jK ''.nf( sans! A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 .er Annum JOHN W, SLEDQE. Proprietor. WKLDON, N. ('., TIU'KSDAV, NOVI'MUI'li 115, lUV.i. NO. 21) VOL. XLV1II. afkM& if VPRQDKLYN -v BERACLE The Klud You Have Always Bought, and which lias been lu use for over 30 years, 1ms borno th slgnuturo of and liu been made under his per. fir , atonal supervision slnco Its Infancy. JUAMtl Allow no one totlecoleo you in this. All CounterfeltH, Imitation find " Just-iis-sTood" lire but Experiments that trlilo with ur.tl cniliinirer tho lieullli of Infants wid CiiUdren-Eiperic-n.ie injalnst Lxpcritneut. What Is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop" and Soothlutf Syrups. It Is I-leiisnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor olhcr Narcotic substance. Its aire Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevrrisbuesi. It cures DlarrliniR and Wluil Colic. It relieves Teetht'iff Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the 8toimwh and lltuvels, giving; healthy and iiiiturul sleep. The Children's rauacoa-Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Uatei ftmote It the H ecu nil Tlttie. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 4(v ,T THC OINTAUn MHMNf, TT MURMf TBItTt tW OftY. OE 30 THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Sarplus, $55,000. For over L'l yeais this iustitutiiin bus (ii vt U-1 banking facilities for this section. Its stookliol.li r an, I ullieers an- identillcd with the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained tin Ihe bent tit ol all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. Ill this liepaitnient interest is allowed us follows: ,. For Deposits allowed tureinain three monlhs or longer. '-' per cent Ms ri U . '! I.... r..,l 1 iu i.r I. HIT, II' 1 lt.-npllt monius r longer, ,i per ci-ui. ...... ,- . .. Any information will he furnished on application to the I'lesulcntort ashiei rRlSIDINT : W. E. DANIEL. viea-i'KKsiDENT: W. K. SMITH. I.. I'. DKA I'F.lt, Tellt-i CASHIER: .1. It. DRAKE. DIRECTORS W. K. Smith, W. F. Daniel, .1 U. Drake. U I heu, A,C. House, J.L. Shepherd, W A. 1'ierco, I). B. Zulhcolfei. .1 . . sledge MASl'FACTTKKltS (IK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OltDEK AN D ItLtilLAK STOCK SIZES. Good Materials. High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. Choice Cut j Flowers For all Occasions Roses, Carnations and Chrysanthe mums are the aeaaonable Bowers now. Our art in wedding outfits is eiiual to tbe best. Nothing liner in llorul oiler ioga than our styles. Hyacinths, narcissus, tulips and lilies in great varieties. Plant early for best results. Rose bushes, ev ergreans, shrubs, hedge plants, shade trees and herbaceous plants. a"-- Mail, telegraph or telephone, orders promptly executed by j. L O'QUINN & COMPANY' FLORISTS, RALEIGH. North Carolina. Phone 149 Ask for pi ice list IUI4MM. I MU 1 I . HKlil. real" IlirilMITBH""1"!"'. r.iipF ID. SWIFT & CO, 303 Seveatk St., Wathin- Wood'a Hish-Crade Seedi. Crimson Clover The King ol Soli Improver, elao makes aplendld fall, winter and aprliiR grailng, the earliest green feed, or good bey crop. rsiulUN nLOVER will increase ihe produchveneas of ihe land more than Iwenly limes as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertiliiers. Can be sown By useir of " working ol corn, cotlon or other culliva. ted crops. Vl'e are headquarters lor Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all farm Seeds, Write (or prices and DecrlpHv Fall Cataloo. giving iaiormatioa about all seeds for fall sowing. r WBIBLE'STUDY'ON COD BURIED MOSES, HIS SERV ANT. Dsut.ronomy 34:1-12 Nov. 16. Pffclwn 1 1 ' !'il f ' toil i Ihr deal of Hi hjiiiIi.' - r.cllwl I0.