r Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 .er Anljrttrtg VOL. XLVIII. WELDOX, N. C, THURSDAY, .JULY I, lOltf. NO. 10 r o r1 iiil J n,. .i- M ill I ALCOHOL 3 PER CfcNT AVcjtlable PreparalionforAs similaliniJilifFbodaiKlRpL'ula ling Uie Siojnafhs amlBowcls a( PromclcsDiiisttonfliefiful ness and Ifesi Contains neitta Opiimi.Morphinc rar Mitral. Not Narcotic U OTnn a 9 1 UHIH DIDN'T NEED TO SWEAR OFF. It Was Really a Monkey the Ohio Man Saw In His Hotel Bed. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of jiwitrMbmwmm jtUSam I JkMhUtt- I Autrlttd t HmStti- I ' (teoWJInr. 1 titUfimmnr. I Annrfic! hYniedv forConsllw- llon,Soiu-SloiMch,Diarrtmta Vornisfonvulsioiis.lTVtnsii ness anil Loss OF MtF. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. AW In Use For Over Thirty Years THE DRUMS OF MEMORY. r' 7i I PftBiT feuaranlcf il undcrTSeRS Exact Copy of Wrapper. C&STORA The Standard Railroad of the South it Wrightsville OTTUNTlM Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." BEACH IS CALLING YOU. to Wilmington, tickets on sale Saturdays and fo forenoon trains Sundays, limited to reach Weldon retuininir Tuesday midnight following date of sale. a AILA.YIJCIOAST LINK, "the .standard Hallway ol tiiesouiii , .UkiJ C. K. t'AKTKK, Ticket Agent. W.J. CPAK1 P T M T C. WHITE. (1. P. A k U'iriiirrnv v n '-''S'S'-S'S'-S'S'-sit'C'm'C&'Cvy' '.f.'v The story of the monkey that was discovered in the bed of a visitor at the Waldorf a few nights ago struck a responsive chord in the recollection of an Ohio man who once came to New York for a week of rest and recreation. The day he landed he got in to a poker game and for seven days he stuck at it, tins games being punctuated as many po ker games are. On the last day he started in to play at three o'clock in the afternoon. lie quit at 11:20 cleaned out. Going upstairs in his hotel and opening the door, he no ticed his valise sitting on the floor and decided he would get a clean handkerchief out of it and sit down and think it over. As he stooped over his glance fell upon the bed. From the spot where li is spot might have been two beady green eyes in a hairy little face gleamed at him. According to tlio Ohioan's account ho made not a single exclamation. He simply closed the valise, turned out the gas and shut the door from the out side. He went downstairs, took two or three turns about the lobby, gave it up, called for a cab and spent the night driv ing about, first to one place and then to another. Daylight found him still going about, and he did not revisit the hotel until late in the afternoon, when he went up to the room clerk to apologize. While standing there he heard somebody say, "Well, they found that monkey after all." "Good Lord, 1 am saved," shouted the Ohio man, to the astonishment of the clerk, "Then it was a monkey after all, and there is no need of my swearing off." New York Examiner. Beat the drums of memory In a low and lulling key, Till my feet go marching on Through the twilight and the dawn, Backward through the paths of lime Into that enchained clime Where the blossoms never fade, Where the sunshine and the shade Dance in dapples on ihe grass Of the orchard that I pass. Beat the drums of memory Till they thrill the soul of me, Into long forgotien whiles. And 1 foot the hazy miles Find the meadow and the brook And ihe vine hid foresi nook, Till the world that was of old World aglow wiih rose and gold Lures me with hopes, forsooth, As it did when 1 had youth. Beat ihe drums of memory Let ihe roll a rally be ! Call the boys I used to know In the wondrous long ago Call them all from field and foam, Till again we are at home Let us boast, and do, and dare, Having neither fret nor care; Let us laugh at the far page Where is told the tale of age. Beat ihe drums of memory Till the old song comes to me Till 1 murmur faded lunes, Hum contented olden croons, And ihe boy days all are mine; Till my vines pulse wiih ihe wine Of the days that were, made new As 1 find my pathway through All ihe veer calling ways Of the living yesierdays. THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. V- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aifl SurplDS, $53,000. For nearly 20 years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders and ollieers arc identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Any information w ill be furnished on application to the I'residentorCashier PBISID1NT: W.E. DAM EL' vkk-I'Iikhiiisnt: W. It. SMITH. L.'E. DliAl'EU, Teller. lASlllKK: .1. I). DRAKE. DIRECTORS W. I!. Smith, W. E. