JOHN W, SLEDGE, Proprietor. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 f'er Annum VOL. XLVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JANUARY 22, 1914. no. nu 1 ifi" IBB t-i'i1 LfoTtoL j ptR ciiir tfjf! AYctrdtUtPlrnMlwiCrlt. ALCOHOL 1 PER LI NT AVcc(au( rVrnanilnn Crlt. iingilKSUMttlismilBmdgr IonwIesDiAfsltonOwiw ness and RM)onuini nettr Opiunt.Morphine turMiauiL NOT A ARC OTIC. AttfouikSHminaa JUSaum BtUltUt- A perfect Remedy forCowflpj-i lion . sour suiukcu.uia WormsXonvulsions.rminia ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FtcSimilt Signilurf of HEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. I'M THE BANK OF V ELD ON WELDON, N. C Orf anlied Under the Laws o! the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C apital an fl Snrplns, $55,000. For oier '.'1 yearn this institution him provided hanking facilities Tor thii lection, Its stockholders and officers are identitied with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department ia maintained for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in-a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed an follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, i per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 per cent. Any information will he furnished on application to the I'residentorCashier raixiDiNT: W. K. DANIEL, vici-i'Bsiokt: W. It. SMITH. I.. C. DlfAl'KK, Teller. DIRECTORS W. R. Hmith, V. E. A. C. House, J.I.. shepherd, V. A. Dixon k Poole Manutacturinsc Company, MANUFACTUKEHH OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds. Mantels, Door MADE TO ORDER AND REOUI.AR STOCK HIZES. Qood Materials, High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, 'Stoves, and labor.savinz devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become Dosted on our you care to purchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C THE ANSWER TO THE HEADACHE GAST0RU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years tMIMITMl cabhirb: .1. O. DKAKE, Daniel, .1. 0. Drake, V. M. Cohen, I'ieree, D. B. Zollicofler, .1 . W. Sledge and Window ScreensJ GOOD NEWS FROM THEI Every housewire win ap new onerinx whether ine AW .w PCIlSTORIfl VMRfi nWW MM MTV. SAtisfactorv m SWEETEST OF ALL PLANTS. South American Shrub Has Prop erties That Puts Sugar Com pletely In the Shade. It has heen suggested that what may turn out to be the great sugar producing plant of the future is a dwarfish shrub found in South America. Its botanical name is Eupatorium rebandium and, it is said, the results of careful experi ments indicate that it yields a sugar from twenty to thirty limes as sweet as ordinary cane or beet sugar. One advantage claimed for the sugar derived from this plant is that it occupies, in propor tion to its sweetening powers, less than one-twentieth of the bulk of ordinary cane sugar. The world today uses more than twice the amount of sugar that it did a quarter of a century ago. The people of the United States con sume a great deal more sugar, in one form or another, than those of any other nation. It is surpris ing to learn that in Europe sugar was used at first only at feasts and for medicinal purposes. At the close of the seventeenth century the sugar industry in France was monopoly controlled by the apothecaries. Its introduction as an article of table use was vigor ously opposed, eminent authorities declaring it "a poison." Boyle and other scientists of his day averred that sugar induced congestion of the lungs, apoplexy, diseases of the stomach and even consump tion. By far the sweetest sub stance known at this time is the coal tar product called saccarhine. It is two hundred limes the sweet ness of cane sugar. ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE. "Hear me one moment, mad am!" said the peddler at the front door, "I have not been rendered incapable of active exertion by any sort of sad accident; I have not been laid up six months with in flammatory rheumatism; I have not lost my situation on account of my religious principles; I am not a poor man, but am doing pretty well in my line of business; 1 have not a wife and three children de pendent upon me for support, for I am a contented bachelor, happy in the possession of no living rela tives; I am not studying lor the ministry; your next door neighbor did not mention your name to me; I never " "Stepin," interrupted the weary woman, with a deep sigh of relief. "I have been waiting for you for the last ten years. Step in I do not care what you're selling whether it's horn combs or clothes wringers, I'll buy. And if you'd like a cup of coffee or a glass of good, hard cider, just say so. Step in don't bother to wipe your feet!"