JOHN W, SLEDGE, Proprietor. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 .er Annum VOL. XLVIII. WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAV, DIX KM HVM IS, lUV.i. NO. :h WRITING HOME. INGERSOLL ON NAPOLEON. WHAT WILL MAKE YOU GLAD? llfA!iLf.'Ji(tlAil ALCOHOL 1 PKU I I 1. AVogolablePppparailonfclj . similaiHigihcFootfjmiflirtjula I lingilic Stuittiidis aalBowekrf I Promotes DigestlonjClxfifiit' ncss and Rcsl.Contalnsittitr CpiuM.Morphine nor Mineral. PiOTJtARCOTIC. efotdiksfKinrmm Plnykia Sad" jUx.Sma I AMIiUlt- l JlmSMi I ftmminl- . Itim Stril- 1 flattlrif Sugar I UUmfrmllmr. I Aperfecl Remedy forConsflpa-i llun.soursromacn.uianiun Worms .ConvulswmtcvcnsD Ness ami LOSS OF SLEEP, facsimile SUjianOT of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF VELDON WELDON, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital jbI Surplus, $55,000. For over L't years this institution has provided hanking facilities for this section. Its stockholders unci ollicers are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the benefit ol all who desire to deposit in a Savings Bunk. In this lleparlmcnt interest is allowed as follows: Eor Deposits allowed toremain throe months or longer, 2 per cent. Six mouths or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the I'resideutorCasliiei I'HHsmlNT : W. K. DANIEL, VH B-l'llKSll)tNT: W. K. SMITH. L. 0. DKAPEK, Teller. DIRECTORS W. li. Smith, W. K. A. C. House, J.L. Shepherd, W. A. OE M A S U FACT U RE IIS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDEIt AX I) KEUULAR STOCK SIZES. Qood Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. GOOD MS HROM THE Mpl SAlisfaclnr):tiifp! preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. !t will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the home--our combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C THE ANSWER TO THE HEADACHE FO For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 3E (ASI1IKU: .1. O. HKAKK, Daniel, J. 0. Drake, W. M. Cohen, I'ierce, I), li. Zollieotfcr, J . W. sledge. 30 Every housewife will ap a permanent customer a - iu AW y TMB IINTWI OHFANV. MCW VO ITT. Why He Stopped Writing Home. The following is a true inci dent that canto under our ob servation and may be sugges tive to some: A young man employed in u city hud not written home in four months not even to his mother. His mother reproach ed him bitterly for his neglect; so did his sister. They lived in the country on a farm, and his letters were an event of their lives. "Yon ought to bo ashamed of yourself to treat your relatives like thut," said a lady to him, "Well, 1 know I ought, at least I suppose 1 ought; but you see it's like this, I've been here in town three years. I work as hard as I can and watch every op portunity to better myself hon estly, and I really think I am getting on, 1 need something cheerful and lightening to my life out of work hours. But, if you will believe me, in all the three years I've been here I've never once had a letter from home which did not contain bad news or doleful and de pressing thoughts that made me blue for days. It's got so I dread to open a letter with the home postmark upon it. Kvery item of disease that af fects any of the family, even to a toothache, is poured into me. Every hitter is full of crops, the quarrelsomeness of this or that neighbor, the dread of a mortgage on the farm, the creeping of age and helpless ness of my mother and father and threatened blindness of Great uncle Jehosiphat,the fear that brother Ned is taking to drink or that sister Mary is go ing to marry that no account Tom Bradley. If there is noth ing else there's a gathering up of all the scandal garbage in the country, and it's unloaded on me. I can't stand it any longer. Mother's letters are so doleful and miserable and full of anxious graveyard forebod ings that they almost make me laugh sometimes in spite of myself. That's the kind of stuff one's family inflicts on its members away from home. Never anything hopeful or cheerful or encouraging from any of them. That's why I stopped writing home." BY THE WAYSIDE. You don't have to be an tronomer to see stars. Loud pooplo and onions be- long to the same genus. Knowledge is a good servant and the long green a good pal. Lovers' quarrels are merely skirmishes; the real battles come later. When a head decides to be come bald it seldom changes its mind. Many a person who claims he is self-made relieves nature of an awful responsibility, Man has to work hard to ob tain wisdom, but it comes to woman as an inheritance. A FEW DEFINITIONS. Plagiarist One who writes with a steel pen. Proposal -A short sentence that generally leads to a long one. Civil Service What you do not get in many hotels if you fail to tip. ripeol l'eace INol the kind husbands generally smoke in the house. Croup and Cough Remedy. Croup is a terrible disease, it attacks childreu so suddenly they are vey apt to choke unless given the propel remedy at untie. TUit L, n(.tliinjr better in the woild than Dr. King's New Discovery. Lewis Chamberlain, of Manchester, Ohio, writes about Ins children: ''Sometimes m severe attacks we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery is, we have no fear. We relv on it for croup, coughs and colds." So can you "Oe. and (I, A bottle should lie is every home. At all druggists. II. K. lil'CK I.F.N & IV., Philadelphia, l'a. St. Louis, Mo, No man succeeds unless he lakes chances; neither does he fail. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. he Rind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of MM, BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most delicious and healthful food By the use of Royal Baking Powder a preat many more articles of food may be readily made at home, all healthful, de licious, and economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. The" Royal Baker and Pastry Cook," containing five hundred practical receipts for all kinds of baking and cookery, free. Address Koyal Baking Powder Co., New York. TOO What silences we keep, year after year, With those who are most near us and dear ! We live beside each other day by day, And speak of myriad things, but seldom say The full, sweet word that lies just in our reach, Beneath the commonplace of common speech. Then out of sight and out of reach they go, Those close familiar friends who loved us so; And sitting in the shadow they have left, Alone with loneliness, and sore bereft, We think with vain regret of some fond word That once we might have said, and they have heard For weak and poor the love that we expressed Now seems beside the vast, sweet unexpressed, And slight the deeds we did to those undone, And small the service spent, to treasure won, And undeserved the praise for word and deed, That should have overflowed the simple need. This is the cruel cross of life to be Full visioned only when the ministry, Of death has been fulfilled, and in the place Of some dear presence is but empty space, What recollected services can then, Give consolation for the "might have been." MY PRAYER. What will it bring thee, that low prayer I plead Sometimes when thou and I are far apart, And with no knowledge of thy special need I only say, "God bless thee !" in my heart? What will it bring thee? Hope in some dark hour When ihy o'erburdened heart is like to fall; Strength when thine arm has well nigh lost its power; Might for the conflict, courage to prevail? Rest when thy heart is wearied with the strife; Peace when some troubled thought has vexed thy soul; An inward calm amid some storm of life; Sweet patience while misfortune takes control ? Some crowning of the work thy hand has done; Success to make thy faithful work complete; Meekness to bear some honor thou hast won, Or noble fortitude to bear defeat? Some happv dream to cheat thy heart of care; Some cheerful thought thy languor 10 beguile; Some passing joy to make thy day more fair, And win unto thy lip a brighter smile? Some gift to thrill thee with a glad surprise, Or some long-sought and well-desired boon: Or safety where the deadly arrow flies, And fell destruction wasteth at the noon? I cannot tell; yet, be it joy or woe For which thy feet stand wailing on the brink, Thy need may be far greater than I know, God's blessing may be sweeter than I think. So in the halls where smiling faces meet, Or in the stillness where I sit apart, By lonely ways or in the crowded street I breathe a low "God bless thee !" from my heart. Dr. Hobson's Ointment Heals Itchy Eczema. The constantly itching, burning sen sation and other disagreeable forms of ecema, tetter, salt rheum and skill eruptions prsmplly cured by Dr. Hob son's Eeiema Ointment, lieo. W.I itch, of Mcudota, III., says. "I puii-hascd a box of Dr. Hudson's Ec.cnia ointment. Have had Eczema ever since the cuil war, have been treated by many doctors none have giveu the brnelil that i.iie box of Dr. llohsou's ointment lias." Kvery sufferer should try it. We're so positive it will help you we guarantee it or money refunded. At all Druggists or hv mail, Mie. I'FElFFElt CHEMICAL COMPANY, St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. TWAS FATAL. His form is still, his eyes dim, He's past reproving; A motor car bore down on him, He postponed moving. Constlpatlon.Poisons You. If you are constipated, your entire system is poisoned by the waste matter kept in the body-serious results often follow. I'se Dr. King's New Lifo Pills and you will soon get rid of constipa tion, headache and other troubles. 25c at druggists or by mail. H. E. Bl'CKLEN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. LATE. HARD TO EXPLAIN. "Miss Perkins says you are a splendid conversationalist." 