-3. m TsroSES is one of the grnnd hunuters of liNtory. His I T uulillll) Iniinis up ns a great patriot, general, Judge find ruler of his people; und still grander does he appear in his relationship to ward liod. He wus the personlllea tlmi of oliedleuee iiinl loyalty ns a serv nt of Jehovah. In this he typifies Messlnh. As we rend. "A Prophet shall the Lord your Ood raise up unto yon from amongst your iM-ethreii like unto iiie" 1 urn a diminutive picture of that great Teacher. Leader and King whom Jehovah has an- oluted to he the real Deliverer of Israel and the world from the bondage of Snliin. slu und death. Anv one can see that great faith ill God was necessary for the position occupied by Moses. But comparatively few can see tile real depths of .Moses' churueter; for only a few realize the Divine call to Israel and Moses' work lis their mediator. Moses, the Servant of Qod. w. eiinnol hell) feeling sympathetic' toward this grand servant of tiod- "the meekest man In nil the cartn. After so many years of patience, long- suffering and loyalty to find, in nn un guarded moment, Israel's great medl inr fulled lu meekness und loyally Directed hv the Lord to speak to the rock, which on a previous ocension he bad smitten. Moses petulantly smote u thu Hprond time The rock whence came the llfe-glviug ol renin renreseuted the lluck or Ages Messiah, who was to he smitten once more Coiniinre Hebrews h:4-fl. The fnct that Moses was used us n rvne nf the Seeiind Death class lu no sense Implies that he experienced the Second Death or cut himself oir rroni nivinu fnvnr The nunlshment be re celved merely helped to complete the typical picture--lie might not enter t a nson. Canaan Viewed From Mt. Pisgah Plrnruh Is one of the peaks of Ml Neho. From It Moses got n view of the Promised I.nnd, toward which his eye of fulth hud looked for eighty years nud toward which he had laborl nualv iiulded Israel for forty yeurs. This iirand ohl servant of God, fully resigned to the Dlviue urrungemeiit, was put to sleep hy the Lord whom be served Moses' seuuh'hre was hidden duubt less to prevent anything of the spirit of Idolutrv. St. .lude declares that Sa tan strove for possession of Moses1 body, doubtless with a view to using It In sonic ldolutrous way. Mosss Disd and Waa Buritd. We are not to overlook the fact that Mosea died, und will not live agalu until the Divinely appointed time wben. uuder Messiah's Kingdom, be will he resurrected. Meantime he has stent with his fathers, as the Bible evnerallv records of all who died The account of the tniustlguratlon of our Lord and the appearance of Moses and Kilns Willi Him In that vision must not be made to eoutl'udlet the statement that Moses died and that the oulv hone for Buy one Is by u resurrec tion from the dead. (1 Corinthians 1.V1.1.14.) We have Jesus" owu word for It that neither Moses nor Elijah went to Heaven. He declared, "No man bath ascended up to Heaven. John 3 l'l. Jeaus fxi'luliicd that whut the dls tides saw was a vision. 'Tell the vision to no man." (Matthew 17:0.) Just so the trumpets, beasts, etc., of Revelation lire uot reulltles, hut vi sions. St. Peter, who witnessed the vl alnn declares Ihst It was a representa tion of Messiah s Kingdom. IS I'eter 1 -lil-IS 1 Moses renreoeiitisl one class and Elijah another, as participators with Jesus lu Ills Meeslnuic glory. God's Promiss to Abraham. At the foundation of all God's deal In its with both Natural and Spiritual Israel Ilea II 1 a aSMtfEViivW Kreut, oath-bound tJum ,t promise to Abin &M,5'''',y hm-''la thy Seed fflU snail an mo rain- ltr.7y tiles or me euriu 1 JT- T . . . .... . ie uiesseu. ims yicif ". 1 was the flrat clear statement of God's IflsLI-TMKfCCtUiM AMPCURBTHtLU;,- ofjn.iiit:G' T. W. WOOD O SONS, Seedsmen, RiuuuuuJ, Yi. DRUMIM IN THE TWILIGHT. IHIiMMi TDD QtJICK. OTiWJfL V Wliat more can we do to con vince you that you positively can find perfect health and relief from your suffering by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? All the world knows of the wonderful cures which have been made by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, yet some wo men do not yet realize that all that is claimed for it is true. If suffering women could be made to believe that this grand old medicine will do all that is claimed for it, how quickly their suffering umild end! We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women in the world and every year we publish many new testimo nials, all