Ar I LW SICKNESS , Oft 9" P IWIAll : fo accept drugs or alco holic mixtures when nature craves nourishment to repair the wasted body and restore the vigor of health. For forty years the beat pKy sicianshave relied on thewhole some predicated nourishment in Scott' Emulsion which is totally free from alcohol or opiates. Scott'f Emulaion bhurpens the appetite renews blood nourishfi nerves strengthens bones and restores the courage of health to make life bright. Scott'i Emulsion sets ia action the very forces that promote braltb; it ii pure, rich strength. i - j THU ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Nov. 20, 1913. Published Every Thursday. BNTKKKP AT I'ONIOKKU U ATWKI.lioN AM HKCONII-ri.AsiS MATI'Kll. RAILS Dl'illiSLKil'lHiNIN AllVANCr: Oiil' Year, (by mail) postpaid, tl.'iO. Hi x -Months, " " .7"). A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests ofllulifax and surrounding counties. Adrertising rates reasonable and fur nished on application. Sulzer seems deiermined to be always a public servant for private purpose. A monument to General Brad dock is lo be erected in Pennsyl vania. You remember who Brad dock was, don't you? The Atlanta penitentiary officials merely say in reply that Julian Hawthorne is already widely known as a writer of fiction. Walking ought to be popular where there is such a delightful country with fine autumnal scenery to walk in as that around here. The Supreme Court is puzzled as to the parentage of a baby raised in an incubator. Why not call him hennery, and let it go at that. THEZepperhn balloon has added another to the many chapters of discouragement and misfortune in the history of the conquest of the air. It will be something of a prob lem to find another engineering task for Col. Goethals that will be a suitable successor to the Panama Canal. The Interstate Commerce Com mission has decided that drummers must not sell their samples. But that may hot prevent them pawn ing them in a pinch. The managers and engineers of the New Haven road have man aged to come to an agreement. This fact will naturally be a great reiief to the mere passengers. HOW'S THIS? We otfer Oue Hundred Dollars Keward for any case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh l ure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigucd, have kuowu t t Cheney for the last l'i years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transaction and financially able to carry out obligations made by his tirni NATIONAL HANK OF COMMKUCK, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh ( urn is taken internally ao tm it directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Trice 7 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family fill's for Constipa tion. Adv "Don't hoard your millions," says Carnegie. Sure, Andy, we won't do it. STRENGTH FOR OLD PEOPLE A Simple Remedy Which Fsvor Longevity. You act as though you Just won dered how you are going to get through this trying season and do your work. Tou may b orerworked or hare had a bad cold which has left you without strength, ambition or much interest In life; In tact you are all run-down. Let us tll you that Vlnol, our deli out cod llrer and iron tonic. Is Just the remedy you need to rebuild wast ing tissues and replace weakness with strength. A prominent Boston lawyer says: "My mother, who Is 76 years of age, owes her good health to Vlnol as sine taking It she can walk farther and do more than she has for years. I consider it a wonderful blood making and strength creating tonic." We hare such faith In Vlnol that tf it does not quickly build you up, restore your strength and make you feel well again, we will return your mosey. Try Vlnol on our guarantee. W. M. Cohen H 1 NORTH CAROLINA CONVtNTION Of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union Held at Weldon November 8th to 12th, 1QI.V If it were in our territory and we had permission we would like to define the name, Vi'ckion; we would call the city "Welcome" and not Vi'eldon, though we would when i! came to tell of what its cit izens did fonts, call it "VC'elldone" i so freely, splendidly and gra-; ciously did they entertain our del-! egates. j The following resolution is offer-1 ed to every one in Weldon, who j was in any way instrumental in j making the convention such a grand success : Our wannest thanks areextend I ed to all wlio so generously gave of their best to make our stay in their delightful city an event not soon to he fnrgniien. We thank die city, the church, the schools, the missionary snci nes, the King's lljiighiers, the Hook Club, the Unughiers of the Confederacy, for their official greet ings twe do not recall in otir con vention's history of thirty-one years to have ever received wel comes from so many sources;) we thank the Uev. Mr. f lornaday, the kind pastor of the M. I:, church in which we held the sessions of our convention, for his interest and helpfulness; we thank the musicians who gave us of