IWT DREAD 1 EXTRA SESSION. HOW A PLAY WAS MADE. LEASTS 1 . ill North Carolina Law Makers Session at KaleiKh. In Prepare to enjoy its exhila rating frosts by making your blood rich, pure and active to pre- I jl vent colas, grippe Li" and rheumatism. Gool blood prevents sickness and Scott s Emulsion will energize your blood and cre.ite reserve strength to endure changing seasons. Scott's Emulsion is not an experiment but hassoi ved immunity faithfully for foity years: it contains the purest cod liver oil free from alcohol or stupefying drugs. Scott's Emulsion is natuic's greatest blood-maker and furnishes the elements necessary for body warmth, rich blood and healthy circulation. Shun alcoholic eubttitutee and demand the genuine Scott ' Emultion AT ANY DRUG STORE 1W$ THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Oct. 2, 191 J. Published Every Thursday. STKKKD AT I'eSTOlKH'E AT WKI.IHIX AS SKCUN D-Cl.ASS MA1TKH. KAII S OF SI liSCHIl-1 ION IN AL WlF: One Year, (ly mail) postpaid. tl."0 Six .Muutlis, ..", A weekly I'enioeiatic journal devoted U the material, educational, political aud agricultural interests of Halifax aud am rounding eouutie. Advertising rates reasonable and fur nished on application. President Hlekta says he has no candidate tor the Mexican chief magistracy. An American in China proposed marriage to a girl in Ohio by cable and was accepted. Chicago finds that the cost of rearing children has increased -10 per cent, in ten years. It's a good thing the women of ten years ago are now working for themselves. A colored minister struck off a bit of homely philosophy when, as reported in an exchange, he said in a sermon: "Life, my brethren, am mostly made up of prayin' for rain and wishin' it would d'ar off." The extra session of the North Carolina Legislature, called by Governor Craig to consider the freight rate matter and proposed amendments to the Constitution, began work at the old stand last week. Hon. Walter Murphy was elected Speaker of the House, and Lieutenant-Governor Daughtridge was on hand to preside over the Senate. Preliminary to any railroad leg islation that may be proposed or undertaken at the present extra session of the General Assembly, the Ibuise of Representatives adopted a resolution, offered by K'epreseni.ttivc IV M. Clark, of I'm, calling upon the Corporation Commission to furnish 10 the I hmsc a list ol all members of the Legislature and other State officers who are in the employment of the railroads and other common car nets and of those who hold passes ol such carriers or have been so employed or who have held such passes during the year 1913. The following bills, by Senator Daniel, of Halifax, passed: To provide for court stenogra pher for Halifax county. To amend laws as to holding terms of court in Halifax county, so that criminal and civil cases may be tried at each court. E. H. PICARD. Son of Clergyman bxpires .As Re sult of Burns. To the uninitiated the drama has always been a source of won derits inner secrets a fountain head o f mysteries. Goodness knows its exponents receive pub- referring to his last statement, the writer sincerely hopes you are from Missouri. D. B. SLLS VOK HV.K FAMILY BIBLE. CHILDLESS WOMEN ThpB women our rlitkllcni, now liaprr and I iillViic.llly well Willi liMllhv fliil.Ilcnwill tell huff I.v.tia K. I'iiiklianr, MdfUhio o.inpouml mail I all tliu toille Here are the nainti. an.l rorr-vt ! a-MreMHS -write ti.etn if vit want to, an.l iHam (or jourRelf. Tbey are omy a few out of many 1 thoiuamK - ,., awM out t" ""7 ' v v; strong and healthy and we ultrioiile tins re sult In IIih timely unii of your l.oitip'MUHl. Mrs. Fkk YoHANlf, Kent, Oregon. " I owe my liTe atlil my lul-y'fl KNsl he.iltli to your t'tmipouri'l." Mrs. W. O. Spksi H, li. t' I)., No. 2, Troy, Alil'aiiia. " I liavu three, clill aioii an.l took your : Oonipouii'loarlithin'." j -ra..l"llN How out, i Wililliiljitoll. Vermont. t " 1 r.tve a lovely ; li.iliy li 'V aii'l you can i loll every one that ho j is a ' l'liikliaiu' liahv." Mrs.l.oi'is FlseiiKR, :V.! Munioo St., Call- sta.lt, N.J. I " Wo are at 1 am MriM'.l with a sweet ; little lialtyifirl." .Mrs. j (J. A. 1.1FKKOUSE, Mout i:ut, La. " I have one of the finest hahy pirls you - ...... " a I i MriAAt'slenger i MrsC'ac1lin 1 Mrs. Goodwin") The American Meat Packers' Association, which is