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, W. A. C. House, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. fierce, D. li. .olhcoller, .M. Cohen, .1 . W. Hedge ao MARK TWAIN'S FIRST EARN INGS. A friend of Mark Twain once asked if he remembered the first money he earned. "Yes," be said; "it was at school, and a very painful rec ollection it is, too. There was a rule in our school that any boy marking his desk, either with pencil or knife, would be chastised publicly before the whole school or pay a fine of $5. Besides the rulo there was a ruler; I knew it because 1 had felt it; it was a darned hard one, too. "One day I had to tell my father that I had broken the rule, and had to pay a fino or take a public whipping, and lie said: ''Sam, it would be too bad to have the name of Clemens dis graced before the whole school so I'll pay the fine. But I don't want you to lose anything, so come upstairs.' "A few minutes later I came down with a bad feeling and the $.', and I decided that as I had been punished once, and got used to il, 1 would not mind getting the other licking at school. So I did and kept Ihe $5. London Tit-Bits. M ANU FACT I'RE IIS of Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OISDKK AMI liEHli I.AR STOCK MZEs, Qood Materials, High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. OE icao: if NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, READ DOWN KKAD IIP Daily except SunJays IjURT.Ci APRIL 1, WW Daily except SunJays No 1 A.M. 8:30 9:00 9:151 No. 8 NoS , P.M. P. M . ! 12:10 8:85 12:45 4:05 1:00 4:20 Leave tiumberry Arrive Leave Mowlield Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave No.'.'No.4 a7mjp.nl 11:15 3:00 10:45 2:811 10:301 2:15, No.O l'.L W. W. ROBERTSON, (ieneral Manager NOTE MnwnM L Pt. Qt..in. i ranfr' umc, (liimtyrry. N. c. March J'tn. ivu 30E30E :25 II 5:10 H uager jt vernon h. Mcknight, m. d., Physician and Surneon. Over Vinson's Drug store, 12 ly I1AI.II AX, N. C. Wood's Seeds. Late Seed Potatoes June and early in July is the best time for planting for the fall crop for winter use. Our stocks ate specially selected Seed potatoes, put in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition. Book your orders early, to be lure of gelling the varieties you desire. Write for "Wood's Crop Special" giving prices, and timely informa tion about all Seasonable Seeds, T. W. WOOD Ct SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. We are headquarters for Cow Peas. German Millet, Soja Beans, Crimson Clover and all Farm Seeds. Write for prices. BETTER AS YOU GO, Make the world a little belter as you go; And be thoughtful of ihe kind of seed you sow; Try to make some pathway bright As you strive to do the right, Making ihe world a liitle beiier as you go. Make the world a little betier as you go; You may help to soothe some fellow-creaiure's woe; You can make some burden light, As you try with all your might To make ihe world a little betier as you go. Make the world a little belter as you go; As you meet your brother going to and fro, You may lend a Friendly hand, Lift the fallen! Help them siand, Making the world a little better as you go. - JUST MADE FOR YOU. Oh, little girl with the yellow curl, Oh, little girl with the eyes of blue, The world was made for a little girl, And all of the sunshine was made for you; And all of the trees with their low-hung boughs, And all of the birds and the songs they sing, And all of the fields where the winds carouse They were made for you all everything ! And when you are sleepy the purple night Is made for you, with its twinkling stars; And when you would wake comes i he morning light, And sunshine lying in yellow bars Across the floor and across your bed, And the sky is clear and is cobalt blue, And all of it, oh, my touslehead, The sky and the sun and the world's for you. Father and Mother were made for you, As much as your doll and your Teddy-bear Oh, little baby with eyes of blue! Oh, li t tie baby with tousled hair ! And the wind brings