THE MORNING AFTER ihvvm vavwm w vi in ltd HKN iH 1CV 1R " Go to your nearest soda fountain and suy "Bro-R'-J-Cin- " it so the dispenser will understand. Pleasant to take a id K:i.-.-lv., ifcti h.-ad-aehe without an after effect. It '$ worth tryirg once for u r. '.! jl. 10c, 25c. 50c Bottles. MOSAU-ISS C' ' -lur... fi. C. NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, KEADL)OWN Daily except SunJays IN I .Nol.No U No.i A'M.IT'.M.T.SI. StflMLMS !t:l)llirj:V.; :l-ji l:Ut 3:S, 4 0.') 4;'J0 heave i.iiiii! - riv Ainv,' Leave Month M' Ann. Arrive .ku'k.oti l.eiiv. V. NOTE-Mo IV-field Isa r'llis Nl.inoil Wen Till .Manila-,-, h l ut,,-,', I. lonoac Wtt DO YOU DP1VE TO TOV.'NV I 1 igia : TtS'J 7Vm' t'uniif r 1 1 ' -ut h-nve. And find the market - unf.'ivorahli? for vour produce? The tanner who has a telephone in his home can telephone first. The useless trips thus saved arc worth the cost of service. Under our plan the service cost .; rj - i the farmer owns the insti ument and uie eq'iiipinfr.t. For information write to our nearest Manasjer for n;.:-.r,h!et, or address: 'armers LIi:c Icpartmcnt BOUSE TELEPHONE & THJEfiPOT CO. Hendcr ; N. C. Day fiioNE -.'. ft P XT T.v j 1 . k 'JVi 1 ' v .IV'' ... l N)i:i.rAK Weldon, - - North Carolina Full Line of CASKETS. COFFINS and KOKF.S. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G FUNERAL DIRECTOR Seventeen years' Experience. FIRST NiTIOML BJI jRoanoke Rapids, N. C CAPITAL:S50,000 SURPLUS C. A. Wvrnn, l'resident. E. H. Kii'Kh, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. S l'.irkiT. V. .1. Lnllll'lv .1 M .l.i'l.son. S. K. Patterson, (.'. A. Wvche, .1. K. Wicker, W. A. Pierce, Succeeding the First National of Weldon and the Bunk ol Roanoke Rapids. N C. All Hanking, (Collection and Commercial l.uim Inviti ,1. I . . I lepusitaiy ft,: t iovernment Kuml, 1'or Kstates m Hank i iij.tev. and I'o.tal savmcs liepositK. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts INSURANCE DEPARTMENT; For the C'HivctiiHtice of the irencral puMtc. wr ii.:u;iM:t:t:t d il.i ! pirt meat. All forms or insurance writteu i-ro'iintlv anl at i - - i:it;. iuiib's hoof run SOLI) 'ire-llliiliiifail him km) WELDON, N. C. mumEiuciiTRi,B HAH SPECIALTIES: Virginia liar Pnrahnntil 1" '"I vl.'., OVhiteSciinncruonp) ,Ked Old North State Blackberry Hiawatha Paul Garrett's (Red I'hamtuurne) (Spark line And other varieties of I'L'RK and WIltil.l MiM:: WIN': tin I e and hotel use. Hllhest Market Price Paid in season for BI.At Ki:KliKir.S, (iltAl'E8 and all kinds of small fruits. (tMRFOLK, Vs., (UomeOflieel tr. TxtS. MO. KAN FRANCtlStY), ri. KKKJKh iv.'!'! mc i 30E I KHALI I P AI'I'll. 1, I'M! Daily ewti Siinj.iy No.:.' Nn.-I HI. ! A! I'M. 111'. Hoi In I -Mil iii:;'.ii :.: -Ill W. RiHSFI.'TSilN. i.oticial Manager ..'.I'.. M u.ii J Hi I' 'ii'. ': "'Tri ''ili r - r k. - OS?' ' W i eKVi In S I'iti ; t'ii"NK ::,( ;inl ''4. IJ i . . lv KOWE, AND EMBALMER. Hearse Serice Anywhere. 13 22 IOC3aOEIOE IF EDAiOKH MFUS 55,000. RESOURCES S300 000 I 1' v l l i.ii'os. lee-I'les-di-nt ,I,,I1N I.. 1' v I'l l-:ii-o . " u'e rresulrlit .l.-iiii I.. 1'atterson. i '. I'. I'.o'.in !s, .1 . T i .ooell. BY Garrett & Co. ii:sTAKI.ISEI) l,-.) Pioneer American Wine Growers Scupperuunir Special Minnehaha Tiamnairne) (Dry Scunpernonif.) V. -C ', BIBLE'StUOV'ON' . A "CHOOSE YE THIS DAY." John 3:11) One. Jo. "for I,. ... I,,.