A Carelessly Treated Cold is the source of most sickness because drugged pills, syrups and alcoholic mixtures are uncertain and unsafe. Scott's Emulsion has been relied upon by physicians for forty years as the safe and sensible remedy to suppress the cold and build up the enfeebled forces to avert throat a nd lung troubles. Don't tolerate alcoholic substitutes, but insist on the Genuine Scott's emulsion. One bottls usually lasts longer than a cold. Every druggist has it. u s ROANOKE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Shth Xnnuul Session at Scotland M.vk Hcruh Tuesday. A :l THE kOANOki: M;y, Thursday, t'CT. Published I3very Thurs.ii.y STKKKII AT IHSTUKKH-K M'Kkll HKtOMM'l Ass MAril.N Ar ilit N.iimn.il Farmers' Con Kivss the chief problem was held" in he keeping the buys mi the Iji'ins. 1 1 will come ahum when tl.e I u iiis are made more attrac th e m the ho s. KATF.SOl Sl liSCKIi HUMS hVMI One Year, (Jy mail) postpaid, Six Mouths, ' H.'Jl. A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultuial interests ol Halifax and surrounding counties. Advertising rales reasonable and nished on application. fur- To play a waiting game Uncle Sam is belter equipped than Huer- ta. Vt HAT the country needs is a working system for the more even distribution of rain. It musi re an awtul siram on some of those Tammany Senators to look like real judges Secri-taky Daniels is deter mined to try a little more target practice on the Armor Trust. Philadelphia has 90,000 hog pens, and still a lot of those gang councilmen are not penned up. Now he man who has been rocking the boat can turn his at tention to lighting the fire with coal oil. Red garters under a slit skin caused a girl's arrest. How on earth do the police discover such things ! If Uncle Joe with his new set ol progressive ideas becomes a dem ocrat there just won't be any Re publican party left. Mk. Taft has lost eighty pounds and a Missouri woman seven fcei high has completely disappeared. Queer times these. At any rate, Thaw can boasi that he has been on more sides ol the Habias Corpus writ than any other man now living. THE Wisconsin legislature took around about w ay of breaking up the sewing societies when it pass ed the anti-gossip law. W'E have not heard any talk ol this country annexing Canada since the people up there went so cmy over Harry Thaw. I III-: heiknneiit associations all oli' the State arc doing a great w i k Vnu hardlv ever nL-k nn n paper without seeing where they have been d"iitjj something lor the good ol their communities. Tll r proposed New Vork sky scraper in) I feel high would out soar the Woohvorth building, but would Mill be topped by the Litlel Tower in Parts. While going skyward why not go for a world record and be done with ii-tem- porarily at least. ' .i Ji'dch Adams, of Asheville, has ruled in a case before him ilvu "matches are like umbrellas, pub lic properly." The case was that of a man arrested on a charge ol stealing a box of matches from a grocery store. He had made some purchases, and seeing the box on the counter walked oil with it. The indignant grocer had , him arrested. The judge in dis missing the prisoner said thai he was surprised that a merchant should bring such a case into court. : It has long t ' me the New s rul Observer troni ScoiLmd Neck, d.iled Monday, October l.'tli.vtys: "The Roanoke Baptist Associa tion iiil-i in iis s:ih annual session wiili die Scotland Neck Baptist church, beginning Tuesday even ing at S o'clock. The meetings will continue through Wednesday and Thursday, Hon. T. M. Ar lington, of Kocky Mount, is the moderator, and Rev. T. I.. Ver non, of I lobgood, is clerk and treasurer. The introductory ser mon w ill be preached Tuesday ev ening by Rev. T. W. Ch inihlis,, pastor of the First Baptist church .11 WiBon. I Ins association is composed ol litty-tive churches, located in I l.ili la. Martin, Put, Washington. Bunion, Fdgecombe and W ilson coiimies. 