Has since 1804 pven "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It is to-day with its 'scull v of K. 11 Kmrdinij patronage of 323, Its student body of ItHt, uml its plant worth Sl-HUMI the lf.adim; training school for ;irls IN VIRGINIA $150 pa.vn nil clmriii s for the vi a' inrludini: tnhlc hoard, room, linht h. steam heat, laundry, medical ntlentioti, physical culture, und tuition In nil subjects except music and olnculi"n. For cut:i!oi:i!e ai d appliiation blarik address, REV. THOS. KOSSER REEVES, B. A.. Principal." I!l AOKSTt'Ni . ' . ;jk..-.-. 'X. irrr.T The Rural Mail Comes Once a Day The Telephone keeps you in touch with nek;! bors, friends and the city every minute of ev ; day. Progressive farmers throughout the St; are installing telephones in their homes ami see:: ing our service. The cost is low; the service is satisfactory. Write to our nearest Manager, or address: Farmers' Line Department HOME mMIOM & TELEGRAPH ( 0. Henderson, N. f. OE3IZ30E 11 Day l'liiisti '." P. N. STAIN BACK'S I NDKl! I AKKW. Welcloii, - - North Carolina" Full Line of CASKETS. COITINS anil kOBliS Day, Night and Out-of Town Calls 1'romptlv Attended to. H. Q. FUNERAL l)IRi:CT()l Tt Seventet IblOL Seventeen years' lixperience. Why Spend All You Earn? You might get sick or hurt--be prepared for it. You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-.an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We oav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts TIIEj Bank of Halifax, HALIFAX, 1ST. C. N. L. Stedm.in, Premilcnt. CHARLE3 0. ALLEY, Inc., (-iiccrxuri- tu I 'lias. C Alley j WHOLESALE Confectioners SI VVA KUSHCIKJ. VA. (it'tH'rul Auent in Virginia uti.l .North raruliiia fiir lln. ot'lchrati'.i sihhikiw's' t'ii'n.nt.ti'M. ' ni'sentr,l in Ka-tria Carolina by .Meorn' W. T. Haujrli an, I . M el'. Tucker. Kt-i.rrvi' venr or,!ns fur tlirtn. mwi ROOF PfilHT SOLD Pierfc-ffliilfteil llarta II iiTAiiuiii-:ii i sr..) Pioneer American Wine Growers SmilSTlIHgl) THADK MARK SPECIALTIES Virginia Dare (White siennpernong) Pocahontas (liedScuppernonif) Old North State Blackberry Hiawatha Paul Garrett's Special Minnehaha (Ited Cliampairne) (.-park ling ( liampairne) (i,y scupiei noin; ) And other rarietien of IT RE and Will II.K.soM K WINKS for home and hotel use. Highest Market Prices Paid iu season for lil.ACKUKKKIKS, (IKAPKh and II kinds of small fruits. NORFOLK, Va., (Home Otlice) Sr. LOUIS, MO. SAN FKANXI.HCO, Cl. y 30 11 No. in I'iIimi. ,'l : ROWE, AND f MUAI.MI k Hearse Service An v here 301 H. L. Travis, Vi,....l'ri'lil,.nt. F. H. (iregory t 'ashler. j Fa, Gr liY I , ii notour ! Ill HI J I Garrett & Co. . c ,- BlBLt-SIUUI -UN . . GOD'S COVENANT AT MOUNT SI NAI. EmjJus 10: l-O-Aug. 31. "f..'l ! ' ,.-, I c WO months ii I'l 1 'I1 till' 1'assOY .M;ut.iii.v. 1 ! - I-lJli'l'li-s a iho.1 si! Ml Sinai; l.ul . tli.ii- w;i lii.'y li.nl two v u lu ll le-.'lis ri'-I'r'Mll iinl's pM.x1 iimi powi'i'. Al iN'i'liMim, Muses in the name W thf l.'M'-l smulL' t i u rui'U, ami li'oiii 11 n!u'l w . l 1 tM iil'iinil. Hilly I'rfnliiii Israel, itinl us 11 rivulet fol lowed them thnMu.li iiiueli of tlit'ir (.ilequent Journey. St. I'mil, I'.v in spiration tlt"'!:ires lli.it the n-k repre sented t'hrlM, that tlit sniltin.u' of the rock vpi-et'iiti'd the putting of