-. I ! ih lM ' If- ''I' Ikntk .. Him I ,!( I" r, 'i in' fif ri.u:.... '' CHI". fhH-.m llf rar i- I ''"!1- : i.r;y , i.,-r.-l .'in ,..i-rtui. ini.e l..i- I. in. in-' I .'i r I ii lt iVrwanl I i" ; 1 1 :iml and (leieiiiiii.ini f.,r tla' lui'ire. V may .sal'el.v -.ay, l.i ev.'i'. iliat nn lm ; man ul eau stride a tli"i'.'ii-lily ,it i Isfa.-t.'ry l.ahin.'e of a.'.'.-iuiK unle-i i .lesu-i has ..-eli i:i rl lu-r a nil .-..t!li-i'l!.ir. : Am! every milling liiai-ei(' pcn-ii'V 1 eil and ili. iiiiniu".l. w.miM , know li.iu In I'.'uin Hie new year ai'iK'tll. i'Hli-1' ln illl i i'i'iii:ilil relali..iili!' "HI tile ll'il '. win, d I"' I a rev "I 'mile II 11 t Me. all e I. am! a r e lieavv laden; and 1 H i:V'l' - A le- 1 I '.' ylve van M'-t." -.i 4, , T..,l.i.l , St H.S.V )"l-'4!y ., S full "I' lirl.IU lntnr I ; n- '1 ' very lira - . ... ,, Is thai 'l, s., Iu,-,l the H el-Id " '1'ln' 'In'' Hi I ill Hie ' i,.S I, .is I II lliill I 'Hi- l.i.l i-lllplia j sized the I...V ' ;d. I.. lM We ; Wln-n ii'll' i-V - lii.'l'-l'-I H .d.HL' '!'' ; ml-dil... I. d l.y ..-r ! ' ' "l- .i : 1 1 1 ; tl. il, . I .. ih,- I'. i.:.- I-, i -ii-e-la! an ..-e j pl.t m iim il-.- il-.n.-i, I'.nh.-i' ir in -t j S.-italiir .-.'l.'i - in--re I. a ,- t lit i j rt m ' llem.'ll ivi' - an j...-il.' ii.i;i.i:n' j l'.llt hi'.' e h:i ve Bi. i. n a ay I i"lli I "till, ih- I'i'."- -'' de a M I'lltl! .all them ' I Ti:'i-'l!i.. I !.. ' i : I -T .-I i : ,,.m j ,..',N -:, !!..-.' Ii..rri!.' -'an ! ileriei-- . r.-i -N l.t'i'-ie Tin- ' 'i!.!. Ian j ilt'i-iriir tin-in I . in ' n.i. i-mmi a : -Hiii,m- ..I -il.e Li, I' Cod. whHi passMiii i ii.!i.i--l:iiitli!ir." and iin' I tlirin. iii-l.-' .1. l.-irilili- iiii-ii'iui-i'iiiii j lions ..f In-i;.e in''!-ti,..i j lint 1 1",!'- i"'i'l,. are aiv.iUi-niin; t" j the Truth, an. I urihliti. y iinnr: ' "'ir au'e t-i a--i-n :t We a i .-i -ivv nni with the ilitli-illt.i linn the ui.rhl has so tliMl'iinehlv l.eili-vi-il Miir l',hi lii "t Die Ph Ine . l,;im.ler thiii I liev ' an seaivelv l-;a v,. tin- r:ie'ils Me-s:ii;i' ; uf h,. Hit,',- Him !.,.,.. ,.f Miine ' Love. i Our text iiin-liat.-s ,.nr f..i in.-r hi t-d- ness. lt d say. us Mii -r sii., that ih-il isni' His Sen hi sine us fi-Min eternal (nrture. (.mile t,, the enntriiry. it ilei'lares ihat His niissjMii yvns In sii.' fi'Miii . ri-liinir. UTkmi iTUte Ii'-::-!- 'lie. thev i .1 Mi. i led lias made in m i-i..i. f..r th.- r r.-iir:-i' llmi. Miinkiad iv..ii..l have iUewi-i- laM-i-lli'd. hail il i. .1 I ii for :-l's Merev anil la-nviMiai in i lirit. Heeailse nf .l.-lls' ilcath there is ,, h,. a restiri ti"ti. nut . f t!ie j'tst. new In li.'irninii with Hm-I thrnneli faith. I .in ill-" nf the iiii,Iii 'he an h..v,. ,,,s nf uii.l.'r.taliilillu' liae li"l .-t Mi'en.-il t" --a- the mace l.f i;,nl Tha. we read, "As ail In Adam die. ev.-n -a al! in l 'lil'i-t shall ... ma.!.. al! i. " ' v I'V man i iiine death, hi a ii. in .,-.1 irhrW -li-siisl .Miles I'l.- ;.-.i.!,-. li a. mI' Him ilead" - "t-i.-r, i.,..a in Ii - . . a ..;.!,-r " "The Better ResuutctiOll." I'll,' , hl.t' !V!i , e. ! i.-ii I." i.'l'V, II' '11- ,,r mill iiniiiMiiatiy. is .,n!- fi.i- tl.nsi' all,-il .1,1- ii lln, ii. I A-se, uh,, lay n.,ii. ,., ,-i , i - i. In .. 1 1 , 1 run the I'll, e W! "'II' ' I h, -e s.iilily s Hill -Imhi, ,1..- K.-a I'l'., ill I. who ii!i .1,-1, ,, I; il i i,.f I ' i-1 . -1 . Willi.!..