JOHN W, SLEDGE, Proprietor. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription$1.50 fer Annum VOL. XLVIII. WELDON, X. C TIIUKSDAY, NOVKMJ'.KK 27, WH'.i. xo.:n The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which lias been lu use for over SO years, hug borne tho signature of 0 - and has been mode under his per nii! supervision since Its infancy. (V j-COcAMi Allow no one todecclre you lu this. All Counterfeit, Imitations itnd "Jiist-as-umd" nro but Experiments Unit trifle with nr. (I cmlnugi-r tho lieiilth of Infants and Children Experience ugniiiNt KxperlmeuU What is CASTORIA Castorlu Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soot hint; Syrups. It is l'leasunt. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Karcotio mibstance. Its aire is its guarantee.. It destroys Worms unrt allays FeverfsluuH. It cures Diarrlitma and Wind Colic. It relieves Teetlitufr Troubles, cures (Constipation and Flatulency. It asNiiuilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and liixvels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Tauacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KIM You Me Always Bouglit In Use For Over 30 Years. tni CENTAUR COM MM, TT MURRAY THE BANK OF YELDON WELDOX, X. V, Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?2?!!!!..anLs.Br5l??L $55,000. For over 21 yearn this inxtitution has provided hanking facilities for this section. Its stockholder!! and ollieers are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the hem-til of all nhn desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremaiu three mouths or longer, 12 percent. Six months or longer, H percent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Any information will lie furnished on application to the rresidentoi t'ashier PKKSIOINT : W. E. DANIEL, vick-I'Iirsidknt: W. It. SMITH. L. C. Wal'Klt. Teller. DIRECTORS V. 1(. Smith, V. E. A. C. House, J.L. Shepherd, W. A. SI A S UFACTV UEHS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OltDEU AND UEUl l.AK STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials, High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. am 1 preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our you care to purchaser now or later. No matter what you combination of service, together with terms that your needs will make you a permanent customer of thisstore. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C SUBSCRIBE to Roanoke News. $1 50 per year; 75 cents for six months. Subscribe now! Signature of CTRECY, MCW YOUR CITt. rANlllXH: .1. (I. ukaki:. Daniel, .1. 0. Drake, W. .M. Cohen, I'ieree, D. li. Zolhcoll'er, .1 . V, Sledge 600!) IEWS FROM THR f.m tV Every housewife will ap new offerings whether need for the horne-our quality, and modest prices make it easy to supply acini SOME ENGLISH. A man who was indisputably a farmer, a farmer far out in the country, look his wife 10 Chicago for a visit. "Now," said the farmer to his wife the first morning afier they had arrived, "it makes a big im pression on these hotel people if you lelephone down to the head waiter what you want for breakfast and lell him 10 have it prepared and on the (able for you by the time you get down." He did the telephoning, but the wife broke up the whole show in the dining room because he had ordered something which she did not like. Drawing herself up very erect, she exclamed in a shrill, angry voice: "Are these our breakfast?" Popular Magazine. BETTER PROSPECTS AHEAD. Two tramps were crossing a bridge over a river one day, when they saw a notice which read: "Five dollars will be given to any one saving life from this bridge!" "You jump in, Bill, and I'll come and rescue you," said one. "Right-ho," said the other. "And then we can enjoy the quid." Accordingly one of the tramps plunged into the river and began to yell lustily for help. Mike, safe on the bridge, turned to his friend struggling in the water and with an excited countenance, called out: "Sorry, Bill, but I've just seen a notice that says $10 will be paid for a dead body. "-Pearson's Mag azine. As actions speak louder than words, mutes make a lot of noise. words froiOoml Statements That May Be Investi gated. Testimony of Weldon Citizens. When a Weldon citizen comes lo the front, telling his friends and neighbors of his experience, you can rely on his sincerity. The statements of people residing in far away place, do not command your confidence. Home endorse ment is the kind that backs Doan's Kidney Pills. Such testimony is convincing. Below is a statement of a Weldon resident. No strong er proof of merit can be had. J. T. D. Rawlings, Second St., Weldon, N. C, says: 'You are welcome to use my name as a reference for the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills, as I have tested this remedy and found that it is reliable. I had backache and pains through my kidneys and was bothered by irregular passages of the kidney secretions. 