conciliation, concession and self-control. The curtains that screen the household goods from the eyes of the vulgar and curious are not woven of lace, but of dis cretion. the food of the home is not meat and bread, but thought fulness and unselfishness, for these keep joy alive. The real drink is not wine or water, but love itself, which is the only known thing that is at once a food and an intoxicant. The bed is not to be of down and white linen, but of "a con science void of offense toward God and toward man." The lighting is to be not of the sun by day, or by electric bulbs by night, but by loyal af fection, shining always in dear Byes, burning always in true hearts. Your Inline is not where you lay off your clothes, but where you lay off your cares. The cellar of your house is not to be filled with apples nnd real vintage, but with the memory of sacred intimacies, of little heroisms unknown to the world, of sufferings borne nobly. In the attic you do not store old trunks, letters and gowns, but you keep there the kisses, sayings and glances that cheer d you when you gathered them fresh, and are now a sweet sor row dried by time. The house is nil a structure where bodies meet, but a hearth stone upon which Haines min gle, separate Haines of souls, which, the more perfectly they unite, the more clearly they shine and the straighter they rise toward heaven. Vour house is your fortress in a warring world, where a woman's hand buckles on your armor at morning and soothes vour fatigue and wounds at night. The beauty of a house is har mony. The security of a house is loy alty. The joy of a house is love. The plenty of a house is in children. The rule of a house is ser vice. The comfort of a house is in contented spirits. The rats and mice in a house are envy and suspicion. The maker of a house; of a real human house, is God Him self, the same who made the stars and built the world. im 1 a WOMAN SUFFERED TEN YEARS From Nervousness Caused by Female Ills Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Auburn, N. Y. " I suffered from nervousness for ten years, and had such organic pains that sometimes I would lie in bed four days at a time, could not eat or sleep and did nut want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all. Some times I would suffer fur seven hours at a Ua.vi. Different doc tors did the best they could for me until four months ago I began giving Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com pound a trial and now I am In good health." -Mrs. William H. Gill, 15 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York. "Doctor's Daughter Took It." St. Cloud. Minn." I was so run down I y overwork and worry that I could not t and it to have my children tarn aioua or walk heavy on the floor. One of my friends said. 'Try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for 1 know a doc tor's daughter here in town who takes it and she would not take it if it were not good. " I sent ? r the Compound at once and kent on tikini it until 1 was all right. Mrs Bertha M. Qmckstadt, 727 6th Avenue, S., St. Cloud, Minn. Lvdia E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Com pound may be relied upon as the most efficient remedy for female ilia. Why don't yon try it? I ' --,;,:::..:?!' Save Farm Labor Make it Produce More With practically the same labor, lm ::."-', mules, wagons and imple ments, you can produce bigger crops itii.n the same, or less acreage. It takes no more work to raise 00 to '.1(1 bii.-!n-is of corn, or one and a half to two bales of cotton, to the acic ihiui it takes to make or dinary yields. It is not necessary to plan: ft larger acreage to get a bigger yield. Simply work and cultivate the same amount of land more thoroughly. You can produce big: ' r crops of COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO, AND ALL CROPS WITH Virginia-Carolina Iligh-Gradc Fertilizers They eontain plant foods which ciiii' li the soil, increase the yield and make farming more prulit.' ! ' " i lllllUMaiaHBlBBMaMMiaVk'Stf - What could be better for town or country buildings than a roofing that won't burn won't leak that is lightning proof lasts as long as the building itself, and never needs repairs ? Coftright Metal Shingles meet every one of these requirements. Beware of imitations None genuine without the words " Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." stamped on each shingle. For Sale iji J. S. TURNER, :: WELDON, N. C. Practical!) ;i Daily af the Other New -paper in t.t at so low a price. J This is a time of great events and you will want the news accu- j rately and promptly. The Demo-1 crats, for the first time in sixteen j years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The po litical news is sure to be of the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Em pire in Europe, just as a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since establish ed a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A- Week edition, which comes Silent contempt is responsible man. an unblackened eye. Palmistry is not for the uiiin who is afraid to show his hand. Best Medicine (or Colds When ii ili iii;i;il reeoinmen ls a rem- ilv fnreiilils. llimat unil liinir tiouNex, ou ean feel sun- that lie knowswliat he in talking about. ('. Lower, Jiupst.of Marion, Ohio, writes of Hr. Kini! 8 New Discovery: "I know Dr. KiliK's New liseovery is the best throat ami lung medicine 1 sell. It cured my wife or a severe bronchial cold after all other rem edies failed." It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung courIi. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a ionic doctor. Price ode. and SI. fmar- anteed by all druggists. Adv. Girls may not be much good at playing baseball, but they can play the players. Constipation Cured Dr. King's New Life Pills will relieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in healthy condition again. .lohn Supsic. of Sanbury, Pa., says: "They are the best pills I ever used, ami I ail viseeveryone to use tliem for constipatin indigestion and liver complaint." Will help you. Price LTiC. Recommended bv all druggists. Adv. There are just as good compli ments floating around asener were shed for. Wonderful Skin Salve llucklen's Arnica Salvo is known ev ervwhere as the best remedy made for oil discuses of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in flammation and is soothing and heal ing. .T T. Sossaman, publisher of New s, of Cornelius, N. C, writeB that oue box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only hecommended by all druggists. Adv. - hv;inia - Carolina VIRGINIA EDITION OI-' THE WORLD! Price of a weekly. No world gives so much c .-rv olher day the week, ex cept . day. It will !' ' of partic ular vaiue 10 you now. TheThrice- A-Xeek World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; in tact, everything that is to be found in a first class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and THE ROANOKE NEWS together one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price the two papers is $2.50. of N OTIGE Ot Qualification of Administratrix The undersigned having qualified as tt'lniiii'sti.itrix of the estato of L. H. Hale. dec. 'used, in the Superior Court of llulilax county, on the :!rd dayof March l!i:t. hereby mitilies all persons holding laiiiis awamst her said intestate to nre- seut toher duly verifiedat llahfax.N.C, on oi before twelve months from the late of this notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All pei sons indebted to her said in testate aie hereby notified to make im mediate pavment. This the 2Uth dav of .March, IH1.S. -MHS. JKNNIE A. HALE. Administratrix of L. H. Hale, deceased. W. L. Daniel, attorney. 4 3 (It Special Sale ! We have on hand several eonsivn menu of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Katlier than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price tor cash only. Suits S7.50. Prin cess, white and all other colors $5 to $7, now i'2.30 to 3. Wa?h Coat uits 1 to $tt, now 1.08 to $3. $4 to 3 Net Waist reduced l.n to S2.no Ulaek and col ored silk Petticoats $4 to u now S2.K8 to :t. id. voile (Skirts ttl to SH now $it.:0 to $4.50. 10,000 yards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price. 75c to $1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 50 to i.ie. 5 and (ic. calicoes 8A to 4c. 10 and 12)c ginghams 7 to 9c. About 3. (UK) yards dress goods to cl se out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price. Rues, druggets, carnetings and matting at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. 0. 1 transfer BRAND j ;" " ' I fed Cedar SHINGLES 1 cnUin no MB. Jiut 1 lanottwr M of UMir I fx poi-b., .V-fJ " I ' Vr- - " ( ' V