- l!,e,'.llii 1, .111 , ., Iliu 111.111 l.liid 1'lMlii -Hi ami ,!. ala , -i tit lull". j ilurllll! Ill- Mi'.slalii' K.-ili ' 'l'he I,i!h.' 1'latl 1. .liri..s,.y s., !ir- , ramie.! that n,,ne . , n ,,1 tain .a ,-i in s , llil! lite ,..-t thl'MlUa l-el'-Mliill I, -hi ll, i. -In;, t.i rhrist. Hi.- K. ,1,-einer. and I;, II; III III. IV ih-emina 1,,1 and ,,.,,li, n. e t" Ills MUII..-N. This he I..: Il'in-. Ihe l.i-.l v.;oiii),i?:: l an $i i'lie ui I ni;i of "T.-t ' ! u ." civ fri. t.-N mid M i'"'1- ii.-;.ib..rx. u,i. i.f otir own f;itnii;."i. at'e Mill tiii- IXrd. fnf ttii-y ii ; - "ine iMo vitui n-.Mi"ii sliij. u Ith t!i- S;!.r. "Uf h i 1 1t tho S-ni Infii lli'o; ho tint hiith lmt the ' Sun li:i ii"! s,'t lift.." "TMtdied In Due Tune." St. I'uui. oiiimeiitiiu ui'oii I lie fa-t i that .biiK di" d a liaio-om i'i i'o I'.ii- nil. j deelatv that this Lo ttMhietl in ' dm time, it Tiiimrliy "J tl iil's i due tiino for lln- t.-Miumiij to rii--li I the ( ". ,' idi'htly has not vol ar ' riverl, Tin' toMltuony ln':::iti when .Ie , mis "lifi'tiiit iift iiiid iiiiiiioi't.ility to llht (hl"lL;li lh. t;-.;-,-!" "S.. ITIeat : Ulllvatiotl bi-u:itl t" he M"'Uoii .y our 1 I.urd II. .(,. "j ::. ;o( h;i I't'i'iiiltli'd llii". hlilidiie-, hut dt-' Iaivv t I !-'i' tin !!eve. in fluetn'i'S of ih.. Kimiib m tin tru(. Iklit -dial) shine e rr, t liere. Vlt;it :i tili-.-s ed vista this upon-; hrf.To n tn he i half of tho i r w..i .I; We thus s.-e that 'o'd ha- -ii'.i;i! :l,in- ;-lnl I I.vs lllff for fnithfilt liMl'i'li. Tin v:iitit-, 1 and v nix- jp.'i-i'.'ji t- ihit Ho lia a ; blessjnu f..r tho woild although a dlf ) ferent blossii,- from that iu-nitled f'T the Clam h The latler an t-i have life ; on tlie Pivine '-latio. -.h irers f tlie j plorv, h'Minr atid imiii"ii;ility of the j Mnnter. nhllo tho u-rid, l.y f;ntli tuul olMdienro during the l.'--iaiili Kln-4- dotn, may iv-ittaht earthly life and perfei-tlnii, J -1 l.y Adam, but red.'cinej by .b'sns ;it ( iilv.iry. Stomach Troubles Disappear. Moinaeli. Iiv,-i and kidney tnnil.les. neak iiitvi-., lame Imel. an I female i IN disappear when I'deetiie llitleisari' nsi-,1. i ilUUMailOl. Iff VVOIIK-U VVUili'l l,l,t',,V Wlllf out a hottle ill their home I'onl. of liepen, (ikla.. writes. "Klectnc Hit ters taised me fioin a lcl of sickness and ijult'erinif and has dune me a uorld ofi;uu,l. I wisli every siiileiiinf vvuinau conld use this excellent remedy and lind out, as I did, just how irood it is." As it lias helped thousands of others, it surely will do the same lor you. fcverv hottle guaranteed, Sue. and $1. At all drutririsiM. H. E. Ill t'KLKN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. KIM.THICOUGH sCUREwLUi!C5l HEWDlSCGlr: ' FOB f.9H(tt!l fpfif-l6o-pi.c rww VOIDS rTi?iiit"jo" HDIUTHR3AT1N01UHGT"';.' SUARANTCeO SA7SMC7CMV 'k i L Q MONEY V?ffWA' O. 2 I TO BE A TIME OF JOY FOR HIM! This Little Story Shows Just What a Lot of Good Things the Cachelor Misses at Merry Christmas Time "My wife has been ijuestlotiliig mt for the past three vveeka about what I would like for t'liristinaa." "Well, 1 suinumo you told her?" "Yes The first thlnt; 1 thought ol was an niiibielhi I really need an umbrella, beeause It Is quite a dls tanee fruta lay houiio to the train ami I have to walk It. A nice umbrei !i. would tome in handy on rainy days Then there are noiue booka 1 , would like very mueh 1 gave her a Ust of them as nearly as 1 could at the. 1 start, and Lave been adding to It day : by day as I happened to think ol soineiliinc else in that line. 1 men tioned cutf buttons and Htuds for full- ' dress oeeaslons. and 1 irave her to un- j derstnnd that If she didn't feel like treiitdlui; herself over the nintter 1 would he tiad to take tho money she) had s' t a.