1 finally got Doan's Kidney Pills at Cohen's Drug Store and it was not long be fore they gave me relief." Korsale byall dealers. Price Till cents FOSTEUMlLIIl'HN UO., New York, sole agents for the United StateB. ltcmeniber the uatno Doan's and take no other. ' - Rheumatic Twinges yield Immediately to Sloan's I.ln inieut. It relieve aching and swollen parts instantly. Reduces luAauiuiaUon and quietithat agon izing pain. Don't tub it pene trate. LINIMENT Kills Pain give quick relief from cbeit and throat affections. Hare you tried Sluau'i? Here' i what otben lay. Relief from RhumatUm ' Mr mother tin iked one 60c. bottle ui Sloan's Liniment, and although the I over 8S years of ace. the lias ot Laioed treat relief from her rheuma tiHL"' Kn. B Lindmtma, i,iUoy, Coi. Good lor Cold and Croup "A little hot neit dor had croup. I gave the mother Sluan'a liniment to try. She are him three drops on augar before foTnf to bed, and he got up with out the croup in the morning, ' m B. Streng, J 72 1 CtnttVtMNf Aim., Chicago, tlL Neuralgia Gone "Sloan ' Liniment is the best medi cine In the world. It lias relieved me of neuralgia. Those patna have all vone a anil I -b truly uv vnnr Ijnhiieni did S atop Uiem.M fc. M. AmUt ofjokaty At aU Daalata. Prfea 2Bc, 80c. A $1.00 Stoaa'a laatractlv Booklet oa 'rtv. twisvssat fro. DK. EAKL S. SLOAN, Ul, iOSTON. aUSi fin in 4 lift 2irtm2irri comes from food which has fermented. viras in ine aiomdcn Get rid 0( thi9 badiy djgeste(i mMt.t as quickly as possible if you would avoid a bilious attack. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) Is a cleansing and strengthening medicine. It is a liver tonic first of all and the liver is always effected when the stomach goes wrong. It puts life in a torpid liver, helps digestion, sweetens the breath, clears the complexion of sallowness, relaxes the bowels and puts the body in tine vigorous condition. Sold by Dealen. Price, Large Package, ll.OO. Aik for die grnuint with the Red Z on (be Itbrl. It ru r.imoi c It. frinlt to ui. we will rud ll by mill poilpilj. ftlmmoni Llm KcruUtvf If put up ilw in liquid finin fur llwK wlw pfrfft It Prior. fl.Uti per boltlf . Look for tbe Red Z llbcL J. U. ZEIMN & CO., froprLlor.. Si. Louli, Mlaaourt 'a? I AND SPORT COATS Burt's Fine Shoes For Ladies. High Art and King duality Shoes For Men. HWDSOPE Lile JEW DRESS qOODS Remember The Place A. L.STAINBACK, WELDON, N. C. 'The Always Busy Store." GAR AND You've bought a car, Phil? Well, With noi a hindrance in your path The car seems like a winged bird, Unless, Phil, you're riding with the girl you loved the best. Then staid old Dobbin and a cart seem suited to the case, For then she needs no auto veil to hide her darling face; Nor do you have to honk a horn that sounds so sore distressed; And you can drive with just one hand, and ah, you know the rest ! Old Dobbin will jog-trot along, his gait both safe and sane, And it really doesn't matter much if you should drop your rein. But in the car you've got to steer, And so you haven't time to tell the A car is splendid with a friend, no matter how it "woggles," But you can't "look love" at a girl when both are wearing goggles. Nor can you hold her little hand swathed in a dogskin glove. Oh, an auto isi.'t in it, Phil, when RUNNINC Jim Jones he was an editor that's He bought himself a pnntin press Just what there was in editin', but Some fifteen hundred editors in that same town, he tound. They all knew more about it than he could hope to know. They told him : "You must run her, Jones, and run her so and so. Be sure to boom the Baptists they're sure to help you out. And give the good old Methodists a "Give every man a notice be sure Whenever Major Jinks is seen perambulatin' town. Put in a few free locals for all the stores and give Away some free subscriptions if you wish your sheet to live." Well, Jones, he did just what they said, for fear they'd make a row, But the more he tried to please 'em all, the more they told him how, Until at last he took his book and laid it on the shelf, Then ran the paper in the ground and followed it himself. Nervous and Sick Headaches ToidiJ liver, cuualialcd bowcln and disordered stomach are the cauntH of these headaches. Take Dr. King sNew Life Tills, vou will be surprised how quickly you will net relief- They stim ulate the ditleicut organs to no uieir work proneily. No heller regulator for liver nud bowels, lake 2.ic. aim invest in a box today. At all diuii-ts or by mail. It. K. lit t'KLl'N &'., I'hiladelpuia.l'a. t. Louis, Jlo. Few folks look in mirror' to see if their morals are on straight. Saved His Foot H. I), fcly, of Kantani, Ohio, sultWed from horrible ulcer on his foot lor years Doctor advised amputation, tut In re fused and reluctantly tried Uuckliu's Arnica Salve as a last resort, lie then wrote: "I used your salve and my foot was soou completely cured." Best remedy for burns, cuts, bruises aud ec zema, tiet a bottle today. Only 20c. All druRKists or by mail. H. K. lUX'KLEN & '0., I'liiladelphia, l'a. St. bonis, Mo A thing of beauty may be a jaw forever. Children Cry FOR FmCHR'S C ASTO R I A CART. it's fine to skim the smooth asphali, and not a single halt. your joy is unrepressed, force breaks to do their part, thing that's in your heart. you are making love ! A PAPER. what he tried to be, and started in to see when he d canvassed round good salvation shout. and let be known Nearly Every Child Has Worms Paleness, at times a flushed face, un natural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kiekapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms fioiu children and adults. Kiekapoo Worm Killer in pleas ant candy form, aids digestion, tones system, overcoming constipation and increasing the action of the liver. It perfectly safe fur even the most delicate children. Kiekapoo Worm Killer make) children happy and healthy. 