J Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.5G fJer AnnumV VOL. XLVIII. WELDON, N. C., TIIUUKDAY, MAY IT), 101. i. V ENCOURAGEMENT ENOUGH. WHAT A SUNDAY SCHOOL DOES? There Are Christian People Who Become Easily Discouraged. There Is No Need tor a Soul to Be Shut In That Wills to Be Free. .V,, ',jJ. ..,' I' i The Kind You Have Always Bought, auil which has been in use for over 30 years, 1ms borne the signature of - and ha been made under lilt per fir Lj('?r Bona!! supervision since Its lufuncy. iafyf CwcAtA . Allow no ono todceeU'o you In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitation aud " Just-a-Kood"iire but Experiment that ti lllo with and ciidnngcr tho health of Infant ami Children Exuerien.io uguliiHt lOxpcrlmont. What is CASTORIA Castoriu Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop- nod Soothing Syrups. It is l'leusant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other Narcotlo substance. Its aire Is Its u'.iarantco. It destroys Worms and allays 1; evcrtshnesx. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation uud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healtliy uud natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CKHTUH COMMNI, TT MUlllir aTRECT, NCW YORK OITV. ttflMim COAST LIJE j Standard,' ti Railroad jf of the l South to WW Hi FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS: Ramifies yj'f the "Nation's y'f Garden ' Spot." f Their temperament is such that very small matters cause them to lose heart, and they at once fall down into the slough of despair. Such ones are all the while longing for encouraging words from oth ers. Hut if one will reflect a mo ment and consider the fact that God has promised to be with those who abidingly trust in Him, they may see that there is enough encour agement in this one thing. All through Bible history God gave assurance 10 believing ones that He would surely be with them. This one pledge has in it an abun dance of large meaning. What more could the saints of old ask than such a pledge and promise? The direct presence of the allwise and almighty God, giving ample support to the believers in all con ditions and all circumstances, was encouragement enough, it is so now. Why should any Christian indulge in fears and undue anxi eties? Why need one regard his good work as a failure, while God keeps close companionship with him, supplying him with necessary wisdom, and putting His own pow er at that at one's disposal ? Why should one bemoan the lack of hu man encouragement, when he has the greatest encouragement in the great God? What matters it if we do not see considerable results from our efforts to do good? It is an evil habit to be always looking for fruits of our labors, being dis couraged if we do not see any, or encouraged if we do see plenty of them. We should stand on a much higher plane, and gel all encour agement from the simple and great truth that God is with us, if we are truly His servants. He is with us as really when our work seems to be fruitless, as when it appears to be a large success. WHAT SHE'D GET. "New York and Florida (f Special" (.Junuary to April) 'Florida and West Indian Limited." "Palmetto Limited." .T.1 ft Coast Line Florida Mail." Hininir ('urn a la carte nervier .". year round through ear service from New York to liotli I'ort Tampa ft Knights Key, connecting with steamships to and from Havana. i& .f " For beautifully illustrated booklets ami copy of 'I'urple Folder' address ' J (t) W.J. CRAIQ. P. T. M.. T. C. WHITE, 0. P. A.f ) yf WlL.MINIiTON X. C. 'jj IE 3 0 THE BANK OF WELDOIj WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State oi North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aij Snrplns, $53,000. For nearly 'JO years this institution lias provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders ami ollicers arc identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three mouths or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer. 3 percent. Twelve months or longer. 4 nercent. Any information w ill be furnished on application to the President ort'ashicr PBKM1D1NT W. E. DANIEL, VICK-l'ltSHUIKNT: W. H. SMITH. I.. K. DRAPER, Teller. cahhikh: .1. O. DRAKE, 14 OE DIRECTORS W. It. Smith. W. E. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, W. l. Cohen. A. C. House, J.I,. .Shepherd, W. A. 1'ierce, D. U. Zolhcolfer, .1 . W. sledge 3E The cook of a well known Seattle family left, and no oth er could be obtained, so the lady of the house did the cooking herself, with such satisfactory results that, after a month, her husband gave her a beautiful set of sables as a token of his appreciation of the good din ners he had enjoyed. Of course the neighbors 60on heard of this, and when the cook left in another equally well known family the lady of that house said to her husband: "Well, the conk has gone, and I'm not going to bother to get another. I'm going to do the cooking myself, deary. You heard what Mr. So-and-Sogave his wife when she did the cooking?" II. If I MANUFACTURER) OF And (Milting her arms round his neck, she cooed: "What i shall I get for my conking t j "Woman," said her husband ! pushing her nwny, "you will Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, get a long black veil."' urn PQWDER Absolutely Pure Economizes Butter, Flour, Eugs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder ir.r' from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar FLOWERS FOR THE LIVING. I have noticed when a fellow dies, no matter what he's been, A saintly chap, or one whose lite was darkly steeped in sin, His friends forget the bitter words they spoke but yesierday, And now they find a multitude of pretty things to say. I fancy when 1 go to rest some one will bring to light Some kindly word or goodly act, long buried out of sight, But, if it is all the same to you, just give to me instead The bouquets while I'm living, and the knocking whem I'm dead. Don't save your kisses to imprint upon my marble brow, While countless maledictions are hurled upon me now; Try just one kindly word to me, while I mourn here alone, And don't save all your eulogy to carve upon a stone. It may be nice to have these things, have folks 10 talk so, To have the flowers come in loads, from relatives you know; It may be nice to have these things, for those you leave behind, But just as far as I am concerned, I really do not mind. UNCLE HIRAM ON GITV LIFE. Yes, it's lively in the city, where they've got their 'lectric lights, And the people soon have wrinkles from their siayin' out o' nighis; i They've got shows and things to keep 'em from a-getiing lonesome there, ! And they look all-fired stylish in the costly clo's they wear; 1 But 1 guess they have their troubles ;ust the same as me and you, And I reckon that they're often ruther worse'n ours, too. We've got wood piled in the woodshed that'll last a year er so, And there's more out where thai come from and more saplin's still to grow; We ain't worried over coal strikes, let the cold winds blow away, We can carry in the billets and not have a cent to pay; While they're shiverin' up yonder where they've got so much to see, We can heat up for the babies that the Lord sent you and me. There is always somethin' doing to make city people sad; If it ain't a sausage famine, why you'll hear the water's bad; When the strikers stop the street cars then the mischief is to pay, And the people have to foot it, gettin' clubbed along the way; And the fever epidemics and the smallpox every year Keep the city people stewin' and I'm glad to live out here. Oh, it's quiet in the couniry and there's few uncommon sights, And God's moon and stars up yonder have to do fer 'lectric lights; But with 'taters in the cellar and with wood piled in the shed, When there's hay stacked in the hay mows for the stock that must be fed, They can have their noisy city, with the sights up there to see, And the kind old quiet country will be good enough for me. A lady who occasionally used the elevator in a building devoted to business offices noticed that the walls of the compartment were decorated with pictures. One day when she chanced to be the only passenger, she spoke of ibem to the elevator boy. "You like pictures, don't you? "Yes. You see 1 have to siay here so much of the time thai I like 10 have some lo