l-tr" W fish Advertising Rates Made known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 .er Annum VOL. XLVI11. WELDON, N. C, TlIUliSDAY, ,11'NK 12, Willi. NO. Jw V'4 cji JAMES B. ASWELL The Kind You J lav Always Bought, and. which has been. In use for over JJO years, lias boruo tlm fiijrnatnro of aud has beenmiulo under liis per- (ffi'f2i Bona? supervision sliici its infancy. " v 'wAt&- Allow no oitp toilcn i ci joii in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations) ami" Just-us-friioil" nro but I'xperlmi-nts that trille with n'll cndanurr tho health of Infant unit Children Kxperieuert iifainst i;xpcn'iin;iit. What is CASTORIA Castoria is u, harmless substituto for Cantor Oil, Pare porta, Drops and Mouthing Syrups. It is l-'.oasunt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. I(s nee Is its R-iarantcft. H destroys Worms und allays T'eicnshnfcss, It cures Di.irrlnea and Wind Colic. It relieves 'l'ecthltifr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Tt nssiuiilat.es the Food, regulates tho Klonuuh and ISoivels, "Uietf heallliy ami natural sleep. Tlie Children' l'uiiuce:i-i'lio iHol Iter's 1 rictiil. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ft .'lil :'.. I'-.-ll ; 1 r it aking bwder ABSOLUTELY PORE The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCNT.UH COMPANY, TT MURIt.V TNCET, NtW VOHH CITY. 2 S 2 '-SS ' ' '? ' 00 ' 00 ' 00 ' " ' -f 0 0 -S -aS 5 2T- 5? '&4TLWIC COJjST LlflE1 James B. Aswell is the new mem ber of congress from the Eighth dis trict of Louisiana, He Is a school teacher by profession, and Is known all over the south as one of Its lead ing educators. HUBBY WAS LEFT GUESSING. Standard Railroad TIT South If s2ast)1 Ramifies the "Nation's (iarden Spot." f Wrightsville ;j I5I-ACII IS CAI.I.INO YOU. -" 'l (hC il fl to Wilmiii!!!..!!, tick.-lH mi ule Saliadaxs nnl tr ft Ax iKn U.II ''" ti!iin Siiinluvs, luMilc.l to ri-ueli Wrlilon ' f VUlTU ivtiiiiiiiii: Tuchiv in lint! lit fullimiiiv .late of ale. fit ,. Via .t rl.AM lc Co l' l.l M. Ili.- sian.lai.l l!ailav .-I iIii-imi1Ii" W.J. CU AKI. P T. M T C. WHITK. (i. P. A.. WIl-MIMiiUN N.C. And lit This Date Me Still is Won dering Just Who Was the Un kissed I'einule. 2 'S .0 .0. 00 .00.00 . tr 4B- 4S- tf. THE BANK OF WELDOH WKLDox, X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ariLl STirpIus, $53,000. For nearly I'll years tlii institution lias pruviili-.l haiikinir facilities for this section. Its stneklinM-r ami ollici is are iileiitilieil with the luisi nes.s interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savinirs Depaitinent is maintained for the lieneli! uf all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In Ihis ii-.:iitiiient interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed tort-main three months or lonirer. ' per cent. Six months or longer, 3 percent. Twelve months 01 - longer. -I percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the I'residciitorl'asliier rHRsnms r : W. K. DA NIK I., viri:-i-iti:siiiKr: W It. SMI I'll. I., v.. in; i'i;i!.Ti-ii t'xsiiiKtt: I il. HUAKIv IHRKtToliS V. If. Smith, V. Ii Daniel, .1. 1). Dial.-. U. M . Cohen, A. I'. House, .1.1.. Shepherd, YV. A. 1'ieiee, D. IS. .olhcotler. .1 . W. Sledge 01 Bin ilfoo ii ilanullidoriiijt Company. Mr. Brown issued forth from Fairbank Terrace and wended his way lowards ihe village inn. An insurance agent named Dawson was iiolding forth. "Do you know l:airbank Ter race?" Several nodded asseni, und Mr. Brown be:aine more deeply inter ested. "Well, believe me, gems, I've kis-,ed every woman in ihai leri ace exce 'i one". Mi. litown's lace assumed a pui pk' hue, and hurriedly quailing his ale he quilled ihe barroom. Rushing home, he burst in ai the