wiftliiTiiimliw itf w iir h k JOHN W. SLrilKIE, Proprietor. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription S -l.f-C .' cr Ai.iu.nT VOL. XLVIII. WKLDON, N. ('., TIlUliSDAY. .IAM AHV lii, 1)1 I. NO. iO The Kind Vou Have Always Bought, ami whl.-U J-as been la u ho for over i0 year.?, Iini borne tho hi-nntnn of aiuliius bi't'iiniiulo umlcr ills pcr- CsLa. t S(""l, ftiiipi'visliii sim o itsIiiI'iMicy. uT7r. '-CcKSUM Allow iu one tilo;.rr you III tills. All Count, tIWN, Imitations fi'id ".fiist-iis-jjooil" lira Imt Experiments tlmt tiiile with n d cmiiiiijrrr tlm linillli of InfuiiU ami ClilluVeu Kzmtriciiitn i;niinst i:piiiiiient. What is CASTORIA Custorin Is a Jwrmloss Hiibsfitiito for Cnstor Oil, Pare goric, I)r.i).J mill Koot'ihig Syri-ps. It is l'Vasimt. It contains ln'itlu t Opium, Morphine no,' other Narootio hii1)s(hii-o. Its nire i.-s its s'lsiranteo.. It ilrslrojs Worms nml ullajf; Fevci-.sliiio, It euros Di.irrlitM nnl Wind Colla. H relieve..' "Votfi.'.Mjr Troubles, euros Constipation mid J'liitiilrii.-.v, ),6 r.-xlmiliitc:-; the Food, ivjjuhiles tlio Htoiiiueh :nid Biiuels, giving healthy and iiiiuiihI leeii. Tlio Childivii's t':iu!ic'Ui--T!io Mother's i'rivud, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KIM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. th ocNTauR oompanv, tT mu.;hv Tmrr, mw vonnerrv. THE BANK OF VELDON YVKLDOW X. (.'. Organized Under the l.nws of the State o( North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital art s $55,000. For over 21 years this institution Iiuh provided hanking facilities for this Beet ion. Its stoeklmhleis ami -ilie. rs are i.k-ntilieil with tlio !ui nesf interests of Halifax and .Northampton counties. A Savings Department is tnauit:.i!d lor 1 he iu in-iit of all who if". in to deposit in a Saving Hank. In tin lepaittnent interest is allowed a, follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or lunirer, - per cent. Six months or lunger, H percent. Twelve months or longer, I percent. Any information will he furnished on appheation to the I 'resilient oi i ahiei PRKS1DBNT: W. E. DAMKL, U'K-l'tt US10HST: W. li. SMITH. 1. C. Ith'Al'KU. Telle DIRECTOKS V. li. Smith, V. K. A. ( Ilout-e, .IX. Shephenl, V. A. H Hi Dixon& Pooio Miinur.icttirin liipiiii)'. MAM I'AUl'l UK Its OK Building: Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDKK AND KKCH'I.AUs'l'iK'K SIZKS. Qood Materials, High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the home-our combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon. N. C THE MOftiVra;' AFTER Tiir Mini's rwfvo feVS ro- Go to your nercst sodu fountain a ul say "Bra-Mal-Gin:" Say it so the dispenaer will umlt-ratunJ. PU'um.nt tot:ik; antiknock Hint liiml. ache without an after e fleet. ft'g worth trying oncfor a nickel, 10c 25c, 50c Bottlei. . BR0MAL0INE CO.. GokUbore. N. C. 61 ft. Signature of M t'AsiiiK!;: .1. it. IUEAM-:. itaniel, .1. . Inuke, V. M, Cohen. Pierce, l. II. ZolhcollVr. I . W. St-!i;o mum FROM THE Every housewife will ap 1 iii r HA 3 WHY I GO TO CHURCH. Hy Hon. Scott Harris, Congress man from Oklahoma. " 'It is sweet on a summer's morning, when the air is a-quiver with the love songs of the birds ami fragrant with the odor of the rose's Moom, to hear the music of the church bells, an invitation to the world-wearied to enter God's temple and Hud peace, because the instinct of worship is in the heart of man and the church is the tem ple of the living God. " 'I go to church because I find there, that peace which DeQuincey described as a resting from human labors, u Sabbath of repose, a re spite granted from the secret bur dens of the heart, as if 1 stood at a distance and aloof from the uproar of life; as it the tumult and fever and strife were suspended; as if there brooded over me a dove-like and halcyon calm. " 'I go to church because 1 love the music that I hear there, the mighty roll of the great organ, sin gled with the marvelous sympho nies of that divine stringed instru ment, the human voice, untwisting ; all the chains that tie the hidden soul of harmony. " '1 go to church because I de j light to hear the teachings of the preacher, whose soul is dedicated to God, whose field isas wide