'I he mcmbu h;p is neatly S,iHH. These churches ai lite last session of the Associat.on, held ai Weldoii, reported a gam ol er.il hundred members during L.c V:. if. and a tot. J e! ;. 7-1, Si it) Mi conn ii'uied to all causes It is ev ckd tli.it the reports of this y-.-.ir Vi iii in advance of i.iM year. The Scoiland Neck church w ill ! make one of the best linaiuial re ports of us long history. More , ih.m 15,tUM) have i een contrib uted by this church 10 all objects ; during ihe year, of which sum S Ss 1 tij went tode.'ioininaiion..l henev'.lence. At the last church conference the following persons , w ei e elected as delegates to the Association: George W. Bryan B 1). Webb, Frank P. Shields and the pastor, Rev. I-'. A. Mcl-'arlaud. 1 he Roanoke Association is she youngest association ol ihe Bapnst j St.ue Oomeniion. The churches ' si ears ago belonged to ihe ! ar River Association, which more than one hundred ' n D T A IT J K I J 1 been recognised, he I .,; i said, that "a man making a pur-: uj l vr ri'lc rinhi . ,-, I- i i w ,i6i iu a iew maicnes, : cnurcnes and included ten coim- and I think the defendant was per- ' ' Six years ago it was thought fectly within his rights in t ik inn- I w lse organize the churches ol them." I IT RAINS ki;D LIZZAkDS. Sharon, Pa.- Sharon was visited by a shower of tiny red liz.'ards during a rainstorm. They were seen by the hundreds near the Siate line. me eastern part ot tne old associa tion into a new body, and this was done at Rocky Mount in October, 1 90S, and the new body was named the Roanoke Baptist Association. "CORPSE'1 OBJKCTEI) SO FUNERAL IS CALLED OFF MONEY EEfUNDED WITH A SMILE Lending Drug Store will (iive I Money Back Should There Ever i He a Case u here Dodson's Li er ; Tone Fails. China may succeed in convinc ing Japan that there is no need of going to remote portions of the map for diplomation occupation As the Panama canal may be ready for business in another month Mr. Hobson will have to hurry along the war that was to be sprung. rREIDENT VtlLSON took two pens to sign the Underwood-Sim mons Tariff bill, but the pens, like ihe managers of the bill, did good team work. AT the farewell dinner to the Colonel as usual admirers cried "We want Teddy! We want Ted dy!" In which Teddy agrees with them as usual. UUT in Kansas mere is said to be a probability of moving picture: being used wttnin a snort time in all the public schools as text books in some studies. NORTH Carolina newspapers are urging a general observance ol good roads days on November and 6. The cause of roads will get a great boost on those days. The sum of $42,500 has tWn paid in England For the right to use the "Antony and Cleopatra" films for three years. Almost an old master price for the newest pic torial art. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL API'l.H 'ATIUNS, as thev cannot reach the neat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and acts di rectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces. Httll'a Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try lor years and is a regular prescrip tion. It ib composed of the best tonic known combined with the best hloou purifiers, acting directly on the mucoid surfaces. The perfect combination oi tha two ingredients is what produces such wonderfid results in curing catarrh F. J. CHENEY dc CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 ceuU par bottle. Bold by all druggists. Tak Hall's Family Pill's for Constipa tion. Adv. Si. Lotus, Mu. Samuel P. Walk, proprietor of an express company today was busy calling his friends on the telephone and assuring them thai he was not dead. Mr. Walk's death notice appeared in a paper with the announcement that his funeral would be held today. I he hrst Walk knew of the death nonce was when a florist called ai his place of business to learn the details of his death. The florist had been advised of the death by telephone and had been ordered m make an elaborate floral piece for the funeral. W INKS ARE $25 APIECE HE TOOK TWO OF THEM. mild Piltsburg, Pa.