door. "Mary," he shouted, "do you know thai insurance chap, Daw son?" Mary nodded assent. "Well," he continued, "I've just j heard him say he's kissed every j woman in this terrace except one." ! Mary was silent for a moment, and then with a look of womanly ! curiosity, said: "1 wonder which one that is," AN EYE TO BUSINESS. "Prisoner ai ihe bar," declaimed the learned judge, "your offense is of such a nature that, if you plead guihy, I will let you off with a fine." "1'ardcn me," and ihe prison er's counsel popped up from his seat. "Before we plead guihy, it will be necessary for us io know exactly how much the fine will be." ''But this is unprecedented, sir ly Court." "Well, it may be a little unusual, Your Honor," replied the lawyer, "but I am sure, when you learn ihe full circumstances of ihe case, you will entirely agree to my pro position. You see, the prisoner is in the possession of $60; my fee is $50, and so we cannot afford io plead guihy if you insist on fining liun more than $10." THE REFORMED OFFICESEEKER. I was raised upon one hundred proof away down south Where the red-ripe watermelon is a-meltin' in the mouth; Bui ihe ancient jug is empty I shall tackle il no more, So pass the grape juice, waiter, for 1 want that office sure ! It hasn't got ihe uplift, when you're Feelin' mighty low When this old earth is lookin' like a wilderness of woe; When ihe clouds hang thick above you cast shadows on life's joys, But I'm a grape juice statesman, For I wani the office, boys ! The mint grows greenly glorious in the gardens, close at hand, But the julep glass is empty on ihe old, familiar stand; I've had to change my tactics I'm in the Bryan line; I want the office waiter, put ihe joyless juice in mine ! I really am no betier than ambassadors who sip The beverage of Bryan, when they'd rather have a "nip;" Bui you see, I want the office; I'm in the grape juice class; I'll quaff it if it kills me ! (Here, waiter, fill my glass!) Frank L Stanton. I" vrl limed ihp litdot vviirm. "You cannot bargain wiih the MAM I'AlTDIiKliS Ol' Building Material for Modem Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAD1-: tooimh:!: and i;i:iu. Ait stock sii:s. Qood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, M. C. ninnTMflMDTnwA linmnnn Railway rrnV f nun i iiriim i un vu iilii 1 1 unu urtikiiiii uui KliAl) DOW N IlaHy fl Suniays No llNo.SiNo. A.M. 'P.M. S:;tO lJ-.I.-i !l:llOjl'J:4.') tl:i:l 1:011 I'.M. :i::i. I or. I:L' AI'KII. Leave tlumU-iiy Arrive Leave Mowlield Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave I lKAl)lH haily except Sundays No.l!No,4 No.tl A.M.'l'.M. I'.M. ll:l.".j":V:(ii .".:". lnri.'i L'::iil it-.'St lu::10i 2:l,".l f:l(l V. W. ItoliKKTSON, (it'iifiiil Manager NOTK-MuwuVId inn Flag Station inD?rai iiiaiiatfcr'H mmkv, l.iimh rrv, N.i. ., Mart n inn. tvn 30X30XXC When You Yawn a Good Deal In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discourage-cl. you have every symptom of a torpid liver. Simmons Red 7, Liver Regii!n.t"r ( Tin Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It act9 promptly. The bilious im purities which have inter fered with I he five action of the livei aie driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purified and a regular habit re-established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system. Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Suld ly IhuiUrs Price. Larue i'i ,-.. $1.00 . A'k fur the sdiullir Willi Itic Ri-J 7, on tilt lalx-1. II you i'iiiii.i ut it. H inn ! ul. we will tni It by ln.nl. i.iimM. Simmon! Ll.pl Kt-f uhtui I, .I. up In II4111J fonn lur Ihou whu pivlt-r il. riic? SI. 00 per buttle, liuit fut tile Hil 'i. UbcL i. H. ZFIUN Ik CO., froprlolors SI. Louis, Missouri TWILIGHT. The shadows are falling, ihe end draweth near, Sweet voices are calling, long hushed to our ear; Old, homesick and weary, we're sighing For peace And rest, after earth's dreary luiling shall cease. The silvery River that Hows by the Tree Of Life in fruit ever, in vision we see; The While Rohed Immortals that throng ihe I lighway Pass oil our own portals are not tar away. The Temple up yonder all glorious and fair, We glimpse ofi and-wonder, and lung 10 be there; These ever remind us we're Hearing the strand, And soon far behind us we'll leave sorrow land. The way often cheerless, not much bright sunshine, But few leagues were tearless, down all the long line; The twilight is cheering, our old hearts grow light, Assures us we're nearmg ihe Land of no night. 'Tis balm for all sorrow, for heartache relief, It tells us to-morrow we'll be beyond grief; Be where there's no sadness, and never a sigh, Where life is all gladness, and none ever die. THE HUMANITY OF LAFAYETTE. ' The Krosts and Snows of Valley Forge. The incident I am about to relate : occurred in 1821 during Lafay ette's last visit to this country. : Fony years had elapsed since his promise to Washigton to return as his guest. 1 le was now nearly ; seventy years old, but his heart ; beat as warmly for his country as in those earlier days when he had fought fur its liberties. A brilliant ; reception was under way. A i slowly-moving lane of stalely guesis passed by the Marquis, who greeted each with courtly grace. ; Presently there approached an old ' j soldier clad in a worn Continental ' I uniform. In his hand was an an cient musket, and across his shoul- der was thrown a small blanket . I or rather a piece of blanket. On I reaching the Marquis, the veteran ; drew himself up in the stiff fashion i of the old-time drill and gave ihe j military salute. As Lafayette made the return signal, tears siart ! ed to his eyes. The tattered uni form, the ancient flintlock, silver haired soldier, even older than himself, recalled the dear past. "Do you know me?"asked ihe soldier. Lafayette's manner had led him to think himself personally remembered. "No I cannot say that I do," was the frank reply. "Do you remember the frosts and snows of Valley Forge?" "I shall never forget them," answered Lafayetie. "One bitter night, General, you were going the rounds at Valley j i-orge. rou came upon a sentry in thin clothing and without stock ings. He was slowly freezing to death. You look his gun, saying, 'Go 10 my hut. There you will find stockings, a blanket and a fire. After warming yourself, bring the blanket to me. Meanwhile I will I keep guard.' ; "The soldier obeyed. When he let tit no J 10 his posl, you, Gen i 1 alayetle, cui ihe blanket in iwo. ! One half you kepi; ihe other, you presented io the sentry. Here, ! General, is one half of that blan I kei, for I am the sentry whose life 1 you saved." ! SUCCESS IN tiUSINESS. EXPERIENCE OF MOTHERHOOD Advice to Expectant Mothers 'I he- ex p. ri. nor of .Motherhood is a try iiiivue in r. ii.-t '. mil n mid minks dis tinctly ;m epuil) in tliwr lives. Not one woman in a hundred is prepared or un il Titii'i'ls Imw to pt'iiperiv tare for hcr- ( if n.iirse ni'iii-iy every woman lay- !; lie ii,-llr'iitiii.-iit aUurh i.il' I'.illiV .'lpli-nie-!l the t'Aperi- l-.'lf. III.,. .Ill I IT v..,.il I tl p r til-liiotli in unfitted for llio I v. hen il is user i .ed n shock fr.im ) oner. l-'ulluwini" : s the ii us strain ' in'.!, mid a distinct r iv ulLi. lend i, -I I i il.,.liee n. '!'!. ei ii'ilkin iic 'iv chni'iniiiK than !. !r ,ipv ' -I Im-iII'i.; i I'll lo i- il' children, ri.;. 1 in.:. ,i -lu'M-liirtii under the rinlit c n liiii-r .