as I God's universe, whose theme is the destiny of man, and whose words are the oracles of fate. Marvelous is the spell of the preacher to whom God has given genius and consecration and the power of illustration drawn from i the old, sacred, immortal Book, I and from the miracles of nature, I no less revealed in the crimson ! tipped flower turned up by the plowshare of Robert Burns upon the soil of Ayr than in the long ! reaches of the star-girt skies. " 'I go to church because "the way ! is dark and I am far from home," ' and because the church is the polar star to light my pathway in theray ; less night. " '1 go to church because the i church ministers not only to the spiritual but also to the material j needs of life, and because it is I there that the charities that soothe and heal and bless are scattered at ' the feet of man like flowers. ! " 'I go to church because in that atmosphere vice and crime wither and die. " '1 go to church because I hear the teachings of the philosophy of Jesus, the incomparable man; and if you say His teaching is philoso phy and not religion and that He was a man and not a God, then the philosophy of that man has re deemed the world from savagery and blessed mankind with Chris- ti.in civilization, and, to my mind, a thing worth while to hear. " 'I go to church because 1 find there consolation and hope; be cause I see there the dawn and not the sunset; and if it is better for man, if the hope is baseless and the vision but an elusive phantom, to cherish a dream so glorious and beautiful than to be weighted down and crushed with the quarried mountains of a world without hope and without God.' " SLITHIOH. The Arkansas Democrat says that "The girl who wears one of those extreme slit skins this winter will get a cold shoulder." My, my! We had no idea they were slitting them that high. Durham Sun. Bad Taste in the Mouth Dizziness, and a general "no account" feeling is a sure sign of a torpid liver. The rtrnedy is Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form). It exercises its greatest restorative effect in the liver, yet it is effective in the stomach and bowels. Indi gestion, constipation and their attendant evils disap pear before its powerful, regulating influence. Try its wholesome purifying proper ties. It will give you a good appetite, sound digestion and make you feel well. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package, .00 Alk lo tl fffiuliw wKhll).RrJXontli Ubrl. II cult., itf, 1 1, "tnlt Iti u, ill k4 it by Mil. pupu4. hnimuu Utn Krf uUlw l .Imi put up In llijuM Iihui f.f I.UM WlM ftlrfrl It- P'K il lW I" buUl. Look hH Um Rrw Z UIkL J. B. ZE1MN & CO.. rropftrton SI. LouU, Muaourt t: t V 7 , t SVf'K -ia-'.jl'.v. '!.. -I K..r 4 4 OfAXP CLARK n.t iM a -A ' Is O . OS Speaker Clark's declination of an invitation attend a Democratic dinner last week, at which Secretary Bryan was a guest, stirred up so much commotion that the Speaker issued a characteristic statement. - "1 have cut all dinners and functions except those I feel under obli gations to attend in my official capacity," said the Speaker. "I did this for two reasons: I. Because I have not time to attend them. 1 have too much to do. 2. Mr. Spofl'ord, so long Librarian of Con gress, once told me that most public men and army and navy officers who died in Washington 'dug their graves with their own teeth,' a saying which I look to heart. "The people of the country are not interesed to any considerable extent about dinners in Washington, but they are interested very much as to w hat Congress does, and when it does it, and I am trying my best to expedite business so that we can get away from here and give the country a rest. That is a good policy for both the country and the Democratic party." THE PERFECT NUM. In a newspaper wrangle with another editor the author was bantered for being a cripple. Stung by the unmanly and ungenerous rebuke, the author, who is editor and publisher of the Guide, Gihnan City, Mo., replied in these lines. K.W.Howe.ot Atchison Globe, was so charm ed by the verses he sent them to lidward Bok, editor of the Ladies' Home Journal. Mr. Bok was so pleased with them that he published them in the