look at," he explained. He was not complaining of his place it was the best he could have for the time he had simply sought a way to lessen its monotony and give himself something pleasant to look at and think about. His car must move up and down all day with onlv the outlook of dark spaces and bare walls, but there was no reason why his eyes should not rest upon pictured mountains and ships at sea, or beautiful views of forest and lake. There is no need for a soul to be shut in that wills to be free. Our place may seem to be a narrow place, our daily work monotonous but it is always possible to hang a beautiful picture of imagination and memory, to have open v.iue windows over the earth and toward the sky. MY AFFINITY. I don't know where she is at 1 allshe may be up on Mars. It may be she has stopped to call at sundry other stars. 1 don't know if she's dark or fair, a blonde or deep brunette. The color of her eyes and hair I've not discovered yet. She may be fat, she may be lean, for aught I chance to know. Her temper may be as serene as the undriven snmv, or it may he as sect lung hot as pepper of Cayenne these lil'.le points as yet are not at ill within my ken. She may be tall, she may be short tho truth 1 can't dis close. It may he she's sinip'e sort with freckles mi her nose, or maybe she's one of those girls who have expensive tastes who wear some sixt 'It-veu curls and $'.i0 waists. The fact is. I've not met her yet, this fair twin soul of mine: and though sometimes 1 feel re gret, at others I opine, consid ering the flabby state I'm iu fi nancially, it's just i's well for my soulmate and better far fo me ! Judge. ELOCUTED. Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND REtil'I.AR STUCK SIZES. Qood Materials. High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. OOATFFHI.. ''But, Peter, you should be I grateful that you were saved from ' drowning and not cry like that." "Yes, ihere come my aunts, and - now I'll be kissed all the after , noon." 30E30E ?! READ DOWN I READ UP Daily excefl Sundays IN 1 1 fi ll APRIL 1. 1911 Daily exceyt Sn.lay? ,SoJNo3 Xm. p.mT teaUiU.M.' 9:jil3:4o 8:151 1:00 No. J P.M. S:J 4:05 4:20 Leave tiuuiherry Arrive Leave M Arrive Arrive ,ia-k...i Leave No.2jNo.4.So. A..jr.MJKM. ll:15j 3:0i 5:55 111-4.)! 2:Soj 5:25 10:301 2:15i 5:10 V. W. ROBERTSON, General Manager 5JOTg-M.wBrld in Fla Station OE Best Medicine lor Colds When n druggist recommends a rem edy for colds, throat and lung troubles, vou can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. ('. Lower, druggist.of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the liest throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a i severe bronchial cold after all other rem ! edies failed." It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or 1 any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It. is a home doctor. Price 50c. and $1. Uuar anteed by all dmpriBts. Adv. NOT INCLUDED. Mr. Smith is a respectable gentleman, who, though he has been married several years has not yet lost his admiration for a pretty girl. Having oc casion to remove from his pres ent abode he was recently look ing for a suitable house, and discovered one to let in a quiet street. Upon ringing the hell a very piquant and lovely Irish girl came to the door, looking quite charming in her black dress and mob crop. "Is this house to let ?" asked Mr. Smith. "Yes." "Are you to he let with it?" he said, with a bland smile. "No, sir," answered the maid very demurely. "I am to be let alone!" Washington Her ald. Constipation Cured Dr. King's New Life Pills w ill relieve constipation promptly and get your liowels in healthy condition iirain. John Supsic. of Sanbury, Pa., says: "They are theliest pills I ever used, and I ad- viseeveryoiietousetliem for conslipatin indigestion and liver complaint. " Will help you. Price 25e. Recommended by all druggists. -Adv. The more a man learns the more he realizes that this is a highly complicated little cosmos. for for Wonderful Skin Salve llueklen's Arnica Halve is known erywhere as the best remedy made all diseases of the skin, and also burns, bruises and Iwils. Reduces in flammation