- need he no hazard to health or liinily. The uiiepliiiiialile lliinR is j:it. witu ;i!l the i viiient'e of shattered i.erves iin 1 lirol'.en heallii resulting; from an i in 'Vi 'pared condition, and with am ple time in which to prepare, women v. ill persist in guing blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely v.pnn l.ydia 10. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and inviporalor of the female organism. In many homes once childless there are now children be cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound makes w o m en normal, twrilrhv und stron.r If you mint special ailvi.e write to l.jtlii'. K. Piiikham Medicine Co. ( con II dcutial) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered liy a nuiuau auil held in strict coulldcure. 51 Vv 4 Js a j The path uf sueeoss in laisi-; ncss is invnrialily tin; path of i ( eoiuinon sense. Notwithslainl- i ing till tliatis saitl iihouflueky j hits," the best kind of success in every man's life is not that which comes by accident. S. Smiles. THE BLOSSOMS AND THE DREAMS Off where the blossoms strew the streams the heart's glad holiday; We're with the beamy of the dreams, and singing on the way; Surely, there is no winter, and life's eternal May, For with the blossoms and ihe dreams we sing along the way. We sing amid he blossoms, and where the lilies throng, And the very winds they listen, For the soul is in the song; The holy light of heaven upon our pathway streams; O life is worth the living with the blossoms and the dreams ! All earth is singing 'round us and sorrow's in eclipse; Bend low, O world of blossoms, an kiss Love's lifted lips ! And let him dwell forever where light undying beams A brother to the violets, with the blossoms and the dreams. Children Cry I FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SUCH is Lire. I "Have you noticed any change j in your husband with the pass-1 ing years ': " ' "Yes; he used to tell me of j his troubling heart. Now lit! j talks exclusively about his liv- j er."-l'tick. j OBEYED ORDERS. Murphy was a new cavalry recruit and was given one of the worst horses in the troop. ''Remember," said the ser geant, "no one is allowed to dismount without orders." Murphy was no sooner in the saddle than the horse kicked and Murphy went over his head. "Murphy," yelled the ser geant, when he discovered him lying breathless on the ground, 'vim dismounted." "1 did." 'Did you have orders?" "I ditl." " Krom headquarters''" "No, sir; from hindtpiarteis." Ladies' Home Journal. (iaranteed Ecxcina Remedy Tlieeonsiant iteliimr. biiruiinr, redness, rash and disagreeable el'fectsof ecxema, letter, salt rheum, itch, piles aud ini tatimr skin eruptions can he readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. llolison's Kcxema Ointment. Mr. ,1. ('. L'veloud, ol'lialh, 111., says: " I had ecxema twenly-l'ie years and had tin . I cu iylhiiiir. All faded. When I found Dr. Ilobsoii's Kccma Ointment I found a cure." This n ii 1 1 in n t is the I'm inula ol'a phy sician and has been in use lor years uol an experiment. That is why we ituaiaiitcc il. All dtuiMrisls or by mail. Price .Vie I'leiU'cr Chemical Co., Phila delphia and St. Louis Adv. PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL. 'Didn't 1 hear you tho some thing at that yowling cat early this morning?" "Yes; I threw the alarm clock nt it." "Hit tho beast:'" 'Xo, but I got rid of tho alarm clock." Boston Tran script. Perfection is made up of irilles, but so is a million dollars. COMMERCIAL VALUATION. "I'olileiifss costs nothing." "Yen," replied the gentleman ot the old nchotil. "Perhaps that is why people have solittle respect for it." Washington Star. CASTORIA. I'or Iufi.nt. and Children. Ilo Kind You Have Always Bought One kind of a coward is a man who remains away from office the first day of each month. EVERY STREET IN WELDON Has Its Share of the ProoJ That Kidney Sufferers Seek. Backache? Kidneys weak? Distressed with urinary ills? Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don't have to look far. Use what Weldon people recommend. F.very street in Weldon has iis cases. Here's one Weldon woman's experience. Let Mrs. F. T. ('lark, of Seventh Si., tell it. Mrs. F. T. Clark, Seventh Si., Weldon, N. C.., savs: "I have the utmost confidence in Doan's Kid ney Pills, for they have been used in my family with the best results. The person who look them was relieved of kidney complaint and backache and was also benefited in oilier ways. I feel justified in giv ing Doan's Liver Pills my endorse ment." The above statement must carry conviction to the mind of every reader. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Clark had the remedy back ed by home testimony. 50c. all slor is. Fosier-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "When Your Back is Lame Remember the Name." RZ7J.EDY For nil formf. f ES. LuniOniio. Sclatlci, (.out, Httur.il- elj.Milimy TruubH;., CaU'ili anil Attr.ma "5-DROPS" STOf TMt PAIN Glvod Quick ftollof H :toya tlm ache tu.it ruin, ffl-livvi-t Bwulh'ii jumlfi lunl luti-H-lea a!nut-t hkti ln:u:ic, I''sliiiy-t tht tixet;- une ac-.tt uuU I uui-A. fctU'o ami huio in it result. No ot li'T r,iii,iily it. Sample free on ruqucet. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS Ono Dollnr pr botiK or front pre l:iil upon r'Ct:iiit c-f price if Cut ohummhiu lu yjur louamy. 8 WAN SON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. 160 LaKI OUflBI Chlcaco rr..nvi.aiun iirstHBAd.nhft' Liver TrouDias ' ror Box t Oruggi&is ECZEMA, ACNE, PIUS, PIMPLES, SCALDS. BURNS. WOUNDS, SALT RHEUM, RINB vuhm, ttc, quwiiy iwim ay mm 5-DROPS" SALVE t6o Ptr eex it Oruiilits Choice Cut Flowers l.'oscs. Carnatioiii and Sweet Peas a ieeialtv. Uui aiu-lie aiiantenients in 1 u ddun; onttits an- e.iial to the liest. I Nullum; liner in Horal oil. 1 iou Ilia" our j stvl..s. liliioinini; pot plants, palms and lerns in ereal variety. IteddinK ; plants, in all varieties to beautify the j yaid. Write for list : Mail, tcli'L'iapli or telephone orders proniptlv executed hv J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY n.oiiisTs, KAl-I-I'.il I, North Carolina. I'honi s 1 1!! Ask for piioe list GREAT BARGAINS IN TMUW'kllTiRS. Weeartva laiize slock of slainUrd ' .chii1ci. can liiinish at onee Mun aicli. I u, Oliver, lieniinuliin. h'oyal, Smith 1'ieinier. I.. I', Sinilli A llro.'s .,,,1 ( m.i,., ivim.,1 V n v oilier make from oto I , .tavs' notice. Ue liuve holli the visilile and the niMsil.le. We houhl a laiu'e stock of lliese l ypenlers I'roni one-l'oiiith looiie hall the rctrular ivhole sale price and on sale now at one-fourth to one hall the reeular retail prices. A Hood Typewriter fi om ,S. ' to flo. A heller one M7. .ii' Io Ml. The best from Mil up ti' nny price. Will lie triad to answer any imiuirv in connection Willi these machines, and send samples uf (he work done hv any of the Type w l iters we have. Lveiy hoy and Kirl should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to leain how to use. Any person w ho can write well on a typewriter can demand a large "alary. Anyone who luivs a cheap tvpewriter from us and waiils a hetter one later, we will take hack the nui bought and allow thesame paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. Il not in cood condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons aud other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. w A S H Y O U R D U D S I N O u R S u D WELDON STEAM LAC2T, f hone 201, WELDON, Jf. ft TT