genuine and true. Read What These Women Say! BlufTton, Ohio. " I wish to thank you for the good I derived from Lydia E. I'uikhiiiu's VcRetii ble Compound sometime ni. I suffered eaeh month such agony that I could scarcely endure, und after taking three nouiesoi i.yuin E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coin pound I was entirely cured. "then l nauan auacKoi oikuhu; inflammation and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C'omixiuiul and I am cured. I thank you for what your remedies have done iur me and should anything bother me again, 1 shall use it again, for 1 have great faith in your reme dies. You may use my testimo nial and welcome. I tell every For 30 years Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetnhlo Compound litis heen the stiiniliird reniedylor 1- ' hi. ..1,1. .,,, mi's inlltilMltS does justice to herself it she does not try this t.j- mous lllllll-ino inntii-i n"ii. -- - has restored so many siifleriiiKWOinenlohenltli. si. Write to I.VIUA E.l'INKIIAM MEIMCl.yJCtl. U (CONFIUENTIAL) I.VNN. .MASS., lor nilvice. Your letter will he opened, rend and answered by a wonmu ana iieiu in airit-i. inuuuiwo. mm go mm. No more of aching he-iris, Je.ir love, no silis. Nn wistful, huckwjrd elances in the pasi, No different ways to tread, no sad gond-hyes, To part us, love, when we go Home ai last. The tears we weep shall all be wiped aw.iv, The cross 'neaih which nur souls so nil How down, The Father, love, hath promised tw some Jay Shall blossom at His touch mio a crown. The anguish now we cannot understand. The hitterness. the onuine and unrest, Hut we through faith, dear love, can clasp his hand, Who bids us trust because I lc knmvcili best. Then let us cease to thus repine and sigh, What mailer if lo-day we walk apart, To morrow, I le who watches from on high, Will bring our footsteps salely home, dear heart. And weary earth shall fade and die below, While in our hearts and on the oilier snore, Shall we behold the bright eternal glow Of life, dear love, and life forever more. So we shall meet again and hand in hand, Shall walk toccther by the crystal sea, And we shall know and we shall understand Just why He chose these paths for thee and me. JUST BEVOND THE BEND. A BIRTHDAY POLM. Are You a Woman? Mi Cardui purMise to remove the curse of death. From the very be ginning He bad premeditated send- God to tisleeni the world and to bring lu a blessing In- stead of Ihe curse. Yet the first clear aiatmint of this Divine purpose waa made to Abraham, that himself and bis posterity should be associated with nod lu the work of human upiiu. In due tluie the Loaoa became Jesus, and sacrlflclally laid down Ills life. To ill,,, w.ni uatheied the "Israelites In " i,. wliara In His sulTerlnns and death aud to lie iniide partakers of Ills glory. These with Jesus are to con stitute tbe autltyplcal Moses, raised up from aiuoinrat their brethren. Not enough of aucb "Israelite Indeed" Is? ln found. Divine Wisdom has beeu ee i,.tiiir others from aiuonnet the Gen tiles. Thus gradually Qod has been' nnMrim the e-reat Prophet, PrVst gad King, to be tbe great Mediator. FOR SAIE AT ALL DWSTS Is Whv Use L. ft M. Seml-Mlxed Real Paint lt..,,.e ii'a economical, because it is nure White 1-ead. Zinc nd Linseed oil. Because it's the highest grade quality paint that can be made. Be cause when the user adds 3 quarts of oil i ..lu. nfihe 1. & M. Semi- Mixed Paint, it makea'l S-4 gallons of pure paint si t cost oi aooui i.s i"-i gallon, i ins saves ,uv uf. awu. -.onl. a oallnn on all the Damt Used. Tk. t. M is and has always been the Another mile of life's long journey made Jusi one more mile-stone nearer to the end; Look up my soul ! Have faith ! Be not afraid ! Our biding place is just beyond the bend. Sweet resting spot the weary iraveler's last relay The halt on life's highway we all must make, Where we can lay aside our garb of clay; Lie down 10 sleep, and in new garments wake. Not far ahead one darksome ford between Its stepping stones are rough, but helpful hands Will hold our own, and angel forms unseen, Will lead us