-Puck. DIDN'T SEE THE POINT. "You can never get the best of woman in an argument," says Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rocke feller Institute, "as the following story of a young doctor: "They were having an argu ment, and both had become rather exasperated. " 'Oh, of course,' he exclaimed angrily, 'I am always in the wrong.' "Not always,' she replied sar castically. 'Last week you admit ted that you were in the wrong.' "'Well,' he demanded wrath fully, 'what's that got to do with it?' " 'Oh, nothing,' the wife an swered, with a superior smile, 'ex cept that you were perfectly right when you admitted it.' " We once knew a girl who could keep i secret. She was engaged to a young man for three months before he even suspected It. How a woman's heart does flut ter when the rsstor tt!!s hff that he missed her at church. Wonderful Cough Remedy, Dr, King's New Dicory la knows everywhere as I the remedy which will surely atop a cough or sold. U. P. Law son, of Edison, Tenn., writes: "Dr.Kiog's New Discovery is the most wonderful cough, cold, thrust and lung medicine I ever sold, in my store. It can't be beat It sells without any trouble at all. It needs no guarantee" This is true, because Dr. King's New Discovery will relieve the most obstinate of coughs and colds Lung trouble quickly helped by its use. You should keep a bottle in the bouse at all time for all the member of the family SOe. and ft. All druggists or by mail. H. E. BUCWJEH A CO., Pbildtlpbla,Pt, St. Louis, Mo. FOR HEARTBURN SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It sweetens the stomach and purifies the bowels. It is a fine tonic for a torpid liver. Helps digestion, makes you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. Sold by Dealers. Price, Large Package, $1.00. Alt f.r lb. grn.ln. wllb tb. Hri Z M lb. ItbcL If ,ov canMt rH It. mil I. u. w will MS U br salt unpU. bimnwn Ll,cr Rrfulator I, ,ul u, ajat in liquid turn 1.1 liio who tnftf It Ma il.w i teal U.k l Ibt SM X UhL i, . ZEILIN A CO.., Si. Lmu. Musaart SOMEWHERE. it ii tit Jji ii ii ii ii ii it ii ii ii ii Somewhere, someone's thinking of you, With a heart, that is full of love, Sweet as a dream, that oft comes true, As pure as an angel above. Somewhere. Somewhere, the baby calmly sleeps, By the woo of the cradle song, While mother yearns and vigil keeps, And the night in silence grows long. Somewhere. Somewhere, the orphan's heard to cry, Because of anguish and distress, Bereft of all, he well might die, Unless he live the world to bless. Somewhere. Somewhere, to-day, a word's been said, Which piere'd a heart to the deep, In silence, the wounded heart, it bled, And the woman, herself, did weep. Somewhere. Somewhere, a. woman with bleeding feet, Who was once a vestal pure, Is pray'er for the path of virtue sweet, Which will give to her feet its cure. Somewhere. Somewhere, poverty's crush'g a life, Within its cold and heartless grasp, The victim's hand falls in the strife, While penury tightens its clasp. Somewhere. Somewhere, there's a man faint at heart, Weakened under a load of care, In life's toil, he's borne his part, In the struggle, he's done his share. Somewhere. Somewhere, Hope has taken its flight, From a heart, once true and brave Left in despair, he's veil'd in night, On the brink of a cruel grave. Somewhere. Somewhere, thank God, there is a light, A beacon on the Shore of Time, Where the unchain'd soul can take its flight, To the realms of heavenly clime. Somewhere. ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii LITTLE A good-bye kiss is a little thing, With your hand on the door to go, But it takes a venom out of the sting Of a thoughtless word or a cruel fling That you made an hour ago. A kiss of greeting is sweet and rare After the toil of the day; And it smoothes the furrows plowed by care The lines of the forehead you once called fair In the years that have flown away. 