Ladies' Home Journal with an explanatory note. Since then the verses have been republished in various newspapers and magazines over the country and the author has received many compli mentary letters about them at his home in Cilman City. 0, what does it take to make man complete From the crown of his head to the soles of his feet ? With naught to subtract and nothing to add A man not too good, and a man not too bad? Is man but an arm, a leg, and a boot? An eye, and an ear, and a tongue, and a throat? Is there nothing more in him to extol? A brain ? Or a heart ? A con ience, or soul ? Is the hunchback, the deaf, the mute and the blind The only unfortunate the frail world can find? The onlj sad creature whose makeup is weak Enough for a tongue and a voice to speak ? Is the man that hobbles along as he goes The only wreck in the tide of Liarth's woes ? Is there no petrified heart ? No brain out of plumb ? No conscience deep-seared and withered and dumb? Is the miserable gristle in place of a spine, The shrunken ideal, the hope out of line, The twisted desire, the wish-washy will, No cause to suspect that the makeup is ill ? Is there no vision to look through the skin And sec the deep voids that may lie within ? The crack on the inside, where the outside is whole? The warp in the heart and the limp in the soul ? IN THE SMALL IU l-KANk Never ask the country to see me rise an' shine, They ain't nocash that's counterfeit in any "roll" o' mine; In my one garden spot o' life I'm lovin' every clod; I'm in the small procession, but I'm keepin' up praise God ! "One pathway leads me to my toil all earthly comforts bringin'; An' winter gray, or flower-sweet May, I walk that way a-singin'; An' when I'm in the lonesome land where trouble slips his tether, 1 take a brother by the hand an' say : "We'll strive together." Thut's not like rcachin out for fame like clinthin' jes' so high You've got to talk to clouds an' stars an' tell old times gnodby; The thing men know as "glory" the best o' things may be, But I've long knowed it ain't my road it wun't built fer me. I'll never reach the Promised Land in any fiery car, Nor h'ist this corncob pipe o' mine an' light it with a star; Content to toil to reap an' sow, without a trumpet blowin', It takes the humble folk, you know, to keep the great ones join'. 4 Mth? V5- PHUUhSSION. I.. STANTON. lv SECRETARY BRYAN ON BRINK. Satisfied If Me Has 0 i v en Anyone Strength to Help Him to Resist Temptation. II HON WILLIAM J, BRYAN To a company of Boy Scouts who presented him with an en grossed copy of a resolution of ap preciation regarding his stand for total abstinence, Secretary of State Bryan said among oilier good things: "If since I have grown to man hood I had ever felt tempted to be gin the drinking of liquor, I would have been restrained by the feeling that my act might injuriously affect some who looked to me for my example; and I have felt that more especially in public life, for as one becomes better known his example has a far more reaching influence. I shall feel that 1 have not lived entirely in vain if by abstaining front the use of intoxicating liquors as beverages I have given strength to anyone to help him resist temp tation." MAY INCREASE PARCELS POST WEIGHT LIMIT. "A Hundred Pound Package Mas No Terrors for Me," Declares Postmaster (ieneral Burleson. Recent experiments conducted by the'postoftice department with the aim of increasing the weight limit of the parcels post have proved so 'successful that parcels weighing 100 pounds soon may be shipped by mail. The present weight limit of parcels is fifty pounds. "The 100 pound weight limit has no terrors for me," the Post master General declared. He ex pressed belief that 600,000,000 parcels would be transported through the mails during the year, beginning July I, next, with a rev enue of approximately 10 cents each. NONE LIKE HIM. Says a contemporary: "'The theory that there is no fool like an old fool was ruthlessly shattered when an 18-year-old Texan mar ried B widow wiih 18 children." The boy did not have the experi ence to act like an old fool. An old fool would have married the 18-year-old girl of the family and left 17 of the children to help