ChrNt (o shameful ileath, hut that only thus is the V;iter of Life provltlt il for wlio wiu'vor will drink. Israel jniirno ed nil, tail eiifouiiter- 'd lie 'ondii listnehw 'I'he AnialeUitos, u people, nMisideivd lrat'l"3 s Mil invasion t.tf th'!r eoiiii- try, inn! nttaeUed them. Natiti-iilly Israi'l whs n t ii diadvanlat;e Vet Hod pie tliein (ho vletory. Mo sos, upon a hii:li hill, lifted hN hand- In i'aer f u r t tio people While lie did 'A j v a theirs; hut hen lie - oaed hiis I ,, I'm.;. AnuiU-U pre vu K. vailed. Aaittii and Hur asNtod in holding up Mom's' hands uniil tho hat t.e terminated siii're-si'uily for rael. thus lndi.'aled that wltli-.ut Moses tlie i.'Hild imihiny The Royal Priesthood Proffered. (iod's dealtnL". uitli Urael were III in void Willi Mis -rent eovenant with Abr;ihain "In thee ;nid In t!i Seed shall all (ho families ,.f the earth he hle-sed." Neil her Uo-.-s j.or Ids f.. JdWers i-ouhl possilily liae llliderslooil iho full imp"i't of this proal natli houiid i'romix'; fnf it N tlouMe, the ipirinnil portion ..-in hidden until llit l-'ht Advent. liven siiuv then. St. I'uul assures us, It is a hidden mystery, , aipi''s-iatod hy few. j The I'loiiilst' is divided Into thivo pnr;s ill Ahraham tand all tite An-: lent W'ortliies. -ui he represented? I was to have n sliare; cji A tiruhaui's i See,l was to he the ehannel of bless. Ihu: and iH all ihe families nf the earth Wele to he l.h'-,.d ihloii-h I he-e -di;ih HeS Hut ..nly Py the liulit of the Holy Spirit during this (io-.pel are these depths of ttie Al-rahaiuie covenant maidl'e-t. While I ho ln'!lie- Unew that the ere the natural heirs of ihe prom Ises, It ptMpef that they ul-n know that they would he iiniill able in h!e- Inc the otlier natloris with iiod s l.avv un!es they emild both Uei that Law ami instrii'-t others to keei it. So !i I.ttw Coeuait! whs made with them, and Mnv.? appoint! i mediator. Typical of New Cuvenjnt. St. i'uul, in ll-t.i.-us I-J.is-Ji, points us In the iititii.U't! today's lesson. As Israel w as delivered t't'n:n l'liaraeh and his tnwts, so uitiiuately niankiiid uiii be delivered fui Salau anl his fuHi-ii anuels. and (ruin ail eCil inilu es. As l-l'.u-l'v j,.ui uo hr-.uuht them to Mt, Siii.U al..l ill.- I i C,. e- iiant, mi the jurjiev nl' i.l' people will brint,' all the faithful tt. lt. 'Awu, i Ind's Kiitdi'in. Meantiine. Jesus ha-' lnvoine the anll-tyiii-al Mi'ms, Leader ..f the people In hanii-niy with Jehovah's I'luram, lie has been sele. tin- Joint heirs St I'aul explains lhi. s.i in;, "(iod l(lle Jcviis to tn tin- lleiltt iHT the Chur. h. whhh U Mis l;,.d." See St t'eter's eXlanatioii of "I'mphet like unto Muses" In Arts ;! JJ, :t V.i'Jl. Tin1 antitype of our les1oi will be the inanejirati.'U of the .New Cove nant, at the Set ond Advent of Jesus. Tin bais (if this better Covenant was eompleied af Calvary. Our Lord has slre'e been rompletlni; Ills "better sao- j rlth es' by presenting tho bodies of ; His saints to C,od, (Koinuns Y2 1.) j Soon the "better stierilii es" will bo 1 completed, and the router Medlatur j ruirttxi up riv.ui n in o n g s t the. hr.'tlii'i'n. Then will follow tho iii:iULrnr:ition of tile New t'ove- iiiint, to Mess nil the futilities of the earth with llestltntion. St. I'uul points Miit thnt wo tiro iippron.