their cheer; the pages and ushers for their patience; those who gave flowers and plants to beautify the already handsome church; the Hp worth League for the uplift they gave us in recitation and song; and our very warmest thanks we ex tend to our hosts and hostesses who opened wide the doors of their hospitable homes and gave of their abundance abundantly spar ing nothing of that which made us feel ai home and supremely wel come and happy, and to add to ihe already super - abundance were auto-rides and a beautiful reception at the Armory Monday evening. This was indeed a convention of conventions and the kind people of Weldon made ii so. Resolution passed by W. C. T. U. State Con tion here Nov. 1 Ith, 1913. Pretty Church Marriage ol Popu lar People at Macon. Macon, Nov. 15. A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday evening, November 1 2th at eight o'clock in Macon M. IZ. church, when Miss Mary Louise Rodwell, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Rodwell, became the bride of Mr. Thomas Holt Rowan, of Hamlet, N. C. The church was attractively decorated in palms, ferns and cut flowers. The cere mony was performed under an arch entwined with smilax and lighted with candles. From the center of the arch was suspended a large wedding bell. "The Hour That Gave Me You" was most beautifully rendered by Miss Alice Briton Rodwell, sister of the bride. To the strains of Lohengrin's wed ding march, played by Miss Pene lope White, cousin of the bride, of Portsmouth, Va., the bridal party entered the church. The ushers were W. L and J. B. Rodwell, brothers of the bride, and J. P. O'Brien and M. W. Nicholson. Misses Garnette Crocker, Lettie Rowan, sister of the groom, Sarah Myrick and F.llie Nicholson, were the bridesmaids, aitired in pink crepe de chine and carrying white roses. Miss Joyce Coleman, cous in of the bride, acted as maid of honor and wore pink charmeuse with an overdress of lace, and car ried pink roses. The matron of honor was Mrs. F. M. Drake, of Weldon, sister of the bride. She wore a regular gown of pink crepe meteor en train and carried pink roses. Little Miss Elizabeth Rod well, sister of the bride, dressed in a hand embroidered mull, with broad pink, sash, carrying a basket of pink roses, preceded ihe bride as flower girl. Master Caswell Drake, nephew of the bride, car ried the ring in a white rose. The bride's gown was fashioned of white charmeuse, with real lace and pearl trimmings. Her long veil of illusion, falling from a Juliet cap, was caught wilh orange blos soms. She eniered on ihe arm of her father, and was met at the al tar by the groom and his best man, H. M. Rowan, of Florence, S. C. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. J. C. Rowan, of Camden, S. C, assisted by Rev. D. N. Caviness, of Warrenion, N. C. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was given at the home of the bride tc the bridal party and intimate friends of the family. The guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rodwell, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Drake, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholson, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coleman. The bride and groom then left for an extended trip north. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Drake, of Weldon, also attended the wedding and reception. 1 WELDON 33 YEARS AGO. t rom the Roanoke News, Novem ber 20, IH80. The shed of the Raleigh and Gaston railroad is being taken down and will be removed to Raleigh. Since trains have been running through from Raleigh to Norfolk this shed has not been used. Judge James l:. Simmons, of Sardis, Miss., has recently publish ed a book of poems called "The Welded Link" and other poems, j Judge Simmons is a native of Hal- i ifax and we are always interested ; in his success. Saturday night the mail train switched oft at Halilax for the ' freight train to pass, and the engi- i neer misunderstanding a signal polled mil leaving the conductor, : Cipniii I.j ucli, behind The irain near hitielJ hefirv mis take M as discovered and had to go to I !.ilil'.i and pick up the conductor i Man ied, at the residence of Dr. i J. II. Joins, I'li'tmsttick county, Va , November 3 by Rev. J. T. , Lumpkin, assisted by Rev. James Jones, A. L. Stainback, of Weldon, i N C , ami Miss Mary 1: Hurnette, ' of Perry county, Alabama. j ! Also at the residence of the i ! bride's father, in this town, by ; j Rev. R. 0. Burton, the 1 Oth in-: statu, Albert Mabry to Miss Betlie, daughter of 1 1. Lvans, list. j W. T. Purnell returned from Norf'orlk Friday. He weni dow n to catch Louis Taylor, one of the , negroes who burned his house ; down last spring. Taylor had gone j to Norfolk and was working ai the 1 oyster business, and he had the surprise of his life when Mr. Pur-! nell confronted him with an officer : who had a warrant lor his arrest. , Taylor is the main offender and he and Sandy Ashe will probably : be tried for their lives ai the spring term of court. RESOLUTIONS. We the women of ihe Woman's Christian Temperance L'nion of Weldon, desire to express our ! gratitude and appreciation for all , the many kindnesses and courte- i sies shown the women of the con-: veniion while in our town. Be it : resolved that we hereby express the same. I st. To the hosts and hostesses who entertained the convention. 