and is soothingand heal ing. J T. Soflsaman, publisher of News, of Cornelius, N. C, writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by ail druggists Adv. WHAT HE GOT OUT OF IT. He never took a dav of rest: He couldn't afford it. He never had his trousers press ed ; He couldn't afford it. He never went away care free To visit distant lads, to see How fair a place this world might be; He couldn't afford it. He never went to see a iilav: He couldn't afford it. His love for art he put away; He couldn't afford it. He died and left his heirs a lot, But no tall shaft proclaims the spot In which he lies. His children thought They couldn't afford it. Chicago Record. YOUR OWN TROUBLES. Ono of the great lessons of life is to learn to consume our own smoke that is not to in flict on outsiders our personal sorrows and petty morbidness, not to keep thinking of our selves as exceptional cases. Other people have troubles as well as ourselves. Simeon Ford, at a dinner in New York, said of the inaugu ration : "1 am glad that the various inauguration banquets mid din ners keep speech making down to a minimum. There's t m much speech-making here. "Friend," said one immigrant to another, "this is a grand country to settle in. They do not hang you here for murder." . "What do they do to you?" the other immigrant asked. "They kill you." was th ply, "with c local inn. " I h Free Pivss. remit Some men work one day during the week, rest six, and then won der why they feel tired. Wf40 a Wl For Iufaat a:;d Children. Die Kind You Hate Always Bought Boars the Signature of Lia f-, NOT THK ONLY ONE Fred Kelly began his busy life selling papers in an Ohio city. He had .'IS suliscrihers, but one day one of them, a ne gro, stopped his paper Kelly went round tocee what was the matter. "What's the matter with the paper?" he asked. "Oh," replied the former pat ron, "the's too many advabtise men's. I don't mind a few, but when 1 pick up a papah I wants at leas' haf of it tilled wif log ic." -Saturday F.vening Post. TOO YOUNG TO BE THRIFTY. "Oh. George, baby '8 bad an awful time! Instead of drop ping those pennies you gave him in the tin bank hedropped them down bis throat. All the neighbors came over, and' Dr. Dosem Dr. Drastic were here, and you never saw mch excitement! What do you sup pose made him do it?" "Why, I suppose he preferred human interest to bank interest." - ' ' Ml PUNNING- MKTEP eS YOU Con. at a Small Cosl Have Modern Wafer Conveniences in YOUR HOME Write for our Free dialog. Buy your fixtures direct from us and save money. A little mechanical ingenuity on yc-nr riart together with our up-to-date fittings, our ii s. prints and cuts, you can install the syst-.i i ; !l. Home Water Supp'" 160 Water Street oratioa -.iVi'V., Virginia J 9 T T i ' fl .-, : v Laid Right Over Wood Shingles No Dirt, No Bother n a very short tii.ic .my building can have itt fire trap covering turned into a modern fire-proof, si orm-proof, lightning-proof roof at a very moderate cos: a roof that will last as long as the building and never need repairs. 4 For Sale by J. S. TURNER, :: Wf.LDON, N. C. NOTICE. Sl:ttf of Nui ih ( arolina, ll:tllf:l Couuly. I ii I In- Superior Court, pi.l 1 ! 1 H. Samuel t . I'att 'im ii, Platiutill' 1 AlmaT. I'aiu-K Defendant J IT III ,h '. I'M IN OF NOTICE OK Sl'.M i iNs. The above named defendant Mrs. Alma T. I'ulterscin will take notice that a sum mons in the above entitled action was isti.sl iiiruiiiM the s:iid defendant on the iltli .lav ul Ni.veniber, I1H2 by S. M. i, an. eierl. of the Court of Halifax Coiinly. aii-l :;iih- was returned thuttliu said ib-li ii.laiii i-oiilil not alter due dili gence be foiiM''. .mi bin I be Stale: that an alius suiiimiiiiis was theieupun issued mi lhe -;iiI day u: January, FKI, with the sat:.'- o-ltwir. that a pintles sum-rii'-ii u-is i-- 'ie.l on the Mtli day Feb ruary. -'i:; v lb Ibe same return; that tbeai'tioii " oiling in the Superior court of Mali lax , "iimy. .North Ciiolina is en title'! as al' ,-; Unit lhe puipose of the action as 1 .ou'lii by the plaudit! against the 'li l' in .ml is lor a divorce a vinculo inatiiiMon ;. Ibe L'tounds alleged being for absolii e divorce: that the complaint in this action hasuhvady been liled on the i" ! Ii i'.iv o! 