-lilnc "tho lielieliil AsseiD- h'y und (Tinrch whoe tin nies nro He iks lares Hint .'VMi5'? 7f netc r.i jr vj-t (!..!. of the I'irst-tioin," written In Iicnven. we may ("ipc t slln iin; s. eiu-s. As lit Stnal tlin literii! mountain shook, lU'ht oliiits fluislinl, iiml GchI's voh'o was heard ns the sound of n tiruat trumpet, bo here. The trumpet will bo the sev. entli trumpet, the trump ot Rod. The storm mid slinking typify the shak ing of t lie eeelesinstiral heavens and Shu social, political mid (m.mclul enrth. All things that can be shaken shall be removed, "as of thini;s that nro made." -Hebrews 1L':27. The Apostle assures us that only tho unshakable things will remain. That Is, the Messianic Klnplom will com pletely overturn everything not In har mony with righteousness. This Ii merely n prelude to the great Cove nant, then to bo ushered In for the blessing of mankind. Suffered Eczema Fifty Years Now Well. I eems a loin; time to en. line the u,v fol burning, itelnui', sniaitinsr. sfciri-disea-e known as "tcttci " another j name lor l.orpiiia cem iroo,l to n al ie. aiso. iniii in. iiuiiuns t.e. .emu tiintnieiit ba piien a perfect cine. Mrs, Ii. I., Kenney writes: "I C'uinot sutticientlv express tnv thanks to vou foi your I 'r. iiohson'sKcieniaChntinent it ban cureil my tetter, winch has trou. hied me for over fifty years." All druir (lists, oi liy mail, jile Adv. WILLING TO OBLIQE. "Do you believe kisses can be sterilized, professor?" asked the sweet young thing. "Well," replied the professor, "if you will give me one I'll see what I can do with it, miss." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A WAS II 'Si I'KA.TklNti "I U'U'-, ;l new-; iilieiil thdl i,.is a tium w.is lincvl SV. St) lor sinking ; '.My W ile's liouc 10 ihe Country, ! Ioo-imv, I luo-r.iy "Prcuy tonoli." " u; se ih.ui loLiii. i lis wile .;s in thj house j!I ilie tinio. This sinmiiLT, so the story 0i:s on to! rclau-, she li.is no iuii'iiiion of go- in anywhere tor ii kition. " (iMI-AT SCIIHMi:. "Why won't you buy soincihitig Lit my i.iblc?" Jom.iink'il the girl ai tin.' di.inty f.iir. "I'lcc.nise 1 only buy from the homely girls," s;ii J ihe nun. "They have a harder time making sales." The girl was not oltended, and he worked this right down the line. Louisville Cost. Wood's High-Grade Seeds. Crimson Clover The King of Soil Improvers, also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER will incren.t I lir productiveness ot die land more tli.tn twenty times as much as the same nmount spent in commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by itselt or at the last workiiiR of coin, cotton or other cultiva ted crops. We are headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive f-'all Catalofi, giving information about all seeds lor lullsowing. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. , , 1 l.i ,nl , .i.ll.i" OH NO Fit. TRADE-MARKS, i ;0. I n l - i -i .