holding a convention in Chicago, voted at Tuesday's session to spend one hundred thousand dollars a year tor live years to stimulate the cattle-raising industry. Wilson is still a name to con jure with in New Jersey. James I-'. Fielder, the President's choice for the Democratic nominee for Governor in the State where Mr. Wilson holds his citizenship, was nominated in the primaries by a safe majority. Going on record as opposed 10 the present system of working State convicts on the railroads and favor ing the working of these convicts on the public roads of the State, the North Carolina Good Roads Association in session in Raleigh last week, adopted resolutions ask ing the present General Assembly to create a State Highway Com mission and also petitioning Gov ernor Craig to issue a proclama- t.on naming two good roads days in North Carolina. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL Al'I'I.U'ATIUNS, as tliev cannot reach the seat of the disease. t alarih is a idood ur coustilutumal dis ease, and in order to cure it yuti must lake internal remedies. Ilall a I 'atanh ( ure i taken internally, and acts di rectly upon the blood and inuctiua mr- laccs. lluil's ( ulairh t'uru is not a miack medicine. It was preacribed liv one of the liest physicians in tin" couu liy lor years and is a regular prenenp. lion. It is composed of the Is-st tonics known COIIlhllifd with the host hlood puiitiets, acttut.' directly on the mucous urtaccM. the peifect comhutatioii of the two imireillrllta is what pioduceg micli nouderlul results in curing ratuirh K. J. I IILNI.Y .V TO., Toledo, Ohio. I'e.litnonialii sent free. Trice 7.'i cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's for Oonstipa lion. Adv. A special from Jackson to the News and Observer dated Sept. 26th. gives the particulars of the sad and painful death of Edward Picard, as follows : The death early yesterday morn ing of Mr. Edwin Hornby Picard, the youngest son of the Rev. and Mrs. Trios. Picard, has cast a shadow over this whole section. Mr. Picard had been 10 Virginia Beach to spend a few days with his parents before their return home, and was returning with them coming as far as Margaretis ville, with them on the train, there he left the tram and started on his motorcycle to Jackson. About four miles out an explosion of gas oline threw him off the machine and set his clothes on fire. Before he could tear them off he was yery eriously burned. Medical aid was summoned and he was brought to his home where he passed away the following morning. Mr. Pi card was just thirty-five years of age and unmarried, he leaves to mourn his loss, besides a host of friends, his father and mother, a sister, Mrs. H. n. Hardy, and a brother, Mr. Win. Howard Picard, of Colorado. MAN 81 WEDS WOMAN OF 2.V lola, Kansas. Probate Judge Smith united in marriage Bruce McFadden. SI. and Miss Mary B. blouni, 23, of Yates Center. The couple returned to Yates Center to reside. Women Who Uet Dizzy Every woman olio ia troubled with fainting and dixxy spells, backache weakneai, debility, constipation or kid' uey trouble! ahould use Electric bitter. Tliey five relief when nothing else will improve the health adding atrenirth and Tigor from the 1' rut done. Mr. I.aura Clainei, of Avoca, La., aays "Four doctora had given me up and tnjr children nd all my frienda werelookiug for me to die, when my ton inainted that I ue Kleetiic Uitteri. I did to, and they have done ine a world of good Juat try thetn. oOc. and II by mail. H. E. BUCKLF.N A Co., l'uiladelpbia.r. Ht, Louia, Ho. over saw. Mrs. C h. fioonwix, 1012 S. 6th St., Wilmington, N.C. " My husband is tho happiest niau alivo to day." Mrs. Cl.lKa DattiuiAKK, 307 Mani la Si., Iliitlalo, N.Y. " Now I have a nice baby Kirl, the joy ol our hoine." Mrs. Pis svi.v Oute, No. 117 iso. (l ite JSt., Worces ter, Mass. "I have a finoBtroni! bahv ilaughter now." Mrs. A. A. (Iilm, ; Ilcwiltvillo, K. V., ' Kotlto . " I have a bltr, fat , heallhyboy." Mr... ! A. nai esokk, ivr .u. I a h'o,l, lialtimoie.Oldo FERGUSON S Peanut The I umily Couh Medicine In every home there should be a bot tle of In. knur's .New liiscoverv, ready for iniine'liate use when any nieinher of the family contiacts a cold or a eoitu'li Prompt use will stop the splead ofsicaiiess, . .. stid, of Mason. Mich, writes: "My whole family depends up on l'r. Kiuir