-ide for me and buy myself M,;r,e (tears Last treht I had oeca (imii to h.k Into a eloset we don't use hoi, h, uiid there I found my preseut, all ready to he plaeed before me on Christmas ninmlng" "Of course, then, she hadn't adopt ed vour suy a'.-tlon as to the clKam." "Nil I m unlhK to tie made glad w!'h a heautifully winked sofa pillow." At (EltnstmaH! UXUtr ByS.E.KISER Alnnn tlie rotd to Bethlehem 1 hire weity wise men ilowly (tred. And wnndctinK ihrpherdi (jazed it then And bowed the n-sdi uhich they hi bared Thre wise men who had journeyed far Rode slowly o'er the hilli that night. Still following their guiding iir Whose conitiat bami were broad and bright. At Chnstmai ttroe they heard a voka 1 hat iweetly tounded far on high; "Reiice, ye torn of men, rejoice!" 1 he worda rang clearly from the iky. The trembling wue men pauied to hear I he ung that angeli tang to them, And ceaied to doubt and turned from ftar. That Chiiilmai night in Bethlehem. Ve hurry through the buiy dayi And in the market-place contend i 'e it rive to win in ihamfful way, Fouaking brother, wronng hicnj V e (oiler greed and cling to pride, Vi e have no time foi Lcinj kind, 'e rudely push the lame aside. And give no guidance to the blind. We madly ittugle after gain, I' jrgclting all the Matter taught; We worship riches, and disdain To heed the menage that i ie brougbh Yd, even to, at Grid mas, love uui heaiU and chasteoi then And bnngi ui glad remembraiwe A Ihtit holy night to Bethlehem We v.; a? a liltle while to hate. U c turn a litile while bout mi, W- greet the stranger at the gale, And rtdJmig iorth we lead him ia. Anil, happily remembeung The ha!e thai in the manger lay, We still acknowlrdie Hiu our Kino, j As they did, that brst Chrvtmai day. j Three shadowy wise men slowly fare Along the shadowy highway nil I, j And shadowy shepherds watch them the And see the star blaze o'er the hill, j And men, wherever men may dwell, j Still b?ar the message borne to theoai j That God still reigns and all is well. The s'ai shines on o'er Bethlehem. Child's R,aonlng. Mamma, Santa Claus isn't married, la he?" "! don't know. Why do you think he Isn't, dear." " 'Cause If he was Mrs. Santa wouldn't let him stay out that way at night " I No Room for Any Mor,. I "(loin' to hang up your stockln' I Christmas. Mickey ?" I 'Nave." I Tletter. You niltflit git It filled." , "It's filled now." ! "What with?" "Holei." Hit Gift. Hp gave tin sjtirt a pair of akate. And now till heart 11 full of hate; tip nurt ly stands around and walta Arn) ImvhMIv rt-bln at Fate, W'hl It- tine more favored far than b Is or muv evr hop to be Knrvls where ahe etantls, ao fair, I weet. And fuMfiti ttifm upon her feet Joy Ahead for Him. Doi 't totnet that the clothes yon are nut uolng to wear any mor may loo'v pitahly (rood to somebody. Croup and Couih Remedy. ( roup i a ternlile disease, it attacks children so suddenly they are vey aptto elinke uiilesN triven the proper lemedv at once. There is nothitiK better in the world than Dr. Khik's New Discoyery. I-n is ( lismlieilain.of Manrhester.Ohio, writes about Ins children: "Sometimes in severe attacks we were afraid they would die, hut since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. Kiue's New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup, euuirlis and colds." So can you. joc and si. A bottle should he in efery home. At all druggists. 