2nd. To the womens' organiza tions who gave the reception. 3rd. To the Methodist Lpiscopal Church for the use of the church. 4th. To the directress of music, whose untiring ellorts made the musical program unsurpassed in the history of Weldon, To the or ganist, pianist, quartette and every member of ihe choir. I 5th. To the courtesy of the edi j lor of ihe Roanoki; Nuvis for in ; serting in Ins paper lengthy notices ; and to the Vi'eldon correspondent ! oi tne i lmes-uispaien and ;ews cs Observer for reporis sent these papers during the convention. Rili. To the Weldon Furniture Company for the use of the piano during convention. 7th. To ihe owners of the auto-. mobiles who gave the ride lo ihe ' ladies and took the delegates from i the trains lo the homes assigned them. To all who in any way contributed to the entertainment and imercst of the convention. j Mks. J. W. PiEUCE.chairman; Mks. J. L. Wiili.iams, ! Mks. H B. Harrfi l, Mks. F. J. Bounds. j Mks. Pankhukst has not even ! succeeded in pleasing herself in j this country. ! WORDS FROM HOME, Statements I'hat May lie Investi gatedTestimony ot Weldon Citizens. When a Weldon citizen comes to the from, idling his friends and neighbors of his experience, you can rely on his sincerity. The statements of people residing in far away place, do not command your confidence. Home endorse ment is the kind thai backs Doau's Kidney Pills. Such testimony is convincing. Below is a siatement of a Weldon resident. No strong er proof of merit can be had. J. T. D. Rawlings, Second St., Weldon, N. C, says: "You are welcome to use my name as a reference for the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills, as I have tested this remedy and found that it is reliable. I had backache and pains through my kidneys and was bothered by irregular passages of the kidney secretions. I finally got Doan's Kidney Pills at Cohen's Drug Store and it was not long be fore they gave me relief." For sale byall dealers. Price 50 cents FUSTEU-.MILBI;KN CO., New York, sole agents for the t'nited States. ltemember the name Doan's and take no other. i.oiii:nm:i) oi mi; condition or rut. Bank of Enfield, L.nlield, N. C, at the elose'of business Aug. , 1913 Resources l.i 'an-an I diM'.iunt . (iwrdrai'ts b:illklllLr I ItMlv 1' in mluii' and lixliiir-. t 'a-h on h:i:id. t'ah in uthi't lank ,l,IMIII 1 1 , l.HCII III! It. nn: ii it.ain e'i ."M.'llll i- Total, 1 . 1 vey alMin. ( aslnei ol' the abovf the aluivi' statniit'iil is true to the lrt stalt- of North ( aiolina, County o! Halifax, Su!.Miilir.l and ttoill lo luTnle mi', tins I Ith .lav of uir. I'llll ' a. w. win r ki:i;, Notaiv I'iiIiIii'. EVERY DOLLAR you deposit in this bank helps your town. It is invested right hereLoaned by us on gilt-edged security to those who wish to build or improve their prop erties. PERHAPS WE CAN HELP YOU IN SUCH AN UNDERTAKING We are always ready to oblige our customers when it is possible, and consistent with safe business methods. mii BANK k TOT CI WELDON, N. C. i ii MliTini i"-iiJlmi- SSwStBl BARGAINS IN Ladies Co&t Suits And Cloaks. jLL iEw JffivjL$ As I have just added the ladies line to my Cloth, ing Department, come now and make your selec tion As a dollar saved is a dollar made, so come here first Sole Agent for the world's known W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES For Ladies, Men and Boys Henry Farber, WELDON, N. C, Kf It ly ROSES, Carnations, VIoIetsJ an 1 other lion era always on hand shower HeiMinir l!ouiUi'U. HamlBume Moral IU'KiKiin, Talni nnl rVrnn for holm culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus anil nianv other arietie8 ol liullis for fall plantmtr rither for out or indoor cul ture, liow ImiiheB, Mavnolias anil Kt erirreena. Write, 'ihone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Raleigh, North Carolina. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION'. Notice ia hereliy given that V. C. Diekena ami (). 11. t ook, partners hereto fore t hi 1 1 n as Dickens & Co., near Au rehan Sprinirs, have dissolved copart nership by mutual consent, V. C. Dick ens cuiitiiiuuiL! the business in his own name at the old stand. W. C. IUCKENH, 0. U. COOK. November 20, 1913 11 a 4t Uver pros .' .1 1 . tiva Tablets. NoUuti. r for constlpa,' Dai. ai 4ruii lAannlMMBlJ Liabilities ( :lltul Mock, Jill. OKI .1X1 Mil !u. ulul I ii. In id. -.I profits. -U'oii.M I IH'ill lic.l dl-i-mlllls .'..Mill, ill Acciued Int. rest due deit'r ,'iliU.IK) h: i.K'ihU unpaid irpo!-ils, ea. '''.'. lo Total, J'.'lH.lMtU .