'November, l'.UL', in the otlice of the I lerk of the Superior court of Halifax coiintv, and said defendant is remnretl to appear and an ver or to lemur to ibe sanl complaint uunng tlie next term of the Superior court to be lield on Hie thirteenth Monday after the lirst Mon !av in March. l!li:t, ' the first lav of mi: 1 court being on the 2nd day of.luue. I il:l Herein fad not. This tin- -.'Mli dav of April, IMS. S. M. (iARY, cleik Superior Court. W. F. DA ILL, K. I. TRAVIS. i;Fo1(M: C. oltl'.KN, Atloinevs for the Plaintiff. Lwnbaoa, $enliaa, C. vt. i- i gla, Kidney YrcuiJc c, Wti.-'n and Asthma STOP THE PAIN Gives Quick tJollof H stDDS thft aclips aii'l pains. lleri; Bwullen Ji.lnts and niuscli-s actsahuust like mairic. ll'-stroys tVij. i tine ni'.d und Is (luirk. eafo ami i-uro in Hi results. No ctli'-r ri-mclgr lib) it. Sample free on request. 80LD DY DRUGGISTS One Dollar nor h.iltl';. or sent, pro- i paid upon ri-CLMi'l ul pried u uufi I obtaiaablu iu yuur locality. 8 SWANSCN RHEUMATIC CURE CO. 168 Uks Strtot JM t'JJ Best Hsmedj lor pW Contipation,SiekHeadaoli 1 Pf Sour Stomoh, Botching and I I i-iwor Troublas. ISC Por J I tSBox at Orugglsta. gJ i j tCUfA. ACNE, PlUS, HMPL 6J, SCUM, USNS, WOUNDS, MIT SHIUM, MNQ nosM, lit., arnciiy Buna ay mm m 5-DROPS" SALVE SSs Per 6ok DruMl.ta jy -' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having iualilied he. fore the Superior court of Halifax coun ty oil the lib day of Apul, l!M3. as ad ministrator of the estate of W. II Dick ens, deceased, hereby notifies all per sons holdimr claims against his said in testate to present them to bun iluly verb lied at his ollice in Weldon. N. C, with in twelve months from the date of tins notice or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This the .Mb dav of April, l!iH'. W'. K. DAN IK. L, Administrator of tlie estate of W. H. Dickens, deceaseil. -l-lo-lit Or Qualification ol Administratrix I The undersigned having quahlied as i administratrix of tlie estate of I.. II i Hale, deceased, in the Superior Court of Halifax county, on the .ml davol Mareli PIFt, hereby notilies all persons holding claims against per saiU intestate lo pre senttoherdulv veritiedat llahfax.N.C. on or before twelve mouths from the date of this notice, or tlie same n il! be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to her said in testate are hereby notilied to make im mediate pavmeu't. This the 20lh day of March, ISIS. MRS. JEN.NIK A. II ALE, Administratrix of L. 11. Hale, deceased. W. E. Daniel, attorney 4 S lit Choice Flowers E ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, K. C. Practices in the courts of Halifat and adjoining counties and it the Supreme court of the State. Special attention (riven to collections and prompt returns ltoses, Carnations and Sweet Peas a specialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outlits are equal to the best. Nothing liner in tloral otferingsthan our styles, blooming pot plants, palms and ferns in great variety. Keddinc; plants, iu all varieties to beautify the yard. Write for list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY FLOltlsTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones 1 11) Ask for price list Suficiai Sale ! We have on hand several consign ment8 of the latest in wool, Wash aud Princess ladies suits. Hather than re turn these suits our headquarters deci- leil lo put them on sale at ball price for cash only. Jl") Suits Prin cess, while and all othei colors to 7, now $'.'.. "in to S. Wash Coat Suits f-l to 111, now '$l.Uhto$S. UtoK'Nel Waist reduced l ,o to 2..iii I si k Mil ii ored silk Petlicc ats 14 to td now $2.ss to ft.7.ri Voilt Skivtfs $o iu now t0.5i to $4.50. lO.IKS) yards laei and embioid eries to close out at haJI price. 7fc to It Messaline silks, all colors now Ml to ii'ms f and Be. calicoes 8 to U- 10 and 12; c ginghams 7 to 9c. About 3,000 yards dress goods to close out lesa than cost Ladies bats at half price, Hugs, druggets, carpetings and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. -, n Ss.'iM in!!ii!7r"ir -t i" " -Vr-.'