'i wonder how she got thut idea." "Oh, you're too modest," "Not at all. I was wonder ing how she reached the con elusion that I could talk when nlie nover lets me put in a word sideways." TOO POINTED. "Omistressof my heart," he cried, ' "One word, one tender look from thee, And I will never quit thy side In life or eternity." She gazed upon him kneeling there, And was about to speak, when he, With one mad yell, leaped thru the air He'd run a tack into his knee. Mver Tablet .... .uii'M l.axalivo U for oon.tlpa- Null i ... t sruu:: A Speech Delivered by Col. Ingersoll at the Napoleon. the Late Tomb of j "A liitle while ago I stood by the grave of Napoleon, a magnifi cent tomb of gilt and gold fit al most for a dead deity, and gaed upon the sarcophagus of black Egyptian marble where rests at last the ashes of the restless man. I leaned over the balustrade and thought about the career of the greatest soldier of the modern world. I saw him walking upon the batiks of the Seine contempla ting suicide; I saw him at Toulon; I saw him putting down the mob in tlie streets of Paris: 1 saw him at the head of the army of Italy; 1 saw him crossing the bridge of l.odi with the tricolor in his hand; I saw him in I:gypt in the shadows of the Pyramids; I saw him con quer the Alps and mingle the ea gles of France with the eagles of the crags. I saw him at Marengo, at Ulm and Austerliiz. I saw him in Russia, where the infantry of the snow and cavalry of the wild blast scattered his legions like Winter's withered leaves. "I saw him at Leipsic in defeat and disaster, driven by a million bayonets back upon Paris, clutched like a wild beast, banished to Llba, I saw him escape and retake an empire by force of his genius, i saw him upon the frightful field of Waterloo, where chance and fate combined to wreck the fortunes of their former king. And I saw him at St. Helena, with his hands crossed behind him gazing upon the sad and solemn sea, "I thought of the orphans and widows he had made; of the tears that had been shed for his glory and of the only woman who ever loved him pushed from his heart by the cold hand of ambition. And I J said I would rather have been a j French peasant and worn wooden shoes. 1 would rather have lived ' in a hut with a vine growing over ; the door and the grapes' growing j purple in the kisses of the Autumn sun. 1 would rather have been , thnr nnnr npn;nnt U'illi mv lovino i wife by my side, knitting as the j day died out of the sky, with my children upon my knee and their . arms about me. 1 would rather j have been that man and gone down j to the tongueless silence of the dreamless dust than to have been j that imperial impersonation of force and murder known as Napoleon the Great." ', THE MOTHER'S HAND. j Weary Hand. Worn Out Hand. But Ood Will Reconstruct It. Your mother, who rocked and lullabiod the family brood until they took wing for other nests and never appreciated what you had done and suffer ed for tfiem, will yet bo reward ed. Your hand was well favor ed, and it was a beautiful hund so well rounded, so graceful that many admired and eulo gized it, and self-sacriticing toil for others paled it and the ring that wont on with a push at the marriage altar now is too large and falls off and again and again you have lost it. Poor hand. Weary hand. Worn out hand. But Ood will recon struct it, reanimate it, readorn it and all heaven will know the story of that hand. Wha fall en ones it lifted up! What tears it has wiped away. What wounds it bandaged! What light-houses it kindled! What storm-tossed ships it brought in to the pier! beached harbor! roll on, everlasting rest, for all the toiling and misunderstood and suffering mid weary chil dren of Ood, and know right well that to join yulii hulid, at last emancipated for the strug gle, will be the soft hand, the gentlo hand, the triumphant hand of Him who wiped away all tears from all faces. MERE MUSINQS, Easy street is a closed street to most of us. The world is like a piano, full of sharps and flats, The harder a man works the less timo he has to whine. It's the man with the nar rowest mind who is apt to make the broadest assertions. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A You Will Be (ilud You Brought Smiles to Men and Not Sorrow. When tlie years have slipped by memory runs back over the path you have trod, you will be glad that you .stopped to speak to every friend you met, and left them all with a wann er feeling in their hearts be cause you did so. You will be glad that you were happy w h e n doing the small every day things of life; that yoll served tlie best you could in life's lowly round. You will be glad that men have said all along your way. "I know that I can trust him. lie is as true ns steel." You will be glad that then1 have been some rainy days in life. If there were no storms the fountains wool the sky would be I poisonous