upward to the promised lands. Almost in view. Have faiih; a few more days, And we shall s""ul upon the farther shore; F.'n now 1 seem to hear sweet strains of praise Refrains soli chained, which I've heard before. Remembered voices Moating 'cross the tide, Songs sung wiih dear ones when they came to die, Paint music waited Irom ihe other side, Pamihar songs from lips I've kissed good-by. Hear them my soul; hear mingling with them all Kind words of comfort to ihe sore distressed. Those tones of mercy in ihe Master's call--"Come unto me and! will give you rest." Another mile of life's long journey made, Jusi one more mile stone nearer to the end; Look up my soul ! Have faith ! Be not afraid! Our Master waiis us just beyond ihe bend. All Things Karthly Are Sub ject To Decay And Sooner Or Later Must Fade, Wither, Droop, Perish, And Pass for ever Away. The Trugedy of the Day i s The Loss ol Novelty and Sur- j prise, Once Regarded as Tile i Joy of Childhood. I' one what your remedies have tli inn for me." .Mrs Uiioda Win- GATE, li0X atl.1, lllufftOU, Ohio. Teritwater, Mich. "A year ago I was very weak and the doctor said I had a serious displacement. 1 had backache and bearing down mins so bad that I could not sit in a chair or walk across the floor and 1 was in severe pain all the time. 1 felt discouraged as I had taken everything I could think of mid was no Letter. I began tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble t'oiiiKTuiid and now I am stroiiganil healthy." -Mrs. Alien Daiimxu, R. K. 1. No. '-, Box 77, Pent water, .Mich. highest trade and moat' perfect paint I Chlldren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ; I'.y Henry I'.lmint i Sitting here in the deepening gloom of iht: mellowing twilight and wiih feelings softened and j sweetened hy the hallowing influ I enecs thai always sweep over one's "' heart as we sit and yield to that sweet melancholy that is always fell when the shadows those silent and voiceless pallbearers in the funeral procession of day puss on to the cemetery in darkness, we begin to muse and commune with (iod and dream of Heaven and iis rest, and blessedness, and long and crave and hunger for its beat itudes and iis felicities, ic, sym phonies ami iis raptures, and for those ioys that are imperish able, and for those flowers of hap piness that live in perpetual bloom and fragrance. Here in this earth life all joys and all pleasures are ephemeral, and are as evan escent as the Quivering flashings ol the dazzling lightnings that write out in glittering letterings upon the black parchment of the clouds the awe inspiring sentence, "Behold and know that 1 am God" and which electrify for a moment and then fade away into the rayless deeps of space, and leave not one single brilliant letter there to tell of its thrilling corruscations. Yes, all things earthly are subject to decay and sooner or later must fade, wither, droop, perish and pass forever away. The glittering dew drop, which sparkle with such diamond-like brilliance in their fragrant coronal at morning; die under the kisses of sunbeams, and pass away like a snow flake upon the bosom of a river. The beautiful rainbow, ehild of die light and the shadow, born in the w edlock of ihe sunbeams and the tain drops and nursed on the echoes of ihe reiterating storm, yields to the in explorable law of decay, and in a moment, in ihe twinkling of an eye, all ol its variegated colorings its beauty, its splendor and its loveliness are drowned in the Hood light of the etVulgeut sun aud not one trace is left- to tell where I iis iridescent alone-, had glisiened. ! The beauties of the woodland, the fragrance of its blooming (lowers, ihe murmur of its rippling cascades, and the tunefulness of its Hod taught minstrelsy, whose gladful notes thread the air with a melody as sweet as echoes from Heaven yes, all these are sub ject to the same inexplorable law, and like the dew drops and the rainbow, they, too, yield to the touch of the decay and pass away. Yes, even the stars, which blos som out into such rich bloom ol brilliance upon midnight skies, and