perfume of meadow sweet, And the live-oak bows bend down and away, They wait till you've mastered your dancing feet, They're longing for you to come out and play. NEVER DREW AN INFERENCE. Coachman, However, Thought the Morses Could Draw One If The Traces Held. A young gentleman who had delivered a discourse in the place of an aged broiher minister re quested the opinion of the latter respecting it. "Oh," said he, plainly, "many of the words you used were be yond the comprehension of your hearers. Thus, for instance, the word 'inference' perhaps not half of my parishioners undersiand its meaning." "Inference, inference!" exclaim ed ihe other. "Why, everyone must understand. that." "1 think you will find it not so. There's my clerk, now. He prides himself upon his learning, and, in truth, is very intelligent. We will try him. Zachariah, come hither. Zachariah, my brother here wishes you to draw an inference; can you do ii?" "Why, I am pretty strong, but John the coachman, is stronger than 1. I'll ask him:" Zachariah went out for a few moments to look afier the coach man, and returned. "John says he never tried to draw an inference, sir; but he reckons his horses can draw any thing that die traces will hold!" Puck. BOYS. Boys are the stuff out of which men are made. If the church wins the boy, it has won the man. Every boy has goodness in him. What he needs is a friend to help him locate and develop his goodness. Servico is essential to salva tion. A work for every boy and every boy at work is a good slogan. Boyless churches need the churchless boys, (let together. A boy is influenced more by example than by precept. Make it hard for a boy to do wrong, and easy for him to do right. What shall it profit a church if it gaiti an abundance of wealth, social prestige and ma terial equipment, and yet lose its own boys ? John Wesley Gibson. COMPLICATION OF WOMAN'S ILLS Yields to Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound. Athens, Texas. "I had a complica tion of diseases, some of them oflong standing. I wrote to you for advice and took Lydia E. I'mkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and some other things that you sugges ted. I must confess that I am much bet ter in every way and have been relieved of some of the worst troubles. My neigh bors say I look younger now than I dij fifteen years ao."- Ill's. Sarah R. Whatlev, Athens, Texas, It. F. D. No. 3. Box J2. We know of no other medicine which has been r.o successful in relieving the suffering of women, or received so many gfiiuiue testimonials, us has Lydia . I'inkliain'.'; Vegetable Compound. In nearly every Community you will find women who have been restored to heulth by ibis l'.uauUi, medicine. Almost every wuniun ju meet knows of the great good it has been doing among suffering women lor the past 30 years. In the Pinkhuin Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek ing health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, many of them state that it has saved them from surgical operations. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. l'lnkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Year letter will be opened, read and answered by a Yitmiuu and held lu strict confidence. TOO OLD TO RIDE IT. "Iain selling encyclopedias," he remarked on reaching jus intended victim. "I have the finest thing in that line on the face of the earth. Don't you think that I might interest you in one : "Don't believe ye kin, young eller," slowly responded the farmer, resting on the handle of his hoe. "Guess I hain't got no use fer one." Xo use for an encyclopedia?" eloquently responded the book agent. "Why, my dear sir, everybody has use for one." "Yes, they, re all right in a way, deliberately aumuieu the farmer, "but ye see, young feller, I'm afeared I'm too old now to ride the denied thing." 1'hihulelphia Telegraph. IN LONDON. The Musternf the House See here, Mary Ann, where's my dinner ?" The SlaveyThere ain't a goin' to be iio dinner, if you please, sir. "WhatY, ihstl ! No dinner:-" "X.., hir. The missus came home from jail this afternoon an' ate up hevery-thing in th' "ouse!" There's room ihe experienced ihe lower berth. at the lop, but traveller prefers THE BE8T REMEDY For all forme of RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, Neural gia, Kidney Troubles, Catarrh and Asthma "5-DROPS" 8TOP THE PAIN Gives Quick Relief It stops the aches and pains, re- liuves ewotlca joints ana musoies ant iilmitHt like nmiriQ. Destroys tho exoess urio acid and Is uulck. BnfM kiiH mirn In It.fl rBhllltH. No eiln'r remedy like It. Samplt) Tree on request. 