-tali- ol' North Carolina. a. 1 futility ol' Halifax, ) iiaint'd bank, do solemnly swear that ol my know let !j:e and belief1. IVLY WATSON, Cashier. Correet-Allest: ;i; , it. cruris, c. i:. Md ; win ax, A. S. llAlililSON, Iiireetor a D i imi m All ol our work Is done under the best sanitary conditions. No dis ease, vermin or other pests are sent In your clothes when (they are laundered by WELDON STEAM LAUNDRY Call us on 'Phone 201 and our wagon or representative will come at once. Our 17 ' j c. per pound rate (or family wash makes it cheap enough (or families to send all ol their laundry to us. WELDON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., (Incorporated) GUY L. BUNCH, President A Manager. vSV. vW sS &4 s in is -" is -t 11 IS LAP-DASH methods do not en- ter into the makiDg of our clothes. The tailor behind us are clever and capable men who have become wonderfully expert at sewing, finishing and styling. In a B. Stern & Son tailored-to-your-measure suit the shoulders will be graceful, the whole drape and shape will be in accord with your most critical desires. Let us make your clothes to measure. ? JrAiarA $ The Store 9 e- of Quality. aaAaawaawHSmawafa(iWMii',muiaii s m m m n m n n- m m m m m I , Li. Mr aw 1$ PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. State of North 'aiolina. Halifax County, j In the Superior 'ourl, I Before the Cli'rk. J S. 11. Daniel for himitelfand asCuardian for tiarland It. Daniel, William C. Dan iel and Marshall I. Daniel. Minors, and Aichihald Daniel, I'lamlills. Vs. J. K. Daniel, .Mis. Kinuia ('. Collins, Marcellus Smith anil Daisy Smith, his wile, V. K. Daniel, Susie II. Daniel, An nie W. Daniel, Thomas W. Daniel, (leo. B. Daniel, 8. t lay nor and .Margaret K. tlaynor, his wife, and Joseph M. Dan iel, the above-named Annie V. Daniel, Thomas V. Daniel, l.eoive II. Daniel and Joseph M. Daniel Iiciiilt minors without (luardiau over 14 years of aire, Defendants. The defendants .Mrs. Km ma C. Collins, Marcellus Smith aLd Daisy V. Smith, his wife, S. (,ay nor and Margaret K. Iiiiynor, Ins wife, Susie II. Daniel, Annie W.' Daniel, W. K. Daniel, Thomas V. Diniel. lienri'e 1?. Ds 1 slid .limelth M. Daniel above-named will take uotice that a special pioceeding entitled as abovo has been commenced in the Su perior court of Halifax county to divide the lands described in the complaint be tween the parties to this proceeding and to make partition thereof according to llieir shares ;i that said proceeding re lates to said real estate, which is situate in the aforesaid county ami State, and these defendants are proper parties thereto; and the said above named de fendants will further take notice that they are requited to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Couit on the ISth day of December, lliia, at the Court House in Halifax Town, in said Halifax county, State of North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint in the said proceeding, or the plaintiUs will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed in said complaint. The said complaint was filed October loth, 1IUH. This the 17th day of NoTember, WIS. STERLING M. OAkY, Clerk Superior Court W. K.DANIEL, attorney for the plain tiffs. t a)4t Neuralgia caviars gnul urfsrlnt. Dr. Mum' Antl-Pala Pllla flva nttst. Waj I SECURITY! i HID PI "nll N OrP V F V 0 AT ju n uLuiii j ui in iu in) in, 4 R. E. Draper s -?a -?s sS" ?A -??sWs5- Protect your home with the best policy. You may need fire insur ance but once in a life time. At that crucial moment you want the best Think of this when you insure. We write it; you need it. The best costs no more than the safest. Rowe & Stainback Big reductions in Clothing Hats,etc. Why Spend You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for It You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get Into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THF Bank of Halifax, HALIFAZ.N.C. N. L. Stedmun, t'lesidenl. MCHAKl) VI'INBORNE, Norfolk, Va "WINBOliNK&CO:. Cotton and Peanut Factors Commission Merchants. Norfolk. Va. I'EA NUT WAREHOUSES: Suffolk, Va. Norfolk, Va. Shipments solicited. Market information fuinislifrlJJ Uefeience. Seaboard National Bank, Norfolk, a. Always get flagging and Tics. It pays. 'idldildUi Uiii Prescription No. 6C6 ii prepared captcUly iur maisnia or chili s & FEvt R. Five or lit dnaes will hrnk nnu ... if taken then as a Ionic Ihe Fever will not return. Il acta on the liver better than Calomel aad io ad rip or skkeo. 2it Malaria nr (.hills L Fpvor W iiiuiuiiu VI VIIIIIU VU I UIUI 1 I WW? Sir Art S Co. Honest Goods At Honest i Prices. r 3 n m II- All You Earn?" R. L. Travis, Vm. ('resident. F. H. Gregory Cashier W. II. WINBORNE Chowan county, N (' our prices before buying I'eanut Bags ' 9 n sm ' 'ANTED-1,000 new subscri bers For this naner Send in your subscription at once. WANTED We want you to call or send to this office for old papers. They are the very thine to keep the cold air out.

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