1. M If ,M A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5C .uer Annun JOHN W, SLEDGE. Proprk-tor. VOL. XLVIII. WKLDOX, X. (!., THURSDAY, 1T.MUAKY 12, 15)11. NO. 42 - f WSSBSSSSSSSOa rj rw j. fa The Kind Von Havo Always J'.oii; la ubo for over UO ytan, hut 1!, v.v.u w'jioH 1ms been dnr::o the- siimtiiro of per- nicy. (his. All CoiiiK.'rfeiN, IniltaUoiiM ri'iil ".;cist-iis.ioil" aro lint Experiments i luit. trifle Willi m il cuiliuiirer Un health of Infants aini Children Exuork'Hi'o njs:nt IJxperimwit. ami ii is been ini'ile under his 7 jf.(-fy "-f-", soital super'. Won its Infiu uif-SY. -Ctfuu. Allow no c. i.e. to ikei ! -u in t RIGHT IN LINE OF TRUTH. What is CASTOR! A Castoriu Is a harmless suW.itnto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop? mill Soolh'.iijf Syrups. It is I'Vasant. It contains neither Ojiinni, fllitrpliino nop oilier NarootlO Kiibstitncn. ItsiiMls lis B'larutileo, it iloxli-oys Worms uiid allays lYieivnlmi It cures Piarrliii'ii ami Wind t'olij. It relieves Toil li:nj j'loiiiiies, erne ijonstipiition anil Kliitnleiuy. it iissiniilntes t!i" i'ooii, regulate tho Stoin.uh anil J'.otvels, yivlvfr heal! Iiy and natural .sleep. The Children's I'unaeeo-Tlie Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tlie Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. V TUtCT. NCW VONK CITV. Mr, Tiiniility Not Guilty ot De ception, and Need Have No Fear of Libel Suit. Mr. Timidity once had the mis fortune to figure as a defendant in a libel action, ami since ihen he has been remarkably cautious with his pen. Some little time ago he was obliged to dismiss his servant, and subsequently he lady who thought of engaging the domestic wrote to Mr. T, for the girl's char acter. Now, Mr. T. niighi have said a good many things, but he remem bered that libel suit. week or so later a lady called upon him in any thing but an amiable temper. "I've called for an explanation, Mr. Timidity," she began. "I engaged a girl solely on your re commendation, only to find she's worthless. You sail that, like other girls, she had h:r faults" "She has, madam!" "I'm aware of it. But this is also an extract from jour letter : 'In one or two departnents she ex cels.' What do you m:an by that, may I ask ?" "Well, madam, she eats well " "Good gracious! I slould think she does !" "Very well, madam. She also sleeps well and those ae the de partments referred to 1" M'ADOO DEFENDS APPOINT MENT OF JOHN S. WILLIAMS o THE MM 3F VELDON WKLDON. C- - Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eldoil Depository. Capital and Hurplus. 05,000. For over 'J I years this iuslitutiuii h.r this unction. Its atoekliiil.h'is an. I uliiri neRft iuttTOHls ul' lliililiix ami Vrth:i:np! A Savings Ih;p:utmi'iit it inuiiit.i.ftt 'I to deposit in a Savini: Hunk, hi tin- K followm For It'posits allowed tinciii;i;ii lliirr months in mouths or longer, '.i per cut. Twelve incut lis or I Anv information will he t'uniMlii l oi apphcuiiiiii in vitlt'd hanking facilities for c nl( itt!liril w 1 1 It the husi- ti!l I'Olltllit'S. l.i tin- hen-lit ol ull Uu .loiiv h:nl.tiit'iil iutcn't in aliownl uh Icnm r. per fctit. ninei. 1 pel cent, llif rrcsiili'iilorCa Six 'Ii it' i prkhidbnt: W. E. DANIEL, V U K-1 liK-1 in;-1 : W U. I I M . . r. ti;i'i-:;;. ri'ii.' . OKA K K, PIRE(TOI--W. Ii. Smith, W. A. V, Hoiitct J.L. Shephcr.l, W. A. I'lllUt' I'l.'IV .I. (I. inukc. V. M. rohen. It. It. .ullii-oH't i, .I . W. Slt-diro No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak ' ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. WOMAN THE INFERIOR. BY HENRY HOWLAND. H M Dixon & Poole Mannfacturins; i'liiiipaiij', MAM'l-'A(Tl'l:i:HH (if Building Material for JVlotiern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OlillKK ASH HI'.1 .ft. All STOCK S1Z1.S. Oood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. in Hi IS FROM THEI tila iinj' More Defending the appointment of John Skelton Williams, of R:h mond, Va., as comptroller of he cu.rency, Secretary McAdoo ie clared that "selfish interests in deavored to defeat the confirni tion of the appointment." Mr. McAdoo predicted that tie anti-trust legislation under wa' would be a "continuation of th; beneficient influence of the larif and currency laws." NOT ANY MORE. THE WOMANLY WOMAN, i WRONG TO SHIRK FROM PAIN. Loud Talk and Slang Words Not The Ladylike Girl. Are Eminent English Divine Points Out How lis Action is for the Benefit of All Mankind. ISpraii There ia nothing more truly lovable than the woman who is genuinely womanly. There is a ehann in her femininity that no acquired irtaee can lend. More especially in this ajje is a genuinely womanly woman ad mired, for girls seem to have a desire to be so manlv. so loud, not only in mannerism, but in talt and dress, many choosing i the sport of men in preference to tho pastimes of women. The majority of men, I think, really prefer tho quiet ladylike girl with a soft, sweet voice, an af fectionate disposition, and the girl who knows how to bo a little lady, not only in her man ners but talk. Loud talk and slang words are not for the ladylike girl, and although some people tol erate loose manners some girls have, they do not really admire it. Far more to bo appreciated is the girl who openly avows that she likes nice clothes and is given over to many little feminine vanities, than the one who dressed so mannishly, and who imitates the walk of her brother, though she may be able to discuss the most ab struse subjects with an air of confident knowledge that her elders can not even boast. To be a ladylike woman does not mean that one ' need adopt fads and follies indiscriminate ly. The woman who can make her home bright and attractive, who can be the model hostess as well as wife and mother.who is well informed and able to talk intelligently, yet who is wise enough to realize that wo man's privileges are preferable to woman's rights, is the girl or woman we must all admiro, and the one fit to be taken to the honorable man's heart. Selected. An address dwelling the value and benefits of was delivered by 1'octor dean of St. Paul's, at tin upon pain Inge, Mil- BACK TO CHILDHOOD'S DAYS. Woman is nearer the savage slate than man. Her only function is to bear children. Professor Sargent, of Harvard. She is nothing but a woman with a voice that's soft and sweet, Making sacred all she touches, e'en the dust beneath her feet, With a laugh that's sweetest music and a sigh that's sweeter yet, With a look that makes you wonder and remember and forget Just a woman who is pure, With a faith serene and sure Who has made you somewhat better since the moment when you met. She is nothing but a woman, of a lower lype than man, Her development restricted, fashioned on a poorer plan; i ney were gating out or ine Learning it(e as the ages and the aeons roll away, ; i r . i. i"..ti T i D Every housewife will ap preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you careto purchaser now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C window of the Pullman car. The thin man was rapturously admir ing the sunset. "Ah, Nature is a real artist," ex claimed the thin man, addressing the fat man who sat in the oppo site seat. "Have you never gazed at her wonders? Have you never watched the lambent flame of dawn leaping across the dome of the world? Have you never watched the red-stained islets floating in lakes of fire? Have you never been drawn by the ragged raven's wing, sKy-tantoms as tney Diottea out the pale moon? Have you never felt the amazement of these things?" "Not since I swore off,' replied the fat man, as he prepared to hunt another seal. NOT IN HER LINE. Made to serve a single purpose and remain unthinking clay Just a woman in whose eyes All that's true and tender lies, Just a woman claiming graces as angels only may. ihe is nothing but a woman who when days of trouble come Vhen the friends of fairer moments turn their faces and are dumb Hover near with tender glances and with words that soothe and cheer Just a woman, hoping bravely