80LD BY DRUGGIST I One Dollar per bottlft. or sent pre- pant ,.pon receipt or price u Dot 1 obtainable lu your locality STRANGE CASE. Prof. C. J. Dillon, of Manhat tan, tells of a fellow who met a doctor on the street. "Doc," said he, "if you're out our way this week you might's well come in and see m' wife. "What ails her?" inquired the doctor. "Dunno. After gettin' break, fast an' fixing the children for school an' churnin' an' sloppin' the hogs an' doin' a little wash in' hey's only seven in the family, y'know she plumb de clared ske'd have to lay down before gettin' dinner! Says tired out. Kicks about gettin' a Sunday dinner!" "Yes," said the wise doctor; "1 11 come out and see her. It's a strange case." Kansas City Star. A RI-OULAR CIRCUS. "What did you think of the dinner party last night?" "It was the most daring hare- hack performance that 1 ever attended; and ns for your niece, she outstripped all her compet itors. Judge. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of ACCOUNTING FOR THE FLAVOR The Cannibal King See here, what was that dish you served up to mo at lunch ? The Cook Stewed motorcy clist, your majesty. Cannibal king It tasted very burnt. Cook Well, he was scorch ing when wo caught him, your majesty. Popular Mechanics. Truth is the best argument. Some women act as if ihey had a corner on religion. A proposal never seems just right to a girl unless it is backed up by some moonlight scenery. Birds in their little nests that don't agree take chances on falling out. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A It's so good so refreshing you'll take care not to spill a drop. PEPSI-Cola has the taste diat makes it your preference. la Buttles At Founts 1 i Moat tumaa'f far 4 :Conatlpatlaa,SlakNadoko 1 !3J kour Stomaak. lalahlaf a a I I 5 4 tir Troublaa. (to Per J I , SWANSON RHEUMATIC CUM CO. , 168 Laks Strut Chlsags iJiMUaaaaBaaMtakt- tavn, 4CKt.mil, twits, sut. Bklftni. WOUNOS. SALT MUM. Mat Xim, Els., aralekly auM t arw tko "5-DROPS" SALVE ass tr la at Drutiirta J it MS) jy 26 J Choice Cut Flowers Hoses, Carnations and Sweet Peas t specialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outfits are equal to the best. Nothine liner in Moral olferinirsthan our stvles I'.looniing pot plants, palms and feuis in (ileal variety, ltedding plants, in all varieties to beautify the yard. Write for list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QMNN & COMPANY FLORISTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones 149 Ask foi price list i, M. DICKENS, Local Agent, Weldon, N. C. RUB-lMY-TiSM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c, GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. W e cany a large stock of standard Typewriters. Can furnish at once Mon arch. Fox. Oliver. Rcminston, Royal. Smith Piemier, L. C. Smith & Hro.'s and 1 nderw ood. A nv other make from in I.-, ilavs' notice. We have both the visible anil the invisible. We bought a have ttoek of these Typewriters from one-lotirtli tooiie-hulf the reifulai whole' sale price, and on sale now at one-fourth tn one-liall llie regular retail prices. A Rood Typewriter from 7.fH to S15. A better one $l7.ftu to 38.5U. The best from up to any price. Will be glad to answer uuy inquiry ill connection with these machines, and send samples of llie work done bv any ol the lype. writers we have. Every boy and girl should have one of our cheap Typewn ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who huvs a cheap typewriter from ub and wants a better one later, we will take hack the one bought and allow the same naid for it in exchange lor a better one. if returned in good condition and within six months. Il not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and otuer supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. 0. w A S H Y 0 U R D M D S I N 0 U R S u D S i i WELDON STEAM lAC'r.:: r .... WELDON, JLfl Phone SOI, i7

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