mother. Wilmington Star. For Frost Bitesand Chapped Skin For front bitten earn, tiuorsuud toes; ctmpped hamlB and lip, chilbluitis.cold torus, roil and roiifli nkins, there it nothing to equal Kuekirn'a Arnica Salve Htoiit the paiu at once and heals quick, ly. In every home there sliouM bo a box handy all the time Bent remedy for all tkiu diaeascB, itching eeienia, tet ter, pilen, etc., ic. All druggists or by mail. It E. BUCKLES A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. mmm f ' ' i I STTs. BURLESON fcZ A GOOD WIFE. Why Not Nave I old Her So When Her Ears Were Not Dulled By Dentil. "She was a good wife to me. A good wife, God bless Iter." These words were spoken in trembling accents over a coffin lid. Tue wo man asleep iheie had bum the heat and burden of life's lung day and no one ever heard her mur mur; her hand was quick to reach out in a helping grasp to llmse w 'id fell by the wayside; and her feet were swift on errands of inecry ; the heart of the husband had law led her; he had left her to long hours of solitude, while lie anuisci ; himself in scenes in which he had S no pleasure nor part. Children ' had been bot n to tlieni. She h.'d reared them almost alone tiny were gone! Her hand hud iiiin S islered to their wants. Then she i had comforted him, and sent him out strong and whole hi jril'uil while she stayed at home ami- cried. What can a wunijii do but cry and trust? Well, she is at rest now. But she could not die until he had promised to "bear up" and not to fret, but to remem ber how happy they had been. They? Yes, it is even so. l-'or she was blest in giving.and he in receiving. It was an equal partner ship after all. "She was a good wife to me.". Oh man! man! why not have told herso.wheti her ears were not dulled by death? THAT'S WHAT SHE WANT!:!) TO KNOW. A Chicago lawyer recently re ceived a 'call from a very well groomed, stylish young person. "Sir," said she, "I am in great distress."' "Please state your case, miss. " "The dilficulty is this: 1 have received three proposals of mar riage. "Which man has the most inon- 1 ey ?" he asked. ' The young woman shrugged , her shoulders. "Do you im.ig- ine," she asked, "that if I knew I would consult you or any other ! lawyer ?" ! livery lime you see a woman ! headed downtown she is either go ing to a dry goods store or to the dentist. , Chiiclrori Ory ; FOR FLETCHER'S ; ...fL.iIi..!?Ji.. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S C ASTO R I A t.Ut .. o:, CTL" Ti.n Trace Mnn Designs Copyrights &c. ,mi. .pn.llitl, II .h.trh hii.I ili'.n i.n.'i. it... I. it"tn.im ...ir i i i i. -ii free whih.T si .11.11 1, 1. 1 IT .iiiii ukf.l 'tFin.u'.li Miiuii U. Helve i.il ni'lur, nini.iut clinmo. lutlir Scientific Hmm. A liHtnlnnmclr IllilKfrntcil wnpklr. ..nrffuxt rtr .uliiii.iti if tic (.cn-it'iUt ti'iiiiiHl, TciniK.l la i. f ur ni..:.llm. tL isulJ lf l! TmnBttfitii'M. filUNN & Co.3648""' New York : SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing anil germicidal of all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. Asa meillclnal antisoptic fordouches In treating catarrh, lnllammatlon or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills it has no equal. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has recommonded Paxtine in their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured say It Is "worth Its weight In gold." At druggists. COo. largo box. or by mail. The Faxtoa Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Choice Cut Flowers For all Occasions Ro8eF, Carnations, Violets and Vulliea the leader. Our art in wedding ar rttiiemetits arc of the latent tuuoli. Nothintr riner in Horn I ol!'ennjf to be hud lilooming put phinU, anali.ig, hy acinths, palm, teniH, Nnolk piuet? and many other nice pot plants. Huso buhcs, evergreens, shrubba-its, hedtje plains anil sliuvle trees. Write for tibt Mail, teletriaph or telephone orders promptly executed by ' j. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY, FLORISTS, RALEIOH, North Carolina. Phones 140 A sit for pric Hut 1 WOMAN IN BAD CONDITION Restored To Health by Lydio E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. M-.ntp licr, Vt. " Wo navo preat f:ith in your ivineiii.'