25c. Guar untecd. Try it. Drug store? or by mail. PFEIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY, St. I. ouis, Mo. Philadelphia, l'a. Education enables a young man to show how clever he isn't. A Consumptive Cough A cough that bothers you continually is one of the danger signals which warns of consumption. Dr. King's New Dis covery stop the cough, loosen the chest, banish fever and let you sleep peace fully. The first dose checks the symp tom and gives prompt relief. Mrs. A. F. Mertz, of (Hen Kllyn, Iowa, writes: "Dr. K ing's Now Discovery ourod a stub born cough after six weeks' doctoring failed to help." Try it, as it will do the same for you. best medicine for coughs colds, throat and lung troubles. Money back if it fails. Price 50c and ft. All druggists, by mail. ' H. E. BUCKLEN A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo, THE OTHER WORLD. Pretty Ulrls a Plenty In Great Hereafter. "Bmug doail is not as blank as it is painted says a Philadel phia writer. There are as many good looking girls in the realm of the dead as the living. There are quite as many delightful people," This statement, according to Henry I. Hotehner, thecmopist, comes from the "bourne from whence no traveler returns," In a lecture in the rooms of the Philadelphia Theosophical So ciety Hotcliner says this state ment was made, through a psychic medium by a 19-year-old youth, who died several months ago. His chief recreation in the ''astral plane," the young man said, is flying through space at the rate of 10,000 miles a sec ond. Some swim and some play tennis, if they like those sports on earth. But the young man in question, after trying the game on an earthly ground at the close of an earthly tour nament, voted it a failure. Of the transition from this to the other the spirit is said to have divulged : "Nine out of ten persons do not know they are dead. Every physical attribute has its coun terpart in the astral plane. Of the last few days of my life I remember nothing. It was like a dream. When I awoke I was in familiar surroundings. Then I was greeted by a kindly voice, "None dies without someone to welcome him. Everyone is surprised to find those in this world ready for fun." The lad told of seeking the side of his mother and sisters. Chief earthly congregating places of the spirits of the dead in great nunibern are about or gans in churches and in meet ings, where men are trying ''to pierce the veil which separates them from the other world," So the medium says. SHE CAMR "IN TWO.' A lady with a wasp-like waist fainted in the street one day, and was carried into the nearest drug store. An Irishman who had ob served the occurrence looked into the store after a few minutes and inquired: "How is she?" "Oh," said the druggist, "she is coming to." "Ah," replied Pat, "come in two, has she. Poor thing. Be dad, it's just that I was afraid of." -Tid Bits. THE DOO WASN'T DEAD. Olive and Gerald while out walk ing met a vicious (bulldog, and Gerald's conduct in the next few moments left much to be desired. When they had safely passed, Olive turned to Gerald and said reproach fully: "Why, Gerald! And you said you would face death for me. "I know I did," answered Ger ald, "and I mean it. But that bull dog wasn't dead." NOT TOO SIGNIFICANT. The Irishman had had a serious accident and had been hustled off to the hospital to be operated upon. As he lay upon the bed he beckon ed to the nurse and said weakly: "I'll not be operated upon by that doctor. Ye must find another one." "Why?" remonstrated the nurse. "He's one ot the cleverest surge ons living." "May be." was the reply, "but he has an unlucky name. I heard them say his name was Dr. Kil patrick, and ye see, my name is latrick. BOTH RELATED TO THE DOO. A person entered an inn with a dog and an Irishman asked what breed it was. The owner looked the question er insolently up and down, and then replied, with a drawl: "It is a cross between an ape and an Irishman." "Faith, thin, we're both related to the beast," was the retort. CASTORIA Tor IniM-.t and Children. rhe Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of J 55 OUT OF 150 BRIDF.S MAVF. MAD D1VOKCF.S Terre Haute, Ind. Forty-seven of the 190 marriage licenses is sued since August 20 were to men who had been married once; four were to men who had been mar ried twice and one three times. Of the women, forty-eight had been married once and thirteen twice. Of the men, twenty-three had been through the divorce court, as had fifty-five of the wo men. LOSES ON POliR ACES AND HE (iOES IMSANE Bottineau, N. D. Four aces dealt to him in a poker game at Minot, when he was