-Two winks cost Joseph L'rich, a young masher, $25 apiece. L'rich winked twice at Miss Mane Moran, a high school girl, and was picked up by a police man who didn't like Inch's man ner. Magistrate Kirby told l'rich that any man who would wink at a respectable girl on the street should be "quartered and hamstrung," but as he had not the power )o or der that punishment he would charge him $25 for each wink and in the event of his failing to pay : the levy he could spend sixty days , in jail. L'rich paid the fine. ! 1 DIE THREE DAYS BEFORE I THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING. ! Jersey City, N. J Just three! days before their golden wedding celebration, for which elaborate j preparations had been made.Chris lopher Rupp, 79 years old, and j his wife, Caroline, 77 years old, I were suffocated by gas in the home i of their daughter. The golden ! wedding was to have taken place ! Saturday. The double funeral was I on Friday. Rupp, who was nearsighted and ! nervous, in turning out the gas heater in their room, disconnected the pipe. They were both found dead in bed in the morning. The four sons of ihe Rupps gath ered for the funeral, instead of for the golden wedding feast. The pair were buried in the same grave Costs Less than Paper To paint the walls aud woodwork of a room that has previously been painted Quantity of L. & M. Paint neeed- ed costs $ ,7,h The painters labor costsahout 1.33 t'otal costs ((Hi Two coats of paint costs less than paper ing. A painted room is sanitary. No chance for breeding germs. I'se the I,. & M. Semi-Mixed Heal Paint, adding one part of turpentine to two parts of the L. A M. to make it ready for use. A child can mix this paint it'sso simple. Sold by E. Clark. ! Dodson's Liver Tone is vegetable liver tonic which oper-1 I ates so successfully m cases ot on i siipation, torpid liver or biliotis i ness thai it has practically taken the place ol calomel the drug which; is so often dangerous. W. M. Cohen, who sells Dodson's Liver : I one, recommends it as a reliever ol constipation, sour stomach, bil iousness and sluggish liver. It works gently, surely and harm lessly. a bottle should ever fail lo give satisfaction W. M. Cohen will refund the price paid without question. The price ol Dodson's Liver! Tone is 50c. per boitle. Be sure 1 you gei Dodson's Liver Tone and not some medicine put up in imita-! lion that is not backed up by a guarantee and that many contain j harmful drugs. A Delightful Profession for Young Women 1 iii-:ii: is no occupation T for a young w omen that is more pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewards than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this mailer a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a SHUT PIANO at once, gei her siartcd on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (f ha. 3)1. .tieff, I.EOX ('. STI-.IXK, Mgr. No. SU (iraubv M., Nurtulk, 11 From 40 to 50 Woman' - - w -wm M VllUUf Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes severe headaches, melancholia, dread of impending evil, palpitation of the heart, irre-ularilv, constipation and dizziness are promptly treated by intelligent women who are approaching the period of life. This is the most critical period of woman's life and she who neg ects the care of her health at this time invites in curable disease and pain. Why not be guided by the ex perience of others and take Lydia I-. rink-ham's Wtab.e Compound? It is an indisputable fact that this grand old remedy has helped thousands of women to pass through this trying period with comfort and safety. Thousands of genuine and honest testimonials support this fact. I Tom Mrs. !li:V III: I I.I N, Cadiz, Ohio. J 'it Hull!,, 'IVvas. have taken Lydia K. l'iiikliuin's Vcccta. Me ..mi...,,:,,! and ilnnvd gn-M In -ii,-nt fmin its use. It r.rni m. salrly llm,,,;: , t 1wtW. ..f Lite wlua, I was i ul health. I had tliat all Kuiie t.vli!i,'m..st.,.f the ti .and 1 it-a I m -1 1, constantlv I wis y,-n i.rrums aI1,i ,), j,t , , ,,(,s Vl.,.y , ,m(1 r. 0 iiinlu- and , i, lu.s .u, ,1,1 ,,,, ,,,, llllU, j , t,(1.in , ". 