11. E. lUTKI.EN A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo, SENSIBLE QIRL. ''How about being an old man's darling ? "There's no necessity for it. I've found a young man with the price of a bungalow." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Saved GirPs Life S o "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Mrs. Sylvauia Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without 0 THEDFORD'S tNPI II in my h.ome." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black Draught. It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and did. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. o CUNDI-NSIM) SIAI-.I:NT OI: 3 a n k s! F.nfield, N. C at the close Resources I.i'iuisiui-l funis Ovfi'lnifN, I .an k i ntr 1 liuit' Kuril i tu re u 1 1 1 Ki stints ( 'Uoh on hunt I, Cu-li in other mi i:Ki.!7 ,ih mini l.oimno TJ.hiHl.Oj Total, :;hj.i:iM :t7 1, lvey Watson, t ashiei ol" the iihove the ahuvo !-lateineiit is true to the best state of North Carolina. County of Halifax, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th .lav of Aujr. l!i:-i. ' .1. W. WIIlTAKKi:. Notary Public, Weldon Sheet Metal Works, WELDON, N. C Tinners, Slaters ! Cornice, Gutters, Leader Pipes and Stove Pipes, Plumbing in all Its Branches. Special display of Bath Room l ivtures next door to Rowe & Stain j hack. Call and see them. WHEN YOU WANT IT EARLY U I CALL Jf 34, I ,t-.i lAK ZZ '. u rnoue us yx iour wants $ ' ' , r . . -. , i ' , . In? IS THE BEST . A Mr Tnvir v.i.Vi tl U Nnturp', own remfdy. ,ri-ati ureca nt-rnii luuntl nea- Ihe bank, gt till' Tjr Kiv.-r 111 North Carotin,,. POSITIVB CURK FOR kHElJMATISM EC!fc,UA. INDIGESTION, NkKVOUSNKSS and all diseasca caused by impuraor pwibuned blood. i . ECZEMA CURED. S,Tinp, eitf, N. C. MKS. JOE PERSON'S SEMtOV CO., Kltirpll. N. C. 0,11 Ita, P,rtOn : "Foi ibotit ,l,ht Of tea y,,r, I ti iat,rl,d lo rrtett aiu, k, ol ,c,ema, M,a would lilt lor Kvrul aerkf. I tt,td local tffllmfnt and do.lot'1 medirin,,. wbtrh wool.l trttpva die lot a a lill,. lmt it wnnl-l al,r. ..... ...... t thin, (ailed ia pe minenl erfett. I took Alra. Joe tot t, I monit.indit mi !e a uerfert r,,w nlm. tint, I iloored tlkine it ind I bi.e aate, bid .r Ifneui bea.tb tl ei.ellcat " MRS. Mra. Joe Peraon's Remedy is guaranteed by ua under tt,e ure rooa ana Iln,2 Law, to be absolutely pure. Ii sold at all dnm atorp, in tl 0,1 bottles Si, bottles for $-.i 11 bnttlea for tlo.Otl. Iluy a buttle ol this won.leiful blood ,..., ana take It. You will hud Ii will eur you. Write to us for te.limoniate and records ol the worr,m curea made with Mrs. Joe Person' -o. ...ivimni,-, aonciteu and all .etu-rs held strictly confidential. Start curing yourself to-day ttie cost la small the results satlactorv in every aiv. Ars. Joc Person's Remedy Co., KITTRELL, NORTH CAROLINA Red Indian Brand Kidney mil and Liver Pills re the Ileal aSc. postpaid Sample Free. S E A IB AIR