s New lhscovery as the best ouifh and cold medicine in the world, 'wo oUc bottles cured me of pucumo- ma. lliousatnis ol oilier lamilies have been eiuallv benelitted and depend ntirely upon I r. Kiiil' s New iH-covery to cure tlteir couu'hs. colds, throat and lun tc troubles. Kvery tlnse helis. l'rica "i ic. and i-l. II. K. lit ( KI.KN ,v ( (i . I'hiladelphia, l'a. M. I.ouis. Mo PREACHER (ilVEN PEN SENTENCE. Bentonville, Ark Kev. W. 1:. Pippen, Baptist preacherafter plead ing guilty here to passing a worth less check on a member of his con gregation, was sentenced 10 three years in the State penitentiary by Circuit Court Naples. The min ister was arrested by his wife's brother, a constable, after a chase through a half dozen Slates. DON'T LET YOUR LIVER GET LAZY. Hudson' Liver Tone Will Keep It Working and Make You Feel Well and Clean No had Alter Lllec Is If you have ullowed your fear of :aIotnel to keep you from lulling up your Iiut when ii gets a little sluggish and lay iry Dodson's Liver I one, and note how quickly and harmlessly il starts the liver aim relieves ccr.:!:pa!lon and bil ions attacks. U'lien you take Dodson's Liver Tone, you do not have 10 stay in the house all day. None of the weakening and harmful after-effects of calomel follow its use. Dodson's Liver Tone is a mild, pleasant veg etable liquid that cannot hurt either children or grown people. Yet it easily overcomes ihe most stub born and inactive liver without making you quit eating or work ing. These are not just claims. X'. M. Cohen's drug store backs up every one of these statements and agrees to refund the price of Dod son's Liver Tone with a smile 10 any person who pays his 50 cenis fori bottle and isn't satisfied that he got his money's worih. Imitations of Dodson's Liver Tone are another proof (hat it is a good thin. Nobody ever imi tates a poor remedy. Be sure you get the genuine Dodson's Liver Tone the kind thai is guaranteed. Pdoomington, Illinois. A unique sun has been bled by Charles Wil son, (if lie W itt, arainst Polly Ann licity enough and to spare, but on- pharcs to recover the family Bi ly after the tinsel and glitter have 1 ble the defendant claims is hers been pui on. The methods of ap- i by right of long possession. plying the same are not so well known. The author in his hours of tra vail, evolving through the efforts of his brain a dramatic creation, is a figure that is nearly always kept well in the background. Usually we know him only as a name. Upon the stage director rests the responsibility of production wiih all of its onerous details and worries is seldom heard of beyond being mentioned on the program. Ariists, scene builders, property men and cleciricians, submerged bin potent factors of dramatic suc cess, what of them? And the ac ini's, glorying in the finished per fection of their perfect characteri zations, how Ihile they care to be seen with the glory rubbed off actually working ! W hen Mr. Dixon decided to dramatize his great novel, he plung ed into the work with characteris tic energy and determination. Contrary to the popular notion, playwrights are decidedly not born ; they are made or make them selves as the case may be. Mr. Dixon had studied play wrighting. He went to a school, in fact, and took a course in it. And he was already a successful novelist, one of the best! He read everything he could get his hands on that related to the art of play making, and asked questions by the score of every one supposed to know something about it. His position in the literary world help ed a lot with the questions because people look time to tell him what he wanted to know. Finally Mr. Dixon decided to test the result of his studies. He made a play. It swept the country. It was "The Clansman." Then he wrote another play and afterwards made ii a novel. "The Sins of the Father," was success ful both ways. So he approached the task of dramatizing his famous book "The Leopard's Spots," with the added asset of confidence. It w as no easy job, in fact it was quiie some considerable under taking. If you don't believe ihat try your own hand on a "Bestseller" some fine day. But hard woik and knowledge will triumph over the greatest difficul ties, and Mr. Dixon used both lav ishly. (We almost wrote it slav ishly, which wouldn't be far out of the way,) and in the end "The Leopard's