vapors, dry up, led with md life would cease. You will be glad that you stopped long enough every day to read carefully and with a prayer in your heart some part of Clod's message to those He loves. You will be glad that you shut your eyes against the evil things men said about one an other, and tried the best you could to stay the words winged with poison. You will bo glad that you brought smiles to men, and not sorrow. You will be glad that you have met with a hearty hand shake all the hard things which have come to you, never dodg ing out of tin-in, but turning them all to the best possible ac count. REAL EXCITEMENT. "Yes," said the meek-looking man, "I've no doubt you've had some great hunting experiences in your travels aboard." "I have indeed." "Buffalo hunting" "Yes." "And bear hunting" "Of course." "Well, you just come around and let my wife take you house hunting and bargain hunting with her. Then you'll begin to know what real excitement is." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A Delightful Profession for Young Women HERE is no occupation T for a young women that ft is more pleasant or con genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none that can give her more personal satisfaction, and if she be a thoroughly trained professional none that offers bigger rewards than that of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand. Has your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher of music?) if so buy her a STIEFF PIANO at once, gel her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the belter. (f has. Sticff, LEON C. STEELE, Mgr. No. L'.'ll Ciauby St., Norlolk, Va. ROSES, Carnations, Violets and other Mowers always on hand, shower Wedding Bouquets, Handsome Floral Designs, Palms and Ferns for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and many other varieties ol Bulbs for fall planting either for out or indoor cut tore. Hose bushes, Magnolias and Er. ergrcens. Write, 'plioue or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. Raleigh, North Carolina. 5-93-ly 7mA IUI It's so good so refreshing you'll take care not to spill a drop. PEPSI-Cola has the taste that makes it your preference. to Bottles At Founts i. M. DICKENS, Local Agent, Weldon, N. C. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We carry a laige stock of standard Typewriters. Can furnish at once Mon arch, I' ox. Oliver, Keuiington, Koyal, Smith Premier, L. C. Smith & Uro.'s and I'nderuood. Any other make from to 15 days' notice. We have both the visible and the invisible. We bought a large stock of these Typewriters from one-fourth to one-hulf the regular whole sale price, and on sale now at one-fourth to one-halt the regular retail prices. A good Typewriter from 1(7.50 to $15. A better one n frfi to $2S.!i0. The best from $:m up to any price. Will be glad to answer any inquiry iu connection with these machines, and send samples of the work done by any of the Type writers we have, kvery boy and gir should have one of our cheap TypewrU ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buys a chtap typewriter from us and wants a better one later, we will take hack theone bought and allow the same paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned iu good condition and within bi mouths, li not in good condition we allow tlie market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C Heart Disease Almost Fatal to Young Girl "My unightr. when thirt.n yara nld. was stri'-ken with hurt troufcl. She was o hail n hud to place ti.r near a window so ihs could ttt h.r breath. Ono doctor said. 'Poor csjld. sha ! luulf te fall i:. i any tlrns.' A (rl.nd t.ld m Dr. MUm' Heart Heinody ad curd h.r s&th.r, m 1 trlrd It, nd ih. befaii to Im prove. 8h. touk a irsat many bot tles, Mit ska ! Hiaratl to m. to day, a (at. nay ehe.-krd alii- No one oa liaAfio. tbo con!itliu' I hava in Or. UHt Hoart Remedy " A. K. OAMON, Worth, MO. The mitMunJt.'d confidence Mr. Canun h.i iu Dr. Miles' Heart Ram ejy i -h., -cl by thousands of cthei s In, kuo, its value from expci iencc. Mjny heart disorders yield to treatment, if the treatment is right. If you are bothered with short hieath, fainting spells, swill ing of ieet or ankle., pains abaat the hcail and shoulder bladtl, pah piutiou, weak and hungry tpeHs, you should briu using Or. Mil Heart Remedy at once. Profit bp the experience of others while yen may. t Dr. Milts' Hurt stimtdV h W Ifld guarantMd by all drutaldts. Mltta MEDICAL CO., sept 4 I y IHtl III tt.i l-OnULi ihS'ik mil uirowTo i NiH'tiuiH'itT. i'H'vni nntct-1 I ir Hi'inallTlT. BAHK RirKPtt OL't. . 1 wiia t wiit" in mntiin ior our i wo nivinninc txMikn. mi HOW TO OITAIN mi SELL MT I INTS, Whleli oncf Wt)It7. HmM" net lrt- I iwr, iMUrnt Uw ami ot her Tmluahic luXunaatJofk I D. SWIFT a CO, itM A saWW mm.. I 1303 Ssveath St., WMRino , 3..CJ 5c i ,ninii I Si I