the victim of a trio of sharps, is believed re sponsible for the insanity ol John A. Hahn, jailed when his condi tion became violent. When Hahn received the four ace hand he bet his pile, $19, and lost to a straight Hush. TOO LAZY TO BREATHE PUZZLING MAN DIES. Jerseyville, 111. James J. Mun cray, the laziest man in Illinois, is dead. His death ended fifteen years ol complete rest. During that length of lime he refused to leave his bed even for meals or to be shaved. Doctors, some of them eminent specialists from va rious parts ol the country, could find no trace of a physical or a mental disability or illness. No reason could be found for death. His family physician said that apparently he decided not to exert himself to breathe.' Matrimony is a bargain and somebody gets the short end of every bargain. THREE WOMEN TESTIFY To the Merit of LydiaLPink ham' Vegetable Com pound during Change of Life. Streator, III. " I shall always praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable (.''im pound wherever 1 iru. It has done me mi much good at ( hange of Life, and it 1ms alsohelpedny daughter. 1 1 is on" of the grandest medicines for wo men that can be bought. 1 shall try Ui induce others to try it "-Mrs. ,1. 11. Campbell, 206 Second St, W. S Streator, Illinois. Philadelphia, Pa. " It was at the 'Change of Life' that I turned to Lyi'in E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, using it as a tonic to build up my sys tem, with beneficial results." Mrs. Sara Haywaru, 1825 W. Venango St., (Tioga) Phila., Pa. San Kraneisco, Cal. " I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for many years whenever I would feel bad. I have gone through the Change of Life without any troubles and thank the Compound for it I rec ommend it to young girls and to women of nil ages." Mrs. C. Uakrib, 3052 25th St , San Francisco, Cal. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalelled. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. l'inkham Medicine Co. (confi dential), Mass. Your letter will he opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. A Delightful Profession for Young Women HERE is no occupation for a young women that is more pleasant or con I genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewerds than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a ST1EFF PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (Chas. p. Stieff, LEON C. STEELE, Mgr. No. 231 Granby Kt Norlolk, Va. Those fatigued can find cheer in a glass of PEPSI-Cola You enjoy every sip. In Bottles At Founts s. M. DICKENS, Local Agent, Weldon, N. C. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We carry a liuue stock of standard Typen liters, t un furnish at once Mon arch, Fox, Oliver, Kenniif ton, Iioyal, Smith Premier, I.. C. Smith it Dro.'s and I'nderuoo'l. Any other make from f to Iftdayw' notice. 'e have both the visible and the invisible. We bought a large slock nl' these Typewriters from one-fourth to one-half the regular w hole sale price, and on sale now at one-fourth to one-ball llii' regular retail prices. A good Typewriter fiom $7,."0 to A belter cine I7 ?xi to S'iK .MI. The best from tlu up lu any piiee. Wilt be glad to answer any iminirv in connection with tluse nmeliines. and send samples ol the work dime bv any of the Type writers ne have. Kvery boy and gir should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to leain how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demuiid a large salary. Anyone who buys a ehi up typewriter from us and wants a be tier one later, we will take back the une bought and allow the same paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. It not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C For Neuralgia, nothinf la better than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Used by thauaanda for a f anaratlon Those who have suffered from neuralgic pains need not be told licnv necessary it is to secure re lief. The easiest way out ol neuralgia is to use Or. Miles' Ami-fain Pills. They have re lirved sufferers for so many years that they have become a household necessity. I have taken Dr. MIIm' Antl-Puln Fills for live yats and thfy are tho only thing that doua rm- any guou. Thoy bavs relieved ncun-lifla In my herd In fifteen minutes. I have nlno taken thsm for rheumatism, bend- ache, pains In tM brpnst, tonthaehe, .ii-ti iiU li. U.w buwtls nnj limbs. t have found nothlng enual thn and they are all that Is clulmed for them. J. W. 8KDOB, Blue Springs, li. At all druggists 2S dam it cents. Ntver sold In bulk. 1 MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. sept 4 ly One f f . then fX. fv TaKe It Administrator's Notice The undersigned having qualified an administrator of the estate of riamond Hawkins, deceased, this is to notifv all persons havinff claims against said es tate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Weldon, N. O. nithin one year from the date hereof, or this notice will be plead in the bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, This the 80th day of October. 1918. C.P.ANTHONY, Admr. of estate of Diamond Hawkins,, deceased. 'n-30-et