1 ,al(" V "'!'ll'i' ' i'lni-utnl Jl has now Urn sonicti,,,,. smw 1 tmiK I III' I ii mix Illlli Mini 1 h:IV,. I:i,l I in n.tiiri, ..f ,.- ..1.1 1 i mIu.v. ,-,ij.. , 1ILAVII.IN, li. !'. ). No. fadi, Ohio. ITimi Mrs. I'kvt win ul. Pa. l' aromii IHTVlill OUR AIM ; Our Best Thought, Enrsy and Buying Brains go i into the Purchase and Selling of the Clothes of our Boys' Department. It's there we build for our future. It's there we make customers for years to come. We show the largest variety of Patterns, Models, Jand the best line of Boys' Clothes produced in Ameri i ca. We are the Agents of Widow Jones, and Widow Jones is the last word for style, wear, fit and value in Boys' Clothes. women." .Mrs. lli.xitv :iVAKI 18. IIII.HI.KT, Fleetwood, l'u. Dut'iiiir tlui ( liaiiiro of Lid- I ira li.,,-.ll,- ,,ia.. ... t all. I nlwavs had a hi':iil:n lu mil I iviw c,-, .i;-, ,. i lh.it had no iv-t at ni.'lir. The llah.-., of limit u,..- i..i somi'tmirs tli.it in,, know what to do "On.- day a fi i. iid advised ,.. t take I.ydia K. IMnkliani's W tiihlc ( oi,ii,.iiinl ami it mad.- mo u strung, well wmnaii. 1 am verv thaiikful that f tollimvil my friends advice, and I shall iveominend it as nil- as I lne. l-t..re I took the Comiimmd I Mas alwavs sieklv and now I have not had ninliriiit- from a doctor for venrs. V,m iin'v publish my lcttcr."-Mrs. Kiuvaui, 1!. UiLiinir, l'leetwoou, l'a. Frmn Mrs. I'. I". .M I LLIiNKOKK, Munford. Ala. Muiifiiid, Ala... " I was so weak and nervous hile passiiio- throu"h the t'lutne of Idle that I emtld hardly live. Jly huslmnd had to nail ruliU-roii all the iraies tor I eoiilil not .siamt to Inm ir-.i., ti...,. Result We enjoy the Best Trade and the Trade of the Best in this Denartmfint. because Widow Jones and Draper's Clothes make new customers wherever they are worn. i j Opening of School Values to tempt early trading Call while sizes and assortment are complete. i 1 also had tnii-km-lie and a fullness m my stomach. i.wna iv i iiiunams efjetaUe. (.onipouml was ad vertised for siii -U cases and I sent and got a buttle. It did me so mu. h -ood tliat I kept on takin-ril and loumi it to be all von ( laim. 1 lecommend it to all women alllieted as I u as." .Mrs. K. 1', .Mlllen ihilk, .Muiifoid, Ala. f 15 "rile t.i IV III A IM'INKHAM MEIinE0. Nr (M III:M IAI,)I. .N, M tsS..lormlviee. oiir letter w ill lie uiienetl, reod an. I answered by a woman and held in strict couliiience. I noticed that i'ia VrtiA, I The Store I of Quality. 'irlrii icfr u-it u i ili ii- ,rilr ij-jf iclt ,v , iriiirtruiiltvitliit J-i R. E. Draper Co. a iri ,i ii i. d-ny-.V ,Viliiinli rVii S n I Honest Goods I At Honest Prices. , V SI I V "V W.j - .- IS. h - ISC 5 -.. -V UMm,n,inn..l.... 1 Mill l I R A T K I ft ' i- -.ri.' :ri.' Tri.s -fs f rr? fs rv-i rri 'n.' in.' -iri.1 in.1 u iNCLEi SAM'S MAILS are safe and sure, and our splendid facilities for giving prompt at- iciiuon io maueu deposits are the result of a carefully studied effo-t to satisfactorily serve a large and constantly growing list of out-of-town depositors. When You Can not Come to Town Use the Mail If you will drop us a line we will gladly tell you more about it, and incidentally a few good reasons why you should use this Bank. MLII BANK & TRUST (1, WELDON, N. C, 7 It aw u m m m n n- u m m n m m m m n n m m m m m SECURITY It m m Protect your home with the best policy. You may need fire insur ance but once in a life time. At that crucial moment you want the best Think of this when you insure. We write it; you need it. The best costs no more than the safest. Rowe& Stain back Big Reductions in Clothing Hats,etc. m n n m n n to to to to m m m m n i 'Determined to Be As Well Dressed As Ilie 'Best Mas Ever Sees! Administratrix Notice. '1 lie uiiilcisiBiicd liav mi ijiialilii'd as il.liliniistlutrix of estate ol'. I. A,. Alston, ileoeaseil. this is to notify all persons liavinir Planus airainst said estate to pie seut same to tlie iindi'i-siitni'il within one vear Iron) this date or this notice will lie