.i. I wus v-ry ir- ivcular and was litvtl unit KltM'py nil Liu time, wouiilhtive jcoliJ t'liilln, and my haniisaiifi fcctwMiIJ lniit. My Kit -iiiiteh Ibothrrcd irif, 1 h:iJ ; pain in nsy fi-i uml ;i t al hfjuiachf most ,f ut tl;o linn-, l.yilia IC. rinklii.m'ti Vi'H i;il.li! Cumpouiul haw tl'ino rno lutM uf L'ood and 1 now tVi'l Huo. I am regular, my Blom.'ifh is Letter and my pains have all 1 ft n;o. You can usu i ;y name if you I aiii T('id of what your rcme-('i-3 liav lion for me. " Mrs. Mary C;aittuii-:ii. HI Kidgu L't., Montpclier.Vt. An llonost IX'iMMuUtbUIcdicino It must If admitted I -y evi ry fatr- mimi.'d, intlii.-nt petNOii. (Iiut a inedi . riiiL-cfuiM livf and jrowin pojiularity f';r li' arly firty years, and to-day bol l : a record fyr thousands upon tbdunds j ttf actual cures, ;.3 has Lydia E. J'ink- h.im'w Vegetable, Cunipound, without ! p: -se.siiiiif; preat virtue and iK'tual ' v(rth. Such medicines must he looked ) upon and termed Loth Ftnnda.'d nrd 1 dependable hy every think h,jj p .-ryori. If you liave tlio hli!ito;;t !mi!)t i that Lydia IC. PinUham's Vcri'ta ! MeConipound will hclpyoit.writo to Lydia O'inliliam Medicine C o. (r(nili(lentiallLynn, IassMfor ad vie e. Your letter will ho opened, road and answered by a woman, mid hold in strict eonlidei.ee. j GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. Weeunyii latere stut-L of standard ! Typevwilei:". t an luunsh at ouee Mull : tit en, tu., WliMT, liLiiiiiiluii, lloyul, MUllli I'lt'lllll'l, L. (. Mllllll lil O. H untl L ntiiUHtoil. Any otliei muke Horn I . tu l.muiN iiuiiee. ti have hulli tlie visible ana llii m ihiltle. e bought a Imnu sltx'k oi lliee TvpeunleiH Hum : oiiu-louilli Ui one liall Hit: rt kutui uhule ! t;ile puve. uioi uii sa.i'um uione-iouilh f to uiie-liuli ine lejuuu u lail pnee. A yuutl 1 y it lilt I iiuln -T7.-il lu $1.'). A i betlei oia; fli -iO lu ?:;... iU. Ihe best i lioiu ,?..it up in iii, pi ice. Willbelud ; tu unAi r any iiittuv in eunuictiuli i Willi Uit.se in lie 1 1 i iii s , una stiiU suuiplei ui tue huiK iti'iie tiy any oi the iype ! wniL'isiu'l.au', i'.vtiy buy and i .iiinuil huk u.ie ! uui cheap iypuli- It'lH It'UHl lu UM-. AliV pOlhOU ' wiio i!im Mine weil un it typcwriUi' euu ueioaun u lai;e Miimy. rtii)uiie who buys u t-lii-up i pew i tier lioiu ua and waul a et-uei tiiic laler, wu will lake , baeu tin- out itiu, la unu anew the f-atue pai-l lot il in iv.euaiiue loi a Lit; I tut utiC, u u iuiiit ii hi too. i euuuilioii ana withm m iniMiile. it not in tioou e nililion wo uilow the nai k I :iiue. v euiiy lpe W iHei iil'teie and nlher -Upphe. SPiEBS.BROS. W Ki t KiN, iV i: Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "Sly il .iiKl.t- r u; ejillopllo i.ik fur iv.n-.' comlni,' p.Ty fi iv w-aeiei-al il i'-t-'is but ,s uiiiioiia wiu y.'ars. tlio attacks W i mployed Om- dlj her no Knu.t. About a your ago we h e tt r a of Dr. I'i'.'? C.'.f.V", ami U certainly .' t fa- hat rrovcil a t ' ljlrslnf to our i V Uttlo tirt. Hm It now nppwrenuy I- 1 1 1 1 r i J'-yiinr tho best y of lK:tlth. It 13 , over ii year sini ; h tnft had a flt. Wo cunnot (ponk too highly Nervine." FRANK ANl",:r N .Mil! CumrMj', A. ...ii. iu,l r.f cliilJieu in the .Vite who me -ufl'erinn i u'k of cpi!'-p are a , ". 1 irrow tt thfir p.ircnis, i!'l L-.ve TTivthins to restore Tli.m I'liiul liniil l.:.'. w !:n ' hr.ilth I Di ICS Nervine is one of t for I'li a. bvn?i'C;al an 1 -Vf.ir the v e.-;:i a "cnif- '!. for !M-"V-V! not ho ..tan 8.il.i by fl bott!.- f,.i!) rttui-'i-i. In at remcilics krituvn irti.in. It 1ms prm-eri i lh"'.isp.iuls of c;; : !-r iv? used it I tve i i :h i:: :t. It i- not h t n tvli.iMc rertcly Vu need to w.v it a ti tills. tho f.i'it money It to bcntfit your MILES MCD ;AL CO., tlKliart, Ind, nept 4 I y Carnations, Vlolels and oilier (lowers alwi" slui,v,.f Wediling Bouq u Poral I'esimit.. Pai'.is .. ' liomp culturi. Hyacinths, Tulips Nnrc. and many oUur varieties o' '' fall phnting either fernut i:r li e-ii ture. Ko.ie bubltt;.. .Mairiurfl1: un. erpnens. Write, 'pitoni or tr, uniph, I WON i i i H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Ralelgb, North Carolina. 5-Ellj

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