-; I 4 Oli. Mi.a-'l FKLC REPORT i'l .ii Ti' .!o..n l iM.I HANK HI r K H. ttb. i.l 4 i i HOW TO OBTAIN D. SWIFT & CO. HATENr LAWVtK-, S03 Seventh St., Washnii;'. , . D. U . KILLTHECOUCjI"? FOR f.HI fa soTftstiT AN&AILTHROaTANO LUNG TSJi);: .';j ; GVAffAHTEtO SATif AC I Oft ' rsj I ii iinniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMHiajiiin I), i;. STAIM5ACK, 1 NOTARY PUBLICS And Lire InstiraiKe. I I'mi;4,' N,s lillu -: IUIJiiB N.i I Choice Cut Flowers h'oses, Carnations an.l Asteiin all eolois. iHn aitistie ai lant'i'iin nls in i ,1.1iiil' outlits are equal to the best. Notlnin: liner in Mural oHel iii;s tl.au our styles. I'ot plants. paliu-Jiatel (ems liu Iioijm' ! leeoralion. Write (or list, Mali. teh-L-raph or telephone or.lers prouiiiiv eecutetl ov J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY ri.ni:irs, RALEI'JH, North Carolina. 1'1'oni's ID Ask for ptiee list the k:v gfknowledge. Things You Ought to Know Ejp cinll Why Cod Has FVermitted Evil. Kvery rUn-tun ItibV Student HIHIl'l.Ii KMIW ihL. satisfactory proofs ih.it ihe lilble is a Iiivlne Kev elation-I'e.i.-omilile und trustworlhv- i reveitllt,; a 1 '1; i ti which I . systematic, 1 full o" .lusii , wisdom ntid I .nve. I The Key of Knowledge of Ihe S. rlp I tures, louS lost (l.ulio is found. and gives Cod's, faithful people aceess to the "Hi.M.-u Mystery" (i ',,1. 1 ;i:; . YuU Slint 1.1. KNOW that the s Lord Jesus and his f.ilthful ate to be i not only l'rlests hut Klius. ! YOU SHOULD KNOW that this I Kingdom is to , ,,ine und Cod's will be I done at the S,h ond Advent, j YOTJ SIloUI.H KNOW that Cod's i l'lati Is to select und save the Church ! lu the-Cospel Age, and to use this Chuivh lu blessing; the world during. llio Medoiloiial t'clgu on earth. YOU SHOULD KNOW that a "Hansom for nit" Implies nu opportu ally for Kestiiuihui to nil. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the j Lny of Judgment Is 1,000 years long -the worlds Trial Day. ! YOU SHOULD KNOW that the j Hplrltuul ami 1 1 u in., u natures ale s,.p aruto and dl uluct YOU SHOULD KNOW that lb ".Narrow Way" of self sacrifice will cense tt Ith this age. YOU SIIdUI.D KNOW th.,i the "Highway of Righteousness" without suffering will be open to all of the 10 deemed race during the Mcsslanl, retgn ou earth YOU SHOULD KNOW that ih Kingdoms uf Tuts World ,.a; but ful an ordulu.d period and iiuut theu gl place to the "Kingdom of lleaveu '--"Tby Kingdom Come." Especially TOD OUGHT TO KNOW Why liod has permitted evil for sU thousand years, and the relationship of God's people to thw reign of sin and death and to the .suits. Those subjects and many others of deep Intercut to all of God'a people are discussed fully and lu language easy ot comprehension In "THE DIVINE PLAN OF TUB AGES." 8S0 pages, cloth bound, thlrty flvs cents postpaid. Address orders to Publishers, Ulbl and Tract Society, 17 Hicks Stmt, Brooklyn, fl. Y. I s in. I StLL PAT- H i.-ila'io.'.auiu. I IN Stubborn Case "I was under the treatment of two doctors," writes Mrs. R. L. Phillips, of Indian Valley, Va., "and they pro nounced my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak- An ncss. I was tint able to take Cardni. I used it about one week, before I saw much change. Now, the severe pain, that had been in my side for years, has cone, and I don't suffer at all. I am feeling better than in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of Cardui." TAKE if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any of the troubles so common to women. Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system, Cardui has been in successful use fir more than 50 years. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they received from it. Try It for your troubles. Itegin today. 1 Writt !( . V A 1 Perl. lor Si'tCrAt lnstnuM,v jnj t c-ue book. The Drug Store to Take Your Prescriptions to W. M. COHEN'S, Where they will be accurately and Carefully Compounded,day or night ,M ATLANTA Norris Delicious Candies-superior to all others--received weekly. Wlll-N VOU WANT IT EARLY CALL 'Phono us is Jtjt W. T. I'AltKKli. I Cures Caused by Impure or Poisoned Blood. - rv ntipumnllfim Eczema Indlfi'titl(nN-rvotins impure KlutHl impo title Joe Person's Ktvint'dy. 'Ai 01,011 turC ''It1oJ w,tt ynti slr-onc and hfaltliy We t?) -inr.tnn tins ri-mly to pxn rnrt- hUmd in your veins and tune . i c bysu-m, curing .'iii uiseuses n-sultt;; Uum impure or puisum i '. It Ii.ih inado thouminds ot woaaerlul vim's -immy ul wIulIi .' o;i MixlUdl Records. N.KJS. JOE PERSON'S REMI-DY SAVED LKU KKOV. AMPUTATION. 'l VRS. JOL' PERSON'S REMEDY U) J Kmrr;l, S. l . 1115 ' r ""1 : 1 'inui'ied wiitt a breaki ore. Atjet HMjut a ... ,tM tt -rtl iifie bi'.t ot 1 " uip ee . . ... u.. .... , 1CU ijnous me,iuines it:j phvitcianj htn 1: 1() Himi-J to 1 -.' I1 w,;ff ,0na" '. "Iki'U "frd iboui luviim it ami.utJ. hut waj J .. oel,,ul"R(mtlf' 1 boujit w.me of the lemcdy a ij wuh aii-1 it r'Il.l,"T.P''ra0ri',i Krmrtiy M Indian Qt lrch.grein h.-rbs, enhrrM while in L . . "r " "e?,, i.rnr .u m uie iar Kivrr m North Cnrohnri, nnd their medidi :.l I ' r.ciiilitieB were first discnvered hv the In.hati -t... 1.... ti,- , t . ' ! . T.rn iHinuy. u is m..Ue , r-';,a pV tue indi.ins and is Ruar.uiteed under tin- Natiounl w r uiiu n nu uivn Lows to He absolutely rure J ' Tr-,T MiH.JcePersoirsR(-nn-dvisso1d nt nil ,1m.. ..,r, r. Ml In (l mi hMil... u. t.....i.. " - id in. i) i l ,""l'rit ,l'r v "uinriiuiii . vu mur u iuie wimiii ft:uulJ not delay (jcUinn gwu. pure condition. cure mado by thl Krct ADDRESS, MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CO., KITTRELL, N. C. ...flu Red Indlun Brand Kidney Pills and Liver Piu art tliL Price 25c, postpaid. Sample free. S K A B AIR Trains leave VV!ln. L'ffeliye April 27, 101.,, C. I:. CAR! I-R. Ticket Agent. NO 16 M'.AI'.0.!. lAI'i; K-s, for I'.iit-inouth Noif .lk, e-tibule 6:05 A. M. '"- NO li : I.AI:oKli MAIL, cstilnilc t naclies. I'arloi Cai, foi I'oits. . mouth N,.i (..Ik. eonnectna' ith Meamsbip Lines li.r Hash .:V I . VI. iiniiun, I'.altiitniic. Ne,t Veil.. r.o:,ton and 1'iowdence. NO. II ; L i:o.;i M . for bn In mi. I I lie -.out b ...... 12:07 I'. M. bt .Mtli "Flotida l ad Sad No. 1 1, I. . .1 ,cl,sonv die and Honda tioints, l.iuin tai, leepui,: cars tbiouch -leepci-- 1o H.unlet and birtuineliaui. NO. 15 A HO Mtli Kl'i;l.,-s, lor lialenrh, Atlanta, bn inmKliam an.l the Soutl.it est. ' onni cts at Hamlet null No. mi lor l: JvA. m. iliuiiif Ion. .Mtli No. -I li.i C.iluuibia. s-avaiiiiah, Jackson ville and Florida points; Mceping ear I'uitsmoutli to Charlotte; Vestibule Coaches, slccpmu and Hiium; Cars to all pointsSouth and Southwest. No. lll fur rtaleiph leave nti to the iniilci'-ii'iii'.l im inl. s aiiil C. 1!. UYA. General Passenger Agt., Pcrtsmsutb. Va. commenced to j Th WomanSTonic Oiai'atiivm M in .ne C" , ChjC 'Home I nitl. ,.it lor V. ot.'.r.n. ' n T.