enrich a world with iheir spark ling wealth, yield to the same stern, immutable, irrevocable decree, and in the quivering Hashing of some daz.lins meteor we behold the brilliant funeral train of some dead star on its lire paved pathway to everlasting burial. But there is one thing which cannot die. There is a life Jesus-given which lives in the eternity of its own undecay ing, undying vigor and Ireshness and nlorified beauty, and it has a iov and a peace and a rapture about ii that eternity its elf cannot fathom or measure or bound. Yes. there is too on earth the Christian's hope of that glorious immorality, and protected as it is in the arms of religion, and nursed on the faith of the promises of Jesus, it, too, has an eternity of existance, and grows stronger, purer and brighter as life run s down its ch annel to the ocean ol death. And even its glory beams will Hash across the darkened chasm, and illume and brighten up the inky deep which rolls be tween time and eternity, and dis close to enraptured vision beauutul glimpses of ihe blessed haven of peace and rest which lies glisten ing all bright aud resplendent with that clorv light which flashes in everlasting sparkles from the throne of ( iod. CASTORIA For lufanti and Children. Nig Kind You to Always Bought The following from Ihe Phil adelphia Public Ledger is good reading and contains hint : "A few days uko a ovinia boy walked thirty miles to see a circus, lie left his home ut sunrise, crossed the Allctfha nies, reached town h"fore dark, got a youd night's rest, and spent all the next day taking in the sight:-. Il was his lirst glimpse into ihe larger world, and he enjoyed every minute of it. Satiated and de lighted he struck his trail again and with him were memories that will hist for mouths to come. 'It is a simple incident, but the point is that his happiness was so large that it became an item in the lucal news of the State. The tragedy of the day is the hs of novelty and sur prise, once regarded as tbe joy of childhood. By the tune the bovs and girls of the pres nt age reach twelve or fifteen they have seen about all that is to bo seen, and many know entirely too much of the world for their own benefit. "Civilization is wonderful and benevolent, hut it has noth ing that could excell the charm that eimm to the twelve-year-old hoy of the mountains when he saw the sights of his first circus and beheld the old, old antics of the old, old downs. Often happiness is in imt know ing too much and always it is haviie: something new to know " IMM-FCRKEDA POOR TRADE. PEPSI-Cola never fails to cool i n vi gorate refresh I It has aflavor all its own rare and delicious. This and its healthy effect gain and hold friends everywhere. Try it, and Pepsi-Cola will be your favorite your daily preference. In Bottlea or At Fount 5c ;. M. DICKENS, Local Agent, l Weldon, N. C. SAI OONKRF.KIH CONVhKTS DRAM SIIOI' INTO l)in GOODS STORE HKOAI 'SK Hli WAS AFRAID OF 1 -llll ItlU'N. A saloonkeeper recemlv elosed out his business and opened a small dry goods store instead. One of his acquaintances, know ing thai he was exchanging a good income for a very limited one, re nionsiratcd wiih him. "I can't help il, Jim," said the saloon keeper, "my children are growing up and they began to ask questions about the liquor business that I could answer without being ashamed before them. They didn't like to see their father sell ing whiskey, they said. I'd rather be in a poor trade that there's no nuesiions about, and be able to looki my children in the face." GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. Wc carry u large stock of standatd Typewriters. Can furnish at once Mon arch, Fox. OliuM, Remington, Royal, Smith Premier. L. C. Smith & Bro.'s aud i'nderwood. Any other make from "ito l.lduvs' notice. We have both the visible an.l the invisible. We bought a large atock of these Typewriters from one-fourth to one-half the regular whole sale price, and 011 sale no alone-fourth to oue lmll Ihe remilar retail prices. A good Tvpewntcr Irum 7.oO to $15. A belter one 11 'si to ifiS.iO. The best Irom tan