Spots" became a play, j He submitted the completed! manuscript lo his critics with fear ; and trembling. (An author always does that.) But the apprension vanished when ihey approved it, ; with criticisms and suggested . changes of course and said it was j a great play the author's best yet. ; Then came the work of organ , izing a company. j , When a manager desires io do ; ; this he tells me aramanc agencies ' that he wants actors, just whai , kind, type, shape, height, color, etc., and forthwith the actors begin to apply, each with a little slip of I introduction from the agent, upon i the stub of which he has signed an ; agreement io pay the agency half of his first week's salary, or five . per ceni. for len weeks if engaged. Mr. Dixon, who is his own man ager, sent out such a call and the ' histrions came to his office in droves. Day after day ihey filled the out er room and held overflow meet ings in thelliall. Most of ihose who applied to Mr. Dixon didn't meet his requirements ai all, and these he sent away in mutual dis appoiniment. Some there were who might do and io them he grained hope, promising further consideration. And on rare occas ions, oh very rare, into his office walked the very one lie was look ing for who was signed for on the spot, immediately and forthwith. Bui at last the casi was tilled. On a certain date the recruits were assembled, their typewritten parts given out and Mr. Dixon read the play to them, giving each a practical demonstration of how his character should be porirayed. Then the stage director look charge of the proceedings and the rehearsals be gan, io coniinue For a month. At last ihis hexierogeneous mass ol matters was welded inio a con glomerate whole and ihe play was ready to be "put on." Suppose after all this work and worry, this lime and money spent the play shouldn't "get over." Suppose the public did't like it! Oh frabjous joy, wouldn't you have just loved to have been Thomas Dixon then. For him on the first night being all the law and the profits. But glory be, "The Leopard's Spots" goi over. It was a big success. Gentle reader, in conclusion and FOL'R OIRLS ARE KILLED PREPARINU FOR WEDDINU. Budapest, Hungary. Four girls who were to become brides were killed by lightning near the village of Nagy-Yarad. The girls were picking flowers to decorate the church for the weddings. They were overtaken by a storm, and took refuge in a grotto, which lightning struck. The bodies were found in the wreckage late at night. ! The Store I D H tCkf C Ck ! H?MV. Qoods ! c- ITV - ll nilll WUt At nonesi ; - -3 yjl V v A Delightful Profession for Young Women vil Ill-RB is no occupation ; 1 for a young women that t .M " is more pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that otters bigger rewards than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (Thus. p. ticff, LEON V. STEELE, Mtfr. No. 231 (ivanby t., Norlolk, Va. (f.l M?.QtyQQWtyQt.$QlT.I?.&QMJ$QW n n m m n n n u ? n n M n m P Ices. We Want to SELL YOU One of tho 1913 ModeU-the best of all. This is a safe and profitable investment and you wont go wrong to buy one. It Is built right, works right, the price is right and the manufacturers will treat you all right, It stands at the head for capac ity, quality, simplicity and durability. -J-r X T'rtlir- "THE TRUTH OF THE PUDDING IS CHEWING THE BAGS." A sk a few of the following good people who has been using the Ferguson Peanut Pickers for four or five years: H. T. Boyd, Seaboard, N. C; J. B. Mann, Murfreesboro, N. C, Chas. Shields, Scotland Neck, N. C; S. V. Camp, Sebrell, Va.; Asa T. Crawford, Williamston, N. C; Llias Boone, Rich Square, N. C; John King Peanut Co., Suffolk, Va.; VC'. D. Newsom, Ahoskie, N. C; J. H. Allen, Newsoms, Va.; J.B. Holland, Vivian N. C; J. R. Kella & Bro., Courtland, Va.; Alex Boyette, Wood land, N. C. Write io The Ferguson M'f 'g Company, SUFFOLK, VA., and place your order at once. 8 28 2m mm .,.'' . . . I . II Mill . I RORMXIOM BUREAU 17JLMLl.VJL V V MM. BANK I; LOOM a week goes by in any man's bus- ine ss, ha evper advice concerning some inves men or financial ques ion, Is no re quired. In such exigency his bank s ands i cad o serve I s cus cmers o he fu!!es ex tent. Our associations bring us In constant close touch with every phase of investment and bus iness activity, and any informaytion you may desire will