-mi, ,.l etc. 1 .12 Your wants S ! lie litsl ( .tniiiv Slot i-lo open TO nil Diseases when vou uu ur. I'ROMINENT CITIZEN S . n. v.. ronton triT tee. Ii cjmr fr;i in - 11011111 it comtilf nce.i U S'fvad, jurl iiwtn, w-i aniiv, a , JNO. W. jnilNJON remedy mr.de from the Julc fii -'2'' this condition. thupr.-i Vv -.. I V TO M, I" "re louna in the nt'n:'i- 't ,".. if. n to-Uay eK'tftly like it . v c ... ' " l " or 1 nutties lit Jl; your uruficisi yuur renin .ir your blood i iluod into a AM j -.V Write Ui 1 blood medicine ' ESE?l3S 0 A I v ) LI1TE Kalcich, Cbailotle, Allaula, lliiniing. I. ennneeU ... Vi.ilm. I', L.,.r I . r,, 1 1 ., , . Nu. L'll front l.alritfll Uliive S '.'it i. iu. lime tahle .IOIIN T. WlvST, Division Passenger Agt Raleigh, N. C. sit up, when I & 34 ft J i . hvi!.V V' ! m wm - W ), . -1' ." . . ' , ?9:" ''!.;:! :l!'il HAIL ROAM TIMKKtEI'E AMtRlCA. A.wCArrfl. PA. I am sole ugeiit tor the I l.imihon watch in this vicinity. I repair Watches ("locks, Jew elry, Scum" Machines, Phono graphs, Clash K'egisieis, Lie. All work guaranteed. (i. c. m:lson, W UI.IiON, N. C. -OF- MILLINERY. FANCY COODSand NOVKLTIlCS. liutteriek'p Patterns R & Q. Corsets, .Misses at 7oe. Ladies 7oc. to 1 1 . to. Prices will be made to suit the times. Hals and I'.onnets made and Iriln mcd to order. ALL MAli.OUIiKKS PROMPTLY 1'lI.l.KI). Honest Fanners Honest Millers Tin 11 it ihtti Miiur u Inch I uii el ft a it ihimIcmi skill cm iiiiikc il Honest Uread tin ii-ull wlirn it I'lm.i'.s liuin our mi-llr . In l!n-- days ul Utllllti'lUtlUll, .4 1 1 1 lit ill I 1'nlnlillL.'. 1 tl' . i ail' pHMhl t" ilt.it nu tain t altufln-il lu our I -U I. ll" I 1 1 1 tol U llut. 'Mhllr'l)t'H. I . Il l.'i li.ulli'ollHlif.-, M, S, MCUNTCflSTLE. Vi'i-:i.i)O.N, N. C. TIIKNOl.THI'Uiol.lNA ('( il.l.KiiKi d' AGKICLLTUKt 8 MECHANIC AH IS, I In- Mal.-'s lii.lnMii.il ( '..llfi;.-. I ! i ui us im 'i i I'm MHvrMnl Iim-s in AjluMlllillV. lltiltli'lllilllC. ht'k M- hanyiu-. I'uuli i y in k. i t i iimi v Mr.lu-in.': in ( nil. l.livltii'ut aifl lt; fliiiiui'al Kiisjiiiri-iihu; i:i lii'iinsti y uial I 'y ci hit; in I'utti mi .Manuliirtui iim I uuv yi ur I'niiiM's. Two ainl out' yt-ur I'uiu'st'n teaclu ts; students: I.iul.lniiis; Miiili-in - uif iiiH-nt . Cmiiity Miinin li u. I i.N hcl.l i iitiain't' ramiiKiliiMis at all ruKiily siats July lu. Write fur (.'t'lnj'U t.' calaliue tu I:. 11. iV I.N, llrjrisiiur. Wot Kal.-i-li, N. C. I he North Carolina State Normal And Industrial College Maintain, d hv the Mate li.i the tunncii of NortliCari.ium. i ie teizulat Courses h ailnn: In dcirie.s. Special cnuiscs li.r teacheis. l iee ttliliiin to tlnie uho airrcc to bceiiuie teacheis in the State. 1'all ScsMon bci'ins Septetnber IT, llll.'l. I'ur catahiu'itc and other infurmati. u address .11 I.I I s l. l-nrsT. I'r. sid. ut, t i.eenslKiro, N. C. WE FURNISH A Itoyal least tt1 every one who! ( buy their irroceric: at ..i.r store. j ) ( All the seasonable , el....cie arej J I found in our store the year ) I ruunj. : . , CONFECTIONERIES ) FRUITS ) ( CROCKERY AND TIN ) ( WARE j ) J Wooden and Willownare, Kte. ' (foods delivered promptly any ) V, wnere in inwn. r oute Clerks. ) ( I'honeNo. Ml. . ) i t ! C I M. PURNELL, , ) I ) ! ) i. n ki i. on, ti. ) Larpsi Stock in tie ben in Nuifulk call ou us Vou will Im, I what vou nant and evt it ..,icklv. ' lluwni; no canvas-.ers. no aticnt s eoniniisMous arc