'Tis a little thing to say, "You are kind; 1 love you my dear," each night; But it sends a thrill thro' the heart, I find -For Love is tender, and Love is blind As we climb life's rugged height. We starve each other for Love's caress; We take, but we do not give; It seems so easy some soul to bless, But we dole the Love grudgingly, less and less, 'Till 'tis bitter and hard to live. ORATOR SLIQHTLY MIXED. A former senatorof the United "Well, Whit," said tho fair States was addressing a meet- maid, "did popper aak you if ing ia his home town to cole- ( y0u could tupport me in the orate the appropriation by th- stylo to which I am accua legislature of fund for the tomedf" erection of a new state capitol. "My fellow citizens," said he, "we will build here the great est epitaph under God'a green footstool." SABBATH READING. "Louise, I really cannot per mit you to read novels on Sun day." "But grandmamma, this nov el is all right; it tolls about a girl who was engaged to three Episcopal clergymen all ut once." Life. Reciprocity is pretending to like people who pretend to like you. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Sour Belching. Poor Appetite and Constipation, you need X i i ii ii ii ii ii ii i ii ii ii ii i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii; THINGS. AFTER THE INTERVIEW. "No, dear," laid Whit. "He merely informed me that he couldn't, and gave me his bless ing." Judge. Worms theauM of Your Child' Paint , A foul, disagreeable breath, dark cir clet aroui d the eye, at lime fetetinh, with great thirst; cheek Hushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with slisip cramping paint are ill indication of worms, Don't let your child sutler Kickapoo Worm Killer will give lure re liefIt kill the worm while it laxa tive effect add greaUy to the health of your child by removing the dan gerous and distgreeable effect of worma and parasite from the system Kickapoo Worm Killer a a health pro ducer should be ia every household. Perfectly safe. Buy a box today. Price 25c. All druggists or by mail. KICKAPOO INDIAN MED. CO., St Louit, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. HIS MOTHER'S LOVE. "I am Proud ol Vou, My Son; Always Knew it Was In You.'' (Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch. I Men battle bravely for the short liv$d honors of time, and for, the plaudits of their fellows, make un told sacrifices, and yet too often in the struggle they are indifferent or neglectful of those to whom after all their successes are most dear. It is a fine story that is recited of Alfred H. Smith who was re cently chosen president of a great railroad. Immediately after his aged mother, who, with her hand upon his head, murmured: "I am proud of you, my son; I always knew it was in you, and I am glad for you." Happy indeed is the man who harvests the blessings of his moth er and hears her benediction upon the labor of his life. Sure of suc cess, too, is that man who feels the confidence of his mother.knows of her abiding faith in him, and who, overflowing with pride and gratitude, kneels before her for his benison in the flush of his great triumph. How few young men hold the blessings as fruits of victory in their contests among men. How few to labor to win first the ready verdict, "I am proud of you, my son?" Too often the tardy tri umph comes when waiting lips are dumb, when the weary watch is over, when the oft-breathed pray er is spent. Smith goes back to his work a oetter ana stronger man carrying with him the knowledge that his aged mother on her couch is hap py in her declining days in the achievements of "her boy." REQRETTED HIS MISTAKE. After the services were over one of the congregation turned to his wife and said : "On my way to church 1 picked up a button and put it in my change pocket where I had a quar ter." tiracious, my dear, anticipa ted his wife, very much horrified "And you dropped it into the col lection basket by mistake?" "No, confound it !" replied her husband, "I put in the quarter." A noon skin. The man who loves children and flowers is going to be happy in this life. He is going to be happy in his heart and that is the real hap piness after all. See a man who smiles at the child, says some cheery word to the little one on the