when you weakly yield to fear; Just a woman clinging fast 1 To the love that, at the last, Siall htcome your sweet salvation, as the farther shores appear. Happy Memories Frequently Evoked by the Simplest of Hap penings in Latter Days. WISHING. The other day an amateur mis sion worker reported at one of the West Side stations ot the United Charities. She presented a case which on the face of it, was most deserving that of a mother of five children who had been abandoned by her husband. "But," said the charities official, "what is to prevent your taking charge of this case yourself?" "Oh," responded the young missionary, "1 couldn't think of it,' you know I'm doing the Lord's work." Chicago Inter-Ocean. - . M.l I 1 II' I 'ui--iii'Jiir.iViiin- I, I . br that HEADACHE tak Bro-ABl-fiinc 1 ., WfflT.I Feel Miserable? Out of KOitH, iloproHHeil, pain in tho back Klcctric Hitters renews your health unl strength. A guaranteed Liver uuil Kiilney remedy. Money back if not satisded. It completely cured Robert Madnen, of West Ilurlingtun, Iowa, who sullVred from virulent liver trouble for eight mouths. After four doctor gave him up be took Klectric Ritters and is now a well man. (iet a bottle today; and it will do the same for you. Keep in the. house for all liver and kidney complaints, l'erfectly safe and dependable. Its results will sur prise you. 5oc. and $1. H. E. UIICKI.EN A CO., fhtladelpuia, Pa. St, Louis, Mo. Do you wish the world were better? Lei me tell you what to do; Set a watch upon your actions, Keep them alwas straight and true, Rid your mind of selfish motives, Let your thought be clean and high; You can make a little Eden Of the sphere you occupy. Do you wish the world were wiser? Well, suppose you make a start, By accumulating wisdom, In the scrap-book of your heart, Do not waste one page on folly; Live 10 learn, and learn to live, If you want to give them knowledge, You musi get it ere you give. Do you wish ihe world were happy? Then remember day by day, Just to scatter seeds of kindness As you pass along the way; For the pleasures of the many May be oft-times traced to one, 1 As the hand that plants an acorn Shelters armies from the sun. On looking back through your life you will find that some of its happiest memories are connected with your childhood and how curi ously they are sometimes brought back to you. The scent of a hay field takes me back to days, when in short frocks and sun-bonnets, we children romped in the mead ows, climbed the ricks and built ourselves "little houses" in the sweei-smeling haycocks. The perfume of a certain flower suddenly brings a long-forgotten episode to life, a bar of music has power to set quivering a chord in the heart that has remained un touched for years. Sometimes these memories are sad, not in themselves, perhaps, but because of the afterward, because of the longing they awaken for "the louch of the vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still." Still we treasure ihem none the less, and for their very precious ness add them to our book of hap py memories as the best and dear est of all to linger on, and relieve again and again when the quiet more lonely time has come. JUST THE SAME EITHER SIDE. iiual meetingiif the Smitlnvark j branch of Ihe Charity organi- I zation society, says the l,on-j (lull ilnlic. "A revolt ogamst pain," he j said, "is inn' of the incist plum met features in our life at the present time. We dislike the j very thought of pain as our an- j cestors did not dislike it, and; we shrink from inflicting it i even with good reason. The recollection of pain suffered is; as a safeguard; and in other ways pain is the best effectual means that could be devised to protect us against various dan gers. "It is unite clear that ( iod I does not consider death to l.e ; an evil or an injustice, and it is equally clear that he intend- ; ed his creatures to sutler pain. Pain is a condition that is most precious in this world. Would motherhood be what it is with out pain and self - sacrifice ? Would pity and charity have scope in a painless world? Would a world in which no one deserved pain be a moral world at all ? "We must not shirk pain, for it is in itself beneficial and part of God's ordering of the world. It is a great blood purifier; we cannot iret rid of moral evil without it. Where pain ends gain ends. Success is rooted in apparent failure, and in the highest pleasures there is al ways an undemote of pain." WHO EVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING? "Hobson," said Muggins, "they tell me you ve taken your boy away from the graded school. What's that for?" " 'Cause," said Hobson, "the superintendent ain't fit to teach him." "Oh," said Muggins, "I have heard he is a very good superin tendent." "Well," replied Hobson, apolo getically, "all I know is he wanted to teach my boy to spell 'taters with a "p." ins, Bruises I Stiff Muscles are quickly relieved by Sloan! Liniment. Lay it on no rub bing. Try it. a e r! i . j Ltt- nuiif pram ana vunciifa nipi " I xprmtifd my ankle ami dislocated my Inp by fullm out of a tlunl ftory window. Went on rrutt'hei for four mimllw. 'Ilifti I tttartrd ! utte your LuiiiiH-nt, Ai-cnnliiiR to direction. I miiht ' It i lii'lpmir me wonderfully, p v. III lu-ver tV w ithout Slonn'i Unl n t onjnmre."' Jut", Lawmm SLOANS LINIMENT Kills Pain Splendid for Sprain. I foil nnil nurainerl my arm A week ruro and wni in terrible puin. 1 could tint uc my mud or Arm until 1 applied jruiir l.immeiit. I fthnll never be with out 11 Kttle of Sloan 'a Liniment. "- II II. tynngtr, Afurti!, X J, Fine for StiffceM. "Slnii I.inimpnt has don, more sc'xxt than anything I have ever tried for "tiff joint. I Rot my band hurt so Itndiy tlnit 1 lintl to atop work riirht in the liiisirst time of the year. I thought nt first that 1 would have to have toy tmnd taken off. but I got A bottle of Slonn't) Lmtm4-iit and cured my baud." IFiUon ff feWcr. Mtrnt, Ala. At all DcW 25c 60c and $1.00 Send for Sloan' free, instructive book on horses. ciiUle, hogs and poultry. Addrewi Dr.tARlS.SlOAN,lK. bdston, m. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. W e carry a lurge stock of standard Typewrite'ii. t'au furnish at once Mon arch, tux, Oliver, Remington, Hoyal, Smith Premier. L. I', bnillh & Bro.'s and I'ndenvood. Any oilier make from .') to 15 days' notice. We have both the vinljlt and the invisible. W e bought a lurge stock ol these Typewriters irom onu-iburtli to oue-hal f the regular w hole sale price, and on sale now at one-fourth to one-ball the regular retail prices. A good t ypewriter liom $7.50 to $15. A better unu ill M to &K.SO. The best from S.w (p tu any puce. Will be glad to answer ny inquiry in connectioo with these nuchnies. and send samples of the work dune by any ot the Type writers we have. Every boy and gir should have one ol our cheap Typewri ters to leaui huw to use. Auy person who can write well on typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and waiits a better one later, we will take hack the one bought aud allow tbesame paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six month, it not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry lype wnler ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. 0 Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S C A 3 T O R I A OVER 65 VEAH3' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks fTn1 Copyrights Ac. A nvnnf "ending ftuketch and deicrlptlr-r. may nnlrk I? iwierltiin our uvnii-m free whetlier an i ni, "mi icily roiiHiU-ntlal. HANDBOOK on Paiemt p, tit hen. (Hilt'M uiiciKT for ecui'liig patent". I'liii'iitu tiakcii through Mumi A Co. receive l.tl tnifice, without vhnrtra. Id tna The King ot All Laxatives For constipation.lise Dr. King's New Life l'illi. I'aul Sathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., avs they aW the "king of all laxatiics. They area blessing to all my fatiily and I alwiys keep a box at homd'' ( let a box nid get well again. I'riei -.c. At druggiits or by mail. II. E. Bl'CKUN & CO., Pliadelplna, 1'a. St Louis, Mo. It is human nature to expect a fealer 10 sell you iwo fifteen-cent irticles for a quarter. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of There are no freckles on the good opinion a man has of himself. A colored man of Alabama who ran a ferry was one day thus ac costed by a-poor white man : "Uncle Mose, I want to cross, but haven't goi no money. Uncle Mose scratched his head. Doan you got no money 'tall?" he queried. "No," said the wayfaring stran ger, "I haven't a cent." "But it don't cost you but three cents," insisted Uncle Mose, "ter cross de ferry." "I know," said the white man, "but I haven'i got three cents." Uncle Mose was in a quandary. "Boss," he said finally. "I done tell ye what, er man what's not got three cents am jes' as well off on dis side ob de ribber as on de odder." Scientific American. A hunrtunmely 1 hint rut ed weekly. I.nnrMt elr. dilution of any nt-Mitl'- Journal. 1ernii a ;,! finrnnntbi.il. Boia lj all new edgier. lHIllNN4Co.364B'M'",'NewYgrk iiluca Met O F PL Wartumnn. D. C. Choice Cut Flowers For all Occasions Kosch, Camatiims, Violets and Yalties the iVaderH. Our art in weililiiiff ar rantfcments are of the latest touch. Nothing iiniM' in Moral oM't'rintra to be hail, llloomintf pot plants, azalian, hy acinths, palms, ferns, Norfolk pi net and many other nice pot plants. Kuae hushes, evergreens, shrubberies, hedtft' plants and shade trees. Write for list Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY, FLORISTS, RALKIUM, North Carolina. Phones 149 Ask for price list Whole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There are many little things to annoy us, under present conditions of life. The hurry, hard work, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to provoke nervousness and irritability,. We are frequently so worn out we can neither est, sleep nor work with any comfort We are out of line with oursetvta and others as well. A good thing to do under such circumstances is to take something like Dr. Milea Anti-Paia Pilb to relieve the strain on the nerves. Mrs. J. B. Hsrtsfield, 8j Plum St., Atlanta Ga writes: "I have on ssv.rai occuiou. Ve.n vastly relieved by U. uf of jrour m.d li inr., sim. KUly u Anil Pain PUIS, which 1 koep constantly on hand for th use of myeslf. bti.bnd and two sons. Kothtnc la the world equals them as a headache remedy. Often I am en.bled by the use of one or two of the Pills to contlnu. soy housework when otherwise 1 would be In b.d. My husband join, me In my yralM ot tha Antl-Puln Pills and Dr. i my n Nrrln Mile.' Anti-Pain Pills are relied upon to relieve pain, nervousness and irritability in thou sands of households. Of proven merit after twenty years' use, yoa can have no reason for being longer without them. n At all Oruggiets, 16 doles 29 otnta, MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, ln sept 4 ly SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal ot all antiseptics la A woman's husband sometimes causes her almost as much worry as her dressmaker. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A soluble Antiacpl'n Powder tc be duttolved in water C4 needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches In treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration ot noso, throat, and thai caused by feminine Ills 11 has no equal For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paitine In their private correspondence with women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured say It Is "worth Its weight In gold." At druggists. 60c large box, or by mall. The Paxton Toilet Co, Boston, Hast. KUti, Carnations, Violets and other (towers always on huud. shower Wedditif Rmiqnet. liindoin floral Desicn' , v.. atul lt,i:- Hi home culture H.vaiinths, Tulip,' Nniclasus tad many Other vatielit-s ol Kulbs lot fall planting either tor out or indnor en! ,ir, i ,.iP r: :iaiiolms and Kv orgreens. Write, 'phone or teletrjh.J Ii. STEINMETZ, Florist, Raleigh, North Carolina. 3T11J