pleaded in liar of then- recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ivi'li please make immediate payment. This Hth October, Itll.'l. HI. I VIA ALSTON, Admx. of estate of . I. A. Alston, dec (iEOHHK ('. ;KEKN, Atty for Admx. RUis-MYiSM Will cure your ltheuuiatlsiu Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Aatisrptiu Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. We'll heb you do it Well dressed does not mean expensively Dressed. Inallnroba bility the man whose appearance you most admire paid less for his clothes than you usually pay. If you will be well dressed have your clothes tailored. As we represent Strouse & Bros, and Imperial Tailoring Co, ol Balti more. Let us measure you up (or a suit or overcoat. We are showing the very latest fabrics including Browns, Blue and firays. Remember we can make you a suit for $15. Work manship and Lit Guaranteed. Henry Farber, sep 11 ly WELDON, N. C, NOTICE-LAND SALE Jly authority of the last will and testa mentafW. K. .Mabrv, deceased, now liled in the ollice of the Clerk of the Su lienor court of Halifax county, N. c , 1 mil, on The 3rd Day of November, 1913, at the court house door in the town of Halifax sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate : One lot beginning; at ahridgeoii coun ty road corner of lot No. a, thencedown Hawtree Creek to .Mrs. V. II. May's cor ner, stake foot of hedgerow, thence w ith Mrs May aud .toe Lynch X KU V ISM I feet to large red oak in fence cornel Joe Lynch line, thence S t W 15-41! feet to stake on the north side of county road corner of division No. 2 along said road 'iu feet to the beginning, contain ing "ill acres, more or less. The above lot is So. 1 of the Foster survey of V. K. Mahry estate. One other lot So. 3 of said survey be ginning ar stake on old railroad bed. coiner of division -No. 'i in Jake Hedge pelh's hue. thence with Iledgepeth's line NM7 W nn feet to slake AI. C. Jlras well corner in Jike Iledgepeth's line, llienee with Bn.;cll is i'j 'U'J foct to a stake pine, pointers corner division No. 4, thence with division No. 4 H SSJJ K 2 1 !W feet to a stake near a fore and aft hornbean on Hawtree Creek, corner di vision No. 4, thence down said Cieek to stake with pointers corner of division No. 2 N 85 W 20!i feet to the beginning cuniaiuing ! acres, more or less. One other lot No. 4 said survey begin ning with stake with nine nointers cor. ner of division No. 3 in M. C. Braswell's corner in Joe Norman line, thence with ,ioe .-vorman and others H K'JJ E 1430 feet to pine stump south of Creek be tween a large ash aud oak.J. L. Knight, W. H, .Mabrvand Lou l.ee corner. thence X 2t K14.I feet to J. L. Knight corner Qt Itloon Folllaron HawtrppcreHlf thpnep down said Creek to a stake near fore and aft hornbean corner division Nu, 3 llienee with division No. 3 N S2t V "L-li feet to the beginning, containing 47 acres, more or less. Hour of Sale: 12 M. This the 27th day of Sept. 1. (I. I.KK. hxecutor of the estate of W. E. Mahry deceased. S. II. DANIEL. Ally, for Executor. The Standard Railroad of the South -vS '-S '-2 2 -5 2 si IS 2?- 0" .00 . 0 1-r SATLWTIC COAST LlflE it 1 W.J. CRAIQ, P. T. M.. T. C. WHITE. Q. P. A..f 5 Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." Wrightsville BRACH IS CA1 I INO vim tm m a. MJK Wi ' "'"""'mo'i. tickets on sale Satuidaya and III II, "11 ''""" uuiiih .'iinnays, nniileii 7.I-, . v .7. """""in niesiiin ia A II.AX TIC ( OAs'!' I.l.' I to reach Weldou AO i ii ' .iiini'bl lol ohihk liatn of sale f Mlil.duid ItmliVb) ol theSioutu"'f " i.-t Ve.in :li KICHARD WINBOKNL, .Norfolk, Va. W. H.JVINBORNE ChovvaVcounty.N.C WINBOKN E & CO., Cotton and Peanut Factors Commission Merchants. Norfolk. Va. Uver crops? i ; , . i. .liiu-s' Loxativt Sftii'U- Syllri( Liilt.r for cijoUl Man. AI arun;isu. I'KAN I'T WAREHOUSES: Sull'olk, Va. Norfolk, Va. shipments solicited. Market iulormation furnished. Keference. Seaboara National Bank, Norfolk, Va. Alw.y. get our pr.ee. before buyini Peanut. U 3m Jiagging audTies.alt pays.