be given freely and with pleasure. We aim to serve and accommo date our patrons in every way possible, and invite you to con sult us on any question. ninnmu iw o run i mm um ilia Nil Good Clothes never made brains, but they gave many a fellow the oppor tunity to prove he had them, and it is brains now, that make our custom-tailored suits so popular. Only master hands and minds can put that touch of individuality that air of re finement that New York stylishness and richness in a Spring Suit for you. Only tailoring establishment show ing over three thousand fabrics could give such a wide range of patterns and weaves as we have to select from. Our illustrations of Spring styles and 3000 actual fabrics are still awaiting your inspec tion. Come and see them. I Jblr J LTatlob S. Co n m n u m u TV n m n n u m at n f at at at m at : y y - t- ? --v-r x . SECURITY ! m. m 4$ Protect your home with the best policy. You may need fire insur ance but once in a life time. At that crucial moment you want the best Think of this when you insure. We write it; you need it. The best costs no more than the safest. ' . Rowe & Stain back Big Reductions in Clothing Hats,etc. at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at m at 5 at at at at at at m m WELDON, N. C. TOTICE North Carolina, Halifax C'ouutv. In tlif Superior! Court tiESTKY ll ALL VH. .lEAN'NKTTEHALE. The defi'iidaut above named will tale uutice that an action entitled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Halifax county, N C, for the pur pone of obtaining from the aiJ defen dant an absolute divorreon the ground of adultery; and the naid defendant will further take notice that ulie ia required to appear at the term of the Superior court of aaid county to lie held on the ti 'Iflli Monday arter the tint Monday in September, I'HH, at the court houae in aaid county ill Halifax, N.C, aud an riwer or demur to the complaint in aaid action, which will be tiled in the oilic of the clerk of aaid eouit within four week of the first publication of thia no tice; or the plaintin" will apply to the court for the relief demauded in aaid complaint. Tina '.'nth of Auguat, HHli S. M GARY. I leik of the Suuenor of Halifax couuty. t LI. lilt T U. ( LAltK. Atluiuey. ---S '-2 '-S '-S '-2 C'ISC-i;i;i;i; iff. wmmc com we. 0TlCE Of DISSOLUTION. To Whom It .May Concern: We, A. L. Cochran and W. It. I.awaon heretofore doing a general typing and linntiugbuaineaHin the townof Weldon, N. '., under the linn atyle of Weldon Printing Company, hare tliu day and dale mutually agreed to dmaolve aaid partnership. Mr. A. L Cochrau pur chase! and aucceeda to all the proper ties, righta aud good will of the paruer slup, and aaaumea all the indehteilneaa and liabilitiea of the aaid partnership heretofore (listing between ua. All penious indebted to aaid dissolved partneiabip may make all payments to A. L. Cochran, surviving partner. This the 'Jlhd day of August, l!ii:i. A. L. (.mil KAN, W. H. l.AWSON. Malaria or Chills & Fever Preicriptioa No. MB Is prepared ttpecialljr lor MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER. Fire or six doses will bresk any case, and if takta lien as i took the Fevtr will not return. Ii acta on tht liter belief thaa Caiotns asd doss ao (rip or skkao. 2&e it v U ii ii ii ii The Standard Railroad of the South Ramifies the "Nation's Qarden Spot." Wrightsville S $S.40 if 'J? ViaaiL.VMUtt HLACII IS CALLING YOU In lllllllltfliili l,r.L..M .1,1 ,ulu s;ui,...lu... I r..p -. win Willi lu Inn ini.iii llama 1ly, hinited to ira'eh Welduu Ml""lli' ini'Miuv IliKllilglil tiilluHliig dale of sale AM 1.1. I "il, oM n,, lud Kailwav "I thesoutli" :JJ W.J. CRAIQ. P. T. M . T. C. vVHiTE, Q. P. A Vi TL.,iiNiii'-. . r ii ii ii ii ii ii KICHAKD w'lNhORNK, Norfolk, t. W. H. Vl'INBORNE , Liiowan county.N.C. WJNBOKlNK&CO., Cotton and Peanut Factors Commission Merchants. Norfolk. Va. FKANl'T WAltKIIOt'SKS: Suilulk,a. Nuifolk, Va. Kliipuieuta solicited Market information furnished. Hefewnce, Seaboard National li.uk, Norfolk. a. Always get our prices before buying Peanut BaVa Hairgiug aud lies. It pava. ' n j ' FOR SALE. 40 horsepower boiler, 21 hoisepower e igiue aud i! cotton giuouttita complete i r sale at a great baivaiu. Apply iu C. II LMK1 4 CU Wanted. An experienced ginner wanted. Ap ply iu person or write to FIERCE A GARNER, Weldon, W. c.