s Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $l.5C Per Annuity VOI j. XLVIII. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, MAY H, 15)13. NO. 2 t i 1 I 6 ' - :" IIS M.roHoL 3 PElt cent AVcSi'liilpk'I'rcpaniiliitiriirife slmllalliieilirFoorfanilltoiil;) linSllii'SuwulisnBlBo'wlsiif EES3S PACT UNO finm jilifi ProniolcsDi'sltonlClifPtfiil ni'ss and IVsi.Coiilalns neither Opium .Morphine norWiufnLl INOTPiARCOTIC. it For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of A WORD OF ADVICE. This Article was Written by Lou- j ise M. Alcott. They were writ-I ten Especially lor the Younger j Members of the Household. JhrpitUJMIMUimW stbcSriUM 1 i JhMUUlt- I ! X'.yu- 1 IWojiww flBiwt ' Anerfw i. Itetuetlv foiCtmslipa- lion , Sow Sloiuach.Dlaiitei Worms .lonvulsious.lTVCi 'isu ncssandLossorSLtiii'. Fac Sutute Signature iT NEW YORK. w In Use or Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmk eiNTkun o . Hit errv. to v) vl vi to The Standard Railroad of the South to to to to Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." li'FOOR FAMOUS TRAINS: W "Florida and West Indian Limited." "Palmetto Limited. ft "Coast Line Florida Mail." Dining Cars a la carte service All .". year round tlirouirh ear service from New York to both Port Tampa .". "New York and Florida Special" (January to April) fix il and Knights Key, connecting with steamships to and from Havana lt ,. For beautifully illustrated booklets uud copy of 'Purple Folder' address "J (0 W.J. CRAia, P. T. M.. T. C. WHITE, a. P. y( WiLMIStiloN N. (': 'jj ' m 5 t5 e w OE 3 THE BANK OF VELDON WELDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplns, $53,000. For nearly 20 years this institution has provided hanking facilities for this Bection. Its stoekliolders and officers are identilied witli the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. ASavingB Department is maintained for the benelit of all who desire to deposit iu a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Hix months or longer. 3 per cent. Twelve mouths or lonirer. 4 percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the President orCashier "Dear young men and miiis, 1 j t one, who is in the capacity of teacher, nurse, friend, or author, has been much between the scenes for fifty years assure you that the secret of success in Iilc lies with ourselves us men and women now and in Clod's goad time, as the fathers and mothers in the coming generations. Boys, for such I love to call you, and such most of you are until five and twenty, set up a high standard and never lire of trying to reach it. Don't begin your day with a cigar and end in a theater, billiard room or club. Keep innocency, for in the end it shall profit thy soul much and open the way of heaven for thee. Nev er believe the pernicious saying that young men must sew wild oats." "Girls, don't be in a haste to wed. Build up healthy bodies by good food, plenty of exercise and sleep. Learn all the household arts before you attempt to make a home. Above all, select your friends with care. Avoid girls who live only for fashion, flirtation and enjoyment, and use the privilege all women may claim, to decline the acquaintance of young men whose eyes will not bear inspection by the innocent eyes of women. Set your standard high and live up to it, sure that the reward will come, here or hereafter, and in the form best suited to your needs. "Birth, marriage and death are three solemn mysteries given us to study, and the second of these is the key which solves the prob lem of the other two, since well born children and true wedded love will help us to bless and save the world, and send us rejoicing to receive our reward in the next." NOT vi-:ry f.asy. PRBS1DINT: W. E. DANIEL, VICg-l'KKHlDIINT: W. li. SMITH. L. V.. DHAl'Elt, Telle I'ASIIIRB: .1. 0. DKAKK. DIRECTORS W. It. Smith, W. K. Daniel, ,1. O. Drake, V. .M. Cohen, A. C. House, J.I,. Shepherd, W. A. Fierce, 1). li. Zollicotl'er, .1 . W. Sledge 01 In a certain home missionary movement, every participant was to contribute a dollar that she had earned herself by hard work. The night of the collection of the dol lars came, and various and droll were the stories of earning the money. One woman had sham pooed hair, another had baked doughnuts, another had secured newspaper subscriptions, and so on. The chairman turned to a handsome woman in the front row. "Now, madame, itisyourturn," he said. "How did you earn your dollar?" "I got got it from my husband," she answered. "Oh !" said he. "From your husband? There was no hard work about that?" The woman smiled faintly. "You don'tknow my husband," she said. Young man, the safest way to study the color of her eyes is through a telescope. M A S U FA CT U It E US OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND UEUULAR STUCK SIZES, (lood Materials, High (lrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. OE NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO. READ DOWN Daily except SunJays READ UP in unci APKii. i. m NoJ. No.S No.ft , A.M. IMC V.M. 8:S0 12:15 H73." j 9:00 12:4,r 4:0i I 0:15 1:01) 4:20 Leave .Uumberry Arrive Leave Mowfiold Arrive Arrive i . ' n Leave Daily except SuoJays No.4iNo. i'.iiL P.m. H:(I0 5:55 2:30 5:25 2:151 5:10 So.2 A..M. 11:15! 