Trains leave Weldon, Effective Nov 30, 1913. C. Ii. CAKt fcK, licket Agent. N0.18 7:20 A. M. SEAIIOAKD EXPRESS, loaches, Sleeping Cars. N0.I2 SEAHOARD MAIL, Vestibule Coaches. Parlor Car, for Portsi mf,i,l)i.,trfnlLr eimtior-tinir with Steamshin Lines for Wash 3:19 P. M. incton, Baltimore, New NO. It 12:07 P. M. I lornla points; Hirmingliam. SEAltOAWD MAI!, for Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, Hirming liam and the Southwest; connects at Norlina.Kaletgh or Ham let with "1 lorida Fast Mail" Ko. 43, for Jacksonville and Dining t ar, Sleeping cars- through sleepers to Hamlet and NO 17 SEABOARD EXI'IiESH, for Raleigh, Atlanta, Birmingham and the Southwest. Connects at Hamlet with No. 4tl for 11:20 P.M. Wilmington; with No. Ml for Columbia, Savannah, Jackson ville and Florida points; Meeping car Portsmouth to Charlotte; Vestibule Coaches, Sleeping and Dining Cars to all points South and Southwest. No. 19 for Raleifh leave 7 a. m. No. '20 from Raleigh arrive S:20 p. ni. Write to the undersigned for rates and time tables. C- Ii. RYAN, JOHN T. WEST, Qeneral Passenger Agt - Division Passenger Agtjf Portsmouth, Va. 0 IJ 03 1 Till; CONDITION OF THE Enfield, of business Dec. 4, 1913 Liabilities C apital Stock, U,tMXMK) sin plus and I mli viilt d profits. Hi,! l!U(i I'neanietl ilisi-ounlw 1, 1117.1'J Aihmium hitiTPht tine dept'r lliltO.tH) Cusliicr's Checks l,Hin. lieponit, :-ttH,tU77 Total, $:i-J,lS3.:7 State of North Carolina, iCounty of Halifax, J - namcil Itank, do soleninlv swear that ol my knowledge and belief. 1 i. .iiMi.,iasim'r. ('orrect-Attest: (iKO, 11. CCliTIS, C. K. MfCiWIUAX, A. S. IIA11UISON, Directors, d Plumbs. A Tt... i:.... '..M. c ... ....... BLOOD PURIFIER tvt nrur iuidi n 1.1 U VJ 1LIJ. made from thejuk-. Penon , Reraedr I, h. h.. ..... aiii. b .!.. .i . J. H. tYILKIKS. a Remedy. O A E D LI1TEI for Portsmouth-Norfolk, Vestibule York, Boston and Providence. 13 I Nv- 1 ItVfi "mm RaUlgh.N.C. . THE stll. '-' r . 'CSaEiaCr 8AXy0AD;TmEjEEJPAE Qr AMERICA., 1 am sole ngent tor the Hamilton watch in this vicinity. 1 rerair Watches, ( locks, Jew elry, Sewing Machires, Phono graphs, Cash Registers, All work guaranteed. 0. C. NliLSON, WKI.IiON, N. ('. OF KAI.L& W1NTKU MILLINERY. FANCY (iOOIiSand NOVELTIES. Huttprick'. Putternp; R & Q. Corsets, Misses at "fie. Ladies 75c. to (1. Wul'riees will lie made to suit the times. Hats and Bonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAILORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. 1'. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C. BAKED ON THE PREMISES arc all the delicious liakestutl's that ue sell, linth plain and fancy lhinks turned out in delicious and attrac tive stvle. Great Varieties of Pies which appeal to the American man's appetite. Also fancy cakes and mactoous for the ladies. Iluy of us next times. H, S. MOUNTCASTLE. U'kldon, N. C. Wh FURNISH ) A Royal Feast to every one w ho V litiv their moceties at our store. ( All the seaoualile delicacies are found ui our "tore the yeai lound. ' CONFFCTlONERIES (. FRUITS ( CROCKERY AND TIN ; ( , WARE j ( Wooden and Willowwaie, Etc. I 1 (,,n,,ls iliiivered promptly any ( where in town. Polite clerks. , ( Phone No. mi. j ( ! W K1.11UN, N . ('. (I Lamest Slock ii the Sonti. ' When in Norfolk call ou as You w ill llmi w hat you want and tret it quickly. Having no canvassers, no airent's commissions are ad ded to our prices. This ena ahles us to use tirstclass ma terial and finish it properlyi. We Pay Freight and Guarantee Sale Arrival THE C0U PER MARBLE WORKS, (tl3 yearsin business.) I'.'i-HlH.IIsok St NOKFOI K, VA. Ara You a Woman ? Ti Cardiii FOR SALE AT ALL DRUS61STS W ANTED We want you to call or send to this ofhee For old papers. They are ihe very ihing to keep the cold air out., 0 I ,.ii-,Ulll, MIlMMI M Oil,. i i,' t I ,, ..,,.'- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELHON, X. u i'ractiecs in the courts of Halifax and Northampton and in the Supreme ami federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina, branch oftice I at Halifax open every Monday Wm. L, KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. Itiismess promptly and faithfully at tended to. Associated with Peebles Harris and (lay & Mnlyette in Halifax Superior Court practice. il-ai-tf GEORGE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hank Building) Weldon, N.C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N.C. ft haitii ks in the courts of Halifax and u.ljui mi tier counties and in the Su preme court of the Slate. Special atten tion given to collections and prompt re turns. Kl-o-1 y B. K. A. A M. I H 1,1. HI, K f Sj OF NORTH CAROLINA. C t E- ii. smith, $ J Civil Foginecring Jc Lanl Surveying. weldon, n. c. ' 1 J:)::): W. J. "WABD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BC1LD1NU WELDON. N.C sep!2 ly T. W. Mason, J, A. Worskli. tiarysburg, N. C. Jackson N.C W. I., I.OMI, Weldon, N. C. MASON, WORRELL 81 LONG, Attorneys-at-Law. Ollices; Weldon, S. ('. and.laekson.N.t' my '-Il ly. T K ATTORNIfcY AT LAW. WELDON, N.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and U. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention giten to collections and prompt returns vernon h. Mcknight, m. d Physician and Surgeon. Over Vinson's Drug Store, tilL'ly HALIFAX, N. C. SKND YOUR ORDHRS -.FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO F. L. HAYWARD, Weldon, N. C. D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roaauke News Office -:- Welim N. C I Go to HARRISON'S ir - CST' 11 For Automobile Repairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine work done Sta tionary, Gasoline, Marine and Steam Engines, tiuns aud Pistols. Satisfaction guaranteed. GoodjSTear Tires and Supplies on hand lor sale Shop east end of Secoud Street. II. W. IIAKIilSON, Weldon, N. C. mctan s magazuv: aud McCall Patterns For Women Have More Fritwds than any ot'itr niaguitne or patterns. McCall s is th reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs of MeCall l'atterns. each issue is brimful of sparkling short st, riss and helpful information for women. aaj K., as Stylo br KibKrlUi lor McCall s Mieautts at ence. Coau anlv to ?.HS f, V"' 'Belui'a ol du c.lbr.l-,l McCall Vatternl lree. McCsD PaHaeas LaJ ill olluea h ,!., (. siinplKii,, ei-..aomy and aambet awl4. II... d'llers sell McCill Palterns this U otkee two nuke. combines, Nona hiahe, Ibaa iactt4a. ii,j. Iron jour dealer, or ay au3 l,aa McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236 248 W. 37ta St, New York CU, aenwsaae, yeeal.o CsMa, mi PHfcM CaHhsa. Am, MIH.Ml Haurolf lo causes iraot QnoToHoar Unas' AotVPaJta FlUs 0w oM. m

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