up lo any price, -vt ill De giaa to answer any inquiry in connection villi these machines, aud send samples of the work di.nc hv any of the Type writers e have F.very boy and gir should haw -el our cheap Typewri ters to leain ho 'to use. Any persoa who can wole well on a typewriter can .U.. .,,,.) n Intire UtitniV AnVOna WhO buys a cheap typewriter from us and wauls a neuci one later, we wm buck the one hoiurht and allow the same f,.r , n i.l!.nir. fnr a heller one. if returned in irood condition and within six mouths. Ii not 111 good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type wi iler ribbons and other supplies. bPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C I! MIS USUAL LUCK. Mark Twain in his lecturing days reached a small eastern town one afternoon and went before dinner to a barber's to be shaved. "You are a stranger in town sir?" "Yes, I am a stranger here," was the reply. "We're having a good lecture here tonight, sir," said the barber, "a Mark Twain lecture. Are you going to it?" "Yes, 1 think I will," said Mr. Clemens. "Have you got your ticket yet?" I the barber asked. "No. not yet," said the other. "Then, sir, you'll have to stand." "Dear me," Mr. Clemens ex claimed. "It seems as if 1 always have to stand when 1 hear that man Twain lecture." NOT WHAT HE CAME FOR. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The self-made man never quite gets ihe job finished. In illustrating that appearances are often deceiving, Senator War ren of Wyoming recently told of an incident that happened in one of the Western states. Sunn- time ago. the senator said, a certain party was traveling past a pond when he noticed a man struggling in the water. Evident- j ly the man couldn t swim, and, seeinp the peril he was in, ihe traveler quickly jumped in from his horse and went to ihe rescue. In a few minutes the man was safely ashore and wringing him self out, and then came ihe usual questions. "Haw in the world did VOU come 10 fall in?" asked ihe travel er. "I didn't come to fall in, pard ner," answered the rescued party. "1 came to fish." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Whole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There are many little things to annoy us, under present conditions of Iiie. The hurry, hard work, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to provoke nervousness and irritability.. We are frequently so worn out we can neither cat, sleep nor work with any comfort. We are out of line with ourstlTtl aai others as well. A good thing to do under such circumstance! it to take soiuot'iing like Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills to relieve the strain on the nerve. Mrs. J. B. Hartfild, ii Plum St, Atlanta Ga., writes: "I hsve on sartral eeeaalona bra vastly relieved by us our ia4 Irinoa, rSeoclaUy tk AStt-rmln Pills, which I kaaa oonstantir on hand for th. us. of myaaU, hesbaad and twe Buna. Nothln In th. wvrld muIi Utwsi as a haadache reaaedy. Often I aas enabled by Ilia uaa of on or two at the Pills to contmu. my housework: when oth.rwla I would be 1 bed. My husband Joins ma In my prate of th Antl-Pam Pllla and Narvfcva." Dr. Mile.' Anti-Pain Pills are relied upon to relieve pain, nervousness and irritability in thou sands of households. Of prova merit after twenty years' use, yoa can have no reason for being longer without them. At all Druegiata, a omU. MILES MIOICAL CO., glkhart. In sept 4 ly Administrator's Notice Tl, ,,.luriitnA.t having nnalified aa administrator of the estate of Diamond Hawkins, deceased, tin is lo notny an persons having claims against said es tate lo present mem 10 uieuoiicniKuni .1 liia .olUa it, Wahlnn K! IV aithia one year from the date hereof, or this notice will he plead in tne oar ei tueir recovery. All persons Indebted to aaid estate will please make immediate paymesit This the Stlth dav of October, 191 S. C. P. ANTHONY, Admr. of estate of Diamond Hawkins, deceased lu-K TJvar croaat 1 :' I Tablet. Nethii Mse A.I 4ruat.ii1 . flics' laamMTe . for eenatasa. Anllls,ssa prodm 8914 hyS CV"-'' rQ:'-ri-sr,a-j da'-. r