ad di d to inn pi ices 1 1.. ,..,. aides us to use liistclass ma li iiul and t l i.i-1. it piupeily We Cay freight and liuaiantee Safe Arrival THE COUPER IYARB IE WORKS. (till years iu business.) lDe-lBS.BanklSt NORFOLK, VA. illISMIIIIMIIIIIlillll 11111 Ifl j Mils. I'. A. I.KW1S. Weldon, S. C. I HOttEST tiJr I PROFLSSIONAL CARDS. ! WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, ; W EI.I'ON, N. c. ' I'racticcN in lite couith ot llalilax ami Noitliamptoii and in the Supreme am. : icdeial couits. I ollccliuiis made in atl ' parts of North Caiolina. Itrauch otlice j at llabfas open every .Monday I Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WLI.DON, X. C. Ilusincss promptly and faithfully at tended to. Associated with Peebles & Harris and Cay .v .Midyette in Halifax Superior Cuurt practice. L'-L'il-tf OIIORaE C. OREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National bank l'milding) I Weldon. N. C. l.LI.IOTT IJ. CLARK. ATTORNUY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX. N. C. Pn ui i.i.s in the couits of Halifax and adjoining counties and iu the Su picnic cuurt of the State. Special atten tion e;iven to collections and prompt re turns. Hl-ti-Iy W. J. WARD, DENTIST, 01 Fit K IN lUNlLL Ul lLIUNCi WELDON. N.C Bei2 ly T. W. Mav.s. liaiysbunr, N, c. .1. A. W.illKKI.I. , .lacksun.N.C. W, 1 l.o.i, Weldon, X. C. MASON, WORRELL S LONG, Attorneys-at-Law. llllices: Weldon, N. C. and Jackson, N.C my ly. Jj T. CLAR K ATTORNEY AT LAW. WLI.I'ON, N. C. Practices in the couits ol Halifax and adjoining counties uml ii. the Supreme court of the Mate. Special attention Itiveii to collections and prompt returns vernon h. Mcknight, m. d., Physician and Surgeon. I H er Vinson's Uvug store. ii-iy Halifax, n. c. SLiM) Vl)l H OKDl:KS l'OR Al l KINDS PRINTING TO i-:. I iiAVWAki), Weldon, N. ROSES, Carnations, Violets and other Mowers alvtays on hand. Shower Wcililimr Itouquets, llandsonie Floral liesiuns, I'alins and Ferns for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and many other varieties ot bulbs fur fall planum: either for out or indoor cul ture, liosc bushes. .Magnolias and Ky ergreens. W rite, 'phone or telegraph. H. STE1NMETZ, Florist, Raleijrh, North Carolina. ft-iltly Go to HARRISON'S For Automobile Itcpairs and Supplies. All kinds of .Machine work dour Sta tionary, t.asohne, Mamie and Steam Liu.'iui s, linns and I'istols. Satisfaction liuuiaulei d GoopyT:af? Tiresand Supplies on hand for sale top cast . ud of Second Street. II. W. IIAKUISON, Weldon, N. ('. McCall's Magazine aud McCall Patterns For Women Hav Mors Frisndi than any other magazine or iiatterns. McCall's is the rehal.le Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand lii.ni.-s. Besides showing all the latest dcr.ic.ii.s of McCall Patterns, each issue 1. Uimtiil uf Ki,aikhuK short atom 3 and hclptul inioi mation for women. Sa. Mob., aad K..p io StrU by wbacribn,, I". Hkmn ,LKa. , one. lViUt.nl,,. McLVl p'oerrlilr..':'" ny ' McC.II Palumi Laad ill olherl la u.le f ""nplicur, economy ...d number aold. SU,.t d . ... ell MrCall Kuern, lhan an, olher l i,iK,i.o..ihiiied. N hialierHuaiJcenu. ;;. I.011, youi de.ler, ur 1), nuu Iroro McCALL'S MAGAZINE 230-246 W.37U, St. N.w York Cil, I Mill T

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