street, who is willing to have patience when the youngster, in the impulsiveness of his small age, does some indiscreet act, and who loves flowers for sweetness, not for glamour, and such a man can be depended upon: It is a true index to the character of the man. WITH FRIENDS. A traveler who believed himself lo be sole survivor of a shipwreck upon a cannibal isle, hid for three days in terror of his life. Driven out by hunger he discovered a thin wisp of smoke rising from a clump of bushes inland, and crawled carefully to study the type of savages about it. Just as he reached the clump he heard a voice say : "Why in h II did you play that card?" He dropped on his knees and, devoutly raising his hands, cried: "Thank God, they are Chris tians ! OR A WIRELESS. "Do you believe that Opportuni ty knocks at least once on every man's door?" "I don't know whether I do or not. bo many people nave taKen up my time who claimed to be op portunity in disjyise that ! nvf about reached the conclusion mat when opportunity means business she sends man a telegram." An appeal to a man 's reason may be more effective than an appeal to his pocket book. For Frost Bite and Chapped Skin For frost bitten can, fingers and toe; chapped hands and lips, chilhlains.cold ore, red and rough skin, there is nothing to equal Bucklen'a Arnica Salve stops the pain at once and heals quick ly. In every home there should be a box handy all the lime Rest remedy f r all akin diseases, itching ecsema.tet- ter, pile, etc., 25c. All druggists or by mail. H. E. BUCKLEN It CO., Philadelphia, Pa, 8t Loui, Mo, THANK VOU. Would It Not Be Well to Cult! vate the Habit o( Saying "Thank ' You?" It is in the home of ihose wo love best vc fail to say "thank you." The wife scarcely thinks to speak the simple words when j her husband restores to her ilte ; handkerchief she has dropped or j rises and gives her the easy chair which he has occupied until Iter entrance. And how sadly often does the young girl forget to ex press gratitude for the numberless little things the patient mother does for her. It is taken for granted that mother shall neatly mend, the ripped glove or sew the missing button on the hose, or put ihe ruching in the neck of the daugh ter's gown. The girl does not say "she is here to do these things," Ihut her actions speak louder than words. In the depths of her heart the most loyal mother must sometimes miss and long for the speech ot affectionate thanks. Many of the amenities of life be come matters of habit. Would it not be well for us in our homes to cultivate the habit of saying, "thank you." MISSED PART OPTHE PICTURE They who call the new currency bill socialistic misread it altogether. They are like the children in the Sunday school." The speaker was Senator Shaf- j roth. He continued : "The superintendent of a Sun-1 day school repeated to the children j the text, 'Arise, and take the young i child and His mother, and flee into Egypt.' "Then the superintendent showed a large picture illustrating this text in bright colors. "'Isn't this picture fine?" he said. 'Here is the mother. Here is the young child. There's Egypt in the distance. Isn't it fine?' "The children, however, looked disappointed, and finally a little one piped out : " 'Teacher, where's the flea?" " THE CUBIST LOVERS. He clasped her slender cubiform In his rectangular embrace; He gadon herrhoniboidal charm With passionate prismatic face. He stroked her rectilinear locks; Then, with a sound like prying strip From off a trapezoidal box, He kissed her squarely on the lips. NO USE FOR SYMPATHY . A Yorkshireman suffering from toothache went to a demist to have the aching tooth out. The dentist pulled out the offending tooth, and was then asked to pull out the double tooth next to it. "But that is a sound tooth," said the dentist. "The pain is on ly sympathetic." "Yank it out, doctor. Hang such sympathy." replied the Tyke. -Tit-Bits But if a girl is inclined to be a blonde she will be in spite of every thing. It's a safe bet the average citi zen is more interested in the down fall of a neighbor than in the down fall of Huerta. Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS C ASTO R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A OVER SS YEARS' IXPCRICNCE Tmdc Marks DcttQN irttatnrttf ftitifldsiiiUI. HHDdW it OMeat ay iiryjiitvur .iit..n it rtrihatilt- rtaianiftht. fr.Ml noftr, wlthftal ehar, IB th Scientific America... ntlr ttfriMMttd vwk-ir. I.htmm tr f Kfir i(iiiDc ti'uroftl, Trtu. I muni us, L puttl by til nwdlr. I Co New fork oaos, to F Si. WsAiwitw, B.C. J 111 r.Dfl datos. I jumiltij tH'taiiMxa in uu .-utiiiu.t - rat. FMII UIPOHTOH imuntnbim?. I'ltMilpfmct I i ..r.-lnaiwlw akat P. I HfiMl itTH In Kftinitt tiM uui two invftltuMe I book on HOW TO OBTAIN Hi Hi MLL FAT I IWT, t nu n on win m). mm i" rupiiv nrr, itktnrt law ftiiil t rwr vaJwbi iufonuaUjv I D. SWIFT & CO. PATINT LAWYER L 303 Seventh St., Washing" Si WOMAN REFUSES OPERATION j Telia How She Was Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Lnpjansport, Ind. "My baby was over a yenr old anil I bloated till I was a burden to myself. 1 suffered from fe male trouble so 1 could not stand on my feet and 1 felt like millions of needles were prick inn me all over. At last my doctor to.d me that all that1 would save me was an operation, but this I refused. 1 told my husband to get me a bottle of Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Com-i pound and I would try it before I would submit to any operation. He did so and I improved right along. I am now doing all my work and feeling fine. "1 how other suffering women will try your Com)ound. I will recommend it to all I know." Mrs. Danikl D. B. Davis.IIO Franklin St,Logansport,Ind. Since we guarantee that all testimo nials which we publish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.l Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who ia suffering in a like manner? If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Mp(lkineC()(con(ldrnlul)Lynn, Mas. Your letter nil be oiH-ncd, read and answered by a woman and held iu strict confidence. GREAT BARGAINS I IN TYPEWRITERS. ! We curry a large stock of standard Typewriters. I'un furnish at once Mou 1 arch, Fox, Oliver, Hemmgton, ltoyal, j Smith Premier, L. C, Htnith & Hio.'s and Underwood. Any other make Horn I h to lo days' notice. We have both the I visible and the invisible. We bought a ! large stock of these 'typewriters Irom j oue-fourth to one-half the regular whole- sale price, and on sulcuowatone-tourth . to one-hull the regular retail prices. A ' good Typewriter horn $7.r) to II.',. A better one 17 oo to S'jg.&U. The best I from ftm up to any price. Will be glad j to auNwer any mquiry iu connection ' with these machines, and send samples i of the woik duuc by any of the 'lype i writers we have. Lvery boy and gir should have one oi our cheap Typewri ! ters to leatu how to use. Any peibcn i who can write well on a typewriter can : demand a larire salary. Anyone who buys a cheup typewriter funn us aud ; wants a better one later, we will take i back the one hnucht and allow the sains 1 paid lor it in exchange tor a better one, if relumed in good condition and within j six mouths. li not in good Condition we allow the market value. e carry 'type writer ribbons aud other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills will help you. as they have helped others. Good for all kinds of r.,vn. Used to relieve Xcuralftia, Head ache', Nervousness, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney Tains. Lumbago, I.ocnrnntor Ataxia, Hackachf, Stomachache, Carsickness, Irri tability and for pain in any part of til" bn-fy. "I v.w Dr. UMfV Anti-Fain Pill, wrr-n troubtod with TvMKivhfl. ml find that on pill Infallibly .ffeotn rIW In a rwry hort lime. I m onwldcrnWy nfffottxl with nu ralRiA In tho h-).) at tlm:, nnit llrvt l Aml-Piilu ITIs nt mmh hnfi;. It. Mil.' Rm.-.r,M ro tir-vnml ronir-1';.-- m nnrl I room mini thm ti ;'M !; friend." n:-:oi ;k t'oi.: atr, 219 Oakland Pt., Antonio, Tet. At all drurjfllttt. 23 doses 25c. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Wpt 4 ly ROSES, Carnations, Violets aad other flowers always on hand. Hhower Wedding Bouquets, Kandsoma Floral Designs, Palm and Ferns for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and many other varieties ot Bullie for fall planting either for out or indoor cut, turn. Hose bushes. Magnolia and Et ergreens. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ. Florist. Ralelgb, Nortb Carolina. -S-ly & i TK f" One V S Patn Pill, C 5ST X v t aay.