10:4. 111:301 W. W. ROBERTSON, (ieneral Manager NOTE-Mowll,.J l a Flai Slallon l.nsral Manager's Office, (iumlicrrv. N.C., ftlarcn 4'tn. I'm HUSBAND HAILED RUBBER Oil GATES Wife so Weak and Nervous Could Not Stand Least Noise How Cured. I h ' ft' aonoac Munford, Ala, "I was go weak and nervous while passing through the Change of Life that I could hardly live. My husband had to nail rubber on all the gates tor 1 could not stand It to have a, gate slam. "I also had back ache and a fullnesa in my stomach. I noticed that Lydia K. I'inkham's Vege table Compound waa ( Ivertlsed for such cases and 1 sent and t t a bottle. It did me so much good that I kept on taking it and found it to be all you claim. I recommend your Compound to all women afflicted aa I was. "-Mrs. K. I'. Mnu.KNnoRE, Mun ford, Alabama. An Honest leieiidable Medicine) is Lydia E. Vinkham's Vegetable Com pound. A Root and Herb medicine orig inated nearly forty years ago by Lydia E. Pinkham of Lynn. Mass., for con trolling female ills. Its wonderful success In this line has made it the snfest and most dependable medicine of the age for women and no woman suffering from female ills doea herself justice who docs not give it a trial. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia K. l'iiiklmnrN V'gHa IjleCoiupomid will help. von, write) to Lydia K.l'inkham MviltfineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Masa.,for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, aud held lit strict coulldeuce, o) BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar MO ALUM, HO LIME PHOSPHATE THE GOSPEL OF HAPPINESS. START THt DAY RIGHT. Start the day right. When the sun comes to greet you Give it a smile for each ray that it sends. Shake oft' the worries that long to defeat you, Strengthen your faith in yourself and your friends Yesterday's ghost will be striving to haunt you, Yesterday's errors may come to your brain; Throw off the worries that trouble and haunt you; Start the day right; begin over again. What a brief span is the longest existence One flashing journey from Nothing to Night! Show while you may the old Roman resistance Off with your drowsiness into the fight ! Never an empire was won by a laggard; Never a prize was obtained but by worth; Heed not the sneers of the misanthropes haggard; Start the day right and they'll know you're on earth. Start the day right and you'll find as it passes Something to live for and something to love. View not the future through indigo glasses Note the bright streams and the blue skies above. Failure may mock you through years of endeavor, Fame and success may not come at your will; But nothing can baffle a climber forever; Start the day right, and you're half up the hill. If Ynu Must Fall In Life's Battle, Fall With a Smile on Your Face. A woman who had many sor rows and heavy burdens to bear, but who was noted for her cheer ful spirit, once said in explanation: "You know I have had no money. I had nothing to give but myself; and so I made the resolution that I would never sudden any one else with my troubles. I have laughed and told jokes when I could have wept. I have always smiled in every misfortune. I have tried to never let any one go from my pres ence without a happy word or a bright thought to carry with hint. And making happiness engenders happiness. I myself tm happier than I would have been had I sat down and bemoaned my fate." This gospel of happiness is one which every one should lay to heart. Set out with the invincible determination that you will bear burdens and not impose them. Whether the sun shines or the rain falls, show a glad face to your neighbor. If you must fall in life's battle, you can at least fall with a smile on your face. Wellspring. GOT HIS NUMBER. LOVE THYSELF LAST. Love thyself last. Look near, behold thy duty To those who walk beside thee down life's road, Make glad their days by little acts of beauty, And help them bear the burden of earth's load Love thyself last. Look far and find the stranger Who staggers 'neath his sin and his despair, Go lend a hand, and lead him out of danger To heights where he may see the world is fair. Love thyself last. The vastnesses above thee Are filled with Spirit Forms, strong and pure, And fervently these faithful friends shall love thee; Keep thou thy watch o'er others and endure. Love thyself last, and ah, such joy shall thrill thee, As never yet to selfish souls was given Whate'er thy lot, a perfect peace will fill thee, And earth shall seem the ante-room of Heaven. Love thyself last, and thou shall grow in spirit To see, to hear, to know, and understand, The message of the stars, lo, thou shalt hear it, And all God's joys shall be at thy command. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. "I'm sorry to tell you, mum. that I'll lie Iravinjr you next week. I'm tfoitig to get mar ried ?" "That so, Emma? Who, is the lucky man?" "Hb'r a policeman, mum. On this beat, too," "That's fine. I wish you joy. And what is his name?" "1 don'tknow yet, mum; but his number is 618. "--Detroit Free Press. DOINQ THEM UP. "I wonder what that China man is doing up so late." "Shirts, I suppose." - Chicago Times. THE WAY HE CAME. She(coyly)-How did you rome to propose to me ? He By street car, darling Boston Transcript. RIGHT. RURAL SARCASM. Not much cider js manufac tured in Westchester county for export, nearly nil of it being consumed at home. Two Tuck ahoe fanners were comparing notes. "How many barrels have you put up this year, Silas?" said one. "Only seven, Joel," was the reply. "Got any handy ?" "Sure thing, Silas," and Joel went into the house, returning soon with some of the apple elixir iu a big tin dipper. "Try that," said he, and Silas sipped. "Well, what do you think of it?" Joel inquired, Silas shook his head dubious- iy. "Don't you like it, Silas?" was the anxious inquiry. "How many barrels did you say you made, Joel?" asked Silas. "Seven." "Well. Joel, if you had had another apple you might have made eight." New York Her ald. Best Medicine for Colds Win in n druggist recommends a rem' edy fur colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what lit is talking about. ('. Lower, druggist.of Marion, Ohio, w rites of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other rem edies failed." It will do the same for you if you are sulfering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on baud all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor, l'rice 50c. aud $1. tiuar- anleed by all druggists. Adv. ANYTHING HANDY. Teacher Who can tell me what sailors live on? Willie Bright Water, most of the t ime. OUTCLASSED. "Come on, Mamie. There's no use arguin' with her. She kin make twice as bad faces as you kin." Life. When a man lives a double life he may have to do two men's work, so what's the use? AS IT LOOKED TO HIM. The philanthropise lady was visiting a lower east side school. To test the brightness ot some of the poorer pupils she asked them: "Children, what is the great est of all the virtues?" Nooneanswered. "Think a little," she said, "What is it 1 am doing when I give up tinm and pleasure to come and talk to you for your good ?" A grimy fist went up, ''Well, what am I doing, lit tle man?" "Buttin' in." Sunday Magazine. Howell How does that wo man strike you ? Powell With any old thing. Sho's my wife. Constipation Cured Dr. King's New Life Pills will relieve constipation promptly and get your bowels iu healthyconditionagaiii. John Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: "They are the best pills I ever used, aud 1 ad vise everyone to use them for constipatin indigestion and bvei complaint." Will help you. Price 25c. Recommended by all druggists. Adv. TALENT. The artist uses a stone, and it is a statue; the mason uses a stone, and it is a doorstep. Life. ONE KIND OF A GOOD TIME. Some men's idea of a good time is to see how much sleep they can do without. Wash ington Star, Wonderful Skin Salve liucktcu's Arnica Sulve is known ev erywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in- llammation and is soothing and heal ing. .1 T. Sossaman, publisher of New s, of Cornelius, N. C., writes that una box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by all druggists. Adv. uduaunat araaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaai NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court, April 2S, 1(113. Samuel F. Patterson, PlatintitT Vs. AlmaT. l'attersou, Deft atintitT endant ) A Better Grade oi Tobacco and MORE OF IT, can bo raised per acre if yon fertilize liberally with Virginia-Carolina High-Grade Fertilizers before planting. Nourish with tho samo plant food during growth, and use modern funning methods if you have not already adopted them. V.-C. Fertilizers are vastly superior to other tobacco fertilizers. Profitable Tobacco Culture is fully explained in our free 1913 FARMERS' YEAR BOOK or almanac, which will be Bent to you on your request. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Box 1117 RICHMOND VIRGINIA S Instead of Wood Shingles orSlate AChemijcal T I besidei CORTRIGHT Metal Shingles X i they are J. S. The roofing that lasti as long a the building and never needs repain. They won't bum. crack, curl or tot ike wood shingles, nor have they the great weight or btittleneii of itone slate i inexpensive and look better than either. For Sale by TURNER. :: WELDON, N. C. . v. iif-A-flf eel Lbl llON Ol- TH1-. WORLD! Practically a Daily at the Price of a weekly. No Other Newspaper in the world gives so much at so low a price. ! This is a time of great events I and you will want the news accu rately and promptly. The Demo-! crais, lor the hrst tune in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The po- itical news is sure to be of the most absorbing interest. 1 here is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Em pire in Europe, just as a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World The World long since establish ed a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-A- week edition, which comes every mher d.iy in the week, ex cept Sundav. It will be of partic ular x.iUi: to vou now. TheThrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first class daily. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and THE ROANOKE NEWS together one year for $1.75. Tne regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the spf jTgtZT' Signature of J-CCic44 Prltl.lCATlOS OF NOTICE OF 8 I'M MONS. The above named defendant Mrs. Alma T Patterson will lake notice that a sum nions in the above entitled action was issued against the said deleiidantonthe 1 1 l. .Uw rtl' nveniher. 1112 bv H. M. liary, clerk of the Court at Halifax County, ami same wasreturucu inaiine said defendant eoulil not alter ilue ilili geoee be found within the State; thatan alms summons was thereupon issued on the and day of January, 1!13, with the same return; that a plurien sum mons was issued on the 'illb day Feb ruary, lata with the same return: that theiiction pending in theSuperior court of Halifax county, North Carolina is en titled as above; that the puipose of the action as brought by the plaintiff against the defendant is for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, the grounds alleged being for absolute divorce; that the complaint iu this action hasalready been tiled on the J7th day ot November, HI12, in the oltice of the'l'lerk of the Superior court of Halifax county, and said defendant is required to appear and auswer or to demur to the said complaint during the next term ol the Superior court to be held on the thirteenth Monday after the Hint Monday in March, 1913, the Hrst dav of said court being on the 2nd day of June, Pi 1. Herein l ul not. This the xtMh day of April, WIS. 8. M. OAKY, Clerk Superior Court. W. E. DANIEL, K. L. TRAVIS, GKOlUiF. V. (.KEEN, Attorney! for the Plaintiff. Messiah Nlr-t;:4:. f.;Ermg. Til - I"'. ;. , !! '' ! . I" -run ti'd bus b" :i li.-u-l, ne;. i' 1" lunuaill ty. never to be f. ru .;" . but the glo rious tiny of riglne' u-'i iul divine fnvor, to be il li'red ii. b.. Mc-siah. He ns the SI'.; OF lll'ill TKol'S NESS, shall arise nud shine fully uud cleurly Into nud upon al! bringing healing nud blessing, will mere than couulvrhuhm e the dviulful night of weeping, sighing, piln. sleUness nnJ death, iu which the giennlng creation has been so long "Weeping may eu dure for a uight but Joy comet h tu the MOHNINfi." I'or further LIOHT on the coming Kingdom send thirty-live cents for the Helping Hand for Ulble Students, entitled, "THY KINODOM COME." Bible and Tract Society, 17 Hicks Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. TOTICEl 01 Qualification of Administratrix The undersigned having qualilied as administratrix of the estate of I.. II. Hale, deceased, in the Superior Court of Halifax county, on the 3rd day of March 191:1, hereby notities all persons holding claims against her said intestate to pre sent to hei duly vcriiledat Halifax, on or before twelve months from the dale of this notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to her said in testate are hereby notified to make im mediate pavment. This the 2th dav of March, ISIS. MKS. JENNIE A. HALE, Administratrix of L. H. Hale, deceased. W. K. Daniel, attorney. 4 8 Ht Choice Cut Flowers Hoses, Carnations aud Sweet Peas a specialty Our artistic arrangements in wed, I me. outhts are equal to the best. Nothing liner in tloral offerings than our styles, blooming pot plants, palms and ferns in great variety. Itedding plants, in all varieties to beautify the yard. Write foi list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QIIINN & COMPANY FLORISTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones M!) Ask for price list ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified be fore the Superior court of Halifax coun ty on the 4th day of April, 1913, as ad ministrator of the estate of W. It Dick ens, deceased, hereby notifies all per sons holding claims against his said in testate to presentthem lo him duly veri fied at his office in Weldon, N. C , with in twelve months from the date of this notice or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. AH persons indehted to said estate are requested to maieeimmeciiate payment This the 5th day of April, 1913. W. E. DANIEL. Administrator of the estate of W. B. Dickens, deceased. 4-10-fit Special Sale ! We have on hand several eonsira ments of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Katber than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half mica for cash only. t.i Suits $7.r0. Prin cess, white and all other colors $Ti to 7, now -..si to VS. V ash Coat Suits 4 to $H, now $ 1 M to J3. 4 to ST Net V aist reduced M.io to y-.ri I i . , ored silk Petticoats Jt lo ti pov ill . to Ifct.i.i Voile Skirts t,. ni. '. fin to $4.60. I0.IKK) yards lace and Wcvu, cries to close out at hal r price. 7ue to $1 Messaline silks, all colore, now 60 to Toe 5 and Be. calieoet 8 to 4c. 10 and 12 c ginghams 7 to flc. About 3,000 yards dress goods to el"Se out less than cost. Ladies hata at half price,, Hugs, druggets, carpetings and mattings1, at and below cost, SPIEES BROS. WELDON, N. C i. 1

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